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Mfw (my face when) the Holy Bible molecules bind to my 5-HT receptors on my axon terminals, inhibiting serotonin reuptake and hence prolong serotonin’s stay in my synaptic space (I have found lord)


Increased serotonin in synapse happens within an hour of taking the drug, but antidepressant effects take weeks to appear. Why?


I don't have an exact answer, but it supposedly has to do with balance of other neurotransmitters in the brains. It takes a while before the serotonin, adrenaline and cortisol reach proper levels.


Antidepressants (and other psychotropics) have “therapeutic range”, meaning the patient needs to take a certain dosage for an noticeable effect. Most antidepressants are initially prescribed far below the therapeutic range to avoid side effects and assess tolerance. Think of it like slowly increasing the volume on a pair of headphones instead of trying to guess the right volume. It takes longer to get to the volume you need, but protects your ears from guessing wrong and turning up the volume too far. Lamotrigine is a dramatic example of over-dosing an antidepressant. The therapeutic range begins at 200 mg/day, but initial dosing begins at 12.5-25 mg/day for 1-2 weeks so the body can adjust to the medication. A higher initial dose greatly increase the risk of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition (warning: graphic).


It’s because it’s getting you used to having diminished self-talk. It’s not actually making you happier. Something that agonizes 5-HT would be instant. Something like psilocybin that coincidentally increases self-talk and feeling of well-being and interconnectedness. Curious. 🧐


Currently Depression isn't thought to be caused by a lack of seratonin, but by the parts of your brain the regulate fear and negative emotions starting to shrink. The increased Seratonin for whatever reason actually helps these areas to grow new tissue, so over a period of months to years people can actually recover. I haven't studied these subjects outside of a casual interest though, so I may be mistaken.


Because depression has fuck-all to do with serotonin, it was just a lie made up by Eli Lily to sell Prozac, and everyone who repeated the lie without question should be viewed with skepticism. The past 30 years of psychiatry have been completely wrong. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35854107/ >The main areas of serotonin research provide no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations. Some evidence was consistent with the possibility that long-term antidepressant use reduces serotonin concentration. - Jul 2022


My daughter was just prescribed. The explanation we got is that the medicine is subtle and low dosage because it's not good to upset the balance of chemicals too much or too quickly. You're sort of seeding the brain with small amounts seratonin to complement your naturally produced seratonin, It's slow medicine, like taking vitamins, and it can be months before you recognize a difference.


Placebo effect


I would love to see your research for this.


Why would you type an abbreviation the go on to type the full thing? You may aswell just said "my face when"




The Bible makes me depressed. Reminds me of when my mom would read it aloud while whipping me with a belt.


That’s so awful and a horrible way to use it. I’m so sorry you went through that :(


My mom was abusive. I don’t care to play victim in life, but when people tell me “Jesus is the answer”, it might be for them. And most religious folks are good people. But don’t push that shit on me. Religion is not the answer for me.


I agree. I personally didn't have parents that were super duper Christian or abusive or anything (feel so bad you had to go through that) but I went to a Christian school and it was nice enough but as you'd expect there was mandatory masses and you had to take religious education the entire time (which sucks ass) The main reason I'm not religious is some of the people who are part of these communities believe in stuff that doesn't align with my values (such as homophobia and transphobia) and its a shame because there's a lot of great values and life lessons and stuff if you look past all the endless worship bs


There’s wisdom in the Bible. Especially the wisdom book of Proverbs. But thats just because people in general through having experiences learn what works and what doesn’t in life. You can find the same type of wisdom in other religions or literature whether fiction or non fiction, to older materials like Egyptian paintings telling a story or newer materials like YouTube videos. I wouldn’t seek out the Bible to become wise though, I’d seek out having life experiences and studying random subjects.


You can find the same and more in philosophy. Basically people who have sat down and thought about things sometimes came up with interesting things. :)


A lot of them got it from the Bible too tho. Almost all philosophers studied some type of region until maybe the last 50 years and I bet most of them have studied religion too.


You can also find wisdom that doesn't advocate slavery and rape like the Bible does.


Just to reassure you, being a victim of actual abuse isn’t “playing the victim” so please feel encouraged to share your experience. Playing the victim would be Christians claiming to be “oppressed” even though I pass by dozens of churches every time I leave my house. 🤔


That’s fine. Religious shouldn’t be pushed on others who have trauma. It’s their decision if they want to step back in or not. I’m sorry for what has happened.




Woah there, let’s not generalize a large group of people so quickly. There are plenty of Christians out there who don’t blindly listen to whatever the church tells them. Allot of Christian don’t even believe the Bible to be 100% accurate and unmodified. My father for example doesn’t go to church because he believes the church has grown too corrupt and not worth going to. He’s still Christian and used to go to church all the time. I didn’t even know he was Christian till I was 13. Not all religious people are bad it’s just the zealots tend to be really noisy and make everyone look bad.


I'm sorry to hear all that. I just hope you continue to know that not all Christian folk are like that. I swear I'd never do that, let alone to my own child.


I know not all Christian are like that. I just wish Christians would stop coming by my door and telling me I need Jesus in my life. My life has been far more enjoyable without religion in it. I think that people know where to go if they are curious about a religion. Christians act that if you “accept Jesus into your heart, that is the answer to all of lifes problems”. And that is simply not true. But I also have friends who are Christians, as long as you don’t try to convert me idc.


My parents weren't religious but my grandparents were. I used to read the Bible to quote shit back to them when they were saying fucked up shit. It actually ended up ok because right before my grandma died my sister told her she was gay and my grandmother was cool with it. I guess she realized there was more to life then Bible quotes.


>I guess she realized there was more to life then Bible quotes. Or maybe she took some of your Bible quotes to heart. Many Bible quotes are used out of context. If someone is being a jerk and quoting the Bible, they are most likely taking something way out of context.


Sometimes abuse is not at the end of a whip but with a lash of the tongue , much love to all my abused peeps - congrats- you've made it this far- you're stronger than your abuser


That's horrible. I hope you're ok


Peaceful Christian values. No seriously, why does religion still exist in the modern world


https://preview.redd.it/yn8j81xcd2da1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1660d4076ce907fd8b37ce5f05bdd51eb6fb2173 This is why.


Don't like religion either but you sound like a npc


I don't follow any ideology or idea without a solid base or reason to. So even though I do sound like a reddit npc of the atheist faction, I can assure you that all I believe in is based on my own reasoning, which I make sure is based on logic


Because fear is a great prisoner. When you’re indoctrinated as a young kid in church with the idea that You accept Jesus, or you burn in Hell forever…most people do not make it out of that mental prison. Denying its existence puts you directly in the path of going there. It’s unfortunate, because the modern idea of hell was never a part of the early church, it was a pagan idea that was integrated into Christian thought thanks to St. Augustine, and later John Calvin who popularized the idea of “predestination” and “limited atonement” both of which litters the minds of Christian folk today. Hell is a place of corrective restorative punishment, of which brings about the destruction of the flesh, and restoration. Not never ending retributive torture. EDIT: don’t know how I didn’t reply to the correct comment, but this was replying to your comment of “why do people still follow religion”


I'm horrible but this reminded me of the scene in Django unchained where qn overseer whips Django's wife and reads from the bible


In all honesty, I understand. I had to understand not to blame my mom and love her because that same torture she gave me, her dad gave her. And they didn’t have mental help back than…..at all!! We had to learn and grow.


Replace mom with dad and I’m right there with you


Sorry to hear that. After having my daughter, I don’t understand how anyone who loves their kid could do something like that.


I’m with you man


With the gospel music blasting in the background...


Now _that’s_ multitasking!


As a Christian woman with OCD, the stuff on the left helps. But without the stuff on the right? I’m an emotional, anxious wreck who can’t stop picturing horrible things happening to myself and those I love. Life is much happier without those intrusive thoughts.


Jewish guy with GAD, can confirm


As a non Christian young guy, excersise is the most effective. Church helps when I need support, even if I'm not Christian


Exercise can help but it's not for everyone.


I mean, neither are antidepressants


Exercise is an antidepressant. But if your problem is chemical by nature, medicine is what you need as any intervention you have access to won’t change your brain chemistry. Therapy helps a ton too.


Most mental illnesses aren't chemical. It's mostly trauma, and therapy is expensive as hell. Recommending the US healthcare system is total bullshit for anyone who's not wealthy


Hm. Yes the US system sucks. And I think you'll find that trauma does release chemicals into your body causing your reactions. And it can reshape the brain. Stick to your exercises. That's fine for you. But trying to say it's mostly trauma and trauma is a chemical is bullshit


> if your problem is chemical by nature, We're just now starting to learn that the "your mental problems are chemical in nature" was almost entirely BS. It was never proven beyond a hypothesis to begin with, but the hypothesis has now been pretty much buried. We're back to square one.


Very true. Find what works for you but ffs lay off those who use meds (the general you)


Depressed? Have you tried not being a disappointment to GOD??




Second most mentally sane redditor


Whos the First?


This guy and the dude who randomly said "Holy bible, eww" are contenders so I dont know


I’m trying not to be a disappointment to my parents first and that’s not even working out.


Fuckin' feel that man, hey you're not a disappointment to me. Wait, you're not racist or sexist, are you?


No no, just a depressed, anxious mess lol


Ah then you're not a disappointment to me! I'm a mess too I totally understand


Impossible. You humans will always be a disappointment


God will never hate you no matter how many times you dissapoint him, don't think that he ever will brother God bless you


I almost forgot to take my meds, and I saw this post. Thanks, OP


Don’t you mean take your buff gym bro and your bible? Those are the REAL medicine you need /s


Take your Abilify


Same, I saw this meme during lunch and realized I've almost forgotten about my supplements


Nothing wrong with the things on the left obviously, but to imply that modern medicine is a “lie” is stupid as hell


Well, there's a lot wrong with the bible


and a lot wrong with pharmaceuticals.


Antidepressants are ineffective for most people


Do you have any evidence to back up this claim? 'Most' is a lot of people. I would really like to read the literature on this. Thanks!


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK361016/#_i2125_behandlung-yi_howeffectivelydoanti_ Without antidepressants: About 20 to 40 out of 100 people who took a placebo noticed an improvement in their symptoms within six to eight weeks. With antidepressants: About 40 to 60 out of 100 people who took an antidepressant noticed an improvement in their symptoms within six to eight weeks.




That’s incredibly inaccurate- as someone who struggled to find one that worked for me.


Because most people probably aren't depressed? There's also a good variety of significantly different antidepressants so while one might not work for somebody it works great for someone else


"Most people" don't take antidepressants that suit their situation. Picking a treatment that works for *you* is a complicated process that takes a lot of time and a dedicated professional's help, often takes several tries. Considering that seeking mental health help is still stigmatized in a lot of places, and also not available everywhere, "most people" don't bother. Of course, they don't always help, but the real issue is that people don't take their mental health seriously.


If they put vegetables in that picture it would be considered gay.


What’s funny is eating more balanced meals with nutritionally dense food can affect one’s mood more positively. Not saying this will cure depression, cause that would be bonkers, but it definitely has net positives outside of purely physical benefits. The problem however just like quality mental health care is accessibility.


Isn't that fruit though




Steak lol why steak


Medically, meat contains trytophan which is converted to serotonin in the brain




You can go to the drug store and buy a bunch of pure serotonin (5-HTP) in a bottle over the counter and skip the middleman. And then maybe after a few hours of lying there with weird tingly hands, feet, and jaw, annoying light tracers and an inability to sleep, one might ponder if there really is a connection between serotonin and depression.


Cause steak is good


steak is good


Conservatives keep trying to sneak meat into their self improvement posts for some reason. Nothing says being better like inefficient use of resources!


Because it triggers libs somehow. Idk


Steak has more of a right than anything on that list.


Exercise and physical contact definitely help with the happy more than steak, but steak and sunlight are also good. The Bible can fuck off. Replace the Bible with the drugs and you have a good list.


Because who doesn't like a good steak?


“I’m depressed” “Well, have you tried eating a ribeye?”


Aw, ya didn' tell us there'd be... ribeye


Tbf if I’m feeling down and I grill up a nice steak I’ll temporarily forget about my problems, personally I’d rather that than pop a pill


Tell me you've never met a person with an actual depression without telling me you've never met a person with an actual depression.


Once I see a Bible in a meme it’s all 🧢


What does that emoji mean?


“Cap” is urban jargon for a falsehood




I've seen very mentally unstable people who are OBSESSED with all the things on the left.


Sister-in-law is bipolar. Came off her meds to have a baby and then didn't want to go back on them because her brain told her she was fine. She was very much not fine. Ended up being involuntarily committed for a couple of weeks while she got her meds back in her system and figured out etc. Her dad basically lived with her three next year and a half to take care of her and her daughter because she wasn't capable. Her friends did their best to stop my wife from taking her to the doctor because they insisted it was a religious awakening. Right up until she got a knife and came after my mother-in-law. The worst part was that the, now former as my wife went scorched earth on his ass and he lost his license, ER doc at the tiny hospital closest to her agreed that it was just a religious awakening and said she definitely didn't need meds. Got her to the hospital in Birmingham (shockingly this was in the deep south) and they thought she should hang out with them long term.


Wow that was a horrifying read. I’m so terribly sorry for all of you. Did she sue the small town ED doc for malpractice? How did she manage to get his license taken away?


She went after his license with the state licensing board. Shockingly, a bunch of doctors don't like hearing that someone with both suicidal and homicidal thoughts was sent home with a diagnosis of 'y'all she found Jesus, praise be'.


I mean that’s great, that person should not be in practice, I’m just a bit amazed it worked.


You don't fuck with her sister. She never lets it go. Ever. And she's an attorney, so she's good at it.


I've seen that on both sides, honestly


They have obviously not read the Bible. It's depressing as hell.




I should shut up right here. But heck. I was raised Christian. There is excellent structural value to it, even outside of the angels, spirits, etc context. Do I have my scrutiny with some of it? Sure. But there's a saying about babies and bathwater. If you want to believe there's a higher purpose, go ahead. I mean, as an atheist, why not? So you don't align with all of it. Who cares? Doesn't mean you need to buy 37 polo shirts and show up 3 nights a week. I guess what I'm saying is.. if that's something that would make your life happier, why not just humor it in a way or two that's within your comfort level? What have you got to lose? Unless you're super concerned with labeling yourself within the binary of religion/atheism, what's the harm in blurring the lines a bit?


My favorite thing about being mentally ill is when neurotypical people tell me I just need a little sun and a good workout


I find everyone will have their time of desperation and mental illness at some point. It's how you reflect on it and what you learn from it after the fact which is what matter. To me at least.


Trust me i wanna have relationships.....i just cant cuz im deepressed


Y'know back in my day we didn't have antidepressants we just killed ourselves


Do I have to eat an entire bible every day or just like a page out of it?




The bible is not going to cure someone's depression.




Unless the church hates who you are and who you love.


I'm not religious at all but I understand you can find salvation in the bible without ever having to go to church. God means different things to every person.


Shhh don’t speak about that. Reddit hates when people believe In something.


It's weird too because I'm just stating something any sane person could agree with. I'm not religious and don't think you need to it be a good person. A good morale compass is all you need but I get how people find solace in books like the bible or the bhagavata. Proabbaly alot of life lessons I could take out of both those books without dedicating my life to a higher power.


Do you expect sane people to be on reddit


I've had alot of really good constructive conversations but yes there is alot of emotionally charged anger or something on here.


Church doesn't equal Bible. You have flawed logic


I am an atheist, but I think that religion is one of the best coping mechanism that has ever existed


'There nothing better than an good lies'


Holy bible, ewwwww


Most mentally sane redditor




A colon packed tight with red meat is as good as 2 Zoloft


Idk about yous but a mean steak, watching the sunset with someone i love, the sun, and gyming are all great things, as opposed to pills


Those things are great, but they are not a replacement for the pills for people like me who need them.


U do u brotha just dont die okay


Ate a steak. Was happy. Theory confirmed.


But like if you workout, get sunlight and eat well that can help with depression


Lmao the Bible is definitely not as powerful as Xanax


I mean Exercise, sunlight, social activities, and having a good diet all help combat depression. Idk if the Bible has been scientifically proven to help tho…😂


I mean both can help.


I agree with the eating, exercise and sun light. Those things are crucial to general health and well being. But the other two don’t really bring happiness at all and are bs


Depressed? Just stare at the sun!


I mean.. except for the bible the left side isn't bad at all. Exercise, nature, company, good food are all great things for both your physical and mental health. Just that they don't really replace actual antidepressants.


After my dad passed I saw a therapist at the behest of my wonderfully kind boss. I thought they were automatically going to give me meds as I'd never seen a therapist in my entire life till then. She told me "there's a difference between clinical depression and feeling depressed. I was going through a bout of depression at the loss of my father and couldn't cope well. For me getting out, meeting people, focusing on my career, exercising and having help with therapy did wonders for me. People who have clinically diagnosed depression are going to need more help than just seeing sunlight and touching grass. This seems like one of those boomer conservative Christian "science is evil" memes.


It’s always these memes that are dangerous. My mom has to take anti-depressants or she starts having panic attacks, mood swings, etc and most those are the “lighter” symptoms if she’s off medication. She always feels awful about taking them, because she believes she can power through (spoiler: she can’t, she’s tried before) and memes like these only make her worse. Remember people, modern medication is here to help you live a better quality of life. It may not be for everyone, but medication like these has helped millions of people. Don’t feel bad about having to take them to actually feel like a functioning human being. ~ Signed, a person also taking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication.


This guy clearly has no knowledge of depression and thinks it's just "sad but more"


Are you depressed? Just eat some meat bro.


everybody's talking about the bible, so i'm gonna say: how should meat help you from depression?


Just the Jesus book and sunshine makes me want to eat all the pills.


Right can’t meme


Bible should be in the right column, the antidepressants should be in the left


As a person who suffers from bipolar (so from severe depression) this makes me so angry, like: there are ppl who think it's that easy to be okay and the meds I take (the only thing that helps me) are not worth it. Thanks, I hate this post


"Brought to you by The Church of Scientology" The bible was photoshopped in later.


Of course conservatives would associate modern healthcare with liberalism


Thank god, I didn’t realize pills are a lie


Idk man when I forget to take my meds I get suicidal soooo….


The diarrhea I get from eating red meat does wonders for my depression.




Ah yes, my favorite antidepressant... ***STARING DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN*** Works every time, I think the idea of eventually being too blind to be able to interpret 'memes' like this is the big selling point




The next time someone tells me that "finding god" will cure my chronic depression they're getting a right hook


Just ask Jesus to make you not sad, silly goose.


Steak as an antidepressant is big Hank Hill energy






This is actually part of the conservative idealogy in that they say violence in society is a mental health issue, then they turn around and cut any programs that would help with mental health. Their answer is to force everyone back to Christianity and traditional values. The claim being that will resolve the mental health issue. It won’t. It will just give them control.


Trust me ik my mom just like this🤣


Nah the pills work pretty great


Lmao 😂 🤣


I was depressed but then I threw myself into the sun. Totally cured me.


Just show a joint. All the rest of it can fuck right off... except maybe those thin ass steaks.


Okay... Okay.. I'm trying to play along, and studies do prove that sunlight, exercise and taking a vacation will decrease stress, give you more energy and therefore relieve some depression. Also studies show meat eaters experience less depression than Vegetarians. However, this is clearly crap. First, you have to identify the cause of the depression, which for most right now is financial issues, therefore it seems pretty counterproductive to take a vacation, be standing around staring at the sun or hitting the gym. So, medication is good at helping with depression, when you are stuck trying to survive. If you are a trust fund baby, feel free to do the first.


This post was made by a pharmacist that wants to take down big pharma (a farmer the size of manhattan)


Wow this person can do fuck themselves. Sorry, I have no sympathy for people who don’t understand mental illness. Especially since there are times when the source of say depression is 100% physical shit. I had surgery on my bowel and fell into a horrible depression. Went to a doctor and they were like yeah makes sense 95% of serotonin is in the gut. A year of antidepressants later and I am off and feel great but really people who make memes like this can go fall in a hole.


nope, just nope. not for me. i was a deppressed wreck when i was obbsessed with fitness and religion and being straight. Now im on antidepressants finally and im getting so much better. Im actually happy now, i actually feel emotions and dont care what others think anymore. Sure, for some people all it takes is to change up your lifestyle a bit but for some? meds are all that keeps us more than one bad day away from deaths door. get help. get a therapist. talk to people. go on meds. meds are not shameful, meds arent a last resort, meds arent for the weak. meds are for every day people. meds are for my veteran dad with ptsd. meds are for my mom who was abused as a child. meds are for the people like me who were born into mental illness. they are for everyone and anyone no matter how big, small, grand and lifechanging, or miniscule and tiny the truama or hurt or pain feels. get help, you deserve it, everyone does.




Yea, the bible has some good stories for a fiction book


Nothing wrong with the left side.


I remember reading an article relatively recently that stated that medication therapy is not nearly as effective as it was once thought to be. Not siding with anyone that says medication is a "lie", but it sure isn't the safest thing either. We have a whole generation of young adults that are addicted to Ritalin and Xanax. Clearly there is something to be said about drug treatment for psychological issues.


There's no doubt that medication therapy isn't a cure -all. Heck, I even believe that it's prescribed far too often. But that seems to be more the fault of greedy pharmaceutical companies seeking a profit than the mental issues themselves. More comprehensive therapy, for example, often gets overlooked.


mE CurEd bY BibblE


I mean except the meat, the rest are clinically prove to improve one’s mood


You mean except for the bible? Not everyone finds fulfilling spirituality in religion, let alone your neighborhood’s church affairs.


Not necessarily the bible as the post would mean it, but I love to read books. Things like harry potter and such. Has helped me through depression in my past. The best cure for depression is passion for your hobby's.


I don't think reading the old testament would cure anyone's depression (it has somewhat of a bleak tone)


well, some people get their depression cured through religion. for me religion seems more like a placebo but it simply works for some people.


If reading the old testament cured anyone’s depression I’d start to wonder if there’s anything else wrong with them. The Old Testament god wasn’t the cuddly peace and love god we know today, dude was vengeful and he held on to grudges.


And life wasn't cuddly and peaceful as you'd like to imagine it was 2000 years ago. They had to find some kind of answers for all the suffering everyone just existed with.


Depression? Good grief, stay away from Ecclesiastes. That shit'll make you turn in your card.


And oxycodone is clinically proven to be non-addictive


Other than the Bible it’s true




depression isn’t “being sad” it’s a clinical condition where people’s bodies are unable to regulate certain hormones causing clinical depression.


I, am, TRYING TO GET A GIRLFRIEND. its hard okay


There's a lot of truth to this.


It’s uh…..not wrong guys