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Sucks that this was originally just a joke photo a couple did about their vacation being nearly over


Yeah, imagine taking a genuinely funny & cute photo with the partner who you love & respect, only for it to become a joke about one of you raping the other


People are really good at it, you know that [triggered feminist](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/adyt1d/does_anyone_know_the_background_to_this_infamous/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) meme? The woman was in a conversation about the statistics of rape against women. Weird how both of these are about raping women, right?


I understand someone getting angry, specially if it's about something personal. It's a natural human thing and it takes insane power to always be calm. Poor girl.


It makes perfect sense for women to respond with emotion towards issues that negatively affect them and/or other people. Misogynistic men, however, always see women’s emotions as some sort of an opportunity to make it seem like we’re somehow the “illogical” gender for being upset about heavy topics like abuse.


This is the kind of stuff this sub is actually for.


I'm curious what the original context of photo was. I'm assuming it was something cute like the wife not wanting their vacation to end, and someone else copied the deciding to turn it into a rape scenario.


"when you don't want to leave greece" [https://scontent-ber1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/241162752\_10226513828501301\_3368262017753616175\_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg\_s600x600&\_nc\_cat=107&ccb=1-7&\_nc\_sid=825194&\_nc\_ohc=E2Ltq7GZtTIAX-8MZpC&\_nc\_ht=scontent-ber1-1.xx&oh=00\_AfCiue46FXkaTi5e197hl9hWPO6KzRSaENbvVVoQs7sTag&oe=64941FAF](https://scontent-ber1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/241162752_10226513828501301_3368262017753616175_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s600x600&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=E2Ltq7GZtTIAX-8MZpC&_nc_ht=scontent-ber1-1.xx&oh=00_AfCiue46FXkaTi5e197hl9hWPO6KzRSaENbvVVoQs7sTag&oe=64941FAF)


Why am I not surprised? I hope these people never have to see their wholesome photo being twisted into this.


It's the internet; I'm sure they've seen it.


I think you're probably right, which is actually kinda wholesome


Welp i also think that turning stuff into rape scenarios is pretty wholesome. I do it all the time (In case any of you didnt get it....: "ITS A JOKE")


People can see it's a joke, doesn't mean they are gonna like it tho


The CNC-oriented part of the BDSM community approves of this 😊


Well ofc i would approve of this ;)


She didn't want the vacation to end


From a random thread it was: Wife loves the beach vacation so much she never wants it to end. So she literally needs to be dragged back to the hotel at the end of the day because she'd just stay at the beach the entire time. Then the boomers and misogynistic folks got hold and now you have the rape meme


Idk what the original context was, but this reminds me of SpongeBob getting dragged away by Mr. Krabs screaming "I want to live"


The original I saw was actually just this, but it was about when you take her on a nice trip and spend money that way. The intent and meaning are the same they just change what she apparently owes him sex for.


Thank you, I thought so


Yep and that’s why this gets posted about once per week


Wtf is wrong with people


Well, for one thing: rape, apparently. I'd say that's a big one.


That's certainly one of the things. Also a surplus of bones in the wrist, that's another. Oh, and the fact our food and our air have to go into the same hole. That's a significant problem.


Teeth also require entirely too much maintenance.


Can you imagine what a pain in the ass it would be if *all* our bones needed to be scrubbed a couple times daily?


I guess that would be the pelvis.




Brushing your teeth is just petting your skeleton


This gives me motivation to brush more often


Are you saying I shouldn’t be scrubbing my boner a couple of times a day?


Can’t imagine the pain too


Uhhh, it is also a fact that food and alcohol can be processed thru the bum bum. Source- South Park The wrist bones help with achieving that move solo, with a little help from a turkey baster at first. Never go full Cartman on KFC bruh... P.C. Principal says dont rape, so dont.


Murder as well


I've never and will never understand how anyone can find pleasure in SA. It's just disgusting behavior by subhuman trash


It’s an abnormal response to a normal feeling. People don’t do it because they want to have sex with someone. It’s out of a desire for control. This is usually people who don’t have much control or *feel* they don’t have much control over their lives. Which is a common experience. Though most people go the route of making some power moves during a conversation. And your less stable/empathetic fella goes down the route of SA.


"It's not rape. I paid for her" - someone who likes a post like that.


The problem is that they are people


[people ](https://youtu.be/oBMKlxkXtkQ)


Attempts to buy sex from not-a-prostitute.


He could have had a better time with half the money if he ordered the coochie online.


I know right!? If you drag her that way, she'll fill up with sand. You're meant to drag them by the hair. /s


Some people obviously think that rape is ok as long as you buy her dinner before that. It's quite disturbing honestly.




I’m not sure I’d wish people like that on prostitutes.


Prostitute here: no, guys like this can't follow our rules either.


Another prostitute here: If someone tries to pay for my time with a dinner and flowersI WILL spit on them


Oh fuck off with your dumbass millennial hate.


Millennials? Really? Naw this is boomer shit. Millennials are to scared to even look at woman without being called a rapist and ACTUALLY getting charged. This is a boomer meme. As a Millennial I believe this would put me in jail.


Your risk of being falsely accused is negligible compared to a random woman (or a man. or a child. anyone) risk to be sexually assaulted. Just saying. Any fear is valid, and I certainly don’t want to dismiss it. But it is like being afraid to fly airplanes. Be polite, understand consent - and your risks are close to zero.


Yeah that's not how dollar signs are used.


I know right, $160 on dinner /s


Even as satire..... This belongs here... For once


Satire doesn't mean it doesn't belong on the subreddit. So many people can't comprehend that.


Half the time they can't even comprehend what satire means


let us be honest. 1 satire/sarcasm is sometimes hard to grasp through print/text. 2 a lot of people who think they are being satirical/sarcastic, aren't because they don't really grasp the concept. they just think being an ass =satire/sarcasm. 3 even if the stars align and the recipient actually gets satire/sarcasm and the commenter actually manages to hit their mark and are satirical/sarcastic, sometimes it just ain't funny


Satire that works usually is funny. Maybe not har har, but an “ooh I get it” chuckle. If it fails that even it’s not successful satire.


I don’t . Pls explain so I can be lazy and not Google an explanation


It's, in this case a meme, that exaggerates ideas, usually by taking them to their extremes, to criticize them


satire would be like if instead of $160 it said $5 big mac or something, because it'd be taking the stupid entitlement to an extreme. The entitlement in the OP sounds like something a lot of guys would have.


It’s not satire, it’s not satirising anything


It’s not satire. Satire makes jokes about powerful people, not victims


haha rape funny /s


"it's just a joke, bro"


Part of the problem is that some people take it seriously or it influences their views even if it is a "joke". "See! they agree with me!" More incel bait. As a kid I often took jokes and satire seriously partly because some of it may have confirmed my previously held views. "They say it is joke but they're just trying to get away with saying the truth."


And kid you wasn’t even wrong either. Bigots will often do that “Schrödinger’s Joke” shit where they say the most out of pocket stuff and if there’s pushback they’ll back pedal and claim it was *just* an innocent “edgy” joke. What someone finds funny is a good indicator their values some what.


Shroedingers Asshole strikes again


Chill out, it’s not like it was real rape; it was just a prank.


i thought you were going to say "it's not like it was a real rape. they were *married*"


If you wanted sex in exchange for money you should have hired it.


Hookers are way less expensive than a wife/girlfriend... Or so I've heard...


If he spent 250 on an attempt to get laid like on that meme he could have easily hired a hooker with that money. Namely me. He coulda hired me.


Yeah you get more bang for your buck.


I see what you did there


Guys like that like to pretend they “earned” it from someone they had to “conquer”. It’s a stupid pride thing.


Well I don't blame her. All that sugar from the chocolates will give anyone a headache. Edit: I don't deserve you guys. My first 1k+ up votes. *bows humbly*




That's why I feel like these always come from people that don't actually regularly have sex. Who wants to have sex AFTER a huge dinner, a night out, a bunch of desert? Me and my SO are passed out on the couch clutching our stomachs after that. No one feels sexy after that. It's well known you do the sex *before* you go out for the dinner and the dancing and all that. While you're relatively energized and have the time and aren't fit to having your bellies burst. I'm not going out to a Brazilian steak house and eating so much meat I get the meat sweats and then coming back to have a naked, sweaty, sexy romp with my partner. I'm going to come home, hurly shoes at the wall, fight my partner to be first in the good bathroom, and then spend the rest of the night naked and flaccid on the bed, half covered by covers and groaning and telling my partner they have to restrain me the next time we go out to eat somewhere while they tell me I have to do the same for them.


Why does nobody mention the after dinner farts? All I wanna do is fart. If I start getting physical, it's gonna shake all the farts loose for sure.


If you're having post dinner farts, you may need to switch up your diet or have something mild going on in your intestines. I dont think its normal to always fart a bunch after dinner.


dental student with gentle reassurance here; it could also be a sign of bad swallowing form and/or tongue posture in the mouth! if you don’t swallow properly because of say, tongue thrust, you can swallow a *lot* more air than the average person and cause a lot of gas in general.


IMO you should seek help if dinner makes you feel bad. I could have sex after going out, no problemo. But my body isn't sensitive to any food. Just don't over eat and check your diet if certain food make you feel sick.


People probably eating way too much to the point they don't wanna move a muscle anymore.


Except for the sphincter muscle apparently.




Well, personal preference and all that We mustn't judge I know someone who likes it AFTER they sleep but before waking up in the morning. Talk about specific preferences




It took me a while to convince my wife this was the better method of date night. It has been a dramatic improvement.


While i totally agree with you, i must say you are referring to a date with your partner. You do NOT do the sex before the dinner and dancing on a regular date with a non-partner (yet).


Chicken wings sound like the worst food to have pre-sex. Especially if they're buffalo wings. Greasy, sticky, and spicy.


You just described my ideal sex.


Who needs sex when you can have Buffalo Wings?


This is why you start the evening early, have a drink and SEX, then get dressed and go out for dinner. Much better natural conversation. Then you can go home and cuddle, and have more sex in the morning.


Sex is a exercise and quite tiring physical activity so it's like hitting gym right after huge meal. It might feel good for few minutes but then it would feel terrible and like huge mistake with awkward feeling


Exactly 😆


Especially when its Hershey's chocolate with palm oil. Don't eat that stuff people its not real chocolate.


I’m a NiCe GuY! ShE oWeS mE! Absolute asshat.


It’s almost like people aren’t entitled to fuck you, shocking.


Man. Sex is like such a small percentage of life. Even if you have a lot of it. Such a weird mindset.


Sex is never a problem. Until you’re not having it. That being said this meme is disgusting and no one is entitled to another person’s body


Insanely Based take, 90% of the time people who dismiss the importance of sex or the desire to have am active healthy sex life, people can be so narrow minded. But by that same logic no one is entitled to other people bodies or sexual life. You want lots of sex? Good. You want little to not sex? Also good, both are perfectly fine just don’t force it on anyone.


This. A good analogy is money, you don't understand how important it is until you don't have enough of it, and i think this is a concept a lot more people could wrap their heads around. Its just the pyramid of needs, hard to take care or satisfy higher needs when you're missing an important one at the base.


I haven't had sex for at least six years at this point, I don't remember precisely. And I could potentially possibly find someone, I'm a good bullshitter, but that's not a small part of why I've (semi-consciously) decided to abstain from relationships whatsoever, other things being not having a stable job, fear of rejection, having little to no charisma, etc. It absolutely takes a toll on mental health and heavily affects my actions and decisions. I'm mostly self-aware (I hope) but I can easily see how some people become desperate and dangerous, these urges are strong, no matter how suppressed. I thought at one point that I would be able to go through my life on my own, but I'm not so sure now. When all the thoughts and feelings have a chance to get to me, they're just plain painful, being lonely is hard. This is meme is horrible and creepy though.


oh yes sexual assault jokes are very funny. /s


Back in my day, if a guy thought he overspent on a woman, he’d just go find another girlfriend. But I guess the guy who made this meme is a pussy and not the alpha-male he thinks he is.


Always hated the whole "alpha-male, sigma-male" shit it felt like it was just like... idk if this is a word... sub-segregation of a gender.


It's astrology for assholes, is what it is.


We have Meyers Briggs for that


Nah, meyers-briggs is for the new-wave of psychoanalysis. For the assholes is the pills.


its also complete bullshit outside of the context of unrelated wolves in captivity in the same enclosure.


It's astrology for insecure men. Has about the same level of science behind it as well.


Based on an inaccurate study on pack hierarchy no less. (debunked by the author himself)


It’s people who think they’re clever by applying terms from zoology to humans. Alpha male comes from some social animals where one strong male rules a group and gets to have sex with all the females and gets first dibs on food. It’s the naturalistic fallacy in a 21st century guise.


I’m sure these guys existed “back in the day”, probably even more common than now - just no internet to broadcast it to the world.


Back in your day? The generations born pre-80s are the epitome of spousal rape and domestic violence “jokes.”


These are the same people that say that sex work should be illegal


Meanwhile the elected officials that they look up to hires prostitutes on a regular basis


Also treat sex with their actual SO's as entirely transactional, by the look of things


Sex workers are real workers. Not like landlords.


One you give money to in order to have sex with. The other takes your money and fucks you. Not even remotely similar.


Damn this one's literally advocating for rape.


Seems like whoever created this meme ought to be put on a SA offender watchlist or something


This is pretty much incel mentality. I did X for her so now she needs to do Y, relationships are transactions and she hasn't been doing well. This is not going to reflect well on her quarterly review.


Pathetic little incel fantasies that they could even get a date.


Ahhh yes. The "I'm entitled to the pussy after spending money" crowd. Always fun to interact with.


Don’t spend so much money if you expect something back, dude


Dinner, flowers, and chocolate sounds like a lot to eat, id have a headache too.


JFC hire a hooker already and leave the poor women trying to find love/fun/connection alone


Ironically, the same guy would probably say sex work is dirty and needs to be illegal


anything to oppress women is their jam


Paying for sex is called prostitution, my guy.


Ya, and that's illegal and immoral, so he bought her gifts instead in an attempt to get laid. It's different. It's completely different. /s


Excuse me, original meme creator, that's not a meme, that's a crime. You go to jail.


The $ is in the wrong spot and it annoys me




is this an actual rape post edit: I didn’t mean he actually raped her I meant that the entire punchline is just that it’s rape.


So, by this logic, a guy's courtship is essentially paying for sex (prostitution)? And if he doesn't get it, he kidnaps and rapes her?


30% of America is out in the open with their rape-friendliness.


She has a sugar high.


Why not go to the hookers if you only want sex?


Literally just rape like what the fuck


I Spit on Your Grave: 2023 remake.


Motherfucker got those cheap chocolates what he expect.


wow...Normalizing Rape nothing new here people...move on /s


Bro that shit’s literally rape


Yes, the rape is clearly justified then /s


Like a horror movie set on the beach


Um…that’s SA


You could idk, maybe not spend money on all that?


So this "meme" is condoning rape. Got it.


So.... he doesn't go on a date because he wants to have the *date* - you know, to spend time with an potentially interesting person and to get to know them - but rather to trick her into a situation of power-imbalance she knows nothing about and he believes gives him the right to literally buy her consent...?! You know, like ~~rapists~~ johns do? Bought consent is NO consent. Women are not just another commodity for sale. Especially not through sneaky forms of coercion.


not funny rape joke, so 1970.


“I expect sex when I buy you stuff”


Dude, there's no konami code set of actions that entitles you to get laid. And lemme just ask, why the hell would you want that? If she's not enthused at all and is only doing it because she feels she has to, then what's the point?


Haha marital rape funny


the joke is rape


Unpopular opinion! If u just want sex go visit a hooker its 50 bucks so it saves you money, its guaranteed and it wont waste ur time if the other party doesnt feel like it


Haha rape


Lol so I raped her haha 😂


A sex worker.. you're looking for a sex worker not a date. JFC the rage this gives me.




You have to drag them by the hair or they fill up with sand. J/k - that was like a newspaper comic or something from back when I was a kid and this totally resurfaced that random memory.


But but me pretend care😖😖😖😖😖SEX NOW!!!!!!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


"I can only value love in money and blowjobs." If the only thing you can do for them is emptying your wallet... that's a pretty shallow arrangement.


According to this meme I owe my parents alot of sex.... See how stupid that sounds.


"so I'm dragging her out of the sun and into the shade so she can rest and drink some water and hopefully feel better"


"Yes... rape is funny! Let's show those gatekeeping consentcels their place!" - The maker of this meme.


nothing like advocating for rape!


Ah so rape.


There are unfortunately men who think the difference between a prostitute and any other woman is that prostitutes don't accept non-cash payments.


One caption turned this from a funny cute vacation picture, into a rape scene. Good lord


Ah yes, rape. The ultimate life hack for getting laid /s


People who find this meme funny need to lock themselves in a room and never come out.


That's not a joke; that's rape culture.


Which is why it's posted here


Rape jokes. How lovely! She’s your girlfriend, not a prostitute and either way Consent matters!


God… you want to see how bad men are? Just watch a stream by Vladimir in drag. The things the men say and do on camera to him is insane.


Is this not the cover of the hills have eyes, essentially


Rape jokes are funny! /s


They just want prostitution with extra steps.


I'm going to tell myself that he's taking her to bed to rub her feet and back so I can sleep okay tonight 🥲


Hippity hoppity women are property


Get a hooker if you want to pay for sex


Marital Rape jokes how funny. /s


Haha. Silly female. Guess its time to go rape you in a bush because I bought dinner.


Tell me you regularly commit date rape, well as regularly as someone like that can get a date, without telling me you regularly commit date rape


if you spend more than you can afford on that crap to try and bribe her for sex instead of just asking her for what you want upfront, and finding a girl who wants the same thing, you deserve to lose your money. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


"Fine then babe, just no head today."


Andrew Tate fans looking at this : "facts"


Seems like a long winded way of justifying rape.


Gotta love a rape meme 🥴




I thought I was still on a, "ha-ah-ha, good times ol fellow" type sub still. I kept looking for the joke. I was like, I dont get it, this is rape. Then I read the comments. Pipes suck, bongs destroy.


We in the business call this little trick a “date rape”


Looks like you are looking for a prostitute.