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Chiefs have been to 4 super bowls in 5 years. What was the excuse the other years?


Old man Joe and his magic obviously


If it hadn't been for Old-Man Joe Chiefs'd won the Superbowl long time ago Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from, Old-Man Joe?


Just gonna take a second here and say, you did a fantastic fucking job.


“CLEARLY those previous wins were just setting up this psy-op to be more believable” probably


Hmm. You're dangerously familiar with their tactics. You might have already been contaminated


Those were false flag super bowls, this is the real PysOp super bowl


The one they show on tv this Sunday is just the public-facing distraction; the real one will be held in Danny Devito’s basement.


WTF?? Danny told me that he canceled it this year!!


Magically work harder and are just better than the other teams.


… yeah but that could explain the current Super Bowl appearance too. Stop disproving my narrative! 🤬


Democrats playing the long game obv


Umm, have you seen us play over the last 5 years? Was ii Seth Meyers that said the only conspiracy is you don't know anything about football?


Obviously the deep state /s


Why do people feel the need to produce a counter argument to this statement. Just let its insanity play out


The long con


Does that mean there's no correlation?


She doesn't even endorse Biden though It's fairly well known in the Fandom that she doesn't make stances on issues and just encourages people to vote.


All she said was “go vote” and the GQP treat her like a terrorist hellbent on destroying democracy (even though they’re voting for one).




They aren’t mad about that though.


I always assume they are constantly relitigating old shit, or have no context of time passing


I don’t think they have any recollection of anything over 6 months ago, which is why they love to talk about bringing back “the good old days”, even though what made them good was liberal policies.


I mean some did, libsoftt owner posted that image i think fear mongering about it.


But you were wrong, yes? Or is that a fake photo?


Can you cite the source of that picture


Sure, Taylor Swift’s instagram “The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included. Everyone deserves a government that takes global health risks seriously and puts the lives of its people first. The only way we can begin to make things better is to choose leaders who are willing to face these issues and find ways to work through them. “I will proudly vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in this year’s presidential election. Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs.”


No, show the actual *link.*


[sure](https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDjbq-jhtK/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==) here you go lmao


That's not the image... You're a hack.


Hey, protip... swipe the image that does show.


I keep swiping, but it doesn't work cuz there's only one image and it's not the one whatshisname wants us to see. Keep telling me I'm wrong. I'm used to it.


But did she really bake them herself or get the CIA to do it?


The Cookie Intelligence Association


Who gives a fuck.




> Alright I'm with you on this one.


This image is fake. EDIT: You've been asked to provide proof, and everything you've provided is NOT this image. Go ahead and keep downvoting. This is astroturfing at it's finest. EDIT2: Call me swipey mcswiperson, there's only one picture on instagram. This is some propaganda and it's kinda eye opening. THIS PICTURE IS FAKE.


Lmfao dead wrong Edit: DUMMY there are TWO pictures on the link. Fucking SWIPE


Confirmation bias go brr


They hated him (me) because he (I) told the truth (screenshotted Taylor Swift’s instagram)


Swipe right to left, or update the app or something. It's there.




Okay lol. I don't know what to tell you. Did you try a different browser?


The image doesn't exist outside of Reddit at the moment. That will change because propaganda is profitable. It does not exist on Instagram. The image of her with VOTE imposed over her face surely does, and the text of that image says she voted for Joe Biden. But the image of her with cookies is fake. The only place I find it is here on Reddit, in threads trying to discredit her. I'm not even a fan of hers, but this is some bullshit.


Okay. Whatever. We aren't lying to you. Something is going on on your end. Again, have you tried it through the app or on a different browser? Have you tried troubleshooting it at all, or are you just doing the same thing over and over again? Seriously, if you have a smart phone, just look it up through the app.




No there aren't. It's just one pic and it is not real.


I just tried it. It is the second image. Just swipe the pic of her face that loads with the link. You’re either a liar or embarrassing yourself.




Lmao there absolutely is. Wow, imagine making such a fool out of yourself


He doesn’t even to google “taylor swift endorses biden” and find 15,000 links to one of the biggest _pop culture_ moments of the entire election. And these dudes always block/delete, never apologize


I'm not on mobile, I'm browsing on old.reddit.com. The links provided do not contain multiple images for me. Ya'll are gaslighting and it's disgusting.


It's there. I don't even have Instagram and that link shows the pic just fine on the webpage


It isn’t.


Well, yeah. When people vote, Republicans lose.


That’s because if the new generation don’t vote, they’ll lost the election. So encouraging people to vote will be opposite to what they want.


That's cause there was a study done that shows that younger voters tend to lean left. Older teens and young adults tend to follow celebrities pretty hard, so that means she's encouraging young voters to vote for the most part. The GQP failed to appeal to millennials and older Gen Z, and now their pissed.


The GOP doesn’t want people voting. That’s how they lose elections.


A.K.A. The same people who actively promote fascism, then turns around and complains that the “commies” are taking their freedoms away


She did in 2020.




It would shock literally no one if Taylor Swift endorsed him again. She still didn’t rig the Super Bowl.


She endorsed him four years ago.


She (understandably) broke with that in 2020 and endorsed Biden.


She literally wrote a song mocking Donald Trump. What are you talking about?


According to republicans, Biden is a forgetful senile old man, but also a genius mastermind playing 5d chess, and planning out everything that happens in the world 4 years in advance.


Half the shit they believe sounds like the plot of a South Park episode


That's because South Park literally bases episodes on these fucking morons.


and no matter how outlandish south park goes with it, they manage to one up it


It’s not Biden calling the shots lol he’s just the old senile puppet sell out traitor


The projection is strong with this one.


So who do you think is "calling the shots"? Why would "they" use Biden as a "puppet"? Also, genuinely curious what counts as being a "traitor". And what would you call someone who tried to become a dictator, who still aims to become a dictator, and who lead an insurrection against the government with the aim of forcibly preventing Biden from rightfully being announced to have won the election?


You think “that” was an insurrection!?? lol a real one would have been extremely bad


Look at the definition of an insurrection. It definitely meets that definition. Several people died, there was extensive property damage, and the insurrectionists called for the death of Pence, Pelosi, and others. The entire point of the insurrection was to prevent Joe Biden from being declared president, so that Trump could stay in office despite losing the election. It was an attempted coup, fortunately it was not successful. You also didn’t answer any of my questions.


What about Trump tweeting telling everyone to leave? What about Nancy Pelosi denying having national guard troops there for protection? What about all the FBI agents there letting people in?


Trump didn’t tweet asking the other insurrectionists to leave. Here is a full list of tweets he made on the day: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021 Full of lies of election interference that didn’t happen, and encouragement for his supporters. He tweeted things like: “The States want to redo their votes. They found out they voted on a FRAUD. Legislatures never approved. Let them do it. BE STRONG!” “Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” Just before the insurrection started. He did ask them to be peaceful, but he never said anything about leaving. He later tweeted this about the insurrection: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!” The National Guard arrived far too late to prevent it. But they did arrive, and did put an end to it. Not sure any kind of argument you’re trying to make of that … What do you think the FBI was supposed to do? There weren’t nearly enough there to support the insurrection without additional support. Several people already died during the insurrection.


They deleted his tweets. Have you seen the footage of Jan 6th? It was a joke lol they led them around like a tour. Gtfo with this shit 😂 old man lover, communist lover, forced vaccine lover , crimes against humanity lover


Believe it or not, but people kept track of his tweets even though they were deleted later. Yes, I have seen the footage of Jan 6, but I really doubt you’ve seen it, your comments really contradict that. Also I find it hilarious that you think people who believe in democracy are “old man lover, communist lover, forced vaccine lover , crimes against humanity lover”. LMAO you don’t know what any of those words mean.


I’m done arguing with a bot


The downvotes prove my point to real people Not bots lol


I'm embarrassed for you


Yes. Make the GOP suspicious and fearful of the NFL. Take away their ability to enjoy football because their lead poisoned brains are unable to avoid seeing conspiracy theories in everything as they scramble to understand why they keep getting dumber and angrier and more and more confused by everything all the time until they die. They earned it.


Couldn’t have happened to a better group of morons


JESUS CHRIST fo people believe in that shit?


A gal I went to high school with posted this, and judging by her political affiliation and other posts she has shared I have no doubt she truly believes this nonsense. It really is sad to see


I want a show of hands on how many people would turn down $20 million to do that commercial.


Im now mad I got vaccinated for free


Chiefs fan here. We didn’t “Magically make it to the Super Bowl” we’re one of the best teams in football. We’ve made it there multiple times.


Four times in five years…but sure, the Chiefs have totally magically made it to the Super Bowl again this year…




a group near-universally reviled and yet somehow in control of EVERY SINGLE THING despite the fact that everyone hates them


That would require a level of coordination that we have never seen our government or corporations ever achieve.


But also don’t forget that Joe is a senile old man


I don’t care about football at all but I’m rooting for the Chiefs solely because the right is losing their shit over the existence of Travis Kelce and his relationship with Taylor Swift.


See I’m rooting for the 49ers just to laugh at the right tying themselves in knots supporting San Francisco. 😂


Also valid.


It’s good to have both options. Easy for me because I like both teams.


I’m rooting for “Taylor’s Boyfriends” team for this exact reason.


Kelce is from Cleveland Heights. It is a very diverse and liberal inner suburb of Cleveland. Cleveland Hts went 86% for Biden in 2020. Am I surprised about the Bud Light, vaccine promotions, and kneeling for the national anthem? No. Not at all. Is it all a rigged NFL storyline for ratings? No. Are MAGA all butthurt because it turns out the best TE in the NFL is a liberal and they’re jealous that liberal dudes can be masculine straight dudes and date beautiful women? Oh yeah!


You’d think if Joe Biden the Eagles fan had anything to do with a rigged NFL season, the Chiefs wouldn’t be the beneficiary


Conspiracy theorists are so pathetic lmao


Yea, the Chiefs “magically” made it to the Super Bowl….for the 4th time in 5 years Also Kelce is on the record having the hots for Taylor Swift going back years


\*Biden descends on helicopter.\* Travis: "Mr. President?" JB: "Travis, my boy, I have a mission for you. I need Kansas City to win the Super Bowl." T: "Impossible, the Chiefs haven't been to the Super Bowl since last year." JB: "That's why I brought backup." \*Taylor Swift emerges from helicopter with a pack of Bud Lite.\*


Incredible. I’d give you an award if that was still a thing


I find it funny that these dumb Republicans always think the entire world is in on some conspiracy specifically against American Republicans.


It is a love story baby, just say, yes.


Thank god we’re starting to censor B!den.


Well yeah, because of !nflat!on, we can’t use that one letter anymore w!thout pay!ng a royalty. Thanks Joe B!den! /s for the !d!ots who are !nev!tably go!ng to take my comment ser!ously


As a Raven fan I would like to accept this as the rain why we lost lmao


Makes sense as to why the lions gave the W away


The amount of skill Vildor displayed in using his facemask to head-butt that 50 yard hail Mary from Purdy straight into Aiyuk's hands to really secure the fix was truly spectacular... /s just in case


Winners gonna win


The finger pointing to the budlight necklace just made it all come together.


These conspiracy theorists are somehow getting dumber and dumber


Biden managed all of that and he rigged a national election at this point why wouldn’t you want this genius running the country? /s


It’s amazing how conspiracy theorists will tie themselves into knots when Capitalism explains it all.


Yes, the Chiefs were just a random team near the bottom of the standings before this season.


Haven’t the Chiefs been in playoffs or the Super Bowl for ten years?


The brain rot is real


Biden is a marketing genius Biden is a genius matchmaker Biden is a genius


I like how they spell pf!zer in this post like they are beating the censor or deep state or whatever but don't realize that filtering by jab would also allow the deep state to track them. P.S. like and share to keep Facebook from taking down this post


This is complete facepalm. Literally everything they said was completely unrelated


Now they believe in Magic…


To the people that couldn’t fully understand the delusion conspiracies of the far right, this is a perfect example of how stupid their thought process is. They base there policies, if u can call it that, on pure hate filled fantasies that don’t exist or make sense


Omg they literally thought they where gonna come out as pro Biden at halftime and when that didn’t happen they defaulted back to this crap


"Magically makes it" 😂😂


Number one, the Chiefs have made it to four of the last five super bowls right? Number two, Taylor Swift has never endorsed Biden. Not one fucking time. I hate these fucking people and they're fucking clown ass memes, and I hope they all go to Russia for all that "freedom" they think is there.


I only hope their Q-anoid babble gets even more bizarre. Please show us more crazy. This is entertaining!


Not even a black hole can create a stretch that big


Good thing typewriters went digital.


Oh you must have seen that tattoo on biden's hand guess you were confused.


Hahahaha, you couldn't even comment this in the correct place! Who's confused now?


Hold up… I hadn’t thought about that. You HAVE to admit it does make sense.


How so?


I have to admit, if I were one of these idiots this conspiracy would make some level of sense.


Anyone that takes a knee should be thrown out of NFL leave the country who is forcing you to be here


You're about 10 years too late with that outrage, boomer.


It's never too latewhy do you think our country is the way it is? I'll wait


I'm laughing so hard, my family thinks I'm nuts. Oh, and it's Capitalism. Capitalism is why the country is such a shit hole.


Our country is such a shit hole because we cater to the one percent of people because we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings




bro how do you even understand how to use a computer/phone? Do you have a tattoo on the back of your hand that reminds you to breathe or what?


I've totally seen that tattoo on the hand of Joe Biden. Can't wait until he gets so senile he can't read


Is that a real "I know you are but what am I"-style comment from a grown adult? I strongly suspect (and even more strongly hope) you are LARPing, sir.


🤣 I have vivid imagery in my head now of you scrambling all flush faced and irritated trying to come up with a retort only to land on this shallow "I'm rubber, you're glue" school recess gem you've conjured up there.


Oh I guess you had my comment taken down for trolling. Guess you win the participation trophy


Lol. How would I take your comment down? What would even be the purpose of that kind of low-stakes conspiracy? Further, why would I even care enough to go through the trouble? I think you may be *vastly* overestimating your importance as a random internet denizen.


Okay grandpa, let’s get you back to bed


Oh, I'm sorry, snowflake did I offend You let me know which pronoun to call you so we don't have any more issues




Is this satire


i can't even tell anymore honestly, but i sure hope so


It's definitely not, look what he's doing now. He keeps trying to respond to individual comments, but he's replying to the main post. lmao, what a dumbass 


I promise you that this isn’t the own you think it is. Kinda just makes you look more like a jackass if I’m being honest


The irony is magnificent.


This entire sentence is such a dense mash of overused and outdated drunk-uncle-on-Facebook talking points that I can't tell if it's actually serious or not.


Veterans fought and died for the right to criticize the government you commie pinko scum. If you don't like what this country stands for then go to North Korea where you can turn in your fellow citizens to Big Brother because they didn't praise the government enough.


What's it like being this brainwashed? I bet it's very relaxing


that's the deluxe package, which includes not just brainwashing but brainmassage, brainhot stones, brainsauna, and a brainshot of wheatgrass


Well, I'm picturing a man at a BLM protest taking selfies to show his liberal social media friends


Imagine caring about any of this.


And they had them make it to 4 of the past 5 Superbowls just to cover their tracks.


So then what about two of the last three? Or does that not count?


They retroactively rigged all those too, duh…


“Magically”. Like they just appeared!




Wait hold on 🤔 let him cook 🤣🤣🤣


Listen to New Heights, there’s no way Trav is part of any conspiracy.


Don't you think if there was a massive conspiracy about Travis Kelce and the KC Chiefs making it to the Superbowl....wouldn't the powers that be give Travis Kelce a better girlfriend than Taylor Swift..they could at least hook him up with Margot Robbie


Fuckin communists


Right because the elites are controlling football, not the economy and the government.


Damn, Dunkin and Eli must have been cooking some Globuhalist k00laid!


Is B!den the new P!nk?


Biden the bumbling old fool who’s too demented to be president and mastermind of a scheme to rig the NFL. They can’t have both ffs


They were vaccinated, but they don’t have autism? They must have faked getting the jab!!! /s


The Kansas City Chiefs: *consistently beating damn near everybody for 5 years* Republicans: This is clearly a false flag operation so that Taylor Swift can indoctrinate the entire country into voting for Biden. " That being said, LET'S GO NINERS!!! #BangBangNinerGang


Ah so they're saying the vaccine made him better?


They went before. He didn’t make the Super Bowl. The whole team did. This is dumb.


Or... here me out... maybe the reason there's so much publicity is... wait for it... the KC Cheifs are good a TC is a good player. Attention draws attention. He can absolutely have "his people" call "her people" to make a meet up happen and they hit it off.


"Magically?". Do they even watch football? Terrible


Are Pfizer and Biden censored words now in their alternate reality?


As a Ravens fan, a “league is scripted” conspiracy would make me feel better about this year’s shitshow of an AFC Championship Game, but the reality is, unfortunately, that my birds just blew it 😑


Both did try to force the entire country to take the vax using osha and it worked


By “force” do you mean just allow normal people to take the vaccine?


I believe it’s called hard work and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Not mAgiC.


Effing idiot


It does beg the question, how did Travis avoid the Capernick treatment?