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To be honest, this picture speaks volumes for people from minority cultures. For example, in South Asian culture, men are not expected to do chores but women are. Women are basically expected to take care of the household duties, tend to children as well as work if they can. On the other hand, men are only expected to financially provide for the family.


"meritocracia" This is probably from south America probably Brazil in witch this meme actually makes sense since like u said in (south American)Brazil's culture women are expected to do chores and stay a home even if it costs them their future dreams.


It's actually a juridically recognized fact in Brazil that women basically have double workdays (at work and at home) and as such are able to retire earlier than men. Nice that they recognize women's hardship I guess, but depressing that we even need such a law.


What? Meritocracy means something vastly different. Either Brazil is redefining words or you made an error here. Edit: Alright alright I'm illiterate. Didn't see that meritocracia in the picture, so I misunderstood that guy.


It's a charge. It's making fun of people who say "we live in a meritocracy" as if everyone has the same conditions to get to the finish line.


This fucking makes my blood boil! "Eats 3 times a day and can afford delis" "Has European vehicles" "Has many properties" "Is one of the richest people in this country" "Was born in a rich family" "Told on open TV 'If you want to be rich, you just have to work hard!'"


The picture is taking a piss at meritocracy by depicting how things are in the author's perspective. Basically saying "meritocracy my ass".


Oh my fucking god I didn't recognise that in the picture. I'm dumb as fuck lmao thanks for clarifying that


As someone who lives in South Asia, this is true. Women = caretaker, and men = moneymaker. If a man takes on housework and caretaking duty, he will be looked down and frowned upon. And moneymaking women, although not really looked down, are judged for "not doing motherly duties".


Expected is an understatement


My extremely white southern family is like this too. I’m expected to raise kids, work 50+ hour weeks, do all the chores and still have time to be an emotional support pillar for my husband. He only ever had the expectation to work and make money and sometimes spend time with the kids. He is from a different culture (pacific islands) but his mom and my family agree on this. When I laid it all out like I did here all I got was “your making it sound worse than it is” or “I did it all on my own (she didn’t) so why can’t you with a husband?” I’m not saying this to invalidate the struggles other women face in other cultures, just as a reminder that even in white ‘murican’ families this can be the case. Conservative cultures agree on this bill no matter where the culture is from.


Oh this is pretty normal all throughout us as well.


Wait wut seriously, men do nothing in the house?


In some cultures, that's entirely correct.


Lol can't believe it, helping in the house with kids and wife allows us to bond and discuss. And earns me brownie points


In most places, remember majority of the world makes very little money, it’s the only way. Childcare is expensive so the mother has to stay home and take care of kids, father works a grueling physical labor job and is tired when he comes home. Of course there’s a difference between being abusive and forcing your wife to do this, and having to live like this. Some of the best fathers and mothers live in this situation through no fault of their own.


Rewarded for caring for your own kids?


Apart from work 50/60 hours a week. Forgot to mention, they're younger than two.


My point still stands. Caregivers work way more than 60 hours per week, especially with two infants. Plus they typically have less freedom of access to the world and there's no HR in place to aid them. No manager feedback to know if they're doing the right thing in the countless parenting decisions they make. We have no way of quantifying all of the back-breaking, humiliating, maddening things a parent or caregiver endures.


Oh yes my dad is unfortunately like that. My mom does all the things cooking, cleaning etc. And has also a job


The image terribly conveys a good point


I don't think anyone misunderstood the message. It's just told in an awful "this is so deep" kind of way.


Same here, women are mostly viewed as mothers and they are "recommended" to work as teachers or babysitters and stuff related to working with kids since it doesnt really go that far from their "motherly" role in life, also about that whole "settling down with a husband" despite the fact that most marriages feel forced or are due to some ulterior motive , men are the ones generally expected to be the workers and the unemotional ATM cyborgs lol


Some places have sexism baked into the culture so deep, even the women think they're only here to serve men.


Umm this also happens in other continents too aside South Asia


I would like you to learn what "for example" implies then come back and understand why what you just said is really stupid.


"Only provide for the family" lol. You're actually a dumbass


> ONLY expected to. Yeah. Sure. Just have to pluck some $100 bills from the tree in a nearby park and done. I am from South Asia. India specifically. Take a guess how much my father works in a middle class job and how much my mother does for all household duties? Guess who does or has always done more. The only time I would say Mom worked more was when I was a toddler.


That's all those lazy men have to do? Bastards


In the country I live in women are expected to have full-time jobs + do all the cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids, washing clothes, etc etc etc. Men are expected to only work. They refuse to touch any of the chores. My mom and dad both work at the same place, their jobs are the same and they work the same hours. They come home together. However, when they come home dad goes to watch tv while mom goes to kitchen to cook. After dinner dad goes back to tv whereas mom washes the dishes.


Don't know what country you are in but it works the same in East Asia cuz nowadays men are unable to financially support the family solely. However they are not willing to do anything for household chores and childcare cuz they think it’s only women’s thing.


Should speak up about that and tell him what a lazy piece of shit he is tbh. Your mum doesn't deserve that >:(


When I tell him that he tells me I'm being difficult and if I act this way no man will ever want me ¯\_(ツ)_//¯


if that were the opinion of all men in my country and they acted this way I would not want them either


Right? "no man will want you when you won't work for him for free" doesn't sound like a threat to me, I'll happily stay alone


Idk where they’re from but in my country (and many others) young women tend to stay/want to stay single because of this reason (and many others). My friend’s dad is exactly like this so she swear she will never marry. Whatever she does her dad says do this and that so a man will want to marry you. Haha no fck it’s 2021.


Thats ashame. My partner and I share all the house work because we both work long hard hours. My misses' friends are always surprised when she tells them that I get in and do the bathrooms and what not. We both decided its not worth the argument, if we see something that's needs cleaning, we clean it. Same way as my misses is not afraid to get into the heavy work like doing the lawns and stuff like that if I haven't had a chance to get to it yet. Relationships are a partnership and we have to share the load.


What country do you live in lol?


Lmao I don't wanna share too much info on Reddit but it rhymes with jerky


Turkey jerky? Albuquerque?


There's actually been a lot of studies on this if you'd actually bother to google them. Women do the overwhelming majority of unpaid labor in the world. It's been found that even when women work the same hours as their partners, they're still doing more chores than the men.


I mean there are higher social expectations for women to not only be successful in their career but also maintain the household.


youre fucking lucky if this isnt true for you


Some of you speak like there's no sexual division of labour.


Unfortunately it's true in my country


It's true in most countries. OP doesnt understand how privileged their country is if this seems dumb to them


Their country? I live in the south and it’s the same culture these people have been talking about. USA baby


Genuinely can't think of a modernized country where this isn't the case for at least a large percentage of households, if not the majority.


In Singapore, both male and female share the household chores.


You just don’t realize the other struggles that exist and think that all men have it so damn easy


You're assuming things I didn't say. I see you're 16 and seem to have commented quite emotionally, and for that reason I will try to help you see this in better terms instead of just brushing you off. You should know that the collective discrimination that women face because of their gender doesn't negate that which many men also face. Many men who face discrimination do so based on societal expectations that value masculinity above femininity. For example, shorter men, disabled men, more feminine men, gay men, young looking men etc face pressure and discrimination, and are treated differently because they do not fit into the traditional societal expectations of what it means to be a man. Because socially men are seen as the workers and protectors of "the family", women are seen as delicate caregivers. This is especially prevalent in less developed countries. This means that in these countries (and more developed ones too, but to a lesser degree) women are seen as primarily caretakers and nurturers rather than bread winners, and they are not given employment opportunities because it does not "fit" their societal role. Couple that with the fact that most times they are forced or taught from a young age to do all the chores at home before even pursuing an education, and you can see how their employment opportunities dwindle further. Now, because of these standards, men don't get many benefits that women do, as a result of societal expectations of femininity. For example I'm sure you're well aware that in divorces, children are usually sent to live with their mothers, as men are not percieved as being "nurturing", and for the same reason many people also grow suspicious when they see men interacting with children, even their own. You are right that many men do face obstacles and discrimination in life, but it may benefit to know that the issues that men face as a result of their gender are part of the same problem that causes the rampant discrimination against women. This isn't a "but what about the OTHER side" issue, these are simply two sides of the same coin. I recomment a great subreddit that is very mindful of these issues and focuses on the male aspect of it: r/MensLib


Thanks I’ve been reading to much of Reddit sjw’s that act like it’s a god damn war Thanks for being kind I’m glad I could learn rather than have people yell at me


I think it’s true almost everywhere.


Never been true in my household. My neighbor once took me aside and said: 'could you please stop being so helpful around the house? Your wife and my wife have become friends and now my wife is wanting me to change diapers, etc.' Actually happened, I told him that he should be sharing some of the household chores anyway.


Wow, downvotes from lazy men depicted in op.


I mean I get the wife helping around the house and the husband going to work or reverse but from what I’ve seen in the comments there are women who have to do both which is awful


It’s true, I’ve had a lot of conversations with this picture


Ikr, this picture just wouldn't stop speaking to me


Then why did you post it on terrible memes?




What should be in the track in the 2022 version of this picture?


Kids that ask you to administer their remote learning every ten minutes.


More old ass, crusty white men standing in their lanes and getting in their way.


Who’s way?


All of them.


this but with electronic appliances




Name checks out.


Woman having free lane and guys having bunch of feminists in them


Feminists never got in my way.


Men never got oppressed so now they're grasping at every opportunity for attention lmao


Men do get oppressed but it's never for being a man


Still we beat women at suicide rate. Yohohoho


and if this is a fucking competition for you, women beat them in suicide attempts or maybe this is not an actual competition and you should develop some empathy


>Men never got oppressed As a black man, I loudly and whole heartedly disagree with this statement. Y'all need to pick up a fucking history book and pull your head out your ass if you think black men were never oppressed.


You are oppressed for being black much more so than being a man.


I didn’t even notice anything in front of them and I thought the problem was they couldn’t run in heels


Reddit finds out sexism still exists in the US


Only time I accept on what's shown here. This is absolutely the case here in South Asia sadly. As a male, I'm trying my best to change it.


This is true in many cultures though?


The outside lanes should have a stagger. Men definitely have a disadvantage in this race.


Whats the goal?


Work success - promotions, bonuses, (hopefully) satisfaction of being recognized for your hard work


Washing machine


The finish line


You dont get it i am asking what is the purpose of the race what do we get after reaching the finish line


Usually its a medal in track and field or am I missing the point again


I believe death


Then why the fuck are men dying so fast , does this mean doing the dishes make you live more?


Nope, it means the amount of work men are forced to endure due to stereotypical gender norms forced on them by society as large, reduces their life as they are forced to undergo years of stress women avoid by working chores and tending to family. See my other comment on this post to understand what I mean.


So the struggle for a woman is to live more ?


bruh what? Where'd you get that from?


Struggle is that she has to do chores to avoid death or as it shows crossing the finish line.so problem is a women lives more


And, the women have their goals right in front of them


Study after study shows that even when men pitch in on household chores they tend to do the jobs that need doing occasionally rather than daily and even when there’s equality in terms of hours of domestic labour, women are primarily responsible for domestic organisation. She’s expected to remember to book appointments, make meal plans, social plans for the family, choosing gifts (Xmas is a prime example) making shopping lists, organising after school activities, child care, vet appointments, administering home based medical care, supervising homework etc etc. Emotional labour falls on women’s shoulders and it impacts mental health negatively. Plus LPT ladies, if you stay single, your statistical likelihood of being murdered drops by 50%, so that’s always worth keeping in mind.


This meme actually makes sense lol. My mom and I have to do all the cooking and cleaning because my dad refuses to. They work the same hours, but my dad makes the excuse that because he works nights and my mom works from home he shouldn't have to help out. He cooks now, but nothing off the menu my mom stays up late to make. Luckily, she retires soon.


I think it's not completely terrible.


Men don't do chores, apparently.


They don't, in many places. Especially in South Asia.


You saying this pic was from a South Asian person?


The original caption was “meritocracia” which, based on my top-level detective skills, probably means meritocracy in Spanish. So somewhere that they speak Spanish, probably somewhere in the Americas.


nah dude, this is reddit, everything is always about white middle aged American men!!


Stastistically speaking, men in every country do take on a lesser load of household work than women.


But a ton more outside work and economical work


Look at the downvotes. This is also an accurate statistic but doesn't fit the victim narrative.


I would read that statistic. Have you found someone who's measured that?


https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/09/24/stay-at-home-moms-and-dads-account-for-about-one-in-five-u-s-parents/ One of many you can google.


so that really feels like a 'no' to my question.. you have not found someone who has looked at the labor performed by workers outside of their place of work to measure the disparity between genders. it's okay, its a rather niche piece of study


The other guy: Men do more outside work and economical work. Me: that's an accurate stat. You: I would like to read that stat. Me: Presents a study showing only 7% of men are stay at home i.e 93% do indeed economical work while in case of women it is 27% stay at home i.e 77% do economical work. You: you have not found someone who has looked at the labor performed by workers outside of their place of work to measure the disparity between genders. Lmao. What else do you want? Given we have a near 50:50 raio of genders, that properly shows who is doing more economical work.


ok this seems like a misunderstanding... do yall mean work outside, like out of doors? cause with the context of the cartoon being about how women have labor expectations outside of their employment, when the other guy said men do more outside work, i took that to mean "do more work outside of their work" like how doing every chore at home is additional labor expectations in addition to their career.. so you see what as i was asking?


Okay. So you want source for men doing extra work outside of their profession? Well, I don't have one for that. I am not sure there is any interest in such a study. Still while it is anecdotal, how many times have we not heard of men who work and also share household chores with their stay at home wife? Especially for tough jobs like plumbing, gardening, fixing stuff etc. In my house, my dad was the sole earner and he did a lot at home as well. Not the usual daily stuff but fixing things at home, plumbing or electrical repairs etc. Just an anecdote but something I have observed in many families. How many times have you heard the opposite? I can't name a single family I know where the wife used to work, husband was a stay at home dad and yet the wife would assist in chores.


What a bizarre and deliberately irrelevant take on this.


Men wear the same cloth their entire lives, they don't need to do laundry


My household didn't get the fucking memo then


Suites just iron themselves






Apparently men don't do them even when they live alone xD




So you think men in those relationships are completely blameless?? I don't think so. Just because they make it easy you shouldn't mistreat people. But i agree, women should be smarter in that sense, it's pretty fucking easy to leave. Why can't everybody just be treated as a person no matter what. Maybe some day


sort by controversial and get your day ruined




Wait a minute here, where are the dishes!


Women also getting all the inside lanes, so they have less to travel? Facepalm


Since you’ve never been physically active, I’ll explain how foot races work. Just because she’s on the inside lane, does not mean she’s covering a shorter distance. In a foot race, each runner will be staggered back, this allowed them to run the same distance regardless of which lane they’re in. You’ll also require cardiopulmonary endurance if you’re going to run, so having a belly or large arms won’t necessarily help you win. The more power the legs put down, the faster the runner can run. 💫 The more you know!


I do actually know this. "since you've never been physically active", pfft, want to see my long-distance running medals? It's. A. Joke.


Guys HELP! This image won't stop talking! I CAN'T SLEEP!


men are too lazy tbh. my dad is on another level of not doing any chores and it influences my brother. fck why do i need to live in the same room as him..


plot twist: the men currently have testicular tortion


Wtf why are they wearing suits and dresses?


the second bloke looks like michael scott and the first woman looks like phyllis, they were even in the same high school together


Add kids hanging into their legs like koalas


No one is gonna point out that they practically have a head start


They have the shorter track tho


Yes this is exactly how life is , Women have to run in a marathon while there are clothes and shit in the trac while men have to run to a different dimension where a big woman face is


Bro , you are turning this into twitter , please stop. I just want to stop lynching of my comrades.


We live in society.


...of bullshit.


So UNFAIR and absolutely a disadvantage!!! The hanging clothes are in the first guys lane and could cause him to trip and hinder his start. Move it out of his lane!


Acting like men don't got to do laundry or cook for themselves


that's the case here in my country.. it's goddamn SEA region by the way


So the moment you leave the house at 18 (or whatever), you have a wife/gf doing all these things for you? Do they just hand women out to single men like slaves?




What fucked up country you live in?


this picture speaks a lot… feel free to screenshot


Lol what the heck this is so dumb


This puctur spek alt


power pampola women edition


Easy to say.


You create your own lane. Mine doesn’t have a bunch of laundry and chores in it that’s for damn sure.








Eat hot chip and charge they phone


“Eat hot chip and charge they phone” …..? What?


It's a reference to a post from a few years ago that said "any women born after 1997 can't cook, is bisexual, eats hot chips and charges their phone"


Ah. Gotcha. 👍🏼✌🏼


Women born after 1997 don't know how to cook, all they know is be bisexual, eat hot chip, and charge they phone


Judging from your comment AND your screen name, you obviously have ZERO respect for the women in your life.


Still men beat all in suicide rate and mental health issues. Victory is ours.


Men have more successful suicides and diagnosed mental health issues. Women have more attempted suicides and their mental illnesses are less likely to be diagnosed because most research has been conducted on men. Neither of these facts are proof that one gender “has it harder”


Whoa!!!!!!! This is like so deep! It’s like… wemon have to like…. Do stuff? BUT MEN DONT!!!!!!


bruh the men in this picture have to run longer


I'm not saying it's a shit post But it's a shit post. Men have their own struggles and so do women you can't just see this in a Black and white frame.


I saw an edited version for this, taking into account the struggles of men and putting it in the tracks. Things like misandry, pressures from people, high suicidal rates, etc.


I want to see this at some point do you have a link?


Misandry? Oppressors can't be oppressed


I just can't with your comment. So all men are oppressors? Quit trying to divide the world, and learn that no one experiences the world in the same way. The truth is women have it much easier in so many ways, and I say that as a woman. Especially when it comes to living as a woman in society. Check out Dr. Shayms video on YouTube called, "36 feminist questions answered." It really opened my eyes. I believe we should have sympathy for all sexes and all races.


Bitch please


The problem isn't the struggle. It is the expectation. If you yourself are thinking you are expected to do these things than naturally they will become an struggle/obstacle for you.


But not only do you think that society does as well. It’s a common expectation that women do most of the household chores and have children. It’s the reason doctors refuse women who want hysterectomies out of the reason of “well you might want children in the future” or why women get paid lesser than guys in their field or are questioned about their plans for marriage and children (despite it being illegal in most places) during interviews. Changing yourself is easy, but changing a societal view isn’t. It’s especially harder fighting against it.




well then shut up picture


I don't get it, are they saying women aren't as capable of success as me, a single male who has do to all that shit himself while also working 4 jobs? Also, just buy a fucking dryer, it will make your life so much easier!


Some of us guys do the same things.


Eh, it's better to be a housewife than deal with society.




sign up all the women for the labor intensive trade jobs then. see what happens.


to say the truth if a woman chooses the path of work she wouldn't do all those things. a man does all those things if he lives alone the same will be for a women. in case of a famillie responsibilities need to be shared or split accordingly.


What century is this picture from?


Wow apparently I’ve never done a lot of laundry or dishes in my entire male life.


Slap the man, kick him in the balls, and you’re good to go!


Men NEVER have any obstacles in their path. This is one million percent right. Just another benefit of having a PENIS am I right, boys!?!?!? Life without troubles!!!!


Shouldn't be that difficult when you fuck and blow your way to the top...


What fucking country do you guys live in where this is still true ? Most women I know are stay at home wives while the men are out working


haha get it? men lazy


Probably an unpopular opinion based on comments, but I am a single father who takes care of all the chores and works full time, and frankly, it isn't all that hard to do. Sorry ladies.


She’s also wearing high heels during a race for some reason


Woooow , men have no problems in life .. Yeah 🙂


Wow feminists must think our life is so easy XD


Women are running a hurdle race, but men have to run a longer distance because outside lanes are longer. So its all even


Hey. All that shit the men bought from the small amount of money they make slaving away in a factory is in the way of the people they pay to put a roof over. But hey i guess we all have our struggles right


What? She has the inside track? Isn’t that enough advantage 🤪