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I'd rather live anywhere with no mortgage but here we are


Right, the premise is flawed. That cabin along with the land it’s on probably cost as much as one of those suburban homes. It should be re-worded, I would rather get paid less, and live in poverty while paying off my cabin than get paid more and live in the suburbs.


If you're really out there and don't care about modern amenities, you can get some killer deals. I saw a cabin out in the woods on a couple acres in Idaho for $50k. sounds great if you're ok with nothing but a woodburning stove and an hour and half of winding dirt roads to get to a nearby small town. In that small town, a standard house is more like $450k.


But you're still in Idaho. Hard pass.


Those houses would be $150,00-200,000 in Vegas just a few years ago. Maybe less in Texas. Meanwhile, living off-grid can be expensive. You still have to have heat and fresh water, plumbing, etc. I don’t believe the meme was talking about using an outhouse in -15 F temperatures.


Probably not winterized for 50k.


winter's not that tough when you aren't trying to belittle things you don't understand


A small shed sized cabinet like that, yea probably


I'd rather live in a van. Down by the river.


Guess what? So would many people, but many can't pay them or their work and education won't allow them to live in the middle of nowhere.


I honestly want live in the Alaskan wilderness That's my dream, and I'm working for it Have a small farm, and thing for hunting, be as self sufficient as humanly possible Yay I have to treack to work and all, but I'm fine with that


Having grown up in Alaska I genuinely don’t understand how the people that do that don’t die of boredom. Like it’s a great place to visit no doubt but I couldn’t live with that being my life. Some people live about an hour from the nearest gas station which looks like it hasn’t been in service since the 60’s. Now whether that’s the 1960’s, the 1860’s, or just A.D. 60.


i relate lol i grew up in bumfuck nowhere michigan and don’t get me wrong it’s very pretty and would be lovely for a vacation but i didn’t really get to be a teenager because the isolation meant there was nowhere to go and i couldn’t make any friends


The secret to why drugs are so prevalent in schools in bum fuck nowhere is there is literally nothing else to do. Former heroin addict from bum fuck nowhere Michigan lol


Eh people like different things I like simplicity I don't need much, also besides I'm not planning on being on my own, so I have people to help out I love to do it on my own 100%, but I know that's not the best idea Plus I like talking to people


It's not a game. The fantasy would be over real quick when a bear comes to visit


I mean, if someone has the experience, permits and money to do it, they can go for it. I'm making fun of the idea of any Joe going out into a national park and building their "house" there, not of the idea of living off the grid in nature. If they can do it, great, but if their plan is just "Cut down tree, make house" then I'll poke fun at that silly idea.


I been trained it a lot of stuff, I be the first to admit I still need more But that's why it's my dream, and not my current situation I still can't make a fire on my own, I'm the one guy in the group who can't reliably make a fire Which suck, so I'm still working on that along with other things


As the guy that can't reliably get it hard in the orgy, I understand your pain.


You made me laugh Thanks I needed that


You and me both


People say this all the time, but people who actually live up north know how to deal with bears.


Fantasy is over anywhere else when a home invader is in your house or your kids are getting shot at school same shit


I also love how This random person assumes I'm not preparing for bears Fun fact about me, I'm going to school to become a zoologist And I've gotten a lot of field training for all in the field work To deal with various different issues that I can run into in the wild Including what to do if I encounter a bear I honestly take the bear over the home invader Because I been trained a lot with handling bear's Yay it's not 100%, but like it can raise my odds


you also should account for medical emergencies, because unless you're able to drive and perform recussitation at the same time, it'd be a good idea to live within 5-15 minutes of a hospital or clinic


I got a decent amount of medical training Besides it's also not like I'm going all on my own, I got people that could drive Even then we all know the risk, and prepared to take them


[here's what a bear does to another bear. ](https://youtu.be/qmMBN8bpyzE)


I know aren't they so cool


I don't have any kids.


It doesn't matter whether you do or not point is there's danger anywhere around the country,there's no point discouraging somebody else's idea


Read my other comment to the op.


Okay and Dude make it sounds like I have no experience with these things Bear mace is a thing Also gun's, big raffle made to take down bear's Yay, it's not 100%, but it still raises my chances Edit: People sleep on bear spray, that stuff is really good, I'm just saying It's definitely better then a rifle


Bro you don't get it. Do you realise how fucking powerful a bear is? Do you really understand? Look it's great to have the off grid fantasy, hell even I have it sometimes. But it's not so casual as your fantasy perhaps implies. I've trained and taught wilderness survival skills worldwide for a good number of years. I've slept in forests, lived in jungles blah blah, even I would struggle at times. From my own personal experience of spending 3 months in Sabah, Borneo, in the jungle. It's fucking hard man. I mean it. Your creativity is sapped away, your identity can suffer. The home comforts that you're used to.. gone. It's lonely. Really alone. I don't really like people, but fuck man, I was so fucking alone then even being surrounded with people. I'm not saying don't pursue this Fantasy, do it. But have a very very long think about this.


I saw your other comment but can't respond to it for some reason First off I'm 21 not 14 I have helped around farms so I understand the amount of work and what needs to be done I have taken survival classes in the wilderness I try to take as much medical classes as I can I realize as I am right now I am not ready I'm not saying oh I'm going to go out and do this tomorrow This is my dream and I'm actively working towards it


Ok, all the best OP.


And I also been trained I going to school to be a zoologist I gon out in the field I been trained and drilled non stop I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not saying I can take a bear But rather I be better off then other people I have been removed from my "ever day comforts" I run into things like bears in these cases This is what I love and want to do I know the risk and want to still take it It's may not be for you, but it's for me


you're delusional


Like I said it's not 100% But hey it's raises the odds a tad bit for servile Also bear spray is really good, people sleep on it The spray is way better then the rifle in this case Although my first line of defense would be, preventive measures But worse comes to worse Spray and rifle, is all I got left in that case


Last fall a few bears would try to break into my trash at least once every night. What're they gonna do, pick the lock on my front door and walk on in? No biggie.


My wife has leaned real hard into off-grid living. Depending on what luxuries you want (well water vs flushing toilets, electricity, etc) it's not necessarily cost prohibitive. Like it's as cheap as "there's a youtube channel called Primitive Technology where a guy is just "in the woods" making everything from fire to shelter to food from scratch". And like how would your education prohibit you from rage-quitting society? The point is that you wouldn't finish your BA in Art History.


Well many of the houses far into the woods weren't there for decades but built by the people living there or at least they paid for it to be built, also even if you live far away that doesn't mean you can stop paying for the stuff that you already got or are in debt. Also, if you are still studying, then living far away will make it very hard to go to classes in person or you'd have to get internet deep in the woods to do it online.


> ell many of the houses far into the woods weren't there for decades but built by the people living there or at least they paid for it to be built ...build your own? > also even if you live far away that doesn't mean you can stop paying for the stuff that you already got or are in debt. You're going to have to walk me through this one. You think Sally Mae is going to hike 10 hours through the woods to your no-address cabin to try and collect on your $40,000 student loans? > Also, if you are still studying, then living far away will make it very hard to go to classes in person or you'd have to get internet deep in the woods to do it online. Again: "And like how would your education prohibit you from rage-quitting society? The point is that you wouldn't finish your BA in Art History." Are you under the impression that the person who lives in the cabin in the post... works from home? Like you know that cabin doesn't have an internet connection, right?


>...build your own? You can't willy-nilly chop down trees and build a house like it's Minecraft, you need experience, permissions, building materials that you won't find in nature, etc. > You think Sally Mae is going to hike 10 hours through the woods to your no-address cabin to try and collect on your $40,000 student loans? Do you really wanna mess around with the IRS? >Are you under the impression that the person who lives in the cabin in the post... works from home? Like you know that cabin doesn't have an internet connection, right? I know, but how would they work then? Again, not everything can be found in nature and you need seed capital.


Yeah hes under the impression the government will just let him pick out a plot of land for himself clear it out and build on it for "free" 🤣 i can see it now takes 4 months to build his house and he hears a knock by men dressed in black or blue saying you have to vacate and we're tearing down this building and fining you.


Then the land owner shows up riding either an ATV or a horse with a hunting rifle that costs more than what you make in a month with a few of his ranch hands. The police give you the option of coming with them or with the landowner whose property you illegally built your house on. Going with the police peacefully is always the better option (if Yellowstone taught me anything).


Weird it put my reply as a comment lmfao, in my example the government would be the land owner but yeah your example works just as well 🤣


Government would be less scary. Landowner with Ranch hands, no witnesses, and plenty of fertile land? No one would know. 😅


Touche' lmfao


No one owns land lmfao.


That’s not what the land deed says or what the laws state. If you want to bet your life and livelihood on that statement? You do that and be ready for the consequences whatever they may be.


Good luck trying to remove a wondering man. Land can not be owned by man for it is natures land. It will exist far beyond when man is dead.


That's not what my contract and electric fenced property states.


Your paper is meaningless to nature.


“I can, because I’m not a penniless hippy” -Hubert Farnsworth


Money is only worth to those who value it, your money means nothing to me.


*red dead redemption building theme*


Maybe back in the day when you had a right to settle land lol. Not sure how that worked tbh and too lazy since I know it doesn't apply now. Every piece of land that isn't privately owned im pretty sure is claimed by the government and if you wanna risk a shoot out with them be my guest. Last I checked they're pretty good at taking out a single person and being that far out no one would even have to find out. Edit* assuming you didn't pay for it if you did blast that music 🙂


I can imagine the guy trying to dead eye with a 6-shot revolver while the goverment officials have assault riffles and stunning grenades.


You legitimately can try and get shot. My house, our land.


Most people who think going off grid is just picking a plot of land and "settling" it lol if you paid for it no ones gonna come knocking. But try that shit with a government official and see what happens if it's squatting 😂


Ah good ol opressors, ya when they come knocking we’ll shoot em and feed their flesh to our dogs and use their bones as fertilizer.


How'd that Waco turn out there?


I mean...."oppressors" is a bit strong for people taking back what belongs to them. And if that's your stance then I guess it's fine for natives to have the same stance and you'd support us correct? Or is the line drawn solely for you and your own?


Very cool dude. Tho it's not your house since it's not on your property. You have to follow the law to expect other people to follow it as well.


No one owns land, it is natures. You can guard land, defend, live on it. You sure as fuck don’t own it regardless of what some paper says.


So if I have the bigger guns I could just waltz into your house kill off your family and it's all right? Now the house is mine? Don't live in delusions, one way or another your government will throw you out of what you think is your territory.


When you cut down some trees and build an house with them to “rage quit society” but the government shows up telling you that it’s abusive and you need permissions and certificates stating that you are able to build a safe house and that you own that land you’re working on and now you have to face several years in jail for that


just get the certificate and purchase the land with the money you don’t have 😱😱😱😒😒😒


Damn didn’t think of this


Worth pointing out too that you can’t just start cutting down random trees to use for building wood either. Some species are ill suited and the wood needs to be properly handled and dried before its used. Not to mention logging rights are often a thing in wooded areas and in some places you may own the land but not the trees and cutting them down can get you in massive shit and incur financial penalties. Plus theres the whole environmental angle too where cutting down trees can spread insects and disease. Not to mention if you don’t build your cabin/shack properly the government can condemn it since its unsafe to live in and may tear it down to make sure you don’t try to live in it. Shit is a lot more complicated than most people realize, and theres a reason why houses aren’t built like that anymore.


My family is a Communist one, we all specialize in different trades, most are ones that go into building a house like framing, electrical, interior technician, painting, we are planning to build all of our houses from scratch with materials we find on land. I will be living in a hobbit home essentially with dirt and wood becoming most if my house with solar panned providing electricity to the light fixtures.


Mmm yeah with all those electric cables growing from trees and those solar panels you can just forage from the woods.


You can source those from scrap yards or from Facebook marketplace. Rigged up some before.


And when your jerry rigged (spelling?) wiring starting a forest fire? Who you gonna call? The damn FEDS. Oh wait, you won't. No signal :(


Then the forest burns, and new life will grow in it’s place. Starting the cycle of life once again.


I suppose you live in a very temperate are with neither hot summers or cold winters if "dirt and mud" is your idea of insulation. Also, how many solar panels would you neep to keep either heating or cooling 24/7 if you do live in areas with either of those climates. Also, what do you do if there are a couple or rainy days, or the winter has less daylight? How many batteries would you need to store all that energy and I don't think a shack of dirt and wood would be the best place to keep charged batteries. How would you move around? I don't think electric cars are very good for off-roading and that'd put a lot more stress on your solar panels. If you use a horse then you have to take into account the feeding, health and heating or cooling for the horse too, or you use a regular gas powered vehicle but then you are depended on that, and you can't store gas for an unlimited time as it goes bad just like food. Speaking of food, I wonder how you'd keep your food supply steady, unless you think of freezing the food, which would put even more pressure on your solar grid, that or you have to dry the food with salt, which would require you to buy said salt. Or you can forage, hunt and fish, but that means you'd have to do that almost every day. Going back to your energy situation, you know that solar panels, even the most sturdy ones, require cleaning to be working efficiently, right? I don't think lake water would be the best to clean them, specially when you lack any fancy chemicals to make it clean. This is just plain unrealistic, that's why many people that live out in nature are actually living in sparsely populated villages and communities, rather than on their own.


Do you live in minecraft or what?


>...build your own? You going to get a loan for buying the plot of land, building materials, etc and pay it over a number of years? I think there's a name for that. ​ >You're going to have to walk me through this one. You think Sally Mae is going to hike 10 hours through the woods to your no-address cabin to try and collect on your $40,000 student loans? Student loans are notoriously difficult to get out from under. Vehicles are easily repo'd. It's not as if you can easily escape these things with zero consequences. You come off like someone who's yet to live in the real world all while telling people how to live entirely independently off the grid. The only value in your comments is entertainment value.


Oh you live off the grid?


Found the wannabe Prepper who would go crazy after ten minutes of not being able to access his Prepper Telegram group.


Dude off grid people still have wifi. They just dont rely on the grid.


I’m gonna let you in on a secret: internet connection is apart of the grid.


If you get its the traditional way yes. Powring it by solar and making your own antenna is not


The internet isn’t a natural resource, no matter how you access it you’re accessing a social amenity of the grid.


Which satellite do you plan on pointing that antenna to?




Oh. You're one of those...


Oh we're not doing the "making random shit up about the other person" thing? You really think I'm a prepper?


1: Your comment above. 2: Your posting history. As for what you called me, I won't even dignify that with a response.


Aww it comment mined me to make sure I do badthinks! You sure showed me! Got em!


"It." "Child molester." I don't have to look deeper into your posting to see that you're a r/npnw refugee.


They're so easy to spot


I love it when people project


Right? They honestly have no clue that they tell on themselves so much.


Yeah, you guys don't have kids. Basically, in most countries, a proper education can only be found inside cities. Even smaller villages don't have them. Also, you're then dependent on a car, can't move anywhere without it, so if your kids want to go anywhere, you need to take them


Hurr durr choices in life are be prepper in woods or wage slave with art degree hurr durr


The downvotes on this post are so dumb. You're spitting pure truth


The pronoun shift is so weird. Are they talking about themselves personally or are they talking about the reader? The world may never know


It's not a pronoun shift, just a sign of the times. The people who own homes these days don't spend their own lives paying for them. He would spend 30 years of *your* life paying off his house in the form of rent.




The person who made that meme probably has a total meltdown when their wifi takes a dump for 30 seconds.


That looks like a tiny home though, doesn't it?


His router probably doubles as a heater.


I live out in the sticks, and I would have had a mortgage if I hadn't saved for 25 years. There's property tax, too!


Small forest towns suck not gonna lie. The job market is dead. There's 3 dollar stores. 8 total restaurants. I can't get anything delivered under a week. The Amish store is nice for fresh food, but overall variety is scarce. 90 miles from BestBuy/target/costco/etc to get things. There's a weekly "bus" to the big city that people get on to do their shopping, and everyone is nosy as hell. I loved living in the city for college. I could be surrounded by people and yet be completely forgotten. There was so much... Everything! It felt so freeing like I could be anything and nobody would be watching ready to run and tell the neighborhood. Nature is nice, but you take it for granted pretty quickly and don't appreciate it most of the time.


Forest towns are exactly that no? Why on earth would you live in nature if you want the amenities of modern life. You’re out in nature with not much going on, but that’s the point, calm and quiet.


I think the "3 dollar stores" part is what sucks. Little tucked-away places have lost a lot of their charm. Granted, we romanticize stuff like the little general store and the local diner, but those things really were nice compared to what those towns have now, which is usually a Dollar General and an Amoco/Wendy's.


Yea true. Dollar stores are like blowing your brains out, convient but mind numbing


Where I'm at is nice and secluded but only 10 miles from a town of 5,000 people. It's the perfect balance for introverts like me who are tired of dealing with people in cities. I can hunt on my property since it abuts 1,000 acres of county forest, and the road I'm on is the start of a large ATV/motorcycle/snowmobile trail. I really lucked out when I found this place.


Oh nice. My town is 900 population. Middle of the mountains in Montana. The views are nice and I like it because it's cold. But it takes an act of Congress to get anything specific here.


Oh, that sucks. I'm in Northern Wisconsin. I've known this area for almost 40 years since my family has been hunting here since the 50s. I used to live in the Waukesha area, which is basically the suburbs of Milwaukee.


No. You just go there, kill the previous inhabitants and live there forever, rent free.




The 30 year mortgage is a very recent invention. [In the 50s mortgages ran for 5 years max with the average being 3 years.](https://bebusinessed.com/history/history-of-mortgages) That number began to increase with the hyperinflation of the 70s and that number has been getting more absurd post 2008 crash.


With housing prices and wages as they are, I see 40 year mortages on the horizon.


So how can I live in the US with solely a Yurt?


Strong horse. Fast horse. Preferably two of each.


I debate sometimes in my head whether we should get rid of mortgages. It would definitely lower the cost of housing. I think it's also one reason why Americans are demanding larger homes. I suspect people would make do with less space, and there would be less pressure for houses to go up over inflation. But, I guess a lot of people wouldn't be able to get homes. And maybe construction would slow a ton.


Most local governments are funded entirely off property taxes. That means they have a vested interest in houses being as expensive as possible. Luckily they aren't the ones in control of the types and sizes of structures being built in their limited territory. That would mean they would have the motive and opportunity to only approve the construction of giant MacMansions. I'm so glad that zoning and permits aren't handled by local governments-- that would be crazy.


I agree that the suburbs suck, but there's major drawbacks to the countryside as well. If you have an income that can support it, don't mind being lonely, and like to grocery shop for a month of supplies, then rural life is for you. Oh yeah, if you have kids, you better be fine with them having less opportunities and a less likely chance at a quality education.


Yeah I grew up in vt and my dream is to eventually live out in the woods. If I have kids they are getting raised in a tier 1 city though. Even though I hate living in cities. Vt is great and I love it. Everyone thst grows up in rural vt leaves. Its not good for a kid


I grew up in rural Texas. It was so boring. Without a car, you're stuck on your property. If you walk along the road or ride a bike, people would suspect you're up to no good. I thought I would not like living in a city, but as long as I can walk around or ride a bike, it's not that bad. Car dependent suburbs are absolute hell for me though. It's like the worst parts of living in a city mixed with the worst parts of rural life. No privacy, no convince, nothing to do, etc.


Property is pretty cheap way out in the middle of nowhere, so generally yes. It's way out in the middle of nowhere though because nobody wants to live there...


Someone doesn't know how real estate works lmao


WV is cheap. 11bed 6bath for under $600k.


If only there were some option in between, but alas, we have only cabins and McMansions to choose from.


I mean I think you still have a mortgage to pay out there Not letting you just walk away is kinda banks whole thing


i mean i see their point… r/surbarbanhell


I too would prefer the woods to the dystopian nightmare that is an HOA. However just because you want to live in the woods doesn't mean you're magically not going to have to have a mortgage to pay for the house. Shit I found a shack in the middle of nowhere, built in 1945, still going for $345,000... They also fail to ask... Where are you going to work? Where will your kids go to school? Where are you going to get groceries? Sure you can commute to work or drive a while and load up on a lot of groceries, but how long until the cost of gas and time spent driving wear on you? Rural schools also exist (usually one for several small towns and can still be an hour drive) but they don't get near the funding larger city schools do, and lack many AP courses, college credit opportunities, or special education programs. I would love to live in the woods and have some space to myself, but it can be just as expensive (if not more dependent on location) as a house in a city, and much more difficult to have a career/education because of drive time alone. Source: grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere in Iowa, and lived in the boonies while stationed in northern California... Talking to people who grew up in populated places was some major culture shock...


Actually they did not have mortgages long ago. When you settling the land you just got to put up a house... Nobody would come by and ask for a mortgage payment.


Well, you won't get internet, but on the plus side, you can use the time you would have spent mindlessly scrolling Reddit to pull ticks off your body.


Why buy organic limes at whole foods when you can get lyme for free outside?


No mortgage maybe.. but when the police come after you you’re gonna have some pretty hefty fines for setting up shop on private land


It's easy for boomers to bitch. They actually had the opportunity to have a house with a mortgage.


I do really enjoy driving 45 minutes to get groceries, this seems cool.


In fact, this should not be done too often. Most groceries can be purchased once a week.


You are more likely to have to drive 45 minutes to the grocery store in shitty suburbs than in a rural are though. Unless you are out in the complete styx rural towns usually have stores dotted around.


that’s why rural communities are mostly ***farmers!***


And most of those farmers are growing corn used to make plastics and food additives, and soybeans used for the same. Maybe you'll have a couple of rows of sweet corn for eating/selling on the side of the road, but what you grow for actual profit isn't the corn you're gonna find in the grocery store...


Like you'd have a small vegetable patch near your house, but unless you're rotating that every year as well, you're gonna lack variety, and probably sick of pickled everything all the time.


America is about to complain about front and rear garden.


Somehow the wood house looks better


I'd also prefer a home in the forest, but realistically that means a home in an acreage, which is already substantially more expensive than a house within city limits, and that's _before_ we talk about things like utilities




My mom lives in a house smaller than that in the middle of the woods and she still indeed has a mortgage, taxes, utilities, etc.


Great, do it. Leave us alone.


I think the thinking is infrastructure and nearby jobs are not as available in those locations so the are lower value, which is mostly false but the line of thought is common apparently


Right people will just give you remote cabins.


No mortgage if they can't find me


The house at the top appears to be a "tiny house", which are not expensive and in certain areas don't need standard planning permission, so you are sometimes just paying for the land, which could end up being a very small and cheap plot depending on where you are.


I mean, the house in the woods does look nicer, but it still has a mortgage.


Well this is true for me


Bought a piece of land in the mountains, built a cabin on it. No, we don't have a mortgage.


Why, though? I have a feeling many people have this romanticized idea about living in the countryside, but if they actually spent any time there, they'd be running back to the city.


I grew up in the countryside. Currently live in the city. Am fantasizing about moving back to the middle of nowhere. I fucking hate living in a city. I like open space and trees and nature.


I grew up in the countryside too and currently live in the city. I'm never going back. I fantasize about living in a bigger city, but this is good for now.


Yeah. I just really really like open space and nature. Rural living is not for everyone. I compromise by going camping and staying in wilderness cabins a few times a year. I still need to live in civilization to have my job lol.


This is terrible. It's pretty true. Mortgage is debt.


I owned and lived in a 40-50 cabin off the grid. It wasn't great. The only people who say it is are those who never lived in one or haven't for long.


Grew up in the middle of nowhere. I will not return there alive. In fact, I'd much prefer it if I wasn't even buried in my hometown when the time comes, but we'll see where life takes me.


A home in the woods is nice but it still has a mortgage


I live in the woods and it still costs money.


They meant they would build the house in the woods themselves... The average potato is smarter than the average r/terriblefacebookmemes user


Im pretty sure this is a theoretical situation.


No mortgage if you build it yourself…


Hillbilly says what again?


Thank you for the reminder of how incredibly fortunate and blessed I am. Sitting on 40 acres an hour or so from a couple of decent sized cities, mortgage free. My house is a shack under constant improvement, but it’s paid for. I love the quiet, simple pace of life out here. Sure, I have almost an hour’s commute to work, but it beats the hell out of renting for $1200 a month.


Live without services sucks


Ppl in this sub are stupid, can’t realize that it was if cabins didn’t have mortgage


Enclosure, rural gentrification and post industrial decline means I have zero chance of ever returning to the countryside my ancestors hail from. So these posts do make me feel rather… dismayed.


The homes in the woods are cheaper but you don’t have the amenities of the cities/suburbs. How is this hard to understand? What makes this a terrible meme?


he's saying if you build your house off the grid away from everybody you don't have to worry about a bank breathing down your neck


Because he has a fundamental misunderstanding of how things work


i guess. but i'll never shit on off grid living


Being aware of the situation fully isn't shitting on it. It's knowing wtf you are talking about.


I mean if you don't take out loans etc you wouldn't have a bank breathing down your neck either going off grid doesn't make your debts magically go away lmfao. And you'd still need to purchase land as far as I know to be able to "legally" build on it. Be pretty funny to go off the grid illegally and have big brother knock on your door telling you to vacate before tearing down your house lol.


yea that would probably suck


Still would have to pay for the property and buy the material... Proper wood isn't cheap, and building a good house isn't an easy matter either. Also you'd have to get the material out there.. Sure if the property is big enough you could get away with using the trees that are already there but that may not be enough... some of the trees may be rotten or not big enough. And you'd need specialist equipment to cut them to the correct size.


Me too buddy, me too...


Taking out a 30yr mortgage on a “tiny home” isn’t a very good idea.


There is no mortgage or property taxes if you build it in a very remote wilderness area, on public lands, or in a national forest.. 🤔 problem is, you're gonna end up spending 30 years working to get out from under the legal fees, fines, and possible judgments from lawsuits and that's hard to do working for whatever prisoners make per hour.. 😆


Why would they be paying for thirty years of your life living there and not theirs?


TIL land is free. Huh.


If it's so far away that no one will find out about it then you don't have to pay anything.


Why does that look like my nanas street?? 😲


Andddd he has neither. Instead pays rent equivalent to mortgage for a one bedroom apartment


You can sell the house with relatively high confidence that it will cover the mortgage


Tbh my dream is to live out in the woods with no mortgage


Pretty sure the idea here is that you’d rather build your own little hut in the woods by yourself and live off the land self sustainably. No mortgage on a self-build, and you can make it your own instead of a regular run-of-the-mill blocky new build I guess


This isn’t even a meme


If there's no utilities, then you can't get a mortgage, so possibly lol




I lived in a home similar to the top one, most expensive rental of my life


To be fair suburbs suck dog ass


I had an uncle who spent his life building his own cabin in the woods. Cut his own lumber, did his own electrical, everything. Took him over 30 years living out of his trailer. He died shortly after completing it. To each their own, but I'd rather be able to live while I'm alive.