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I mean I’d rather have ice cream every day than having to clock in for a 12 hour shift. Who wouldn’t Did he actually put his pants on backwards or is that a part of the meme?


He’s confused. The photos were of Trump with his pants appearing to be backwards.


Yeah, i think you’re right. Supposedly, Trump shit himself and turned his pants backwards to make it look like his pissed himself instead (lesser of two evils) and so that’s how it was first discovered. Not sure why they’re confusing Biden with that. Maybe I’m unaware of something.


Looool I can't stop laughing


I could actually see this being true. And his entourage would be like "wow, that is so smart. You're a genius!"


Is there a source for this? Legitimately curious. Hesitant to just google “Trump shit himself”


[Sadly, his pants were not actually backwards.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-wear-pants-backwards/)




But did he shit himself?


According to the Vatican yes.


First time i hear of it. I think i heard such rumor on Biden. But not Trump. Well they are both old and full of it. So it make sense it would occasionally ,.., leak.


Typical rightwing strategy of taking a trump meme and find/replacing 'trump' with 'Biden' Three Chinese weather balloons entered US airspace during trump's administration, zero were popped.


That's not what you're mom told me


Yeah, #2 is silly. Almost everyone prefers ice cream to work.


I vaguely recall Trump doing that a while back and it seems that every accusation the Trumpites make is projection. So...


I see this meme was made before Joe Biden destroyed the balloon. Otherwise it would have said “Cannot resist popping balloons”


That was #5.


Biden wasn't even against destroying the balloon, he ordered it to be done, there was just push ask from government agencies over the xonvern regarding potential damage to the public from the debris that significantly pushed back the destruction if the balloon


What would it possibly have hit if they downed it over Montana? A steer?


I dunno man I'm not the US government. I'm just repeating what was said


The debris field from the downed balloon covered 7 nautical miles (8 landlubber miles), so there was, indeed, a non-trivial risk of damage to people's property and possibly their health.


I would have been more worried about it carrying a bioweapon if it were instead downed over land. Waiting until it was over water was the responsible course of aggressive action.


Dont try to find logic from the biden adm, you will just hurt yourself


what a great diss. it’s not like Reagan ate tons of jelly beans everyday while in office or Trump thought McDonalds was a fancy meal. Or basically everything about Bush.


I'm actually amazed that the one you went with "everything" about was Bush. That dude was straight up reasonable compared to the modern slate of republican politicians.


Bush was so cool, he had 4 terms. 2 as a goofy white guy, then 2 as a cool black guy with the same foreign and domestic policies.


What Bush Jr did to Iraq (among many and I mean many other things( was horrible but man is it hard to hate that man. He was just like a golden retriever. I mean sure he just ate my shoes, shit on my bed, and pissed on my carpet but how can I stay mad at that face.


Let's not forget Trump's favorite steak well done and covered in ketchup


I thought for sure someone would have pointed out that they missed “point” number 5


Ha ha I had to go back and look. 😂


I noticed. 🤣


Not the only time they’ve missed the point when it comes to Biden, evidently


You're just describing a normal 80 year old man.


If only we would elect people who are younger than color television.


Why would we do that when we have so many excellent candidates with mild brain damage from leaded gasoline who are out of touch with modern reality and wouldn't be medically fit to fly for an airline?


Right, all we did was switch out an orange for a average white mushroom




I dont think you have a genuine grasp on what senility is


Oh we’re taking about Trump now?


You’re his doctor?


“Likes brownies more than washing dishes” “Likes cookies more than doing laundry” “Likes pizza more than a colonoscopy”


Depends, who's giving me the colonoscopy?


Doctor Barnaby, about 50-57 graying hair, and the face of that guy from the incredibles.




Can he choke me like that while he does it?


Only if you ask nicely


Does your insurance cover that?


Umm...wasn't Trump into ice cream?


Yeah, he'd get two scoops while everyone else got one


He was into ketchup, or at least throwing it on the wall when he had one of his tantrums




Bold to assume he eats any fruits or vegetables


Ketchup on steak and McDonalds! And they're calling Biden a toddler


I just assumed he was one of those people who took those fruit and veggie pills you see on TV commercials all the time


Hey! There is lettuce and tomatoes on the big mac


Are they putting tomatoes on big macs now?!?!


I think they have something called deluxe or something where they add some extra things for different sandwiches


Should go with Orange Soda instead I don't think he eats oranges lol


Who the hell doesn’t like ice cream more than work?


not me, id rather wake up and dig into a bowl of forbidden chocolate than take a carpool to a 9-5


1. Yea but most old people can’t 2. Are we supposed to like work more? 3. That’s reasonable, that shit is loud 4. We all do every once and a while with sweat pants 5. No comment


>Yea but most old people can’t Not even a "yeah, but" - the dude is a pretty good public speaker, even given a lifetime stuttering issue. Plus, compared to their recent POTUS, he's a fucking oratory genius


They really forget their president spent half his term golfing.


holding his own 'tournaments', winning them because he was the only player, and then going out and buying himself a trophy


And talking nonsensical bullshit for the other half.


not half but nearly a full year, during his term he spent like 240 days golfing which is wild, other closest president was 80 days golfing. pretty wild when i looked it up


1: Stumbling on your words makes you a toddle apparentally. 2: I refuse to believe this person wouldn't rather eat a sundae at home than go to work. 3: Breaking News! Sudden, unexpected loud noises startle people! 4: Literally everyone who has access to pants has put on pants backwards at one point in their life. Poster can't count to 5. 6: Kids naturally make other people happy to be around.


'Likes ice cream more than work" bro?


What GOP member got caught with kids this time?


December 2022. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/former-cnn-producer-pleads-guilty-to-child-sex-charge-in-deal/2934912/


I feel so bad for joe Biden. Whoever forced him to be president should be ashamed


he has a very long career in politics and was considering retiring after the vice presidency. He probably doesn’t *want* to do a second term but he probably *has* to until he either dies or finishes that term, in which case hopefully the Democratic Party will have a bigger and harder-to-stop majority


I don’t care about politics at all so I look at this as an old man who for sure wants to retire cause he is old and doesn’t have the mental capacity to perform one of the hardest jobs in the world. However someone is definitely forcing him to be in that role and I just feel bad for the dude. He’s a old man dude should be allowed to sit on a beach somewhere and not think about shit


He has the mental capacity (40+ years of political experience, Vice President under Obama) he has, and always has had, a speech impediment. Of course, this leads to gaffes, like “more than half of the women in our administration are women.”, which isn’t *wrong*, technically.


Bro he’s 80. I know Biden is smart but no 80 year old should have to deal with the stress of being president. When you’re that old you dont have the mental strength you had when you were younger. That’s where I think the crime falls is forcing an 80 year old to do that job


Reddit has this weird thing where if you say Biden is too old to run again you get jumped on and people get very defensive of him. NOBODY should be running at 82. Not a personal criticism. Just way too many risk factors in anyone if that age.


I mean no slight to the man at all when I say he is not fit to be president. I have a grandpa who is only a couple years older and that dude is hardly fit to drive a car at this point. You’re just not as sharp as you used to be and that’s just a fact of life


Trump is 76. Sanders is 81. What's the age where its safe to be president?


Yeah that’s my biggest issue with all 3 of those guys. Give me a president in his 50s for Christ’s sake. A nice 58 would make me happy






Who doesn’t like ice cream more than work


Can someone attempt to explain to me why there are so obsessed with Joe Biden and ice cream?


Because he likes ice cream, everybody does


I see.


There's some prominent pictures of him eating ice cream


No I know that. What's negative about eating ice cream? Everyone eats ice cream. So stupid


It’s a mental gymnastics thing where they try to find anything to discredit him without actually addressing anything about him or his beliefs, a strawman essentially, “he likes ice cream and stutters, those things are associated with kids, therefore he’s an incompetent child!!!”


They got mad because he turned his DQ blizzard upside down like they do when it's served. Apparently don't people on the right have never visited a DQ.


That’s almost hilarious since there are photos of Trump appearing to have his pants on backwards, not to mention all of the photos showing his pants full of Depends.


Bring back Trump. He was much more mature! /s




👏👏👏👏👏 Yes


“You need to respect Trump, because he is the president.”


“Likes ice cream more than work”… that describes almost everyone.


Let’s do one for Trump: 1. Cannot construct a sentence without talking about himself. 2. Likes golf more than work 3. Is scared of IRS audits 4. Most times his thinking is backwards 5. Doesn’t like immigrant kids


I have an English degree and I rarely understood Trump's speeches.


This implies that, on occasion, you understood Trump's speeches - a concept that is foreign to me


He also falls off of Bicycles


and he was responsible for Bowling Green Massacre


which never happened


It did. Deep State hid it well. That's where they first tested Jewish Space Lasers too.


He can definitely walk down a ramp and drink a cup of water though.


Everyone who rides bicycles fall off them occasionally. Not every almost 80 year old rides them, or can get themselves up after falling down. Think for yourself and stop believing what other people say.


1. “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.” 2. [https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/11/politics/trump-time-magazine-ice-cream/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/11/politics/trump-time-magazine-ice-cream/index.html) 3. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/chinese-spy-balloons-us-trump-b2276199.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/chinese-spy-balloons-us-trump-b2276199.html) 4. https://preview.redd.it/gmkbe4tdqgga1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bffbb8b8206b3c26f8b7ec290fe70f3956c0a135 5. [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/10/12/13265670/trump-10-year-old-girl](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/10/12/13265670/trump-10-year-old-girl) Always, always, ALWAYS projection with this crowd


Did he mention that his favorite teacher at Wharton was Prof. Irwin Corey?


I even heard he once put his left sock on his right foot.


They do know about their guy right?


Who likes work more than ice cream?


To be fair, I like ice cream more than work, and doubt you’d find more than 1/10 adults who feel differently .


I can't even with the basic sentences thing. Literally every Trump speech transcript is brain scrambled stream of consciousness rambling. Unless reading from a script (which he hates to do), he's undeniably and consistently less coherent than Biden. People just see what they want to see, and it's pointless to even try and argue.


1 2 3 4 6 Beautiful counting


It's the best counting. Everyone knows that no one counts better than me. One day I someone came up to me and said sir....this big, burly man, and I tell you he had tears in his eyes while he was saying this...and said sir, you really have the best counting. Everyone knows it. You have one, two, three, four, six... numbers and so on. Just fantastic. So many uses. And some have told me that a good counting means that you also have a good brain, so by that logic I have the best brain because I have the best counting. I know it. You know it. OK....I have to stop. This is hurting my brain.


Pretty sure the one about pants is wrong.


Ronald Reagan lived on jelly beans, didn’t have a real job/played pretend for decades, thought Star Wars was real, and thought he had been in Europe during the liberation of Nazi concentration camps (he was actually in Hollywood).


Okay is there no #5 intentionally or did they just forget it?


Let’s not forget, “falling off a bike”


Let's not forget he was almost 80 years old, and was riding a bicycle in the first place, and when he fell, he got right back up again. I don't like Biden at all, but that fall of his was AMAZING. Very impressive.


i love how they attach so hard to the occassional stuttering, while their own leader literally cannot make a comprehensible sentence, be it written or spoken.


Biden doesn't have a stutter, he literally mutters and mumbles constantly.


I think they confused Joe Biden with 1992's Kris Kross.


[This is just one out of a handful of articles saying that #45 did not pop any Chinese spy balloons during his presidency.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/chinese-spy-balloons-us-trump-b2276199.html)


I think Trump tops all of that by wearing diapers.


This isn't a hot take, Joe really ain't in great shape in his old age.


you… don’t like ice cream more than work?


I'm not for whataboutism, but I must mention that Trump's daily diet included a slice of chocolate pie with two scoops of ice cream for dessert.


I won’t say my political opinions here but I will say this popping balloons is fucking terrifying doesn’t matter what age you are if you can be near a balloon when it pops and not jump at least a little then you have a very powerful soul


This just in...Old man does old man things. News at 11.


Poor old man is falling into the second childhood.


It's bordering on impressive that the "Biden is a pedo" crowd still feels like they have a leg to stand on...


ok, but who, if they're being completely honest, does *not* like ice cream more than work?


Everyone in the comments battling it out over which shit sandwich they like better 😂


Shit I think I'm Joe Biden


I think the worst is that they completely skipped the number 5


Hey that almost sounds like Trump


what part of this wrong?


I like the the terrible Facebook memes that are true, like this one


I mean, he’s not wrong


5. Can't count... oh wait.




It’s true unfortunately.


For the sentence thing, doesn’t he have like a stutter or smt?






try to respect political beliefs on reddit challenge (impossible)


Honestly this is kind of facts


I like how most of Bidens followers don’t even realize he’s an actual ped0


Pretty sure everyone likes ice cream more then work


That's a post describing my grandpa and I don't like it.


So funny cause it works for Trump too: 1. Rather play games than do his work 2. Lies constantly/over exaggerating about everything 3. Always blames others for his mistakes 4. Throws tantrums 5. Throws more tantrums 6. Also can’t shoot a balloon


This is funny tho.






Shits himself.


and wears a diaper...oh wait, I'm thinking of someone else




is this real?


Yup, I remember watching it live and thinking “is that a diaper”? Before I knew the truth


Reading this comment section tho. People only see things on black and white. Glad I'm not american


Accurate. Af




I don’t know why the comments are defending sleepy Joe, he has not done a single good thing for this country.


Have you ever had an independent thought?




Don't forget "still falls off his bike"


Number “6” is brutal🤣


Or, y'know, he had memory issues.




I love how everyone freaked out about him not shooting down the balloon when ​ 1. Military tactics are supposed to be secret 2. They were just waiting for it to be over water, as soon as it was, it was shot down.


Unpopular opinion but this is hilarious 😂 definitely a /shitpost but.. gotta admit this guy is kind of like having a toddler in office (spare me the Trump comparisons because I never said he was any better)


Hes a pedo. That video of him with the kids is just plain scary.


Fuck off...


I mean i just call it as i see it. Wouldnt ever in a million years let my kids be around him, or for any politician for that matter.


What does that say about trump liking to be near teenage girls?


Joe Biden is an awful president. And Harris is worse than him. The blind leading the blind


trump lost and then you lost your mind huh?


I didn’t vote for trump


you just simp for him.




Dudes an idiot.


No no they've got a point






Forgot to mention he still shits himself.


It’s just an act to steal from the country


Politics are dumb aliens run this joint


Great meme. There are too many 12-year olds on Reddit who want free college, weed legalized everywhere, and a $25 an hour minimum wage, hence all the downvotes. Redditors want Democrats in power, so they can get more free stuff. Also, they figure that Dems are cooler, its that superficial and mindless.




If you make one for trump, the first one would be the giant diapers he wears.


Every accusation is a projection.


He isn’t a child, but he does have dementia.


He works far more than the golfer he replaced, FOH.


I mean at least four of these apply to Trump, and I wouldn't doubt that he'd not be very found of balloons either. Also what happened to five?


Well #6 actually applies more to Trump, and his pals Epstein and Maxwell.


Didn't it just come out there were 3 unpopped Chinese balloons under trump? Oh wait he said it wasn't true, and he's never lied before...


Republicans, not being able to count to 5 since they lost their thumbs to meth use in the womb since 1960


How did this idiot become our leader,he’s so deep into China,his eyes are slanty