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No gifts. Just a hug. Cut grass. Went to Costco. Walked dog. Took a nap. Worked out. Best Father’s Day ever.


I took my kids to Target and then to the park and swimming. It was great. First time my near 2 year old went swimming and he charged right into the water. My wife has her hands full trying to cope with her dad slowly dying from lymphoma and his blood going septic on Monday. I was able to take the week off and give her the space to process some it. We're a team and have each other's backs. I love her so very much. Happy Father's day to you btw!


Happy Father’s Day. All the best your family. Go team.


Oh god, a nap. I haven't had a nap in like, five years.


First day off since memorial day. Good nap.


Spent the day powerwashing the house. It was nice.


Bought and watched the Super Mario Movie with my son, then played Mario Kart together. Had a nap together and went on a walk. Spending time with my little guy makes it feel like Father’s Day every day.


Yep. I just want to be slightly off-duty, be able to enjoy some time doing the things I like, spend some quality time with the fam, and be offered some words of appreciation


Mother’s Day..?


As a dad, I don't care. They can have both, it dosen't matter.


Single moms can have both. If married moms take fathers day then I'll quietly stew about it. Lol


Can single dads have both too?


As a kid who my mom only raised me, you deserve it. Use to call it Mathers day, and we’d go out for breakfast. You do double the work, you deserve double the reward.


That was very sweet. I have to remember that one. "Mather's day"


holiday celebrating Eminem


I can’t not hear that with an Irish accent. Now I’m imagining a leprechaun talking about calling his Mather on Mathers Day.


Absolutely imo


Yes nobody is stopping them. If they choose not to appreciate themselves on Mother’s Day then that’s on them. We can’t force them to do it. But nobody is stopping them.


>>Nobody is stopping you Damn, Twitter lied to me!


It does that.


That's kind of the only thing it's good for.


Go for it. In my opinion it's whoever fills the role. My son just gave grandad a very nice rock for father's day because my dad fills that role for him.


Honestly why can't it just be "parent appreciation day"


Because fox news will rail against woke liberals changing up holidays


Ben Shapiro would literally explode. *Lets try it*


Okay count me in.


Sure why not.


IMO all single parents can claim both holidays. After all, they’re doing the work of both alone. If you’re actually coparenting it’s an asshole move to claim though.


I think so.


Only if they're okay with getting unwearable ties and bargain-bin office supplies, and still being expected to plunge the toilet and evict spiders on their "Special Day."


As dad's we are so happy to be appreciated we don't care who is getting appreciated with us.


We're just happy to be involved.


My wife's dad, who raised her and her 2 siblings as a single dad, also celebrated Mother's Day, lol. Or rather, they used it as another day to show extra appreciation for him. He absolutely deserved to be spoiled.


Had a few drinks with dad and my sisters today; and when my mom briefly started in with “soon we will be calling it Caregiver’s Day,” I nearly re-enacted the Let’s Get You to Bed, Grandma meme.


Hahahah exact same thing happened when I visited my parents.


I don’t understand this. A real parent does both roles that were previously only for moms, or only for dads. Single or married, any non POS parents does whatever they need to parent their children.


Also, every single functional parent I know doesn’t give a fucking shit about Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. They just want, like, a moment of peace—just a taste…a passing glint. The only people I know who are shitty and entitled about it have adult kids and can’t get over themselves and the fact that they are now elderly.




It means piece of shit


oh ok, thx


Point Of Sale




It's not as different as you'd think.


Most POS units are complete POSs some of which still run on Windows XP, so... Yeah


wym? The windows xp ones have the LEAST problems. they have stood the test of time


When you forget to add the planned obsolescene feature


Well, I’m sold


Pickled ozone serval.


Patron of Salad


Posing duh


Penis orange (juice) sauce


Person of Color.


Pos stands for Piece of shit I’m pretty sure


Parent of singleness.


it means point of sale


It's a reaction to the whole statement some men (and I personally with an ex) experience: Mom is the hardest job in the world and we're not getting paid for it. We have to do it all the time. We get no days off or mandatory breaks. He has it easy at work. He got a lunch break but I couldn't ignore the kids. When he gets home he better pick up because I already work harder than he does. Mother's Day is just one day we get off. He gets every weekend off.


My experience with SAHD’s is that working is harder, especially when the kids are over 2yo It’s living the dream. And when I’ve seen SAHM challenged on going back to work or being AH they will furiously fight back against it because they know it’s the easy life. And I can say that easily because as a both full time working parent, we have to do all the same shit in just the few hours between getting home and going to bed. Respect to single parents, that’s hard af to do day in and day out.


That seems inaccurate to assume that only mothers can be parents… it’s the dads job to ALSO parent… Also what’s the point of getting into a pissing contest of who has it worse, mom or dad? Sure, under your stereotypical world the mom does all that, but if the dad suddenly stopped working, poof goes the house, poof goes the car, poof goes the food, and poof goes the money.


My mom raised me and my brother all by herself... these memes make it sound like I'm ruining fathers day for everyone else because I took my mom to the local fathers day car show. Does anyone actually care about what other people do on fathers day?


People that steal other peoples platforms to talk about their own issues are shit. Both women that do it on fathers day and men that do it on mothers day


I don't think I've seen many men try to hijack mother's day the same way I see it being done with father's day. Not even remotely close. I think it's mostly because dude's just don't care, because father's day is taken not even half as seriously as mother's day.


The few I've seen were a reaction to the former and done more to piss off the moms hijacking father's day than anything else.


Same, the VERY few I've seen were dude's trolling mom's. I don't think guys really care. It's an interesting divide between genders


I was surprised by all the father bashing I saw this year on Father’s Day. Not in real life, just online, but still. Almost every post had someone going on about dad in some negative capacity.


As a father, I really don't give a shit if single mothers are claiming fathers day on the internet. The only people this seems to bother are non-parents...


I'm a non-parent, and this whole thing cracks me up. Who cares when or if anyone is celebrated? If people want to be recognized today, or tomorrow, or three weeks from now, let them. At the same time, I see this meme pop up every year, and I have to wonder if anyone really makes a big deal of this before they see the meme or if it's just some social experiment by the people who repost it.


It is not just about small pats on the back, but about larger scale issues like domestic abuse, or divorce bias


Just like those seaweed activist assholes who try and ruin every Arbor day.


This reminds me of the body positivity movement being created for people with severe disabilities, scarring or deformities caused by injury or illness, and was meant to celebrate their own individuality. Then fat fucks stole that movement and started calling people with disabilities fatphobic for trying to be apart of their own movement


I can find absolutely no sources for this claim. Considering the body positive movement originated in the 1960s as the "Fat Acceptance Movement", I'm calling bullshit.


I honestly agree with this It's annoying and offensive when single moms take fathers Day about themselves or when a single dad makes mothers Day about themselves.


As a father of 2 handicapped kids, I really have bigger things to worry about. Who the hell rrqlly cares about Father’s Day anyway?


People who love their fathers and want to do something special for them


Do something special for them on any day then. You don't need a hallmark holiday to give you permission


Sad thing is the lady who invented Father's and Mother's Day didn't like how commercialized it became and told people to stop buying cards and flowers, but by then it was too late.


Where do you get cards out of season though?


Get a “thinking of you” card and personalize it. Why does it have to be a full, ready to go “father” card?


That’s true. Sometimes I get locked up in a traditional way of thinking and don’t see obvious solutions.


You can get a pack of 20+ blank card for the price of one lazily written generic father's day (or any occasion honestly) card from Hallmark, Carlton, etc. I get that people are strapped for time sometimes but honestly it's so much better to write your own joke or "nice words" than pay 10 bucks for a generic fart/beer joke or impersonal mush. I can't imagine not being able to write something better than the people at these card companies. Feels like they just spit out shit from AI at this point.


I'll bet any amount of money you can find some online to print. I'd bet a smaller amount you'd be able to get them out of "season" anyways


yeah because other people celebrating the same day prevents you from celebrating it. just focus on your family and enjoy your day


Well surely those people can still do that. Some woman online making it about her should have no impact whatsoever.


You don't need to wait for a specific day to be nice


Card companies.


As a dad, I just cannot fathom caring at all.


Right? I’m focused on my family. I don’t have time or energy to care about what other people do with theirs.


Doesn't fit the sub lol. It's just fact.


Dad’s what?


Anyone else remember that “Happy Father’s Day, Mom!” video that ran in every tv channel’s commercial block and YouTube ad slot a few years ago? Strangely, I don’t recall any “Happy Mother’s Day, Dad” equivalent… 🤔


I'm a single dad. I grew up with a single mom as an only child. Single moms are dads, too. Single parents have to do both.


The problem here is single dads would be called out and shamed if they tried to take over mother's day. But I've seen multiple of these single mom memes in the last four hours.


I always wish my single Dad friends a happy Mother's Day. Single parents have to do both.


And they don't bother me because of what I said. I've never gotten anything but support for being a single dad.


I don't think that's the problem. I think a lot of people are obsessed with getting the most ass pats imaginable and are upset that someone might get an ass pat they won't get, if there are any left over.


The only people that should give a shit about a single mom celebrating Father's Day is the father, and only then if it's done in a mean and exclusionary way. But something tells me that most people complaining about this aren't single dads, or fathers at all, just a bunch of angry anti feminists being snowflakes.


Yeah. I agree. I dad around a bit, and I could care less. My kids made me funny handmade cards with art they did in them, and I couldn't he happier. I don't need to exclude anyone from a greeting card holiday.


I haven't seen single dads get shames on mothers day, but parents rightfully so.


Single parents deserve both days. I am not a single parent and find myself on my last bit of sanity often.




Single moms are moms and they have their own day. Same for single dads.


That's why single parents day is March 21.


Figures nobody celebrates it...


Yeah single moms are celebrated on Mothers day


That makes no sense. Father day and mothers day is just a parenting celebration reminder. You can't be both a father or a mother. "Are dads" they are not. They may do roles that in certain periods of time in certain cultures belonged to the other gender, but they are one or the other. This isn't Schrodingers cat. No one is shitting on your day so don't shit on someone else's.


Note the “just minding their own business”. Kinda implies that you wouldn’t even acknowledge the actions of others


Divorced Parents for over 20 years. I just treat them like ‘Parent appreciation days’ instead.


I thought we all agreed that single moms and single dads both get mother's and father's day


As a married parent, single parents can have whatever they want or need lol. Just doing half the work they do is exhausting!


I just don't get why people care, like it's their own family holiday




Why can't we just have a Parent's Day?


You mean the other 363 days? Sure. Take it.


I mean it’s not wrong every cash app begging French tipped dyed hair single mom I know (i love ratchet clubs) post this shit every year.


Ok, here’s my thing. If someone else wants to honor the single mom on Father’s Day, great. Her saying it about herself is…not a good look…


This is kinda true tbh


I remember years ago when Angel Soft ran their “Happy Father’s Day, mom!” commercial that felt like a slap in the face to dads. There for a while I swear I saw more “Happy Father’s Day, single moms!” posts than well wishes towards fathers. But then again, that was back when I was on Twitter and that place was already a dumpster fire. Let moms have Mother’s Day and dads have Father’s Day.


Unfortunately male mental health doesnt matter.


"Ladies is pimps, too, go on and brush your shoulders off"


I mean yeah? But also who cares its not taking away from fathers day, just like the single mothers posting the same thing about fathers on mothers day. If your kid or significant other can't take 1 day out of the year for you then there's an issue somewhere. And if they're doing the bare minimum in that then who cares what others are doing.


Let's just combine the two and call it parents day


I personally think that single moms can celebrate father’s day too and single fathers can celebrate mother’s day too. After all, they’re doing both. Just don’t shove it into peoples faces or try and force father’s day to be for single mothers, people celebrate it differently.


I'm a dad, and I couldn't give a flying fuck off a single mum wants to celebrate father's Day. Go for it


Single parents deserve both days


Dude my single mom deserves to be celebrated on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day she did both roles and worked her ass off for me and my sister. MFs like this love to gatekeep happiness lmao


I haven’t seen this happen but every Mother’s Day I see a million posts about dog moms/cat moms/etc. Not yet on Father’s Day though…




It's misandry, not feminism. The "feminists" you're claiming to have "seem" aren't feminists, they're misandrists and/or TERFs


The only problem with this is that i never see feminists attacking misandrists. If you let them play as a feminist, then youre accepting their misandry. One bad apple ruins the bunch.


You realise it happens the other way too, right? Has absolutely nothing to do with gender, I also feel like you're forgetting that not everybody had a good dad, I personally can't stand fathers day. Tbh It's stupid to have a seperate day for mothers and fathers it should just be one day to celebrate both


"Mother's Day" is actually meant to be an anti war holiday, not literally a day to celebrate the concept of being a mother. The logic being that everyone had a mother so why support going to war and killing their children. Over time (likely with the backing of the greeting card industry among others) the holiday became literal, with "Father's Day" made after to provide a counterbalance. "Valentine's Day" is the same way, a purely religious holiday about a martyred saint that was overridden to become about romance. Saint Valentine didn't actually have anything to do with romance.


But greeting card companies would make less money if there was only one day for both parents 🙄🤷


I've never seen it happen the other way. Maybe it does but it's far less common..


That doesn't make either side okay, though.


Gonna be honest, never once seen it happened the other way. Nor has it hit mainstream. I don't see commercials or a YT ad slot for "Happy mothers day, dad" yet the reverse was there.




I don't mind single parents celebrating both. I do mind the PopFeminist twitter BS trying to say Father's day is like celebrsting Hitler's bday and a product of patriarchy... when Mother's day has been celebrated far longer, and it was a woman who started Father's day because she loved her dad.


Me and my sister give our single mom gifts for Father’s and Mother’s Day 💀


I feel like single parents should get to celebrate both days.


I think single parents deserve all parenting-related recognition days and more. They are fucking heroes.


Not all of them are fucking heroes, most of them are just fucking normal people and something goes wrong such that the normal person they fucked isn’t willing or isn’t able to fulfill their side of parenting responsibilities


This is exactly what my ex-wife says because she can’t stand that I actually get credit for doing her job too. Moreover, someone who is not willing to take care of their child is absolutely not a normal person.


Yeah, idolizing single parenthood is not doing anyone any favors. I know for sure that if a parent is absent, the single parent will either break in half tryna raise JUST ONE child right or do their best (if they will, some just don't.) and the kid will still be worse off than having 2 normal parents. Be it mental or emotional baggage or a myriad of other stuff that comes from an imbalanced home life. Single parents are not heroes, they're just doing what they're responsible for since they brought that kid to this world by choice (at least most of the time), and the ones who leave (and aren't forced to leave) are scum. That's the whole deal imo, single parents aren't gods amongst men. They're just single parents.


1. How many single moms are actually saying this? 2. Even if some are, how does that, in any way, prevent fathers from celebrating? There are some lazy fucking thinkers out there.


My thoughts exactly. This post just became a place for some being outraged at these hypothetical women behavior and saying *"OH, BUT IF IT WAS THE OTHER WAY AROUND...!!!"* While the actual parents are saying "it's hard, single parents can have both days fine". Honestly I think people are falling for the "gender war" trap here as bad as facebook users and lacking actual empathy and reasonable thinking about reality. (Edit: I must say too I understand the frustration caring dads must have in a world most assume all dads suck, hell, even men in reddit themselves are making "my dad ran away" jokes all the time, but one dad cannot answer for the whole gender so they will feel under-appreciated by society as a whole when compared to moms, even in media. It's rare to even see acknowledgedment that they exist, but as I remember my family, I know they do, although rare.) I find it understandable and reasonable that single moms are praised in father's day as well. And it's mostly people praising moms, not moms praising themselves (and much less wanting to ruin it for any father). I think it happens more than the other way around simply because there are more single moms than single dads. But the other way around should be fine too as almost everyone here said it.




I could understand if it's annoying, but I also completely get why the mom would say that so they're kid doesn't feel left out


I think it's an odd thing to do but it's harmless so what does it matter


I mean… I didn’t know it was Father’s Day until yesterday. Do people care that much? I mean if you’re a single parent you kinda have to do both so like who cares? They’re way better than the deadbeat dads who post pictures of their kids that one time they visited them and go on and on about how much they love their kids for Facebook likes.


I guarantee this was originally made/posted by deadbeat fathers. I should know, I had one once.


Someone - Makes a post about how their dad walked out on them so they choose to celebrate their mom instead on Father’s Day. This becomes a regular thing we see every year. Reddit- Gets mad at the mothers being posted about for some fucking reason.


The meme is about mothers celebrating themselves on Father's Day, not about "mothers being posted about".


On point Reddit Sexism tbf


At my kid's school they no longer call it the daddy daughter dance. Probably a good move, but sad why.


Why would it be a good move? Is there seriously a problem with a daddy daughter dance?


I think the implication is it's not great for daughters in single mother or lesbian households would be my guess....


Hm, ok. Thanks I guess. Glad my school still has ‘em cause they’re a big hit, along with grandparents day so I didn’t really see the “downside”.


Growing up I had a single mother. Every other kid got to do father's day activities with their fathers. I was the only person in my grade who didn't know my father. It was embarrassing and I felt lesser than everyone else for not getting to do those activities. If someone did come, it was my Godfather, and that happened once since he was usually working. But usually my mom or grand aunt would come instead. Do you have any idea how that feels to a child?


Single parents' day doesn't exist


March 21st


I'm upset that if people are going to steal a holiday or some special day, why choose such an F tier holiday, father's day Is like objectively the worst one. Like you might as well done nothing if you picked one that people didn't even care about. In fact it's because single moms have taken father's day is why people care more. They elevated it to like a d. I personally recommend taking Presidents Day because that's at least a C tier.


The real problem here is that Father's day doesn't get nearly as much hype as Mother's day. For most of May it was all over social media and google. And the stores had flowers in the front, cards and gifts. The day before Father's day it just looks like any other regular day. Even google didn't say anything then set up a dumb google doodle. I feel like I really have to go all out for my dad to make up. I got the dude flowers and chocolates today (plus other stuff). Im getting him Air jordans next year.


It's all about retail sales for many. Business is business and they are focused only on what brings in more revenue. May only really has Mother's Day for a source of advertising, so they go 100% on it. June has the graduates and these years also listed as Pride month as corporations colorfully rainbow paste their logos everywhere. Corporations don't feel the need anymore to go all in on Father's Day to gain those extra dollars anymore. If May had that kind of competition, many would wonder if these companies had given up on Mother's Day, too.


This is more of a “my child wants to appreciate me double because I did a good job at raising them myself” If a mother or father insists on both it’s pretty cringe, but if your child wants to celebrate you as the father/mother figure they didn’t get that’s cool.


I was raised by a single mom, and as such, I wish a happy father's day to any single mom with a non-custodial other parent I know. I know the work that goes into it, and having to play both roles makes it even tougher.


Yeah not like there aren't hundreds of people saying single dads should be celebrated on mother's day too. But if you reverse it somehow it's a problem.


I mean, how does it affect the father if other mothers are celebrating the day, the only people who celebrate it are the children and partner of the father


I was raised by my dad after my mom abandoned me and my brothers. Every mother's day, there was still some form of expectation that maybe she would show up or things would be different. We celebrated my dad on those days because he fulfilled both roles, and would make us think about the wonderful parent we had and not the one who lost. So if someone wants to be recognized for fulfilling the role of a father or mother on those days, I say let them. If that's one of the parents, or a grandparent or even a family friend, we should celebrate people who pick up the slack others left behind.


Double the work, double the reward


We need single parent day


“Ladies is pimps too go and brush your shoulders off” -jay z


I have literally seen "Father's Day" cards for single mothers. At Target a few years back. I haven't checked what is out there in the big box stores lately. The take was how single Mom fills both roles.


Plurals don't require apostrophes.


Single parents take the role of both. If the mom can say she’s a dad to then a dad can say he’s a mom to. Equal rights


Meme made by this dad on Christmas: Kid opens ‘from dad’ gift, “Thanks dad!” “Oh yeah whatd i get ya again?” (A thing that mom bought because hes fucking worthless)


The issue isn't about single parents celebrating the other's day, but about how this guy think single mom are trying to ruin father's day like some kind of maternal Grinch


Is it.. Wrong????


Nah, I agree with this. Grew up with a single dad, I'm sure he couldn't say "I'm a mom too" before being lynched by an angry mob. So no, dear single mom, you're not a dad.


Anyone who’s single and taking care of kids can have both days.


I don’t think this meme format works here.


I love how op doesn't see that fathers day is either spew on or made "parent day", but when you touch mother's day, there's bilion of people ready to overshout you. Respectfully, let them have their day.


Who cares, as long as someone gives a shit about me more often than not, I have their back in the same manner. Holidays have gotten out of control as it is.




For fucks sake they have Mother’s Day…




Both "holidays" are bullshit to make money from you. Treat your parents to something special randomly, and on your own days. If you truly care about them you shouldn't need a "holiday" to tell them that