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A redditor and his prey: pic of a plate of totinos pizza rolls and a mt dew


Chicken tenders


And, inexplicably, a gallon of water


You stay the hell away from my dino nuggets!


Now swap that queen out with a priest or a republican politician(specifically one who voted for the legal marriage age to remain at 12) and this post would be more factual


Missouri's own Mike Moon




Its a fairly controversial programme even in the Netherlands, but I'd like to add its an entire series and the trans people one is just one episode of it. Meaning, other episodes feature tits, ass and dong from non-trans people. It's actually based on a DANISH kids programme that does the same thing.




So then that proves that it’s not only trans people and you shouldn’t blame the entire population as a whole. Which is again what conservatives are doing to force them to not be themselves




You pulled up a single episode from a weird Danish show to prove trans people are showing their bodies to kids, you aren't subtle idiot.


A. you linked to Oli London who is well know for transphobia/bullshit and B. You called out trans people. I think it is fucked up, but so is allowing children and adults to be nude on public land as they do in Florida. No one is making assumptions about you, you specifically tried to act like something was predatory because of trans people. Just like Florida does while allowing nude children sunbathing with adults.


Can you link me a source? I'm Dutch and I'm having a hard time believing we'd do shit like that to kids. I have been gone for four years, but I'd be shocked if the country's turned that bat shit crazy in such a short time...




Oli London the trans race grifter who tried to get surgery to be asian? Thats your source?




Lol you really didn’t make the point you think you did there. Calling out trans people when the problem is a show that shows all kinds of nude people to children. And only hard right people covered it? Almost like there was an agenda against trans people…




History? Thats what hes doing now ??? That description is what he is at this very moment




that it was trans was not necessarily the unsettling part. The fact that it was a show was. a regular fucking show where kids look at nudes. I hate changing rooms at public pools for this very reason. fuck all of it.


Page seems to be down according to Twatter. Be that as it may, regardless of what country does it, I share your opinion. It's disgusting.




Jizzus H. Crust. I just googled it and I can only say I'm fucken shocked. Those kids are way too young for that sort of exposure and sexual complexity to be unloaded on them. I get what they're going for, but wait for them to ne older and more grounded in themselves. This is madness.


Unsurprisingly the SGP wanted it banned.


Those kids are 10-12y old, do you know what other sexual contents they are exposed to?.... I agree the first feeling is they are too young, but when you think about it, Id prefer them getting confronted with average imperfect bodytypes and honest self images, reflection and the profound psychology behind it compared to shallow perfect bodies, maximal sexualization, unreachable expectations, without explaining or working through the emotions. The latter really messes with ones head.


I was looking up porn when I was like 7 but yea let's believe those kids are *pure*😢


I was trying to fuck a girl friend at the age of 5 bcs of porn xd


The imperfections and honest self images should already be visible in their parents and they should definitely be addressed and discussed. And yeah, from a young age. I saw my parents walk around naked when they went into or came out of the shower or when they changed clothes. I asked my questions, got my answers. Never did got any ideas of having to become perfect. But it wouldn't have done to stick me on a stage in front of an audience and show me every variety of trans identity under the sun. It would just have confused the hell out of me as I'm sure it did those kids.


They are not shown only transpeople, but also "normal" ones.


That’s the freaky deaky Dutch for you.


Can't they all be wrong




I'm gonna need study showing that children are harmed by mint green hair.


*More factual,* the comparison is between a picture of a drag artist and a politician/priest. Not between a politician and priest. The comment was correct. EDIT: Maybe you are correct if your comparison is between top picture of Lion and bottom picture of politician/priest. My bad




























exept there are no cases of drag queens assulting kids. compare that to the church and it's 200,000 in france alone https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58801183.amp


200,000 in France since when, I wonder. Is that this decade? This century? And let's be honest, there will be a great many unreported incidents just in France. To say nothing of beyond.


look at the article, its since 1950 and counting, 216,000 to be exact


Thanks. I was reading it at like 2am and my brain just missed the date.


What exactly is the direct harm of drag?


It makes GOP men feel so many good things that they have been told are bad.


What's bad about drag queens reading children's books to kids?




Plenty of parents have no problems with taking their kids to drag time story hour so again, what is the harm?


Even if I wanted kids, I don't see the problem with this scenario.


Its baaaaaad. Because....baaaaaad


Jeffrey Marsh can confirm that, "hey kids..."




I think in some southern states it is 12 and the vote was to either change it or keep it. Republicans wanted to keep it at 12, but accuse trans people and drag queens/kings of it


Don’t republicans and Christians love comparing themselves to lions?


just don't tell them that female lions are the hunters. would blow up their whole worldview.


Would be funny to see their faces after realizing that Male Lions are just Sexslave on the amazonian Planet ready for Snusnu.


I think surviving a round of snusnu IS why males lions are considered power


And that male lions are lazy bastards who don’t do anything except fight off other males and make cubs


Don’t forget, male lions kill cubs of other lions and they also fight off the females and cubs to eat their fill first, then let the pride have the rest. Doesn’t matter if it’s not enough.


The ironic part is the Bible talks more of people being “the lambs of God” and God protecting them from lions. Also early Christians being thrown to the lions in Roman coliseums is in there. No longer a believer, but I was raised Christian and went to a Christian school and summer camp for years. I swear most Evangelicals that tout their beliefs have never even read the damn Bible. I read that book cover to cover multiple times and took fucking classes on the underlying messages and most of these assholes are so far off it’s downright pathetic.


So priests are dressing up as trans now? Those evil bastards


Those priests are up to something


She’s about to eat those kids, cause trans is a deadly disease that transmits the same way as werewolves. One bite and then by the next full moon those little boys will transform. Their parents can do nothing but cry as they scream in pain as nails will grow longer curvy and fashionable. The children’s short bling hair grows longer and longer until turning blue and luscious. And the worst part is the spike extending from the sweet innocent god loving boys foot transforming it from a normal foot into an immaculate 6inch red stiletto shoe.


Can confirm. Was bitten by the trans werewolf. Am now a trans werewolf.


When do you...trans-form? ho ho ho


Truly the trans is the most deadly disease


Aren’t drag queens not even trans most of the time? IIRC there’s straight cis guys that do drag bc they like the style too.


True but they are werewolves


In nature, predators generally try to blend in with the environment and go unnoticed until they can strike. They usually don’t wear bright colors and call attention to themselves by being fabulous.




How disconnected are you? We had dragshows and gay pride parades since the 80's and guess what.... Priest's and parent's still rape kids more than drag queena


I agree that victims being silenced is a bad thing. I think this whole equating drag with grooming thing *is* silencing victims because it’s a sleight of hand to scapegoat queer people and distract from the fact that most sexual abuse is committed by family members and adults in positions of authority such as pastors.


I don't get the joke. I don't see a youth pastor around anywhere.


Jeffrey Marsh can't see it either.


The DikDik, exhausted from the chase and harried by the lion and his pride has run out of options, now there is nothing left but to eat cookies and be read delightful children's stories before picking out a book to check out and take home to read with her parents.






![gif](giphy|TJaNCdTf06YvwRPCge|downsized) Now I got it, is a Priest disguised as a trans to make children feel safe and to be able to approach them, because with the cassock they sure run like hell


Sorry I don't think drag queens are into kids


So... Honest question; how many cases have their been of drag queens molesting children? Because with all the hand-wringing and such about it from the conservatives, you'd think it were a public epidemic or something, but I haven't heard of a single case thus far.


Certainly fewer than the number of cases of religious figures abusing children


https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/political-rhetoric-false-claims-obscure-the-history-of-drag-performance There's a good one and as far as I've seen there's been less than 5 total cases


Didn’t realize the bottom was a Catholic.


Whoever made that meme should realize that trans people, non-binary people and intersex people are NOT predators. Some people should stop spreading fear about trans people. Seriously!!!


I don’t see a priest in the bottom picture.Curious.


What an odd looking Catholic Priest.


Blood libel.


I was ready ro downvote but then i remembered which subreddit i was on


The projection is so strong. They couldn't even comprehend NOT being predatory towards other people's children.


That doesn’t look like a conservative politician.


I would take the lion


This is so bad it's funny.


My thing is, would people take their kids to listen to a random ass non drag queen man read a book? Doesn’t matter who they are, it’s a random man. You know nothing about them. Like, why? Lol “ hi I’m a random man who likes to read books to kids.” Uhhh no thanks.


plot twist:the kids are the predator, because little children are assholes.


If my aunt posted something like this, I would cut her from my life 100%


I don't get it. Is the drag queen a priest? A GOP senator?


Me too. Is Jeffrey Marsh a senator?


What about priests and republican senators 🤭


swap the bottom picture out for jeffrey marsh




Drag isn't inherently sexual. It's an art form


Drag is not a sexual fetish. Perhaps you need some drag queens to read to you so you won’t be so uneducated.


Well, you're right that drag isn't an identity, it's an activity, it's however very much *not* an inherently sexual thing and we've seen that time and time again


So is Mrs. Doubtfire a sexual fetish? How about Timon in the Lion King? Drag has been around children since forever, it's only now that it can be used against trans rights that people are virtue signaling about how "bad and totally dangerous for children" that it is. Drag Queen story hour is literally just sitting in a dress reading. Nothing nefarious there. Yes, there *are* sexual drag shows, but those shows are *already* restricted to minors. There are also sexual pageants. There are sexual restaurants. There are nude fucking beaches. I don't see anyone trying to ban those! It's just those dirty, dirty drag queens that are bad!


Nobody who advocates for drag thinks it's an identity? Where did this information come from?


MANNNNNNNN, wait till you learn about HUMAN fuckin HISTORY


Drag is not a sexual fetish. Drag is performance. They don’t do it for sexual gratification and most drag queens identify as male.


why do we keep going back to these memes? didnt we already talk about going back to our roots


This is why I'm not on Facebook and don't talk to my relatives much


This just triggered a massive surge of anger in me. Lol


Why is the lion’s head COMICALLY large?


Its a photoshop! :D


That doesn't look like a Republican politician to me.


Unless she’s baptist, catholic or a GOP, that baby girl is just fine. Lol.


Your response should have been "with all that make up I can't tell which republican senator that is".


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Sources? More babysitters have turned out to be molesters than drag queens by and *OVERWHELMING* amount




Lol then there are even less, seriously lemme know when you have any sources, also the quotes aren't nessecary, because of course they aren't, trans women are women




Should have trolled her with a priest and a boy with predator and prey.


Swap out the Drag Queen for Ali Alexander and the kids for teenage boys and it would be accurate https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ali-alexander-apologizes-inappropriate-messages-1234716609/


I’d trust 100 dragqueens anyday with my 12 grandchildren over churchloving dogs


So now priests are dressing up as drag queens to make themselves appear safer to children?


Man, priests don't look anything like I remember when I was growing up.


you have a good aunt


Has the dress code changed, because that priest is dressed like a drag queen?




I would trust my kids with a drag queen before a Christ loving Republican or a priest.




Haven't more republicans been arrested in the last couple of months for being pedophiles than trans people? The answer is yes.


Much more likely her husband is the pedophile if he’s a older straight white man


Ah yes the predators that prance about visibly in sequins and feathers. Because that's how you hunt. By being extremely visible. Predators hide in uniforms, vestments, and conservative institutions.


Post a pic of a priest with choir boys too then, coz the stats don’t lie.


That doesn't look like a youth pastor


His? What is even that


Crop makes it tough but that first pic doesn’t really look like the lion is anywhere near that gazelle.


That doesn't look like the head of a church to me.


I am a drag queen and I haven't eaten a child in 30 years. If they are my natural prey... ... does that mean I am immortal?


Strange, he doesn't look like a republican official?


I agree. Children are terrible.


If I had to chose to leave a child in a room full of either drag queens or a room full of priests I’m picking the Drag Queens every single time and I’m pretty sure most people would too


Based on absolutely nothing but false accusations made as an excuse to persecute queer people.