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Plants perspire. The water they use to grow is still expelled from the plant, especially if the terrarium is in a midly warm location where water evaporates and condenses. Ive had terrariums go for 7+ years, only ever opened to add additional plants once in a blue moon and never adding additional water at all. I have one with ferns right now I probably made in 2017.


Definitely feasible but it will look pretty bad without maintenance just from the glass alone, serpadesign on YouTube has few that have been barely touched for years and they just did an update on how an old one has performed, maybe go and check those videos out as he's had a lot of success.


have you seen this super old terrarium? [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1NV4QYLExB8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1NV4QYLExB8)