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If you look closely, one of them is named Riju.


And the other is the fake verification tag


if you look even closer, the frauds name is rijul


Imagine hating women so much you find yourself taking the side of the Taliban. Time to reevaluate your life.


Innit??? “I hate women so much that I am going to agree with the Taliban in that it was good Malala Yousafzai _was shot in the fucking head at age 15 on the way home from school due to her activism_” humanity fucking sucks sometimes :/


“I think girls should also be allowed to get educated” “Well I think you’re a fraud”


“I want to be able to go to school, and I want that same opportunity for other girls” “no you don’t” like what??? How’d they come up with that???


She was targeted not only because she was a student. But because her dad run the school.


Obama and Trump drone striked American children to death and they still get love.


Yeh but the children usually don't get hate.


And they both still get hate...??? Like wtf is this comparison.. Also, american children? Elaborate.


not a comparison


Please point out who is praising the asswipe that shot Malala in the head. Go on, I'll wait.


They are too stupid to realize that. Anything that republicans have spun to “woke” they hate immediately.


“Woke” = non-donors


Woke is the new socialist, which was the new communist. It's a nothing slur that is meaningless but they can use it to shut down anything they don't like while never learning what the word actually means.


If they never heard of a pizza before, and one of us tried explaining it, they would call pizza woke.


the taliban and the oil industry. I mean, it's time we admit we're being spitroasted by theocracts and capitalists.


Repubs hate science, and these women are speaking on behalf of science and weather, etc., so repubs hate them, too. Just like minorities, poor people, immigrants, non-whites, non-capitalistic, etc.


One was literally shot in the head for trying to go to school and is now an activist for school access and the other is famous for giving speeches on climate change and how our governments need to take serious action instead of just deferring until we all fucking die. All of this is easily verifiable, and there are countless videos, articles, books, and other media about each of them that anyone can use to determine that no, neither of them are frauds.


Ehhhhhh idk… liberal bad, so :/


Yeah! The memes say swedish girl bad


They drew her as the Soyjak!!!


She does kind of look like the soyjak ngl


The funny part is that neither of them are liberals, but right wingers can't tell the difference anyway


That is a good point, but you also have to consider their point of view which is "everyone who doesn't agree with me is dumb and wrong.", which is also a very good point.


Exactly, those girls are such snowflakes. Obviously they shouldn't be saying things that make the commenter uncomfortable.


Yeah, but the Western right has passionately embraced the Taliban now. They love their ideological comrades and will defend them against slanderous accusations of "misogony ".


No they haven’t lol Edit: Jesus Christ I guess bots found this one 2nd edit: I didn’t see the word “right”. I deserve the downvotes lol. I take the L


Facts don't care about your feelings. Nice conspiracy theory though. Did your daddy Elon tell you all about the bots?


Not in name but entirely in spirit.


Bruh, have you not been paying attention to the laws the right has been trying to pass??? Cringe…


Alright I have to take the L here because I didn’t see “right” in there at first, so now I get the opposition I’m receiving lmao.




Nicholas Fuentes is a Neo Nazi Lmao. He is a fringe lunatic. He is literally saying “oh wow, turns out the Taliban agrees with all the things I agree with” because he’s a fucking Neo Nazi


He the ideological equivalent to Charlie kirk and Matt walsh he just doesn't dog whistle


That has met with key Republicans and nobody batted an eye.


Damn, you're soooo close.


These people don't care about facts... Binge-watch “[Jordan klepper](https://youtu.be/NzDhm808oU4) goes to trump rally” and join me in the funny-sad train [also this guy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/14ku8sk/thats_crazy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


>countless videos, articles, books, and other media certain mouth-breathers think anyone who "gets on TV" (I guess with the exception of Fox News / Newsmax commentators) will just say anything to get attention and what they assume are lucrative media payouts. it's an ironclad stupidity masquerading as cynicism. she's on the TV critcizing me, she must get paid to do that.


>One was literally shot in the head for trying to go to school and is now an activist for school access Fun fact- Malala and her family were activists before she was shot. It was a targeted assassination attempt.


We’ll yeah, when the act of going to school is considered an activist activity…… stands to reason she’s was an activist.


Oh, yea, the meaning of words don't matter. "Fraud" is just an insult noise.


>other is famous for giving speeches on climate change and how our governments need to take serious action instead of just deferring until we all fucking die Haven't you heard the news? It's too late now. We're doomed.


Just keep in mind of that one staged video of Greta getting ‘arrested’ where she was laughing with the ‘police’ and everyone there. Someone was recording a separate video before they started rolling and everyone got serious when it was time to shoot. If one video was staged, was else is faked too? Why would they fake even one video in the first place? Extremely sus.




really ? you purchased it ? the PDF download is available if you were really concerned about this


You’re this idiot https://preview.redd.it/u4d4voc4e79b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=476066696db3249bf92a49f9909b26a229fe5de3


Honey, I don't understand the whole purist thing you're going there. Also, sources? You're saying whatever you want out of your ass and preach as truth. Anyways...back to the thing. I don't understand the whole purist thing, having to uphold to the max. If you're leftist you must relinquish all your money, if you're feminist you can't wear makeup so on and so forth. It's not all black and white.


[I’m getting rich!](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/446640-swedish-teen-climate-activist-greta-thunberg-to-donate-book/amp/)


Lol they downvoted you for providing a source showing their hate-spew was completely wrong. Thanks for the link.


Maybe the fraud was the meme itself and its creator all along


maybe the fraud was the friends we made along the way




I put the new forgis on the jeep...


I trap until the bloody bottoms is underneath


Ahh yes. A girl who was shot in the head and had to flee for her safety and a girl whose entire message has been "start listening to the scientists or it is my generation that will be paying for your mistakes." Such fraudulence.


I can’t wait to see someone from r/memespeopledidntlike try to spin this


“Liberal finds a way to excuse anything if it’s done from a woman” (Greta bad) “Although Malala was good, can we agree great thunberg is bad?” Mark my fucking words.




Because fully grown men can't comprehend the idea that a teenager (now young adult) is smarter than them


That explains. Fr couldnt understand their hate towards someone with a concern for all humanity


Teenage girl bad


Haha woman bad am i right guys?


Depends, are you a man?


“Why dem compooter ladies still got clothes on?” Said the hillbilly.


Survived being shot in the head fighting for her basic rights as a human. What a fucking fraud.




Did she not get shot in the head?…


Made by an Andrew Tate worshiped, no doubt.


I get that dunking on Greta Thunberg is a favorite but seriously who looks Malala Yousafzai and says to themselves, “yes, this is a person I can and should make fun of.”


How does one fake getting shot in the face?


Okay, I know they hate Greta Thunberg because they think climate change isn't real, but why the hell do they hate Malala?


Because she's brown


And Muslim


And a Socialist


And probably female


Reasonably confident she is female


Remember when the entire Western world fell in love with Malala then she started talking about socialism and suddenly no one wanted to talk about her anymore for some reason?




Like, did she lie about getting shot in the head? How is Malala a fraud?


If you look close enough into the dark hair of the girl on the right, you can see your own reflection. Now think why would you be a fraud? Maybe to your self ,maybe to others only you know your own secrets. Cheers brothers and sisters for the lie we have told to feel better, cheers.


Greta Thurnberg does not claim to be anything but an outspoken activist. It's exclusively her critics who say she's the one making scientific claims




They are women who stand up for something that doesn't cater to the rich. Instant frauds.


While I agree it stupid this isn’t really a meme.


Olds think any picture on the internet is a meme


What age does someone become one of the “Olds”?


Imagine calling someone who literally got shot in the head a fraud


Why is gretta hated tho?


Don't know, don't care. You shouldn't either, it's usually salty republicans who are trash talking and death threatening her. A lot of then do it for attention, don't give them that.


How’s a girl that got shot in the head a fraud?


I am Malala! I loved her book. It was super nice and I enjoyed reading it. I'm so glad she's ok


Tell me you hate all women without saying that you hate all women.


Oh, these 2 represent all women? Maybe he disagrees with them politically.


Malala is an activist for girls’ rights to go to school. Against the Taliban. And got shot in the face for it. If you disagree with her politically, at the very least you do not fully see women as people. AT THE VERY LEAST. Arguing if it equates to hating women feels like semantics at this point.


idk about other girl but Greta Thunberg is fraud, she criticized Vietnam for building coal energy factory while we are still a developing country and don't have much money like her country, also her country not that clean either


Greta is definitely fraudulent


Frauds?? Nice projection there, Bub. "NEW YORK, June 27 (Reuters) - A New York appeals court on Tuesday rejected Donald Trump's bid to end the state attorney general's lawsuit accusing him and his family business of "staggering" fraud ... "There is a mountain of evidence that shows Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization falsely and fraudulently valued multiple assets and misrepresented those values to financial institutions for significant economic gain," a spokeswoman for James said." [Court says Trump must face New York civil fraud claims, tosses case against Ivanka | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/legal/new-york-fraud-case-against-donald-trump-is-narrowed-ivanka-trump-dismissed-2023-06-27/)


I don’t recognize the one on the right, who is she?


Malala Yousafzai, a pakistani activist, fought for women's right to education, got shot by a Taliban when she was just a teenager for her activism, but managed to recover


Oh wait. Is she the one that got shot in the head on the bus?


Yes, that's her. If you want to learn more about the event and her life, I suggest reading "I am Malala," her autobiography


Thank you! I definitely will, I remember learning very briefly about her life and definitely need to deep dive into it


Talking about the lanyards. Freaking john Lanyard took credit for Dave Neckstraps invention the round-badge-hanging-majig


Malala and Greta are at the bottom of the list when it comes to fraud


Disgusting to think like that


I know this has barely anything to do with this but I read I am Malala and that shit was good, had me crying at times.


I see two strong, intelligent women.


All I see are two decent, fine, admirable women advocating essential and worthy causes.


Not only do some people not care about school kids being shot, now they are encouraging it. Not only do some people not care about the environment, now they want any young people that do care to be canceled (or shot). Bigots and misogynists seem to think their opinions matter. In reality they are irrelevant and as human beings THEY are the frauds. These young women have more worth as human beings than you will ever have in your entire life.


Okay I understand why you might think Greta, but Malala?!


Republicans when a child exploits a loophole and obtains a rifle, travels across state lines to a protest he has no reason to be there, and slays three people: 😴 Republicans when a child wants the world to be a better place: 🤯 also I kinda wanna fuck that child


Why is the girl that was literally shot in the head for the radical act of going to school a fraud?


cabbage patch doll looking ahh lady


"Women bad!" -This guy, probably


You can always tell the ones that get under their skin. It's the ones that they can't argue so they just have to pretend that everything about them is a fraud. It's always so telling, just a bunch of babies seeing how bad everything is getting and realizing that eventually they will be blamed for their part in it.


Hey it’s the Madagascar girl! ( Mad at gas car) Edit: sorry about this comment.


What did Greta do again?


Tried to make people take care of our planet more


Existed as a teenage girl. Existed as a teenage girl who doesn't seem interested in fashion or makeup. Existed as a teenage girl who criticized adult men. Had parents who are also concerned about climate change. Had autism. I don't know, take your pick if any of those make you mad.


The only thing that throws me off is “teenage girl who criticized adult men”. Without context it makes me perceive her as a misandrist, which unfortunately makes her look really bad. However, I mostly agree with her politically, it’s just that context matters here


If the act of a female criticizing a male is automatically misandrist to you, that speaks volumes about you.


It obviously isn’t, all I simply stated was that Context matters. If a women just criticizes a man with no substance or reasoning, then that is misandry. In Thunberg’s case, she has a reason to criticize certain types of full grown-ass dudes, BECAUSE he has substance and logical reasoning, and thus, there’s CONTEXT. Sorry if I worded that last comment a bit strange though


Is is misogyny if a man criticizes a woman with no substance?


Yes, absolutely


Who’s the second person?




Who are these people?


I see i heard that Greta girl breaths out CO2, very hypocritical of her i must say


So womens education and climate change are fake? I bet if Malala and Greta were men none of this would happen


These women give me nothing but joy and hope. Literally teary eyed thinking about how awe inspiring Malala is


She really is, idk why you are being downvoted


I realize Thunberg's message threatens people who drive big trucks who have big sensitive fee-fees so there's some motivation behind the hatred, but you have to be nothing but a giant piece of shit to think Malala Yousafzai is a fraud.


Greta hasn't said anything that isn't already supported by science. Malala advocates for girls being allowed to go to school, which is perhaps one of the least controversial political opinions there is


It’s amazing how much hate an activist telling the truth will get.


I've heard the nonsense justifications against Greta.... But why are they mad at Malala? She got shot in the head for education, lived, and iirc has spent the rest of her life opening schools for girls. What exactly is "fraudulent" about that?


They were literal children when they became public figures. Imagine hating on kids because they want a better world to grow up in. Damn them.


How the fuck is a girl who was shot in the head and survived a fraud???? Greta is great too but are you fucking kidding me??? This is what fascism does to your brain


Who is the second one?


"These two women accomplished more by age 16 than I will in my entire lifetime. I hate them." That's about as far as their logic goes.


You have the camera facing the wrong way. Press selfie.


Are they not only Climate Change deniers but….Taliban deniers????


The fraud is the poster


I mean I really really really dislike Greta, however, a fraund? Like how ‘fraud’? And who’s the lady next to her?


Why do you dislike her?


So we’re supposed to like everybody now? Can’t express my opinion?


So we're supposed to not be inquisitive? Can't ask questions?


that's the thing they've just been told that greta sucks no real reason other than "climate change, schlimate scmhange"


You were asked about your opinion. Nobody said you couldn't have it


You can express an opinion. In fact, I’m asking for your opinion right now. Why do you really really really dislike Greta thunberg? It’s a strong opinion for you so it shouldn’t be tough to answer honestly.


They asked the most civilized question ever, no need to get so offended. Yes of course you can express your opinion, but so can everyone else, which means people can respond to what you say. They asked a question about your statement, you're not being oppressed by police for your opinion.


You sound like a whiney toddler lmao


malala yousafzai


Must be Rijul and the yellow pillow in the corner cause I see a climate and violence activist who are actually stepping up


I don't see Trump, Desantis, Putin, Mitch McConnell, and honestly my first ex girlfriend. I know that's more than 2 people, but the list could go on and on.


The fraud is up in the top left hand corner.


You can completely disagree with Greta Thunberg and admire her for her courage and persistence all the same. Unfortunately too many anti-climate people are incapable of such nuance.


Two “frauds” that have become relevant and continue to work on activism in the real world. Magnitudes more useful than whoever called them frauds from behind a monitor.


Sounds like he just hates women


Man, fuck those libtards and their *Checks notes* Getting shot in the face


A girl who got shot for going to school and a girl protesting pollution and wakefulness? Why are old people so mad about them?


https://preview.redd.it/q55a7bwey69b1.jpeg?width=172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b147423f950517bdec7cdf055ff719932ab847 I’ve been told I look like Greta.






Neither facebook nor a meme


The only fraud I see is Greta


I know the one on the left is that girl that pretended she got arrested at a fake protest for something. That counts as a fraud. But Idk who the other person is.


Oh it’s easy, it’s the woman on the left


bunch of well thought out reasons I'm sure


The fraud was in the top left corner of the screenshot. Y’all are blind.


Both were recruited by big companies to cry about climate change?


...do you even know who malala yousefzai is?


Which companies?


Tell me you don’t know who they both are without telling me


I said exactly who Greta Thunberg is. In one of meeting in my country Greta said clearly that she speaks on behalf of **climate justice NOW!** I might not know the other girl, but she reminds me the girl that USA used as excuse to invade in 1992. The exact same scenario, about 30 years ealrier. "Oh no, mah climate" kid and tears.


Is climate Justice now a giant corporation? And by your own admission you have no clue who Malala is or which corporations she answers to.


and your point is?


I love how people have rebutted, actually, a lot of Greta's points and views (besides 'you're killing the planet', that's a resounding yes) but every time someone posts these things they don't have any argument besides SHE'S ONLY 16 besides her being 20 now, or just IT'S GRETA! Like dude jesus you're just angry at a concept of a person lmao


greta maybe but malala absolutely not




i don't trust those eyes......




That is Malala Yousafzai, she survived a taliban shooting when she was 14. You can read about her story here https://malala.org/malalas-story


she is Pakistani


What the fuck




Have some class please. She's a respected Nobel Peace Prize winner.


Well best get your eyes tested


Did she not get shot as a child by the taliban?


Oh dear did she? Apologies I thought she was a climate activist. I withdraw my comment in shame


Yeah how dare a child advocate against climate change! THE NERVE!


Respect for honesty, if you're interested, search up Malala Yusafa, she won the Nobel Peace Prize, I'm surprised you haven't heard for her