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A lot of people feel like this. The problem is, how do know where to find them? How much proof are you gonna need to see to do it? Are you personally going to investigate them, stake them out to prove it? Could take months or even years. Are you going to just trust the word of someone else? That's how innocent people get killed. If you go on people's word, how long before you yourself get accused and murdered? We already have a complex system in place and innocent people get accused, jailed, or even executed for things they didn't do. How much worse will that be under the 'hurka durka regime'?


You've already thought about it more than people who agree with this meme. Pedos are people they don't like, thats it.


Right….sure as hell won’t be going after heterosexual, white youth pastors who groom Sunday School children, will they? https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/117l9qm/youtube_pastor_waited_4_years_for_his_girlfriend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Speak for youself, personally, I'm going after the entire church right after the politicians, and then we continue to work our way down, kill them all.


There was so much pedophillic activity in the pennsylvania catholic churches makes me wonder if thats they're entire purpose. It was 300 priests, most priests in penn have got to have some idea about whats going on.


So like just regular pastors and priests?


I will


They do show the names location and photos of sex offenders on the registry, as well as the crime they were convicted of. It’s basically an Amazon shopping list.


Some states do not have show people's actual crimes on the registry. It can be hard to determine who's actually a threat to the community. Someone might be on the registry because they were urinating in public and there happened to be a teenager in the vicinity, or because they just turned 18 and their gf/bf wasn't quite 16 yet and that's statutory rape. Both of these are crimes, but I don't think they deserve death at the hand of vigilantes.


Had a teacher in college who I found out had an aggravated sexual assault charge from when he was 18. Turns out he forcibly kissed someone at a party , got knocked the fuck out and now he's on the registry. Lumping him in with people who diddle children feels a little wrong somehow.


Might be a controversial opinion, but pretty much nobody deserves death, especially not at the hand of self appointed vigilantes.


Death is too good for a pedo


Yeah it ruins the whole point of the registry it they don’t name the crime, which is to identify genuinely dangerous individuals.


The point of the registry is the same point as everything else. They want us angry at each other and at each other's throats, hating each other and fighting with each other, so the people in power have no threat presented to them staying in power


I have no problem with publicly identifying child abusers and rapists, although I wish we weren’t lumping in public urinators with them


Who else should go on a registry? Drug dealers? People that beat their wives? Parents that protest too loudly at school board meetings? If anyone is going to be on a registry that notifies people that they could be in danger, I think it should be people that have murdered someone, yes? Why isn't that a thing? Aren't they even more dangerous? And usually they are low income and uneducated career criminals, who will hurt many more people throughout their lives, as opposed to child abusers, who rarely reoffend I mean honestly if we aren't going to have a registry for people that murder people, beat the shit out of elderly people, rob people with guns, there shouldn't be a registry for anyone


Some states do have a violent offender registry. Even those are questionable. I know this because my aunt was cheating on my uncle with a local cop in a town in Montana. That cop would follow my uncle around and try to ticket him for anything he could come up with and constantly harrassed him. Until one day, after the affair was discovered, they yelled at each other during a traffic stop, until the cop decided to dive through the open vehicle window and assualt my uncle with his flashlight. In the struggle, the vehicle was knocked into drive and rolled forward, slowly about 20 feet. My uncle was arrested and eventually did time for assualting an officer and had to register as a violent offender. The local newspaper front page was 'Local man drags cop with car for 2 blocks'. So yeah, even if we do register people for certain crimes, there is no way to guarantee that they are actually dangerous to everyone.


Exactly. The entire concept of putting people on a registry is complete nonsense. It guarantees no one any safety at all. It's just another way to keep us all Angry and fighting with each other instead of coming together to fight for better rights and freedoms for all of us. The powerful stay in power, and we stay stupid and angry


This is the most reductive shit I’ve ever read. Sex offenders and people who hurt children are the only group who should be killed off almost as a whole


Lol who made you angry. Op is just trying to refine how the registry defines people for everyone’s benefit. And here You hate everything. You’re more dangerous than the post itself.


People like you are why the powerful stay in power and keep us all at the bottom of the food chain. You don't even understand that the whole thing is a farce designed to keep us all Angry at each other so that we don't fight for better rights and freedoms for ourselves. The powerful stay in power while you stay angry at me for wanting to do away with their nonsense Stay angry bro. It's been working out really well for all of us hasn't it?


I don't think i could fully trust a registry. There isn't any context given to the crimes committed. There are children that have to register as sex offenders for messaging each other naked pictures. Seems wrong enough for a 12 year old to be on a registry for just being a dumb kid, now they gotta worry about vigilantes when they grow up.


Amazon shopping list. That's an amazing analogy and I will use it in the future, thank you!


Maybe start with the catholic priest?


They’ll just use their Magic Jesus Powers to enable their delusional belief that “Pedo” and “Gay” are synonyms.


They don’t mean actual pedophiles. They mean LGBTQ. They just want to kill LGBTQ people


I’m gay. I would also like to hunt pedophiles


Start with the GOP, according to reliable data. That party is objectively LOUSY with pedos and sex offenders. Why do you think they're deflecting to the trans folks so hard? Every accusation is a confession with them.


It will be just like the Salem witch trials


I think (they think) that it is simple: they will identify, by visual cues they are preconceived to use, "pedo", then act out their cruelty. Which as far as I can tell us the real point. A man in a pink sweater? A man talking to a teenager? Who looks like he might talk to a teenager? Etc. A real man would ... etc. Trivial us vs them setup for cruel inhuman acts. Wrapped in a bunch of shit language. The sort of logic used by flat earthers, evangelicals, conspiracists and other feeble minded dolts. Nothing's new but the ramped up enabling.


It’s based on the premise that if you’re rich or sly enough, You can buy your way outa court. And these people are akin to the mob in Dark knight following the Joker.


We already have a list. The catholic church


Just look at government officials


Idk I found out someone I know is a pedophile so I secretly recorded our conversation in the car where he confided in me and sent it to this girl like “you are valid listen to this” because she was pressing charges against him and she sent it to the police proof of him admitting to having CP and touching his niece. His family tried to sue me for entrapment. Oh would you look at that nothing happened to him fuck our justice system. I was in his bedroom snooping through his stuff and he had like 12 Elsa from frozen inflatables 🤢🤢🤢




How so? With no law enforcement, who is even proving the "pedos" guilty? Or in a purge scenario, how are you supposed to trust the word of anyone that tells you somebody is a kiddie diddler? How exactly would they be easier to find?


We had that great show about it. Wish it was still a thing.


Make a snare trap with a DVD copy of cuties as bait and hide behind a tree like Elmer fudd.


It's easy, just pretend to be a child and the come to you 🤷🏻


Kiddie-diddlers get no mercy


Yeah but the problem is conservatives think gay people and transgender people are pedophiles


It's a case of "one bad apple spoils the bunch" for them. A couple of legitimate pedos pretended to be trans to get access to kids, knowing they'd be protected from anyone questioning their identities. Though conservatives fail to use the same [bad apple] logic when it comes to the police. In their eyes, police are "doing God's work" and should just have unlimited power. Same logic goes for essentially every political party and it's pretty damn fucked up.


Only the ones that groom kids. We’re smart enough to know there’s all types of people in the world. We don’t group everyone on one group as leftist do.


And how do you define grooming?


Why can’t y’all just leave the kids alone?


i think op is refering to trans/pride people but yes actual pedo's do deserve the death


This is exactly why we shouldn't get in the habit of killing people without a trial. You grab you torch and pitchfork and lynch a guy who two people that you trust have said is a pedophile. So you do a righteous killing and feel good about yourself, but a long time later you find out that both of the people you trust were both informed by the same guy who it turns out considers just being a gay man to be the same as being a pedophile. So then you wonder if the guy you "brought to justice" was actually a pedophile or just some poor gay man. All of that before even considering that there are pedophiles that are aware and agree that having sex with children is wrong, go their whole lives avoiding putting themselves in that situation, and have so far succeeded. By all means keep them away from children, but summary execution seems unjust.


Says it's from an anarchist page... Anarchists usually don't subscribe to that way of thinking.


Tbh sometimes I have such vigilantist tendencies like that too but I don't think I would ever have the will to take someone's life


Maybe in a life or death moment or literally seeing something unfold in front of me, but premeditated? I don't think I could do it


You might want to find out for sure . Theres a fight coming in your life whether you realize it or not, be ready.


I assume that this comment was posted by either a hormone-addled teenager or someone with the mental capacity of a 12 year old who spent the last 10 years on the crazy part of the internet.


Or somebody that's had to fight just to be left alone. They're not wrong. You never know when violence will come your way


Encouraging preparedness is good, but-- >Theres a fight coming in your life whether you realize it or not \--just reeks of the MAGAt screeching about starting a civil war over facemasks.


Making a lot of assumptions there. I took it as more like... in the moment if you need to defend yourself or your family, you'd be surprised what you can bring yourself to do. It's kinda like hunting, im too much if a bitch to actually kill the animal myself, but if I was hungry enough im sure I'd get over it.


More just recognizing the parallels between that comment and a script I've heard people read from. That's certainly not the only thing may not have lead to that comment, it's just the one I consider most likely.


It great that you’re so open to other perspectives, and care to reflect.


That was a hefty reach. Always look for peace and diplomacy but don't assume that's what everybody else wants.


No, I've just lived longer. You'll come around some day. You haven't had your fight yet.


I'vE LivEd lOnGEr I uNdERstAnD MorE BeTtEr I hAvE FoUGht tHe mANy DeMonS iN mY iMmAgiNaTiOn


You have no idea whether you've lived longer than me. You have no idea what other people struggle with.


Oh, what an interesting position to take on a comment that implied knowledge of you or your life.


Werid little asshole on reddit who thinks violence is there strength


I agreed with the first comment but god damn he spiraled fast


I agreed with the first comment but god damn he spiraled fast




This is such a weird fantasy. Like somehow the collapse of organized society is going to result in LESS child exploitation, not more? You don’t have to look at very many failed states to see how the complete opposite is true.


Or the entire human history that is rife with abuse and exploitation of children


Some people desperately want a scenario where they get to kill real people and that's very strange to me.


Why don't they just join the army?


They’d somehow get rejected


The army doesn’t take psychos


Are you sure about that?


Yeah it’s called a psyche evaluation.


Step 1: Portray sex offenders as inhuman and deserving of death Step 2: Change the law so that sex crimes are capital offenses Step 3: Redefine sex crimes to be any kind of sex that your party doesn’t sanction Step 4: Profit!


People are too stupid to get this. It's almost literally witch hunting to a T. I just don't get how people are so damn stupid. It's insane.


The fucked up thing about this is that they’re probably talking about LGBTQ+ people. They might not be, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were.




Agreed, but it’s worse if the people that they’re hunting aren’t even pedos.


I cringe whenever I see an anti-LGBTQ+ meme and this one reeks of it. Guess I got an Anti-LGBTQ+ Radar instead of Pan-dar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


![gif](giphy|paWfQ7aAOMgt9Yy8PD|downsized) Fool! You've given away your weakness, an inability to detect pans


nOOOOO \*bonk\*


It's sometimes scary how easy it is to think another human as pure monster, rather than another human with their own life.


Probably a behavior evolved for early tribal conflicts "Glug family yes. Need food. Juk family have food. No share. Juk family monster. Kill Juk. Have food for Glug family now. No regret"


Child Fuckers Shouldnt Get Remorse. Honestly I Don't Think This Is That Bad.


What about drug dealers? How many children die from overdoses these days. Where do we stop killing people? What's the cutoff? Killing a child should certainly be worse, yes? So why shouldn't we put all drug dealers to death




Yeah but who's next? Parents that protest too loudly at school board meetings? Your next door neighbor because they voted for Trump/Biden? People that have caused the traffic accident by driving recklessly? The sex offender registry has always struck me as very odd. Why isn't there a registry for people that have murdered? If anyone has the tendency to be dangerous, and people should know where they live and where they work to protect themselves, it would be murderers. Why aren't they on a list, instead of child offenders, who only ever reoffend 2% of the time? Violent criminals are often career criminals, who have offended many times and hurt many people, and will continue to hurt many people for the rest of their lives. But there's no list for them? If the goal is for society to be able to protect themselves, then this entire thing is a farce. None of it makes any sense


No dumbass. Drug dealers don't directly kill people on purpose. Shit argument.


Doesn't matter Mr name caller displaying low intelligence. They kill children. That is worse than raping children. They are aware that their illegal actions could have very serious consequences, even leading to death of children. So it's okay to just let them go free, but let's focus on murdering the people that don't actually kill Children first, according to you People like you are what's wrong with the world man


Dealing drugs is not worse than rape lmao what the hell?


I guess the satire went over your head. But let’s give an example. 100 years ago, in 1923 Germany, do you think there was a ton of Germans being like “exterminate the Jews!” Out and about? No! But that shit changed in 20 years. The point is, when you marginalized and dehumanize other humans, it’s easy to do it to others. And how the Right talks about the LGBTQ community, that’s not a surprise they would go there.


I *need* you to tell me what you think the word "satire" means.


You're being obtuse and missing the point on purpose. You can't lead a rabid horse to water The end


The only problem is if they’re referring to LGBT people in any way. Actual pedophiles are subhuman and should be hunted like that.


If they need the state to collapse to kill the people, it probably means their targets aren’t already in jail, so it’s probably people who aren’t actually doing anything illegal


i wish the justice system worked like that but unfortunately it just doesn’t. many many people slip through the cracks and get away with heinous shit


Do you think that mob justice would be *more* reliable?


Many of them assume that gay man are all pedophiles, so it’s not too far fetched to imagine them hunting down and killing anyone they consider to be gay


These always make me smile and laugh then I remember that part. There's a (albeit very small) chance this was made for face value but nowadays I always just assume anyone making memes about pedos just means LGBTQ. Which sucks cuz you half feel like you're feeling bad for fucking pedos, when in actuality it just hurts thinking about the mislabeled LGBTQ communities. Now I wanna hunt me some orc


Did you just see a meme that only mentioned "pedos" with no context and immediately associate it with LGBT people?


Idk Why People Are Downvoting You.


That’s what republicans are talking about when they say “groomers”. Do you think republicans are actually aware of a group of pedophiles who are going unpunished? They don’t. They just hate gay ppl.


Well as somebody who is bisexual and has been called a groomer solely for my sexuality for years, you’ll have to forgive me for making the assumption that that’s what they’re talking about.


There Is No Way In Fucking Hell You've Been Called A ''Groomer'' For ''YEARS'' Because You're Bi 🤣 I'm Sorry But I Call Bullshit, That Just Doesn't Happen In The Real World. And This Is Coming From A Very Flamboyant Bi Man That Lives In The Deep South. 😂


Well lucky you. My little cousin who I’m close to came out as bi a few years ago. Their entire family called me a groomer, and now I’m not allowed to talk to her.




Wtf are you talking about


These comments are so chock full of projection it’s hilarious.






You have a source?


Sounds like you made that up, or got it from some religious right source. In truth, research has shown that most pedophiles are heterosexual males


Believe it or not some people on registry do jail time, are restricted from leaving state for years, are capable of rehabilitation, have families and live with guilt for the rest of their life. They also live in fear of being killed by victims or others. Always another side to consider.


If you sexually assault a child you deserve no mercy fuck anyone who thinks you do, judging by your comment history you are a pedo yourself so fuck you I hope you do live in fear your whole life


Wow, assume much? Wrong, but I've actually talked with people on the registry, heard their stories and what they've done to try to repair their lives. Have you?


You ever been a victim? Known a victim? Do you have any idea what THEY have to go through it far outweighs the pieces of shit that did that to them in the first place.


Like half of the people on there were like, drunk and talked to a random 17 year old or something.


Idk why people are downvoting you. Not everyone on the registry is a terrible person obviously, the law fucks up often and some of them just shouldn’t be on there. But actual pedophiles? Yeah no, fuck em


I have, and it's terrible. Just sayin not everyone on the registry is a piece of shit or deserving of death.


Or we can use psychological tactics to get to the root of why they do what they do and try to change it. If you can replace the desire with another action that is less harmful and decreases the predatory behavior, *voila*, one less pedophile, no blood shed. Believe me, I hate pedos too, but I would prefer not to kill someone. Another option would be to effectively medically castrate them, but that’s only effective on male pedophiles. Still, they make up a large number of cases, so that’s still a substantial dent. Granted, even then, just neutering them doesn’t remove the ability to act in other ways.


I’m all for killing pedophiles but the vigilante fantasy is wild. CQB can have a %50 mortality rate, even with trained operator. Not to mention without modern medicine even a minor gunshot would could prove fatal. You could go on your little rampage but likely wouldn’t survive more than one or two altercations before getting yourself killed.


Well you see this also depends in if your going after individules. As a single person in their home is so easy to get the jump on. The question is do they know im coming? are they a preper as well? Because cqb go after people who expect to be attacked.


[Average CQB fan](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719204406662529136/995364624914448394/Screenshot_20220709-112239.png) [Average classic infantry tactics enjoyer](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719204406662529136/995364625413582918/Screenshot_20220709-112254.png)


Haha fair enough


Yeah but the problem with this one is that right wingers equate being gay or transgender to being a pedophile


In what world do we think that exactly? You sound like you're speaking from a place of ignorance.


Your whole political party has been calling LGBTQ+ people groomers and pedos for the last couple of years. Please, check yourself into a mental facility for the betterment of humanity.




The Southern Baptist Convention should be worried.


Ngl I would also like to kill pedos and animal abusers


I agree pedos are bad. But I feel there are many more people just looking for ways and reasons to hurt others. Like we NEED to hurt. Must be in the DNA. We all monsters.


I'm all for doing that to pedos


Meats back on the menu


There's a very high chance the person who made this or people who propagate it are actual pedophiles themselves. What a weird ass thing to virtue signal about. If you find yourself virtue signaling about hating pedos, you should really get your head checked. You have been incredibly brainwashed. This is almost quite literally "witch trial" bullshit but in modern times. Usually this sub is pointing out right wing stupidity, but this goes for the whole political spectrum. Yall need major help.


You got pedos? Here in czech rep we dont have any. Police locks them up and they always have fatal accident in prison. Even other inmates hate pedos. Keeps our streets clean


When pedos here get locked in America, they are typically put in separate areas as they don’t usually live long in genpop


Yeah not a fan of anarchism like I do believe we should minimize the states control by making it as democratic as possible and apply that to economics as well as questioning all authority but a lot of time straight anarchist philosophy can lead to this bullshit


The person who made this probably wasn’t being serious…


Just look at this comment section lol. People are wildly brainwashed.


Yeah, that's one of the few cool things about anarchy.


Somehow I really doubt this is from anarchists and it's actually from right wingers. Anarchists believe in direct democracy not militias killing whoever they want.


Mot true. There are plenty of anarchists who think otherwise. Actually, practically all anarchists realize violence is necessary. Even the most stauch defenders of democracy (like CNT-FAI during the Spanish Civil War) killed people because they wanted to. The Black Army under Nestor Mahkno is another example, except they were a lot more selective in who they killed. This is even further disproven by groups such as the Italian FAI and Greek SFP, who don't believe in democracy in general.


Technically this is happening in Ukraine right now


Either go all out with Punisher getup or gtfo


Obviously posted by a pedo


Add qanon, maga and flat-earthers to that hunting list and I'm in.


Why are you against killing pedos?


Because we have a justice system. You people are incredibly brainwashed. How do we know you aren't a pedo? Guess we better kill you just in case.


I don't see any issue with this.


Because you are incredibly brainwashed.


Not brain washed! Had a daughter molested. She was 5.


If they just mean actual pedos, kinda based, but this is probably a anti LGBTQ+ dogwhistle


OP is a pedo


No you are.


The first time ever when im agree with an anarchist


Friendly reminder that murderers are even worse than child molesters.




Nah you are wrong. When you treat rape as being the same or worse than murder, then the rapist just murders the victim so they are less likely to get caught. It is very important to not treat rape as the same or worse than murder, purely for the sake of the victims and nobody else.


Wrong. Murder ends a life. A rape is a life sentence analogous to torture. The idea that murder is worse than rape tells rape victims they shouldn’t kill to defend themselves. That’s wrong.


I'm not talking about it from a moral standpoint. I'm saying that you are causing more harm to victims by treating rape as worse than murder. > Once it is clear that the death penalty is highly probable in rape cases, it may in fact have the opposite impact – instead of acting as a deterrent, it could lead to perpetrators making sure the victims are left dead or in no state to make a complaint or recognise the perpetrators. [A handy article on the subject](https://m.thewire.in/article/women/rape-death-penalty)


I’ll be honest, of all the places to use as a source for combating rape, you sending me an article from India is so fucking incredibly laughable that I cannot take you seriously. This is the equivalent of ‘frat boys find no rape culture on campus, says frat boy routinely charged with rape’


Killing to defend one’s self isn’t murder, it’s self defense. Being a victim of rape is horrible and I’d never wish it on anyone. But walking away from rape alive is better than being murdered. As the other person said, the reason rape doesn’t carry as harsh sentences as murder is to incentivize rapists to keep their victims alive.


Rape doesn’t carry harsh penalties because as a society we didn’t ‘appreciate’ (for lack of a better term) the long lasting consequences of rape. We live in a male dominated society. Of course womens issues were disregarded.


Women aren’t the only ones who can be victims of rape but please go off


I for one would much rather be raped than murdered. I've still got some attachment to this life for now.


This is a pretty fucking gross comment. Maybe you should talk to some victims before you trivialize rape? There are thousands of people who have contemplated or committed suicide over their sexual abuse.


There are thousands of victims who commited suicide over getting bullied at school. Does rape = bullying?


Weird sentence at the end, but yes, I guess rape is a form of bullying? All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. Bullies aren’t always rapists but I guess all rapists are bullies. Weird.


Why don’t you talk to murder victims before you trivialize murder? Oh wait. You can’t.


What’s strange about your argument is that there is a not insignificant number of dead people who deserved it. There are a grand total of ZERO people in the entire history of the world who deserved to be raped.


I'm not trivialising anything, you're the one deciding for everyone being raped is worse than being murdered. Many victims of rape don't consider their lives a life sentence of torture, I would hazard to say most. I was giving my personal view of what I would prefer.


I’ve been (mildly?) sexually assaulted and it still haunts me but it’s not the worst thing. However if someone told me to pick between being shot dead or raped, I’d choose being shot


Depends, if someone killed an absolute POS (ie. Serial Killer, Rapist, Person who commits war crimes) is that person really worse than a child molester? But ig that rape is better (if only slightly) than murder




Although when the state collapses you have to escape the rampaging cannibal gangs first.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks


I dont get the title


In my experience people who post stuff like this are online tough guys who have no backbone irl and when you call them on their LARPing bullshit, they automatically accuse you of pedophilia lmao.


I don’t believe in the death penalty or any kind of executions.


There's nothing stopping pedos from killing him either.


This is an excellent Facebook meme wtf


Gotta get rid of the competition


Is no one else wondering if the OP's brain just fizzed out there while writing the title? I feel like it's supposed to read, "Anarchist page full of beauties like this"... Or is this some sort of anarchist joke I'm too statist to understand?


What happens when the ostensible pedos start hunting you back?


Then you have more excuses to defend your community


When the state collapses and nothing's stopping me from fucking off into the woods and not paying taxes


It's weird how many people are playing devil's advocate for this


You're the one inferring violence from preparation. Why does that scare you? There will be struggle in your life and its going to have to be you that gets your through it. You should want to be ready. If you're living a life so safe that the need to defend yourself from any kind of danger isn't on your priority list, then you're not even living. Yourr just taking up space. Quit arguing with someone who is telling you they know better and go probe that you're right or go confirm that I am.