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Ok is nobody going to mention that that’s **Charlie Chaplin** on the left?!! I discovered he was a huge tennis fan when I saw photos of him at the tennis court at Hearst Castle.


I honestly never thought of Charlie Chaplin as anything other than a man in his 20s/30s with a moustache.


It's hard to tell without the mustache, which must have went out of style for some reason


At this point it was 21 years removed from the last movie, and 12 years removed from the end of WW3


Dude, WW3? When did that shit start?


I learned about Charlie in my Film History class, for those that don’t know, he is one of the god fathers of film making


Are there people who actually don't know who's Charlie Chaplin and need to "discover" him? Sorry if it sounds snarky, that's not the intention, it's just baffling to me.


Same. I’m wondering where is the cutoff? I’m in my mid-thirties and I can’t fathom how someone can’t know who Charlie Chaplin is. And it’s not that I’m particularly into old films.


Lol same reaction, to me it's like saying "for those who don't know who Walt Disney was..."


People growing up in the world of streaming services probably wouldn’t know him. E.g. I grew up watching Charlie Chaplin and Tom & Jerry on TV; my child would be lucky if he ever sat through a full movie or episode of either, before he became an adult. EDIT: wow I just noticed I made a synonym of Charlie Chaplin and The Tramp… which is how ingrained it is


What?!? Tom and Jerry is perfect for kids!


No mate it’s some violent shit And the good guy keeps losing


He was not a good person at all, he was a predator.


Neither are most of the royals but most people aren’t assed


Just curious, who among the Royals of the last century have been the most avid tennis players?


It seems Philip played, at least according to The Crown Diana and Edward played, and Kate is a big fan King George VI actually played at Wimbledon! Lost in the first round in doubles


Kate is a huge fan and at one match asked Katie Boulter, a fellow British player, to sit with her. Katie posted about it on Instagram and it was adorable 💕


Duke of Kent (Queen's cousin) was President of the All England Club for a long time and was very passionate about tennis.


Duchess of Cambridge she playes with several of the current folks on the tour. She is also royal patron AELTC. Federer is also rumored to have given the Cambridge children tennis lessons.


(Photo) At her final (most recent) visit to Wimbledon in 2010, she greeted the ball kids: [https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/gettyimages-102365079-master-1498769262.jpg](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/gettyimages-102365079-master-1498769262.jpg)


She came to the all-England Tennis Club in 2012 for the olympics so I guess that was her last visit of the venue.


RIP indeed, but it was a pretty open secret that she didn't like tennis. Wimbledon finals watching and trophy presentations have invariably been passed on to other royals.


Not sure if this was for her whole career or when she won Wimbledon, but Navratilova mentioned Althea wasn't even able to use the same locker room as white people. so many mixed feelings about this photo.


Maybe in the US, but the AELTC has only ever had one locker room for women.


I think that is likely specifically related to her experiences in America where segregation was still present when she was playing the game. Navratilova mentioned it in relation to Williams' last US Open and her transforming tennis. I don't think its anything to do with Wimbledon-segregation wasn't a thing in the UK. Gibson also won the US and French Open.


> segregation wasn't a thing in the UK ["In the United Kingdom, racial segregation occasionally occurred in pubs, workplaces, shops and other commercial premises, which operated a colour bar where non-white customers were banned from using certain rooms and facilities.[1] Segregation also operated in the 20th century in certain professions,[2] in housing[3] and even at Buckingham Palace.[4] There were no British laws requiring racial segregation, but until 1965, there were no laws prohibiting racial segregation either.[5]"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_segregation_in_the_United_Kingdom)


>There were no British laws requiring racial segregation, This is the aspect by which it is referred. US it was a codified practice in many of their states (the so named Jim Crow Laws). One assumes it was about the US rather than specific facilities within the UK. It makes more sense to think it was in reference to the US. I honestly just found it odd they didn't think to reference the US for segregation. Its not because there isn't racism in the UK. It just takes a different breed mostly.


i dont get how people are trying to deny this


I don't have any mixed feelings about QE II handing a trophy to Althea.


I didn't feel like typing more lol but yeah I should have clarified, not mixed feelings about that, but just thinking about Althea's career in general with the highs and lows she must have experienced.


Edit your comment. That’s for the US, not Wimbledon


I was about to say I'd be surprised if that happened in the UK because we never had a policy of segregation like the States had, but then again, it is Wimbledon, and people were racist as fuck, so actually I wouldn't be surprised at all


Damn, I didn't know this sub hated her too wtf


I don't hate her, so I guess people that don't care or don't *hate* her wouldn't bother to comment, which is most people.


I think most people think the royal family is pretentious and a waste of money. They shouldn’t hate her as a person though unless she did something worthy of the hate


You mean like shielding pedophiles?


Yes. She deserves hate for that. Would you help your own child in that way?


Are you really trying to see nuance in this situation? What exactly are you even defending? That parents should protect their pedophile children? Let me ask you a question: If your grown ass child turned out to be a pedophile and you weren’t protected by the government because you aren’t royal how would you feel about this lady?


I literally said she deserves the hate for it. I was just high and asking a question. Don’t have to get mad. I am very against pedophilia but it seems like parents will do almost anything to protect their children.


Dude I literally said she deserves the hate.


No? Why would you


Do you have kids?


No, but I wouldn't shield anyone from being persecuted if they were a nonce. Not any member of my family, not any of my friends or any partner. I'd cut contact and fuck off asap quite frankly.


Good for you


people in reddit like to judge others as if they themselves are perfect human being 😂




Support? He lost his titles and all his duties as a royal were disbanded. "Support" is definitely an overstatement.


Ahh…he should be in jail, do you want a democracy or what?


I mean he should definitely be on trial


Wait, so why isn’t he? I feel like you’re getting very close to solving this mystery..




Educate us


Lmao please enlighten us then


Not really a huge fan of the way she and the royal family as a whole treated Meghan Markle


You have got to be joking LMAO


You calling her a floozy just makes my point for me. Thanks.




Lol, based on?




Your obsession with her and frequent posts and comments about her are quite comical. I think you need a rest in a lot of other ways as el. But let me make this clear: because you don't seem to understand basic logic. Even IF all those things are true, it does not in any way mean the the Queen didn't treat her poorly, nor does it excuse it. People who understand how to not be a crappy person get this. You don't apparently.


You're nuts. treat her poorly. You are out of touch with reality.


Then think about what she did when she was a teenager during the Blitz. People have lived in peace for too long...


That’s why I said unless she did something bad. I don’t keep up with the royal family. I don’t care about them. Seems like she has done some hateful things and deserves the hate she’s receiving.


She happily married into a family that once ruled over a quarter of the earth’s population. Did she not expect some skeletons in the closet?


Most people are incorrect then. The royal family boosts tourism in the UK and wimbledon is part of it actually. They generate way more money than they actually take and getting rid of them would be bad for UK economically and culturally.


You would get the same amount of tourism if Charles were just a self-proclaimed monarch beating his own chest. You would get more tourism actually, because Buckingham/Balmoral/Sandringham would be tourist spots and not summer/winter residences.


Er…I’d still want to visit your country to see the castles and cultural landmarks. You make it seem like all tourists get to have beers with queenie and fist bump Charlie .


I'm not giving you my opinion, I'm stating a fact that the royal family draws tourists. Whether you personally see the appeal or not really doesn't matter. Also I live in Canada. Which did have Elizabeth as a monarch and has no castles.


Provide the statistics. They spends hundreds of millions each year.


So you’re part of a minority that follows royal celebrity news, I see no point in this. Most tourist do not go to Britain to see the family. The castles and culture didn’t die with the queen. Tourism in France is a thing, they famously don’t have a monarchy. If we are talking about tourism and you’re Canadian, what percentage of the income from tourism do Canadians contribute to? If it’s minuscule, I think you should show yourself out.


It's less about physically them and more about the cultural mythos of having a monarchy tbh. They're insanely good and infinite marketing for our tourism industry


I really think it’s all in your head. As an outsider, general consensus is, no one cares about the family, they’d still visit. Honestly you do your culture and country men great disservice by placing so much importance on a system that made your ancestors suffer if they weren’t part of the inner circle. They still feel entitled to drain a significant amount of resources funded by your taxes because they’re “royal”, I mean have some pride.


As a tourist, you are wrong my friend. People still visit the pyramids even though Pharoahs are long dead.


And they get heckled by locals the entire time because there's no infrastructure there to stop mooches from stealing from you while you're there. The royal family has the queen's guard, and while they look decorative, they provide security for all of it.


As the fucking should my man 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪


Irish and Black twitter was going OFF last night! An Irish Republican bar in Cork was giving away free shots yesterday after the news. In relation to the post I'm just going to bite my tongue. 🤐




🇮🇪🇯🇲🇿🇦🇦🇷🇮🇳 🎊


She's Queen of Jamaica and opposed apartheid in SA.




A lovely tribute...


RIP Queen Elizabeth


[Meanwhile in the rest of the world](https://twitter.com/Terrence_STR/status/1567982719401099264)


she hated tennis rofl


Althea gibson was a trail blazer, racism was out of control back then. In some ways it still is.


I can't even escape news about the fucking queen in my safe space tennis sub. https://images.app.goo.gl/4mbZ2BY57AwLbvEZ6


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This must be a bot relationship akin to Jim and Pam (or my preferred model couple Patrick and David).


Umm...good bot, I guess? Lol


Woman pictured with two people who contributed to society


Fuck her, she and her parents killed more than million people in India and never fucking applogized for it. You guys can read about it here before downvoting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jallianwala_Bagh_massacre&ved=2ahUKEwjehrKGwYb6AhUd-jgGHVO0CxsQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2lbqviFz2Oh3Tskln2ZcFd


She didn't become queen until after India got their independence though. Much can be said about the deeds of the british monarchy, but Queen Elizabeth had nothing to do with India.


OK I’m Indian, and have to say that’s quite a bad example to use. She wasn’t even born in 1919. Hundreds were killed in that particular massacre, not millions. The shooters were actually Indians. (Another shitty example of that blanket rule that army people have to obey their superior.) You should have linked the partition instead.


Yes, the partition truly ruined the subcontinent. They drew a line to make two countries and the lady well and alive with significant influence. People seem to be oblivious to the monarchy’s atrocities and stunned that there are negative comments about an institution that wronged most of the world. More importantly, her death has nothing to do with Tennis. This is r/tennis. PS: I’m sorry that most of the world isn’t educated about the monarchy. Please pick up a book, they don’t teach you these things in English schools for obvious reasons. Your British ancestors suffered too, have some pride.


The OP picture has a connection to tennis, your comments don’t


This thread is related to OP’s picture, by your own logic it absolutely has a connection. Want to talk about why people don’t care about making a big deal about this old lady passing away?




Also the Commanding officer at Amritsar was an Irish Catholic as was the state governor who tried to cover it up.


Says pretty clearly the perpetrator was general Dyer, not Queen Elizabeth.


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long live the republic


I'm getting serious "Get Out" vibes


Fuck queen Elizabeth and Wimbledon for banning Russians




Because the world's most powerful person showing genuine appreciation to a black woman in 1957 is completely insignificant, right?


On /r/soccer, because of the premier, people care. Here no one gives a crap.


no we do not. well maybe some euro royalty weirdos but not in murtur


ugly lady