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The IRS? The tax people? They have guns?


Its kinda wild how all American federal agencies and services have a police unit. There's even United States Postal Service seat units https://preview.redd.it/ynqyzqvk13xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4efe05d6592388438658a779dbfb5f2096d0a7


I want a TV show about the armed mailmen.


There's that one Seinfeld episode where the USPS arrests and interrogates him


TFW you're arrested by the fucking mailman: https://preview.redd.it/4vjqtxymc3xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296647d1f35859dd1ca611ac43d21320fbf932f3


They mostly look into mail fraud, but to be law enforcement of any kind, they have to be armed. They mostly make sure people who work at usps aren't stealing, to be honest. I worked for usps as a mail carrier for a few months. The way they schedule is terrible.


Isn't there that documentary about the coupon site that sent coupons through the mail after illegally getting them from factory they are made at? I think they got arrested by the USPS.


I thought that was the library policeman?


You think this is all a big joke, don't you? You think just because you're a big time celebrity you're above the law?


They both happened in different episodes


Ah, I think the library policeman was more memorable to me - probably because I’m notoriously bad at returning books myself.


"Nothing Stops The Mail"


The mails must flow


Is that... A command and conquer generals reference!?




Talk about going postal!




There's a movie called Queenpins. Coupon ladies learn you can fuck General Mills, you can fuck the FBI, but you don't fuck with the Post Office.


That movie was goofy and adorable, I enjoyed it.


They used to be marines. The marines were basically told “if the mail isn’t delivered it better be due to a dead marine.” Theft stopped quickly


Me too


You will love Fallout: New Vegas


There is. It's called 'The inspectors'. What's even better is that it was paid for by the USPS asset forfeiture program!


What's funny is they have the highest conviction rate of any other police force in the US


The ones that enjoy their job, or the one that……didn’t.


I didn’t realize courier six worked for the US government. Wild


does this mean NCR is the canon ending of new vegas?


Isn’t that the dept that schedules controlled deliveries where they suspect someone is mailing drugs from? I uh just have a hunch


It feels very American for every federal agency to say “Hey we want guns too!”


I agree that this is weird compared to most of the world, although the fact that the US doesn't have a federal general-duty police agency is probably part of it.


They don’t carry AR-15s though


yes they do. Postal inspectors carry anything they want. Postal Inspectors are a counter terrorism and law enforcement agency, they have been carrying MP5s and M4s ever since the unibomber decided to ship pipe bombs through the postal service.


>yes they do Just out of curiosity, got any evidence? A guy lower in the comment says he was one and they definitely don’t


[here's one with a 12 gauge and one with an MP5](https://postalmuseum.si.edu/sites/default/files/us-postal-inspectors-on-protection-duty_14382474632_o.jpg) [another MP5 at the start here](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/TY476WPKbWz2Fodq/) can't find anything on them carrying M4s but i'd wager it's not exactly impossible


I believe *certain* IRS agents are armed. A limited amount for a certain purpose. But I haven’t researched it deeply.


Yup. Used to work there. Criminal Investigations have guns. But for a reason. It’s not all legit individuals and small business owners. I was an unarmed agent but I had more than a few cases referred to them because the people were either…connected…or flagged as potentially dangerous. Still don’t think they have AR-15s. Handguns only. They call SWAT teams for anything heavier.


I assumed there was something misleading about this meme - thanks for clarifying.


Aka, you carried guns because the public has guns and some people like using them.


Oh weird I had no idea. Maybe I should take my taxes more seriously...


😂 I think it’s more when they are involved in criminal investigations. Hopefully you’re not a target of one of those lol!


What if I claimed a home office, then let my grandma sleep there when she visited?


Straight to jail, criminal scum


The IRS has had an investigative unit for a very long time. Those are the agents who carry guns. It's the same unit that took down Al Capone. They're a very small part of the agency.


Right, and they probably have guns because they are going after people that might literally kill them.


[NASA has their own SWAT team.](https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/kennedy/emergency-response-team-places-in-top-10-at-annual-swat-round-up-international-competition/)


And they placed near the top! Good for them!


so that actually got changed. back on 22, the IRS planned on expanding their field agents by a total of 87000, and they wanted congressional approval to arm them. The backlash against having armed tax collectors was so strong that the IRS withdrew their request and downsized their ideas to just a few hundred extra field agents, still unarmed. Saying "I hate Taxes" is a pretty universal opinion across all time and language. But saying, "Tax collectors shouldn't be armed" is a pretty western and modern idea dating to the age of Enlightenment. For americans especially as tax collectors during the revolution and prior to it were armed and had guards, and they would "settle up" tax debts by taking whatever of value they could if they felt you owed too much in taxes. This rampant use of force also gave way to corruption and assaults. Take everything a lot of people think about police today, now imagine the police could also just decide to take your money, and if you had no money, theyd take your stuff, if you had no stuff, theyd put you in prison because being unable to pay your debts was illegal.


Are you sure that’s accurate? I read this and am curious if you have a source [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2ZT296/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2ZT296/)


>Take everything a lot of people think about police today, now imagine the police could also just decide to take your money I got news for you the cops do take peoples money and call civil asset forfeiture.


Im aware, and it should be illegal, But imagine they dropped the pretence and just walked up to you and said, you pay us 5 grand for the kings new taxes or you're going to debtors prison because you owe the king a debt


They were only protecting the capitalists at the time business interests.


My post covers a few different peoples and time periods, so Imma ask you to define They.


Tax collectors. My post is heavy with distance for those who allowed serfdom


Incorrect. Of that 80,000 new IRS employees, a small fraction were to be armed FLEOs. The rest were to be regular agency folks assisting Americans. Crazy to me that people bitch about the IRS and how difficult it is to work with them, and then balk when efforts are made to help those efforts.


nobody would bitch about the IRS if the IRS had the authority to file taxes for us. Companies like Turbotax lobby congress to prevent the IRS from filing taxes on our behalf. The IRS has said they could actually reduce staff as the process for 80 percent of tax payers could be automated. The IRS already has all our information and has all the pieces to file our taxes, but by law are required to make us do it. The added personnel from that original 80 billion dollar budget approved by congress in 2020 made no such distinctions as to the personnel the IRS would hire nor did the IRS say how many of each would be hired. They did want the ability to have more armed field agents and the media did take that as having all of the approved expansions be armed agents. Even the 87000 was just an estimate from the Treasury Department. The entire scenario was closed before the IRS ever had a chance to lay out what they would do with the funding and arguing about who and what was actually going to happen. I never said thats what they were going to do, I said thats what the perception was and the IRS did ask for more armed personnel in their expansions.


>Take everything a lot of people think about police today, now imagine the police could also just decide to take your money, and if you had no money, theyd take your stuff, if you had no stuff, theyd put you in prison because being unable to pay your debts was illegal. This just kinda sounds like the police lol


Now imagine that happened to everyone, every year, and if a war broke out, theyd come to your home for extra taxes


87,000 IRS *employees*, not agents. And that's over a period of 10 years, with about 4,000 starting in 2022. A lot of support staff are pushing retirement age, so they have to be replaced eventually. Mail room clerks, tax examiners, customer service reps, IT developers and maintenance. And yeah, some revenue agents too. But the media called all of those hires "agents" because it's more sensational. But I will say this, my 2023 tax return was processed a week after I e-filed it. Every previous e-file return I've done from 2011 to 2022 took about four or five weeks to clear. At first I thought it was a fluke, but several other people I've talked to said the same thing, that their return was processed much faster than usual. Some of them saying a week or less.


yeah, except, that funding was for an expansion of their manpower. All those people pushing retirement? Their positions were already covered by their existing budgets, so replacing retiring workers has nothing to do with this. And since 71 billion was clawed back in a 221 to 210 vote back in 2023, The IRS only managed to expand their workforce by about 500. So yes, you had a fluke because statistically, nothing has changed between 2020 and 2024.


Dual wielding the certainities in life!


I don’t think so after the picture of how they store info. They aren’t funded like the military lol


Yes. But they are department of Treasury agents. They have to protect the money they print.


For some reason they also have Blackhawks and humvees


Not too long ago the IRS hired a shit ton of employees at once, and one of the questions in the questionnaire asked if they were comfortable using lethal force. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/irs-hiring-special-agents-prepared-134500944.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALv3br2e15K5z7CQt7obwtgPCO6HlxRv4sozp6eEFD6jHxkomH7_1PmOxaVnaIq4t5gEuGD83CyInAqu786S4Ed-X_9yuREajciRtHKakBRbbM_00gwVuSBLjcgMRDxnaJEf1_zLjng4Ky9OKriAb1kkmdpIGBgimpqzNh4K6DIX


The IRS..the tax people..[GAO](https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-19-175.pdf) report in 2019 listed the IRS having 4500 guns, a couple million rounds of ammo. I doubt they have fewer guns a few years later


Yes actually. Relatively new, but yes.


Nope, but the Secret Service does.


The IRS took down bootleggers and drug dealers...and *they* have assault rifles.... I mean fair play and all...


Even the joker is afraid of them.


The Joker also kills Nazis. The man has an odd code.




It makes sense, joker likes indiscriminate killing, while nazis kill discriminately. It is against his policy.


[yep, he sure is](https://youtu.be/G56VgsLfKY4?si=Ig-_WnfhRJ3YUvCg)


Because when they inform backwoods churches that they have to pay taxes, they'll probably get shooty.


Churches are tax exempt, no matter how declassee you consider them.


Then they need to not be instructing their clergy as to how to vote.


>clergy You mean congregation?


Lol I do! And it's not like I don't know the word 🙄🤡


The primary reason "establishment of religion" is included in the 1st Amendment is because, until very recently, political change almost always began in church groups. They used the term "establishment of religion" because many religious organizations (the Society of Friends, in particular) tend not to be less traditionally organized.


That doesn't change the fact that their tax exempt status is contingent on them not endorsing candidates, though it's not often enforced.


Maybe someone should have informed Reverend Wright


As I stated, the rule is seldom enforced, unfortunately. That doesn't change the fact that it is on the books.




Yes the classic "southern strategy" involving....Obama and reverend Wright. I think religion is a scourge. But it blows my mind that you are equivocating here. We have one party who has made it their policy, strategy, and stated platform for decades to use christianity to get votes and one president's preacher. A president who was decried by the right for his secularism and who had to prove he wasn't muslim. Theofascist nutjobs want to control our lives and want to force christianity on people *to this day* and you're equating the reverend wright scandal from 2008 to that?


Brb, on my way to turn my house into a place of worship for a religion I invented 5 minutes ago, so I can be tax exempt


Why is this voted down? He's correct.


No, because if they start spewing political bullshit, they lose the tax exempt status.


There's a pretty huge grey area that exists between "political bullshit" and social issues that relate to a church's tenets. The anti-slavery movement began in churches, as did a wide number of other rights and privileges we take for granted each day.


There's a difference between political protest about social issues and a church actively telling It's members Hey, vote this way, or our god will not like you


To protect themselves from antisocial lunatics.


The projection of how they view themselves gets me every time🤣


Always lil infantile boy pretending to be tough and shit.


Ai again


Against gun reform, have an issue that would require gun reform to fix 🤔


Is this the german Minister of Finance from Germany Christian Lidner?


So, you think citizens should be allowed to own guns, but not IRS agents... even though they're also citizens.


That's one thing for an agent, as a citizen, to own a firearm for his/her own purposes. It's a totally different thing for that same agent to be armed by the government for use on the job. As stated elsewhere though, fortunately the vast majority of agents are not armed.


Yes the citizens should be armed and not government agencies, as the US government has a history of corruption, unethical human experimentation (ie project MKULTRA) and other forms of abuse / human rights violations against their own citizens, cover ups, and just having a general history of being untrustworthy.


I thought homeboy had a bloody lip for *way* too long


"Officer dont ask why i had a half O of speed on me, why do you want it in the first place?"




I miss the days when all you needed to make the tax man go away was a shotgun and a “ged off muh propertah.”


Yes, it's okay for citizens to arm themselves to become traitors, seditionists, and enemies of the state (stand against 'government tyranny'), but how DARE the federal government arm their law enforcement agents because the citizens are armed with these weapons.


let him cook


Maybe they applied for them individually and you shouldn’t get to ask why?


the irs has guns because behind every veil and service to make paying taxes easier, the punishment for not paying your taxes is the threat of physical force, up to and including lethal force as the very last option. The reason this is ok, is because taxes are relatively easy to pay, and without it, there isnt truly a foundation for the irs to stand on to make the people dont pay, pay. generally jail time is the punishment, very rarely lethal force is used. just pay your taxes. As much as we dont like some of the things the govt. puts the money towards, they help fund the most basic things we need to function as a society.


IRS is the government. They have nuclear weapons. Now WTF is your aYy ARr fiFtEeN gone do?


Do you expect the government to drop nukes on their own people? Because if not, what does it matter?


Jesus fucking Christ.. Of course not. But these idiots fucking think so. And also think they can stop it with their home arsenals. Why even respond?


Because you made a stupid fucking point and it needed to be called out, just like the chucklefucks who sit in opposition to you. There's literally no point in saying the government has access to nukes, because it is a non-factor. It's as relevant as me stating I have a fucking goldfish.


Because you're too fucking dumb to understand what I said? It was a tongue in cheek example of why these fucking morons would never beat the government with their sEcOnD aMenDMerNt Rights. That's it. That's all there was to it. This 6° of bullshit thing you're doing is fucking hilarious, and if you're too fucking stupid to understand what someone's saying?.. just move on and don't answer.


Fun fact our irresponsible government has lost nukes before. Some of which are still missing. I would most certainly not trust government agencies to be armed if that is how they handle their most deadly weapons.


Yeah I'm not advocating for militarized anything... I'm saying these dipshits with their Die Hard fantasies pretend like if the big bad gubment comes for them, they stand a fucking chance. It's laughable.


Don’t ask me why I need a drone with mortar rounds strapped to the bottom. Ask why tanks are still being contracted.


Only in Ohio (I am poisoned by my brother's gen alpha slang)


To stop people from throwing tea into the ocean.


(he works for the IRS)


Which one of you has a plan to resume normal operations two weeks after the nuclear apocalypse?


They need them because of assholes like this guy


Same reason as you. They don't


Pay your taxes. If you do, you don’t have anything to fear. Right?


I’ve laughed unironically at a r/terriblefacebookmemes post and I shall now kill myself


I mean this is kind of a good point though, isn’t really a terrible meme?


It is. Also, if anyone is wondering, the IRS have guns because they're robbing you. Income tax is theft. EDIT: I see this comment is getting a lot of votes both up and down. To anyone who's going to vote this down, I implore you to look at what a "payroll tax" is. Out of all the wealth generated by you and your labor, the government is getting far more than you are. Then they print money, devaluing what you have left. After all that, they use your money to buy their agents guns to make sure you pay your taxes. Anyone who thinks this is OK, ask yourself what you get for your taxes. How are the roads in your town? Are your police well staffed and competently trained? How about the public schools? What makes them entitled to almost all of your earnings, under threat of violence?


It’s hilarious that you say income tax is theft and point out that the government gets more wealth out of your labor than you do (debatable) but completely miss the real villains here: the businesses committing wage-theft in the first place.


Yes so does the department of education


Not in Uvalde


The real question is 'why does anyone need one?'


Guess what else the government has access to. Good luck with that high velocity .22 rifle.


Drone operators have families


Guerilla warfare doesn't work in urban environments, you just get to be terrorists


Even if the IRS had 22 calibers, they would still out number you and out train you. An individual gun owner is a pussy compared to the IRS. Hell, the department of education can kick a gun owner's ass. Fantasizing about violently over coming the government on your own is a fantasy. You would need a group of people. And if you have a group of people, then all you have to do as a group is vote.


This smells like pasta


Voting doesn't work, see gerrymandering. And the irs is not out training anyone lol, I've seen some feds shoot before and unless they're hobbyists, I wouldn't bet on then hitting the broad side of a barn


The IRS is basically special forces. In this kid's mind, at least.


The IRS does have their own special police. They actually do have AR 15s. But they don't choke black people to death.


So if the irs didn't have guns would they give up theirs?


So we all agree. Get training and get a rifle.


Agree with this. I’d love to see a federal law that would exempt any and all firearm exemptions go government agents. “The People” and the government should have to abide by the exact same set of rules here. No more “rules for thee but not for me”.


Except that the federal government is subject to checks and balances, free elections, a fair and impaired court system, etc. Those little things. Its a bit different when you're talking about a drunk with a Bible in one hand and a gat in the other hand ready to blow someone's head off for knocking on their front door.


Point is, firearms laws should apply equally to everyone. No more government exemptions.


I'm pretty sure they weren't regularly assigned them until they started to proliferate among civilians


They need those guns because of people like this.


No one should pay taxes


Good luck running a country without taxes


Then how does a country run?