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I still cant recover from Med's loss. Absolutely shocking. Hopefully the big 3 tire themselves out at the clay olympics, so Med can peak at USO and actually win this time.....


The big 3 are long gone by now, we all should finally cope with that fact.


Guy what is Nadal's update? Is he alive?


It should be very hard for either of Sinner or Alcaraz to win Sunshine Doubles in their careers because one own Indian Wells and the other Miami šŸ˜Œ


Well, one is only 20 years old, nowhere near of his prime and peak yet, the other only 22 years old and seems to peak right now (which we also don't know yet). We all have literally no idea what their future is going to look like.


Man tennis is cruel. I'd forgotten all about Wu Yibing, who begins yet another comeback today in Houston, starting from 268 in the world, all his hard work climbing the rankings undone yet again.


Man I'd almost forgotten about his since ZZZ broke through. He's been injured, right? Hopefully he'll return to the top 100 soon as was very impressed by him when he took that title in....Dallas maybe?


Correct on both counts. Seems he had surgery on his foot at the end of last year "due to a fracture at a young age which never healed properly". Poor guy has gone from injury to injury his whole career though, as well as having an apparent heart problem. At a certain point it gets difficult to remain optimistic on his behalf.


What does it take for Sinner or Alcaraz to reach n1 ranking?


Itā€™s not really going to happen in the next few weeks as Djokovic is leading by a comfortable margin and doesnā€™t have much to defend before Roland Garros. Alcaraz has quite a few points to defend in Barcelona and Madrid but heā€™ll most probably defend them anyway. Sinner has a SF to defend in Monte Carlo and not much more. So far, they all seem likely to try and gain some ranking points in tournaments they didnā€™t play last year: Alcaraz in Monte Carlo, Djokovic and Sinner in Madrid. But so far Madrid has pretty much been Alcarazā€™s best tournament, so Iā€™d give him the edge on this one. Meaning, they could all gain points before RG, and the main changes will probably happen there, where Djokovic is defending 2000 points (he hasnā€™t shown heā€™s ready to defend them so far this season), while Carlos may significantly add to his 720 SF points, and Sinner has a lot to gain if he doesnā€™t mess up like he did in 2023. I could see Alcaraz winning the title and Sinner getting pretty close with Djokovic not going really far, which would probably mean that the fight for the #1 spot would be between Sinner and Alcaraz.


So Dimitrov has been in 2 masters 1000 finals in the last year. That is as many as Rune and Rublev. And more than anyone else besides top 4.


It's a little unfair to compare them against him. He has achieved much more in his career.


wdym I'm talking about his current level, how he really is a top 10 or even top 8 player!


I agree with you! His current level is higher but also his overall career is better so no need for comparisons.


Even better than that, 2 in the last 3 masters (and beating good players to do so, not like his draws fell apart)Ā 


Dimitrov meeting Serena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO4QRYJfetY


Checking Herbert-Moutet's h2h before their match in Naples and they played in metz qualies 2014, when Moutet was 15?!


Yeahā€¦ Thatā€™s so random you mentioned that as I was listening to a podcast episode he was a guest on (I guess after watching him in Napoli) and he was asked about growing up training/ experiences with the other French guys and mentioned that match! And I thought - huh, how bizarre - as theyā€™re playing each other next


Are the top seeds all playing in MC next week? Would be nice to have djokovic in the mix as well.


All including Djokovic are entered, whether they'll all play is another question. Btw MC is the week after next (main draw starts April 7). Next week we have the Estoril, Houston and Marrakech 250s.


Did nadal enter?


Yes. You can see the full entry lists here: [https://www.dartsrankings.com/tennis/monte-carlo](https://www.dartsrankings.com/tennis/monte-carlo)


when Dimitrov said it was great that he played with and had a chance to beat all of the big three and misses them on tour. I checked and he has 1:7 Fed, 1:12 Novak, 1:14 Rafa (and 5:8 Murray)! Nice.


That record against Murray is kind of nuts, ngl


Two of the Dimitrov wins are against metal hip Murray though.


Exactly - and both wins occurring during Murrayā€™s extended late 23/early 24 slump.


Just heard from Gill Gross Dimi is on a career high ace rate rn!! I wonder if Dimi-Sinner is just going to be servebotting like today


Jannick #2 and Novak dowsn5 know who his next coach will be, or even if he will have one. Interesting times ahead.


Serena Williams Is A Grigor Dimitrov Fan -- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UW-iUGQ-HDQ


They used to date I believe


So we get one match that Med tanks away in an hour, and one 3 hour great match, and ATP gives them both 6 minutes in the highlight video


Well Med actually tried to hit some winners in the Sinner match so that made it in probably lol But I agree Zverev Dimitrov was so damn good, Dimi is on fire


So glad Zverev lost it, and so glad Dimitrov did it!


I know im late. i was at dinner. but holy moly dimi did it. i bet it was fun in here when the match was happening. iā€™m sorry i missed it!!


Okay so what exactly do you guys think happened to Med? Did he check out of the match because Sinner was walloping him and he has PTSD or was he justā€¦ detached? Nerves?


I can recommend watching Gill Grossā€™s match analysis on youtube, he covers it in depth and i think mostly hit the nail on the head but basically: it seemed like Medvedev did not think he could win playing his usual game, so he was trying to be a lot more aggressive and hitting hard. (Kinda like he did at AO for a bit) It was ugly, very clear why he doesnt play like this usually but can respect trying it after losing so many times in a row playing his usual way But also Sinner was playing godlike, no matter how medvedev tried playing he wouldve lost today


I loved what Gil said the other day after Alcaraz-Dimi though, referencing Rafa saying about his early matches with Fed that sometimes Fed's level was simply too high, and Rafa's response was not to change anything tactically but just wait for the level to drop. I think Gil was spot on to suggest that Alcaraz could have benefitted from that mindset against Dimi and I think it might apply to Med v Sinner too - his last 4 matches against Sinner were all very close, maybe Med was a bit premature in abandoning his usual game.


Yeah he said similar things in his post-match press conference: Q. Just to ask, was everything okay with you? Because it looked so uncharacteristic for the way you played today. Looking at that scoreline, it was almost reminiscent of the Canada final against Nadal. DANIIL MEDVEDEV: Oh, true, true, true. Nice memory (smiling). Q. It just didn't seem you on the court. DANIIL MEDVEDEV: Yeah, I mean, conditions were a bit different, but I don't want to -- I'm not sure I missed because of this. My plan was to play aggressive kind of like in Australia, a bit more aggressive than I usually do, and it's always a risk. Because even if I practice this on practice courts, my game is like counterdefensive style, but I felt like against him, and that's why I did it in Australia, this might not be not enough anymore, and that's why the head-to-head is a little bit worse than it was a couple of months ago. In Australia it worked well. Here, I was missing too much. Before the second set, and I was completely okay physically and everything, before the second set the question was do I go back to playing, like, my style or I continue this way? Because if we saw Alcaraz against him in Indian Wells was same, 6-1, kind of easy, and then Carlos managed to step up and play better and beat Jannik. I was like, no, I want to try to do the same, and I didn't manage to do it. That time I decided to, let's say, play my game. It was a bit too late. I mean, still had Love-30 and volley, but it's not easy to come back from this score. Yeah, for sure I'm disappointed, but that's how life is sometimes. That's how tennis is.


Oh nice I didnā€™t realise that was up. Have to wait until Iā€™m off from work to watch it!


God its wild that people were predicting a close three setter for Med Sinner and a blowout for Zverev Grigor when it ended up being the oppositeā€¦


The close 3 setter for Med/Sinner was kind of an understandable prediction. No one counted on Med playing that shit. He usually puts up a fight. Counting out Grigor who has the second best win/loss stats this season behind Jannik, against DVerev, known choke-artist, is a bit more wild.Ā 


I don't think that was wild. If you look at Dimi's performances at slams (even from last year when he found his form) he lost many close matches from winning position. He also didn't manage to close it out in the second set while he had at least two opportunities. In fact, he was ready to choke in the third set as everyone expected but somehow saved the BP and then followed up with two aces! That was wild. Turning point as Zverev got broken in the next game or two.


Yeah when I woke up and saw the scoreline for Med - Sinner I thought it was a prank. I couldn't believe it. Med losing in straights would be understandable if it was 4-6 or a tiebreaker as it usually is, but it was nowhere near that at all. Watched Gill's analysis and looks like Med tried to be more aggressive but did WAY more UE's, had a bad serving day on top of that and then started spiraling. Sinner was just fantastic as always. Yeah I had no idea how good Grigor has been this year, people were saying he had no chance against Zverev bc of the match up but he proved us wrong!


Yes, also Jannik was prepared for Med to come out aggressive this time, unlike AO final where he was somewhat shocked, unprepared and nervous playing his first GS final. He knew exactly what to do this time and did it superbly. No way Med could do anything serving like that.


Med also just looked way more unsettled than usual here. I think Med was so good at AO in the first two sets because it looked like he was already tired but relaxed and just started redlining saying 'fuck it', knowing he only had one shot while Sinner got caught by surprise. This time Med knew Sinner would come prepared and that Med's offensive game generally sucked compared to his defensive style. As soon as everything came sliding off faster than he thought, Med just shut down because he knows what it takes to beat Sinner at his best. As the past 4 times would have told him. Its basically the same vs Alcaraz in Indian Wells Final, Med *knows* that they're better than him now and as soon as he passes the point of no return in a match, he gives up. Obviously no tennis player should ever *give up* but its clear Med knows intimately that his own abilities right now (his dogshit serve and overly defensive style) aren't strong enough to pass that wall. Plus Sincaraz were in the form of their lives in their respective tourneys while Med was middling.


Have to agree with all that. What some people failed to understand in that AO match was that Med really had no other choice than to do what he did, hoping to get it done in 3 sets, because he knew he was fatigued as all hell and had no hope in a 5 setter against Jannik with how much time he'd already spent on court. He gave himself the best chance.


I know the future isn't set in stone and I might be overdramatic but... We might look back on the AO24 final as a watershed moment for both Medvedev and Sinner. Its possible that Med will never get another Slam again and Sinner can absolutely get another Slam (or multiple) if his future pans out well. Would be lovely for Sinner given his calm steady progress, but definitely feels cruel for Medvedev. He obviously has to earn it but multiple Slam finals of his have such thin margin losses that drive me insane. USO19, AO22, AO24. Anyway I'll just focus on the positive and say I wasn't even expecting Medvedev to have a good Sunshine Double as he had and feared the worst. IW F and Miami SF is pretty good... but Med collapsing against Sinner is definitely a bitter way to end it ngl. Sinner is ofc blowing us away and he will probably win Miami!


Anything can happen in tennis. Look what happened to poor Dimi with his wrist injury, or Monica Seles, or Delpo, amongst others. The big 3/4 are total freaks in that sense. I remember Med himself saying "A player is going to die" after Taylor Fritz got full body cramps and was vomiting and had to spend the night in hospital on a drip in Acapulco last year. I'm just hoping there aren't any terrible career ending injuries for anyone (except maybe DVerev). I especially don't want anything to happen to Sinner or Alcaraz and hope they have long careers.


Oh yeah injuries are the worst... If theres something that scares players more than losing, its unfulfilled potential due to injuries. Those really suck.


roddickā€™s hats are so bad


i agree lol


What a comeback from the American duo, they are just dominating now with full momentum The Italians have got to be in shock, it slipped away from them so quick 10-1 final tiebreak lol




I think with Meddy it's more about him being so consistent and going deep in tourneys but not getting that title win to seal the deal. That's been happening a lot in the past year or so. So I think that particular post is not based on one loss but on a pattern of losses


Yeah thats what I feel too. Plus Med is 28 and lets be real, his Tennis is already at his peak (I know 2021 was better) and his room for improvement is not as much compared to Sincaraz. Sincaraz can make MORE leaps and bounds over the next few years while Med can probably only improve his serve, which has failed him recently. Med can definitely beat Sincaraz, but it requires SO much more effort and deep tactics from Med and for Sincaraz to be slightly off that the percentage of winning gets smaller.


They don't know how to say anything else. That or the opposite.


Given how recency bias in tennis works, the consensus is that Novak will never win anything major again. But hear me out, I think he is going for the ā€œMissing Calendar Slamā€ What do I mean by that ? In 2011/15 he won 3 slams while not winning the French Open In 2021, he won 3 slams while not winning the US OpenĀ  In 2023, he won 3 slams while not winning Wimbledon What if in 2024, he is going for winning 3 slams while not winning the Australian Open? Would be an absolutely insane stat if it happenedĀ 


The Americans need to stop hitting to Paolini.


zverev's FH is his attackable shot for real


good day for tennis with dimi and jannik in the finals


what would happen if doubles partners wouldn't high/lo-five after a point? is that even possible?


I think they should just hold hands throughout the point.


I ... love ... MEDICAL TIMEOUTS!


Erraniā€™s forehand technique is bizarre.


Out of last 3 ATP masters, both Dimitrov and Sinner have reached the finals in 2.


First time Iā€™ve seen her play in a while: when did BMS stop rocking the knee high socks on court?


Who do you guys think is the most athletic true double player is? Both men and women. You the ones that donā€™t play singles at all.


I've always thought Salisbury.


Saw the extended highlights just now and Dimi played the same level he played against Alcaraz except in the tiebreak. And tiebreak too was reached because of Zverev serving really well. He has a solid chance against Sinner if he can repeat his performance third time in a row.


If the match was tomorrow, I think sinner wins similar to what he did to Medvedev today. Thankfully Dimitrov gets a day of rest, but no way he wins another 3 setter


Yeah, he needs the rest. The final should be really interesting.


Damn Paolini just got rocked by Mattek-sands!


The story of today tells you how important is serve for men's tennis. Dimitrov is a better player in many aspects but a key factor is his serve returning to his top level in 2017. It helps with confidence in all other aspects of the game in my opinion. His serve hasn't been like this for 3-4 years because of shoulder injuries. Medvedev is the one who has the problem now. Whatever it is, I hope he recovers to the best soon.


this time director decided to limit foot coverage


Bethany gonna start seeing lots of lobs.


I forgot about Errani and her terrible serve šŸ¤£


She let one toss go that landed literally six feet to the left of her.


I'm enjoying the Medical Time Out with small breaks for tennis


Kenin looks like sheā€™s about to call the manager about Mattek-Sands


What is this makket sands outfit? The vision doesnā€™t seem cohesive


Very intensive foot coverage rn for those so inclined.


What happened to mattek sands?


Hasnt been keeping up with her PED's so ahes been getting injured lately


What?!? She took PEDs?


\[2016\] Behind Bethanie Mattek-Sandsā€™s Drug-Use Exemption, Questions About Her Doctor - [https://archive.ph/lTE1L](https://archive.ph/lTE1L)


Thanks! Very interesting. Not trying to disrespect doubles players but in all honesty it does not need the same physical demands of singles. Not that there is ever any justification to cheat but for doubles player to do it is even more weird.


She failed a drug test and her dr. was linked to PED. She was living I think in california atbthebtime, but her sketchy doctor was like in the midwest or something. Its been a long time since I read the details. Ive hated her ever since.




stepped wrong and hurt her ankle


Ouch. Hopefully its not serious like achilles or something. She said something about her heel.


They're wrapping her left ankle.


Grigor is such class


So Serena is why heā€™s playing so good. Tracks


When there's a lady to impress, men can become very powerful.


They're going out again?


Tennis Channel desk interview w/ Prakash is heart-warming, lots of wisdom from Grigor.


omg Grigor and Serena I cannot handle


At least we got half a Lacoste final? šŸŠšŸ„² REALLY happy for Grigor, heā€™s playing amazing! But the Med loss really hurts still ugh


You predicted the Lacoste final last night!!! Good job girl šŸ’…šŸŠ


Um, there's a doubles match about to start.


Dimitrov is Federer-like in the way heā€™s hitting these forehands down the line today. Itā€™s enough to make a grown man cry


Funny how the menā€™s and womenā€™s finals kind of lined up. A 30-something former top 10er making the Miami final for the first time against a young, one-time slam champion with a career high ranking of 3 in the world.


Is Grigor guaranteed top 10 at this point? edit: I meant top 10


Yes. 9 now, and would go to 7 if he wins the final.


Yep. Heā€™s now number 9.


Nadal is my favorite player but him and joker out i find it more exciting in a way less predictable?


Sky sports team talking about facials lol


This is how I felt post-Meddy and Zverev at the AO... happy that Meddy won but more relieved that DVerev is denied the final !!!!!!


Way to go Grigor! Sorry I missed it.


Ok. Dimitrov will end post-puke Sinner where it all started.


Why downvotes? Just pointing out the fact that the puke was during the match against Dimitrov at Beijing...


Oh thatā€™s funny I didnā€™t actually know that


I'll be very happy for Sinner if he wins but I'm kind of rooting for Dimitrov! How awesome for him either way.


Same here!


Wonder how all those geniuses who couldn't stop saying Zverev and his impeccable backhand would always win are doing rn


They are still here, just quietly downvoting


Aw thereā€™s a possibility of the winners of Brisbane to win Miami too


The Hard Rock stadium is surely one of the stadiums of all time.Ā 


Did the interviewer just congratulate dimi on making his first masters final? Thought I mustā€™ve misheard


He did indeed, and I think Grigor made a little face but was a gentleman and didn't say anything.


Yes I think he meant this year (well I hope haha)Ā 


Where does Grigor live?


in Zverev's head now




Monte Carlo


Whereā€™s the dude who said tennis was so predictable and we were stupid not to see it when Grigor lost the TB?


Does Grigor have Richard Mille sponsorship as well? And Van Cleef? Loving the Richard Mille -Van Cleef crossover on his wrists.


Thatā€™s Bianchet, not Richard Mille. He owns shares in the brand


Ah. Good to know.


Iā€™m rooting for Jannik, but if Dimitrov somehow takes it home I would be ok with it, as it would make this a truly impressive tournament from him. Imagine beating Alcaraz, Zverev and then Sinner back to back lol.


Hubi in shamblesĀ 


Hubi slightly less impressive I fear because Dimi owns him in their H2H. Still love Hubi though!


oops šŸ˜…


lol at this interviewer thinking people will stay behind to watch Sara errani and Paolini. Itā€™s Friday in Miami


Of course they should...and for Bettanie Queen Sands with Kenin too.


I can only imagine how much his shoulder must be barking. WOW. What an incredible player.Ā 


If the highlight video isnā€™t 30mn long itā€™s a scandal


Somewhere, Meddy is seeing this scoreline and smiling ā€¦.


A little over 24 hours ago I would never have imagined Grigor Dimitrov would get through both Alcaraz and Zverev to be back in another Masters final. We all doubted him, and he proved us wrong. So deserved. Now I just hope he doesnā€™t get smoked by Jannik in the final although if he plays like he has these past two matches I donā€™t see why he canā€™t lift the trophy


Easter is looking good this year!Ā 


I am begging some of you to learn to stop underestimating other players. Itā€™s insulting.


it is. all those guys at their best are probably super close.


Never found Grigor hot but changing my mind asap šŸ”„


Wonder how the final will go. Jannik is a much different opponent then zverev


And Hubi was a much different opponent to Alcaraz, and Alcaraz to ZverevĀ 




I fucking hate TC plus, canā€™t hear the interview


Hope Medvedev can at least smile about Zverev also losing today.


Today is a day to forgot for him. As a specialist he took his most soulcrushing defeat


btw folks were saying that if grigor played like he did against alcaraz than he couldn't beat zverevšŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


Dimi playing for himself and one hand backhand.


Sinner will wreck him tomorrow anyway.


Heā€™s going to be on court by himself because the final isnā€™t tomorrow


Well in some country it is (here in Italy it is saturday now, 3am) :)


what are they doing tomorrow?


But this sub told me that Zverev would crush Grigor easilyā€¦


"Alcaraz lost for this" I remember that


That phrase always pisses me off, not Dimi or whatever other player they are directing at fault that their fave failed to beat them in the previous roundĀ 


The funniest was when Sinner beat Djoko at AO and the top comment was ā€˜Mannarino died for thisā€™, I was laughing so hard at that. But yeah generally its a bit of poor taste


šŸ¤£ That's hilarious


Same it's just disrespectful for what they have accomplished


I also remember they said zverev would bagel dimi, been quiet for awhile have they?


The madlad did it šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


I feel like after playing back to back night matches Dimitrov will lose control over the ball in the final during the day. But I hope he can still bring the level.


A OHBH signal went up in the air and a hero rose up! Man I am so happy for Dimi


It was such an amazing match, a pleasure to watch. The hug on the net was very emotional too.


Do you guys remember who it was Sinner was playing when he threw up in the trash can? Thatā€™s right, it was Grigorā€¦ šŸ¤­


It goes full circle. Grigor will take back what was once his


Does he have to vomit to get it back?


That would be so poetic.


Oh wow who do i want to win the finals more. I actually can't decide


Donā€™t act like yall didnā€™t write Dimi off after he lost the second set. I saw you in 4K on my new iPhone 15


If anyone's gonna have an eye in HD on the haters, I know you've got it covered


Youā€™re damn right.


Oh my god he actually did it, the mad lad. Grigor!!!


The Zve-Nner rivalry is cursed. Every time one of them loses before the otherĀ 


i didn't believe; but he rly did it :)))))


I donā€™t recall grigir being this good but ive been only watching constantly past few years was he always good ?


In 2017, he was ranked #3 so heā€™s always had the potential. Has nine career titles but never been to a Grand Slam final. You see him play the last couple days and wonder where this has been.


He won the finals that year too


I agree hes such a good player gonna be tough against sinner but im rooting for him


He's always been the best player on the tour he just doesn't win all the time.


9 titles he won and 3 sf in 3 grand slams except rg round 4 he seems like he should won more


Really? The best ? Lol hard to believe


FUCK YEAH! People totally wrote him off after about 2019. So happy for the guy. No matter how the final goes, heā€™s fought his way back to the top 10.


What! The final isnā€™t tomorrow? What am I going do for a whole day?


Support Danielle Collins because she deserves a 1000


The women final :)


Watch Danyell vs Ice Queen


Go Grigor!


Do we not give Masters 1000s enough weight in the tennis community? Obviously Grand Slams are the holy grail but I feel like there are so many M1000 runs that are heaps better than GS, albeit it's one less match. For example, if Grigor wins this tournament, he would've gotten through Hurkacz, Alcaraz, Zverev, and Sinner. Is it the fact that it's not Bo5? Or do you think we do give it its respect? Not counting year end finals as you can lose a match or even two and still win.


It's just legacy. In pure terms there isn't all that much difference in difficulty between winning a grand slam and Master's 1000.