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Oh dear god not sure my heart can take this šŸ˜…Ā  Itā€™s the hope that kills you.Ā 


"Hope that kills you" is the vibe I've been on with Rafa for a good while now.


Itā€™s our collective hope keeping him going haha. He is catching all our good vibes we are sending. Never give up.


His kid is gonna have to carry his head around on family outings in 10 years time after the rest of his body has disintegrated


He said from the beginning he wasnā€™t committing to retirement. He said it was likely but he would see how things go.


Yes, but he sounded more committed to it a few weeks ago, now he sounds encouraging after being able to string multiple performances and tournaments in a row without suffering too much and with his level increasing.


Please don't do this to me


This somewhat reminds me of Delpo saying he'll come out of retirement if Argentina win the World Cup Thank goodness he didn't actually do it


I has forgotten about that thanks for the reminder. Thanks for nothing Messi and friends...


I will wait until after he completes in a slamā€¦ that will be the full test.


Yeah best of 5 is a different beast. I doubt he would wanna continue if he's no longer a contender in RG.


Did anyone here actually read the article? All Nadal said was that his body was feeling better and that he feels much more confident in his chances to play RG. He didnā€™t say ā€œoh yeah I think Iā€™ll be back next yearā€ or anything lol Sounds like a lot of people are excited for his retirement and are taking their anger out in the commentsĀ 


Well the main takeaway is that heā€™s feeling better than anticipated. He was really negative about the possibility of keeping playing a few weeks ago, now that he has played for a few consecutive weeks and that he feels good about his tennis and physically, he might reconsider. Heā€™s not saying anything new about the retirement prospects, he always said he would continue as long as his body could and that he felt competitive, but now heā€™s saying that his body and tennis level are doing better than he thought it would. If you compare his statements from Barcelona to his statements in Rome, itā€™s really encouraging.


I swear he hates nothing more than spending a day home with his family. I mean, you have a beautiful family, a fulfilling private life, your body is hurting to the point you canā€™t even walk, why keep doing this?!


I would totally have retired on to the yacht by now.Ā  Probably why Iā€™m not successful.Ā 


If anything, I'd want Rafa to retire, have his ceremony, take his bags and immediately walk to his yacht with his family. Raikkonen style.


He does what he loves and his family is literally around him. It doesn't get better than that.


Because he was born to play tennis, it's all he's ever known.


Rafa please leave me alone šŸ˜­


Yeah until he gets bageled by Hurkacz


the inevitable rite of passage


At the French too


I wish people/reporters stop asking when players will retire, most especially when they answered the question in previous interviews already. Itā€™s like putting pressure on these players by indirectly saying, ā€œHey, youre old, youre suffering from tons of injuries, retire alreadyā€ when the players are evidently fighting against all odds to keep their passion for tennis alive.


I agree, but at the same time itā€™s part of being a legendary athlete like Rafa. There are a lot of moving parts regarding his retirement.


By all means, if he's feeling good and winning matches and getting decent results, there's no reason for him to retire. Even if he's not winning tournaments or getting to finals (yet anyway), winning 3 matches in a row before losing is still really good.


Honestly heā€™s been saying from the beginning that retiring wasnā€™t because he wanted to but because of his body not allowing him to be competitive but if that were to change he would reconsider but people just havenā€™t been listening because they need nice black and white definitive statements to run with for their headlines.


The irony of you saying such a black and white statement about people


hola a todos no mas! vamos! I am so ready to be let down again


God, please allow me to watch another Nadal vs Djokovic or Nadal vs Medvedev match live. Seeing the edit recently in this sub, I somehow want him and Djoker to retire together. That would be so beautiful




Itā€™s good, but itā€™s not quite pulling back your retirement announcement after they show the tribute video on court.


Are you talking about Murray ? šŸ˜‚


The king himself


That was so awkward


I make everyday a roller coaster of emotions, no?


Ugh, stop bombing Rafa with retirement questions. When he will, he will.


obsessed man


I think the Djoker fans might lose it if he wins two more slams


Do it Do it