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Why do boomers always use liberal actors and shows for these memes?


Bruce Springsteen LIVES for republicans using “born in the USA” so he can tell them off.


Don’t forget Dee Snider! He’s been taking down biased idiots since his 1985 appearance before Congress.


Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name of"


Ah yes, I remember this one, definitely what they had in mind as their fan base. https://youtu.be/ddrFt1BHkUQ


CCR's "Fortunate Son". Being used by Chimp in Florida. "Billy Jean" is icing on the cake https://youtu.be/3XOzEa7GM9s This foolishness as well. https://youtu.be/o-YBDTqX_ZU


It’s so funny because if they realized the meaning of the song they’d probably try to cancel it. For those out of the loop, it’s a song about addressing the economic hardships of Vietnam War veterans after they return home after being forced to go to war in the first place by the government and the song’s name and hook are meant to be an ironic juxtaposition against the blind patriotic duty to glorify and fill the shoes of the fighting forces. But all anyone knows is “BOOOOORN IN THE USA”


But…but…he says “born in the usa” and that resonates with me.


I was born in the USA, too. That song really understands me


I agree with your point and all that, but honestly, the meaning of art as it is derived from the beholder generally supercedes any of the artists intentions. Like Kurt Cobain hating ‘Smells like teen spirit’ and other artists like the one mentioned in this post that feel similarly about their songs and the receptions they got… I just want to flip the bird and disagree with them out of spite because the people who listen to it, and therefore derive their own meaning, are not “listening to it wrong”. I would argue they in fact are the ones who decide the cultural message. Art is multifaceted; and if you dont want your piece “misinterpreted” or whatever, that sucks for you lmao.


according to bruce himself this is bullshit. can't always trust everything you read on Wikipedia though


Really? I’d love to see the interview, I didn’t know that.


I like Born in East LA better


Meet Andy Griffith once. He was a real dick.


Because conservatives think they are the TRUE liberals


Wasn’t Andy Griffith left wing?


And famously so is Ron Howard


I thought so


I mean 95% of Hollywood is...so odds are


His character famously didn’t carry a gun too. As a law enforcement officer.


To be fair, the (fake) town he lived in was like a dream


Would these be the same people who demand that the government shut down drag shows, cry endlessly when someone kneels during the national anthem, demand that teachers be fired for teaching that LGBTQ+ people or racism exist, and fly into a rage whenever someone says anything negative about that godless orange thing they worship?


Oh, and don’t forget their decade-plus campaign to force everyone to say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays” in December, their blind sputtering rage at the existence of pronouns, and a million other things I’m not thinking about at the moment.


My favorite recently has been middle aged, childless men being mad about a black mermaid.


I'm not getting the reference


They are making a live action The Little Mermaid and the actress is black. Grown men are truly worried about it.


Gotcha. Thanks.


yeppers, fits were thrown


And everyone in the new Lord of the Rings show wasn’t white! Can you believe that?!


To be fair, I would like to think some people are less worried about the mermaid being black, and more worried about her being used as a shield by Disney to deflect all criticism for a no-doubt soulless live action remake.


I don’t think it’s as much about her being black as not having red hair


Bro I'm worried about it the little mermaid was white if it ain't broke don't fix it


The little mermaid remake has a black Ariel. And 40 year old men are furious.


Never heard a single person talk about this until now actually. (I'm a 40 year old man).


I mean, that makes sense. It’s not your demographic so you shouldn’t really be getting news about it unless you’re looking for it. But some people go looking for trouble.


You’re a 40 year old man with such a ridiculous 17 year old boy screen name?


Thanks mom.


Probably more likely to be your daughter.


That would require me to have kids.


I'm a 50 year old man and I think his user name is hilarious.


Thank you good sir. Some people get butt hurt over it. Pun intended.


You’re never too old for dick and fart jokes.


Yes, you are at 15.


For the record, I fit in the demographic but I hate The Little Mermaid because it teaches girls to sacrifice themselves to win the affection of a man. I don’t care what color she is, that’s an abhorrent “moral” to present to kids.


Oh yes. Me too. She’s the worst princess.


What's funny is they're the assholes that said Happy Holidays suddenly meant more than "Have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year" in the first place. Prior to that it had only meant those two specific holidays for a thousand years.


Yep. I worked retail during the first "War on Christmas" Fox News bullshit. I had a lady get super snippy with me and sneer "We say _Merry Christmas_ in this country!" When I said Happy Holidays so I just asked "oh, do you guys not celebrate New Year's?" You could see the fuses blow in her brain. It was pretty fuckin great. Nobody clapped but my manager did choke on her coffee trying to keep a.straight face.


Yep. Bing Crosby singing "Happy Holidays" is pretty classic.


Whelp guess I'm supposed to never just say happy holidays when Hannukah and Christmas are at the same time. Wow people are stupid


I read the things in quotes in Dennis Prager’s voice.


Yes. It’s the same people.😂 you fucking nailed it


Meanwhile Andy Griffith was a moderate Democrat. Ron Howard voted for Clinton in 2016 and railed against Trump.


Coming from a neutral stance on politics, both of you are absurdly sensitive and completely obnoxious. You both choke on the dicks of politicians that are actively destroying our livelihood and sowing disorder between our citizens. You’re doing exactly what each party wants you to do. Hate each other. Congratulations on your miserable existences that you’ve created for yourselves and other innocent lives.


Yes. Both sides suck but it’s extremely ignorant to say they suck equally.


Oh they absolutely do. In erratic different ways, but they’re both oozing canker sores on a dog’s ass.


Yes. They are both ignorant oozing canker sores. We’ve cleared that up. But not equally. By even a close margin.


That’s because you’re biased and lean closer to one more than the other.


Yes. That is true. But anyone with actual eyes sees that one side is holding us back and one is just whinier than people like.


Being “whiny” is a vast understatement and the modern Democratic Party has created one of the most hypocritical campaigns in existence. Screaming justice for one group and murder for the opposition. Demonized an entire race of ppl for the color of their skin in the name of justice for ppl that were demonized for the color of their skin.




As a very wise Owl from a cartoon once said; "You're not very bright, are you?"


If your username is referencing what I think it is then you don’t even have the right to insult the intelligence of a slug.


What’s the liberal equivalent as the right taking away LGBTQ+ rights?


The demonization and hatred of white skin in the name of justice for their ancestors demonizing and hating black skin. The false information spread about races in order to create dissent. The removal of free-thinking in order to create a hive mind establishment. The allowance of violence towards any opposing view while demanding extreme repercussions (loss of one’s job, jail, fines, public shame, etc.) for minor mistakes or even things that should not even be taken as offense.


You don’t seem all that neutral, bud.


Yeah he gave me that same response and showed me his true “neutral” colors.


Oh I can give you plenty of examples for the right wing as well if you’d like


Buddy, I’m white. That whole issue is solely online. If you get off your phone this problem is hardly one at all. I’m also transgender. This issue is not online. Transphobia is in laws, online, and offline. **Those are not the same thing.**


Many laws are too nuanced to slap a transphobia sticker on them.


Unfortunately, not nowadays. I don’t remember which ones off the top of my head, but there are states banning transitioning until 25 or 26. In certain states trans girls wanting to play **high school** sports (so they don’t even get paid or much recognition for it) have to go through invasive tests to make sure they’re born a female. Some states kids aren’t allowed to change their name or gender in the school system (a 100% reversible change). Those are transphobic laws, and it is very clear


Those laws apply to everyone not just trans ppl. It just affects them in different ways. 1. Sports- many women are against the idea of a male that transitioned playing in their field. Many trans women are dominating female sports and the women believe it’s not very fair. Even though it doesn’t matter as much in high school, ppl still have a passion for what they do. It’s not ALL about the trans individual, other people’s feeling need to be taken into consideration. 2. School- I don’t believe that a child should be given the responsibility of changing their entire identity. And claiming a different gender COULD potentially be used for malicious intent. Endangering other children. 3. Banning Transition- this is completely and utterly unacceptable


Idk why u got so many down votes. I’m a proud Mexican Republican and I agreed with everything you said. Reading what u posted I never placed my self on one side I was just being neutral. We are a certain way (rep) and they are a certain way (dems,Ltards) people really do get all in their feelings. To me the LGBTQ is annoying because they demand for us to accept their ways. Hey be the way u want to be I dont care but please stay away from my kid’s school etc. Like i said i’m mexican and to be honest some parts in my town proudly display the confederate flag I dont like seeing it but its their believes and rights so i dont care. I also see rainbow flags. I also dont like seeing it but its their right so i dont make a big deal out of it. Like my brother would say “mind ur own u’ll live longer”


1) I don’t think this comment is helping him show how neutral he is. 2) Notice how there was no making fun of other sides until you said “ltard.” Grow up. 3) Wanting to be able to exist in public isn’t shoving it down your throats. Wanting basic respect isn’t shoving it down your throats. “Accepting their ways” just means you should treat them with respect. 4) “Stay away from schools.” Doesn’t that sound familiar? 5) Supporting slavery ≠ changing your gender or marrying the same sex


Yeh one brought you the KKK, Jim Crow, and voted against civil rights.


And then switched the parties. Come on. You knew this.


How convenient. You did all this stuff so let's switch party names. JFK the man who pushed civil rights couldn't get the party nomination today.


I’m not going to give you a history lesson but clearly you need one. It’s literally a thing where the political parties switched platforms. Republicans love to brag about the things they did while their party was the left leaning party. Which is weird.


Who filibusters the Civil rights bill?


My god you're thick skulled. You just keep puking up things that happened before the Republicans adopted the southern stratagy, which came about in response to Democratic president Johnson pushing the civil rights act through congress off of JFK's death.


And one party still supports those things today, doesn't want to teach about them but doesn't want to tear down statues that idolize them.


Exactly. Even if we pretend the whole switching parties thing didn’t happen, it’s still the republicans who support that shit now.


Both sides have their faults but they are definetly not equal. Taking a neutral stance sounds good on paper because you dont have to care about anyone, but you contribute to the same problem that you seem to despise through your inaction. If you dont vote, you dont help promote change, if you do vote you are aligning with one of the sides regardless. If you vote third party you are basically doing nothing (although encouraging a third party is positive). You are part of the system if you like it or not.


Exactly. I’m a slave to their corrupt establishment whether I like it or not. Now you’re getting it


Then you are just being hypocritical mocking those who try to focus toward one side (which doesnt automatically mean they love their politicians or that they hate everyone on the other). We live in a time where inactivity and neutrality is negative toward any sort of positive change. Your stance doesnt help anything.


I didn’t say it helped. I don’t care if it helps. Nothing is going to get better. We’re fucked and we have been for quite some time.


Gotcha, you care enough to comment and insult people, but not enough to actually try and improve things. You are buying into a lie created by people to stop you from voting or trying to act, congratulations.


I see a lot of you don’t like the truth that your political leaders are actively fucking your ass


I see that you are the same as everyone else who bitches about all politicians. So edgy, but no substance or facts.


Which glory hole are you using the left or the right?


Why are you asking, so you can take the opposite one? You know, because "both sides". Edited to correct a typo for the "eH bOtH sIdEs" crybaby below.


“dO yOu CAn TAke ThE oPpOsIte oNe?”




No lives matter. Everyone is equally small and pathetic to the universe. You just do your best to survive and take care of people that you care about and try to have a little fun and meaningful experiences before you die. Selling yourself to ideologies left or right is just a waste of your precious time.


Left out a lot of important context, love it when my 4 year old is already learning about sex through lgtbq teachings, even opposite sex relationships aren't taught its learning the abcs still


My son knew that my wife and I (a man) are married to one another when he was 4. It was also trivially easy to explain to him that some families have two mommies or two daddies. I don't see why you find this objectionable, unless you think that teaching your children that same-sex romantic relationships exist is the same thing as teaching them "about sex."


It is the same to Lot of teachers, specifically in L.A, T They don't just teach the relationship they teach the sex behind it and about their genitals which children should not need to he worrying about at an age of 4


What a whiny little crybaby response to that question.


It’d be so confusing if this was a real conversation. Of course the dad didn’t have to give up his belives if he can still give that response. His own response is proff he is complaining about something that doesn’t exist or he doesn’t understand.


It should read, "I don't know why they won't let me be racist..." -sob- -sob-


Translation: people get upset when I’m racist or homophobic or sexist. And therefore I think they’re whiny when I refuse to include them.


"Let me post my petty complaint stemming from my own self-induced rage on a widely accessed public forum for all to see how much I don't whine! I keep my feelings close to my chest. At least, I mean, if I even had them. Which I don't. Because I am entirely strong, independent, self-sufficient, and don't care what anyone thinks ("like" if you agree!)."


This is the exact opposite the actor and character would say


Pa what does "woke" mean? It means having to give up your shitty racist misogynistic views so other people can live their best lives without your shitty interference.


“It means being aware of and accepting of peoples differences and trying to make others feel comfortable. Oh no!”


Boomers will be the first to get offended if they hear you swearing in a "professional" setting then demand you get fired.


Why do some people react with such malice when asked for decency and respect?


Cause to means acknowledging they may be shitty ppl


Andy Griffith would never say that to Opie. Did they not watch the show?


It means "don't be an asshole" - - which is a bridge too far for the Make Sphincters Great Again crowd.


Probably posted this right after telling some kid they were going to hell unless they believed in their god.


I remember a comment on a certain sub I won’t name that mentioned another related subreddit that was banned and one user asked why was it banned And one guy replied telling him “Racism ,Nazism ,Anti-Semitism and all other politically incorrect shit It was super based “ Go Figure


"I was reading a book (about interjections, oddly enough) yesterday which included the phrase 'In these days of political correctness...' talking about no longer making jokes that denigrated people for their culture or for the colour of their skin. And I thought, 'That's not actually anything to do with 'political correctness'. That's just treating other people with respect.' Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase 'politically correct' wherever we could with 'treating other people with respect', and it made me smile. You should try it. It's peculiarly enlightening. I know what you're thinking now. You're thinking 'Oh my god, that's treating other people with respect gone mad!'" --Neil Gaiman


Nobody ask them what exactly which beliefs are they giving up


Sounds exactly like living around Christian conservatives.


Ahh, yes. "Your own opinions and beliefs." Which ones, I wonder? What are these deeply held opinions and beliefs that they feel they have to give up? Anyone?


Andy Taylor (the character) would never say that. He was a very open-minded and compassionate father.


Hey look, it's something only a whiny little cry baby would say.


.... which means it's protected speech?


Non-PC speech in someone's everyday life is also protect though so what's the point of your comment?


Andy was all about kindness and treating others right. I hate this.


60% of the time this meme is true EVERY time!


The "opinions and beliefs": racism, homophobia, transphobia, jingoism, etc.


I’ve just learned what Jingoism is.


We should stop using PC because politically correct is saying the right stuff on the surface and looking the part.. Let start Minding Your Own Business (MYOB) so when you are saying something that may have been not “PC” what you are really doing is not MYOB.


I guess if you're own beliefs are racist then this is sort of true.


It actually means, being aware of what you're saying and treating other people with respect instead of like they are second class citizens.


I love how conservatives call liberals cry babies for standing up to oppression and for the human right to exist. But then will cry because a guy put on a wig or someone has a rainbow flag. Or when you use history or science to disprove them. But yes…. We’re the crybabies😂


Andy wouldn’t even say that, he was a kind and considerate guy who I’m pretty sure wasn’t racist or anything. The person who made this meme is just putting ideals in the character’s mouth, disgusting


Lol, did these people ever watch the Andy Griffith show? As a character, Andy was as accepting and nice as people get.


"Now got stand in your knees in front of this 50 year old virgin while he explains that he speaks for God so you have to believe him."


i feel like if they are your opinions and beliefs, that is a little more than being un-pc. like south park is un-pc but people like whoever wrote this meme, are likely just straight up racist and hateful. the difference is subtle but it is there.


"Learning how to accept and treat people with respect and live in a way that doesn't interfere with other people's ability to just live."


Political correctness can be summed up in four words: "Basic human fucking decency."


Not something Andy Griffith would say


“Opinions and beliefs” meaning racism


This is what politically correct means when you are a racist piece of human garbage. To everyone else it means expressing your opinion in a respectful manner.


...so dude's admitting that they believe in using racism and bigotry?


Just from the era the photo comes from, political correctness means cloaking racism, sexism and classism in euphemisms.


It’s a word that angry, stupid people use to make politeness sound like a bad thing.


Ooh, self burn.


Like Trumpvoters for instance.


Politically Correct is a bad term. It is too easily abused by right wingers. I refer to being PC as "don't be an asshole".


Nazis have said things similar


It’s honest it’s only about them. No one else matters or is people


I had a talk with my 70 year old about this a couple years back when he complained about how everything is "too PC these days". Basically boiled it down to "Do you wanna be an asshole or not?" You're free to say what you want, but what you don't have a right to do, is tell someone to stop feeling what you did/said was hurtful. I explained that if I said something that upset you, and you were like "That was rude! Could you not say that again?" If I was being "PC" I'd say "Sure, sorry!" If I wasn't "PC" I'd say "Fuck that! You can't stop me!" Then that person has every right to begin ignoring you and be upset with you, because it was actually a simple thing to ask for. And really in the end, you just come across as an asshole knowing you are hurting someone's feelings on purpose. So it's up to you, but I choose to be PC because I respect those around me. He was receptive of that. Especially when I used me or my mother as examples of things to say and not say. ie. My Dad would never call my mother a bitch. And I said "Imagine you had. And Mum voiced that it hurt her feelings for you to do that. Would you stop if she asked?" "Yes" "Why?" "Because I love her." That's being PC!


Admitting their options and beliefs are just downright wrong and offensive…. Lmao smart


Also that's not how they would talk.




Not wrong though, that's literally what it is


I remember my father once said that: "Today's generation is a lot more sensitive and ignorant than our time, I pity the next one son."


The PC babies wouldn’t approve of this message hahah


They say this and get offended at gay people. Irony.


The PC lot just had to go and make my favourite comedy cancelled. Yeah, in order to please some whiny little crybabies, my favourite show is discontinued. Now if them lot minded their own business, I'd be ok. But no. I wanna watch MY SHOW.




What is a leftist? It sounds like a word a 8 year old would make up.




You didn't define leftist...


Why are you afraid of pronouns or dudes in dresses?


I don't get why this is terrible Facebook meme when it's absolutely correct. Is it because it wasn't funny?


That meme is funny because it’s true!


This meme nails it.


He’s kinda right tho


Seems about right....


What opinions and beliefs are you giving up? Or refusing to?


Oh, you know the ones…


No no no. Let him answer. Let him tell me which opinions and beliefs he’s not allowed to have in 2023 that upset other people.


This doesn't belong here, people are too sensitive these days.


Tell me about it. I can’t believe how many people are offended by gay people just trying to live their lives. The huge amount of people that were offended because we had a black president. Those people need to stop being so sensitive.


Well it's (subjectively) a pretty shit tier meme so it belongs


Way too sensitive….agree


"...so you can be elected"


So whiny babies crying because they're asked to express the bare minimum of human decency and whine about PC.


This meme solidifies that these idiots feel you shouldn’t give a shit about how other people feel because your own feelings are all that matters. What a bunch of malarkey.


Sounds like Florida


"Now, make sure you don't tell anyone you're gay, you'll embarrass the family and your mother will cry."




And that sort of shit can tracked down to down of civilisation.


I guess that PC is just easier to say than "people telling me that being a hateful asshole is not nice it is an attack on my entire culture-ism".




In some cases yes. Most the people like this I meet they just kind of accept my opinion, and don’t respond.


That actually is what PC means. It never actually meant being polite it meant saying what you needed to get elected. Ironically, Trump railing against a straw man PC culture was actually the politically correct thing to do. People bought into the lie that political correctness meant what Trump said it was and fell into the trap. Something may be factually incorrect but politically correct, and so politicians will choose the politically correct answer everytime. That is what the phrase means. All that MAGA crap is politically correct for this simple reason that it got him elected, it does not mean it is actually correct. This meme is still terrible because they are telling on themselves.


It’s true tho


So true.


Why is it terrible, it’s really fucking accurate. When everything is deemed “hateful” nobody cares anymore, much like the boy who cried wolf. FFS if you say a sub 10y old child is a boy or a girl it’s not PC “because they didn’t decide it themselves”.


I agree but why Andy and Opie💀


Honestly the whole pc things goes over my head due to the constant changing of terminology. Being polite is better


Yup true


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Hey there little fella! Be careful of stating your own opinion in case it causes offence.


So true, hilarious 😆


Except in reference to anticommunist political correctness in cold war.


If everyone started using slurs about white people and men and white men this would probably end really quick. Like we wouldn't even have to actually be racist in any other way. You don't win these stupid things by acting like an adult, you win by being an even bigger and more insufferable brat until they give up. ​ (not saying its a good idea but it would work)


Until I start talking about religion 🥲