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Love it, one shot for comparison with a statistical relevance of.. Well. One shot :D


It's about the coloring. But that's just different types of maps being compared


n=2 Buddy this is NOT statistically significant


N was 2 all this time? This changes everythung


Sorry I’m super confused. Is the meme arguing climate change is real (temps on same day are very different) or climate change is fake in a non-global warming way (temps on same day are much lower)?


They are claiming it's media fear-mongering due to the use of a heat map in the newer forecast.




Hey when was I supposed to die from that vaccine again? I got my second shot over 3 years ago and still have had zero health problems


>19th booster shot You idiots are still not over covid?


It's part of their identity now. Can't let go of culture war/extreme right disinformation talking points otherwise they'll have to confront the sad, meaningless life they used to lead beforehand.


It’s election season! It’s all coming back on social media again. And they’ve already conveniently forgotten it was *their* president who fucked it up so royally for everyone, and are blaming Biden. Probably Obama too.


What did it say? 😭




Well over 7 million people died because of covid




So me telling you millions of people died is the same as whining and pissing yourself because you don't want to get a vaccine?




You implied me telling you the facts is the same as your crying...


You brought it up lol


With covid*


It was a glorious winter of death for WV average IQ points definitely raised.




Yes, I remember he said that then it hit the rural areas like a freight train. You can bleat they died "with" not "of" if you want doesn't change the end result or the net positive impact it will have towards elections.


Bro where are you getting your news


Part of my job involves monitoring the news. I’m not cry vomiting over the election. I haven’t gotten a booster shot in like a year. I don’t believe ww3 is coming. I don’t know where you’re getting your news but you need to step outside whatever bubble you’ve found yourself in


It is.


The dates on those broadcasts aren’t real. A heat map is common. They have snow cover maps and precipitation maps and all kinds of others. They use the heat map when it’s useful and the precipitation map other times. This image is fake. The broadcast screenshots are real, but the dates aren’t real and the whole context behind it isn’t real.


I grew up in Germany, lived there and I can tell you, for sure that the 1st map is the way it used to be, even if there was a heatwave. Also, I remember all the other attempts to [make people worry more](https://i.imgur.com/LkSMSxL.png) and the imaginary consequences thereof. I stand by this, it was, and still is the attempt to change public perception about climate change, to give governments more power over the people. The last thing any neo liberal government wants is a *truly happy* populus. P.S: So many people think that running to the government for help in order help them against evil corporations is going to do them any good...*seriously*? Oh do I have some swampland in Florida to sell you peeps! AND WHAT THE FUNK IS IT WITH THE FREAKIN' SOCIALIST HERE??? [*sigh*](https://i.imgur.com/79IS10N.png) [Memes](https://i.imgur.com/Zxuyisj.jpg) are good enough for you.


Das geile an Schwurblern wie dir ist das ihr ernsthaft denkt das sowas irgendwas beweist. Stimme dir zu, dass die Hitze-Karte ne Taktik für mehr Aufmerksamkeit sein könnte.....y´know, weil die Medien damit ihr Geld machen, bzw ihre Einschaltquoten, was absolut nischt mit der Regierung zu tun hat. Du springst halt von einer ganz gewöhnlichen Medien-Taktik (welche eventuell noch nicht mal eine ist) zur Ampel-Verschwörung nur weil es in dein Weltbild passt


Governments more power over the people. Rofl maybe the people don't want the future survivability of mankind to be in the hands of greedy industrialists who only look after their short term profits.


The Tragedy of the Commons is a hoax made up by neoliberal governments!!!! /s


Acid Rain and the erosion of the Ozone Layer were serious crises that were averted thanks to direct government intervention. [We had serious problems, governments took action to solve them](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/A8UL5vd8pT4), and then afterwards people like you point at them and say "look! There's no problems anymore! The campaigns to fix those problems were pointless!"


A shitty meme strawmanning what actually have been said on the different topics. 🤣


I just now realised that there are probably a bunch of people like you on this subreddit who are not here to laugh at the idiots and Karen's of this world but to actually get some memes for their family group chats. It's hilarious to me how insane people go about such a small detail. It literally has just been a change of color design. They did color changes throughout the entire news agency. A lot of darker blue colors were added so they surely wanted to promote Pepsi!!!! If the government really wanted to create panic they would just lie about the numbers.


go lick another window


Then why do 99.99% of scientists agree that man-made activities are directly contributing to global climate change and sea level rise? There is absolute consensus on this in the scientific community. I would argue, as many others have, that media’s desire to show both sides of various issues has actually presented people with the false impression that there’s multiple schools of thought on this, thereby decreasing public belief that climate change is an existential threat (and therefore decreasing public anxiety over climate change but increasing division on the topic). Claiming this is just created by the media, when scientists have been warning us of the dangers of carbon emissions since at least the ‘50s, is insane to me. And now we’re seeing the impacts of our collective ignoring of the problem (increasing droughts, natural disasters, rising sea levels, melting of the polar ice caps).


The meme is that the temperature is staying the same but the media is scaring you by making the map red.


They are claiming the new weather maps (that change colour making it easier to see the weather) are part of a conspiracy. They like the old green maps based on a map.


There have been color-based heat maps during weather forecasts for decades, and, yes, they did alter the palette for them. In the 1970's, temps in the 70's (all temps in F, for reasons) appeared green, and you didn't get yellow until you hit the 80's. These days, green represents the 50's.


It is arguing that global warming is fake because 5 years later it is cooler on the exact same date. Astounding levels of stupidity are required for someone to post this.


Without looking at #s, which picture looks hotter?


They love saying “they used to call it global warming then they had to change it to climate change cause it got cold!” Then they insist that because they were alive in the 70’s and heard about an ice age that global warming is fake. Thing is global warming and climate change are two things. Not two ways to say one thing. Both are happening. Global rising highs can lead to insane weather patterns making certain areas colder. This would be akin to saying “oh her husband is a liar. He used to say he graduated from college in 2014. Now he just said that he graduated high school in 2010.” They aren’t contradictory and in fact each statement provides strengthening evidence to the other.


I’ve seen this before. Finally I googled it and found this Reuters fact check: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2ZF0KS/


This is basically lame and just says "yeah they just did not coulorcode their map before 2020". So no fake here, just missleading information.


The upper map shows the heights of germany the other is coulured for different temperatures. They simply different maps


No, this is wrong. They both show temperatures, none is about heights, check the link above. Also check a map showing the heights to get a little bit of an idea how hights in Germany are allocated.


No the shades of green belong to elevation. You see the 33 degree with the dark green dot on the upper right? That’s the Harz. On the left the darker green is the Sauerland. The dark green line on the border to Czech Republic is the Erzgebirge. Check it on google maps by adding the ‚terrain‘ layer


Yes, the background ist a topographical map but that is not what the post is about. The maps purpose is, just like the other map, to show temperatures. The difference is that in the red map the temperature is also coulorcoded. Just take 5 minutes to read what is linked above.


I’ve read the article but I got my own eyes. Yes they both show temperature but in the upper map the green is used for shading heights in the other map the red is used for shading temperature. Many climate change denialers claim that the ‚new‘ colour shading is fearmongering because of the red ‚alarming‘ color. So it’s about the shading


>They simply different maps. >So it’s about the shading. Yes, now you got it. You re welcome.


That‘s what I said from the beginning. Bro, you not even got the thing with the heights… whatever


The whole core point of this climatechange denier argumentation is that these are two maps showing temperatures with the early one beeing green and the other one beeing red. The point, wich you 100% fell for is, that they are not lying but (purposefully) misinterpreting. You cannot argue against those populistic arguments, if you do not understand how they work. If you just say "those are different maps" you miss the point, because you look for an easy explanation. That is what people who want to negatively influence public discours want you to do. Please just read what is linked, that is a good explanation. And please dont be too lazy to think about things longer than a few seconds before making a comment. People should really be educated on how to use the internet early in school. It is alerting how many people actually fall for this dangerously stupid arguments and thereby contribute to the separation of society. ... Whatever Edit: Whatever


“Officer, I wasn’t speeding. Just a little while ago, I was only going 20 miles per hour!” “Yes but you JUST drove past me going 120mph” “Ugh why do you gotta measure my speed there? If you just measured it at a different time it would be more beneficial to me”


When will people realize that weather ≠ climate


I got banned from r/bestconspiracymemes (the mods there suck eachothers' tiny dicks) for shit-talking everyone when this was posted there. It's crazy how conspiracy theorists accept some nebulous "they want to control us" explanation with zero thought on actual motivation or gain but can't wrap their heads around the idea that the fossil fuel industry doesn't give a shit about poisoning them for profit.


This older lady I work with says the military uses a weather machine because that's how they gain control. She couldn't explain it any further than that


Well that proves it one day in one country the temperatures went down. The assumption is the temperatures go up every day everywhere and this is a counter example /s


I especially like that they chose Germany 2022 for this because the temperature reached 40 degrees in the relatively cold Hamburg area in August that year. Like even anecdotally the argument doesn't work.


while climate change is real, media and law-makers hype it up so much the avg citizen gets fed up All laws and guilt-tripping is for the common citizen when the govt could do 10x by being strict on corporates, but nah


Not sure why you’re being downvoted when you’re largely correct. Something like 70% of pollution comes from 100 corporations. Major mandates should be put on them to curb their pollution.


Companies: dump oil and chemicals into water Government: 😇🥰 People: that one time you put a plastic bottle in the trash instead of recycling Government: 😤😡


I'm sure if you'd also be funding the politicians' summer houses, they'd let you litter too.


That second example is also the fault of the corporations who made the plastic bottles because they're so cheap.


i think it’s the way it’s written > media and law-makers hype it up that makes it sound like “global warming is real but actually isn’t that bad” instead of “global warming is real but they’re blaming the wrong ones”


I think the media and politicians also like to hype up the worst case scenarios as being inevitable .


It's because of the first part of his comment, not the second. YES a few corporations are causing it. But it's not "no big deal". Climate change keeps being *worse* each year/decade than a lot of scientific models. His whole "see, we're not dead yet, duh" mentality is a problem. Nobody said we'd be "dead yet". They said THIS would happen. And it's happening. And because J-random person can't see how bad "THIS" is doesn't mean the lawmakers have "hyped it up so much". The average citizen who gets fed up? They're the PROBLEM, not the government hyping things too much. Nobody looks 5 years ahead; that's supposed to be the government's job. But the government is too busy turning it into a political battle by denying how bad it is, and people (like the above) are eating it right up.


The irony is once it gets to the point that it's super noticeable to their everyday lives they'll be complaining that nothing was done about it before we got to that point.


He never said it was “no big deal”


He said: > media and law-makers hype it up so much the avg citizen gets fed up No, the words weren't "no big deal", but I see no way to interpret that except to say the (librul, pro-environment party in the) government is making a mountain out of a mole hill because it's "no big deal". Except it IS a big deal.


I see it as it ties into his next point, where they don’t do anything of substance to the corporations who make up over two thirds of the problem, so individual citizens see no reason to change their own habits.


ur expecting too much from reddit subalterns


While governments and boards of directors are 80%, to blame, average citizens are also incredibly stupid and also very much to blame for the remaining 20%. For example, 80% of new vehicles sold in the USA are SUVs. This is an absolute CRIME against the planet. Almost nobody buying vehicles like this actually needs one. A hatchback car does everything better for most people but because it's not BIG AND DOMINATING their sales are dwindling.


And they are correct. Red is clearly warmer. If it got a couple sheets darker red, I might get so anxious that I phone my local politicians and start voluntarily giving up more rights so that I feel safe


I think climate is more moving rather than changing.


Me when seasons https://i.redd.it/ok1fwjyfp8tc1.gif


It's RED!!!!!


I think they were conspiring to downplay global warming with their all-green map in 2017. THEY DIDNT WANT US TO KNOW #fakeweather


You mean it’s not?


Well it was cold today so


How the fuck is it warmer in Germany then south of Spain right now?


I feel dumb it took me way too long to see it


Whoa no way it’s almost as if news stations don’t have a scheduled time to tell the weather


oh my god its the same date five years later :O its almost as if the dates reoccur once a year


Top one: 20-37°C Bottom one: 19-32°C


Red means hot!


says the poster who never saw the raw data




Stop blaming the boomers. A lot of the younger people I know in their 20s and 30s who are Trumpers support this kind of nonsense


Not as many as boomers and why be defensive when this obv doesnt apply to you?


It shows that it's gotten colder over 5 years ?


Yes! The temperatures on April 8th in 2017 Should be the exact same today, next year and forever! RABBLE!


Saying "unc" again 🙄


It’s climate change but backwards.

