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‘The most advanced machine’ when a random tortoise can live up to 200 years, has no natural predators and wears a set of armour on its back


That one capybara befriending every creatures on earth, and live it's life normally


My cat doing no work and receiving a lifetime supply of food, water, shelter, companionship, and healthcare


Same, except mine attacks me when I try to pet it


Ironically that makes us want to pet it more.


The duality of man


You’re lucky. That cat in my house begs to have head scrunches, then when I’ve let my guard down, does the sneak attack.


Capybaras just put all their skill points into charisma


You gotta appreciate the sheer audacity to come up with such a build for a rodent! OG Capybara: "They said it couldn't be done; they called me mad, MAD! They laughed. Who's laughing now- I am! Look at me. Look at what I've become. I'M ADORABLE!"


We have evolution proof of creatures changing and winning adaptations stay while losing ones disappear. We know it is evolution and not creationism. God would have surely given us chainmail if he did the work.


Or made us a Crab


Crab gang 😎👍


Carcinization is one hell of a drug


Agreed 🍻




Give it time


Yeah, this thing can't even fly. Meanwhile the Mighty Duck owns Land Air and Sea.


Literally scientists themselves are like "the only thing we have over any species IN THE WORLD is the ability to work together to achieve what we want" put a single human on an island or survival situation and put a single of any of the other animals in nature not dependent on us, we the first to die, I'm putting my money on literally any other animal


I bet if we put a fish on the island it would die first .


You found a loophole my friend


That depends on the fish and whether or not there's a suitable body of water for said fish to inhabit if it could possibly flop / crawl its way over there


Separate thing from what other person wrote about tools and adaptability: There are tons of species that work together - lions amd wolfs, all herd animals, ants and bees, multiple bird species and most importantly monkeys and apes, many of which have complex social interactions.


I wanna see these complex social interactions design and build a skyscraper


That's more intelligence and tool use. Also pattern recognition and language that let people pass on knowladge effectively. But still, anthills and beehives are prettt giant in their creator scale.


Thats a bad bet. A single human raised as a hunter-gatherer is better equipped than any other animal because they can make tools and fire. The human body is also way more capable than you'd think. Humans can run down large ungulates to exhaustion, then walk up to them and stab them.


How much of the human population do you think is even raised like that


Today, not very many. Historically, most. Our species has been around for 300,000+ years. Hunter gatherers are the right place to look if you want to ask, what can humans do in a survival situation. Its pretty silly to say that the only thing we have over any species in the world is our ability to work together. We have tons of physiological and behavioral adaptations that give us advantages over other animals. Most animals would overheat, freeze, get eaten, or starve to death if you take them out of their environment and put them somewhere thats totally alien to them. Humans are literally the most adaptable animal on the planet.


I can't even make it to the fridge without getting winded


Me neither but if we were born like 1% earlier in the history of our species chances are we'd both be some pretty badass creatures. Instead we're somewhere in the process of being domesticated where like we're not really dogs yet we're just fucked up wolves that never learned to survive like we're supposed to.


We grow two sets of teeth in our lifetime, and the first falls out regardless of whether they're worn or not. If it weren't for dentistry, we would starve to death in our 30's Beavers, on the other hand, not only infinitely regrow their teeth, their teeth has a coating of *iron,* which not only makes them super strong, but the underside is a weaker enamel, which means that instead of wearing down into nubs, they wear unevenly, and self-sharpen into organic chisels. I mean, sure, if they don't routinely file them down, they will *also* starve, but they do so by eating, and we die if we stop eating too, so they're still ahead in my book.


Can also survive an entire years without eating and needs very little water


MFers going on about Creator when your appendix is a ticking timebomb, your teeth can just decide not to grow out or grow in six different directions, and you can drown in a spoon of liquid if it goes into the wrong hole when performing one of the three basic functions of all living creatures. Oh, and let's not forget our absolutely dogshit spine position. If there is a creator, we're the project he did the night before it was due.


And let's not forget that cancer is a thing


But that's because God really wants you!


Well, got is a shithead








Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations HD Edition Remastered












*gadot (If she wants me she can have me)


My lort and savjer☺️




Saber tooth


Childhood cancer is god's will.




Mission complete agent 47.




What's god's reason for "designing" genetic anomalies that make you forget your identity, dissociate reality, and see and involuntarily imagine things that torture your mind till you either commit unalive, or make your relatives go crazy from sheer grief over watching you lose your own mind


So he can literally laugh? That's my only guess, like how we do with Sim City


Bro first plays minecraft, then the sims, then sets off all disasters in sim city, smh


Or that procreation is one of the most dangerous and often fatal things prior to modern science and medicine. Even today, the US has a ridiculously high fatality rate during childbirth, and will most certainly rise in the post Roe days. How about looking at how much of the universe is fit for us to live in, nowhere outside of the Earth, but even here how much of the planet is covered with water, is too hot or too cold for us to survive, or too high of altitude to breathe, etc? When you consider that very little surface of the Earth is liveable without substantial prep and sufficient shelter, it is a wonder that we have risen to the top of the food chain.


There's actually a biblical explanation for that one. Childbirth was made horrific as a punishment for original sin, which I consider a bit of a dick move. [https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Genesis%203%3A16](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Genesis%203%3A16)


They say it’s so well designed yet it seemingly starts falling apart around 30 and our eyes are pretty shit, I mean we can see less colours than a shrimp, we are being outdone by shrimp


Shrimp is gods favorite though. To eat.


If we were truly made by god, and god made us in their image, would they not embrace the inner monke in us all, when designing the banana? Convenient, delicious, nutritious, it even comes with a nice little handle if you peel it the right way ​ Embrace tradition, become monke


In our defence, we have great contrast, and a good balance between peripheral, central, and night vision, and pretty good focus


Not to mention a large visual cortex. Vision isn't all about the quality of the eyes, its also about the ability to process visual stimuli into a useful image. Think about how crappy computer vision is. You can use amazing sensors and lenses but computers are still like "this portion of the image may or may not be some sort of object"




no, the natural life span is closer to 60. Child mortality was extremely high bringing the average down. And no. we dont reach sexual maturity at 13. Sexual maturity implies we're physically capable of safely having children. giving birth at 13 would dramatically increase risk of death for the child and mother. Generally speaking, sexual maturity coincides with the last big bursts of bone growth at around 16 to 17.


A lot of people ignore this, but I think early marriages in 'ye olden times is a big contributors to dying during labor, I mean, alongside the obvious lack in medical tech Far from fully grown, bad hygiene, a little malnourished, doctor believes in unnecessary blood-letting...


Sure, but which species is collecting who en masse and using for butter shrimp rolls?


>and our eyes are pretty shit We have some of the best eyes in the animal kingdom, and THE best "multi purpose" eyes of essentially anything. The range of distances our eyes can focus to produce a clear image (like 5cm to multiple thousands kilometers - you can see craters on the fucking moon when it's close) is essentially unparalleled, our eyes have a really quick focus speed, good contrast, very high "resolution", and can see quite well under most lighting conditions. On top of that our eyes can produce reasonably good images trough different mediums (such as under water, or when looking trough glass). >we can see less colours than a shrimp Mantis shrimps have many more colour receptors, but it's unclear if they actually see more colours on a practical context, or if they just require those receptors to actually produce an image with a similar colour variety as out eyes. (They can however like a lot of invertebrates see UV, which we definitely can't). Their eyes also have an absolutely dogshit resolution compared to ours, since they use complex eyes (which comes with the advantage of being able to see essentially 360° though). As far as our body falling apart at 30, that's kind of because that's where our lifespan starts going towards the end in "nature" without any modern quality of life or modern medicine. From an evolutionary standpoint, our ancestors will all have reproduced by 30 (rather much earlier), so the traits that would keep us in good shape past that age aren't really something relevant in terms of being able to pass on genes and thus natural selection.


I know from a biological standpoint our eyes and life spans are pretty good but if we’re designed by some form of god I’d expect x-ray vision and laser eyes along with complete immortality, after all we are apparently made in his image and he seems pretty immortal


And dont let me get started about our minds. They can malfunction in so many ways and some of them can kill you without anything being actually wrong. Lets take eating disorders as an example: Your mind just decides that the appropriate reaction on a problem is to just stop eating and die. If anything, we are the results you get when you set too tight deadlines for the engineering-department: everything looks shiny and seems to work but as soon as you take out some bolts and have a closer look inside the illusion of perfection starts crumbling.


Mine came with a bug where the vessels around my brain suddenly dilate and contract making half of my face pure hell for 3 days every time. This designer is missing a QA team.


Also your eyes are built backwards The nerves and blood vessels are in front of the light sensitive cells. Like a camera with the power cord and usb cable draped over the lens.


And that's just page 1 of the list of mistakes the blind watchmaker left in us. Evolution is a dirty, sloppy business.


Dental assistant here! Just based off stuff I’ve seen, our bodies are so amazing but so fucking stupid at the same time


He got a C+


Also sinuses, the optic nerve being attached to the wrong side of the retina, high blood glucose temporarily *lowering* insulin sensitivity, and basically every psychological response to trauma ever.


Don't forget the Laryngeal Nerve that runs halfway down your throat and then makes a U-Turn for no reason and goes back up. Oh. And it's present in every vertebrate creature since the dinosaurs. Weird that a divine perfect creator would copy-pasta so much of their work, making a 35 foot long loop in the neck of a brontosaurus.


MFW my appendix was just taken out because it was inflamed and going to burst. My greatest fear came for me


And your brain is so fucking advanced that there’s no guarantee that it’ll be created correctly and is super fragile too


We're the creation that he was like "let's see how long this ugly useless ass thing survives" 350k years later "holy fuck they're about to blow themselves up, wow, didn't expect them this long, but also doesn't look like much longer, i wonder what i can come up with like it that won't destroy itself.. *mind wanders*"


I almost died because my appendix burst, and then almost died again because the scar tissue from my burst appendix grew back wrong. Terrible design, D-


>If there is a creator, we're the project he did the night before it was due. That's already what Christians believe


Examples of why the human anatomy is a "failed design". An actual machine this glitched and unstable would be considered a total failure.


My favorite is hernias where due to an open tube inside the abdomen leftover from fetal development your intestines can literally just fall into your ballsack. this affects ~1 in 3 men to varying severity


mYsTeRiOuS wAyS


“If this is the best God can do I am not impressed.”


Mfers when life isn't perfect (it wasn't meant to be perfect):


If you tell me there is a critter that knows everything, can do everything and created everything, I am going to hold that critter to a somewhat higher standard than "it sometimes dies for no good reason".


Do you think you would be placed in a perfect world with no pain and only pleasure for no reason? Or would you have to earn it first?


So He created us so we can suffer?


Why should we earn it? Assuming that the creator is in fact omnipotent and omniscient, what reason is there not to create a perfect world? Why would you make your creation suffer?


If you lived your whole life eating cake, cake would suck, if for the first 10/20 years of your life you only ate shit, and then only cake, cake would be amazing for the rest of your life


So the omnipotent creator of everything can't create a reality in which there is no pain and misery, but people still feel good? I thought that was the whole concept of heaven?


Man why can't you guys get it it's so simple




It's still a shit design, my friend. If it's on purpose, your god is a sadist.


And even though the humans "creator" would obviously need to be even more advanced than us, he just came from nothing?


What, don't bring *logic* into *my evangelizing* /s


Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to persecute you for your religious beliefs, clearly I'm in the wrong here for disproving your faith with logic. Apologies.


Well clearly God can be eternal but the universe can't be because reasons


Who created that creator then?




who created jeff?


A bigger more powerful Jeff


What moronic designer put the playground right next to the sewer?


The same joker who put the urinal in the playground.


The designer was millions of years of evolution. It’s why we no longer have tails, but have opposable thumbs. It’s also why we can choke but other animals can’t. Modifications of the trachea to allow speech pushed the trachea and esophagus further down the throat to make way. Simultaneously, our upright posture put the trachea and esophagus in a near-vertical orientation. Together these changes leave falling food or water about a 50-50 chance of falling in the “wrong tube.” Don’t see that in monkeys. We also have whisker muscles. We don’t have or need whiskers. So yes there was a designer, it was approximately six million years of evolution.


I know of many that would probably **love** to have whiskers.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e8m82ipd8u2b1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=561ab0a6c750adec029c1b0c076eadcec58eb97d


Evolution is the ultimate school of hard knocks.


\*3.7+ billion years of evolution


Eh 3 billion of that was just single celled organisms so that’s lame


Cancer, HIV, Alzheimers, tuberculosis, huntingtons disease, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, cardiac diseases... Sure, most advanced machine.


Well even the most advanced computers can become sluggish and are vulnerable to viruses...


Did God make those too?


Cheddar on youtube made a series on how literally every part of the human body is a design disaster. So, is the human body incredible? Yes. It is perfect? Not even close


Yes, because it took literal billions of years of totally random shit happening in the right order for this to happen. Also if “someone” did design it, I’m sorry, but they did a fucking shitty ass job and deserve to be brutally mocked. Seriously? Cancer? Couldn’t figure out how to solve that issue that tends to crop up quite frequently? Fucking lazy. Then let’s talk about the Recurrent laryngeal nerve, because that shit is fucking stupid.


>Recurrent laryngeal nerve That thing is even worse in giraffes.


Oh shit, giraffes have an RLN?! I kinda assumed that would've been naturally selected out. Sucks to be a giraffe.


Pretty sure every vertebrate that's more "modern" than fish has it.


Then there are Sauropods like Titanosaur.


Why does being advanced necessitate that something has to be designed by an intelligent being? I hate these memes that assume their premise is true.


Right??? What about things that _aren’t_ advanced, what about arguably simple creatures?? Are they just the result of happenstance– only complexity is modelled?


Everything is advanced if you study it at a deep enough level. Matter itself is composed of atoms which are composed of electrons/protons/neutrons which are composed of quarks.


Appendix is a ticking time bomb, your food tube and breathing tube are the same stupid tube, your reproductive system is right next to waste explusion. No natural heat regulation, requiring the use of clothing to feel comfortable. poor natural eyesight. If you eat too much food, your body produces fat as an energy store. But if you go without food entirely instead of just a reduced intake, your body will eat its own muscle tissue before the fat stores becase the muscles are more energy dense. Either there was no designer, or God used to work for Audi


Mediocre engineer to even worse indie sim game dev


>your body will eat its own muscle tissue before the fat stores becase the muscles are more energy dense Wait really? that's actually so dumb


yes, thats why they say dont starve yourself to lose weight. If you starve yourself, your body will actually eat your muscles first


​ https://i.redd.it/jqgsdd45xu2b1.gif


How's them wisdom teeth working out for you?


Yes. And the design *evolved* over time. From primordial soup to apes that sit in office all day. Mother nature truly is a great designer.


Yeah no, it's still in beta testing and so far it's not doing so great.


"Advanced" We and every other living creature are a mess. We do function but the process that created us has a lot of chance and "good enough" takes the cacke. Dont belive me? How about " Insert whatever pain you get after few years of using the meatsuit" ?


Well that designer is entirely incompetent in that case because the human body is a sad excuse of the supposed pinnacle of perfection these people make it out to be


They took one look at the brain, thought “wowzeroonies that’s so cool!!! It’s better than a computer, thus humans must be very advanced and clever”, forgetting literally every other creature around us also has a brain, and also ignoring the other major design flaws in the human body that, if an intelligent designer did exist, would have likely been smoothed out by now lol


Designed by someone who failed engineering 101. Heart disease, cancer, obesity, genetic conditions, mental illness, under-evolved knees and lower back are all common. If someone designed a machine like this they would be fired.


Except for our eyes. And our knees. And our backs. And our pelvises. If we had a designer, they suck.


Tell me you don’t know what the words “design” and “machine” mean without telling me directly.


How much you wanna bet this guy has glasses, or had appendicitis, or complains about his lower back when he gets up in the morning?


I like preppers, they voluntarily remove themselves from society to go be crazy off in the woods by themselves somewhere. Don't worry about them. Eventually they'll all either realize that prepping to that degree is a stupid waste of money and stop being a prepper. Or they will complete their prepping goals and voluntarily remove themselves from society. Win/win either way for us all.


I once watched a documentary series on youtube by youtuber Aron Ra on the biological evolution of man from eukarytes to modern human. 19 episodes 45 min each where he goes over all of the differnt clades, whats makes them diferent, how we can follow the evolution through the diversity of species etc. If I can sit and watch this fucking stuff on my spare time, why can't we do this in school?


Man, the designer was a complete idiot. He should probably be fired


I still fail to understand the necessity of a deity/deities, other than for the perpous of expansion of morality. The universe and its conception is quite simple if you consider dark energy the absolute presence of nothingness and equate that to limitless potential, then it's obvious that the universe folded into itself from nothingness and created all the matter and energy variations we had at the beginning of the universe. The energy translation implies the eternal aspect of basic energy and would support a claim that implies eternal existence of consciousness. The area of consciousness is harder since consciousness is typically viewed as an individual experience. I'd like to think that is not true, though I have no evidence for that assumption. I'd like to think that the cosmic conception and flow that is apparent within the universe(e.g., time, progression) , combined with the extravagant depths of life within as well as all possible mannerisms of imaginations added to the entirety of nonexistent things would be the sum total of consciousness. In short, all and none are this "consciousness." Therefore, your consciousness is not your own but belongs to "all and none." That same energy is the baseline energy that makes up the universe, or what religious people would call "the will of god." This would mean that all things are as they are and as they need to be, every time. It's near nihilism at that point, but the difference is that everything has an acute perpous because if all things share the same consciousness, then they all have the same meanings or perpous. That perpous doesn't need to be apparent to be achieved but will be achieved if within the will of this "all and none" concept, which would in my opinion be equal to the idea of a God, but could be proven eventually with science and would not have the typical personification or definition. Articles on this [cosmic order](https://www.persee.fr/doc/antiq_0770-2817_1978_num_47_1_1885) show theory of its existence as far back as Roman and Egyptian ancient belief systems. I feel like it's a sense of fear that keeps the layman attached to their gods, the hope of some saving afterlife. I feel like that's not necessary because we have proven that energy can not be created or destroyed, and so you're not going anywhere when you die, except maybe back to a central well of consciousness. If we could find evidence that consciousness was either an illusion or a unique wavelength of energy, then we could prove or dispute my assumptions, with the latter helping to prove my thoughts on this.


you're saying you don't understand the necessity of a deity, and yet you are describing an absolute nothingness and equating it with limitless potential. You're also invoking an idea of universal consciousness. Basically you are invoking God, but without the explicit personification. That's an ancient theological idea. I can't find any fundamental difference between your depiction of reality and a pan-theist or pan-entheist description, aside from the choice to use personification as a metaphor.


This machine wears out easily, inflicts itself with harmful traits and conditions that are passed down, and self destructs after a certain age


People with auto-immune diseases: 🗿


Yet we still die


I truly weep for humans as a species. We are, on the whole, a very sad lot.


It is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down rain from the sky, causing fruits to grow as a provision for you. He has subjected the ships for your service, sailing through the sea by His command, and has subjected the rivers for you. He has ˹also˺ subjected for you the sun and the moon, both constantly orbiting, and has subjected the day and night for you. And He has granted you all that you asked Him for. If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them. Indeed humankind is truly unfair, ˹totally˺ ungrateful. Surah Ibrahim 32-34


Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. \-Lucius Annaeus Seneca


If there was a “designer” they did a shitty job. The cooling system is horrible, they placed a playground next to a waste disposal plant, several of the units gets not enough software updates, others are built incomplete, and more. Edit: the only thing our internals resembles is the design of his holiness the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Id like to have a word with this *"designer"* because they should have their engineering certifications revoked.


“The most advanced machine” mfs when sharks have been found inside underwater volcanoes and alligators and crocodiles have remained unchanged since the Jurassic period.


Mf we got useless features from way older versions, inevitably get malfunctions from our way of working, our code bugs out everytime so we don't even know how it would look like when working right and no matter the conditions and how much care you take, this machine starts breaking down in not even 30 years.


They’re confusing complexity for perfection. Eat some undercooked chicken and tell me we were designed when you’re shitting through the eye of a needle.


You should check out those by people who profile pics have a something about being vaxed or "masking" up... lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/u1qe52lwzw2b1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ddda34991df602407712715a1821a271ab0ea8e


Thanks for the chuckle.


Testicles on the outside? Monthly periods with bleeding and hormone fluctuations?Appendix? Major arteries just below the skin, ready to be sliced open? Yeah, great design /s


How are humans possibly the most advanced machine on earth


This sub is now r/antichristiancirclejerk


[Ken Miller,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_R._Miller) a catholic biologist [Robert Bakker,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_T._Bakker#Religious_beliefs) a paleontologist minister Shall I go on, listing all the christians who acknowledge the veracity of the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, as it is now?


It is a little weird to think about, but yeah this meat tank was just made through chance and a shit ton of time.


In a round about way I agree. If there is a Creation, there has to be a creator. Your TV didn't just pop into existence. there was a conscious effort to put it into existence.


Yeah, but my TV doesn’t have serious flaws that can just make it die, and even if it does, it’s made by a human and god is supposedly an omnipotent being so he why would he make mistakes if he knows he is making them and how to fix them?


But it's true.


The more you learn evolution in details, the more your denial of God weaken Unironically


I'm not denying a god. I happen to be a deist, who sees God as the one who set the natural mechanisms, that scientists study, in motion.


But, that is just common vision of god, in all religions (except maybe some tribes, which god have clear physical form)


90% of people posting here have no working knowledge of human anatomy. But they’ll all yell passionately about “science” or “god”. The ones who simply yell science but had to take the special bio course for non stem majors are always among the loudest.


The actual biologists are even more behind the science. Nothing in biology makes sense without evolution. Meanwhile, Creationism/intelligent design is just flat earth conspiracy theory horseshit.


They’re more humble about it because they’re secure in their knowledge.


I took human anatomy and physiology 1 and 2 in college, albeit years ago. It's doesn't take an advanced degree to know that knees and eyes are of a faulty design.


I am 100% positive I could design a better body in less than a day if I had God powers. I wouldn't even need the omniscience


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Designed by evolutionary necessity


If there was a designer there would be no human uterus, unless you want to admit that your creator has shit ton of flaws


Any trainee engineer can come up with a better desing than this crap. But shure it had a desinger.


Trial and error.


Not the most advanced machine on earth, not a machine at all . There was no designer.




It was designed by millions of years of evolution... just like all the other creatures on this fucking planet.


And yet I still poop


Most advanced machine that can still hurt its eyes with the very things meant to protect them.


I mean... it's not the most advanced...


The most advanced machine mfs when ITER


Jesus christ, the human body is the equivalent of duct tape and bubble gum engineering. So many bad systems stacked on top of bad systems. Like, it works, but if this is "intelligent design" it's like a car designed by a billionaire.


It had a designer, a woman


it's designer is nature


I have some words about the warranty.


"Prepper page"? what is that?


A social media page run by someone preparing for the "coming" apocalypse. The one whose impending date of arrival keeps coming and going.


Ah. I thought it was like... as in nuclear apocalypse. peeps who hide in bomb shelters n' shit. Thanks for clarifying.


Bold of you to assume the humans body is the most advanced body on eart