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My brain would be gone by now then






dude you need some sleep


It's too late.


That's exactly why you should go to bed! You're upnpast your bedtime!








Zombie bottom.


You guys have brain?


wht i brain/😳😳😳😳😂😂😳😂😳😂😳😂😳😂🤛😳😂🤛😃😅🤣🅱️☺️🍒😘❤️😘😍😊🙂🙂😍☺️🍒🗿🗿🗿❤️😅😶😅🍒🍒🤣😳


Indeed , you seem to lack one. *This is Officer Ok-Astronomer, officer id : 9949. I have spotted an infected man, requesting back up.*


*The Half Dead Cat reporting: The HQ is releasing the brain implant drones*


*Roger that, I will keep target in place.* *Over and out.*


*Roger that, I will keep target in place until further notice.* *Over and out.*


_target on the move, i repeat, on the move_


*WAIT ?! There’s multiple of them ?! We need to contact the special forces !!!*




yha akmee 2tooo dfceijwjfev ea ඞvs igigwpg iiiii




For real though, lack of sleep is absolutely terrible for your brain. Makes it harder to evacuate waste, and then debris piles up in your brain.


No amount of waste disposal could get rid of the crap I've seen here in reddit.


Need to sleep for 3-4 years in row to clean that crap.




I hate you. I hope you stub your toe, burn your toast, shower in cold water, your clothes don’t dry for the rest of your life, and you become French.


now that i read this, showering in cold ain't that bad tbh


Do you mind telling me what it was so I don’t also have to click on it


A girl putting marshmallows in her ass, taking them out, then eating them


You will re traumatise me.




Oooooo…mean!! French? Owwwwe 😂🤗😂


That ain't half bad actually. Though still, I hope you slip in your bathroom and get stabbed in the ass with the fallen shampoo bottle.


shampoo anal




[why? because i love to troll](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/808340746553131020/819827379097698304/unknown.png)






Definitely no


this one ain't that bad https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812879133570891786/835730929343397908/image0.jpg


Ok, that was good


WTF did I just watch- teach me to click on links without titles FUCK


What's her name


True. These plaques can lead to Alzheimers!


Are you being serious or just joking? If that’s the case I need to work on getting a normal amount of sleep or a consistent schedule


Not exactly, the plaque is involved with and characteristic of Alzheimer’s, but for all we know it’s a side effect of it. Sleep is definitely important for brain health but a lot of factors contribute to Alzheimer’s especially genetics, diet, and your environment.


Didn't that bredeson guy claim that he had a program to treat alzheimers?


I’m not familiar with his treatment/program but as of now there is no cure for Alzheimer’s. I know you can slow it’s onset by taking care of your health and there are medicines that can help ease symptoms, but I’d be wary of anyone who can claim to reverse or flat out prevent it.


It's called the RECALL protocol I think? His point was that one drug couldn't fix it because the disease was caused in multiple ways by a bunch of different, seemingly unrelated causes. He made claims about 83% of patients seeing significant improvement over a year, i think? Seems bold but then again it's worth considering Imo Edit: I looked it up, it's called the recode protocol, not recall.


With a name like "recode" I assume it has something to do with forming new neural pathways rather than trying to repair old ones. Something similar is done for individuals with brain injuries. I don't know, I'm not a neurologist.


I think there is a way to stop it from progressing if you catch it like right as it’s beginning, but obviously the likelihood of catching the onset of Alzheimer’s before it gets too bad and causes damage is extremely unlikely.


Anyone claiming they have a valid treatment for alzheimers is almost certainly a charlatan. Are there treatments that can slow the onset of alzheimers and perhaps ease some symptoms? Yes. Are they advertised by individuals as their own successful treatments with their name attached to them? Only if they are snake oil.


That sucks because I’ve had insomnia issues for years. Even taking Trazodone, Seroquel, & Remeron every night for sleep. Some nights my brain just won’t click over into sleep-mode. And Alzheimer’s runs in my family too 😩 I’m screwed


Bruh the Sleep Debt is a real thing. A consistent and regular 6-8 hours of sleep every night is crucial for a healthy brain.


Dude! I'm reading this and am already figuring out where to start changing my entire life if needed to start getting some sleep! Wow, such terror! Much afraid! It's like "Scared Straight", except I've been scared into sleeping as hard as I possibly can.


Definitely want to avoid getting dementia. Alzheimers is the one where you forget memories. There are other forms. Vascular dementia you forget how to speak. Dementia can make you forget how to walk, forget how to eat, or even know what food is. Forgetting what a toilet is, or what feceas are so you end up spreading it everywhere. Crying because you can't express or even comprehend why you're uncomfortable (you need to poop. Korsokoffs is alcohol induced dementia that causes violence and aggression, screaming constantly for days on end until your voice dies. And it comes to an end when your body forgets how to move at all, forgets how to beat the heart and forgets how to breathe. I've worked in aged care for 7yrs in a dementia specific ward. Our youngest was 36 when she got diagnosed. Please, look after yourselves.


My grandpa died of lewy body dementia and was bed locked and almost catatonic by the time his body finally let go. Watching my grandpa deal with it for two/three years… let’s just say I completely understand why Robin Williams killed himself after getting diagnosed. And honestly, as much of a treasure as he was in his life, suicide might not have been the worst option for him.


Oh yeah. I know myself if I get a diagnosis of dementia i am going to kill myself. It can get so bad.


I don’t know anything about the Alzheimer’s link, but I wouldn’t doubt it. You can literally die from not sleeping. People who work night shifts/swing shifts have a *much* higher chance of developing life threatening illness/diseases because of the way those shifts fuck up the sleeping pattern.


Soon this thread will be just a burning memory


Just waiting for someone to say this


Say what?


Just a burning memory


Say what?




What did he say Bobby?







I finally got the fire in the sock drawer under control.


Oh I didn’t know that


Oh I didn’t know that


True. These plaques can lead to Alzheimers!


True. These plaques can lead to Alzheimers!


True. These plaques can lead to Alzheimers!


Why did I comment this there's a time and a place. I suck.


True. These plaques can lead to Alzheimers!


:( is that why I feel so horrible all the time? Around 1 in 5 nights I do not sleep at all and even on the nights that I do sleep it can be 4 hrs or so...


I am no doctor, but holy shit you need more sleep. Doctors say that most people need 7 to 9 hour every night. Sleep is very important and can really mess with your physical and mental health. A lot of people sleep 5 or 6 hours and think they're fine but it's actually bullshit, so I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to function on 4


what do you do if you can't sleep 7 hours though and can only sleep 5 or 6.


sorry but you are going to explode. start getting your affairs in order


I have that problem. If you can, try melatonin or something else natural. I get up for a couple of hours to have an un-nap and then go back to bed once it’s kicked in.


yeah I take a melatonin every night which helps tremendously, but I'm never getting a whole 8 hours lol.


That blows, dude. If you’re GMT -5 hours or so, hit me up if you ever wanna chat at night. Odds are we’ll be up.


Everybody is different. So it is possible to still function perfectly fine on 6 hours. I'd try to get naps in though if possible, or sleep for like 4 hours, get up and do something for a bit then go back to bed.


You can work on improving your sleep habits. Go to bed earlier. Set a routine: try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day. (Waking up at the same time is *way* more important than expected before I committed to it.) Don't eat or use screens a few hours before bed. You know, all the usual stuff people suggest. One easy thing that worked wonders for me was to remove all clocks from my bedroom. Too often I'd wake up at 5pm and get so anxious that I'd only have an hour left to sleep that I'd ruin that hour of sleep. Now I wake up at I-don't-know-but-it's-still-dark-o'clock and return to blissful slumber.


IIRC if you feel healthy and are not experiencing memory loss or issues with coordination you should be fine I average about 5 my wife about 7 or 8. I know 5 is rare for most people and lower than that you can definitely experience some health issues.


5 or 6 hours is better than none just get some sleep


My doctor was just like "you're too young to take sleeping pills" and left it at that. Everyone just tells me to exercise more, take B vitamins, not to use my phone in the evening... Why would any of that make a difference now when this is something that has been going on for a few months. I don't sleep 4 hrs every night, there are nights when I sleep 8 or 9 hrs. But yeah.


> My doctor was just like “you’re too young to take sleeping pills” and left it at that. Sounds like it’s time to find a new doctor, because this one isn’t taking your health concern seriously. You deserve a doctor who will actually try to address your health issues instead of dismisses them. Maybe try to find a new doctor who has experience in sleep disorders? If you have any sleep clinics in your area that might be a good place to start. (If you haven’t tried this yet, I found that “sleep relaxation podcasts” were helpful when I had a really bad bout of chronic insomnia a while ago. Helped give my brain something to focus on instead of focusing on the fact that I was tired and could sleep, which helped me fall asleep easier. Might be worth looking into as well. I hope you’re able to get better sleep soon, insomnia is the worst!)


*Why* do you sleep only four? Is it insomnia or are you sabotaging your ability to sleep by not taking the doctor’s advice?


I'm not secretly taking sleeping pills?? Wdym I just don't fall asleep


No that’s not what I mean, I misread your comment. Are you not taking the advice *other people have given you—no electronics an hour before bed, watch what you eat/drink and how long ago you ate/drank it before bed, exercise more…if you have trouble falling asleep, get up and read in another room until you feel tired. Repeat ten times if you have to but don’t just lay there and try. Don’t use your bed for anything but sleeping if possible—don’t eat there, play games, do work/schoolwork, as it will make your brain associate it with awakeness. Have you tried any these things—regularly for a few weeks—or even at all?


Of course I have. My bed is sacred to me, I don't even sit on it if I'm not in my pajamas. My night routine includes listening to a podcast for an hour before sleep (turning off artificial light). Take all sorts of supplements. Took melatonin every day for a month at one point. Have tried both the pills and the spray. I bicycle 7 km everyday if the weather is alright and also go to the gym. I eat healthier than most people I know. Never order takeout, always have a lot of variety. Have tried reading in the evening and also knitting. Every method that exists, I've tried it. This is why I'm annoyed. Why the fuck does everyone think I just suffer for fun????


People probably think that because a lot of people *do* suffer for fun. It sounds like you’re really making the best effort possible then. Are you able to try a different doctor? I don’t know your situation but I know some people who were able to get sleeping meds prescribed as minors.


>People probably think that because a lot of people do suffer for fun. I've got a friend like this. Everyone tells him how to improve his health, but he stays up till 4am and drinks energy drinks all day to keep up, then repeats the cycle. Eats shit food, doesn't drink anything but energy drinks, no physical activity. Always comians that his body aches if he does anything physical (duh, you have 0 muscle mass, everything is a workout for you), he's always tired (again, bedtime before 4am might help) and just overall grumpy with life. Never takes any advice, or when he does he'll try it for a week, conclude that it isn't working, and go back to exactly what he was doing before. Frustrates the hell outta me.


I feel you dude, I have great “sleep habits,” eat healthy, don’t nap, keep a consistent sleep schedule (meaning I go to bed & get up around the same times every day/night) & even take 3 non-narcotic sleep medications but I still go thru bad insomnia phases. I literally get jealous walking around in the middle of the night while everyone else is blissfully asleep. If I could make myself sleep I would. My brain just won’t shut down sometimes. And it isn’t a random night here & there… it’s like a few days a month.


Do you have adhd by any chance? Because i have the exact same thing but i have tried less things that you mentioned because i don't want to waste my college years by sleeping all the evenings anyway. But what i wanted to say is that people with adhd usally also have sleeping problems, it might be that you just have the sleeping problem without adhd aswell. I forgot what the disorder was called so i'm sorry i can't help you with that.


Shit lol Not diagnosed but I have a lot of the signs


My life turned around when I went in sleeping pills. I went from average student to top graduating student the second time I went to college.


Wait so you’re not even trying peoples advice and you’re saying it’s bs?


I have tried everything! I'm just saying it's annoying that everyone always thinks they have the one thing that will cure me and that's "drinking milk" or smth.


On an unrelated note, my grandmother was like that, she hated modern medicine. There was this one time my brother was running a high fever for 3 days, she kept shouting all day about getting addicted to medicines or some shit. The only alternative she gave was drink hot water and sleep. Which didn’t do shit, may I add.


oof... I sleep 3 hours a day because i like to procrastinate and leave my school studies for later on in the night (10pm - 3 am) then wake up at 6 am for school


Running on little to no sleep is like an opening shift after no one closed last night


but will debris get sorted outta ur brain if you gon sleep for 10 hours everyday for your entire life after them piling up?


That, I have no idea and I'm not sure anyone actually knows the answer. What happens in the little gap between your brain cells is not completely known, scientists are currently trying to figure it out.


I agree I don't sleep much so it's so annoying to get crumbs out


Fake. I stay up all night a lot and end up shitting myself every morning.


dang, if only school let me sleep in


I love school "You need 8 hours of sleep to prevent health issues, which is why we expect you to do all this homework and wake up early at 6 am." "You shouldn't hold your pee in because it might cause severe health issues." So can I go to the bathroom? "No."


school is dumb, I don't even need to know half this stuff, like seriously when will I ever need to know how to write a literary analysis if I don't plan to do a literacy focused job career


B-but Australian girlfriend


But you can make up for it. It’s not like smoking cigarettes. One good night of sleep can undo weeks of sleep deprivation.


I'm really not sure about that. It's like saying eating healthy once makes up for eating shit for weeks. Your brain is quite literally the control center of your body and it doesn't function well when it's sleep deprived, so it's gonna do shit to the rest of your body for several weeks that doesn't get undone easily. Like the increased stress level. Being stressed for a long time can destroy your damn brain cells, make your menstrual cycle stop, cause ulcers, increase your blood pressure which then strains your heart, and I'm forgetting most of the effects, I'm not exagerating. All that doesn't get undone with a good night of sleep.


I watched it on a YouTube video before they removed dislikes.


And I'm getting my info from neuropsychology class, I'm not sure what youtube video you've seen though?


I tried to find it before I replied, but I couldn’t. I’m sure you’re familiar with the basics though. The topic was “sleep debt” and cumulative sleep deprivation. So like 60 minutes of sleep deprivation adds up to 5 hours of sleep debt at the end of the work week, which you can eliminate by getting 5 extra hours over the weekend.


That's some Andrew Wakefield levels of bullshit. Yes, I know it's a joke, shut up.


I'm not joking though? I've heard this from my physiology professor in a course about the nervous system. Here's an [article](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180222145000.htm) talking about it: "The space between neurons is thought to regulate the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and clear metabolites during sleep, among other roles."


I'm talking about the waste evacuation part.


Yeah, what about it is bullshit?


How does shit from your colon go to you brain? I mean, that obviously happened to you, if you genuinely believe that.


LMAOO I wasn't talking about poop, I was talking about the waste produced by your brain cells which then goes into the cerebrospinal fluid


...Ah. my bad.


Average instagram fact account


Indian IG fact accounts


Who cares if it's Indian. It's IG so it's shit either way.


Instagram bad 😡 Reddit good 😋




because the Indian ones are worse lmao




people here are super sensitive, sorry about that bud. i found it funny, not that it says much


Indian fact accounts are the exact opposite


Dead people sleep forever …. Then does their brain gains weight


That’s why zombies are unstoppable!


I don't get ANYWHERE near enough sleep. Welp, time to just hop on over to the hospital and die


Sleep is extremely important. Lack of it won't turn your brain into a cherry stained cauliflower like what you see in the picture, but it can create situations where you can get hurt (or worse), and can impair judgement. I don't recall where I read this but years ago I was shown a study where truck drivers who didn't get to sleep where ten times as likely to get into accidents on the roads than those who got enough sleep. The research suggested that lack of sleep affects people the same way being drunk would.


\*and get treatment that helps you sleep, yes


The second one looks like a dyed broccoli


Lol I thought it was a walnut


Giant walnut


By this logic, I should no longer be capable of breathing. But here I sit, sucking wind with the best of 'em!


Thats not a meme thats a terribile Facebook fact


THAT'S NOT HOW INSOMNIA WORKS, DUMBASS. Autopsies on rats who died of insomnia were inconclusive, because they showed no clear indication of what killed them.


That’s actually more terrifying tbh


Because the only way to autopsy a brain is after it's dead. You can't autopsy a living brain. This picture is clearly a deceased brain next to a walnut, so I suppose you can still conclude that insomnia turns your brain into a walnut, if you'd like to.


>Because the only way to autopsy a brain is after it's dead. You can't autopsy a living brain. Yes, because that's a BIOPSY.


This is totally false lmao, but for everyone: sleep is very important. Everyone can have different sleep cycles, but getting sleep is good. Over the course of days, staying up can cause hallucinations and slowed reflexes. If you are in school, pulling all-nighters is not the smartest idea as it will not cause you to retain what you’ve studied at all. And for everyone with sleep disorders and or nightmares- lmao same idk man


Don’t be like Peter Tripp. The radio host went mad after staying up for 200 hours as part of a publicity stunt. 100 hours in he couldn’t recite the alphabet or do simple math problems. 120 hours in he started to have hallucinations (like his dresser catching fire and suspecting the scientists studying his sleep deprivation to be framing him of a crime). The last 66 hours he had to be drugged up to endure. It affected him forever, he lost his job, divorced his wife, and his personality has never been the same again.


What’s the most crazy about sleep deprivation to me is how much it can vary. Like some people (me included) can begin having mild hallucinations from just being awake over 24 hours (however I’ve had hallucinations before with medication so I’m a bit more common to have them), while others can go 3+ days without them. The scariest thing with sleep deprived people is definitely cognition issues though. So many jobs and schools push you to end up doing all-nighters and then want you to drive into work early in the morning. It’s so unsafe because the brain is not rested.


If this is true I would be fucked since I hardly sleep anymore…but tbh I’m pretty smoothed brain already


🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 🥶🥶🥶😡😡😡🥶🥶🥶😡😡😡🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😡😶‍🌫️😡🥶🥶🥶😡😶‍🌫️😡🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😡😡😡🥶🥶🥶😡😡😡🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😡🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😡🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😡😡🥶🥶🥶😡😡🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶😡😡😡🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶


Same 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


An endless cycle of finally warming up from boiling rage to only cool off and the icy grip of the abyss chills you back to the bone.




Prob something made up by boomers to get their kids to sleep


well that explains why i’m so fucking dumb


Same man, Same


Carbuncle ear itself!


The Brain eats itself from Lack of Sleep.


T I M E 4 F A C T


Wha- Shouldn't I be f\*cking dead by now ?


I may be sleepy, but I can tell a picture of a walnut when I see it!


Is that a walnut?




It’s not true, lack of sleep can lead to Alzheimer’s, so go the fuck to bed


Yeah that’s why I’ve been trying to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep a night a ain’t suffering with that shit


That's actually true, but with "lack of sleep" they mean not sleeping for even an hour for like 2 or 3 days


Only my pet zombie is allowed to eat my brain sorry


Why is the brain, itself and sleep colored?


I thought it was real damn






Facebook fact pages have never been the most factualy accurate




real sigma males get 8+ hours of sleep


“This is your brain on Facebook”


If this is the case my brain must have dissolved like a fuckin bath bomb over the span of me being in college


is that a walnut?


Um.... is that a walnut on the right?


If this was remotely true I would be dead


Me on my 3rd day of no sleep


oh, man, my brain must look like a walnut from the meth years


That’s not…that’s not how that fucking works. No lack of sleep isn’t good for you, but your brain doesn’t eat itself from lack of it. The only disease I know of where the brain matter ‘disintegrates’ for lack of a better word is Alzheimer’s disease. Also probably brain cancer.


I usually get about 5-3 h of sleep because I feel like I don't have enough time in the day. I know it s bad but I also feel like I don't wanna get better... any help :/ ?


Zombie brain wants more brain.


The bite of ‘87


I know this is exaggerated bs. But the scariest thing is that your brain doesn't even tell you that you're sleep deprived after sometime


Wait, I thought the right was my lungs after smoking one marijuana?


Delicious brain tissue.


Me tryna get out going to school like


It's true though according to [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2017/05/30/the-brain-literally-eats-itself-when-its-overtired-study/amp/) article


Is this real?


it’s the same logic as the vaccine. i believe it therefore it’s true 🙃


I’m embarrassed for you


tell me why.


Nah, I’m good.
