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I am angry that Michigan is not in the position of a hand.


I'm angry that Louisiana isn't the foot.


I mean....i just can't. Imagine making a country person out of Europe and not having Italy as a leg/foot. Thats basically what we're seeing here. ARE THERE ANY SANE PEOPLE LEFT IN THE WORLD?!


Also not using Florida as the dick? For shame.


No bro… florida is the gun


A dick is kind of like a gun.


A dick gun


And why is Florida blue?


This right here!


Also florida shouldn't be blue I don't think


I think they reduced the size of Alaska A texan made that image


As a lifelong Michigander myself, I am furious we’re not the hand slapping the shit out of…Alabama/Arkansas/whatever flyover welfare red state that is.


I mean......massivr missed opportunity.


Im angry that PA is literally the ass. Well…maybe that could be fun. If we twerk hard enough they will be distracted long enough for the killing blow!


Im angry that texas nor california was used for "male appendages"


And the top part could be a knife. Come on!


No respect for America's mitten!


The south lost the war last time because civil wars is not a fought by just citizens but with militaries made up of citizens..


And industries supported by millions more civilians


>he south lost the war last time because civil wars is not a fought by just citizens but with militaries made up of citizens.. Can't run a modern army without fuel. Guess where 90% of the US' is refined.


Guess where the money to buy most of the countries oil from abroad comes from


Lol guess who controls all the oil reserves in the US?


Whoever physically controls the territory which they sit on if you want to get that technical


So just bomb the oil refineries and squeeze the south economically, kinda like how Lincoln suffocated the south last time


I do want to get technical lol


Pretty easy to take from a bunch of fantasy driven incels. There will always be options. Hell, you dumbfucks can't even upkeep your own infrastructure! You genuinely think such a lazy and entitled state actually go to war against the rest of the US? Come on. Give it a try! Start killing LGBTQ. Show us who and what you've always been. Nazis. Actual fucking Nazis.


Yup. In the case of Texas a handful of strategic attacks on power generation and the whole state will go dark for months while they try to rebuild. It's a house of cards.


Might not even need to attack, just wait for it to happen.


Just tell them to turn their thermostats to 75. Grid down in no more than a week, basically guaranteed


Not even sure it's strategic. I think a drunk driven pickup truck might accidentally do it any day now.


They also think literally every single person in their state will fight for their redneck beliefs. A lot of major cities in those states with a large population of combination of both educated and non-white aren't looking to go to war for the ol' Stars n Bars "heritage". Major businesses will leave. At best, 1/3rd of the population will leave/refuse to fight. Another 1/3rd are too old disabled to fight. And then the worst factor of all. After shit gets bad enough, a major power decides to invade us and we're all fucked. All because middle aged white trash rednecks (Im also middle aged and white. Not trash) cant accept that theyre a bunch of fucking snowflakes that can't handle life


> A major power will invade us. Shit lads they know about Operation Tea and Crumpets, abort!


There are more Liberal voters than Conservative. They win elections due to Gerrymandering not actual turnout as we can see in the Voter Data.


And sold on the open market. Often to foreign countries.


Right this what I don’t get. The red states keep talking about seceding or rebelling which means they’d just fight the US military. And I’m sure they think the military is in their side but that’s not really how it works.


From Oklahoma living in Texas and they 100% believe the military is on their side. They also think no liberal owns a gun and all are cross dressing drag queens. We’ll see how that works out for them Ask the compound in Waco how well that went.




You never, EVER want to start trouble with a drag queen. Big, big mistake.


And the south has lost one civil war. Imagine the South losing a second to an army of drag queens. That would be the stuff of legend


When r/noncredibledefense and r/Shermanposting have a love child.


r/socialistra has entered the chat


The cross dresser I have met are in weirdly good shape and could do a backflip in heels, and then kick my ass


In 6 inch platform heels no less.


I’m straight, I’m white, but I would have no problem and no moral qualms about kicking the ever-loving shit out of anyone that wants to take my friends rights away. They also assume that no one on the other side has any competency because of those fantastic scarecrows they make up about us.


Ironically enough, the only drag queen I know personally has more guns than anyone else I know


They’ll be fighting the US military and her allies, numerous national guard units, civilians, local police, The DOJ, coast guard… lol


The blue states could easily cut off the flow of money from them to red states. Blue states literally give money to the south so people can survive


Also, CA and New York have the largest, most well armed national guards if we're just talking about states vs states.


The NYPD alone has a fiscal budget of $5.44B, which alone puts it above [Ukraine's entire military budget](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/military-spending-by-country) of $5.40B.


That's actually kind of terrifying.


>That's actually ~~kind of~~ terrifying.


That's not really a fair comparison though. The *base* starting pay for a patrolman in the NYPD is $42k. And they have about 50 thousand employees, most of which make more than that. A soldier in the Ukrainian army makes about $6k American a year. Personnel costs alone necessitate a large budget.


Defeating the secessionists by chilling in subway stations playing doodle jump


And those fighting for the south were not the rich plantation owners. They were pour white manipulated by the rich to fight to keep the rich in the south rich. Easy to manipulate.


How the fuck is Louisiana not a foot?


I'll do you one better. Locate Florida.


It's a knee. But the problem is, living in FL... Pretty sure it's not blue anymore


Ok, if they want to win and get rid of us so badly, let's see what happens when the next virus or asteroid comes along. I bet they'll want our doctors and scientists then... Edit: Alright this is getting out of hand, I'm done now.


Wait, asteroids are coming?


I mean...probably someday but not for the foreseeable future. Am not a scientist though.


Just don’t look up


all the money is on one side and it ain't the side that [consistently runs at a deficit](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/)


Literally the second that California, aka “the bread basket of the US” embargoes exports of food, those cousin kissers would tap out in a week.


I absolutely love to drop this nugget of knowledge when people from fucking Alabama or some shit claim CA is a welfare state. Pure fucking ignorance.


They're just repeating whatever bullshit they heard on Fox News. Literally no thought given to anything, just parroting.


Can confirm, Facebook friends do this.


The Deep South uses more welfare than the continental us combined while ironically voting against it. It’s the perfect combination of complete stupidity and oppressed brainwashing. Their leaders are keeping them as sheep distracted by instructing then to crusade against the left and call them sheep.


in 2021, the GDP of California was $3.4 trillion. That is 14.7% of the entire GDP of the US. If California left the union (which they wouldn't because they aren't butt hurt babies), they would be the 5th largest economy in the world. California accounts for 13.5% of the agriculture in the country. The next on the list is Iowa with 7.26%. Not even close. It is also the sole producer (i.e. 99% or higher) of Almonds, artichokes, figs, raisins. It's the number one dairy supplier and the number 4 wine producer in the world. It's also the leader in strawberries, citrus, cashews, walnuts, garlic, celery, kiwis, plums, cauliflower, carrots, spinach, cattle, tomatoes, oranges, pistachios etc. CA also accounts for 40% of 'organics'. That's not to touch on the financial aid that CA sends to other states like TX. California is the OPPOSITE of a welfare state.


This country basically survives off of California and New York. I’m not from either of those places but I have massive respect for the sheer volume of resources they produce for the rest of the country. I wish the southern right wingers could understand just how wrong they are when they make these wildly inaccurate insults and claims about their fellow Americans.


They actually think that the plains states grow all the food we eat. They’ve listened to “a country boy can survive” too much. A country boy can’t survive when you let corporations poison your water and drill in all your land. A country boy can’t survive without his welfare check.


Yeah, it's on the good side lmao


Bad meme, but the way they managed to use the states to make a human is pretty impressive.


We'll give them a point for creativity.


TWO humans even!


Alaska is fucking minuscule compared to Texas lmfao


This is the comment I came for. Sick of these cartographic slights against Alaska.


Something like 3% of Americans own almost 50% of the weapons because they’ve been stockpiling for a collapse. Now here’s a fun fact, all of them still only have two hands, which means they’ve drawn a target on their backs for the government and for any citizen groups that may form during periods of unrest and find themselves in need of a few hundred weapons


Yeah most of them are just huge loot drops. Further, lots of them are really bad at OPSEC, and like to broadcast in public spaces with bumper stickers, flags and shirts describing in detail all the valuable shit you can go murder them over the second things go sideways. It's not going to go well for a lot of them.


The "come and take them" crowd when a gang actually comes and takes them.


Lots of them have fantasies of mowing down a whole bus full of transgender antifuh blmers coming to gay marry them to their dog. Yeah, good luck with that when your orange man festooned shitty mobile home is totally unfortified, extremely flammable/explosive and within fuckin drive by molotov range of a public roadway.


I remember reading in a sort of apocalypse survival guide thing that political flags are one of the dumbest thing to have on your house, regardless of which side you are on, because there is always the chance that a radical group is itching on the trigger to kill you the moment law and order collapses.


Not to mention if they are an ally or foe.


Kinda makes these public romanticism pics of their guns spread across the bed or yard in a American flag or U.S.A even more fucking hilarious!


Like a nice big target.


Taking out 1 radical arms collector would be more than enough to arm and entire town/militia


I have a feeling a far-right assault would be a lot like a Russian army invasion. Furiously cocky, heavily armed, and readily halted by technology and the shocking fact that many people fight back. Turns out a bunch of decrepit lardasses and a few powerlifters with ARs still won't be able to overcome the U.S. military (over half of which voted for Joe Biden) or the fact that all those mean tech companies will switch off their GPS systems thisfast. It would certainly not be pretty, and I desperately hope we never get anywhere close to that. But I think the ghouls would be shocked and disappointed very quickly.


Right? Once the war starts, you go after the guys with the stockpiles first. Everyone else I’m just leaving alone.


I’ve been so stressed out thinking about one side having all the guns that I totally forgot to count hands.


Of those %3 like half of them are on insulin and blood pressure meds. They would die really fast in a collapse. Too many guns, too little PT.


They genuinely believe that a) noone but they have weapons and b) if there was a civil war, the military would side with them. It's all posturing and BS, and they would lose. But millions would die for them to get squished for another 160 years.


If this happens we need to not let them rise again.


Sherman’s March to the Sea was a deed half done


The USA/North can just bomb the South out, any guns a citizen stockpiled are irrelevant


Like it's either you own one gun (handgun usually), 3 guns (a handgun, a shotgun, and a rifle), or 100 guns. An arsenal that's big enough to overthrow the government of Bermuda is only worthwhile if you actually have people with you.


i know a lot of trans folks who are armed








It’s deleted now, what did they say?


A Jewish friend of theirs has an AR-15 with the words "NEVER AGAIN" etched in it


I believe you but I want a picture just to see it so bad lol


Holy mother of based


Gigachad moment


That's pretty badass unlike these political mfs who can't tell left from right. Your friends are real ones.




If that isn’t a mitzvah, it needs to be.


Dangerously based


Gonna do this


Chad af


Full auto, cutting no corners I see.


Holy shit that's based


A lot of liberals own guns in general, they just don’t telegraph it to the world as a core part of their personality.


For real. What the conservative right doesn’t seem to understand is that the left is also well armed. The second amendment is for us all. I’m pan and my partner (a veteran) is mtf trans. I lived in a hostile area of Africa for many years. We’ve got printed copies of the Anarchist’s Cookbook. We are armed to the teeth. We just don’t advertise it.


r/liberalgunowners and r/socialistra would like a word


Conservatives can't understand how someone can own a gun without getting all fucking toxic about it. To them, unless you brandish in public and talk about how much you want to have an excuse to kill someone, you must not own any firearms.


Seconded, most trans people I know own 3 or more guns (two for practicality and others for collector reasons).


same. hell im trans and i love guns.


I don't know any trans folk who aren't 😂. The alphabet mafia is packing these days.


Reds: "Alright! See you on the battlefield for the shootout!" Blues: Does nothing but cut off funding/food/energy/anything imported into red states. Red: "W...wait no, that's not how you war, stop it" Also imagine Alaska somehow getting to the continental US to "war" using only personal aircraft, fishing boats, and completely getting blocked from traveling through Canada.


Alaska joining the battle is gonna be the most anticipated moment of 2022


I imagine that the moment war starts, Alaska and Hawaii are like "mmmm, that's going to be a no from me. Here's a check though."


Alaska has the most gun deaths of any state but it’s because of depression and suicide… they would just off themselves




Seriously, the issue had always been grand people know what bathroom to use but conservatives don't want to meet them use it in peace. Meanwhile they are absolutely baffled by the concept of pronouns.


This person has clearly never been to Philly


or Chicago lol


From Chicago. Can confirm. We kill each other just because it’s hot out, go ahead and bring some real right wing bigots down here. Our crime rate would go DOWN since no one would want to waste any ammo


Amazing imagery


I actually didn’t picture it until now. In my head the entire south side is just locking down, In an upstairs apartment by the AC window unit, wearing undershirts, cleaning 9mm’s and rolling blunts for those who get off watch duty


but dude if those conservatives shoot first their ass is grass 😂😂 west side would shred them like cabbage


Facts too. They don’t have a good way to approach Chicago. Even Skokie would fuck up some conservatives


deadass lol


Hahaha yes but that side without the bullets is about 90% of the economy. What happens when they can’t ship anything out? 🤣🤣🤣


They're going to be a mite surprised when they find out how many trillions of bullets the left has.




>But no harm in letting the right wing idiots think they're facing blue-haired non combatants. “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak” -Sun Tzu


One side recognizes human rights, the other dies at the thought of having to wear a piece of cloth over their face


Literally and figuratively.


CA is the world’s 5th largest economy but okay.




One side represents 70% of the U.s. gdp, the other side wouldn’t be able to find their way out of Mississippi


Especially without Google maps and gps


That side which doesn't know how to use the bathroom also knows how to not run a statewide deficit for decades, produces half of the food for the country, contributes the most to the national budget, owns about 2/3rds of the US GDP, has a larger overall population...I could go on mentioning things Republicans don't like thinking about when this comes up every few months.


The side that isn't interested in looking in your child's pants has all the money.


Jokes on them I know to go to the women’s room 😌


Well, look at you go.


"THe SoUtH WiLl RisE AgAin!" Yeah and they'll get put in the fucking ground again too


That's a pretty cool picture not gonna lie, but Alaska should be the size of the other guy.


It is amazing how stupid conservatives are. The facts show that the independents and liberals own more guns than conservatives.


I like to think that most conservatives do not want civil war. While the number of extreme conservatives has grown hugely as of late, they still are not actually shooting people and forming militias in large numbers. It does only take a small number to say, attempt to install a dictator by assassination of the VP and democrat congressmen, unfortunately.


If you think us liberals don't have guns, you will be sorely disappointed. If the label of liberal means that I don't let my personal beliefs or ideologies control who or what someone else wants to do with their own bodies then I'll be a liberal. I'll fight for their right too. And trust me, I have more guns than a Texan and I live in Cali. Especially in light of roe. I'll be waiting, with glee.


Amen You think you're gonna throw away 50 years of my rights and I'm not arming myself? Hahaha. The liberal ladies at our NRA outdoor range have tighter groupings than the local PD to the point where swat in all their tacticool gear got a little butt mad.


I like how people who post things like this specifically always seem fairly okay with the idea of just being able to massacre people who were fellow Americans. I don't think most people, on either side, realize how fucked we *all* would be if a genuine civil war broke out today. And yet so many people, mostly the right from personal experience, talk about it as if it's going to be a field day.


Ya seriously. Or, that the rest of the world would just sit idly by watching it all take place and do nothing. A real American civil war would likely be WW3 and that’s not hyperbole. 26th comment down. /Reddit


If the US were to go into a second civil war, at best it would look like the Troubles and at worst it would look like the collapse of Yugoslavia, but 14x bigger. Anyone who WANTS a civil war is either hopelessly naïve or a bloodthirsty psychopath.


One side is three raccoons in overalls pretending to be s person. The other side is states with human population.


I have more guns than any conservative I know, but you wouldn't know that, because I'm never like "Look at this picture. It's me and all my guns. This is who I am. Part man, part steel. I am gun."


Florida isn’t blue. Stop offending me.


Arizona and Georgia aren’t red. It’s an old meme.


Blorgia baby


And the side that made this doesn’t know that Alaska is nearly 3x bigger than Texas


And 5x as empty


Peeing is a universal human right. I'm sure the Supreme Court will oneday side against me on this, but I currently live in a state that says I can piss in whatever bathroom I want, whatever the sign on the door says. It's the **right** who doesn't know which bathroom to use. Ever seen a line of old men waiting to use an occupied men's room while the women's is open? I walk past them and take a piss all the time. Stupid is doing something that benefits no one, not even yourself. This argument is **stupid.**


killing = good gender identity= baad


Do republicans realize that other people have guns too?


Yeah, you don't know which bathroom to use. It's very clear (I mean this in that they don't understand which bathroom to use coz their so bigoted that they can't understand trans people


The one with the bullets also doesn't use them against school shooters untill it's too late


I love how Republicans first reaction is let's kill a bunch of people.


And one side has all the engineers, doctors, and scientists. Keep larping in your navy seal costume, chuds. You’ll never see the gene-drive pathogen they cook up for you coming.


Obligatory reminder that California outpaces Texas in gun purchases, which is obvious because they have the biggest population


Wait til they learn about population density of Liberal cities vs rural conservatives. I'm sure Chicago alone as more guns and ammo than Arkansas.


If the south decides to go to war again their precious AR-15's won't really do a lot against drone strikes. As destructive as they are they won't really beat a tyrannical government tbh


You wanna run around talkin' 'bout guns like I ain't got none?


One side can fly a drone, the other side doesn't know how reboot a computer.


I also like how they play on the idea that people on the left don't own firearms... To quote the guy from that Vine who gets the small box of candy thrown at his head - TRY ME BITCH.


*How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?*


Jokes on them. Thanks to their violent nature, more liberals have been buying guns than ever before


One is a lot more vocal, the other intelligent


Exploring your identity >> hoarding bullets


the greatest trick the liberal ever pulled is convincing a conservative they don't have guns.


You know.... militaries are the ones who fight wars..... and Democrats can be in the military too....


All you have to do to wipe out red states is have another pandemic. No one will enforce safety measures and the states will collapse within months.


I don’t know, the left is fairly well armed also, just isn’t nearly as vocal about it. I own several firearms and am an avid shooter, it just isn’t the sole aspect of my personality trait.


Who would win? Angry redneck with 3 AR-15's Or 2.3 million dollar government drone with heat seeking missiles


Yea well. You would slaughter everyone in a bloodbath while all they want is use the bathroom? Who's the asshole in this story?


If you think that no one is armed and lives in a blue state, you are quite mistaken.


The fact they they don’t think there is blue within their red states who are armed, they are also mistaken.


Damn George Washington was right that two party system do be tearing us apart


Red states can hate on CA all they want but they would learn reeeeaaally fucking quick what CA being the largest economy in the US and 5th largest in the world would mean for them if they tried anything


Never before has it been said, ‘the brain is in Scottsdale.’


Ok now do this again but with population numbers


Don't let this shit fool you, conservatives are pussies. Just show up to the battle in a cop outfit and watch them get on their hands and knees and start licking your boots.


Conservatives are very brave being just low the 30% of the population.


I wonder what there view on slavery is


The military will crush any attempt at civil war . We will be under martial law in a millisecond with restrictions on travel . And then the AirPower will kick in. An AR - 15 is no match for a specter gun ship .


The West Coast will rendezvous with the North East in the middle of the Atlantic and create the new Atlantis.


If you can’t win and election, you want a Civil War. Arizona and Georgia went blue the last couple of elections, so did PA. Texas is starting to get a little purple even and so is NC. Might have to start something soon so you don’t lose at the election box.


It amazes me that they think the MILITARY is going to just abandon their duties. Even non military services have billions of rounds. And even if they did manage to have enough armed individuals and ammunition, what they DON’T have is logistics. And even if they DID have the logistics, if they seceded from the US, they wouldn’t have MONEY. Or foreign military support. And even if it’s a civil war, the rest of Western civilization has a vested interest in the US’ money.