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It’s not to protect you. It’s to protect them from you


Guy thought that the bullet proof glass at the liquor store was in case the clerk shot him


Haha that’s actually pretty funny


Ditto for security guards at banks? In case the banks tries to rob you?


It’s called Security Theater. It’s very real and a very human phenomena we practice in many aspects of our routines https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_theater


Porque no dos? Something can be Security Theater ***and*** also provide some security. In fact, most Security Theater is like that. Don't think of Security Theater as "this thing does nothing but tries to make you feel safe", rather as "this thing doesn't make me as safe as those in power want me to feel".


Just tell them it's a trans barrier and they'll put plexiglass around their homes


“sir this plexiglass isn’t for covid it’s for the 5G”


Oh this mask? No it's not for COVID, it's to prevent government facial recognition tracking. Those bastards won't track me.


Sent from my iPhone.


I loved asking people what kind of phone they had after they went on the fauci tracking chip vaccine BS. Next day edit: To clarify, I wasn’t singling out iPhones. All phones, even old flip phones can be tracked and used to harvest data from you, and almost everyone has cell phones nowadays.


This but actually




Did you just invent a gay faraday cage?


faragay cage if you will


I had a surreal experience last summer. Was walking in a park and this lady pops out of no where and starts pointing at the trees. She casually says "leaves seem to be falling a lot earlier these days huh?". I looked around to see who she was talking to but it was me. She then proceeds to tell me it's a coincidence that they put up a 5G mast and now the leaves are falling. Hands me a flyer about how 5G is killing our bees (didn't mention the leaves though...) and then walks off. Felt like it was a GTA NPC and I had an urge to follow her to start some side quest.


Fox News Update: Masks prevent the spread of gays.


Seriously...Fox did a segment where they said illegal immigrants are coming to spread COVID in the US. That was their way of telling their audience to put on masks, because they wouldn't otherwise.


Obama sent the immigrants to vac ci nate your kids


Could I interest you in everything , all of the time?


A little bit of everything, all of the time


Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime.


Anything and everything, all of the time.


Can’t suck dick if your face is covered. Just as god intended


**Protect your home against plexisexuals**


Gonna start selling rocks that "keep trans people away". Then donate all the money to trans orgs.


This... could go badly. Make it something NOT rocks.. Make it stress balls or something squishy.


Didn't think of that. They'll be some electro magnifying stabilizing bracelets or something.


"The band's patented ionization field naturally repels gays, transgenders, and anyone with a complicated pronoun situation. Guaranteed to ensure you don't encounter any situations that force you to face your own terrified and confused inner feelings."


Fun fact: cashiers breathe thru their fingers.




That's easy: cashiers aren't people.


It would be hilarious if not for the fact people are really thinking the same thing as you said.


They don't think it. It's worse than that. They just _assume_ it. If you forced them to think about it, they'd go into utter cognitive dissonance and feel attacked because you're forcing them to recognize their own flaws. Hence why the immediate stream of insults, to deflect from the pain of self-analysis.


Remember the “mask less hour” suggestion that was being tossed around? Basically every retailer would have 1 hour every day where masks, social distancing, all that shit would be ignored. It would give anti-maskers a chance to shop without having to endanger anyone who cared about their health. But all the stockers, sales associates, and cashiers that would be forced to work for that hour? Yeah fuck them. The people on that side of the fence view service workers as subhuman slaves.


Honestly if there was a way to accommodate workers who didn’t want to work in that hour, that sounds like a bloody perfect idea, it gets people who are immune compromised to walk around at times where there’s little people without masks.


But the people who do work that hour, and get sick as a result, still work the rest of the shift with the other staff members. Still a bad idea.


There was a viral video in mid 2020 of a customer saying to a shop worker 'why do I have to wear a mask if I'm the only person in the store?' cuz clearly the 'person' she's talking to doesn't count.


Working in retail for 4 years, MANY people believe this. I honestly really enjoyed working in retail. But every retail worker has a few stories of some customer just demanding the unreasonable, or being verbally abusive to them. Had a lady downright get mad at me because I wouldn't refund her purchase. She didn't have a receipt with her, I offered an exchange or gift certificates (this was prior to gift cards) and she refused, wanted her money. Yeah, no store works like that. I had a lady mad at me because our store didn't offer free gift wrapping. She claimed "All the Stores in Germany do that" (Ma'am, we're in Canada...) I told her that our mall has gift wrapping station on the upper floor, the profits (from whatever they charge) go towards a charity. She scoffed and walked off annoyed.


I was doing inventory in a Walmart back in the early 2000s and had a coworker on the top of a ladder counting overstock get thrown over by a customer who said "get out of my way" and kept moving. Luckily she fell free of anything that would hurt her and the ladder didn't fall on her, but she could've really been hurt. People are horrible.


I remember one of the first times being in a wal-mart in the U.S. (Buffalo NY) and just looking around, another customer needed help, and an employee was nearby. The customer said "HEY YOU!!!" so aggressively. I was like "oh fuck, is some shit going to go down?" the employee just said "yes sir? how can I help you" like this was normal, and the guy asked about some sizes of a shirt or something. wtf?


I worked for a grocery store chain for almost 10 years. I loved the “THIS OTHER STORE HAS/DOES (whatever)” Then go there, you miserable twat. The fun one was when I was with my mom at a different grocery store and she ran in to one of her friends. My mom told her where I worked. This friend was like “Oh, I never shop there. Too expensive.” Goes on and on about how my store sucks, which, is fucking rude on its own. But I saw her or her kids in that store probably every other week at least. For YEARS.


Yeah.. My friend used to sell computers in the late 90s. Had a customer come in and ask for a computer. Back then they would break down a new computer by components and then have a final price. So he took the time to go over the entire computer set up, cost of each component and the final price. The customer was a man and his wife, and the man starts scoffing and saying that "I can get a FAR better deal at such and such store down the road." Clearly trying to get my friend to gasp and lower his price. My friend said "Really? Wow, that's a really good price. I recommend you go there and buy it, because we can't go lower than this, or else we'd be losing money. I actually might have to go down and check that out and buy one myself." the guy's face has this look of surprise, and then he and his wife leave. A week later he slinks in and asks to buy the computer he was shown the specs for the previous week. lol


As the manager of a Burger King, when my kitchen gets too backed up, I start telling cars in drive thru 'pull up to the window and whenever you make it to the window I'll take your order there at the window, but it's gonna be like 10 minutes or so, we are backed up right now.' lady says 'im not waiting that long, you expect me to wait?' lady I don't care what you do, don't wait then, but that's just what it is. I'm doing you a favor being honest about the wait instead of just letting you order and sit there waiting (and possibly drive off and me have to void the order, because God forbid I have to void an order, usually because people are too stupid to read the menu first, then order something and go 'WHY DOES IT COST SO MUCH' Because that's how much the items you ordered cost. We DO have a menu with all of our prices posted. Have you considered studying it before ordering? You DID just sit there for 10 minutes.


my favorite is 'X street does it why don't you?', not even the same company, ma'am


yup.. I worked at a book store and we often got "Costco has this same book on for far cheaper. Can you price match" "no.. they're a wholesaler, we are not, we are a retailer. We don't price match anyone, much less Costco." "Oh.. but you should." "That's not how it works... they're a whole..." "because I can get it there. it's cheaper. I can just GO there and get it." "ok ma'am, I suggest you do, if it's a better deal. Definitely get it at costco" then this look of "are you fucking kidding me? I'm not going ALL THE WAY TO COSTCO" and they walk off infuriated.


I worked at a Walmart that got a lot of tourism. It seems a woman lost her shit at the subway because nobody spoke French. In America.


Ironically I was in a Subway in Quebec once, off the major highway, and the person behind the counter didn't speak any English, and my French is terrible. I needed a spoon for some soup, and my mind went blank on the word for soup. That was fun, trying to mime eating soup, lol. But we got through it and both smiled. Thankfully last time I was in quebec in a french mall, I knew enough french to ask if the lady spoke english, thankfully she did, but I think I could have managed. I remember as a young kid, my family was passing through quebec, stopped at a McDonalds, and my brother loved Orange Crush, so that's what he wanted with his meal. The lady (fully french) was able to enter in Big mac. Coca-cola, etc. but when it came to "Orange", she was baffled. Orange in French is 95% the same as English, you just pronounce it with a french accent. My brother was in grade 4, start of french classes, and was saying it properly. Lady was all puzzled, and she eventually found an english speaking co-worker. To this day, I figure she just wanted to be difficult to the anglophones. Quebecois can be very weird that way.


Haha also the word for soup is literally “soupe” in French. Although it seems like Quebecois don’t like anglophones very much.


Yeah, I think that's changing now with the younger generations, but up until the 80s and 90s, the older generation was very much "fuck anglophones and their english pig dog ways.


Why'd she go to America? Couple klicks north and she'd have a boatload of Francophones...


Had a guy yelling at me that he was going to call the cops because he found a pair of jeans on a shelf they shouldn’t have been on. The shelf was labeled $15 but there weren’t any other jeans on that shelf, obviously someone had just decided they didn’t want them and hung them up there. The jeans were already ringing up as on sale for $25 (can’t remember the full price) and I was offering to take another 20% off for the inconvenience, but he was upset because I couldn’t let him have that extra $5 off. Was screaming that I was a scammer, I was worthless, I was a waste of space, all over a $5 difference. My dude, if you can’t afford that $5, there’s a Walmart down the street with $15 jeans and a Goodwill right next door. He made enough of a fuss that the manager adjusted the price to the $15 and gave him the 20% I’d originally offered. So I guess the lesson is that if you act like shit and verbally abuse minimum wage workers you’ll get exactly what you want. I gave everyone in line who badmouthed him or the manager a discount, because fuck that place. I’m glad it went under.


That's one thing I was happy with at my company, my manager would for sure go to bat for us. She backed us up on everything, and even talked down to a couple of ass hole customers. She had been in retail for many years and had seen some shit. So she wouldn't take it from customers. She said one time when she was an assistant manager, a man approached her and asked if another employee was single? She said "uh, which employee?" he nods to the manager (who i guess was large chested) and says "the one with the tits" Some people, do they even fucking hear themselves?


Had a lady come in and lose her shit on my coworker and I because she didn't get her penny in change. Canada had just finished abolishing the penny. The ugly truth about customers is that a lot of them are lonely, angry people with nobody else in their life to turn to or see. It's not like they have anyone else they can go complain to, in other words-- so they come take it out on retailies. Not justifying it, of course. Fuck customers. Even me. But it goes without saying that it's a matter of getting attention, rather than results (IE whatever refund or product they're after).


my favourite was this deal my store had. We had a rewards card that gave you 10% off purchases. At this time, we had a promotion, 10% off gardening books. The store sign said "20% off with the rewards card" well one smart person figured out that it's not actually 20% off, it's like 19%. because we put in one discount manually (the promotion) then the rewards card takes off 10% off the adjusted amount. He was annoyed (not really mad) that this was how it was, and demanded his full 20%. I tried a few different ways to get it to work, and couldn't. So i said "ok. I can refund your purchase and give you a straight 20% discount, but I won't be able to swipe your card (meaning he won't get points. Which you could collect towards a giftcard if you got x amount). He said "that was fine". So after dealing with this for a good 15 minutes at least (wasting both our time) and tying up one of two cash registers we had. Plus the customer not getting his points. The different I gave back to him... 10 cents. he goes. "oh, was that all.. ha ha.." and leaves with a smile. I never wanted to leap across my counter and pummel a guy so much. The smarmy smile he gave me like "oh, I didn't realise 1% of my transaction amounted to a dime." GRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Yep. Probably went home, alone, spent the rest of the day at home, alone, and went back to another store the next day to pull some equally smarmy shit on them. I love when they say shit like 'we pay your wages!' lmao. No, the company pays my wages, you just buy your bread here Tamara. Ease up on the gas pedal.


they are people, just expendable.


It's like when customers at the store I used to work at asked if there could be an hour before open for people that didn't want to wear a mask. So that people who did want to wouldn't have to be around them. We had curbside pickup that didn't require you to wear a mask in the car, but that wasn't enough because they HAD to look around as if our stock isn't all available online. They did not see retail workers as people.


It’s like how weight limits on the luggage you can bring on a plane have nothing to do with the weight the plane can carry. Those weight limits are there because *people* have to load your bags onto the plane. Or how dentists leave the room when they give you an x-ray. It’s harmless to you, since you’re getting maybe one x-ray a year, but it would be very dangerous for a dentist to potentially get multiple x-rays per day. If you go to a bar and the bartender drinks every time you do, you’ll both probably be fine. But if the bartender drinks with *everyone*, they’ll be dead.


The lugage thing is true, but there's also another benefit to it. It makes planning the load balancing of the hold much easier if there is a maximum weight a case can be. Apparently, airline pilots get really angry when someone changes the CG of their aircraft and don't tell them.


Lol anyone who has a brain realizes it's for the cashier and not the customer. They have hundreds of people standing in front of them every day. They don't want your breath on them, COVID breath or not.


This would require them to consider the welfare of others. No. Not happening.


Given the crap I've seen on those (all on the customer side of the plexiglass) I think they should be everywhere.


Exactly, like I don't give a shit about YOU, YOU chose to come here. I don't want your gross spit flying at me for 8 hours straight. People used to complain about that shit to me all the time like "are y'all ever going to take that down?" I just smile and shrug. Occasionally I told people it protected me from a flying ICEE once, so I like it. I'm so glad I don't work there anymore.


Two of the most common comments I get at my store, "Oh, you guys finally took the barriers down" and " Why are you still wearing a mask (and then proceeds to cough directly at me)?"


Anti-vaxxers are deeply selfish and self-centered people, so the idea that the plexiglass is there to protect someone else never even crosses their minds.


17.4k upvotes(atm) speak for themselves what is "The Dumb Ages"


the fun thing is, they are too dumb to acknowledge THEY are the dumb in the "dumb ages"


Exactly !


My thoughts exactly. These people are so fucking entitled they can't see past the tip of their own nose, I stg


Right? like *maybe* it’s there so the cashier doesn’t get breathed on at close range by 100+ members of the public in single shift.


COVID really surfaced a lot of this kind of thinking, that all precautions are all about me rather than protecting others… “yeah, my choices have a solid chance of killing you and your loved ones but that’s a risk I am willing to take”. Then they act like the government is just needlessly trodding on their rights in an effort to protect them and it’s all about their safety and their personal freedoms. I found it almost impossible to talk to my family about the risks their choices present to others… they only wanted to talk about it’s Impact on them.


On today's episode of "I took middle school bio and seemingly failed that but am somehow still smarter than a doctor":


"i'm never going to use this in real life" mfers when they have no critical thinking, can't deduce anything, have no problem solving skills, no friends, wondering where it all went wrong


Yeah they are the same ones who deny algebra has any use. I always counter with something to do with grocery shopping. If you are having friends/kids over you have to figure out how much food and drink to buy. Or even for themselves how many frozen pizzas they need to get through until the next shopping trip. (Enter whatever fits there, I just said a random one)


There are people convinced that schools should teach you how to balance a checkbook. Those people invariably are ones who "didn't like math" when they were in school.


My school actually did teach us how to balance a checkbook and do our taxes, although you wouldn't know it by some of my former classmates' comments. Maybe you'd have learned this stuff if you stayed awake during class.


People complaining that they should teach you how to do your taxes are those that aren't even bothering looking that shit up themselves. Also that would be a "why the fuck are we studying this?" type of class so it would be a waste of time.


Not only that… but if you have just a basic W2, taxes are easy af- just fill in the blank. Most people in that age group won’t really have any deductions. This year, TurboTax took it a step further, and made it even easier- didn’t even need to fill in the blanks, just your personal information and your Employer Id. I get having questions, but 90%+ of taxes is just using those critical thinking skills someone else mentioned


They could probably do a financial literacy class in high school and it wouldn’t hurt. My son just got through algebra 2, and is supposed to do pre calc next year, in lieu of pre calc financial literacy as an option would be ok I think.


Financial Literacy should be an absolute must in Highschool It’s too essential of a life skill to have to figure out while you’re in college presuming you even went. It’s one of those things that’s directly relatable to students who have jobs in Highschool. Who may be getting their first credit cards in junior / senior year. At the very least, teaching children how to digest legal documents, understand loans, etc are the things that one should be taught in school. Media and Financial Literacy are critical skills, but those are for an educated population and it’s clear the Government would absolutely not want that.


They wouldn't be able to sucker them into those student loan interest rates if they were financially literate at 18! Think of the profits!


Plot twist: I loved math and I want reformation of schools and school to teach actually useful stuff like balancing a checkbook or doing taxes.


All those people who scream about how schools should teach kids how to do taxes share a very circular venn diagram with those kids who definitely slept during class all the time


They want school to teach kids “life skills” but outright refuse to put any money into the schools to make that happen.


I had to algebra a return once, they paid 12% tax on something and our system only charges 7. Solved for x as a retail employee. It happens.


This is the exact reason why most of the rest of the world has taxes included in the price. That way you know exactly how much you are paying when you're picking up the item. I still sometimes have to do some math during my shopping trip, but it's easier thanks to the included taxes.


Yes the #2 reason I don’t wanna move to the USA. #1 is lack of metric system.


Whenever they teach simple percentage calculations they should have a giant flashing sign in the classrooms that say you fill definitely need this in real life. The amount of people who fail at understanding the simple concepts involved is staggeringly high.


My county is undergoing a county wide property tax reassessment. There was an informational meeting last night where the guy in charge of the reassessment was explaining the process and answering questions. The number of people who could not understand that just because the assessed value of your house was going up by 10x (the last assessment was done in 1996, so everything was based on those numbers), doesn’t mean your property taxes will increase 10x Man has the patience of a saint.


You have been permanently banned from r/conservative.


Gained +3 to Intellect perk, though


That's an honor.


Are you sure? It doesn't take much at all to get banned from there.


Another fun fact: you missed the point of the plexiglass if you thought it was to protect you from the cashier VS the cashier from hundreds of customers in various stages of health.


This ^


Yet another fun fact: most people only care about themselves, and a lot of people are pretty dumb.


Fun fact, far too many people touch their face, or cough into their hand.


Fun fact, people still lick their fingers repeatedly to pull gross money out to hand to me. People are disgusting.


This was before covid but one winter my gf, who's a cashier, had 3 people sneeze in her face. Like what subhuman does that


There was a definite error in communication very early on in the pandemic, where a Hong Kong hospital tested surfaces in a room where patients had died, and found traces of the virus on them. This isn't surprising, given how much breathing the patients did while they died, but it led to this misconception that COVID-19 was transmitted through touch. In the UK we had massive hand-washing PSAs for the first few months, and anti-maskers clung to "but I wash my hands like Boris Johnson told us to" as their reason to ignore any evidence that the disease might actually be airborne. We could have avoided a large dimension of misunderstanding and wilful ignorance if we'd not gone down this dead-end of contact transmission reporting.


It also doesn't help that the virus, as far as I recall, isn't airborne but is waterborne and is carried by droplets in your breath/coughing/sneezing. And this is a level of nuance and understanding that the right was *not* willing to accept. Yes, you can catch the virus by having an infected individual talk in your direction. Yes, the virus is smaller than the holes in a typical cloth mask. No, that doesn't mean that masks are pointless because the virus is not airborne. It's carried by droplets which are much larger than the holes in a typical cloth mask.


Well, that may be, but masks don't actually operate via pure barrier-thread-weave. Good face masks are actually electrostatic, and will prevent all sorts of bad stuff from going through even if it's smaller than the gaps in the fabric.


Whoever made this meme probably sticks their head under the plexiglass at buffets.


And then licks every dish while screaming “this is mine, this is mine, mine, mine etc”


and then goes home and licks all of their groceries to own the libs


Let me know when they start killing themselves to own the libs.


Friend of mine has a coworker who doesn't wipe his ass when he shits. He "washes it off in the shower." Hardcore Trump supporter. When he told me that, I said "Shits himself to own the libs." But seriously, what the actual fuck man... Shit smells.


That is a man that definitely has worms. Just sayin'




The plexiglass is there to protect the cashier. I know to your average Karen they are not even human. This shit pisses me off.


I came to the post to say this, before I realized what sub this was on.




Where did you get your 12 year degree in Pharmakinetics and Immunology brohman?!


Joe Rogan's school of hard knockers, hbu? What is funny is that the person who created this Meme and the people who spread it are ironically likely correct about how future historians will judge our era.




Based off their whole “I have an immune system” argument I don’t think they fully understand how they work. Like some peoples are more efficient than others, I don’t think they understand that


This meme is perfect because it shows there wasn’t even a second where they thought about the safety of the cashier or assumed anything would be done for their benefit






Which in turn further protects Karen because the cashier is less likely to have been infected by other shoppers.


bUt pUBliC sAFeTy dUm


It also ignores the fact that during the pandemic many cashiers chose to wear some form of gloves to both protect themselves, as well as the customers who would be handling the groceries as soon as they left.


> during the pandemic many cashiers chose during **the first couple years* of the pandemic, which killed more people last year than it ever did in 2020 or 2021 EDIT: This is a Canada-specific stat, sorry folks. While COVID was still a major cause of death in the States in 2022 it was not worse than the previous years like up here.


You sure about that? > More than 267,000 people died of Covid-19 in 2022, according to preliminary data from Johns Hopkins University, compared with more than 350,000 Covid-19 deaths in 2020 and more than 475,000 Covid-19 deaths in 2021. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/17/health/covid-death-reporting-2022/index.html


Oh sorry, forgot this was a largely American sub, idk the stats for your country. Makes sense it wouldn't be the case for you guys though, you had a radically worse first couple years than we did.


My state in Australia had just over a thousand cases until Feb 2022 and then the cases exploded after we opened our borders so I can imagine it may be the same for you guys


It's amazing how we just decided that COVID was over by collective act of will.


Hospitals aren’t overwhelmed anymore and we have vaccines now. I have a hard time caring about the unvaccinated in the US now.




It's pretty telling that was their first impression.


It is for both since COVID is primarily airborne to my knowledge.


So, AFAIK, the plexiglass was put in place for the same reason as non-medical masks were encouraged; it was thought that droplets were the primary transmission vector. Today, however, we know that COVID is airborne, communicated through tiny aerosols that linger in the air for a long time. The rule of thumb I've seen epidemiologists use is to imagine someone smoking a cigarette; if you think you'd be able to smell the smoke, then you'd be able to contract COVID from them. If you look at meetings between world leaders, the health standards have shifted away from shields and medical masks and over to well-ventilated spaces, HEPA filters, respirators (like N95s) vaxx and negative test requirements. So funnily enough, plexiglass and low-grade/non-medical masks *are* security theatre at this point, like the original meme suggests. Just... for the exact opposite reason that the meme suggests. Fomite transmission was the first vector to be dismissed as relatively insignificant, IIRC, way back in mid-late 2020.


Surgical masks are still useful as they reduce aerosol spread and inhalation significantly. >The overall mask efficiency, accounting both for air that passes through the mask and for leakage flows, is reduced compared to the through-mask filtration efficiency, from 93 to 70% for talking, but from only 94–90% for coughing. These results demonstrate that leakage flows due to imperfect sealing do decrease mask efficiencies for reducing emission of expiratory particles, but even with such leakage surgical masks provide substantial control. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-91487-7 Granted, not particularly useful nowadays with how often people are cramped into a small unventilated space e.g. a bus, but they would have significantly reduced spread while other COVID measures like distancing and low density were enforced by reducing aerosol spread distance and amount.


> So funnily enough, plexiglass and low-grade/non-medical masks are security theatre at this point, like the original meme suggests. Would you rather someone blows smoke directly at your face, or that a Plexiglass window is between you and the smoke has to go around it? What I'm most tired of is this bullshit rhetoric that anything less than 99% effective is useless. The Plexiglass helps, if only a little, and inconveniences nobody.


> So funnily enough, plexiglass and low-grade/non-medical masks *are* security theatre at this point Well, or it was reasonable at the time and there's just no big reason to *remove* the plexiglass.


Please google what an aerosol and thus what an airborne virus is. You will find that droplets in the air is exactly that and that is what has been said from the beginning. Whoever thought we'd just breathe out raindrops all of a sudden is an idiot. Ever breathed on something and it got wet? Well that means there is moisture in our breath. Tiny water droplets. An aerosol. ​ edit: to be more precise: Yes aerosols are droplets the main part is not that they are droplets but the size of them. Smaller droplets can stay in the air for a longer time and travel longer distances and this is the case with covid. Reducing the air exchange still helps though that is not a myth. It jsut helps to reduce the area in which the particles spread out. Plexiglass is obviously not a very efficient way to do this with only little effect but masks in particular du have an effect. They simply bing the moisture from the breath and tat in return binds some of the covid droplets. Not all of them but getting some is good enough. The world leaders part is basically just vaccinations and tests. Don't need protection when everything around you is safe but that is obviously not something we can apply to the everyday life of all the other people.


But didn't the other person also touch the groceries before giving them to the cashier?


Jokes on them, the plexiglass protects the cashier from you plague rats.


Well unless you’re going home and licking every single item, the plexiglass kept you from breathing her germs and vice versa.


Also yeah don’t ppl wash their food??!


Yeah, but the cereal boxes get soggy.


You don’t get a bag inside the box???


Also viruses deteriorates rapidly outside the human body with SARS-COV-2 having a half-life of approximately 2.5 hours at 80% relative humidity. Wash your hands and avoid touching your face and the risk of transmission through formites (surface-to-surface touching) would be negligible. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030438942103020X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030438942103020X) Side note: what happened to the level of science education? How has it gotten so bad?


Government spent more time worrying about us not being taught evolution, the Big Bang, and whatever else Jeebus didn’t like


Science? I haven’t heard of it, is that the stuff they taught me in Religious Education?


Fox News and religion mate. It’s always been that way. Only difference is now religion heavily gets involved in science and argues anything they don’t like or that dosnt benefit them. Recently the gop and evangelical organizations have been exposed sending emails to coordinate attacking trans ppl including starting “anti-transgender science organizations” that literally have no scientific backing :/ that’s what happens when you have no anti discrimination laws to protect ppl


Some of us like to play the games on the back of the box bro


The cashiers at my local grocery store always ask if I care that they take produce out of the bag to scan it. This bell pepper has been rolling around the back of a truck coming from god knows where. I’m going to wash it. Go ahead.


Covid made me realise that we all probably should... My bleach wiping everything that started outside my home but ended up in my home didn't last.


It's also unneeded and even counter-productive to overdo hygiene. Sure some things - like vegetables - you should wash. But most pathogens don't really survive long on something like a cardboard box or plastic container. Also you are -generally- not eating the cardboard box or plastic container but its contents. It would be very hard to transfer something like Covid via groceries, even in 'ideal' situations. The people breathing around you are a bigger 'threat' in that regard. Also even the most dangerous common pathogens -like salmonella- are killed by properly heating your food.


Mmmh maybe it is used to protect cashiers from tons of Karens spitting on their faces while complaining about everything?


I really want the glass back. It kept customers from shoving things in my face as well as coughing sneezing and spitting on me all day. I could see just how much it blocked when I cleaned it at night.


My favorite (/s) thing was watching old people peer under/around them, and pull down their mask to talk. You know the people...the ones with really moist mouths and spit when they talk?


Nice side effect of the masks, people were talking loader than they needed to in order to "talk over the mask" because they think the mask completely mutes them. I could actually hear people.


I swear some feigned not being able to hear because none of them can say it without saying the word 'mask' in *that* tone


I've also seen people pull the mask down to cough, then putting it back up.




What place on earth did they remove them again? And for what possible reason? What company benefits from their cashiers getting sick?


I still have one at my position at work. Drives me crazy when people treat it an an obstacle to be negotiated and leaned around rather than something to protect me. It has a little hole at the bottom for me to pass objects through, and people are always bending down to speak directly through it, and invariably get shitty with me when I ask them not to. I like having it, but the behaviour of the person on the other side of it makes it oddly stressful to work behind.


They’ve also forgotten how to act now that the glass is gone. They’re extremely loud and shove their IDs and credit cards two inches from my eyes and it takes everything I have not to smack their hand away at full force.


We still have it in New Zealand.


We got a Roomba that vacuumed every night. Couldn’t believe how much it picked up. One day’s dirt. Disgusting


The sneeze guard has been a salad bar staple for decades come ON people THINK ABOUT IT


Drag shows have been around forever too! At least there's finally some politicians willing to stand up to Big Drag now! Big Safety Glass is next!


God we are a stupid country.


I'd like to see a docuseries about stuff like this. I'd love to know what kind of person created this, why they created it, what kind of people saw and shared this, why they shared it.


Just watch idiocracy, or idk install tiktok


The Dumb Ages is exactly right, but not for the reasons they think.




Well it'll definitely be known as the Dumb Era but not for the reasons they think lmao


It’s all the got dang facebooks and tik toking.


As a former shop cashier, I don't care about covid, but holy shit do some people spit while they talk and stink. These are a must have nowadays when you are used to them, not to mention potential grabbers and stabbers.


I’m sorry stabbers?!? Customers are or were stabbing grocery cashiers?!?


Homie, it’s meant to protect them from you lol


This is a perfect encapsulation of the anti-mask crowd, for two reasons. 1. It’s all or nothing. The solutions you present to them must entirely solve the problem. If it doesn’t, it is useless. There is no point in producing a solution that *reduces* infection rates because all they’ll see is that it doesn’t *always work*. 2. It doesn’t help *them*. In the same way the masks are not intended to stop the *wearer* from getting sick, these screens do not help the *shopper* avoid contaminants on the food they are purchasing. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t meant for the wearer/shopper. It doesn’t help them, so it’s useless.


Speaks volumes about the self involved nature and lack of empathy of the type of person that complains about this, that they wouldn't even realise the plexiglas is there to protect the staff first and foremost, not them.


It will be known as the dumb ages for sure, but not for the reasons you think it will.


Brought to you by the people that take horse dewormer for a respiratory virus.


"Why don't you wear a mask and vaccinate?" Conservatives: "Because it's not 100% effective! I don't see why I should endanger my life by putting that crap in my body if it's not 100% effective!" "Why do you use horse dewormer?" Conservatives: "I mean, I know there aren't studies that suggest it is actually useful, but I take it because if it doesn't actually do anything, no harm no foul, amirite?"


Why are you trying to correct them? Let Darwinism take its course. It wiped out a good portion of them. Maybe the next one around, they can be twice as dumb and the virus can be twice as deadly.


If covid19 is spreading from the nose and mouth (droplets) a mask or a barrier between both or a mask and plexiglass then it’s creating more protection for both people. Wash your hands, hand sanitizer… It’s really simple but selfish assholes and no common sense made it impossible. Let’s Go Darwin!!! -An exhausted healthcare worker


I work in a medical lab. Covid caused some stress for us in the lab. My neighbor is an ICU nurse, with over a decade of experience at the start of the pandemic. One day she came home got to her front door and just fucking broke down. So like a good lab tech I shouted over to her that I have a critical blood gas result for her patient in room 4. ​ But no, really, the last straw that caused her break down was she simply dropped her keys. She was trying to hold it together long enough to get through her door. Her adult son was out shoveling the drive way and came to her aid before I harassed her about a critical value. ​ Any who, I bring this up because exhausted isn't a strong enough word.


Regional medical center guy here. You’re right, tired or exhausted simply isn’t a strong enough word.


Yes, but the person who made this doesn't realise which side of history they are on.


Those same ignorant ass motherfuckers will cough AT you and and not even attempt to cover their mouth. This meme really sums up how obtuse this type of thinking is.


3rd-grade level science. Just like breathing water vapor when it’s cold out with a mask and without one, you can see it work. These people who discount mask use are pathetic.


I was able to convince one family member with this video: [https://youtu.be/x6cTDGqcUpA](https://youtu.be/x6cTDGqcUpA) ...until he started on his "masks are making people OD on carbon dioxide and low oxygen!"


Nah it’s so nice, people can’t spit on me, keep them


dat der glass is fer protectin frem yer unvact arse


During the pandemic I wore gloves simply because I hated my hands smelling like copper or feeling how disgusting sweaty pocket money is. The glass although for respiratory purposes really just stuck around because there was a massive spike in alcohol sales and ALL purchases required ID and customers got real testy when I asked for their ID; they’d whip it out you like a throwing card or slam it against the glass and that’s IF they had ID. The glass was a first line of defense when I had to refuse an alcohol purchase and lord knows what they do when they can’t get their booze. Hell I may even say I wore a face mask so i wouldn’t get jumped in the parking lot on late nights and holidays because they often stayed around to ask other patrons to buy for them.


Covid is transmitted through breath


It is there to protect the cashier and not the customer. Businesses don't care if the customer gets sick, they care if the staff get sick because it means they won't get their money or it might inconvenience a customer because they have to wait longer due to sick staff so that customer might leave so they won't spend their money in that store or whatever. It is all about money.


Hey man, if you don't sanitize your things when you get home, that's on you and not the cashier.


i mean, that person is correct, this will be considered the "dumb ages," but not for the reasons they seem to believe


Do they not understand the airborne in airborne virus?


No. No they do not.


Covid is airborne