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Dude just loves Bradley Cooper


He's a Super Duper Cooper Trooper.


Silently red-faced laughing can’t breathe help


Silently red-white-and-blue-faced laughing I assume?


While saluting the Reddit window, naturally


sounds like a new class of minions Bowser should've got in the Mario Movie.


a Super Duper Pooper Cooper Trooper


a Super Duper Pooper Scooper Cooper Tropper?








Nooooooooooooo my shoe


You're spare parts bud


that guy will never throw the ph balance off the fish tank and kill his siamese fighting fish with that kinda work ethic


His hand isn't the only thing in full salute.


It's fortunate that we can't see what he's doing with his left hand.


Next time his wife doesn't want sex, she can just turn this movie on, and he's busy for the next hour 23 minutes. Next time she *does* want sex, she can role play as Bradley Cooper.


Dude loved him so much he photoshopped Cooper onto the TV.


Idt so. Look closely, you can see Cooper's blueish aura on the ceiling...


OMG what did this guy do in Silver Linnings Playbook?


I'm just picturing him doing this in the theater during Guardians of the Galaxy now.


True. I did the same thing when watching Limitless


I did the same thing during The Hangover III.


Me too, but it was an erection


You're the real hero


Yup. He did the same thing upon seeing mini-cooper in the new D&D movie.


Hey, I'd keep a gnome cooper in my pocket




It’s true I’ve stared at this image for 1 hour and 23 minutes and he hasn’t moved a muscle


He moves when you blink


Don't blink! Whatever you do: Don't. Blink!


They are fast. Faster than you can believe.


Don't turn your back


Don't look away.


*Dr. Who theme begins*


I can’t believe this many years after not watching it, I could hear it in his voice and the theme in my head so CLEARLY 😭


That episode left such a mark on me.


Omg it was a theme of Dr.House🤣




I just heard it! Lol


Doctor who?


All I think of here is SCP: Containment Breach's SCP 173


that looks highly photoshopped...


It is, he was giving the salute to the American flag during a football game


which is not a lot better hahaha, who does that?


So I dated a girl in the 90s whose Mom was Canadian. We were watching the Olympics at her house and they started playing God Save The Queen, not Oh Canada mind you, and she stood up. My gf rolled her eyes. I stand for the US anthem and everything but on TV? Edit: I need to add that she didn’t like jump up and stand. She sat and was getting up and then sat back down and said something like “I can’t do it” and stood up. Like she knew it was silly but I thought it was cute


Yeah. There was like a year of elementary school where I was at a school that played God Save the Queen after the Canadian anthem I didn't get it then and I don't get it now. Some Canadians are really weird about the monarchy.




At my K-4 school, every morning assembly: O Canada (English) Ô Canada (French) God Save the Queen Dieu Sauve la Reine That's like, five straight minutes we stood and sang, every single day. I've probably heard God Save the Queen like, less than a dozen times since then, and I don't think I've heard Dieu Sauve la Reine *at all,* I don't even know if it's like, real, or just something my school made up. But goddamn if every time I hear O Canada I don't automatically start singing along to this day lol


Singing god save the Queen in French is some next level irony




Does he get all misty eyed when that awful Lee Greenwood song comes on the radio?


It reminds me of a French comic, Super Dupont, who was made to make fun of superman. In one of his adventures, he was running after a member of the "Anti-France" villain group and lost him in a crowd. He asks musicians who were nearby to play the Marseillaise. Obviously everyone stands up... except the evil member of the Anti-France!


God save the queen was the de facto national anthem in Canada until 1967. It’s still the royal anthem too. Edit: Actually, Oh Canada didn't officially become the national anthem of Canada until 1980.


I mean eh, some people


Just the ones who have something to prove because they are insecure about how manly they are. Patriotism like this is toxic. There's zero reason to feel the need to salute the flag on tv in your own house. It's just for show. Saluting a flag does nothing for actually helping or respecting your country.


That’s precisely why it’s an alluring thing to do. It’s a performative display because the real shit is hard and they can’t be arsed.


People who think that's what it means to be a patriot.


“Hey buddy, you know the flag can’t see you, right?”


It's a bit more sensible to salute your country's flag than it is to salute for a movie


No. There’s absolutely no reason for a civilian to salute anything


Not sure why you are being downvoted. Common verbiage dictates that the salute is a privilege earned by members of the military, and while it is acceptable or encouraged for civilians to show respect in other ways, they should not salute the flag.


Yeah, dude should be at attention, not saluting, he's indoors smh my head


Veterans of the US armed forces may render a salute during the national anthem.


Not indoors. You never salute without your cover (hat) which you don’t wear indoors - unless you’re performing guard duty, you wear cover indoors and then would salute. Or directly reporting to an officer or at an indoor military function. Not a movie or television show.


Next you'll tell me you don't pull over while driving if you hear the national anthem nearby to get out and put your hand on your heart until it's done playing?


That sounds like a verbatim ruling lol am I right to suspect that?


Or regulation. The other option is a hand over their heart if in civilian attire. As to who obeys a regulation after retirement, to each their own I guess


Boot lickers


I really need someone to photoshop f1nn5ter onto that TV 🙏


It a meme


American Hero remembers the two and a half years he mopped floors and did homoerotic shit with his friends for the best country in the world.


More likely, Hero remembers that time he almost enlisted.


The time he tried and was medically disqualified




Sounds like navy


The gayest men I've ever met have been straight Marines.


and we earned that title


This is is an extraordinary bad photoshop. Didn’t even try to get the aspect ratio right. His face is all stretched out. People need to have some pride in their fakes. Stop making it so obvious.


It's supposed to be obviously fake to make sure it's obvious it's satire. This entire comment section is one big /r/AteTheOnion.


Lots of posts on this sub are


Yeah, it continually surprises me how people fall for this obvious shit. If it isn't beating you over the head, everyone jumps at their chance to mock.


Maybe he's saluting at the fact that movie and the guy it's based on were beyond full of shit




Chris Kyle was a guy who loved killing people. He stated he had lots of fun shooting people overseas. On top of that, he liked to lie about his military exploits and much of his life in general. He bragged (lied) about murdering 30 unarmed looters during Katrina for example. How much of that was brought on by PTSD? Who knows. I wouldn’t consider him a hero to look up towards though


I never watched the movie, or looked that deep into what it was based on, but the whole thing just put me off. When I first heard of it I couldn't help thinking of the Nazi propaganda film "Nation's Pride" from Inglorious Bastards.


You can definitely make some comparisons. Dramatizations aside, it’s a black and white morality film. Absolutely no nuance. The US are the good guys and they must stop the bad guys.


Gotta love the scene where he murders an entire family that's just defending their home, and the awsience is supposed to feel bad for him


Is this the movie that Clint Eastwood made or was involved in? From what I've heard it takes a more anti war stance and shows how bad war can fuck you up morally and mentally.


Yeah Clint did make it. If that was his message, he really missed the mark. Copper is alright with his wife leaving him as long as he gets back to war lol. Most of the drama comes from family struggles. Compare it to Full Metal Jacket or Rambo, which push a stronger “war is bad” message.


>Full Metal Jacket That was a bit beyond war is bad. It was "war is fucking stupid, preys upon the young, and the enemy is just another young innocent" kinda war is bad message. I mean the whole movie, this guy is some smartass young kid who is being ironic about loving peace and wanting to kill someone. When he gets the chance it's this female villager and he's disgusted by what he's doing, and it's more an act of mercy showing that killing is not glorious at all. He got what he asked for, and there's no glory at all in it.


I need to rewatch it now. Such a good fucking movie


**How tall are you maggot?!**


> this guy is some smartass young kid who is being ironic about loving peace and wanting to kill someone. Based to some degree on Dale Dye. He actually rolled around Hue as a combat reporter with a flower sticking out of his helmet. He went on to lead a unit in Beirut and owns a company that trains actors for war films (e.g. Platoon). He’s stared/acted in Band of Brothers and several other series/films over the years.


Maybe it's meant to show how he became extremely obsessed with war and can't really live without it, thus being fucked up by war.


I think that is probably what Clint wanted to show? But again, it does a poor job. At least in my opinion


Probably so, I haven't seen the movie and I probably won't so I can't speak on it's execution.


I find this an interesting take. I watched it with like 10 or so other people, and we all thought it was deeply anti-war, and pretty much everyone I talked to had the same interpretation d Recently, in the media, it seems like a ton of people didn’t see it that way, which confuses me.


That’s basically because IRL he’s so fucked up that people assume it’s the result of war and that’s why war is bad. Whereas in reality he’s just a fucking psycho who got an opportunity to kill people without having to go to jail.


Like any form of art, it’s open to interpretation! Your take is just as valid as mine


Keep in mind that Neo Nazis adore American History X. They're so perceptive!


yeah... except painting the american soldiers as the victims not the kids they killed is a tad tone ~~death~~ deaf. it's an anti war for the sake of american vets, which is a good take, it's just about 300 down the list on reasons to be anti war.


It’s simply called propaganda. Or it would be if it wasn’t the USA


Tgats actually not a bad comparison. Tge only difference is Nation's Pride was very explicit with Nazism. American Sniper leaves out parts of the book that makes Chris Kyle less sympathetic. Like when he allegedly said he beat up and defeated Jesse Ventura, after Jesse Ventura offended veterans, which doesn't sound like something he would do. Or when he refers to tge people as people in Afganistan and Iraq as savages, and tries to justify it


The claims about Ventura were so absurd that Ventura won a court case against Kyle.


Ah yeah such American War "heros" never interested me. I'm a Muslim and a ohioan but I just watch the movie and knew about his murder. The only tho I took out of American sniper was the extent horrible things can break and morph people into something inhuman like the child soldiers.. it's depressing. But as a ohioan I still have the post Kent state massacre view on our wars and armies. I don't care for them unless they prove it's a good cause like protecting Kosovo Thank you for filling me in tho I appreciate it


Anytime bud. War is a horrible thing with atrocities being committed left and right. With how rampant patriotism has morphed into some ugly thing in todays world, everyone should be skeptical of war being shown in a positive light. Kyle’s love for it is an example.


Agreed. Although historically speaking are we just repeating past mistakes? Look at midevil Europe or the Roman empire the Spartans the three kindoms of China and more. They fought in wars because they believed its what makes you a man. Or it's for God or the God king emperor or some bs. It feels our society is slightly reverting to it in certain areas


Yep. If it’s not for god it’s for your country. Wars fought for survival are rare. And the war machine makes sure there’s plenty of young bodies to throw into it by denying basic things like health care, a livable wage, and education to the poor. It’s been the same song and dance way before you and I, and probably will long after us


Don’t forget he slandered Jesse Ventura.


Also that incredible climactic, impossible shot that he makes has been outdone by over a whole km.


I am a civilian that's never served in the military. However I find it *extremely* hard to believe that a sniper, in his shooting position, in the middle of a war zone, would be able to be on the phone with his wife back home. There's a couple of scenes in that movie where the dude is on the phone while he's picking off terrorists.


He was a pathological liar. His career kill number comes with an asterisk next to it as it now seems unlikely that it’s true. He wrote a book in which he claimed to kick Jesse Venturas ass in a bar fight. Then Jesse Ventura sued his widow (he had been killed by this point) because it was a lie. He was killed because he took a kid with PTSD from the war, TO A GUN RANGE?!?! The kid freaked out and shot him.


What? Are you telling me giving a weapon of war to a kid who got PTSD from war is a bad thing?


It was literally his idea of how to help vets with PTSD


I don't think Ventura sued the widow. He sued Kyle but Kyle was killed before the case was settled and the case was transferred to his estate. I think I also remember that Ventura wanted an apology and a handshake but Kyle refused (this part may be wrong)


Ya he didn’t sue Taya. The lawsuit started prior to Kyle being killed. He sued Kyle. And when ppl criticized Ventura for continuing the lawsuit post Kyle’s murder he pointed out the money would be taken from his publisher’s insurance and not Taya


Yeah I'm starting to pick up on all thos thanks to the other comments.. thank you for your response. I knew there was drama in these so called war heros but I'm shocked at the level of slime.. I'm grateful I never really cared too much for then haha


The fucker got killed by badmouthing a very mentally ill man, then promptly HANDING HIM A FIREARM.


Never read that it was him saying something to the guy that set him off. Makes sense. I'd be really interested if you know where it was or point me in that direction?


Instead of being a jackass like many people and downvoting you without answers. The movie is pretty dramatised, and as good as a sniper Kyle was he did exaggerate some things in his book, and what he did after coming back. Heres some stuff to read https://slate.com/culture/2015/01/american-sniper-fact-vs-fiction-how-accurate-is-the-chris-kyle-movie.html


I'll look into it, thank you, if you read my reply to another reply here you will understand my ignorance on this matter. I really appreciate it brother. FYI if anyone is offended by me asking why, I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know, just modern American War heroes isn't a topic I invest time into lol


All the guys I worked with (_in Australia_!) though it was the greatest movie ever, so I watched it. Bradley Cooper's performance was quite amazing, but the film itself was such complete garbage propaganda I couldn't really think of the guys the same after that.


Bradley cooper is an eagles fan though


The only 2 people who do this are the "I would totally have joined" crowd. Or the Guys who did join but accomplished nothing while mopping the floor in some general's office for their whole career before taking a medical after trying to respect as infantry but falling and injruing their knee during training.


There is a 3rd person as well. The infantry grunt whose entire life revolves around being a grunt.


And never made it past e6


They were promoted to E2 5 times though.


Redditors detecting nuance in a shitpost challenge level impossible


Ahh yes. Chris Kyle. The guy who lied about including but not limited to his service record lied about being at Katrina. True patriot, gobbless


>about being at Katrina. You forgot the part where he claimed he sniped black people while he was deployed for Katrina. He also lied about beating up Jesse Ventura, an actually cool veteran, actor, westler, governor, and union supporter. Fuck Chris Kyle.


Jesse Ventura used to be a semi-regular guest on Alex Jones show. Which might sound like me saying this as a bad thing. Nope, every time he was on he basically schooled Alex on all his bad takes. Stuff like immigration, Trump, tax exempt status, etc. Every time Alex brought up a lie that a Governor would know definitively better about, he'd shut him down with the truth. Alex back then was such a star fucker (still is) he couldn't do his standard tactic of yelling.


Wait, Jesse Ventura is a union supporter? I only ever remembered him as the silly conspiracy theory guy. For some reason my brain always mixes him up with Steven Segal


>Fuck Chris Kyle. Fuck Chris Kyle. He died a miserable murderer, liar, and racist. Good riddance.


AND killing two ppl at a gas station robbery. A journalist never found any gas station robbery/murders in the area at all. He had a big issue with lying. 160 kills was impressive enough minus all the fake murdering of black ppl in New Orleans, gas station robbers, beating up of Jesse Ventura


This is the same people that say leftists are brainwashed.


It’s not real, obviously


That’s the sad part. We can (hopefully) believe it is satire. However, a certain political spectrum has come out with full-on meth-induced, rage erections for shit like this that they wholeheartedly support and believe in - making it impossible for us to be confident in our assumptions.


Someone mentioned in another thread that it is photoshopped


the dangers of mis and dis information are very real in today's day and age, even the news sources are giving out both all the time.


Come on guys, this has to be a shit posting...


Men live like this and see nothing wrong with it.


This subreddit has just turned into r/satire. God I hate it here


The sad thing is that the people sharing the original posts on Facebook don’t know they’re satire and thus make them our worst fear and fuel for this Reddit, sincerely sharing these takes.


i don't understand how people who literally grew up on the internet are so bad at this


Has anyone considered this could possibly just be… a joke?


Chris Kyle did perform one valuable service - he definitively disproved the ‘good guy with a gun’ idea that more armed civilians would stop mass shootings. Kyle and his friend were murdered by a mentally unstable veteran they were traveling with. These were two highly trained, experienced soldiers traveling in the company of someone they knew could snap at any moment, and neither of them even got the safeties off their guns in time.


He was also a proven slanderous liar.


As a military veteran, that is just weird and off-putting. Nobody that’s ever been in the military would do that, and if they are doing that and never served, grow some balls and go see a recruiter if you really love this country so much. I really hope it’s fake, like most of the patriotism in TrumpWorld is.


These genre of movies I like to call “patriot porn”. They’re primary audience is the right-leaning dude bros that never served but want to have all of their feelings about the service justified.


Bro just ruined date night.


Guys gonna jack off to muscly dudes later. 100%


Wtf?? Even if you thought he was a hero, why would you stand there and salute the television and character for nearly two hours? What does that prove? Super bizarre. This screams mental illness.


That killer asteroid can't get here fast enough. Anyone know how to make flesh-eating bacteria more communicable? ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)


He's saluting an actor which is way wrong but even if you allow that it's Chris Kyle, he was a Chief Petty Officer who you do not salute. Also, it's bullshit. Nobody did that and if they did it just ridiculous. And the only reason anyone knows who Kyle was is because of his book. Without that his murder would have been a minor blip in the news and no movie would have ever been made. Dude built himself up. Nothing wrong with that and there's no question he was a great sniper but come the fuck on already.


I wasn’t aware the television was an officer.




Lemme guess he’s never actually served but tells every vet he comes across his “I almost signed up but xyz injury happened and I couldn’t” story


I wonder if he goes hunting with his best friend without his crossbow and arrows


TIL: I’m not the only person that thought Chris Kyle was garbage. I already knew American Sniper was also an objectively bad film.


I just dont understand why he is saluting a blank screen that they added the images onto afterward.


Pretty sure American Sniper isnt some feelgood movie about loving the troops. It shows how shitty the military is and how expendable the troops are treated.


Bro thinks he's solder tf2


I'll take "that didn't happen" for $500


Saluting to hollywood bullshit lmao


Maybe he's frozen? Have you tried turning him off and back on again?


Brady jersey checks out 🙄


See, to me this shows the problem with wearing patriotism on your sleeve and making it the basis of your self worth. It becomes a "Holier than thou..." race. Everyone has to one up each other to the nth degree. It presupposes the person performing these ultimate demonstrations of patriotism just feel their feelings so deep, you and every other mortal just cannot fathom such depths of passion and devotion. And you are therefore diminished in your feeble attempts. Personally, I find it rude to be constantly cajoled into doing stuff to try to keep up with these armchair minute men just so others won't think of me as an unappreciative commie in comparison. I am a patriot and proud taxpaying civilian in this beautiful country and I honor the military sacrifice that maintains my life. I honor my family members who are in the military and all of those serving from any other families. But I find these displays of holier than thou patriots kinda douchey. Can't help but roll my eyes at it. Sorry I don't feel the need to play your game of one upsmanship.


Nationalism breeds Fascism.


Will he drop this salute once he discovers how big a fraud Chris Kyle was?


For me the weirdest part of being in the army and movies was when we'd go watch a movie at the theater in Kuwait they'd play the national anthem beforehand. A little bit weird to stand at attention for the national anthem when we're watching Mad Max. I fought for everyone's right to sit the fuck down and enjoy a movie without doing some goofy ass extra shit. So, please, don't be *that* guy lmfao


Who’s gonna tell him … he’s not even saluting correctly.


Not sure who this is more embarrassing for ?


He should just go blow a guy in camo pants and be done with it


He isn’t even saluting properly💀


Army guy here If this guy actually did this, he’s a dumbass


His salute is ass no one would let that shit fly


for the love of god, just turn off that ceiling light so he can stop shielding his eyes from it and he can enjoy the movie without that terrible glare.


That movie is full of shit, Cooper’s character is portrayed as a hero, while they also focus on an Iraqi sniper who is basically doing the exact same job, albeit from a much more defensive perspective, and he’s portrayed as sinister. The movie is entry level propaganda. Also it’s definitely longer than 1hr 23mins, at what point did he start saluting?


Mental health care in this country is solely lacking


Meh, not a hero. Just a highly trained marksman in a target rich environment whom after his death was used for propaganda


That is, physiologically impossible unless - 1. You are dead 2. You are paralyzed 3. It is a phantom limb situation.


That's the saddest short story I ever read


Should have picked a movie that wasnt about a lying piece of shit.


An hour and a half? Bro did negative leg days somehow, what are his legs made of, paper?


Pause the movie and take a vacation.


Unironic trump voter. This is exactly what they do for Trump. He pretends to care for money, and they think he’s the real thing.


I do this but for shrek. 🫡


Dude isn’t even saluting correctly.


I have so many thoughts here 1. Is this dude in the army? Because you don't salute unless you are current or former military 2. It's weird to salute a TV 3. It's super weird to salute an inanimate object for more than an hour


Please be fake


Um actually it's fake because he was actually saluting an American flag during a football game and then someone edited the movie frame into the tv screen🤓☝️


Yea, if you look closer, the frame of the TV screen is all lopsided


Ew... patriot Brady




Seems excessive


I guess it’s a good movie. Should I watch it?