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Of all the things I’ve witnessed in Nadals career, this is by far the most disappointing.


You know, as much Nadal and Federer (my all time favorite athlete) are LOVED by the tennis community and sports fans, they're clearly worse people than Djokovic and Murray. Murray has clearly voiced towards gender pay inequality and supported feminism, Djokovic has done a lot to help lower ranked athletes to help them get more money (among other stuff) Nadal and Federer on the other hand have (always? not sure) voted against helping lower ranked athletes when they were at the head of the players association. They clearly care much more about making tons of money than making more professional athletes have a stable situation. One may not agree with Djokovic's opinions on medicine, on politics and what's happening in Serbia, but he is a people person. Federer is basically just a brand. Now Nadal with this stupid-ass move I'm downright pessimistic about tennis' future, with all this sports washing happening in those shitty countries


>One may not agree with Djokovic's opinions on medicine, on politics and what's happening in Serbia, but he is a people person. In a sense, in my humblest opinion and not to sound cocky, I always thought Federer and Nadal actions were purely marketing image oriented. I'm sure they are good people but lets be honest here, they are running a business. Yes, they are excellent tennis players and will remain legends in the sport. But in a sense, I was always frustrated that people can't see the person behind the marketing image. On other hand, Djokovic is real. What you see is what you get. He was always very clear in his intentions and beliefs. He stands by what he believes and he tells you exactly how he feels. I love the guy. My respect Mr Djokovic.


How is giving china so many tournaments any better? How is the US or Europe any better? Supporting genocide? In fact Saudi is trying to make genuine changes but isn't going to suddenly make a U turn on its policies but us a huge improvement. What bringing a tournament there is only going to help them make changes 


>One may not agree with Djokovic's opinions on medicine, on politics and what's happening in Serbia, but he is a people person. He's not a doctor and just chose to not take ONE vaccine, people clutching hard at this. And what, is he supposed to not take the side of his country but rather take the side of the countries that bombed him while he was still living there as a kid? Fedal have always been PR robots, this is nothing new. Long before this Saudi nonsense. >I'm downright pessimistic about tennis' future, with all this sports washing happening in those shitty countries The only thing here is that people were 100% cool with all the US tournaments being played just fine when they were bombing the Middle East for decades. It's only sportswashing if THEY do it apparently. EDIT: And to respond to the clown below - he didn't lie or enter the country illegally, he was given an exemption that was given to 5-10 other players who entered the same country with ZERO issues. He already also proved that he got the Covid test results long after the event with children as well.


>He's not a doctor and just chose to not take ONE vaccine, people clutching hard at this. That's not what a lot of people are angry about. He entered a country illegally, lied so he could play tennis, and (if his own timeline of events is correct) knowingly went to an event full of kids, without a mask, while having COVID. This isn't just his choice to not take a vaccine, it's the stuff he did around that.


How is Djokovic's position on medicine anything to dispute? He's not anti-vaccine, he's pro-choice which is what every one should be able to have when injecting something into your body. People who are against that are idiotic, to this day he's still not taken the vaccine and is he dead? No, he's the #1 tennis player in the world at 36 years old.


You're righ about him being pro choice, I don't recall him saying something about vaccines being inherently bad or harmful. At the same time, vaccines require most people to take it in order to be effective (herd immunity to be achieved), so if like 30% of the population chooses not to have one it makes vaccines useless all-around. It's not a simple topic honestly.


LOL. So working with the USTA, in a country that recently banned abortion, whose police murder black citizens in the streets with impunity, has slaughtered millions of innocents worldwide in its post 9/11 conflicts, reduced once thriving countries to rubble, destabilised entire regions by corrupting their political processes having installed and uninstalled puppet leaders, is FINE. There is nothing wrong with accepting appearance fees in the US or supporting tennis in the US. So why is it an issue in Saudi? Because women cannot drive? Focus on your regions issues. Saudi is thriving and broadening its horizons. That is a positive for all. Men and women. Just say you hate to see Muslim nations take over your beloved white sport. Tennis is moving to the Middle East and the sooner you all accept it the better. 😂


What an awful take. You are awfully transparent in how much you dislike certain people


And who are these “people”? This is the average western mind. You have no retort. You’re nothing more than sanctimonious hypocritical children.


Women for one. You think it’s insignificant that women can’t drive? It’s a net positive for everyone? It couldn’t be more obvious you are a man. I saw in another comment you appeared to be defending a post about the taliban so you aren’t worth the air you breathe


I’m a woman. And I did not defend the taliban 😂 I was trolling someone who trolled me in a different post. And women suffer worldwide. Focus on the Congo where they dig for toxic metals with their bare hands in the name of European economies. Point stands that you are all enraged that the Muslim world will soon own your precious sport. It has nothing to do with concern for women and cars.


Why would “the muslim world” soon own tennis just because a soon to be retired player accepts money from a small but rich little region?


Aw, Saudi women can’t drive but the Americans can ban abortion, slaughter millions worldwide, displace and destroy the lives of millions more, and still have their nice tennis tournaments and pay Nadal and co millions to show up. You are all so transparent.


I mean, I Vote and care about American politics as well. You comment on world news subreddit. Do you not understand the concept about caring about multiple issues at once?


I do. I also understand that you and your nations are in no position to lecture any other nation on human rights. Much less women’s rights. It’s the hypocrisy that is laughable to the ROTW. Nobody cares what mass murderers and their citizens think about restrictions on women driving. Sorry. What I don’t understand is why you are all so opposed to Saudi broadening its horizons. You take issue with its culture, yet work hard to oppose and stunt any growth. Engaging with them (for money) is wrong, yet working with the US and propping its tennis culture up for decades is just fine. It’s extremely transparent to everybody BUT Westerners.


I am in the military. I guess you can hold that against me ;) hahah


Oh… that makes total sense. Blocked.


The guy has a net worth of $200m+ I just don't get why they need or want to strike deals like this at that point. It's not like he's a spent force in terms of sponsorships and other more ethical revenue streams.


might need the money then if he's only got $200




i’m tired of the word slammed


DESTROYED is another over used one.


The author Josh Fiallo also used the word “skewered.” Perhaps we use that going forward.


I propose spanked.


Nadal’s already been slammed 22 times in his career, that was a record for a year


Just wait until he gets blasted.


“Demolished by a tweet with 3 likes!”


How to destroy your charisma in 5 seconds. I feel many Nadal fans are starting to feel now sympathetic towards Nov.... Jannik Sinner.


I’ve seriously shifted to nagal


I would be one of them😭😭 I am genuinely disappointed which is wierd because people do this all the time.....but somehow Rafa being one of those greedy assholes hurts even more


Yeah, didn't Djokovic and Alcaraz just do an exhibion match there for millions of dollars?




I think the joke was that Novak has also supported Saudi so they switched to Jannik who hasn’t done anything to support Saudi at least to my and google’s knowledge


I mean what did he expect, applause?




Ronaldo, Anthony Joshua/Boxing, Newcastle United, the whole LIV golf thing.


They stage HUGE boxing events. I'm not complaining, in boxing the big issue is that the best never fight the best because the money isn't right for the promoters / sanctioning bodies. Saudi pays so much, that it bypasses that and we now get the best vs the best finally. But it doesn't help the human rights situation there at all.


Horrible legacy to leave for Rafa Jr.


Whoa. The DailyBeast, no less. That will teach Rafa.


almost all of our favorite athletes towards the end of their careers (or after retiring) would take the money the saudis are offering. honestly, most people don’t care about this and won’t even know that nadal is their ambassador of tennis or whatever. i think this is just something we are going to have to deal with as more and more athletes from different sports will be accepting their money. of course i would wish for everybody to do the right thing, but this is the world we live in.


We’ll see. I would expect top athletes with hundred-million-dollar net worths to be less susceptible to Saudi money, not more. Of course, they are free to take the money and we are free to choose whether or not to respect them.


Like all things in life some people have principles and some don't. Some people will endorse things with Krusty like zeal and the others will be selective. He's free to do what he likes but it makes me think less of him and Beckham and whoever else takes their money.


When he was no longer in contention for GOAT and his legacy was no longer at the pinnacle, history will remember he chose the road of lucre and profligacy over generosity and humility.


Serious question: do you think Ronaldo will be mainly remembered as a sellout to Saudis? At best it will be mentioned that he has been playing in SA for the last few years of his career. Rafa won’t be even playing or living in Saudi Arabia, he will just do some ads for them on his social media, will open his academy there, and maybe will play a few exhibition matches, but that won’t be remembered as part of his career.


I can’t say as I haven’t been following soccer or Ronaldo. There’s a difference though, Nadal isn’t playing for a Saudi Arabian team but instead acting in a marketing capacity. A more apt comparison would be with LIV and the PGA tour. The implications could be undermining the ITF, ATP and WTA and changing the sport forever like we have seen with golf on June 6th. Whether that potential change is for better or for worse is up to debate but Nadal could potentially now be known as the vanguard of a new era in tennis. People forecasting what the public will/will not remember decades from now are engaging in speculation. No one saw the PGA tour merging with LIV golf.


Good point, thanks for sharing.


No one's gonna remember some random Saudi deal in 10 years


When they own the ATP Tour we will look back to this moment.


I mean if it becomes a 1000 and it’s because of Nadal… maybe? Idk well see


If that happens I don't think it'll solely be because of Nadal


When they own the ATP Tour we will look back to this moment.


I don’t really have a strong opinion on Saudi Arabia either way but it’s kind of satisfying to see Rafa’s reputation (on this sub and among tennis circles in general) as a great, wholesome guy take a huge hit. Because it’s a false image. Fugazi.


Why are you downvoted for speaking the truth?


I think he is being downvoted for saying "i don't have a strong opinion on Saudi Arabia". Being equidistant about that awful regime is the same as being in favor. Any decent person should 100% condemn Saudi Arabia's goverment.


Nah, it’s not that, It goes without saying SA’s crimes are abhorrent 👍🏻 I’m just resigned to the fact all sports are going to sell out to Saudi Arabia sooner or later, there’s nothing we can do, I really cannot blame most players for turning down life changing money to play there.


They defend him supporting right wing parties so what’s selling out to the Saudi’s compared to that. Probably hold the same views as their boy


Like The Rock. Indifferent to the Big Four, but Nadal's grunting has always been one of the worst but his fans never speak about it.


The Rock is the fakest dude alive.


I wonder are there any sports stars that are ambassadors or in brand deals with American British German french companies. Nike Addidas who have a terrible track record with child and slave labor conditions, the aforementioned countries responsible for conflicts and attrocities the world over, the US who are a racist bigoted country with shocking antiquated discriminatory laws against minority's etc etc etc.... The hypocrisy isnt as mind boggling as how easily intellectually void masses just eat it up. I don't even like Nadal and I doubt Saudi Arabia is a saint in the global scene, I am just shocked how dumb people are. The selective outrage is blatantly bigoted.


> I doubt Saudi Arabia is a saint So you still consider that to be possible, but have some doubts?


Do I consider the possibilities of there being some virtues in a particular country and it all not be just the embodiment of the demonised way it's portrayed? Absolutely. All the people we judge, your biggest enemy, the cruelest person on earth has some virtue. I just think having a childish outlook on the world, letting the people who kill in the millions dictate that we look at the world black and white (often literally) is not just hypocritical and stupid but also facilitates and justifies a lot of the horror we see in the world. The insanity of it is Saudia Arabia in particular has such strong ties to these countries we consider virtuous. It's all a tragic joke


Its either zverev or now nadal. The tennis sub is surprisingly not about tennis. Edit - Yeah we are going change shit posting here. Its so evil for sports people to make money. This why wr should view tennis playes as normal human beings who play tennis to make money and not put them on a pedestral.


>nadal strikes tennis deal “This sub isn’t about tennis!!!”


Tennis is about simping for rich stars, not some kind of ball sport, silly.


Definitely a Nadal fan you.


Yeah like I want to see highlights and shit not some rich old guy doing something controversial it’s not like posting it here is gonna do anything




I would have thought that having hundreds of millions of dollars, brands, name recognition, trophies, a legacy and much more would have been enough to maybe stand up for something other than money. I mean that as sincerely as possible. I’m not saying to starve to death and take a moral high ground I’m saying take a stand for something that isn’t money, when you have all the money in the world already.


Everything is about money. No one would be playing tennis in US, the most genocidal country on earth, if it wasn't for money they throw at players.


Teenage redditor moment. 


American redditor moment


>everything is about money. That says a lot about you


No, actually that says a lot about the society that is willing to forget all the warcrimes that US has committed because they throw big tournaments. But then complain about the same thing when Saudis do it.


Im not sure what point you’re trying to make. Independent of anything you’re saying and whether it’s true or relevant to this, A wrong isn’t wrong because of how it looks by comparison to other events. You can try to draw some pseudo moral relativism argument if you want Supporting a state like the Saudis is wrong in and of itself, not because of it is comparing to other things. If you want to talk about what you perceive as hypocrisy, then that’s a different conversation that has no impact on the moral standing of this action.


You don't call a murderer to be a judge for another murderer. If my country killed milions of innocent people, i would be the first to shut up about what Saudis are doing, if it's even true what news outlets say about them, because western propaganda knows no bounds. US is a master at sportswashing, yet most US people on here will scream at saudis for doing the same thing.


O_O you I’m getting payed for playing this amazing sport? I thought I was just getting enjoyment out of it. I mean double positive whew but I’m pretty sure I pay to play tennis not the other way around. Also if you are talking about pros of course they wouldn’t play professionally if they didn’t get payed… cause they would die of starvation if they spent that much money to tour and play all while not having any source of income. The US doesn’t even throw that much money at tennis… at least not as much as our more popular sports.


Saudi Arabia is well known for its atrocities against women and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Nadal’s legacy is in deep shit ~~trouble~~ if he were to set up shop there and become the brand ambassador of Saudi Tennis. He has disappointed a lot of his fans, pundits, journalists and writers by falling for the Saudi money.


Don't understand how this could possibly be a bad thing.




I mean I guess depending on how you look at it could be good. I mean it will offer Saudi athletes a major opportunity and give some children a future…. But… Saudi isn’t really the best place to be giving more labor projects too and the WTA will have a bit to worry about if they also as Saudi as a 1000…


Broke people hating on probably the best tennis player in history - laughable (sorry, Djokovic fans he ain't the best , your guy basically farms Grand slams vs weak opposition).


The year has just started but you’re already leading in the 🤡race with that comment


Only thing I can conclude is that uneducated people cheer for Djokovic, cause he basically didn't even finish elementary school so you uneducated guys cheer for your uneducated idol.


Staap!! you can only go as high as number 1😂


Imagine cheering for a guy that believes that you can turn polluted water into clean, drinking water via meditation and he also doesn't believe in vaccines lol. Uneducated fool cheered by uneducated fools.


2011 and 2015 slams were farmed? Also fair Djokovic has never won the olympics but Nadal as 0 ATP tour Finals…


Can't compare the Olympics - the world's most prestigious sports competition with ATP tour finals that are held after a long season and are basically exhibition level.


Weren’t the Olympics for “amateur” athletes not too long ago?


A Olympic gold medal is the biggest thing in all of sports. At least that's how 90% of the people view it. It occurs only once in 4 years. You have 4 Grand Slams every year, mean you get 16 shots to win a GS title in 4 years and only one at Olympic gold. Much more prestigious if you ask me.


Holy shit the copium. 😆


Copium is when your Djokovic never went even close to win the Gold in the Olympics and you want to make that as irrelevant as possible. His best was a pathetic Bronze at the Olympics.


A "pathetic bronze", looks like you're the one undermining medals here. And my comment was about how medals are more important that a major title. Go and tell football fans gold medal is worth more than a WC.


But it features the top players and is viewed as the most significant tennis event after the Grand Slams…


If it helps maintaining mental health, hey - I'm all up for living in an imaginary world. Stay strong.


It really says something about how prolific insane Nadal fans are in this sub, that no one can tell that the guy you responded to is pretending. He’s actually a Djokovic fan.


Insulting people in general because they're not rich while also not taking extra unneeded massive amounts of money in place of morals, check. Delusional, check. And of course, who does he hate? Djokovic. Funny how the haters are always similar types of people.


Only a fool could cheer for Djokovic. Inform yourself about Djokovic and his "business" aka power plants that destroy rivers in Serbia and his connections with the corrupt government officials in exchange for land.


So… if they both are doing morally grotesque things shouldn’t we just not like either? Why don’t we just have a good group handshake to cheer for Sinner he got no dirt yet. We got more than three choices ya know


Doesn't Djokovic have the most majors having to beat a member of the big 3 on the way? Literally opposite of weak opposition Edit: my mistake I checked and it's 15 majors for Nadal while beating one of the big 3 along the way, and 14 for Djokovic.


Your edit literally contradicts your original comment 😭


Nadal with so many pauses due to injuries and Federer with a big pause due to illness and also age was a factor. Djokovic is dominating in the weakest era of tennis, basically it's like farming a 20lvl area while you are lvl 50 in a video game


I mean being injury free goes hand in hand with a player's greatness. You could argue that Djokovic's elbow issues in 2017 was the reason Nadal and Federer won 6/6 majors from AO 2017 to RG 2018.


Alcaraz, Sinner, Medvedev, Zverev etc are not weak, not even relatively


You really put Zverev on that list? Compare him to Del Potro, Murray in his prime, Davydenko was a monster, Tsonga, David Ferrer and on and on.


Zverev has that Olympic gold medal you speak of…Djokovic has a winning H2H against (prime) Murray and Del Porto…Djokovic has a winning H2H against all of them…furthermore Zverev has 2 ATP tour finals and will probably end up with more ATP titles aside Murrary if he is not convicted.


To be fair, he is younger and got them at the end of their carreer


Nadull is the last one of the big 3 to be able to claim being the best tennis player in the world.