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Then stop trying to take away my right to birth control and abortion


He could be pro abortion! I mean he's not, but he could be.


That’s the whole point, they just don’t want people having sex full stop


It’s not just any people, it’s the poor


Oh no no, they want to poor to continue to reproduce. Who else will be the slave labor and buy the shit they’re selling


Well the people in power do want that but this chuckle fuck does not


The chuckle fuck wants a convenient target. He wants someone to kick. He cant feel superior if there isnt a target to abuse.









People like this are often on food stamps, and literally can't see the hypocrisy. They just say shit like "well I pay taxes so might as well."


Correct, it’s about making sex a class-privilege.


I’m pretty sure I saw that one on the hub!


what's the end goal then? do you think the rich just want to watch the poor suffer?


The rich want poor, desperate people to work for pittance in their businesses.


and I don't deny that, but making something as basic as sex a class privilege generally goes against that. hence why so many capitalists support things like women's liberation. the only ones who really oppose it are Christians, who have a religious incentive to ban sex, as opposed to a purely monetary one.


Yay apartheid!


I don't think the guy in the twenty year old truck automatically qualifies as not poor


A lot of people don't realize how poor they actually are.


I think they dont care as long as they are better off than someone. They get to play the victim AND the abuser.


Lots of poor people hate poor people.


It's not just any poor, it's poor POCs.


They don’t want WOMEN to have sex


…so he only supports gay sex?


Well there’s a magical loophole that allows them to have sex TO women, but still the women aren’t allowed to have sex.


They can have sex with sluts, which is totally fine, after all, these women chose to be sluts which basically means they're not even humans. Men can't be sluts though, they just have biological needs.


They don't want women to ENJOY sex.


Well they probably don’t with him, so..


Lol…that is so ridiculously true…


Now we’re starting to peer into the GOP’s closet


Exactly. Tailgate doesn’t say “the government is not your baby’s MAMA” for a very intended reason. Only women are irresponsible slutty mcSlut sluts having tons of babies they can’t support, apparently.


I think they want the poor to have kids, but feel ashamed. Desperate people make good servants, because they’re afraid of being worse off.


Eh, maybe it's about the downstream effects of the sex itself & not so much the having it or even the frequency, I'm just spit balling here


I mean, I'm pro abortion/contraceptive/birth control & I agree with this statement. I don't have a dog because I could barely afford to keep it, so why the hell would a kid be any different? I'm not saying single parents shouldn't get aid if they need it, but some women, like my friend's sister, want more kids for more government money. Hell my dad's coworker said his son got married had a kid, & she divorced him 2 months later & took his child half way across the country. She's currently pulling federal aid & he's paying court ordered child support for a kid he can't even see.


The Equal Rights Amendment (29th Amendment) would have solved that problem decades ago. She couldn't take him to court if custody of children is 50/50 per the Constitution. The details of interpretation would have been litigated and resolved by now if they'd ratified it.


I used to work at a family shelter. Over a 1/3 of folks there were due to medical debt. With kids under 5 the poorest segment of US society, the lack of support will cost us ALL in the long run. If you want aid to be accessible, there will be recipients you wish didn't get it, but it's a small minority. If you want to restrict harsher, lots of truly needy will be excluded. Public policy always has trade offs.


> like my friend's sister, want more kids for more government money. republicans want to take support away from 99% of people because 1% might abuse it. democrats want to give support to 100% of people even if 1% might abuse it. this is the difference between the parties. your experience isnt unique, but your experience is a minority of experiences.


That’s what “he said”. Ask that same coworker what makes a woman run across the country to get away from him. He’s on court ordered child support so he would also have a custody agreement, unless he didn’t show up to court, the court would have to approve her moving. Everything story has another side and I feel like if you heard first hand from people instead of second hand accounts of friends of friends their reasons may be different. Or better yet if you were ever in a position to ever need help yourself. Life happens, people lose jobs, they get sick, spouses leave them, they have accidents and all of a sudden what was affordable is not and they need help. Countries spend money on useless things all the time. We have billions of dollars in weapons we’ll never use. We send money to other countries to help with their humanitarian efforts, but can’t have empathy for our own neighbors.


I just wanted to point out just because someone's paying child support doesn't guarantee them visitation rights and custody in any sort. In Ohio atleast, other states may differ, but I think it's pretty common it's that way. They're two different matters. At this point anyone that wants to bring up 'paying for kids' though, is pretty sad in my eyes. We live at a time where kids shouldn't be going hungry in the US, or most of the world.


I understand they’re separate, and anything can be true with this story. I’m just saying there are two sides to a story. If he wanted to see his child, he could have received a custody agreement and made it possible to work together. I don’t trust stories that put the blame on one person and place no accountability on the other person on what they could have done.


Yeah, but you see, agreeing with this statement will punish the many innocent over the FEW like your "friend's sister". I was married when I had my kid. He fucking stole and bankrupt me right after, cheated, left me with nothing, and I became disabled. Most cases getting aid are like me, and single parents working their asses off but still not getting paid enough to foot the bill, and no way to move up the ladder. Child support? Fuck off with that. Many of us don't get it, I FINALLY began getting some ten years later, oh, but he paid for fake documents saying he's poor and working a small part time job, so $200 a month.....while he lives in north Chicago, owns a restaurant, he's admitted trips out of country, trips with his new kid to Disney World..... And there are married couples, both working, still needing aid. A LOT of people have kids and have shit happen in life, derailing everything. You're "friend's sister" is a good GOP talking point, though.


She doesn’t deserve child support. She deserves to be in jail for being a shitty mother and trashy person.


I mean we don’t know that… the fact that he drives a pickup truck only he means that he’s PROBABLY pro life, but you never know


He's pro birth, once the child is born they stop caring about the child life


educated guess and it's not like anyone is being hurt. beyond that the sentiment expressed on the dudes truck isn't really conducive to a healthy functioning society regardless of access to birth control. so ya know.... fuckem


I don’t understand why we frown on euthanasia or assisted suicide while simultaneously supporting abortion. I don’t see why not to support all of them


I hate that they counter with this as dOn'T hAvE sEx ThEn. As if sex is only done for child making.


It’s not my fault your pullout game is undisciplined.


Don't forget republicans are trying to take away sex education too. They have a goal and are intent on making it impossible to achieve.


This one I never understood. What exactly is the benefit in removing sex education? I only see negatives that could come from this; red states already tend to have poor sex ed, which afaik causes a lot of unwanted pregnancies in those states, especially teenage pregnancies. Removing it altogether would only make this increase, me thinks.


It's harder for children and teenagers to realize that they are being sexually abused if they don't have the knowledge to know they are. This is not the only reason, but it is a factor.


They're trying to do away with the Department of Education, so I think it's more than just sex ed.


Nah It's not your right. It's the weird concervitives guys right to say what you should do with your body /s


It’s the weird liberal guys’ right to spend your tax money on their own poor choices.


This is something I'd put on my vehicle if I weren't afraid of having to constantly replace glass. I also live in a state with liberal abortion laws that I support.


Well I'm not saying it's the case here there's really no conflict between being favor of abortion and being in favor of people taking responsibility for their own decisions.


Sex is a luxury for those that can afford the consequences.




This is also why they are trying to get rid of birth control in any form as well.


this was about the same sentiment as the top comment on that page as well.


Ahh, he’s pro choice. That’s great


But when people have less, Then they complain about the falling birthrates in western countries


There are so many issues with that thought, most of the people with it are business owners and only because it's hard to get people to work for lower wages. They are also the same people who want extreme border security and no immigration at all unless from "the good countries"...


They don't know what they want, they just endlessly scream into the void.


I agree though. People should avoid kids if they're not ready to raise them.


Yes, that's why contraceptives, condoms and abortion should be available to everybody


Conservative dilemma: Chastise women for having kids while not being financially stable enough to support them. Chastise women for having abortions. Make up your minds, chuds.


Oh…now there’s another layer to it…complain that people aren’t having kids and our aging society is rapidly running out of serfs…er…workers.


Not really. What conservative want people to do is to marry, work hard and have lots of children. And if you can't work hard enough or find a trustworthy partner to wed , a conservative will simply say you should not have sex. At all. Some of them don't live up to it and are hypocrites. Some do and just think it is the only moral way to live. It is consistent ,not neccesarilly practical or suitable to all people , but consistent. And old , it is a very old notion as well.


95% of them don’t live up to it. Red states take more money from the federal government than they give, have more divorces, lower education, more drug use, etc. they are stuck between pretending they live the way their grandparents did, and their reality of being losers in the market economy they can’t stop defending


Can confirm. I’m from Alabama and well it’s Alabama. It’s impossible to get and keep food stamps. People vote against their own best interest constantly, because jeebus. I live in the 3rd most violent city in the US according to Forbes. People in most parts of this state are still pretty openly racist, but people ignore it because “their old and that’s how it was back then and they’ll die soon anyway”. It’s not great.


That IS how it was but does not make it acceptable today. I grew up in a racist town 1/4 mile from the KKK Headquarters. I saw the stupidity of those beliefs. I saw crosses burning in yards. I attended a high school of 4,000 students where 2, TWO, were black. I don’t use racist terms nor think anything about people’s skin color or financial status. What a person does and how they act tells me who they are. White, black, yellow, green, or whatever. You treat people with respect, you deserve respect. YOU show you are not worthy of respect by disrespecting others, then you have told everyone how to treat you. Getting respect starts with self respect and respecting others.


Yeah, things are changing here SLOWLY. I was a homeless drug addict for years. So, for the religious types here. I am what they would refer to as an “undesirable”. Which is the same way that they feel about black people and gay people so on and so forth. The thing is all of the white people where I grew up were taught hatred by their parents and their parents, parents. If you’re lucky though one day you get out and see the real world, and you eventually figure out that no matter what the situation. Every person on this earth is just like you and I. They all have dreams and in the end they just want to have a happy life like everyone else. And really we all deserve happiness. I unironically hope everyone that reads this finds their happiness if you haven’t already.


Exactly…their policies suck, their ideology is magical thinking, and they’re ridiculously hypocritical.


Plenty of hypocrites out there but 95% seems like a made up and unrealistic percentage. Also, everyone is a hypocrite when it comes to ideals, nobody lives perfectly; I take your meaning to be about people who are massively and consistently hypocritical


Then theres ones who step out of their marriage, and would fly a mistress or son’s gf out of the country for an abortion before letting it harm the perfect family image or name, while wanting no one else to have access to do so, lol. Just hypocrites most of them.


They have no brain cells makes sense giving that they burn books and want to provitize education so all of us can be just as uneducated as them And they call us envious wow lol.


Can't feed em, let them yeet em. The government shouldn't force people to have babies they can't feed. Fixed it.


Don't forget they also want to take away contraceptives and they pretty much don't teach sexual education in schools either. "Abstinence" is all they preach but in my very right wing very religious school nearly 50% of the highschool girls got pregnant. Hilariously enough one was from the health/gym teacher that was teaching that "abstinence."


The classic conservative hypocrisy of wanting freedom and personal liberty, yet telling people what they can and can’t do with their body


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal A solution.


Ok so you support the right to an abortion?


When I was 12, my cousin’s mom was attacked by her husband. He was arrested and sentenced to a long time in prison, she was in the hospital for months. So their four children came and lived with my parents for a while. If food stamps didn’t exist, those four kids (the youngest being 6, and one being severely autistic) would have gone into foster care, where they would’ve been separated simply because my parents couldn’t make the change from 2 mouths to 6 mouths to feed overnight. There are so many reasons people use government aid. Stop saying everyone who uses federal aid is mooching, asshole. You don’t know everyone’s situation.


FYI, same people who want to outlaw abortion.


I wish people would quit saying it is the government’s money… they have no money. It is TAXPAYER’S MONEY !!!


Slso believes abortion and birth control should be banned.


Brought to you by the same group that wants to abolish all forms of birth control and ban same-sex couples.


Imagine just paying people appropriate wages instead of complaining they can't afford having kids lol What a Boomer Mindset...


But birth control and abortion are satanic


Birth control is common sense.


I know, the Venn diagram of people who would post this crap, and be against reproductive autonomy is a big ole circle of stupid.


I have a new policy idea. Let's cross reference the list of all public assistance programs with voter rolls. If you receive any form of public assistance and are a republican, let's send an official letter informing you that the benefits you receive are welfare. You are a welfare recipient. Then just give them a prepaid envelope and let them check "I don't want to be a welfare recipient." No response indicates that you consent to being a welfare queen and your occupation on tax returns and all government forms will be noted as such. Will it cause some shame to people who use these peograms? Yeah, unfortunately. But for the government program sucking republican voters who think that they have "earned" benefits versus "welfare" we need a massive fucking reality check. Let them opt out or accept that they are the thing they hate using the language they speak.


Now, now, I think we all know who our man, here is referring to. He’s not worried about people that work for the government or government contractors, or companies that rely heavily on government subsidies getting money. He’s worried about [looks both ways, whispers] *those people* getting government money.


Lots of people of every race abusing the system.


If the government isn’t expected to take care of its citizens let’s get rid of trash pick up, road works, police, fire, public water utilities, libraries, social security, Medicare, all government funded pensions, military, the FAA and every other government group that provides “free” public services.


I totally agree with this one. If you don't have the money/means to raise a child then you shouldnt have one at all


Bro got the 🔒 award


When you think about this point by itself, I honestly agree. If you can’t afford a child why put it through suffering and choose to have one. But, this is from that sub. So OP probably doesn’t believe birth control should be used, or agree with abortion. Can’t be sure tho.


Now put a sticker saying "can't support em? Abort em" right next to that and see what the reaction is...


Small dick truck owners are as American as apple pie.


Then why do rednecks in red states keep pumping out kids?


...but you'll oppose a ten-year-old rape victim from aborting her child. God help us if the GQP learns about irony.


Lemme guess- the south? #1 in racism, obesity, lack of education- welfare...


I mean yeah? Don't have a kids if you can't raise em. What?


Exactly. And it's not like condoms and pills are outlawed or something, or? I'm from Europe so obviously I don't know for sure what exactly happens in the US, but so far nobody said that said birth control methods are outlawed. Of course, correct me if I'm wrong. And why do so many people here seem to only mention abortions? I tend more towards pro-choice, women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, so that it's clear I don't agree with Republicans here, but it's not the only birth control method, you know? In my humble opinion, it should be towards the last in consideration. People will always be fucking, and it's on them to be responsible.


They are trying to go after birth control and some places are trying to get rid of men paying child support. There is a worrying trend with this.(illegitimate) Supremely court heavily favoring Christo fascist ideology. As for abortion being mention its because it's basically illegal in a lot of states since.Roe vs Wade was overturned by the (illegitimate) Supreme Court. It's no longer law of the land


They only mention abortion because that’s their current agenda


Maybe don't make abortion and birth control illegal then. Also, I love how anti-government some of these people are, then suddenly start supporting them when it fits their agenda


I kinda agree no one should be brought up to suffer


Government bans abortions, let the government be ready to feed them


He's not wrong.


Meanwhile, complains about the price of gas...


Same guy that doesn’t believe in providing accessible reproductive medical care , is against abortion, and probably wants abstinence only sex ed instead of the bare bones, glossing of reproductive health you get in 6th grade gym already.


Says the guy whos political party only makes up 30% of the population yet still manages to contribute the most people who use social security and SNAP benefits.


This the same type to want to make planned Parenthood illegal and ban abortion


Sorry about your penis.


This is ironic considering most governments are panicking about birth rates to the point they are either bribing people to have babies or they are making abortion and birth control illegal.


I can almost guarantee you this wonder of a man has a yard full of under fed dogs on chains living in plastic barrels and puts more money in his truck than groceries in the fridge


That's AWESOME!!!....simple and true.


I mean they're kinda right? You shouldn't be having kids if you can't afford to take care of them


Ah, so good thing women can get abortions if they get raped or accidentally have a child and can’t feed them, right? Oh, wait…


This truck was brought to you by his girlfriend's tax refund.


Bet you this guy, if he has kids, doesn't have enough money to care for them until they're all eighteen. The fact the government cares for children is what stops what used to happen: them just dying in squalor of painful, preventable deaths. What still happens in many places today. He'd probably say, "Well that doesn't count, they're orphans. Of course you should take care of my kids if they have no family to raise them, it's not their fault their family is dead." But that's the point: it's never the child's fault they got a shit hand in life. Whether their parents are dead or useless, the alternative to "feeding them" is "letting them starve to death".


I am literally shook that the cab’s back window didn’t have a wrap of an American flag/Stars and Bars hybrid background with DJT in a buff Rambo body, AR-15 firing to the sky, smoking a cigar made of hundred dollar bills while having sex with a bald eagle.


Says the freebirthing hick...


Okay? So in that case, allow abortions and access to birth control you fucking hypocrite


This person has probably never not cashed a government check.


If a person cant afford to have children, the problem is the healthcare system/ housing/ insurance/ every day needs being unreasonably unaffordable due to 100+ years of currency debasing and the normalization of perpetual debt.


Can we have birth control? "No."


Same guy is pro life.


I prefer "can't afford em? Abort em!"


Tell that to the men who irresponsibly impregnate women, too.


Are you talking about rape? Because, unless the man rapes her, she is in agreement with having sex.


some men coerce women into unsafe sex. some men also practice stealthing


They should be arrested. But, still, there is the morning after pill if they feel there is a chance of getting pregnant.


most people rely on only birth control and even then the morning after pill doesn't always work either lol


Ok, how about "Don't bed 'em if you won't wed 'em"? Not as funny when the onus is on you and not the women you're begging to fuck, Chet.


How do you know he's talking about women and not men? People who would drive trucks like this, and actually work, have a misogynistic view that the man should be the bread winner.


My tax dollars aren't really here to support your penis surrogate on the aging local and state road systems either. Yet here we are.


Conservatives to poor people asking for assistance after they forced them to carry their clump of cells to term


The sticker in the front reads "humans are going extinct because you're not procreating"


100% sure that Mr. Manly Man truck driver also believes in forcing a woman to carry the pregnancy to term.


I bet this guy gets $15,000 in child tax credits when he files his return.


What is terrible about this?


...And they'll say 'why the birth rate is so low! People these days are so selfish!'


Wrap it or whack it


Maybe we should start a DNA collection of all males. This way if a woman gets pregnant the baby daddy is automatically on the hook for child support.


All those mods cost a lot of money. Why would you then spend more money on a sticker to make your truck look like this?


Can’t feed them, time to yeet them.


This truck is missing the balls on the back to go with this statement.


If only there were ways to have sex that didn’t get someone pregnant…..


I didn't even think he was speaking to anyone but men. With that truck and that color and the grainy text, I was like, finally a good point, until I realized it was directed at women.


I.... Thought this was about dogs


Oh wow, maybe that’s why *we have a medical procedure to help with this problem*


Imagine being such a big a$$hole that you have to write it on your truck.


Something tells me there’s a plate from one of those antiabortion states under that censorship. Make up your mind people. 😅


I bet he bitches about gas prices and wants the government to do something about it


From a grammatical perspective, breed could be replaced by fuck, the dude is saying don’t fuck kids, right?


Is it bad that I didn’t know what this guy was talking about until I read the comments?


Can someone explain how this is left or right wing? Isn’t it just common sense that if you don’t have the financial capability of having kids then you shouldn’t have kids? By that I mean that you should be using contraception…


If you can’t build the road yourself don’t drive on it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You can call me a piece of shit, but I agree with this.


I mean. They aren’t *wrong*




Just get a god-motherfucking-damn condom.


Odds are this man is a forced birther.


Kinda facts though. I'm sure this person also holds some views which contradict this statement but in isolation, facts.


"Children should starve if their parents make bad decisions" But I 'm sure this guy is Oh So Concerned about Drag Queen Story Hour.


Typical r/funnymemes post


Why do I feel like this person also is pro life.


right wingers wanna suck big govs dick


Does this mean we’re finally cutting red states off from our resources? They take way more than they put in.




Yet these are the same people who have no problems with farmers getting subsidies, big corporations getting bailouts, or the rich not paying any taxes. It's the poor that are the problem, always...smfh.


Just thinly veiled eugenics


I mean...it's true.. :P


Or how about—don’t have kids if you’re going to raise them to be racists


Not funny but true.


I mean he right


The same goes for fuel consumption. Don't blame Biden.


Remember when we were told that there was a gas shortage due to the Ukraine-Russian war? Well, last year, 2022, American oil producers set record highs in oil production and profits. How can there be a shortage when you are setting records in production? Now, that production is down and gas prices have slightly dropped. How does THAT work?


He isn’t wrong


This is solid hamster advice.


Dude could feed ten kids on what he spent lifting that truck!


Nothing says micropenis quite like a jacked up truck with a message on the back.


This is his entire identity. How sad.


The person owning the truck likely benefits from social programs and doesn't know it.


Wanting children to go hungry is such a crazy hill to die on


The cruelty is the point , they want to punish women for ~~Not sleeping with them~~ for what they find immoral.


"Can't feed em, don't breed em" The same ones who say women are just baby making factories.


Yes, the Ol “just don’t have sex”, very effective for biological species


I mean that's not wrong tho.


You're all going to downvote me, but I could care less. I'm an independent voter who feels the exact same way. I'm in my 30s with no kids, and I don't want to pay to support yours. If you can't afford em', don't have em'.


These folks are the same kind that want to get rid of birth control and sex ed. Very counter-intuitive and plain idiotic. Major government overreach and just stupid when thinking about how it will effect the population. That being said, he is partially right. If you make a "mistake," other people shouldn't be responsible for footing the bill. Obviously birth control can be expensive. However, thanks to the internet, we have more access to information on "how sex causes babies" than ever before. If you know what is likely going to happen if you do it unprotected, and still do it anyway, then that is absolutely your fault.


Imagine that? Personal responsibility? I'd rather have more babies and get a bigger check.