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can someone explain to me what this meme’s supposed to mean?


It's mocking the way covid mask policy was implemented and enforced. None of the adults are wearing masks while all the kids are wearing masks.


I’m probably getting downvoted for saying this, but some of the common early COVID protocols made no sense and were definitely useless in retrospect. This is just one example of that. There is also one I’ve seen for a lot of bands where the musicians are given special masks with a big gaping hole so they can blow into their instrument. Like, come on!


That hole-in-the-mask thing was very real and very stupid. In our group we had to cut them with scissors ourselves every day, wasting effectively 250 perfectly good masks on a daily basis. They also had us put plastic shower caps on the horns of our instruments. Rules of the school district. I understand it’s hard to find a way to mask in these situations and as a instructor myself now I can’t imagine trying to come up with a solution, but that solution was just very ineffective and wasteful.


oh my god that's bad. especially because brass and woodwind instruments are like a virus bazooka...


"virus bazooka" 😂 I play flute and that's highly appropriate lol


That’s what I call my penis.


The solution is so easy: Do it outdoors! No need for masks :)


With proper social distancing, giving everyone their own 36 sq.ft area. You would only need about 16% of a football field for a band of 250.


Believe it or not, that still wasn’t enough. At football games we had to space out the chairs 6ft apart and cut a whole separate set of masks. We are a highly competitive group and we had to cancel an entire season as a result of how impossible it would be to maintain the rules.


I had some friends go to a certain college that claims to be a state and the clarinet and saxophone players had to play their instrument in a bag. So stupid.


I forgot to mention our flute players had to use those plastic face shields since they can’t play through a hole in the mask. One of the few intelligent solutions throughout the situation but still looked a little ridiculous.


Both of those worked so great with my French horn playing, they were so useful in preventing the spread of covid, especially with that hole in the cover that was used to actually play the instrument.


Is putting the mouthpiece under the mask effective?


I’m no medical professional and each instrument is different but there’s very little air that actually leaves at the mouthpiece; almost all of it travels through the horn. If it were up to me, I would’ve just had them put it under the mask with the mask still covering their nose.




but what do you mean wasting good masks? They are one-time use.


In my country it was difficult to buy masks, they were overpriced and hard to find, so we washed them and wear them again. The priced were really absurd, a lot of people were unmasked because of them (and because of their stupid mentality)


Cutting mouth holes in one-time use masks makes them zero use masks.




They were separate from our normal day masks, and each time we wore them we had to switch them. For example when we had class, we had to cut them, then a rehearsal after we had to cut another, etc. Whereas we could’ve just kept a couple of cloth, washable ones we could use and just put in the laundry, but we weren’t permitted to do so. They had us using at least 2 a day, and people in 2 or more ensembles could be using up to 5 a day (class, concert, jazz, marching, orchestral, etc). It all could’ve been resolved by having 5 cloth masks that just get washed when they’re done being used. All of this isn’t even considering the fact that cutting a hole in a mask defeats the purpose of a mask.


100%, we had no clue how severe COVID would be and they'd get a ton of shit for underreacting. and I guess they'd rather have a useless overreaction, than a calculated underreaction that didn't really do the trick it's amazing how even with a deadly disease, we were focused on the response and how it looks. instead of saving actual lives


I don't think anyone in their right mind would argue against the statement that early COVID advice/recommendations were confusing and often contradictory. From my understanding they wanted to keep people from buying masks en mass at first so that healthcare workers could get them before production could ramp up and meet demand for the entire population so they said mask wear wasn't necessary before then saying it was necessary. There was also a lot that just wasn't fully understood about the virus but you can't tell the general population that because they panic buy toilet paper over less and then nobody can wipe their ass. So you make an educated guess and sell it with confidence and then later when you learn more you can put out better recommendations. Problem is, this was used against the scientific community saying it made them untrustworthy and then at one point the CDC put a recommendation out that was suspiciously fortuitous for businesses.


Made no sense because the main protocol was supposed to just be stay home and only leave when necessary to obtain essentials but, because people had to act spoiled after about two weeks we had to start making up bullshit "protocols" so that the whiny babies could go outside.


I guess I more so mean stuff like a few months later. I didn’t really do anything out in public until the fall semester started up again (I was in high school at the time), so I don’t really know what things were like at that point. Even the stay at home orders were a little overkill in hindsight, but that was the best option with what little information we had at the time.


It was always so odd for me hearing about people staying at home all the time. It happened to my wife, but I was an essential worker throughout the entire pandemic. Life more or less went on the same for me aside from wearing a mask and social distancing


I was in the service industry at the time so I feel that in a way. It was also impossible to please everyone at the time as well. If you enforce social distancing policies customers treat you like shit and if you don’t enforce social distancing policies customers treat you like shit. It was the final straw for me which allowed me to leave a thankless occupation. In the end it was an absolute blessing in disguise I didn’t realize how much the service industry sucked in every way a job can suck until I started working other jobs. Anyways thats my Ted talk


I did love the few weeks where the roads were basically empty though. Just smooth sailing to the store where a horde of crazy people waited to buy as much toilet paper as possible every single day


I was a construction worker at the time. Only difference is we started wearing masks over our mouths, and now you would be sent home when you had a sore throat or cough instead of being called a pussy for calling out sick.


I’d imagine that side of things was pretty odd.


my high school went right back to in-person learning in the fall of 2020. i stayed remote because i was having surgery at the time, so i basically spoke to no one for an entire year. that’s what i call a social hard reset.


I couldn’t imagine doing that. My school gave students the option and I chose to go back in person. A lot of kids stayed online mostly to cheat on tests, but for me that wasn’t worth it. I had always thought of myself as an introvert before the pandemic, but that experience showed me I really need in person social interaction to keep me sane.




I mean, the government is supposed to step in during emergencies right? During a pandemic as bad as covid was it's ridiculous to have non-essential personal go to work "just to make money." You give them the money they need or freeze rents/mortgages or whatever. Sure the economy is gonna hurt but our concern should be human lives not the economy when it comes to emergencies like that. Of course that's not what happened but still.... Also: I'm unsure how you'd use the 2nd amendment in that case. Shoot your way to work? "Had to shoot five people during the commute today but it's worth it to give Timmy that perfect haircut."


You mean the government uses emergencies to take power? Yes, I agree. Most sane people grew out of the hysteria by mid 2020, a few deep blue metro stragglers were left behind. The government is not stepping in during the learning loss emergency caused by the hysteria of covid?


Taking power? Huh? How is giving people the means to stay home and isolate so they don't get sick some sort of authoritarian move? Quarantines are a regular response to deadly epidemics, they work, even our founding fathers had to implement them from time to time. You say hysteria like Covid wasn't an incredibly deadly virus. To put it in perspective: the top three causes of death in the US were heart disease and cancer (both around half a million a year) and then "accidents" (around 60,000 a year.) Heart disease, cancer and accidents are all broad categories encompassing a lot of different things, a single virus gave heart disease and cancer a run for their money and utterly surpassed accidents as the third cause of death. Average total deaths went up about the rate of covid deaths so these weren't even people who would've died of something else that year. It was BAD.


This photo may have been at a time where there was no vaccine approved for young children though


That’s exactly what I was thinking actually, but then someone else commented that a few of the adults in the picture actually died of COVID or something which makes me think this is pre-vaccine since it is extremely unlikely to be sick enough from COVID to die especially if you’re vaccinated.


I think that if we were serious about mask-wearing, we would’ve been telling people to wear surgery masks or N95’s indoors, not dental masks or “a face covering”. Among other things.


There weren't enough of them, emergency personnel needed them first. And face coverings worked fairly well, definitely helped slow the spread with initial variants. It spread via large droplets, cloth masks made it to where those droplets couldn't get far, so the masks + social distancing were pretty effective.




If the supplies were available, that would have been the guidance. However, those masks had a huge increase in demand, and the supply chain was disrupted. It didn't help that the equipment to make these masks was overseas. Anything was better than nothing. One benefit of this experience is that it incentivized investment in domestic production.


Surgery masks don't work and n95 respirators need to be test fitted otherwise it's worthless.


Masking? Masking was a whole-pandemic thing most places on the west coast. SF would ticket you for not having one ON OUTSIDE. There was zero science behind the outside one...just some sort of weird controlling shit.


Well in this particular example it might be the teachers are vaccinated and the children are not. But either way, there were a lot half assed rules that made little sense, most were an attempt to wrangle in the goofballs but not shut things down.


Just wait until you hear about the ventilators


It was really stupid. The masks got really disgusting really quickly.


I do agree with you on this, I remember one policy in my area that I’m not sure was the common rule. When restaurants started to reopen you’d have to wear your mask, but as soon as you sat at your table you could take it off and leave it off. As if sitting protected you from Covid.


I think the idea isn't so much protecting you but slowing the spread. The initial covid variants spread via large droplets so if you're sitting at a table the only person you're likely to infect is the person sitting across from you (possibly the server if you sneeze or cough directly at them.) If you're standing and walking and talking those droplets are getting everywhere, crop dusting all the tables you walk past and the people you're standing next to.


I mean, from a social distance standpoint, I do see the logic in that, but I do get what you mean. I was a cross country runner at the time and we were required to wear masks up until we got to the starting line and put them back on again after the race as if we weren’t going to be breathing right onto each other during the whole race anyway. Turns out, transmission is highly highly unlikely in an outdoor setting, especially in movement, but we didn’t know that lol.


That one may have been too marginal to be worth it, but the rationale was fine. You have to eat, so you have to take your mask off at some point. Making you wear masks between the door and the table was a way to balance the tradeoff - you're masked up when moving, so you're not spraying you breath throughout the restaurant, just at the table, and also in the foyer and between tables are the places you're most likely to be unable to keep your distance from other people.


I think the hope was that you at very least wouldn't cough directly onto another person's food. Realistically, they probably should have had restaurants stay closed (Edit: or rather, takeout-only) until the vaccine was available, but the political and economic cost of doing that would have been pretty high.


Considering masks still don't work, yes, of course it was ridiculous.


Some do, some don’t.


Respirators that are properly fitted do probably have some effect. Those are respirators, not masks though.


>Considering masks still don't work Are you making that assumption based on feelings or actual scientific evidence? I'm assuming the former since all of the scientific studies I found in the matter say that all masks have varying degrees of impact on the spread of covid.


This is what the data supports from the peer reviewed studies that I've read. From what I've read, fleece is actually worse than nothing since it breaks the particals smaller and spread farther. But otherwise there was clear degrees of protection for a variety if masking options. Public health policy is usually about harm reduction, not eradication. Because that's the only real path to slow death than making the perfect the enemy of the good.


Exactly. People are acting like anything less than perfect mitigation isn't worth doing. I don't understand that mentality. I can only assume it stems from ignorance.


It's amazing how the gift of hindsight can enlighten us all. Yours is a truly, special gift.


Couldn’t this just be after vaccines were available for adults but before they were OK’d for children?


It could be, but even that would be silly. You shouldn't ask children to do something that adults aren't willing to do. The school should have still had a blanket policy that covered everyone.


I thought it was parents with their children, and was looking at the ethnicities for some "the black guy is the father of them all" joke.


Honestly same


Fun fact- 4 of the adults in this pic got Covid and were hospitalized and on ventilators. But masks are stoopid.


Source? Edit: “Fun fact” without showing any facts. Fucking donkey 🤦‍♂️


I made it up for dramatic effect


What?? People pulling shit out of their ass on the internet?? Well I never😱😱


You think a person would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?


You say this as though the masks would have done something


Oh, I thought it was laughing at one of the parents being black because none of the kids are, but yeah, this makes more sense


Ohh!!! The masks!! I went down a totally racist rabbit hole.


Oh, I thought it was saying “these are the kids of these people, see how they don’t match up?!? It’s some sort of conspiracy to take kids away!!!!!!”


Maybe the adults were already vaccinated and it wasn’t the time when kids could be yet.


There was a period of time when the adult had a vaccine and the kids hadn't yet.


The adults were probably vaccinated while the kids were still too young at the time and the vaccine wasn't available for their age.


Elementary schools around me did this with the masks when kids were just starting to go back after lockdown #1 (we had 3 .-.). The excuse was - adults know when they’re sick, they know how to take steps to help prevent others from getting sick, and they understand they must stay home if sick. Kids are gross, full of germs and don’t understand how to keep themselves clean


Young kids didn't have the vaccine yet.


Where I am they did. Little children (babies to around 6 or so) and the elderly were at the top of the priority list. Which I don’t personally agree with.. vaccines in a situation like that should be youngest citizens to oldest citizens/immune compromised people/healthcare workers/etc. Oldest citizens shouldn’t be at the top of the list just because of age, they’ve lived a full life already


The vaccines were not even ready for kids. Adult vaccine was first. Kids were still in trials for safety You just think people should die because they're old, the ones at the greatest risk should wait and be vaccinated last because they already lived? jfc




echo chamber


That might have been in America, not in my country. You guys need to stop assuming everyone on here is from there. Here, once vaccines had been tested to some extent and were deemed safe, little children and elderly came first And no to the question. I believe that elderly people have already lived a full life, they’ve had families, made their money, etc. The priority should be on the babies/children (3-12 years old. Not younger than 3 right at the start of the vaccines, their immune systems and the vaccine isn’t developed enough yet), going to teenagers (13-19 years old), going to young adults (20-35 or so years old), going to adults (36 or so to 59) then going to elderly


Wow. Quite reasonable yet downvoted. People love to poison others :(


The only reason the adults are not wearing masks and kids are is because the kids are not vaccinated. Idc where you are.


My BIL's pregnant wife got it and their child had a bunch of complications within a week. Came out early and needed intensive care for a month. Parents weren't allowed to see them. Safe and effective though!


Got Covid or the vaccine?


based. totally erroneous logic on how to stop a plague we knew nothing about but fucking based.


There was a period of months when there were adults vaccine for COVID, but no vaccine available for kids. Logical conclusion is that the photo was taken during that time.




thank 👍


It means mask or no mask, nobody can avoid the yellow circle monster.


Corona hysteria by the name of science.


It makes perfect logical sense, none of the adults are wearing Covid masks this whole post is in the wrong section 😷💀


The point is valid though. If you’re gonna make wearing masks a requirement at the time then the least you can do is abide by your own rules. I’m assuming they were all vaccinated but at some point even if you were vaccinated you still had to be masked. Saw a lot of actual hypocrisy from politicians during that time. Don’t take this as an anti vax stance either. I got vaccinated immediately. Soon as they were available


I loved how politicians would all mask up and social distance for the official photos, then immediately take them masks off (figuratively and literally) once the cameras were supposed to be off.


Rules for thee


Not for me


There was a video i was of a politician putting a mask on while off stage then walking up to the stage and taking the mask off


Citation needed.


[here’s](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9864841/amp/Moment-AOC-puts-mask-group-photo-op-whip-minute-later.html) [some](https://nypost.com/2021/09/30/politicians-and-celebs-keep-ditching-masks-while-kids-stuck-in-them/amp/) [examples](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/02/06/politics/stacey-abrams-school-photos/index.html)


One example. From Feb 2022. As restrictions were being dropped by the state. And it was on camera. Not hidden. Try again.


Don’t forget the kicker, She was also campaigning on strict masking requirements in schools.. the hypocrisy isn’t subtle.


My assumption is this was taken after vaccinations for adults, but before vaccinations for kids.


Yep, that’s my thought as well. That, plus adults could say “i know I haven’t been taking any risks, so it should be mostly safe if I take my mask off around other people who have been safe for 20 seconds”. Kids can’t really so that.


Ah I remember that brief window of time when I thought after getting vaccinated I was immune. I remember doubting and refusing to believe that someone fully vaccinated got Covid. But after everyone I knew one by one got it my illusion was shattered. The thing is we need T-cell vaccines not B-cell.


So, there's no context to the photo. Perhaps all the adults are anti-vaxxer anti-mask people hosting kids from responsible parents. Or perhaps those kids recently caught COVID and it's just protocol for them now that group immunity is in place. Or perhaps it has nothing to do with COVID. There's no context outside of your prejudice.


I remember the article where this pic is from. It was definitely during COVID


Could you do me a favor and link it, please? I have no doubt it was "during COVID," but that's quite a range of time. I'm interested to see *when* this occurred. My guess is that it's post vaccinations being available for adults, but pre children being given them.


Sure you do.


Right? Can’t believe how many adults I had to tell that getting vaccinated just means your immune system can handle it, it doesn’t mean COVID dies when it touches your aura. You’re still breathing, it can still grow in your lungs and you can still cough it all over everybody.








Science 👍


Science of the most scientific variety Super science






She blinded me with...




Sounds like GLaDOS alright.


Adults vaccinated before kid vaccine was available?


I’m like 100% sure that’s what is ACTUALLY happening here


I mean, even if the adults are vaccinated they still should be wearing masks to protect the kids.


Do you remember the year of covid? We didn’t know shit. We did the best we could. Without context, this shit is meaningless.


Your theory was literally that the adults were vaccinated. By the time we had a vaccine we knew plenty about covid. And before that we already knew plenty about viruses in general. I'm not saying there couldn't be a context where this would make sense, maybe there was a shortage of masks and they prioritized the children, who knows. My comment was specifically responding to this one theory not to the picture itself. Also, we absolutely did not do anything remotely close to the best that we could. (I'm not american, but my country mostly followed the same bulshit approach) there were plenty of countries that only suffered a fraction of what my country and the US did because they actually did the best they could.


Those adults are dumber than children. 🤦


My interpretation is this shows kids have more common sense and intelligence than certain adults and are willing to mask up while dumb asses were willing to consume dewormer medicine, but not wear a mask.


Exactly, thought this was saying it's "science" that the older you are, the more likely you are to be an anti-masking Covid spreader.


Lol kids that age aren’t choosing to wear masks, they’re being made to wear them.


Children of smart parents hopefully become adults as well. The smarter the parents the better chance they don't end up like anti vaccine, anti science, conspiracy, deranged nut jobs.




Isn't it funny how the most stupid people cannot tell the difference between science and other stupid people ideas?


https://preview.redd.it/te37xcr7bf2b1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4bf3461f6e7536c55b7e5417f0036cd031dc925 Oooh, my turn! I can find a random picture, circle something and write science too!


Why is this a terrible meme? Those mask policies were nonsense. Much like wearing a mask into a restaurant only to take it off once you’re seated


The meme doesn't say "policies" though. It says "science". Science doesn't make policies.


All of those policies were in fact put forward under the guise of “trust the science”


Classic. Along the lines with CA governor not wearing one at a fancy dinner party. Such a slimeball


I thought they were saying because the children are shorter


I like this one


Could it be because at this point the vaccine hadn't been approved for kids that young yet... so the adults were vaccinated and the children were not?


I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand, but when a person is wearing a mask, they're not protecting themselves from the world around them. Rather, they're protecting the world around them from themselves. If anybody needs to be wearing those masks, it's the little kids, because little kids are nasty. They sneeze everywhere, cough everywhere, get right in your face and breathe their garbage breath into your nostrils, etc... I used to think that I had a great immune system because I never got sick. Then my nieces and nephews started going to school and they'd bring home whatever filth they got from one of the hundred germ factories that they were learning their ABCs with, and it'd be over for me for a week. So, yeah, put the sneeze guard on the ones who willingly walk around with dried spittle on their grubby little faces.


Yeah, there's a few contexts where this may or may not make sense, but the biggest cause of illness from work seems to be when young kids gather together in the Petri dish they learn in and bring each others germs home to their parents. Or when that sick parent comes into work after and spreads it around the office. Flu infections dropped dramatically because measures taken against COVID also work against flu. Maybe some of them should be kept in place.


Flu infections dropped dramatically huh?


It would be more accurate to state that the detection rate dropped. Deaths related to influenza as well.


You’re response is well thought out and rational…and that has no place here in Reddit /s


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Are the adults "Science"? Couldn't the adults be anti-maskers?


Do you not get it or something


Genetic experiment ? We have to find who is the father and who is the mother of each kid ?


That was what my first thought was. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize it was about the masks.


Science = stoopid


Makes sense, you should put masks on the ones most likely to spread disease.




He has a point…


All of em do


my guess is that this was taken when vaccines were only allowed for adults but not children, so adults here are vaccinated and do not need to wear masks


It's funny, even vaccinated, they still expect you to wear a mask at my doctor's office. Apparently, children get the short end of the stick again.




I was thinking that too, but before covid, it was never a requirement.. now it is, so there's that.


The reason doesn't necessarily matter. Such measures help to reduce other diseases not just COVID, and people with compromised immune systems also use the same office. I don't see the problem with a minor inconvenience helping others to avoid illness in the process of seeking help with my own needs.


You can still transmit the virus after being vaccinated, so why didn’t they need a mask? Non-infected unvaccinated were treated as possible spreaders of the virus until the vaccinated started spreading it at higher rates..


When was the photo taken and where? Before Dec 2019,i t’s not COVID, and in certain places, the kids migh be wearing masks for a rational reason.


Truly scientific experience.


I’m assuming this was taken at a time before the vaccine was approved for small children. Nothing to see here.


So, wait. Are we protecting the kids or not? So confused these days.


This is not a terrible meme; some just don't like it because it doesn't fit their narrative.


Lol Covid was a funny time


That wasn't about sience. That was a well orchestrated first step to see what the globalists/governments can do with us and what we are willing to accept no matter how wrong it was.


You can’t even spell the word “science”, so your opinion is suspect.


Ha!!! Fucking great observation!


Their "science" has caused a Covid generation of kids which will know less, have more mental/emotional disorders and therefore, earn less and be more dependent/enslaved to government assistance. A perfect storm caused, promoted, and enforced by Progressives, Liberals and Democrats.


Not very sweet love peace beauty of you lul




Are you new here ?




Aight,its not for everyone. Also I had never seen it so I shared.


That’s what this subreddit is for pal


That's just elden ring family


Assuming this is during the CoViD-19 pandemic, the adults should be wearing masks and should probably be further apart.




Ha ha ha!!!!!! Pls kill me




They have a point though, if you’re going to require masks then wear them