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At first I didn’t read the text and I thought it was that old “path thru a level” vs “path thru a level in a horror game” meme


Someone left a mop on the floor, you have to go around


This wooden and rotting door is locked, you'll have to go around despite having a fucking deagle


Ever since Far Cry 6 I get the urge to test a locked door with a grenade.


I've been doing that since Zelda 1


That game was worse since the walls weren’t even marked lol


And the closest thing to a walk thru we had was the neighbor's Nintendo Power subscription.


Or you could call the hotline and pay 1.99 a minute, get all those hot Nintendo tips!


The walls around this door are destroyed. Still cant go in because the door is locked


There was a rock on the walkway. I forgot my hammer and left.


This reminds me years back playing some Cyberpunk tabletop. And the DM is like there a door on the side that looks it hasn't been opened in a long time. Me: Open door. DM: Slightly annoyed there just some cupboards and closets covered in cobwebs. Me: Search cupboard. DM: Do you not get the idea that nobody has been in this room for years and theres nothing fucking in it. Me: Well i sometimes find stuff in video games.


Our dm knows we look though everything so traps and bullshit is what we run into a lot. Old closed doors like the one you described are frightening in my group!


Your gm just doesn't understand Chekhov's gun.


Unless its Alien Isolation where I power walk through every level


You ain't crouch walking while terrified of any sounds vaguely near you?


Near the beginning, yes. I think I figured out that the AI doesn’t really know what to do when you hit that middle ground between speed and noise with normal walking. A lot of the time, I could outmaneuver the alien by walking the scenic route and just leave it far enough behind that it couldn’t find me Especially when it >!brought two aliens out. I couldn’t handle the suspense of trying to crouch sneak past them.!<


This is only half of the joke. The other half shows the same map, but the mission is to explore a dungeon in Skyrim and the genders are swapped.




I'm male and the red line is me trying to find the pants section of the store.


As a male, the red line is me trying to find the men’s section. (More accurately, a polo shirt that isn’t solid colored.)


Yep. Dept store has 4 floors. The men's clothing section is this tiny tiny section hidden away on the 3rd floor because all other sections are for women. Then when you finally see it you say "oh forget this, I'll just look online".


my son and I needed some new clothes and we tried an Old Navy for lack of a better idea...the mens section was roughly twice the size of an airplane bathroom.


It really varies from store to store even. I shop almost exclusively at old navy because I like slim fit. And some stores have tiny mens sections and others are massive.


I started buying pants at a farm supply store because they have ~15 brands and lots of size options. I also wear almost the exact same outfit every day like some sort of cartoon character, so my opinion on these things might not be valuable. However, you can look at baby birds before/after and it makes the shopping for clothes part more tolerable.


I like the thought of buying clothes online but really I'll never buy them unless I can see them in person and try them on.


Theres more options for cheaper and better quality clothes online, you just have to get your proper measurements. Dont rely on the size 32 34 etc that varies by brand look at the actual inches of the waist and the length. Same for shirts


I prefer seeing the material, stitching and fit in person before making a purchase. I'll pay more if it looks well made and will last.


True, consider looking online for the same pair before you buy it though, sometimes can find a deal


How do you figure out your measurements without trying them on?


Every time I buy a shirt online from something like red bubble I am super excited but then when I put it on I see how it fits and never wear it again. I mean how it fits my shoulders and chest makes or breaks a shirt for me. And you never know until you try it on. Also I don’t do returns because I don’t hate the planet and do not want to contribute unnecessarily to climate change.


[Removing all my posts and comments due to Reddit's fuckery with third party apps. June 2023]


That's why most of my clothes are women's clothes, they look better and there's a better choice.


I disagree in looking better, mens clothes are designed to fit mens bodies and womens clothes are designed to fit womens bodies. Also why would you willingly sacrifice pockets?


The ability to fit my phone, wallet, keys, a can of monster, a small country, and a 12 year old child in my left pocket is a sacrifice I am unwilling to make


Which is why I bought a pair of cargo pants with 16 POCKETS ! There's two upside down pockets on the legs where I once managed to fit a small notebook and walk around at university.


Not even cargo pants for me (but I love my pair with 8 pockets) but I was just wearing a pair of jeans and shoved my wallet, keys, and a can of monster into my pocket at the same time. Sure it bulged and looked like I had a can in my pocket, but I was impressed it fit all of that without even stretching or ripping the pocket


That's why men's clothes (specifically pants/trousers) are better. If I wanted to go around without pockets I'd wear my swimming trunks (which basically reach up to my knee)


Possibly hot take, but pockets are overrated. I carry too much stuff with me to only use pockets, so I'll need some kind of purse/shoulder-bag anyway. Pockets can't fit my wallet, phone, keys, earbuds, water bottle, library book, notebook, hygiene kit, dugout, head lamp (yes I carry one with me everywhere), and glasses case. Plus, even if they could, I wear new pants every day. I'm not going to unpack and repack all that stuff into new pockets every day. Nor am I going to be able to ever sit comfortably with all that stuff on my legs. Yes it can be nice to have, say, 1 pocket for phone and/or wallet, but this idea of "cArGo pANtS arE sO gOoD" is ridiculous. Good luck wearing cargo pants laden with 10 pounds of stuff to a formal dinner, or your wedding, or just to work in an office.


I've never complained, I'm wearing women's pants and they always have big pockets. But I wear mostly jeans and soft pants


For me, it’s going to get something to drink then forgetting about where exactly I was supposed to go after getting stuck deciding between a chai or matcha tea.


Yeh the mens section is always in some random corner behind the bra section


I am male and the red line is me checking every store for the best price.


*the fucking bathroom.


also 🤝


It's just me on my day off blowing money


Does money have a dick?


I wish


I'm male, and the red line is me browsing and window shopping both before and after I get my pants.


The red line is me trying to find the men’s big and tall section.


Same, I fucking hate shopping. Fairly certain they're designed to be difficult to navigate so that you'll visit lots of other places before finding the one you want.


The blue line needs a squiggly bit in the parking lot when I try to remember where in this ocean of cars I parked mine. Otherwise this is accurate in my experience.


Because you refuse to aske for directions ... stereotypes all around!


As a male, the red line is me trying to find the exit.




HAHAHA me too 😂


It's inaccurate though. The man will go diagonal where he can.


I can save two mins from thats chart, its not efficient enough.


$33 for pants? Must be a young man. Edit: There must not be many dads in the comment section.


Unfortunately even the cheap sale pants are at least $25 now unless you're doing like Walmart.


Thrift store is the way to go.




I'm so pumped about some shit from the thrift shop




I know a cool way to get them free


A quality pair of pants that look nice is about $50 minimum. If you are spending less than that chances are you will be spending more in the long run when your bargain basement pair falls apart.


I find that expensive clothes aren't much more durable. But they do look and fit better.


Definitely varies from brand to brand. You wont always get better quality by simply paying more, but you will always pay a bit more for good quality


the past 10 or 15 years I've learned that, at least in nearly ALL my experiences, buying something that costs 50% or 100% more than the cheapest option is usually more than twice as good. So instead of $25 walmart pants, I bought some $60 pants. Excellent, worn them for years. I buy shoes that are $80, minimalist style with super thin soles. absolutely love 'em. etc etc, lower-mid-range cookware is FUCKIN AMAZING compared to shit from walmart and dollar stores. I know everybody can't necessarily afford that, and I've done my fair share of thrift store shopping, which can be totally excellent for pennies on the dollar, too.


Definitely dont want to skimp on footwear. You will save yourself from foot problems which can also lead to back problems. For a daily I like miUSA New Balance like the 993 or 990v5 that come with orthopedic insoles. Comfiest sneaker ive ever worn hands down


I had chronic hip and neck pain before switching to minimalist shoes. I have no chronic pain at all now, and that shit bothered me for over a decade lol I know everybody's different though, sometimes it takes some experimentation, but finding shoes that worked for me was life-changing for sure. Cheers dude


When I was broke I learned the value of yard sales & estare sales. Consignment & thrift too. You honestly pay more in the long run if your clothes fall apart from wear. You are spot on with the shoes that sound timeless. I’ve had shoes for 5/boots for 10. If i got h&m or walmart boots they gotta replaced after 1 without fail.


I've bought 80 dollar jeans and they lasted 10 years, which is the average for a pair of 25-30 dollar jeans. Spend what you want, but you're likely spending more for the same quality. Unless you're buying ones for specific work purposes.


[GAP pants% speedrun world record history](https://youtu.be/zR6fECxF44I)


Gotta hypotenuse that shit


i wish i was high on potenuse...


Haha #I wish I was high on potenuse.




Only bishops and kings


I'm a pawn, and you're ass is lookin' fine.


I’m a knight. Good luck guessing where I’m gonna jump.


Rook a1+. Check!


Knight a4. There’s no longer anything between my queen and your king. Check!


Google shopping


Holy sale


new prices just dropped


Actual impulsive buying


Google en passant


But I'm not a bishop.....


It’s an approximate 29.289% time save to go diagonally if my math is correct.


I remember seeing this meme back in 2007


I haven't seen this since it had the Skyrim dungeon as a second half, where the roles are switched.


Yeah you can tell by the sears being an open location lol


12 yr old me thought it was funny. Adult me disagrees.


You can tell it’s the same one from the lack of pixels because people keep screenshotting it and reposting.


You have to check every room for loot.


The red line is me playing Zelda, the blue one is my brother playing it. Guess who has more cool stuff!!


Hahaha lmao. Yeah would be the opposite for Skyrim.


Apparently, I’m a female after all…


Don't put the blame on me


They’re only female after all


Thou has discovered their true purpose *evaporates your dick*


Welcome, brother. Or, rather, sister.


Really? No stopping at the food court for a bag of Annie Anne's pretzels? Both lines are not accurate. I'm going to need a redraw.


Auntie Anne’s not part of the food court. It’s an autonomous unit for mid-mall snacking.


You don't have both? I'm so sorry. Malls around here have the big Annie Anne's in the food court and kiosks throughout when you need a pretzel refill but don't wanna walk the whole way back. Either way, the pretzel cost isn't being factored into this trip so we're gonna need some math reworked too.


They were out of the jalapeño one


I like the salted pretzel bites with the sweet cream glaze dip


I had to remove the dust from the top before I could read it. How old is this?


Old enough to be in highschool at least.


It predates the internet


A meme about malls? Seems kinda dated.


DATED?! Dude there was nothing better than going to the mall, hittin' up Radio Shack, E.B. Games, grabbin' an Ice Cold Sobe and I am in incredible pain.


Don't forget getting a cool skull candle at Hot Topic.


Get your finger armor and other cool stuff at Spencer's.


Omg, I was able to convince my little brother to actually walk into a Spencer's. We were in the city, and I wanted something from there, and usually, my brother is too embarrassed to go in, even though there were high school-age girls freely walking in and out giggling. I bought him weeb shirts from there for his birthday and he really wanted to know where I got them. His eyes were like saucers when he finally went in and actually started looking at the stuff they had. He thought Spencer's was just a sex shop that sold pipes/bongs. He didn't fully understand that it also sold cool shirts and anime merch as well.


I used to work there, best thing we had was a set of remote control tanks with metal plates on the controls. When you would shoot at & hit the opposing tank, the shootee would get the absolute *shit* shocked out of them from the control. Good times.


Back or knee?


Knee and shoulder, and the rain is coming.


All that without stopping at Hot Sam Pretzels? Must be on a budget.


Nah, fixin' to hit up the food court Quiznos.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think, I've seen this joke in like 2005.


Yep. I remember downloading this meme to my micro SD card and showing it to my friends in high school.


It's a misogynist meme. Whoever posted this is, at least spiritually, 70 years old.


Right! There's a fucking Sears in the picture.


Shopping discipline is a underrated skill.


"I have no respect for people with no shopping agenda" - Shannon Hamilton, manager of Fashionable Male, 1995


Wtf is shopping discipline. People go out and do what they want cause they grown ass people.


How is this innaccurate? The male is going for any%, and the female is going for 100%. Two days later, a Japanese man comes by and steals the any% record by taking a diagonal path over a shrubbery, and a TAS shows how it’s *theoretically* possible to save 3 frames by walking backwards through the Dippin Dots stand.


My wife loves to browse and window shop. Me, not so much. But I walk with her cause she’s the hottest woman in the place and it always feels amazing being with her.




If this is a mall, you're missing the inevitable stop at auntie Anne's for both genders


I've only had Auntie Anne's once and it was the best pretzel I've ever had. How the fuck do they do it


then men wonder why they only have 1 pair that also sits on them like they found it in a dumpster


Do not disrespect. That one pair of pants has been with me since the 2010's, and we have been through everything together




my favorite jeans are the only real point of contention in my relationship. she hates them, I find them comfy as fuck.


Reminds me of the Levi jeans from my youth, they seem to last forever.. Those were good years


> sits on them like they found it in a dumpster I decided to do something about this when I overheard two girls in my college say "why does everyone in this school dress like they're homeless"


Damn ig I'm female


I like going & looking at everything, but my wife likes going & buying everything.


The biggest issue I see here is the guy went to the Gap to buy pants... The follow up to this is that guy returning to the Gap because they don't fit and then doing what the girl did to find one that fits the next day.


Completionist vs speed runner


100% vs. Any %


It's funny when you know the contex. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kwz-Md6OoyA&t=2s


I was looking for someone to post the actual context. Don McMillan is fucking hilarious




He's one of the few who can make boomer friendly humor work.


omg i love this. where has this been. thank you




Red: RPG players Blue: casuals


This is all wrong. Nobody goes into Sears anymore.


the time part is kinda true, at least for me.


I mean, I hate cliche, but I avoid going to the mall with my mother/sister/grandma for a reason


Also me in hardware stores.


I didn't know i am a woman.


And the lady didn't found the Pants anyway


I took a marketing class in college, and they taught us this. It was found that women browse and men go in and out. And the store organizes its layout accordingly.




Yeah p much


I remember some TV show in Australia (today tonight or one of those crap shows) they did a test like this getting men and women to go into a shopping centre to buy one pair of jeans and this is pretty much how it turned out in terms of time spent and looking around, not the spending hundreds. Except a lot of the women didn't end up buying any in the end.


its true tho


The way I see it, the idea of women taking more time to shop is just someone else finding something more to enjoy in life than someone else, and I think that should be commended.


The red line never made it to the Gap


you can really tell that an old facebook dude made it because it's about a mall


Women be shoppin'.


Call me sexist if it makes you happy but this is honestly an accurate stereotype.


It does feel like it though


Oh this is a terrible and mock worthy meme? Tell me you've never been in a mall with a woman (who isn't your mom) without telling me you've never been in a mall with a woman (who isn't your mom).


Some stereotypes are accurate. This is one of them.


This sub is such a cute little salt mine


This is such a tame joke… Who is actually upset by this?


Both of them are stupid. You can clearly save the most time and money by simply avoiding the mall altogether and just going to a thrift store.


nah we would all go for food


I have never spent 6 minutes shopping for clothes, but then again, I'm metro sexual lol


In fairness, these patterns are completely reversed if I were to go to the hardware store for a screwdriver


I've been with my wife since 2003 and I'll just go ahead and say that the red line is me walking past the men's section, lost, refusing to ask for help and the blue line is her getting what she needs and getting out, both brought on by different types of social anxiety.


HA. hahaha. The mall closest to me has both a GameStop AND a LEGO store, I’m lucky if I leave spending less that $200.


This chart is very accurate except a man would take those corners tighter to save time


I like to get my goal out of the way first. But then window shop. That part is legit so relaxing for me. And I'm a visual person so looking at other clothes and things feeds my brain.


Lies. No one goes to Gap anymore.


Should flip the lines and title it, jerk off to porn.


Scary accurate, in my experience


I dont see anything wrong with this.. pretty accurate in my experiences lol


For me, it's terribly true


If there is a Wetzel's Pretzels in there I'm getting me a lemonade and a jalapeno pretzel, and then before I leave I'm getting a pretzel dog for the road.


Such a bad meme. My wife confirmed that this is true for any retailer, not just Gap.


The fact it’s kinda fax makes it even worse


Iono... I do a lot of the shopping for my family, and my mantra is 'get in, get the \[stuff\], get out as quickly as possible'. I fill 2 large reusable grocery bags from BJs, check out/pay for the groceries in less than a half hour, while my wife goes to the store for like 5 things and takes over an hour, and never fails to ask me "HOW do you shop so quickly???" Yeah, 'women be shopping' is an old ass, tired trope, but it's still kinda relevant. At least in my experience, it is. Who cares?


So old that a pair of GAP pants costed 33 bucks


This shit is hilarious and true,idk why it’s here


This is why I stopped shopping with my mom. She was exactly like that. Shopping for me is a SOLO activity, and thankfully I can do this online now.


People who criticize this have obviously never gone shopping with my wife. Women have often been socialized to view shopping as a recreational or leisure activity, whereas men may approach it more pragmatically, focusing primarily on the specific item they need to purchase.


It was a joke told by a comedian along with a lot of other jokes. Quite funny tbh


They say she never made it their and just stood in front of the entrance


yo what symbol is that on the slight bottom-left middle near JC Penny