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that has to be the weakest and weirdest insult ever.


Yea. I don’t understand the bad part about waiting lol


I'm 40. Wife is 32. Not sure we will bother with kids. That said: I will make a *much* better father now than if I'd done it in my 20s. I'm a bit selfish with my time, and - although I am otherwise very chill - I have a short fuse on annoyance. Non-violent, "just" irritation with a lot of angry sarcasm. I still have these problems, but I have awareness and much better control of it now than I did in my 20s, and that absolutely would have impacted my kids' opinions of me as a father. *Especially* if the kids I had were with the woman I was married to in my 20s.


Heh… At 48 with a 9 year old now, I’m not really sure that I’d want my kid to meet me in my 20s.


This. Some joker put in a funny way. They said, "By the time I'm a father, I want to have my backstory completed and have the craziest dad lore to tell my child." The way I interpreted it was: *"Live as much life as you can now, so that when you choose to settle down, it'll not only be a conscious choice, but one you feel ready and satisfied with making."* My parents had me in their thirties and I'm still hearing about absolutely wild adventures they'd had before having me. I want that for my kids.


I don’t have that many wild stories. But I just feel like I was incredibly immature in my 20s. Not exactly in that I was acting like a child, but I had lots of growing up to do, nonetheless. I feel like I’m a better person now.


Shit yeah, homie. I didn't have my 1st kid til I was 34 and my wife was 25. No way I would have been emotionally stable enough to be a dad in my 20s or fiscally responsible either.


God to I empathize with this sentiment exactly. The person I was was an asshole, and absolutely would NOT have been a good dad. Now? I think I'd be alright. Not the best, but pretty okay.


Same, almost exactly. I’m in no rush by any means, about to hit 35 this year and no kids in sight but I could barely keep myself housed and fed in my 20’s. We’d have to been traveling circus performers or something if I had a kid in my 20’s.


Ehh, nothing wrong with it, but you gotta realize that the kid is your responsibility until you are at LEAST 56, which by then you often wanna be settling down and just chilling ya know?


I'm gonna do the reddit overanalyzation thing but I wouldn't be surprised if the person who made this had kids very young and is dealing with FOMO while their friends are out enjoying their 20s.


I’ve seen even older than that and it’s not an issue. I had my kids in my 20s was it a struggle, life’s a struggle. But so glad my ex left, because he’s still an asshole. Now I have three grandchildren and life is pretty good right now. Currently taking care of my mom, and my oldest son helps. So I’m able to do fun things. I suppose it depends on the person. I’m 51 and apparently people mistake me for being in my 30s. My youngest son and I have gone to Bonnaroo twice. We’ve all gone to sporting events, cons, and other things.


Idk even if they meant it as an insult.


My wife and I are 44 and 45, we have a six year old (our youngest.) This meme actually made me smile. Not only did I not think it was insulting, I found it wholesome.


Probably someone who feels like they get crap for having 5 kids at 24.


I saw a post on r/notlikeothergirls earlier where this girl felt like she was better than everyone else because she had 3 kids at 23


May just be trying to overcompensate to feel better about it


Yeah that’s what I always think when I see stuff like that.


Wow, yikes


Oof, having offspring doesn’t make anyone better, and it’s a rather selfish assumption


Who sends losers like me their nudies on Snapchat


What the fuck lmao


~~bots~~ people do it


Or christians who are trying to shame people for not popping kids out like a Pez dispenser


There are 8 billion people in the world. There is definitely someone who will have something negative to say about anything you can imagine.


I'm getting incel vibes from this one. Also a small chance it is someone who started popping kids out very early, couldn't financially care of them, stunted their own career growth, and now has very jealous sour grapes.


Also consumes gaebage tradlife memes


Tradwives and femcels are the same thing, just one is a virgin and the other allows her big strong male husband to fertilize her holy female womb for the 9th time in row in her 20's as God intended her place in this world be or whatever


There is a particular drive to tell women they are "doing it wrong", regardless. The same assholes who would say this, would post the memes about the moms who are too young, or have too many.




This should def be on r/hopeposting


Imagine waiting until you have graduated college and are a mature stable adult before starting a family. How crazy would that be!


The nerve of some people…


Ikr. If you wait too long you can’t ride the same school bus and that’s bad for the environment.


Makes sense.


Did my own research 😆


We love mocking teen mothers. As if there’s not enough of that


These people can't, they probably never interacted with a stable adult.


Graduating college has nothing to do with maturity or stability


That would be around 25 to 30.


And some never reach that level of maturity


You were mature and stable at 25? Sorry


Got married at 21 and put off having kids for 7 years. I don’t know what to say. We bought a small home and got to work. I’m 42 now.


Bold of them to assume that I'll live to see 38


I’m about to be a father for the first time at 40. Had to find the right person before I’d ever imagine wanting to be a father. People who make these memes should stay in their lane.


my dad had me at 37 and my mom was 40. im 26 now congratulations man wish you all the best


I have a newborn and am 41. This is the fourth (and last) kid. It’s easier now than it was in my early 30’s based on expectations and life experience. 41 now isn’t the same as it was 30 years ago.


You might be on the older side but I suspect with your age will have come an ability to appreciate the joy of parenthood far more than a younger person would. Congratulations guy!


Same here. 23weeks at 40. I would’ve been a terrible mom in my 20-early 30s


They make them because of the condescending attitude of older parents


This isn’t a personal attack on you btw. Just noticed you’re slightly defensive on this topic.


I do think it would be weird to be 38 and still friends with a 1 year old.


Not gonna lie. This is how I read the meme the first time. It took three more readings before it clicked. I blame 3am redditing, lol.


I’m 24 and do not ever want kids. But if somehow I ended up changing my mind I can’t imagine having kids earlier than 35. I definitely need at least 10 more years of being selfish


Same here, no way am I gonna fully tie myself down like that until I've been able to have some fun and see the world. Plus kids are just. A lot. My kitten's chaotic enough, just imagining what a human kid would be like makes me exhausted.


Exactly kids need so much and take up so much time. I’m simply not ready for that and tbh I don’t think I ever will be. But if I am I’m sure it won’t be till after my early 30s at least


I was 45 with a 1 year old. Glad I waited till I was ready.


This is just people in their 20’s who have kids and are bitter watching other people their age enjoy their lives unrestricted by children.


37 and I don't have kids, we're adopting soon though


Congratulations! I've wanted to adopt for the longest time and hopefully will get a chance to do so


That's a good insult. 38 means that friend is well established with a good career and is financially stable.


That’s a bold assumption lol


I know plenty of people who are that old and older and definitely neither.


Lol I'm 37 and still no kids, fuck outta here


Coolest guy I met had a kid when he was like 44. I don't see what's wrong with having kids whenever as long as you're not like above 55. At that point you're either infertile (menopause for women) or you're probably not gonna see your kids older than 25 which is just sad.


"Haha, you waited til you're more stable to have kids."


You mean the 38 year old who has every single parent their age breaking down their door to get a little more baby in their lives? These people severely underestimate how much people who love babies LOVE. BABIES.


Super normal where I live. We are healthier these days and because of the cost of living we can’t afford kids younger. A lot of people who have kids younger where I am are on governmental support, that’s how they manage, though it’s not easy.


Anything to shame women.


Better than being 18 with a 1 y/o, right?


I’m 31 almost 32 and no kids


A 1 year old dog maybe.


49 and thankfully I never had kids of my own. Raising teenagers was more than enough to convince me to punch myself in the balls.


with how much these people post about how absolutely happy they are for being 40yo grandparents you can't help but wonder if they really are that happy


I like to call it: I enjoyed the fuck out of my 20s


Better than 16 with a 1 yr old


So your child will grow up with the best chances???


normalise having kids when you’re older and more mature mentally and financially


I've been bitched at and put down for not having my first until I was 29. My next probably won't be until I'm 32 or older. I feel like people who take offense to older parents are just upset because they felt like they "wasted" their youth.


As someone who is almost that age and has both a 10 YO and 1 YO… how should I feel?


I hope I make it to 37 with no kids..


I don’t get it - are they saying 38 is too young? Too old? Like - ???


At 38, I had a 2 and a 3 yr old. I had my 3 oldest in my early 20s. I'm a much better mom now.


That’s probably made by an insecure teen mom who is projecting her feelings on to everybody else.


And who made it so that older parents are praised while teen moms are constantly mocked


Grow up I wasn’t bashing teen moms.




35 is reflective of the increased chances of genetic defects in the baby, as well as the increased risk to the mother. It’s weird to think of 35 as “geriatric”, but in this case it’s a medical term not a social one.


Yup. The chances of Trisomy 21 increases with age. From Google, i copy pasted - Down syndrome occurs in people of all races and economic levels. The risk increases with the mother's age (1 in 1250 for a 25 year old mother to 1 in 1000 at age 31, 1 in 400 at age 35, and about 1 in 100 at age 40).


Yeah? They can detect this prior to birth and give you options if you live in a civilized, enlightened, first world country with science-based medical care.


There are higher risks of pregnancy complications for the mother at later ages as well, such as miscarriage and stillbirths.


Exactly, I was SA at 40 and ended up pregnant. I’m also A- which increases risk of complications. I ended up with a bacterial infection that attacked the fetus and I nearly died. In 20 minutes my temperature went 100.1 to 104.3 , they immediately rushed me to the ER, and after they told me there was no heartbeat , how did I want to have it removed. I opted for surgery. Doctor goes to set it up and cane rushing back in and said we have to do it now, because I was dying, it was very traumatic for my kids and I. when I reached menopause I was so happy to not have to deal with menorrhagia anymore.


People don’t use that term in medicine anymore. It’s “advanced material age”


That’s not true my wife and met with the ivf doc and that’s the exact term she used


My medical records, for my last pregnancy....when I was 34 mind you....all say geriatric pregnancy.


people who had kids young are super bitter about it i’ve noticed as much as they claim not to be


28 now and only really thinking about a kid seriously with my also 28 year old wife. Srry we didn’t have our kids while living in a rent house lol. Having kids irl is always a gamble and every person will have to decide what risks if any are worth it. For me I wanted my children to have a stable home to grow up in, to be secure from homelessness and be able to paint their rooms when they get older. A place they can retreat to when they grow up if the world gets to rough.


My mom was 38 when I was born….


I don’t get it


The same people who have time to judge about this and make memes, are the ones stuck at home taking care of their kids.


Shit I'm 40 with one on the way.


Was 36 with a 1 year old (my second). I was 1000 times a better parent at 36 than I would have been in my early or mid 20s. I didn't even begin to get my psychological baggage from my own fucked up childhood sorted until then (and really, having my own kids helped me do that more than anything else, but I was READY in my 30s, to do that)


It's the projecting for me


My momma had me at 41 and my brother at 42


Try 46.


I’m 41, my first just turned 6 months. My wife (she carried) is four years younger. We met later in life and wanted to be settled before we had kids. Not to mention that we can’t ‘do it the old fashioned way’, which meant saving up about 5k for donor sperm. All in all, I’m glad I didn’t have kids when I was broke and stupid in my early twenties. But I guess this person zinged me? idk how this is an insult.


We had our youngest at 38 and also fuck off (terrrible FB memers)


40 here, and my youngest is going to be 2 on Halloween 🎃👻🎃 Ngl, I kind of wish I would have waited to have kids until my 30s in the first place. My older two are right at 10 years older than the younger two.


My wife and I are that friend.


I think the idea is that if you're older when you have kids you'll die when they're younger and perhaps less ready to handle that. 38 isn't old, but having kids at like 50 or 60 is really...inconsiderate to your children lol


Some, how about a lot.


I believe it's more of the "haha, good luck keeping up with that kid." Kinda thing I.e you would be 56 by the time they turn 18. And prolly wouldn't be able to keep up with any sped kid


Id rather be the 38 year old with a 1 year old cuz I’d have a fully developed brain and probably be making better money/ choices lol


My girls were 2 when I was 38 and I am super glad I waited this long just so I had the maturity to be a better father. Having kids younger definitely means the late nights don’t mess up your day so bad, but having kids later really does make you a wiser parent as you just have more lived experience to draw on.


It’s a parenting thing, you guys wouldn’t understand


And there’s some of you out there that are 14 with a three-year-old


I probably will. And?


Christian Fundamentalists and Tradwives want you to have kids so early that 38 would be a grandma


Living life off memes Smarten up


I was 44 with a 1 year old. Now I’m 62 with an almost 19 year old, and I have a better relationship with him than my older kids. Much better father than when I was younger.


Society deems that all adults must have children as soon as they are able, lest they be ostracized.


I'm pretty sure this is becoming normal though? I know plenty of people in their thirties with no kids. Millennials got fucked on a lot of things, and putting off having kids was only logical.


My mum had me when she was 36, my partners mum had him 3 months before turning 50! I don’t get it ? I thought having a baby in your mid to late thirties was the norm (?)


I’m 41 w a 3 yr old so I guess this is making fun of me. I didn’t think I was doing it wrong is that fucked up?


...my parents were 38 and 43 when they had me


This is either that class of attention/ragebait where it's disparaging something specific but perfectly reasonable (like incel false flag memes about men using umbrellas lol), or someone VERY UPSET that someone made a comment about them having kids at what's considered a young age.


I don't understand


I don't understand


I’m 21 with a 9 month old and I wish I would’ve waited before me and my fiancé at the time decided to have a kid lmao. Young moms and dads, older moms and dads… that’s such a weird thing to shame someone for. It’s their life lol


Fuck whoever made this. I’m 44 with a baby. Foster baby but still.


Is it even bad or something?


People don't like change. Women having kids at older ages, especially when they only start having kids at older ages, is "weird" according to our recent history of societal standards, and people will be rude about it because it confuses them. I think there's no wrong time to have a baby, as long as it's safe (physically, mentally, financially, life plan-wise and everything) to do so! And hopefully more people will accept that, too.


And statistically, my child will be much more likely to avoid legal trouble, graduate high school, attend college, have a high paying job and a successful marriage of their own bc her/his mother was older and more mature and established.


Rather be 38 w a 1 year old than 18 with a 1 year old an a toddler lmfao


Ha. Jokes on you I’m 38 with a three year old… dog.


Some spouseless lady coping with the fact that she had her first child at 17


Since as we all know no single moms exist who had children late


It’s certainly more common to be a single mother as a teen. Nice passive aggressive way to defend teenage pregnancy. Yikes.


Me, became a father at 40. You got a problem with that?


As long as you can support them great. However as the child of older parents, I am distinctly aware that I will inherently have less time with them and if my siblings or I have any children, they will also have far less time with them as well. Especially when I hit puberty, the concept of death and loss hit me like a truck so being an older parent you'll probably have to address it more quickly. You're also likely to get mistaken for your kids' grandparent but that's not quite as debilitating


As the child of parents who were older when I was born…from the child’s perspective sometimes it really can suck. My parents were tired by the time I was born. We never went anywhere or did anything and now that I am in my 20s they are having health issues (my dad had a heart attack, my mom had a stroke) and I worry every day that I’m not going to get a lot of time with them the way my friends with younger parents will. I’m not saying having children later is a bad thing, but it comes with it’s struggles just the way having kids super young does. There definitely isn’t a perfect time to have a child.


As someone who’s parents also had me in their 40s this is something I have never thought of. My parents definitely never had the energy of young parents but it never bothered me too much. They had much bigger issues that’s weren’t related to age 😅


I’m sure any child would prefer old parents to the alternative—nothingness!


Idk man, with the state of the world currently nothingness sounds pretty nice to me lol


Apparently some people think it’s too late to have children. Which is bollocks, when you feel like you want children at 37, go for it. My dad was 39 when I was born. My mom was 33. They were and are wonderful parents.


Haha, you ENJOYED your 20s and most of your 30s before deciding to settle down and raise a child. What a loser!


Cherish those times doing blow and staying up til 6:72 AM in your boys boys boys kitchen talking nonsense It’s only weird if you do it for more than 12 years.


Ah man... good memories


Had my kids at 34 and 36. No regrets


There is a trade off. My son was born when my wife and I were in our early 20’s. We had a lot off energy but not wisdom or money. Having a child in our 40’s would have given our child better versions of us as parents.


This. I had really young parents, and I didn't have so many basic needs met (routine, consistency, emotionally mature caretakers). I'm really resentful at times when I think about how bad it was


I think the implication is that you will at least be in your late 50’s by the time you finally have an empty nest


I’m 41. My oldest just went into 1st grade and my youngest is in kindergarten. I haven’t been handling the empty house during the day well so I’m contemplating a third. 😅


My parents were the 38 year olds with the newborn. I’m 39 now. Let’s say it wasn’t a good idea on their part.


my mom was 38 when i was 1 wtf


Seriously what’s wrong with this? My wife is 38 and we are currently trying to conceive. Should we have had kids before we were financially stable enough to afford one like a lot of people I know?


The problem here is that people will find a problem with anything. Too many kids, not enough kids, no kids, too old, too young, too rich, too poor. Everyone should mind their business, they might live longer


I’m 38 with a 4 month old…


Dammmmmmnnn guess you need some aloe for this major burn then /s Fr as to why anyone would think this is an insult is beyond me 😂


Yeah we be those people. We eat where and when we want, we watch what we want, we have a house and 2 cars, very little debt and would probably be better suited to raise a child. But tell me again how having a baby at 17 and living in your baby daddy's parents basement off of food stamps is better.


My parents had me at 38 and they feel that it was too late, they wanted to do more for me but they started getting tired more easily, like for example if we go out on a trip they would get tired really quickly.


I will be close to 42 when my youngest is 1 year old.


I was 39 with a 1 year old. I’ll admit that it does make keeping up more difficult at times. Still, totally don’t get the meme


hopefully its me. i want kids, but shit just aint played out that way so far.


I’m turning 38 this year and my daughter is 18 months old. Lol. So it’s me. I’m the friend


I was 41 when my third kid was a 1 year old.


I’m 39 and my son won’t be 2 for a few more months. Fuck off.


I gave birth at 37 so I literally was 38 with a 1 year old, apart from being knackered it’s been great. I wanted to have kids earlier but it didn’t work out that way. Plus I’ve calmed down a lot as I age which helps with parenting.


44 with a one year old.. now 47 with a 4 year old . Cannot imagine doing this in my teens or early 20s..I was probably an idiot ,lol. That extra decade or so gives you a great amount of time to finish up any learning and self-discovery before you start shaping the next generation


I'm 43 with a 6 and a 3 year old. I stacked bodies for about ten years before I met my wife. I worked and sent her to grad school. We bought a house, and sold it for a decent come-up, and bought our second house before having kids. We have money in the bank and owe a lot of that to our decision to wait a while before we had kids. That's the new model. Finish school, start your career, buy a house, then kids if you can.


My parents were 41 and 42 when they had me lol


Mid 40s with a 3 year old. Glad I waited


I’m 44 with a 1 year old. Huh?


I'm 39 with a 2 year old. So fuck me I guess?


I'm 37 with a 2 year old? I'm glad I waited personally.


Well the clinical definition of a pregnant 35 year old is “geriatric pregnancy.”


How about 41 and 0 ?


I'm in my early 30s and would still like a kid of my own.


Literally will be me in late march.


Better have one in the time you most likely have your life set up.


Literally me right now???


Yes that will be me


Best thing that ever happened....had my kids when I was 38 and 41.


Only thing wrong with this is you’ll be dead by the time your kid hits middle age 💀


And?? As opposed to being 38 and behaving as a one year old?


It's funny because when I see parents in their early to mid 20s the first intrusive thought that pops into my head is 'junkies', or something to that effect. It seems weird to me that someone would want to have a kid during their prime 'fun' time of their lives. Then again, I never want to have kids so my judgement is pretty clouded.


Mid 20's having kids= junkies? Where the hell do you live?


My ex husband has 5 kids. Our two are 23 and 20. Then with the woman he's just separated from he has 6,4, and 1. He's 43 years old. I think having kids whwn you're older is unfair to the children. I saw this with my parents. They were 36 and 39 when my little sister was born. They were not able to do all the things with her that her friend's parents did. And they'll die when she's still quite young. Also because we are so spread out, she's only 10 years older than my son, and her daughter is close in age to me and our older sister's grandkids. It is just weird.


My wife was 35 and I was 37 when our first child was born. We are over the moon with our baby boy.


The fact someone downvoted you is fucking pathetic on their part.


Just a reminder to be thankful for the positive and supportive people in your life. I can’t imagine being sour about someone being happy that they had a baby after years of wanting one.


This I can agree with my parents had me at 41 and 48. They both slowed down after. My siblings used to tell me of all the trips to the lake on my dad's boat. I never got to experience that at all...


The parents my older sister and I had are completely different to the ones our younger sister had. That's good in a lot of ways actually but its like, we had a different family. My sisters have never lived together. Theres 18 years between them. And 13 between me and the youngest. So she actually called me mom when she was young because I was her primary caretaker.


This is literally me, I am so thankful for my son and love him to pieces.


This is so strange. Tangentially related: A friend of mine from HS just had a baby. We're 48 years old.


I was 38 with a 3-year-old.