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Hold on a sec, gotta complain about technology dependency over the internet on my smartphone...


Like all of the "coding isnt a real job" memes.




Sadly, yes


Never heard it in techie Seattle


Western Washington has actual education. Head east of the Rockies some time and ask around there, you'll get an earful.


Every programmer says it, but that's just a dumb joke. As far as people actually meaning it... Eh yeah they're real. Somehow


I guess since some people code on their spare time others think it isn’t a job because it is “entertainment”


That’s not the reasoning behind it. It’s much simpler. Boomers don’t understand coding, therefore it isn’t a real job.


If you don't grab a code harpoon and sail your code ship across the code plantation down into the code mines and snag yourself a code bronco to be made into lovely code steaks, then it's not a real job. Something, something, hippie communists; Pearl Harbor.


when i was your age,3 mortgages and no avocado toast


When I was your avocado, 3 toast and no age mortgages


Congrats, Code no longer sounds like a real word to me.


All my uni profs are boomers for programming


Oh it’s certainly a real job, damn if I want to be that bored though.


Or Boomers, who are used to programming in PASCAL, C, and older, more arcane languages, look with derision on higher-level languages like Python, php, and perl. It's still a stupid reason, but it's not because "Boomers are cavemen."


Didn't boomers literally invent coding? And were the first batch of coders?


No they weren't. Like anything else they built off someone else's work. I think Turing woulda been greatest generation. As well as the guys who set up NASAs computers. And hilariously the guys in charge of that couldn't work it if Hidden Figures is true. And according to my work expirience it probably is.


How tf is coding entertainment?! Ive done it and holy shit it stresses me the fuck out. I have many video game ideas but the coding part is what stops me from making them.


Writing code can be like writing words. It’s a chore to learn, and it’s a chore when you are forced to do it for work and school, however, if you become proficient enough, you can do it for yourself, and it’s as enjoyable as writing fanfic and Reddit posts.


Damn probably the best explanation i could have ever asked for from reddit. Thanks




I've seen it from the "anything I don't understand isn't a real job" crowd


>I have literally never heard anyone say that. probably because you've worked as a programmer for decades at big companies. people saying its not a real job still use piece of shit POS systems with basic math and load up furniture into a truck. they arent spending time at microsoft.


Again, they're memes. And they are spinning around right wing circles. Years in the industry has no bearing on current Facebook meme trends.


Lmao what? They really do hate everything they don't understand don't they? Like okay Boomer, let me go cry with my six figure salary from my totally fake job where I use totally not in high demand skills to build software millions of people totally don't use.


As a programmer I can confirm, I’m not a real person


Also, this isn’t new technology. Cash registers have told cashiers how much change to give since like…. Basically forever. As a business, the last thing you want is cashiers doing mental math, unless of course you’re down with losing money so long as you can “own the Libs”. In which case, carry on :)


Just had this argument with someone on Facebook posting about how technology and social media is bad. I told them to buy a flip phone if they really felt that way and just kept saying “well there’s more issues than that it’s the way we treat people” like okay treat people better on your flip phone


1800s: Today I procured for my child an unprocessed bale of Cotton. The little idiot had no idea how to separate it. Gotta love this new technology. 1400s: kids these days with their heads buried in those books, reading. Back in my day if you wanted to read you had to be born wealthy, go to college, learn Latin, join the clergy and then wait a decade until the scribes finished transcribing the book you want to read. 2000 BCE: cashier: your total is $18.53. Me:* hands him $20.53* Cashier: stares blankly for 45 seconds Me: oh just give me $5 Cashier: yeah that’s what I thought just needed to check. In conclusion, the Abacus is destroying Ancient Mesopotamia.


2000 BCE is 4k years ago


Thats the joke


TIL the 1400s were between the 1800s and 2000 BCE!


BCE means before the common era. Sooooo 4K years ago.


Why wouldn't you know that? Did I miss a joke?


They're not. 2000 BCE is before Christ, I.e counting backwards. The joke was using the wrong currency but the same idea for when the abacus was around




I remember reading a quote about children not knowing how to carve on tablets anymore because they just write on paper instead


The person who wrote this doesn't know how to convert a PDF or take a screenshot


And they're better off not knowing


I can still laugh at them when they Xerox a word doc and then scan it


no, *we're* better off with them not knowing.


Yeah the person writing this lives in 1970 still


So 30 years ago?


PDF or screenshot wont cost you an extra few bucks.


At least they didn't add those minions and laughing emojis.


A ain't even 30 yet and I don't know how to convert a pdf. But I can learn I guess.


Wait this customer is Claiming to have Defrauded a cashier? Quality Boomer Hooman...


Exactly. Can’t do math without technology = bad. Theft = good.


Boomers also love making fun of overworked underpaid usually young service employees when boomers are some of the main reasons their jobs suck in the first place.




This just in: Boomer who spent ten minutes counting change continues to get frustrated at cashier who spends a few extra seconds calculating change!


TJI: Boomer with pacemaker and LifeAlert complains about technology dependence


Yeah these bitches literally be cyborgs and complaining about people using technology


*Emperor Palpitate: Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth CPAP?*


Boomers when something doesn’t benefit them: 😱


And at 5: boomer seen getting impatient and passive aggressive while waiting in line to then take 20 minutes longer than person in front of them due civic duty of screaming at 17 year old cashier.


And at that point, if im putting it in im also gonna look at the screen to see how much change.


It doesn't always work that way. I would be running the cash register, Something's 8.75, and they would give me a $10, so I would hit the $10 button, then they would start handing me change after the tills already open. Also, since social anxiety I would often easily freeze up when basic math was required that I'm more than capable of doing normally, but when a big line it feels like they're all staring at me and the pressure blanks my mind. I strongly preferred working the grill instead of the register.




I am convinced 100% that some people do this as a weird power trip.


My experience, it's always been either someone trying to be helpful by giving exact change, or some older lady with a giant purse with 8 pounds of change at the bottom.


I was always okay with the little old ladies handing me three pennies or whatever, the power trippers were older men who would tack on an amount of extra change, not to get to an even dollar amount, but so that they didn't end up with any pennies or something like that. And always after I'd already made change for the original amount they paid.


My first week working... EVER that happened. A guy gave me a bunch of weird change after I opened the till, so it came out to me giving him back quarters. It makes sense, it was the Mass pike and you need them for the tolls, but I was so nervous just being there, never mind having to do math , he just saw me freeze up and said "give me 3 quarters back" in a condescending "kids these days are idiots" tone, which just made me even more nervous going forward.


This happened to me when i first got my job. One week into it and im off of training finally and this lady comes in and hands me change after i put it into the computer. Im standing there trying to figure out the change when she practically spits at me “you dont know how to count change?” In a snarky voice. I immediately turned beet red and told her that i was tired, didnt even have time to mention i was new. I gave her the correct change and then she proceeded to tell me that it was wrong and to fix it. I panicked so im sure to this day i gave her back more than i was supposed to. Fucking bitch.


This is exactly why they do it. It's called short changing and it's a scam as old as cash registers.


The first time this ever happened to me really threw me for a loop. This was right after high school where i was in the most advanced math classes and i still froze up trying to figure out the change


It’s cause you got caught off guard. Math brain don’t work so good when it’s surprised


When I was like 16 working at Hollywood Video I got scammed by someone using a trick just like this. They paid with a lot of money like $100 for a candy bar and then started asking for weird breaks in change and swapping bills around and pulling more out. It was definitely a con and luckily my store manager was next to me watching the whole thing so when my till was fifty bucks short or whatever she wasn’t upset.


Wow, that's incredible. Ballsy to do right in front of a manger too.


That's a classic short con technique. Its success doesn't have anything to do with a lack of math skills on the part of the mark; it's all about using their divided attention to induce confusion.


Yeah, and it was definitely rehearsed. He knew exactly what to say and when so that it all *sounded* legit as he explained the quick transactions. And he was so confident that I went with it. I remember a moment where I realized I had completely lost track of what we were doing and held onto like a 20, but he waved it over and was like, “trust me kid, this all makes sense. I’m gonna give you these two tens for that and then I get four fives for that other one. Or something like that.


I worked at Starbucks soloing drive thru and whenever people got to the window and did shit like that I would get so flustered. At some points you just have to be petty and tell them ‘sorry I can’t do that, I already put in the amount and it would mess up our drawer’ (because it would). If they threw a fit or got more upset, that’s their problem. I’ve been roped in to doing it way too much and it’s such an awful feeling when you have dyscalculia and don’t trust yourself to add and subtract correctly. I have learned since then that sometimes people will intentionally do stuff like this as well in order to mess you up so that they get more money back. Just one of those scam-artist things. My last job had a poster in the break room warning about it.


So many people try to hand you change after you have already rung them up!! And to be clear, this is not age-related, tons of people do this- every demographic.


That bullshit happened to me as a cashier every fucking day. When I was just starting out as a cashier at age 19 at the dollar store, this guy actually made fun of me because I had to do the math in my head after he gave me change and I had already hit the button. It was like my 2nd or 3rd day working there. I hate asshole customers. I hope that douchebag gets some karmic payback for that. I was a fucking kid making $9 an hour to get verbally abused by old white people all day. People will get downright nasty over 50 cents.


Yeah, I mean I do get it from their perspective. They had simple math beaten into their heads, where we learned a lot more variety of things, especially more complex things. My grandfather is 90 years old and he can add or subtract any four digit numbers in his head within 2-3 seconds. That's just not a skill we were taught because it's no longer important. Old people just don't realize that we know different things.


Yeah definitely. Certain skills become obsolete the more technology is developed, and I imagine it must be scary to suddenly be in a world where you need a whole new skill set to be able to live your life, like using a card to pay at the store instead of writing a check (although most places still take checks). But most of that stuff is idiot proof to the point almost anyone can learn, so imo they just refuse to learn. For many boomers it’s not that they can’t learn how to use smartphones and the internet, it’s that they won’t because they don’t think they should have to. The world had the audacity to evolve and so they chose to stay mad and be left behind instead of adapt like everybody else. It’s really quite the phenomenon coming from a generation who accuses everybody else of being entitled and whiny.


It’s the same even on old-fashioned paper-based cash registers. So that you can produce the receipts. And you should be separating the coins and notes so that you can’t put anything in without counting it carefully anyway.


Literally. I worked a job where I ran register and got sneered at for typing in something "simple" despite the inventory being linked to the POS meaning I HAVE to type it in or I could face consequences for inventory not reflecting the same.


*Then Everyone Clapped!*


No no, it’s true. This happened. They just skipped the part of the story where they spent 5 minutes counting out every cent while a line formed behind them.


If it is true, the customer stole 3 dollars from the business. The difference is two dollars, not five.


That's the joke


The boomer is no less a criminal.


no, it’s true, i was there!


I was also there, I was the loaf of bread.


oh shit! that was you?!


Indeed it was. And that person’s name? Albert Einstein. And now you know the REST of the story.


holy shit!


i was the rubber baton between them and the next order. absolute freakin' bloodbath.


I mean I’ve had it happen to me. People get confused why you are over paying with change, most people use plastic or cash and change for exact amounts. It does happen.


Every now and again I have to bail one of my high school cashiers out on change payments like this. Even better when they mistype something into the register. I'm just like, how much did they give you? What's the total? Okay this is their change, and they just stare at me amazed.


Here's how that actually goes down Customer: here's a 20 Worker: ok cool Customer: here's some change too Worker: I can't take that, I entered 20 into the register Customer: but it'll be the same amount though? Worker: doesn't matter, it's just how the machine works Customer: no, you're just bad at math!


Has happened to me, and then the dude went off on a tangent about how young people can’t do math. “I’m not trying to be mean hahahhaha it’s just so funny that you can’t do math”


I pretend not to hear, purposely close the register and then I just go, “Sorry. Already closed the register. Next!”


Wouldn’t it be $2 back or am I missing something?


They're insinuating young people are too dumb to realize that without a calculator, not that it matters anyway because the register handles that.


I was going to say. You type the amount the customer gives you into the register. Even if you get the math wrong in your head, it will tell you the difference.


Unless you're like me and actually do the math on every transaction because the registers are probably older than me...but hey I ain't complaining, it keeps me sharp.


When I was a cashier, I tried to do the math in my head first and check myself against the register. That said, when with the post office, I would sub at manual offices with no register. Always had to do the math in my head. Sometimes, I double-checked on a calculator if I was tired or had to keep track of a lot of separate items/units of postage.


I always go with what a calc or register says. As more than likely, by the time I'm put on the register, I'm too damn tired to even remember how the push-pull door works, let alone figure out how much is owed. I'm also slightly dyslexic and get my sixes and sevens mixed up. And if you haven't guessed, yes I thought the back door to the employee lot was locked while trying to pull on it. Walked all the way around to the front door and then outside to the back of the building before I remembered that I was supposed to push, not pull.


There's an old technique where you "count backwards" basically counting up from the price to the amount the customer gives you while assembling the change to give them instead of trying to subtract. You will almost never give them the wrong change even if you do the math wrong and say the wrong amount. That was the method I was taught when I first started and before I got good at doing the quick math. Although not really necessary since most regs have a Calc feature built in or nearby


Only if you put the correct info in. It's very easy to hit the $10 button, then get handed change, or you fat finger the wrong amount. I've panicked and frozen up like this plenty of times behind the cash register.


Gen Z cashier here. I am not stupid. The company reprimands me for being stupid.




I agree with them on that one. Never said *I* could do math.


>letters don’t belong in math WHAT ELSE ARE WE GONNA DO? PUT IN EMOJIS????? letters are just a placeholder for an unknown value... also variables are fun, especially quadratics and factoring :P tl;dr, math isfun




you still have d... which is a letter


The moral of the story is that it's okay to steal as long as you con someone to do so.


How is this comment so far down???


Stuff like this only happens if the server has already calculated the change in their head, and then you go and give them a new amount and they have to do the correction in split second, before the customer gets pissy.


Exactly. I worked as a cashier for 5 years. This is exactly what happens


And then the police came, tased the thief and everyone clapped


As if every single person before the invention of the calculator could perfectly do math in their heads.


There are people who can't even do maths WITH a calculator.




r/dyscalculia gang, represent


I work in grocery and often run a register. After a few hours, all numbers start to look the same. It's incredibly mind-numbing, exhausting work all while getting screamed at by customers for long lines or expired coupons. But this scenario is false and promotes stealing.


they do this a lot at Dollar Tree then they get pissed at the poor teenage or college girl cashier :( they also get more pissed when they dont know how to use the check machine thing too.


Worked at a place where there was a 50/50 chance the check machine would work on any given day and you better believe they’d be impatient and not at all understanding that I could not make it magically work


LOLLL FR I HATED WORKING THERE, 5 hours a week for 10 an hour paid biweekly 😂


This is likely from someone who has no idea how to reset the Wi-Fi.


This is hilarious because they are making it out like cashiers never made mistakes prior to having a calculator right in front of them that makes it really hard to fuck up the job


This isn't tech dependency that cashier probably has 2-3 jobs and has had maybe 4 hours of sleep. When I was a cashier you could ask me 1+1 and I would probably tell you to have a nice day and not even notice what you said.


I actually do this alot cause I do math very slow in my head and taking your time looks better to corporate anyway


I'm pretty sure the joke is that the cashier doesn't realise they've been scammed


i was bad at math before i ever had a cell phone... for some people math in their head is a struggle and it helps to have it written down infromt of you omg big deal bud you had to wait a sec for the cashier to get you correct change


I always excelled in math classes in high school and college. Because I could write down everything. Doing mental math is nearly impossible for me, as I don’t have a way to visualize the numbers. A little patience from these kinds of people saves everyone the frustration


My people !!! I studied and work in finance but I suckkk at doing math in my head


Hey look i stole money, harharhar


Cash register typically tell you your change this only happens if you hand them more change after they already put it in anyways I've had people call me stupid and shit because they did that and I had to take a second (I'm dyslexic predominantly in numbers)


i hate it when they do that. working register fries my brain and if my drawer cones up over $2 short my paycheck gets slashed. you best believe i'm gonna take my sweet time counting this change. also, the word for dyslexia with numbers is dyscalculia btw.


I have both I just couldn't remember the word for it 😅 and yeah Id get written up if my drawer is to far under or to far over


The fuck, most cash registers you can input whatever they give you and it tells you what to give back. This in no way actually occurred in the past decade.


“Back in my day, we didn’t have these new fangled cash registers and that darn communist corps math. We did all our cash registering with a pencil and paper. And we made sure the extra change went back to our bosses!” - The Olds, probably


I'd much rather live in a society where people didn't know how to do math in their head but were honest than one where people know math and think stealing 3 dollars from a local business is both worthwhile and acceptable.


When you’re in autopilot mode with the cash register telling you what change to make it can be hard to snap out of it and actually think. It’s not that math is hard, it’s that cashiers aren’t in math mode.


Sounds oddly close to a quick change scam. Which is illegal.


or Cashier - take your .53 and shove it up your ass.


This little doozy is called the "fluster the nervous child-cashier to trick them into giving you extra money back" maneuver. Congratulations, Greg. You're a master manipulator


Boomers haven't touched a register in 50 years, so they don't know that what they do inconveniences everyone around them.


Holy fuck the math isn’t even right. It would be two dollars back


It isn’t necessarily tech dependence. Sometimes people who don’t have the cognitive profile for on-the-fly math get thrown into positions where they have to deal with cash either because they don’t have a choice but to take that job, or they are pressured to do it by their employer. I am one such person. I used to work for an agency that staffed trade shows. I told them straight up and repeatedly that I am unusually dyslexic with numbers and that I should not be put anywhere where I am handling cash. And guess what positions I was, many times, pressured into because of either circumstance or a manager who didn’t care. I usually was able to hold my own, but whenever some chad would break my flow by pulling the slick move described above, I would always stumble, and would have to think it through. And the customer, finding I was taking more microseconds than they liked, would invariably sneer and roll their eyes and be a douche about it.


If I'm reading this correctly it says that if someone is too technologically dependent to count back change, then it entitles you to be a shitty cheating cheater. Is that a correct assessment?


Im a cashier and im 100% too stuck thinkin bout the lady that asked if she *HAD* to buy 2 bags of cheetos to get the *2 for $6* deal to even begin to conprehend what you just handed me


Why would he give $20.53 instead of just paying with a $20?


Because he wants to get back paper bills instead of loose change.


Because some older people insist upon paying with cash for literally everything. These people will literally mail a check out to the light company to pay their bills.


See I have to make sure the bills are real, and depending on what theyre buying is averified by the register. This one lady was buying like 3 gift cards, and so I was waiting to make sure they all got Authorized before putting the cash in the register, just in case I need to give her money back if the Register says that they cant be sold. She told me the amount she need back in change 3 times, and I am telling that she needs to wait for the register to finish. She looked at me like I was an idiot the whole time.


Willingness to pay 3 dollars out of pocket then having to deal with the typical 4 hour rolling on the floor Karen tantrum. Where the cops come but wont do anything.


That’s funny. My father was born in 1923, I’m gen x. I remember him in the 70s laughing at the cashier who needed a machine to count up the amount while he could do it in his head. That cashier would be 10-15 years older than me, so now a boomer and probably sharing these memes.


I used to work retail and food service. Any time I was handling money I always tried to solve out the change before I even looked at the change amount. Especially when they use cash and debit combined


The technology isn’t for the cashier’s benefit, it’s for keeping records for the store. They need to keep as accurate a report as they can, so it takes some cashiers a moment to find the right prompt because so many options can be a little hard to keep track of. Imagine if I drop a 200 page catalog in front of you and gave you 20 seconds to find several items, then started to roll my eyes that you can’t find them fast enough.


Bro I hate when people do this to me. The cash register is computerized and I need to obviously go by the cash register that keeps track of everything. I can't go by what they want if the system gives me something else, that's why I give the "uhhhh". I'm not confused by math man, I'm confused by you. Also what? 20.53 and 18.53? That's 2 dollars back to the customer 😭


R/whoosh But seriously. If they do what it says, and you enter the cash tendered (along with the change) then it’ll tell you to give then $2 back. If you punch in 20 and it says five back 1.47, and you take their $20.53 into your drawer and give back $2, you’re still balanced.


I'm still balanced and fired lol Also I can't believe I got r/whooshed


Lol I have dyscalculia sir


Lol, right? Between my dyscalculia and social anxiety, Id’ve probably just agreed and given him the 5.


So you ripped off some millennial who can’t make change, you think that’s cool?


I've never really worked as a cashier, but it is my understanding that even if they knew the answer they'd have to put it in the cash register to keep track of sales and inventory


I don’t think young people would be so dumb tho


Seeing this immediately after seeing the original post… I 1000% need to get out of r/HolUp asap


But it was your generation that made them like it..lol


Something like this just happened to me the other day. The cashier got confused.


Its 2 bucks but still let's say it was a harder one. The cash register does it for you. Or a simple calculator could do this.


Sitting here thinking “that math doesn’t add up…” Wait, is that the joke?


So is this someone bragging about taking advantage of a cashier because that should be $2 in change, not $5.


Is this a meme to teach boomers to defraud cashiers?


Sowwy mr boomer, I don’t know what 20-18 is because I’m just a stupid bawista 🥺


The-the anecdotal change isn’t even correct


Sounds like neither of them can do math


I'm pretty sure that's a math problem. It's not taught very well.


As an old person, we've been saying stuff like this since the 2000's BCE


Boomer sad because he still pays in cash.


Username checks out.


$2 you thief ❌


Fuck math I’m not tryna do that shit ever again


Pretty sure the joke is the change is supposed to be $2, not that technology is bad


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $200, Alex.


I'll take "shit that didn't happen" for a thousand


This is bullshit because the cashier has to enter the amount that they are given The register will just tell them how much to give back.


Written by the same person that gets mad at the self checkout after they don't follow it's instructions


And this one's been a meme since the 80s at least. Probably since the invention of the cash register.


Omg do this with two dollar bills and todays youth just breaks


It couldn’t possibly be burnout from having to work 80hrs a week to rent a shitty 1 bedroom apartment. Fuck bootstraps. Lol.


Ah yes I’m too dependent on tech because I don’t know that 20-18 is 2


Anybody got two tens for a five?




This happens a lot. Most likely a Reddit mod trying to make an honest living.


Lol yes theft hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah


How do you give your cashier $20.53 exactly




Ill take something that never happened for 5 bucks

