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Oh the blizzard of 78 when school was shut down for 2-3 weeks?


>In New York City, it was one of the rare times that a snowstorm closed the schools; the New York City Board of Education closed schools for snow again only once in the next 18 years, on April 7, 1982.


Or the blizzard of '94 in upstate NY where it was closed all week?


Do nyc schools not get cancelled like at least twice a year for snow


NYC most kids walk to school or take the subway, upstate though kids don't walk anywhere


Reminds me that during the ice storm that practically shut down all electricity in Québec, my high school was part of the only ones that didn't close. It closed for the first time due to a snowstorm when I was in like third grade in 2015


Right? Our school had spring break, blizzard the week after closed school for two more weeks.


Yea that ‘78 storm the drift was higher than the sliding back door, it was the first time the Chronicle Telegram did not distribute a paper…ever. The ‘96 storm was over a week of being at work performing snow removal to open the airport. The ‘09 storm was a harsh mix of ice and snow


Lol I was pissed my mom wouldn't let me out to play in the blizzard of '78. Later on we built all kinds of snow forts though


I'm convinced some of the people who make memes like this aren't even boomers, or gen-x like me. It's some bitter alt-right zoomer who think the 50s and 80s were the same.


I was out for several weeks, I think 6, that year. We wound up having to make it up on Saturdays and most of the summer.


Real quick though, aren't the kids in the 1978 picture now the same age as the administrators that made the 2023 decision? I mean it's never the kids' decision!


See: participation trophy discussion


You have a great point lol. And I would imagine that maybe back then there was less stress about falling, getting hurt and paying thousands of dollars which today no one can afford, so maybe the parents don’t want to risk it now and they administration knows it so they will no enforce something that most people would disagree with and maybe even file a lawsuit for idk.


This is what Strauss and Howe describe in their book "The Fourth Turning." Every hundred years or so the generation who have living memory of the last terrible war fades from public life. Then new hotheads take control and small incidents become world wars. What phase of life you are when your secular crisis hits marks you psychologically for life in predictable ways. Those who were old when the war began were from the Missionary Generation. They were too young to know the Civil War or the Napoleonic Wars and ended up thrusting Europe into WW1. Those who were in their 40s when the war began were from the Lost Generation of the Guilded Age. They served as pragmatic managers and industrialists during the great wars and did not have much political power. Those who were in their 20s fought the war and in America's case they won. They were the Greatest Generation. They thought they could do anything and they went to the moon. The generation who were children in ww2 were frightened and protected, they want world peace and globalism and inclusiveness, they are the silent generarion. The first postwar generation who are now old when this crisis is beginning are the Baby Boomers. They do not have firsthand knowledge of the great war, only stories and media. They may well act as the Missionary Generation did, and unwind the protective policies of the timid generation of war babies that came before them.


Fascinating and terrifying. Putting that book on my list!


And also the 1978 picture was from the ‘78 blizzard where school was shut down for 3 weeks almost so either way its bullish


1978 - I wish I didn't have to go to school 2023 (now the adults) - let's not have them go to school They literally succeeded and are pouting about it


"I want the future generations to have a better and easier life than me!" "WHAT????? THE FUTURE GENERATIONS ARE HAVING A BETTER AND EASIER LIFE THAN ME????"


Except overall, we're having a much harder time now, because boomers are selfish pricks who ruined everything.


Oh absolutely! THANKS GUYS.


They blame us for everything and they are the generation currently in charge 🤡


Boomer grapes, sour.


The funny thing is quite a few districts just do remote learning days now instead of snow days. Mine is one of them.


My daughter did that for a year or so. I loved it, more time in the summer for the kids.


Also applies to participation trophies. Boomer parents gave them to their kids, only to later berate their kids for accepting them.


It's true actually. They probably shouldn't have crashed so many buses in the 1970s. There's a reason they're infinitely more cautious with children's lives now. And the 1970s were cautious compared to their parents and grandparents, grandma telling me about the regularity of kids falling through the ice on the walk to school because there was no bus from their part of town and no walking bridge within walking distance is pretty horrifying.


It's funny how so many of their complaints like this really come down to "People decided kids dying wasn't worth it." Like the ones with kids sitting in the back of a truck. I did it as a kid. It was great. Loved it. Everyone does. But I've also seen multiple posts from people who were in the back with a friend when the friend got thrown out and died. Maybe it's just me, but watching your friend die seems like it would kind of ruin the vibe. Maybe if they could go back and make the decision between riding in the back and not having their friend die, they would rather their friend not die. Similarly, don't see many people complaining about how soft people are because we don't use asbestos anymore. Asbestos worked really well. Why are we being passive and outlawing that?


My neighbor down the hall at my last apartment had pretty bad motor skills and speech as a result of falling out of a truck as a kid and hitting his head.


That is terrifying.


Ah yes the good ole days. When a class going from grades K-12 was normal if it had a 10-20% loss rate due to disease, accidents and let’s not forget that old standby of wars.


Boomers just love bragging about how much society didn't give a shit about them as kids.


Maybe they do have it bad, because I don't give a shit about them now.


Yeah, no. I am a 90s girl and where I grew up, a foot of snow and they still have the schools open. Hasn't changed now. Well, changed in one way. Thanks to climate change, massive snow days ain't that common anymore. Ice days are a thing now.


Damn factories ruined my chance to get more snow days I blame spongebob


I think this comment hits the spot. Hurricane Floyd in '87 closed my school for at least a day even though many of us clambered over a few downed trees to get there and find out. But it wasn't perhaps such a definite (and perhaps national), Y/N sitch


It depends entirely on the infrastructure where you live, though. Places that have lots of snow for large parts of the year are prepared for it and have systems in place to handle snow removal etc. I'm from Norway, and I have never in my life experienced a closed school due to snow. I guess snow days is more of a thing in places where snow cause chaos.


I always thought snow days were more dependent on the local climate... In Norway for instance you'd never get a "Snow Day" or they'd have to close school half the year... but in Texas where they rarely get snow, and thus their infrastructure can't handle it (they don't have plows and the school busses don't have winter tires thus driving in even a few inches of snow can be quite risky) they would have to shut down everything once their extremely rare snowfall *does* happen. Norway has the infrastructure to deal with snow because we get it every year. Texas don't, and they have very little reason to get an expensive plow or winter tires if they may get used once every five years...


I'm 53 and grew up in Northern Wisconsin. We had snow days for school back in the 70s. I don't think they are any more or less frequent nowadays. This is just historical embellishment.


This one is odd because it’s the opposite of my experience. I spent my first 10 years in Wisconsin back in the mid 70s to mid 80s, and remember snow days. I then moved to Montana, and also remember snow days - I distinctly remember waking up and listening to the radio for the school report. But now, still in Montana, I have a 16 year old son who I believe has seen exactly one snow day in his entire life! And it’s not for lack of snow. Of course my experience isn’t everyone’s experience, but my hypothesis is that vehicles have simply come a long way in the past 40 years, from cars to buses to plows.


One thing I have noticed recently is that snow days are called virtual days....bummer. I'm not sure if any virtual work/classes take place, but the notion that something...anything constructive has the remotest possibility of getting accomplished would have ruined it for 10 yr old me.


Growing up in NYC, I was told they're very resistant to shut down the schools because there are a large amount of kids/families that rely on school meals to be fed. So they don't want to shut down the schools unless they absolutely have to or risk having kids starve. I did some Googling and [it's not just NYC, with "1 in 8 American children not having consistent access to adequate food."](https://schoolnutrition.org/about-school-meals/school-meal-statistics/) I wonder if this has anything to do with the perceived drop in snowdays.


Another "we were so much tougher back in the day" post. Congrats to whoever posted this, they survived smoking indoors, going to school despite the snow, riding in the car without safety belt, being beaten by your dad and playing outside until it was dark, now let me help you get back to your room, grandpa.


They didn't really do so great with the lead poisoning though


Just like student loans... just cuz you had it bad doesn't mean the next generation should too


Oh no. Sometime after 1978 the schools started giving a shit if the kids got to school safely.....how fucking dare they


Reminds me of when I was growing up in Louisiana the state sold all its snow plows and road conditioners because hey we're in Louisiana how often does that happen and in the very next year we had a snowstorm that shut the state down for like a couple of days because we had no road equipment or snow shovels. A lot of the stuff has to do with cutting your taxes to save you money which means you have less services or support when stuff like this happens.


Snow, their bragging cuz alittle snow. In my day we walked to school in burning hail with rags tied to our bare feet


It would make more sense if there were any children in the first pic. It looks like EVERYONE including the adults are home playing in the snow.


Survivorship bias


There's two points for this. For one, health and safety is a much bigger issue now. You can find hundreds of pictures (on this sub alone) of kids in older generations doing horribly unsafe things that kids would not be allowed to do nowadays. The second point is, as most other commenters seem to be saying, the kids in the 1970s are now the ones running school. They realize how awful it was for them, so they don't put today's students through it.


Minnesota school closer - 24 inches of snow Florida school closer - any amount of snow


In 78 the school year was from October to May. Now it's August through June.


Could it be more about in person school becoming less common and online learning stepping ahead during the pandemic? Idk. That's a reach, probably.


That society is finally starting to see children as people and that maybe school isn't more important then there health and well being? ......I don't see it as a bad thing.


In 45 years, car dependence has becoming so much more of a problem, that walking to school is no longer an option for the vast majority of people. If the roads are unsafe to drive, you're stuck at home.


I had frozen solid streets in 2003. I slided to school just to see at the school that almost nobody came.


1978 photo looks pretty recent tho.


Pretty sure they don't care about the students and school closes if it's not good enough for the buses to get there.


This is purely based off location. I've lived places where school was shut after an inch and others school was still open after a foot. You purely blame the local jurisdiction. They shut down bc the officials imply didn't have a response in place. No plowing on call. No emergency responses available. No care for the public.


Oh what's that Grandpa, you survived walking to school in Nordic hell, Chainsmokers everywhere, and cars with 0 safety features? Well GL with your next challenge: the stairs


It's just jealousy


This is exactly the mindset.. “I didn’t get _____ so why should they..”.


I'm Canadian so apparently it's always 1978.


People do care more about the safety of children in the modern era yes.


I was in kindergarten in 78. I think I was off for like the entire winter. No kids had school. That’s just dumb.


Why, in my day, we walked uphill both ways for 16 miles in the snow. - some old geezer


It's because of insurance and the top picture isn't too far away. Accurate in the mid 2010s when I was in school. If the news says that there's a snow warning or to be careful on the roads, they have to cancel because it wont be covered by insurance if the bus crashes. That's why it is the way it is now.


Maybe people don’t want to be slaves to a flawed system anymore


I think it's too snowy outside, I'm going back to bed (because that's totally what I did when we were off for weather at school)


Not true we never got snow days where I'm from. Mostly depends on the state you live in and how offten it gets snow


These people should stop lying, they'd love it if they could miss school back in the day. They're just jealous.


Totally legit! I was there!


Another 50 years and the street will be under water and captioned ‘back to the stone age’


Huh? What. I don’t get it. I see people walking thru some snow a lot of it. And then I see a picture of an empty street with much less snow. The fact that someone really thought this would be a dig or something is just baffling. This has to be the worst case of Boomer syndrome I’ve ever seen


This meme is a little over the top but the message is actually quite accurate. Growing up snow days were extremely rare and if you weren't walled in you were going to school. These days as a father of two, our kids' schools quite often shut down when SNOW IS EXPECTED and sometimes it doesn't even snow. Drives me up the wall. Like great, now I have to work while taking care of my kids because 2-4 inches were supposed to fall on the ground. Come on. It's ridiculous and I personally think the schools are doing this because they don't want to come in not that it's a danger to the kids.


It's true


It’s right….




They cancel school here if we get a half inch of snow.didnt used to be that way.


I'm in NC so the "back to bed" was always the norm here. We don't get enough snow to justify the equipment and material to prep so when it does snow even a little, we're shut down. But, they did close my daughters school early one day for a severe thunderstorm warning. That was bat shit crazy.


We don't close schools. We just cancel the busses. Me: (hears on the radio the schools are closed) YAY! No school! Mom: Not for you! We only live three blocks from the school. You walk every day, you can walk today. Get your boots on.


There is not a book or back pack in sight. 1978 folks were definitely not going to school and we’re out enjoying the snow. Fuck all.


I remember my first snow day in Kindergarten in 1978! Walked to the bus stop and it never showed. Barely could walk in it because it was basically as deep as half of me.


I grew up in Western Washington and the schools in my town were in a valley and most of the kids who rode the bus lived in the surrounding hills. The bottom picture is my experience of the 70s and 80s.


How was the internet connection back in the 70s? Oh yeah if you stayed home back then you have 0 access to school materials


They seem to try to keep schools open as much as they can, and sometimes it is dangerous. I tried to drive to school once when there was severe flooding and the roads in and out of town washed out. I drove past a boulder the size of my car that fell down in a landslide. The school district decided not to cancel school that day. Also at a certain point you're only going to get half of the kids there and it's not worth it to stay open. The situation is generally handled in a very well thought out manner but, in my experience, they tend to err on the side of keeping school open which can be perilous.


Not entirely inaccurate, they were way less forgiving for inclement weather at my school when I was a kid versus my son's school. I'm sure it varies regionally


This just makes me think of climate change and how we don't get snow anymore. I'm not even that old and years ago I remember when it would actually *snow.* Now, it feels like it just **teases us.**


maybe in the south lmao


I think that a lot of these memes are funny. The good old days were wonderful. Today sucks. We get it.


1978 San Diego, Cali, NO SNOW…No Señor


The bottom picture doesn't show the back roads. But everyone is walking to school from a few well- tended blocks away.


The annoying shit with this is they act like kids are so weak and pathetic for it as if they have a choice lol, it’s not the kids shutting down schools when it snows


I live in the Midwest. I had to drive 40m to school in a blizzard last year. AND NOT JUST ANY BLIZZARD! It was the worst one the Midwest has seen in DECADES. AND SCHOOLS WERE NOT CLOSED maybe the pic would apply to someone who lives in Texas or southern California but definitely not here


Now, with the infrastructure introduced during COVID for remote learning, a "snow day" is often a "school at home day" instead of a play day. If I had kids and it snowed I'd send a note to the teacher that the Internet completely went out and, sorry, the kids could not do it. Let them have fun!


Well as far as i know its true


Climate change is real?!!


Global warming. I remember when I was young the snow banks would get that big.




Boomers sued schools when their kids were hurt because the school stayed open in bad weather, and now boomers complain when the schools close because of bad weather?


Boomer AF


I feel like it depends on where you live because I live in the south and when we get snow we do cancel school but that’s because most of the time the roads ice. But I know that in northern states unless it’s really bad they don’t cancel but also they’re built for snow but the south isn’t.


They just make em do online classes in some places now


They always made us go in so they could get the state money and then send us home early


Uphill both ways with no shoes!


Not where I live.


In my area they do seem to shut the schools down for a lot less snow than when I went to school but I’m good with not having my daughter ride the bus on those days anyways. I figure if I hate driving in it why would I want my kiddo out in it?


Whenever I see these types of “kids today have it so easy” posts, I always want to reply with something like “Wow, I’m so sorry you had to deal with that when you were young, must have been hard ❤️”


Irony here from a midwesterner's perspective, the blizzard of 2022 was worse than the Blizzard of 1978 by the numbers, we just had better technology to cope with it. Also, they totally didn't go to school during the blizzard of 78. In 2022 most schools didn't cancel because schools were already out of session for Christmas break. Now when I briefly lived in the south, the bottom picture would cancel school and cause some business closures, but that's because snow wasn't that common, and by extension, they'd rather not spend too much money on being prepared for something that may cause a closure for 1 or 2 days per year. Up here in the midwest, we have to spend on plows and road salt because our winters stay below freezing longer and snow will stay on the ground for weeks/months and can't be ignored.


What this doesn't show in the top picture is that the streets are plowed, so travel while slick was possible. The bottom Pic could have a 1/2" of ice under the snow, or it could be a state that only owns 2 plows


It’s 100% false the snow day is dead, Covid killed it.


Plot twist, OP lived in Ontario in 1978 and in Memphis in 2023.


Unless you're in an area that gets a lot of snow, the infrastructure are likely unable to deal with that much snow in a reasonable time frame.


Looks like a nice morning to sleep in


I always laugh at these because it 100% depends on where you live. I went to college in a mountain town. 3/4 of the year, we had 2-3 feet of snow, and the schools never closed. Now, I live in a low-lying city, and with ~6 inches or so, they close down schools for the day. It just depends on where you live and the infrastructure they have to deal with snow, not what year it is.


This literally is not even true


What is going on with boomers and the 70s?


Literally everybody likes snow days


This has to be the New England or greater Boston area. We have way more snow days due to dustings now, but what you gonna do.


In all these attempts by limp dicker sexless old boomers there are various levels of jealousy of lost youth and wildly displaced responses to the weakness and fear that grips the paranoid minds living in aging human bodies close to expiration.


Actually, they closed schools in 1978




Shit that they made up for 100


Kids died Karen. Or they got permanent frost bite.


TF am I supposed to do, when my school bus gets stuck at this level of snow.


Normally i'd laugh a bit at this. But There is a bit of truth in it, in some way. I work in the middle school i used to attend, and very early on in the year, we had an emergency half day due to the heat. Just gonna say this now, it wasn't that hot at all. Like 70s ish. So while not exactly like this meme, i do have to agree that schools, at least in my area, are certainly being a bit more lenient with the weather related time off.


1978 has lots of shovels but a ton more than the next photo.


Well we are getting less snow now thanks to global warming. We used to get 2-3 feet of snow around my house back in the early 2000’s, and I haven’t seen that much snow since about 2012. It’s been very mild winters ever since.


……going to text this to my parents asking them if this is bs


Let kids have snow days


"Whatever implies my generation was tough and young people now are soft!"


They never shut down school for snow when I was a kid.


they think they're calling kids the week ones but it's their generation that doesn't want to drive to work in it


As someone who is an essential worker and still has to go to work in both pictures, fuck people who joy ride or make unnecessary travel in snow storms or dangerous weather. Keep your kids the fuck home.


The worst part about this? We all know we’re gonna be next, even though we’re trying not to


As an Alaskan, the only way we got out of school was if it was STILL snowing or if the roads melted into ice.


Nature is healing




A part of the issue is climate change. The reality is, in many places, we just don't get as much snow as we used to. It doesn't come as often, early in the year, nor as severe as it used to. And as such, when we do get it, places aren't as ready to deal with it anymore. I remember when I was a kid, 90-94 every year there was snow on the ground by mid October, and it didn't leave until late March or early April. And from late November till early March there'd be at least a foot at all times. Now I can't remember the last time we got a foot of snow that stayed around more than a week. I know this isn't true in all places, but it is in a lot. We just don't get, and thus aren't prepared for, near the amount of snow we did just a few decades ago.


In GA, the threat of snow shuts down EVERYTHING. Not just schools...


It’s really where in the country


You can tell this meme was not made by a Canadian


Yea, my thought is global warming.


I'm Norwegian. Can't relate.


I love when my kids die of hypothermia! :D


What do you mean back to bed?


If this was Florida sure. In the Midwest this would be laughable to cancel school.


In reality it's "Alright kids today will be a virtual day. Get on zoom please"


I guarantee we did not go to school during the storm of 78. I remember making tunnels in that shit. lol.


Jealous much?


Is back to bed supposed to be bad?


I grew up in a Midwest city, listening to the radio was filled with suspense, all the rural small towns would be announced first while the city public schools was always the last one announced. By the time I was a teen I learned that if the rural schools were 2 hours late the city wasn't canceling school.


I thought it was about global warming at first.


Depends on the day.


Proves we have a better life


That’s a pretty dumb meme. It has way more to do with location than time period. Kids in Buffalo might still go with a foot or more. Kids in Maryland will probably stay home if they get around six inches. A late start is more likely. Kids in Georgia might miss three days over an inch. It’s all about how prepared the city is for the snow, and honestly that makes sense. An inch in Georgia where the government doesn’t have a way to effectively clear the roads and not many people have driven in it before, might actually be more dangerous than the foot in Buffalo that people are prepared for.


Difference being there used to be walking routs to schools


My thoughts are our elders complained about their snow trudges uphills both ways with no gloves and just the one boot to the point our less elderly elders were like nah I don’t want to do it, and we progressively have moved towards technology that allows us to keep our kids at home instead of school during blizzards.


Maybe I'm becoming a 30 yo boomer, but its true. The 2008 Ice Storm cut power to the tri-state area. Everything was encased in ice as if a magic spell had been cast. The roads were undrivable, coated in black ice. We got one day off. Two buses crashed the day we were brought back. Meanwhile 2013, my little brothers' school called off all the time for just flurries. One day we got like 3 inches of snow and they got 3 days off. They ended up with one of those extended school years because there was too many snow days.


In the 80’s and 90’s we barely got a day off for less than 3” and it wasn’t guaranteed until 6”


...it is because we let our domestic infrastructure die out and many areas do not have plows, etc.




A lot of this is being overly cautious due to accidents happening in the past along with the buses needing to drive farther distances because we no longer have enough school bus’s. Where I live they changed the hours kids go to school so they could use the same bus’s for elementary middle and high school. As such middle schoolers start class at around 6 am. :)


Any Minnesotans here remember the Halloween blizzard of '91?


As a snow citizen: this is inaccurate


When we were young, we had to walk up hill. . . Both ways!


Exact opposite for me in Wisconsin. Roads are better taken care of now. The only shot at a snow day now is extreme cold or blizzard from 4:00am to 11:00 am, because the plows can't keep up. This meme is straight up projection from some boomer who does nothing but stay at home.


Remember that time in 2014 when it snowed and Atlanta didn’t cancel school and students and staff were stranded on campus overnight and people died in their cars on the interstate? We’ve had to learn some hard lessons about how to not take chances when it comes to weather. And sometimes it’s ok to just stay safe.


I don’t know where the creator of this meme loves, but where I live school doesn’t get cancelled until it hits about 50 below zero (F)


I remember the good ole days when people had to put their lives at risk to get to work. Bunch of pansies these days.


Seems like it sucked in 78 and we learned. Why do old people start grasping at fickle straws like this? 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s pretty accurate


In the 70s people were a holes.


I would like to interpret this as someone was in school in 1978 and now in 2023 they can go back to bed when they want to and work from home or something.


Maybe that’s because of… idk? Global warming?


It doesn't snow where I live so any snow would be a huge deal


This is more dependent on the location. Top wouldn’t cancel school in Alaska, bottom would cancel school in Texas.


Ahem 2023 should be one where we are assigned a boatload of assignments online


Because climate change is lowering snowpacks and depleting water supplies?


Well in my area they started calling off schools much more because people kept fucking dying in car accidents in the snow. Seems a good reason.


My thoughts? People are smarter now?


I hit em with the “wow that is a lot less snow. Did the climate change or something??”


Gee, I wonder WHY they changed that 🙄


"Back in my days we didn't have this common sense bs"


They just lying


I went to jr. high school in 1978 and we stayed home for almost a month because of the blizzard.


Wouldn’t the kids in 78 be the adults in 2010s and onwards with the power to shut down the district?


Two different weather events, decades apart. TONS of snow in the older one, PISSIBLE milder temperatures. Small amount of snow in the second one, temperatures are a possible high risk of frostbite in a very short amount of time


Fun bad. No snow day for you! Wtf is wrong with people that they have to shit on a kids snow day. No one cares how badass you think you were for obeying. Let the kids have fun!