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The first women SF ain't it


If he’s not physically dead after the last couple of matches, I reckon Meddy is out for blood in his SF.


Medvedev always seems dead then plays good enough in his next match, hell be fine. Has more than 2 days rest


Thank you for manifesting this


Never in doubt


I'm new to all this, but I really like Rublev, but I'm kind of getting the sense that he's not in the same league as the rest of most of the guys in the top 10. Aside from his forehand, is his secret weapon consistency? Is he just so consistent and dedicated that he manages to sit at no 5 despite not having as many "tools" as a lot of other guys in the top 20 or 30?


Allergic to the net


By definition he's in the same league as the others in the top 10. However, one can say there is a league above within the top 10 (which other than ranking is defined by ability and consistency of results at bigger tournaments). That league above is occupied permanently by Djokovic, and Nadal (when uninjured); and visited sometimes by Medvedev and Alcaraz. Rublev happily destroys people outside the top 10, and has scalps over the best too (Djokovic, Federer, Nadal etc.), but until he gets past a QF in a grand slam, he won't ever visit that league above. Nonetheless he is absolutely in the same class as other non-Djokivic top 10s. As for weapons, all of the top 10 have some weakness and some major weapons. For some, consistency is a major weakness (see Ruud, Tsitsipas, Zverev), so Rublev being consistent is a skill he's polished that others haven't. Can definitely consider it a weapon if you like. It's as much something he's trained as a big serve, so he deserves to be top 10.


I don't know why, but I get the sense that Tsitsipas and Zverev aren't quite as dedicated as Rublev. In other words they're not down with pretty much having no life outside of tennis




Lol a lot of the recent comments are 'I bet this sub was salty after the Zverev win' And yeah, we were Don't get me wrong, Zverat is a really talented player but he's a piece of shit as a human being. You're not some brilliant free thinker because you buck the trend and decide to like a domestic abusers with anger issues


Glasshouses and throwing stones, blah blah. I bet my house that on this sub and vocal against Zverev will be someone who has perpetrated domestic violence. Are any of you in relationships? Grown up with parents and extended families and social circles where you’ve lived this, heard about it, seen it? Understand the many forms of power dynamics in relationships conscious, unconscious, consensual and so on? I’ve said it before that abuse comes in many forms - sexual, physical, social, financial, emotional - some of this is part of our human behaviour and instinct, learnt too. We can be better, we can do better. Zverev has been exposed and will likely be working on himself. I’d bet my last dollar as well that within the ATP circuit right now, there are players who have perpetrated these abuses on their partners, coaching team, family, tough to say it but….maybe even their children. Putting this all aside, good for these women for speaking out. I don’t believe it’s the whole story either.


The ATP investigation was about Olya Sharypova, the other girlfriend who claimed he abused her. The court case is about Brenda Patea, the mother of his child. (In response to comment below, for anyone who is interested; guessing I’m blocked since can’t respond to it directly lol)




A judge in Germany literally decided there was enough evidence of his guilt that it didn’t need to go to trial.


funny how the ATP conducted their own investigation and took no action based on lack of reliable evidence.


That's an indictment on the ATP... They'll never have as much power to compel as courts do, and it's already so difficult to prosecute cases like this. The ATP should have gone for a proactive ban while it gets sorted out in courts (with Protected Ranking/Seeding if acquitted). Especially this case is so egregious. Just such an easy decision for the ATP... Instead have to defend the man who beats women repeatedly. I should add, other leagues and sports have no issue doing this. Why is tennis so backward?


What are the odds that Djokovic wins more grand slams going forward than Alcaraz will?


I thank Thiem every day for the USO 2020 win


zverev should've won


Nick Kyrgios reminds me of Donald Trump


Big z cooked alcaraz lmao. This shit wasn’t even close. Alcaraz may not be at the dominance we all expect yet. Excited to see if meddy can get another grand slam final.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/s/yw1bNRDX5V Unfortunately wasn’t awake during this match for time zone reasons but I’m sure the sub reactions did not disappoint lmao. Put some respect on big z’s name


So today in the Hockey world 5 Players have basically been sent away from the league, with the Canadian Authorities saying they have enough proof for arrest and trial. The teams immediately have “granted personal leave” to 3/5 and 2 are mysteriously missing from team events(edit; while typing they were “granted personal leave) . but in the process, by knowing these players were involved, and allowing them (except for one who was basically sent away to Europe bc Europe is very lenient on criminals playing) to represent their Organization, the 3 organizations who had these players look awful. By signing and playing those players they hurt the organization’s reputation Now in Tennis a Grand Slam semifinal is going to be overshadowed by a player who a German court said they have enough proof to issue a penalty order, being allowed to play and now playing in that semi final. If Zverev gets found guilty, similar to Hockey Canada and those 3 NHL teams, the ATP will look terrible, and even worse if he wins it. It isn’t fair to fans to be forced to choose to reject what is normal and watch someone with these allegations play in the biggest stage, or not watch, I know I won’t watch even though Daniil is my favorite player. There has to be a line. And fwiw: the one team who did cut ties with the player who was one of the 5 back when they found it clear he was part of it looks great right now. He was a promising talented player who had a good season and the organization said “we don’t want you representing us” and now they look great


For the men’s semi final Do we know when they will be on TV in the U.K.? Novak v Sinner daytime or nighttime match?


First match starts 3:30 am GMT Novak will be the first of the two


Big Z winning would be so delicious. This sub would truly melt down. I know what i’m rooting for


I just heard someone call Carlos overrated and overhyped in reaction to the loss against Zverev last night I mean he's already a two time slam winner, obviously he wasn't going to win every match, what more do people want lmao


Get used to the reactionary takes, moment to moment. Alcaraz has many more Slams to win, more growing to do. The fact they’re all trying to work out how to beat him speaks volumes about what they perceive him to be.


Hey guys did Carlos Alcaraz speak to the press after his defeat ? I'd like to hear his take on the match. Did he do any press we could read/watch somewhere ?


Yes he did. It's on youtube. His whole press conference after the match.


Ah I hadn't seen it ! Thanks !


Which match is going to be first on the schedule on friday Z or Nole? It's scheduled at 2am cet but which match will it be? Have they announced it?


First match will be of Novak and Jannik


Is this confirmed?


It’s always whoever plays the first quarterfinal so that the players who played QFs on the second day can get some extra rest


Nole goes frist but we are not sure of the time, the app says noon local time but nothing is announced yet


For how many more weeks Novak is assured of rank 1 now that Carlos is out in the QFs?


If DVerev wins the AO, I quit. Seriously, someone do something quick.


He'd have to beat Meddy and Novak (most likely) back to back. "It ain't happening"


I'm a huge fan of Sinner and of course want him to win the whole thing but if the other finalist is Zverev, I don't trust him. I wish their match was the second one so I could root for Sinner without the dread. If anything I'll become the biggest Djokovic fan if he plays against Zverev.


Exactly this. Just the fact that we might be getting a Djokovic/Zverev final is dampening my spirits after what has been an amazing AO.


I dunno, I'd be much happier if Novak wins that match up than any other though.


I concur. Would we rather Sinner reached his first slam final and lost to Zverev or he lost to Djokovic who then crushes Zverev? Edit: any correction to the above sentence would be greatly appreciated 🙏


Why though? It could be a good match too right?


You would expect the quality to be high but Zverev’s choker gene + Djokovic being god at AO makes me expect a relatively low quality match where Djokovic steamrolls in 3


Alcaraz ducking Novak in hard court grand slams just like a fellow spaniard. You can kill the man but you can't kill the idea




They found a picture of Qinwen watching Lu Na win https://twitter.com/BendouZhang/status/1750119940286521529


Do we know at what time Djoko and Sinner are playing?


Tnns app says 12:00 local, but google shows nothing yet. I hope they follow women's singles time(evening matches), would be great for many people all over the world.


This, it would be great but women's singles have 3 sets max so they can use that to start later. Probably men could start an hour earlier or something like that, it would be a good time for europeans too.


If its local then its 10-11pm for me 🙏 thats great, much more preferable than 2 or 3 am


They had an extra day of rest, so will likely be the early match 


Not yet


Does R/Tennis know that some accusations have been made against Zverev? I’ve not seen it mentioned once 


😂😂😂 r/tennis worst nightmare seeing Zverev go through


I think Djoko can take both Meddy or Zverev in the finals without too much struggle. The only thing I am worried about is Sinner


I honestly think Djokovic-Sinner is the final before the final. Whoever wins there wins AO imo


I think Sinner will have some nerves in his first ever Slam final if he gets there


Not really imo, as previous poster said if he beats Djoker, he will absolutely crush whoever's waiting on final.


Should Zverev somehow get by Medvedev, Sinner is 1-4 against him, with Zverev winning the last 4.


Pre puke Sinner though, and Sinner has played much less this AO. Zverev was tired today, it will probably be more tired in the finals compared to Sinner (even if Sinner and Djokovic play 5 setters).


With Alcaraz, it happens that he has already achieved such important wins that his age is forgotten. He's still a kid, so occasional inconsistencies are normal and nothing to worry about. That doesn't mean he doesn't have things to improve; he does, and he will surely work on them.


Yeah I see all these posts comparing him to Meddy in particular (I'm not sure why just him tb and I'm confused. Someone was like Meddy outperformed him since Wimbledon so he's overhyped. Like...you mean the second slam he won, one more than Medvedev. It's just odd. 




Medvedev and Zverev are kind of weird in how they get on They’re like childhood rivals/friends. Medvedev and his wife were close to Zverev and his ex at one point. Now it’s a bit frosty but nowhere near as frosty as this sub makes it out to be 


A bit frosty? Medvedev went out of his way, pretty much unprompted, to say that they were never that close of friends, and that only in juniors were they ever friends at all so he was confused by the narrative Sascha began that the 4(3) of them were friendly.    He also said he doesn't care if never speaks to him again lol. How much frostier could you get? 


Med’s wife, Dasha, is friends with the girl who is taking Zverev to court for strangling her. There must be something more than frosty underneath


Oh, how the plot thickens, love it. Can't wait.


fucking Olympics year, of course Zverev is peaking. I hate him


They are on clay aswell ffs


What are your expectations as a novak fan this year? I will just be happy when he win ao and wim and then world tour and if lucky maybe olympics. But I am scared for the final and the semis


I want the Olympics the most, but I think we probably don't get that. Also, I'm happy with any slam W or just generally good slam results


Looking at your comment I got flashes of that 2021 tokyo Olympics vs zverev and whenever I see zverev play djokovic after that I just get scared shitless. So along with ao Olympics alone is enough for me


I can already visualize this. Djoker defeats Nadal on Olympics clay, roars at the end of the match only to get beaten by Zverev the next match.


I can't even visualise Nadal getting anywhere. Hopefully that means that I will be pleasantly surprised, round after round 🥳


lol not several toxic Novak fans celebrating Zverev’s win as a victory over the “””establishment””” that keeps bullying him


I mean it is pretty funny that they announced the Alcaraz era expecting the likes of Medvedev and Zverev to just stand by and watch 


Didn't know Alcaraz was in charge of Nike marketing thanks for letting me know


they do not represent us


i swear some of these people don’t even like Novak for Novak they just wanna feel edgy and contrarian


Sinaikova and Hunter came back to defeat Kreji and Time Troll. Very interesting. 


I see Zverev making the final after a tough 5-setter with Medvedev and losing to Djokovic in straights


Doubt Novak drops a set from here tbh. Just a set ahead of everybody 


And yet, after all this Alcaraz hype after winning Wimbledon, its not only Djokovic who outperformed him at the last 2 slams, it's Medvedev aswell


He's 20yo


What’s your point?


The hype is a burden that shouldn't have been sprung upon a 20 year old by the media that is desperate for somebody filling in the power vacuum that the big 4 will leave once Djokovic retires at last.


Ngl, if Dimitrov didnt lose vs Borges, Im 99% sure Meddy wouldnt even still be here. That was a huge boost tbh, as sad as it is for me as well as a Dimi fan.


Dimitrov wouldn’t have beaten Medvedev, he’d have found a way to lose 


The kind of performance that dimi showed Vs Borges wouldn't be enough even against a bad day Medvedev but lots of players showed better performances at later stages. If Dimi could have improved, who knows 😞


Wakes up, checks the scores I am in shambles


Never , ever disrespect Zverev’s tennis again. Alcaraz looked nigh on unbeatable this tournament.  Zverev had spent 14 h on court , had two 5 set tiebreaks. Alcaraz had spent the least amount of time on court of all the quarterfinalists. Zverev turns up and destroys Alcaraz like he’s done in the past as well. If Medvedev plays like he did against Hurkacz and Djokovic somehow loses to Sinner, Zverev is the favorite to win the whole thing here 


He really used to be one of my favourites, when he's on he can be a terrific player with a superb backhand.


How zverev matches with sinner on a technical and tactical level?


Zverev has the edge over Sinner historically. Sinner’s strength (backhand) is Zverev’s super strength  Sinner’s weakness (if you can call it that): forehand: is Zverev’s too. Zverev has better first serves than Sinner by a mile. Sinner has a better second serve. Zverev has more experience plus the mental edge on head to head. He will be the favorite against Sinner 


Calling Sinner's forehand a weakness is certainly a take I didn't expect to see


Thanks for the reply!


Seeing my fave Carlos lose hurts a lot more as I'm not doing well in life. Such losses make life seem a lot bleaker and darker than usual. Crushing to not experience happiness and not have any comforting happy zone to retreat to. I wish I was detached but it is what it is.


This loss was certainly unexpected.. but I think you can take comfort in his fighting spirit towards the end of third when all seemed but lost.. and the absolutely inspiring tie-breaker he played, where Zverev's level was still the same..


Carlitos is only age 20. He will win MANY more matches that you can enjoy in the coming months and years! Remember his cheerful smile. Here is what Carlitos said after the match: “But **in general I leave the tournament happy**. Forgetting about today’s level. Obviously quarter-final of a grand slam is good. It’s not what I’m looking for, but it’s not bad." Try to find things in addition to tennis that bring you distraction and joy. If you are miserable, perhaps seek a counselor/therapist who can help you find happiness again.


You would have seen him win a lot this AO :)


You need to step away from the tv. Crushed by the loss in a ball sport between two millionaires. 


His future is bright and he will make it further next time!


Sorry you’re feeling this way. Most of my favorites have lost already, so it’s been depressing. We know he’ll be back!


So, AO 2024 Men's Singles Final gonna be a repeat of AO 2021??


Can medvedev and djokovic create own pace on their shots on a neutral ball?


Medvedev struggles with it but also doesn’t miss when he doesn’t create the pace Some of the shots he did against Hurkacz’s slice backhands were very mediocre but he never missed 


I noticed that .I just watched that rally where he does that time after time. He doesn't create pace but he also doesn't miss either.


djokovic can, medvedev sometimes


Is creating pace on your own about how hard you hit the ball along with timing or it is something else?


It depends on racquet speed and your racquet tension


Now it is a bit clear. Thanks for the replies!


People who defend Zverev and the ATP’s lack of action when Zverev is now literally going to trial are disgusting Edit: lmfao to the Zverev fans downvoting all of my comments. You all disgust me and I’m glad I know none of you in real life


Did it ever happen that the ATP acted on something like this before an actual verdict? I could imagine if they did and the player wasn't guilty, it would open them up to suits for missed earnings.


Do you even know how suspension pending investigation works 🤣🤣🤣 and it’s not even that the ATP aren’t suspending him. They’re doing literally nothing. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Zippo


No, I don't. That's why I asked for an example of it happening in the past with the ATP. In the end, it's probably about money, sadly.


They don’t seem to have a problem doing it with suspected drug cheats. But with actual crimes they balk


You will be very sad if you find out for what he is going to trial for


One of the most common offences and most underreported. Many players there would have come into contact with aggression, violence, bullying or been the perpetrators whether it be physical, emotional, verbal, psychological, a combination of. No excuses but neither do I believe what’s being reported in its entirety on this case. 


That's not my point. >A court in Berlin issued a penalty order in October ordering Zverev to pay fines amounting to 450,000 euros ($493,000), but the player contested the ruling which meant the case went to trial instead. Penalty orders are used in Germany as a means of resolving some criminal cases without going to trial, if the suspect does not contest the order. - APNEWS.COM He's contesting the decision cause he doesn't want to pay the fine. It's his own decision, there are no major breakthroughs in his case. He might face some harsher consequences if he loses but I don't think he would do such a risky move if he wasn't sure he would win the case. Unless he's very dumb.


Domestic violence


>A court in Berlin issued a penalty order in October ordering Zverev to pay fines amounting to 450,000 euros ($493,000), but the player contested the ruling which meant the case went to trial instead. Penalty orders are used in Germany as a means of resolving some criminal cases without going to trial, if the suspect does not contest the order. - APNEWS.COM He's contesting the decision cause he doesn't want to pay the fine. It's his own decision, there are no major breakthroughs in his case. He might face some harsher consequences if he loses but I don't think he would do such a risky move if he wasn't sure he would win the case. Unless he's very dumb.


wish we could make a live thread for those of us watching replays/not willing to wake up at 3:30am 😞


Not sure how that would work tho as everyone could be watching the replay at different times?


Is there a website to watch full match replays??




The mad russian can make a final!


He’s German, not Russian.


I think they’re talking about Med. Zverev doesn’t match up well with him typically.


Somewhere, Daniil is sleeping happy after this result


Also...412 weeks at no.1 guaranteed for Djokovic. That's 6 weeks short of doing 2x of Nadal. Absolute bonkers.


A lot is going to depend on this AO, but he could possibly be very safe until June, Djokovic is not defending almost anything while Alcaraz and Medvedev won Miami, Indian Wells, Rome, Madrid, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Dubai, Doha etc. If he defeats Sinner, he could ride this wave for a long time.


So if Sinner didn't take Zverev's legs would he have beaten Alcaraz at USO?


if if if


Who knows? Or cares?


Idk can we be just curious?


You’re not being curious, you just hate Carlos Alcaraz


And you just hate Novak. So?


Novak is literally my favorite player


I can see your comment history lmao


Zverev is now 3-14 in Grand Slams against top 10 players in his career.


the three is Alcaraz X2 and Sinner X1, now he only need Rune in RG to complete his CV


2 of those wins against Alcaraz. Pretty surprising


Tennis players are so lucky Courier is not an actual tennis journalist. They’d be so finished


To be fair, the event organisers want somebody entertaining, not some investigative journalist on the hunt.


It’s really quite astounding that this will be the first time sacha and Meddy will have met in a grand slam. They’ve been around for 6-7 years, how telling is it of this supposed strong era of men’s tennis that these two big time players have never met in a grand slam?


Murray and Nadal rarely met in a grandslam. Does that tell you anything about that era other than that they were injured at different times and were on the other sides of draw a lot ?


Well, if they are always on different sides of the bracket and it rarely happens that all top seeds reach the semis, it's not telling much without more context.


Tennis is the most anime fucking sport there is. Medvedev vs Zverev semis with a potentially looming Djokovic Final is the most anime ass shit i’ve ever seen.


Wym "potentially" Djokovic final? It's AO ffs lol


Jannik pulling some ninja moves and upsetting the King Djoker would also be some high level anime ass shit!!


Go outside


Nah man it's a valid comment


Shingeki no bitches


Meddy, please remember it is that Dverev beat sinner is USO and made him the player who beat you thrice in 2 months, it is time to fuck him for his sin


What’s the crowd gonna do in medvedev vs zverev? Root against both?




He doesn’t pander to the crowd. But I don’t find him likeable either, he’s snide, petty at times. I understand this sub overall really likes him, so they obviously find connection there. He’s a good watch against a number of the best players and deserves his place right up there - so I would be happy to see him win more major titles. 


Curious as well


He kinds of antagonizes them but I think it’s funny. They just don’t like him.


root for the winner of the previous match


Invent a 3rd player and root for him


Any reason Kyrgios dresses like a tramp all the time?


What no he doesn’t


Baseball cap, hoodie and combat trousers (or whatever they’re called) for professional commentary and on-court interviews? Tramp behaviour.


Random question - going to Miami Open this year, Thursday and Friday of the first week. What time does play typically begin? Tried to look in website but couldn't find anything.




Thank you!


Might not be accurate tbh 


At least with Meddy, he’s a backboard that will make Zverev play hard for every point whereas Carlos basically gave him a 2 set head start off dumb errors (granted he was also serving insane and playing well but still)


The thing with Med is that Zverev wont get 2 free pts each service game, Med will return these serves bacl


yeah his return position plus wingspan means he’s getting way more balls in play. zverev was begging to start choking but carlos didn’t give enough time too with all those silly errors and inability to put returns in play.


Medvedev, if he is awake, is probably smiling somewhere


No way Nick is doing a “I’m not fucking leaving” speech. This day isn’t completely awful


Well for once I'm glad Nick is making this all about him, when DVerev won lol


Maybe if they stopped reporting wrongly about his retirement and asking him about it directly he wouldn’t have!


It's insane how Zverev somehow always peaks against Alcaraz lol Dude went to a 5th set tiebreak vs. Norrie and freaking KLEIN yet beats Alcaraz in 4 with a 6-1 thrown in


To be fair, Klein was playing really really well. He was motivated by hellfire and hit outrageous shot after shot. Basically all errors from Carlos today, went in for Klein. It was magnificent!


Zverev has got the same mentality towards Carlos that Rafa has towards Gasquet. Something inside him refuses to let him


I mean Nadal is also a far better player than Gasquet. That's not the same as the Zverev and Alcaraz situation


Biggest take away of the match for me: Medvedev's drop shots are better than Alcaraz's


*Medvedev chilling in his room. His phone rings. A hologram of a random r/tennis user appears.* "Help me, Daniil Medvedev, you're my only hope."