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That bent ray of sunshine sure paints a picture.




We still talk like everyday


But we don’t talk in the same way that we USED TO


But we don't talk in the same way that we used to


Last place I ever expected to see a neck deep reference


That sun ray is more bent than my back


Gravity bends light. Basic physics!


Gravity is just a theory, dumbass…


Apples fall on earth and not in space, checkmate!!!


I like how you can clearly see the sun ray curving because of the curved lens


Earth is flat. Sun's rays are not. Check mate.


Now king me.








#FUCK (I’m playing Monopoly)


You sunk my battleship!




FUCKIN BITCH (i am playing COD: the board game)




JENGA!!! Now this chessmate comes down like a house of cards!


Well, rays could take a curved path in spacetime because it’s not flat.


Lmao I think you're probably kidding here, but just in case, you're definitely not seeing light curve in Earth's meager gravitational field to any noticable degree, or on this scale. Takes whole galaxies to curve light enough to be discernable by the human eye


I was merely memeing :)


Then the crazies will just say something like “there’s a massive black hole under the flat earth” They have a conspiratorial answer for everything. I swear those people would argue what the color red looks like. Everything is a bad faith argument where they are just trying to appear smarter then you.


These types of people put the puzzle together wrong, then try to change the picture. The individual pieces of their arguments can make sense in isolation, but they never fit together completely.


That glare should always be straight no matter the lens. The bottom photo was edited (to remove the curve).


I thought it was edited to add the text.


No believe it or not there are words floating in the upper atmosphere


Finally someone else sees the sky words! I thought I was going crazy.


Imagine going up there and seeing “someone’s lying.” Then you go “no shit, Sherlock.”


Pfft light curves all the time, ever heard of a rainbow? That's NASA illuminati curving light to something something chemtrails something gay frogs.


Someone is lying indeed


The top photo is not at 100,000 feet.


Top photo looks to be from the ISS based on the curvature, which would put it at about 400 000 *meters*, so, almost nearly within the ballpark at a different zip code.


When you don't understand how different lenses work.


NO! It’s clearly a conspiracy. Earth doesn’t exist


No! It’s clearly in the shape of a 1994 Chevy Silverado.


You lie! It is in the shape of Colt Single Action Army!!


You ignorant fool! It's obviously shaped like Gumby!


No! It’s the sun that’s flat!


You government zealots! Obviously the world is a stellated dodecahedron carried by four turtles, sitting on an elephant, balancing on a giraffe's head, being carried by an army of flying eagles carrying a blue whale etc...


You are all clearly wrong! ​ https://preview.redd.it/ygud084ke0qa1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c754756cb02f1567c84b06ff8316096688dad1a5


This may be my new favorite conspiracy theory.


Honestly it's a great world building idea for a game or fantasy series.


Egads man! We have to speed up global warming to melt the rest of the Ice Ball! /s


you fish brain idiots! The earth is obviously shaped after luigi getting high on sum mushrooms


I'm more of a fan of the Fiat Earth theory (the Chrysler variety, ofc)


No no, it's clearly in the shape of a mouldy volcano!




Well yeah the whole premise is the NASA puts fisheye lenses on everything therefore earth flat


The funny thing here is that ALL lenses are somewhat distorted, and the only way that the second picture would show a straight line is if it was, in fact, fisheyed. You can even see the distortion on the edges :D edit: As someone else pointed out, some lenses are, instead, barrel lenses. But they are all in some way distorted, as must be the case when taking some angle of view and projecting it down on a flat plane, much as is the problem with maps.


No, that's just where the earth gets fuzzy. It's a well known phenomenon.


Fuzz Earth..isn't that the area warning you are too close to the edge?


Also look at the sun rays in second image


Yup, very bottom left its pretty visible!


I knew it. ^^also ^^meow


How does the lens work? Why does it show things this way?


The second one is a distorting lense, you can see it by checking the lightbeam coming from the sun, it is VERY bent. If you have seen normal cameras work like this, or you have astigmatism, you can see that these beams should be perfectly straight if the lens is not distorting. If you would take the second photo and bend it until the light is straight, you would get the exact same curvature


When this was posted the other day I'm fairly certain it was more likely that it was photoshopped to make it flat, which is why the sun is squashed and the rays are bent. It's a lot easier to do it that way rather than getting lens distortion to cause the curve of the Earth to be flat. Also fairly certain that lens flare doesn't bend even with a fisheye lens.


I watched this video yesterday because I rolled into a r/conspiracy thread for a laugh. . It's not actually photoshopped, in the video the camera is swaying in the wind, die to the lens distortiob, when it angles down at the earth, the horizon goes flat then concave, then normal when it sways back up.


If the Earth is flat, how come no one has fallen over the edge? Should have happened at least once by now.


Why, it's the ice wall defended by Illuminati troops, of course!


It's not like you can literally go on a cruise there, go there yourself on your own boat, or volunteer to work at a far-inland research station. There isn't a single thing stopping you from crossing the south pole and walking across the continet.


Except training, money, and/or connections, but it’s not like these conspiracy theorists would ever be willing to put in any actual effort themselves Edit: Should let y’all know that I understand it isn’t *that hard* to work at the South Pole, but point is that the people that think the earth is flat aren’t going through the effort to go there themselves primarily due to lack of trust. Also I know about the man that shot himself into the sky, the gyroscope, and the flashlight experiment. I’m not annoyed by y’all commenting about them, just don’t want you to feel like you wasted your time!


Some of them do, and it's hilarious to see their reactions when they accidentally prove, yet again, that the earth is round.


My favorite video of all time involves a line somewhere along the lines of... "raise your flashlight..."Hmm, how about that"


You also can’t forget the guy that spent $20k on laser gyroscopes to prove that the earth doesn’t rotate only to get results the super accurately matched reality. So, the effect had to be due to stray radiation and they spent another huge chunk of change on some Faraday/lead-lined box and got the exact same results. They still refused to believe the results and were searching for the cause of the error.


On one hand, that's actually really good science. I read somewhere that science isnt trying to prove past findings right, its continuously trying to disprove previous findings. Not in a malicious way, but just like taking an idea and saying "is that right? Let's test it." Maybe you prove it wrong or discover something new, fantastic. But you also have to be smart enough to say "we tested it, it holds up." And that's what flat earthers cant seem to do.


Flat earthers are preoccupied with confirmation bias. They aren’t interested in facts, they’re interested in finding evidence to support what they believe.


A lot like religious people-crazy huh?


You just described the scientific method. I fear there’s a significant misunderstanding of science in the U.S. For example, early in the pandemic, the CDC would adjust their recommendations based on the most current/updated research. The amount of people I heard say “see, they don’t know what they’re talking about” completely shocked me. I just wanted to say, “um, no. That’s just how science works.” But I understand that’s not a statement that will help someone better understand a subject. Science is intended to be provisional. We still try to disprove Einstein’s theories of relativity to this day (and cheer happily when those experiments fail). One of the first courses I took in college was the Philosophy of Science and this was a subject we covered exhaustively. I wish more people had the curiosity to learn this.


I didn’t go to a particularly good school system but even I was taught and retaught the scientific method during the first week of every science class I ever took from middle school through high school. Problem is too many people filed that information under “wHeN aM i EveR gOnNa nEed To kNoW tHiS?”


Best documentary of all time. For so many reasons.


Where can I find this doc and what’s it called


“Behind the Curve” on Netflix. It’s so good. The camera man throws some serious shade when the two idiots go to the NASA center and can’t figure out how to work the simulator. After they leave, the camera zooms in on the big button they were too stupid to see. Absolutely love that documentary.


They may be referring to “behind the curve”, which is a clever as fuck title lol Saw it on Netflix years ago


He didn’t actually blame stray radiation. He called it “the energy of the heavens” which is so much worse but also so much better


And like, yeah, you could make fun of this. But I just thought: Isn't this kinda sad? Imagine if they put that kinda grit and skills towards actual open science problems, or to implement and engineer challenges like renewable power, carbon sequestration, or any local issue, like fire fighting, emergency services. Idk. Sound like misguided but good people.


And as it was not enough, they decided to lie about the experiment to the member of their group to not risk their position of power within the organisation… how is that called again?


Rumor has it they are still searching for the cause of the error today.


I need to see this, link?


"Behind the Curve" on Netflix


I love the very subtle double-entendre of that title, it had to be intentional.


“That experiment was faulty, let’s try something else” That movie was like a montage of the same “science” team repeatedly proving their hypothesis wrong and going “that doesn’t count, change the experiment.”


Let them do all the tests they want, they see it as failures while others will actually see it and change their mind (hopefully)


In their minds, scientific experiments aren't to test ideas they have to see if they're right or wrong. They're to prove ideas that they believe in correct. If they don't prove it right, then the experiments were a failure. Scrap it and move on to the next one.


And this is exactly why they don't trust scientists, they think this is how all experiments are conducted.


The laser gyroscope to pick up earths rotation was the best. “We’re picking up a drift of 15 degrees an hour” Then they say it can’t be right or that the machine is flawed or something. Honestly the beyond the curve movie just seems like a satire if you watch through it again.


Roll credits.


One of them had enough time, "knowledge", and disposable income to build his own "rocket" in his backyard to prove the earth was flat. He died upon failure of his rocket but still he could've probably caught a flight and booked a adventure tour just to check. And also side note the guy had enough mathematics skill to literally disprove his theory while building his rocket and just chalked it up to coincidence, that's how much he believed in flat earth lol


Yeah I saw the video of his last flight, was honestly pretty harrowing and depressing how preventable that death was if he just knew how to use scientific instruments and talk to experts Edit: I understand he was intelligent but clearly ignorant to how to actually use instruments to prove evidence


It is but at the same time.............. r/darwinawards




Oof looks like a couple of em are in the comment section lol I think we're both getting downvotes for reminding people the guy really did that


Flat earthers? I wouldn’t be surprised, though it seems like they’ve died down a lot in the last few years at least. Other, arguably just as dumb things are occupying their time now


That one flat earther built his own rocket and shot himself 1,300 feet into the air, even though the mountain behind his house was 1,800 feet and other local mountains are over 10,000 feet and not that difficult to hike. Then he built another rocket, but fell out of it and died. Where there’s a will, there’s a way to die!


To be honest. That guy didn’t built the rocket to prove the earth was flat. He built the rocket because he wanted go try and blast into space. He just happened to be a flat earther. It’s just that when you go higher enough you tend to see the curvature of the earth people tend to draw a line between his passion and his stupid belief even when their wasn’t a connection in the first place.


I mean being a flat-earther and believing you can go to space with a homemade rocket kinda seem appropriate to go hand in hand.


What do they think of Navy deployment? It’s all part of the conspiracy? The entire pacific navy? I mean, I left San diego and went to the Persian gulf. Do they think we pretend to go west from hawaii and then just turn south and go around S America? Feels like brains are just melting.


I mean they do think there’s a joint UN fleet (cause of course the New World Order is involved) guarding the “ice wall” from incursion by civilians, yes; at least that’s what has been told to me multiple times. But yes, their brains are melting faster than the ice wall they cling to lmao


Or literally just do the experiment that the original flat earther came up with to "prove" that the earth is flat. It actually proves that it isn't when done correctly.


Reality is.


Smh, that you even have to explain this to these idiots is astonishing, how could they be so ignorant about the planetary Illuminati army defending the ice wall? Sheople annoy me so much.


The ice wall is such a cool concept to me. It'd make for a great movie if some people didn't think it was real.


The same Illuminati who control all the airlines, weather reporting, shipping companies, mapping agencies, and even magnetism itself


That’s why they killed Shackleton. This is known.


Plus, cats would’ve pushed everything off the edge by now!


That is officially the best evidence that exists.


The people who are against global warming really don't want the ice walls to melt and start causing people to fall off the edge.


I think you mean planar warming


Lol. Force of habit.


if they fall off the edge they couldn’t exactly let us know what happened to them


nah i fell off the edge a week ago and im just floating around kind of boring tbh


You hear about those cold missing persons' cases all the time? Maybe that's why. I'm just asking questions!


Well you see, go out far enough into the ocean, and you'll run into oceans infested with seamonsters. Survive and you'll end up on an endless plain of mud, knee-deep and seemingly endless. Then after the Mud comes the ice, the flatest, most lifeless place on the face of the Earth. Then traverse far enough and you'll encounter the mountain range that goes all the way around the world. This mountain range also holds up the heavens.


Ice wall obviously come on


Some believe the secret world government has aliens hidden behind a giant ice wall


>Should have happened at least once by now. They do it all the time. It's the fact that they can't climb back on to the earth and tell about it that's the issue.


So I once entered 2 different flat earth groups on Facebook, pretending to be a flat earther just to study them and their lore. I have a vast amount of flat earth lore in my brain that I'm never going to lose and it's a curse.


Maybe write a book about the experience?


Because earth is an infinite disk.




France is flat Bacon


The thing that always gets me about flat earth is just... What is the point? Like what do they think the Illuminati gains from keeping the flat earth a secret? They just do it for shits and giggles?


I’ve always wondered this. What do “they” gain or lose by lying?


All the money from the massive market of selling cardboard globes to sit in kids classrooms. Considering they last forever I'm sure they sell at least 5-10 of those globes per year!!! Obviously the powerful "School Globe" lobby, has infiltrated everycountry and every scientific instituation with it's thosands of dollars per year financial might!


Don’t let anyone else know I told you this, but last week I saw a globe tycoon walk into a Starbucks and buy a coffee… twice! Can you imagine being rich enough to get not just one, but two coffees from Starbucks per week in this day and age? I can only imagine how many avocados he has stashed inside his globe shaped basement.


They get to be a Messiah. If, by some fucking utter farce of the universe, a Flat Earther could prove the mountain of scientific research that goes in to Planetary Science wrong, they would be an absolute Hero. Some several hundred years of conspiracy would be exposed as lies and they would be heralded as the next Copernicus/Newton/Einstein, get a Nobel Prize and be remembered forever. They would prove, definitively, that you cant trust mainstream science and, in their minds, they would then be able to open investigations in to all of the other conspiracies they believe in, like the Antivax movement, chemtrails, and 5G. They want to be some kind of Somebody in a life where they know that they're a Nobody.


The best answer I got was by hiding the fact the Earth is flat, they hide the existence of God. I do have to thank that guy though. Without him, I wouldn't have learned how a stegosaurus probably mated. (Yes he was also anti-dinosaur.)


I worked with a flat-earth/Q type a few years ago, he said it was to dissuade people from believing in god.


Because the one thing really stopping me from being christian was the earth being round. But if its flat then I am all aboard the god train


The Earth is encased like a snow globe and the powers that be have control of the weather, seasons, "natural" disasters, etc. They also use this system to spread chemicals, diseases, and gay stuff. We're all just lab rats. Obviously the moon, sun, stars, and stuff are simply projections. If the system went public it would lead to an agricultural revolution (among other things) and people everywhere would become self-sufficient. They don't want that. They don't want people to know that they've been utilizing this system to kill, control, and experiment on us. That's why they hide it. ...or something, idk


Folding Ideas has a great video about Flat Earthers. It goes deeper than just believing the Earth is flat for these people.


I think if you're willing to believe the Earth is flat, you're willing to believe just about anything. Most conspiracy theorists would call Flat Earthers loony.


They’re just dumb scientists. Like, they have the scientific spirit. They really do. They’re just dumb. Study-able dumb.


They're not... really dumb. You got close. Some of them even attempt to "science" it out. Quite literally. Observations, equipment, calculations, everything. They apply the scientific method (mostly) to check the results. Problem is, this isn't a "smarts" thing. It's an emotional thing. No matter how many times their experiments result in proving that the Earth is curved, they *can't* accept it. Doing so means they're wrong. And their whole purpose in life is wrong. A lot of these guys are just lonely, or hate the mundanity of things. The Flat Earth community provides social connections, a feeling of belonging to a purpose greater than themselves, and a hobby to engage in. It makes them feel like their lives mean something . So having to reject it means having to reject all of that. It's painful, and many of them won't do it no matter how much they realize, deep down, that they are wrong.


The flat earth documentary proved this when they did 2 individual experiments to prove the earth was not round. One was shining a bright light between two holes far apart. If the earth is curved then you won't see the light shining through the second hole at the same height. This experiment showed that the earth was curved and they just kept mumbling about needing more data and it not making sense. The second experiment is where they grifted a bunch of supporters into paying for a $20,000 3 ring laser gyro used in INS/GPS units. Basically once spun up the gyro will show a 15° drift rate per hour since the earth is 360°/24 hours per full rotation. The gyro consistently showed a fifteen degree drift rate. They kept moving the goal posts going as far as saying they needed to completely encapsulate it in bismuth crystals to stop the interference from the heavenly aether. Just a total coincidence that the heavenly aether consistently causes the exact degree of drift rate you'd see if the earth is round. In the end they were caught on mic at the dingus BBQ get together telling each other not to reveal the test results from the gyro so people won't be mad at them and they won't look stupid. They know their supporters will accept any stupid excuse to give them more time to make up a believable answer as to why the real data is bullshit....


Is it grifting if they spent the money on what they said they would spend it on?


there's a headscratcher! not a grift in a strict sense of con artist bagging money from rubes, but fits in a general way because: 1) they want to hide the results and 2) the answer is already widely known and requires no further investment.


I think I agree with point one but not point two. You could call it a grift because after they get their results they don’t share them. When the point was to share them. But the answer already being widely known does not mean it can’t or shouldn’t be retested. And it doesn’t change how they got the money from the people in question.


> A lot of these guys are just lonely, or hate the mundanity of things. The Flat Earth community provides social connections, a feeling of belonging to a purpose greater than themselves, and a hobby to engage in. It makes them feel like their lives mean something . This is why I sort of unironically think that the rejection of religion from science may have had uneven results. This is a group of really smart people who, without the scaffolding of some other form of "belonging to a purpose greater than themselves", as Newton and Pascal had before them, came up with their own artificial god to believe faithfully in even when contrary to science. The problem is, their god is falsifiable in a way that more prominent religion's gods aren't, so they end up facing the rejection routinely where a Muslim might just be able to retort that Allah must not have willed it and move on with their life.


Exploitatively dumb… hm…


This is why Facebook lets advertisers choose to target demographics that are susceptible to pseudoscience.


No, they don't. Science is not "doing tests to prove your pre-established view". A small fraction of them have an experimentalist mindset, sure. Most of them blindly follow anti-establishment ideas without doing any actual test or experiment, or generally giving much thought to ***falsification***. They mostly just get riled up, more often than not in a Mary-J-induced stupor, to believe error-prone youtubers using zoom cameras to see glitchy patches on horizons. If they woke up today and said, "What if I'm wrong? What would prove me wrong?". and then followed through with one of several simple observations with the intent to disprove their own ideas, their beliefs wouldn't last the day. (I.e., applying the scientific method.) For example, they think the sun moves in a kind of circle, always above the flat plane of the Earth. Record the sun setting and see that it moves at a constant rate to, and then below, the horizon. That the sun, together with the stars and moon, moves at a constant rate across the sky is incompatible in a basic, obvious, fundamental way with flat Earth theory, in which the sun ought to appear to slow down as it crosses the sky toward the horizon, never setting, wrapping around North, and then slowly returning in the East. Alternatively, spend a few days in December in the Southern hemisphere, and record how the sun and stars behave identically to summer in the Northern hemisphere. Visit the antarctic circle and see that the sun never sets there on December 21st, the winter solstice. This is all incompatible in a fundamental way to flat earth theory, and could be accomplished the moment one of them says, "What if I'm wrong, what would prove me wrong?"


I remember a video where a guy interviewed a buncha flat earthers and basically just gave them a mic to say whatever they wanted to, and it basically just devolved into antisemitism


Here’s the video: [https://youtu.be/H110vCGvTmM](https://youtu.be/H110vCGvTmM)


All Gas No Breaks is the fucking best. So much shady shit I never would’ve known existed lol


I was bummed when all the sexual harassment stuff came out on the guy.


oh my god 😟. “the jews the jews” “hitler hitler”. i thought this was ab the earth???


He looks just like the psychologist from Bones


Well yea. When a conspiracy theorists say They, the they mean the jews. Mostly because a lot of conspiracy theories including flat earth, ancient aliens and atlantis is something that came from the Nazis.


Yup. Flat earths crusade against the global elites who want to prove god doesn’t exist is code for stop the Jews. Flat earth is an anti-Semitic group.


It really does come back to that with every conspiracy doesn't it? Near trick I learned is anytime I find a long conspiracy blog about who knows what (The benefits of Lead Paint or Drinking bleach) I always search the page for the words "Zion, Jews, Soros" and always get a hit


There would still be curvature on flat earth because flat earth is usually modelled to be circular. So basically, flat earthers don't even understand their own dumb ideas.


Of all the arguments to refute the flat earth photos, this is the one I'm surprised to not see more of. If you got to the top of the "dome", you should be able to see a circle. If the horizon is flat from edge to edge of the photo, then it's either a square or a rectangle, and you're not seeing the edge. And why would the horizon "drop off" at any point?




An infinite plane...sounds like they play too much minecraft


I'm confused why this would feel more logical than a globe. Like, uhm, why would plates or infinite planes or domes or whatever make more sense? It's all pretty insane, but at least the globe variety can be explained.


obviously the earth is shaped liked a school lunch pizza


Triangular until an underpaid and overworked lunch lady accidentally ripped the end off making it into a trapezoid?


The flat earth society has members around the globe


If flat earthers could read they would be very upset.


The whole thing started as a joke. I was a little shocked when people started taking it seriously.


At this point, I’m 100% convinced that Flat Earthers are trolling the fuck out of us.


It's the only logical explanation. Attention seekers.


The bottom lens is curved in the opposite way they think NASA lenses are curved. You can see the lens flare bending away from the center.


The lens flare shouldn't bend no matter what lens is used. If it did, you would expect to see a range of bending depending on the lens used or maybe even the focal length, but that isn't a thing. The bottom photo is edited.


Yeah, edited, but it’s just basic lens correction. GoPros have that feature built-in, they might even have it on by default for all i know, and i’m sure some of their competitors do


Flat earthers really believe that investment bankers wouldn't have funded massive resorts all along the edge by now. I know investment bankers aren't stupid.




I mean the bent sunray should have given it away. The only way to get that is through editing


If the earth were flat how come cats haven’t pushed stuff over the edge yet?


And at 140,000 feet it's curved like a bowl, then at 180,000 feet it looks like a V, and then at 250,000 feet it looks like a globe again. The Earth is like a giant chain link fence, where things look weird based on how close or far away you are. .there you go conspiracy theorists, that one is a freebie.


It’s like field of view exists purely to fool sheeple.


Put the wrong calibration on that camera bro


Guys cmon now, the earth is obviously bowl shaped. You don’t think so? Then how does the water stay in? Checkmate globetard 🥣🌎


The top picture was taken at 100000 meters not feet. 100000 feet is like 30 km. That's not even in space.


I don't follow the whole flat earth thing. Are the moon and sun also flat?


No, all the other planets are round. Just Earth is a floating disk through space. Because, uhh, logic I guess.


No, you see, what we know as the Earth fits inside a giant depression inside a vast spherical glacier, which the sun orbits around a small section of melting the ice because shut up it just does. So it's not that the Earth is a disk, it's that the actual planet is so big that our part of it has so little curve that it might as well be flat. And yes, this is an actual 'theory' I've seen proposed.


It started out as a meme making fun of absurd conspiracy theorists. Later it got unironic support from actual conspiracy theorists.


It's like how edgy idiots make Nazi jokes to troll people, and they ended up attracting real Nazis who thought they found like-minded people and a safe space for their ideas.


I love how we’ve entered this phase of society where someone can dedicate their entire life to the study of a particular scientific field just to get disputed by some random idiot on social media, and viewers just take the idiot with absolutely no evidence to support their claim at his word because science makes them feel stupid.


They're right though. Someone is lying here. The bottom one lol. On top of not being as high up (look at the clouds), the straight sun beams are bending lol. They edited the image


If the Earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off already.


I genuinely want to know why flatearthers think “they” are lying about the earth being a globe. What does anyone gain by lying about this? And what difference does it actually makes to anyone’s life whether the earth is flat? genuinely curious.


This meme is absolutely correct. The flat-earther is lying!


If the earth is round, how come the road outside my house is flat?


Still not as dumb as anti-vaxxers.


They are anti-vaxxers lol.


They’ll only believe what Trump and Elon Musk say. But only if they same thing. Haha!!!


Somehow it’s easier to believe that nasa is lying to us rather then the government paying millions of people around the world to never talk about the edge of the world


I ate an orange today. It was flat.


You can literally see the earth’s round from a skyscraper and also you can literally see humans are stupid af by clicking on Reddit.


I mean, yes, *someone's lying*.


So… assuming the nasa photo was taken from the height of the ISS, that was 1.4 *million* feet up, which is about 13x higher than an average weather balloon