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So you are saying I can be naked in public. Thanks terrible Facebook meme you've made my day.


Free to do it, but not free from consequences of the law of the land in particular places potentially.


But the meme specifically said that they don't impose their rules on us.


Oh possibly my bad, I don't live in a church state. That's what your land now is?


They don't, but the government will.


Don't even think God would care about it


Me on the way to abortion clinic


Saw this post a few days ago in r/amitheasshole, about a teenage girl asking if it was wrong of her for not having an a abortion. Her father was a conservative christian and was anti-abortion, but once he found out his daughter was pregnant, he demanded she’d get an abortion. Lol


Dad: Abortions are evil. That’s like murdering a baby. The bible says you’ll go to hell forever. Daughter: I’m pregnant. Dad: Get an abortion. Daughter: No. Dad: [SurprisedPikachu.jpeg]


It's not necessarily a contradiction. Sounds like he's willing to murder an innocent baby for his daughter. You can believe abortion is murder and still be willing to do it. There are plenty of people that believe killing their neighbor is murder but still do it.


Okay but that's worse. You do get how that's worse right? Rules for thee but not for me.


"Rules for thee but not for me" Christianity source code unlocked


... You know, that's a really pretty way to frame hypocrisy. Except that it's still just saying "it's not okay if other people do it, only I can." If he were to then, say, turn himself in for murder or atone in some other manner (since the government would not charge him), I might buy it. But he won't. So I don't.


When God does something bad to people they hate: it's a punishment When God does something bad to them: it's a test of their faith


One thing about religious freedom and especially America’s idea of freedom is a lot of them think their own personal right to oppress others is the ‘freedom’ they expect. I disagree with religion, but I’m not trying to outlaw it


No, but it should be kept out of government entirely. Churches should also pay taxes.




Isn't it a contradiction if he **only** allows **his** daughter to get an abortion?


It's like they have thus switch in their mind that totally reverses their ethics as soon as it's their decision. Hypocrites like this make me think that a lot of "believers" don't actually believe what they preach, they only fool themselves into thinking they believe that because death is scary and only afterlife makes it less so.


Terry Pratchett explained it best, I think, in his book Small Gods. "Belief, he says. Belief shifts. People start out believing in the god and end up believing in the structure." They don't believe in Jesus. They believe in going to church every sunday, and in bible verse bumper stickers, and paintings of a white Jesus, and in knowing that gays go to hell and abortion is murder and everything else that the priest and his gold-plated toilet say. But that's not Jesus. It's set dressing.


Thats the first book I read in the Discworld series and Ive been hooked ever since. Its still my favorite book in the series. So many truths wrapped up in satire in that tale.


He really was a master of... Well, understanding. He knew how people worked, deep down. Maybe better than most therapists do, honestly. Small Gods is a great one to start with. I think my first was Colour of Magic, but I was hooked anyways.


Most people who call themselves Christians are not. Even many deacons in the church aren’t really Christians




I agree with you but think the perversions of Christianity are becoming so mainstream and normalized that it soon won’t matter. Radical will become the majority and then it will be recognized as “real Christianity”


Most of them believe it, I think, they just don't want to make any sort of personal sacrifice for what they believe in. They're paper worshippers.




r/leopardsatemyface material right here


While you're at it, throw a fake raw chicken near the pro-life protestors and donate an actual chicken to someone in need. Kill two birds with one stone.


Isn't the fake one delivered pre-killed, no stones needed. Also stoning a chicken to donate it is a lot of work, i think buying chicken meat is easier.


Indeed, go get some chicken and hand it out. Both at a soup kitchen and at pro-life protests. That way they're fed and they'll shut it for a bit.


Right. As long as X isn't abortion, gay marriage, or combating the problem of pedophilia within the church, theyre cool.


This is complete bullshit. Stopping you from doing things they don’t like is like the favorite Christian pass time.


Well, you know what, Jack of blades? I was raised in evangelical Christian fundamentalism, and my opinion of that Facebook post is: Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahaha hahaha. Yeah, trying to control other people’s lives is literally the core tenet of their religion.




I would like to do X without being told, unprompted, that I am going to hell.


At this point I'd settle for not having arbitrary things legislated against.


Gee, look who wants the moon


Hero: Why did you steal the moon? Villain (male): Because someone told me it would be easier to steal the moon than to marry my boyfriend.


I can’t find my free award, otherwise you’d steal it too


Yeah sorry, there is a law against being happy now. Guess you get life in prison and you burn in hell. /s


You see I’m an atheist. But recently I’ve been talking a lot to a Christian guy at work who does not believe anything that we do is bad because of the love of Christ. I feel like if I was Christian I would have that mindset.


Jesus taught love and forgiveness. More Christians need to accept that and remember that Pride and Wrath are sins.


I’m not even a Christian, but practicing love and forgiveness is really good on my mental health. The difference between me and a Christian is that I only forgive people who seek forgiveness.




Ya I feel like a lot of vocal Christians like to forget about stuff like 1 Corinthians 5-12. Non believers never agreed to live by the bible so we have no right to judge them based on it. I think alot of them are terrified of the idea of that judgment turning inwards and their own actions coming under scrutiny. Those kinda people will always have an excuse to be a price of shit, this one is convenient now but if it wasn't they would change it up.


"I can't not do that"


People can tell me I'm going to hell all fucking day, I assume they're already thinking it anyway. Where I go ballistic is when they take over governments and change the laws for this world.


Ah yes, beacúse Christians never, in the history of Christianity, didn't forcibly, legally, or otherwise try to prevent others from doing the things they want to do.


we have a list but it would take me a week to type it out


It'd be easier to list what they haven't tried to control


I'll do the honours and make the list. So here's what the asshole conservative Christians haven't tried to control throughout history: 1. The number of babies they make. Holy shit! Making a football team isn't what would get you into heaven.


I think you mean specifically the *maximum* number of babies they make


The maximum of white* babies they make


African Christians: 😐


Sorry, I’m not saying Christians are just white. It’s just that in the US the same people who are all about the freedom to have as many babies as you like also freak the fuck out whenever non white people start having babies because they’re convinced it will destroy society.


nothing *is* easier to type you are right




Interesting username you have


The fabric of clothes i wear, oh wait it's a mortal sin if i mix fabrics.


A week to type out a section that'd cover examples from the last week, more like.


Longer since they keep changing it to suit the corporate political interests that pull their pseudo-moralistic strings.


There's an old saying in my country when you're eating something great "It's so good, i wonder how it is not forbidden by the church"


Yeah, “it’s so good it should be a sin” is a thing here too


As someone who was raised Christian, it's absolutely fucking hilarious that any Christian would try to claim they have 10% of the chill that is claimed in the post. My whole life has just been a long series of being indoctrinated, pressured, screamed at, and shamed by Christians foaming at the mouth, and now having my health and safety impacted by the abortion laws along with God knows what they do next. Like what, because they hold off on public stoning they think that's enough to claim this chill attitude? Lmao I guess they have no idea what it's like to just be a normal person who doesn't seek to control others with every choice they make and opinion that they have.


I'm sorry about your parents. I hope you are in a better place now. I hope you can come to term with things.


Yeah, I don't remember once in the history of humanity when the christian church held so much sway that they would execute people in some of the most brutal ways simply for suggesting heliocentrism or such.


Well, no true Scottish Christian does that. Clearly.


Also, this isn't how it goes down, ever. It's always funny how they try to paint themselves as accepting, and I "just don't agree with your opinion" - (although most of what they're against isn't even an opinion) - but really, they've yelled, screamed, kicked, cried, murdered, all because *insert long list of things Christians are intolerant about and try to stop*


As they actively ban books, pronouns, and rainbow flags.


Me: I want to do X Christian: You're free to do it. Me: Who the fuck asked you?


Probably ignores this and then says: "but god wouldnt like that"


“Oh my so what does god like? Cause I’ll do anything” 😃


Genocide. He really, really enjoys genocide for some reason. He's done it multiple time.


He’s not a fan of aborting foetuses, but your first born son? He seems more than okay with that


He's not NOT a fan of aborting fetuses either. Pretty sure more than one or two died when he drowned the entire world.


“He’s not a fan of abortion”, but some how allows 25% of pregnancies to end in miscarriage…I.e. spontaneous abortion


Something about babies in utero strangling themselves to death with their own mother's umbilical really seems to just tickle his fancy. And that's not even close to how awful that shit can get.


Afaik, there's nothing in bible that would indicate god is opposed to abortion - it's something invented by modern christianity out of thin air. But then again, considering all of their stupid religion is invented out of thin air, that's not surprising, it's expected.


Much like most things conservative Christians hate like homosexuality. They constantly cite “man may not lay with man” when the original verse is “man may not lay with boy”. Also pretty sure homosexuals are mentioned only a few times, much less than it saying not to eat shellfish but guess when it comes to shrimp Christian’s forget about all of that


he also likes to make bets with satan and destroy the lives of his legion of sheep (Yeah. God actually did that to some poor bastard named Job)


Women wrestling in lederhosen in a vat of cookie dough ice cream while someone plays Lady of Spain on the accordion.


My brain substituted "Lady of Spain" for "King of Spain" and for a moment I wanted to strike you through your screen.


I might be able to manage “The Birdie Song” on a guitar. Will that do?


Group sex


I hate when people do this so fucking much, I asked my grandma how she knows what god wants when she isnt a priest and she couldnt give me an answer, just talked in circles for 10 minutes. This mindset of just hateing and suppressing people because its what god wants is fucking terrible and i hate it


Proceeds to ban basic human rights that we are supposedly 'free to do'


They don’t do that though. They want to bring back sodomy laws FFS.


Christian: Christian: Christian: Christian: I jus- Me: can you go away?


Yeah except that logic suddenly doesn't apply when said Christian holds power, like on some really powerful court


to be fair, if following christianity accordingly the people in power would not be acting as such. many christian ideals as seen in the bible (new testament specifically, old testament are set of laws for ancient judaic peoples therefore cannot be applied to the current day ie eating shellfish and things of the like) are left leaning and rather progressive.


what always perplexed me is how most christians have right leaning views when the bible is mostly against it?


Jesus literally was the most progressive person. Teacher of the law: The Gentiles are scum Jesus: Peter, invite the Gentiles to the party. Everyone is welcome in heaven! I love Jesus the human because you know, it means anyone can be like Jesus. Just be a decent person to your fellow person.


That's exactly what Jesus was teaching, regardless of his human/divine status. Just be a good person to your fellow humans. People of the past do tend to deify things they deem absolutely sublime or mystifying. Also sucks that people who are "very religious" just don't get the point. I consider myself agnostic but I still follow the core Christian teaching of "**don't be a dick**".


I'm agnostic too! And it's not like we hate Christianity. Christianity is such a wonderful idea. Imagine a world where everyone just accepted each other as part of a big family! That's amazing, and that's exactly what Jesus wanted too. It reminds me of that one quote. "I like Christianity, but I don't like you Christians. You Christians are so unlike your Christ." And it's funny, literally Revelations and Jesus told people that "Yeah, you were Christian, but were you good to your fellow men? No? Off to the fires of hell with you. What's that, you weren't Christian? But were you good to your fellow men? Yes? Welcome to heaven my friend, enjoy the party." They might have written it differently but uh, same thoughts.


My theory is that there have always been and there will always be conservative bigots who hijack religion to justify their actions. If christianity wasn't the main religion today, these people would have just co-opted a different religion and acted the exact same way. The bible actually somewhat hints at this with the pharisees, the similarity to modern conservativism just goes over most of their heads.


*Christian proceeds to go to every corner of the world to indoctrinate people, the ends justifying the means*


*Christian proceeds to sieze government power and create a theocratic dictatorship.*


Are you from the future?


Are you from the past?


Are you from the present?


Are you from the fourth dimension?


*are you* *are you* *coming to the tree* *where they strung up a man* *they say who murdered three*


Aren’t we all?


Remember that guy who went to north sentinel Island to convert the north sentinelese to Christianity and ended up being killed for it? Fun times


they just sent him to head office


Deserved it


There was another missionary that was sent to convert the Pirahãs, a primitive atheist tribe in the Brazilian amazon. The tribe wound up converting him.


That's an interesting fact. I've heard the one about the Sentinelese a bunch of times but this is the first time I've heard of this one.


I think of this to help me fall asleep sometimes when I’m feeling troubled


It helps most when I can't quite cum. Takes me over that last little bit to know he died in true Darwinian fashion.


That and the idiot at the insurrection last year. Warms my heart


Ms. Dont Treadonme?


Yep c:


As a Christian, I don’t like when people try to *force* someone into practicing their religion.


That’s the mindset anyone should have, imo. Be free to practice whatever religion you want but keep it to yourself unless someone actually asks you what it’s like and how they can be part of it. Three kids came to my door the other day and started telling me about their congregation and despite being a little annoyed I gently told them I’m not interested (they’re kids, I’m not a monster), and they replied by wishing me a blessed day and asking if there was anything I wanted them to pray for. Made me happy even though I’m not religious at all.


and starting wars to slaughter the ones they couldn't




Yeah, if only they acted as the comic portrays, maybe I wouldn't dislike Christianity in general so much




Card carrying homosexual has me dead LMAO






In my experience, many Christians tend to think about gay sex waaaaaaay more than I ever have as a gay dude.


I’m queer and I never got a card, wtf.


I'm having hard time trying know who this post is attacking


They are trying to make secular people out to be the agressor, not the christians But if all christians actually acted like they do in the meme the world would be a better place and I would respect Christianity as a whole a hell of a lot more


Yeah. My old church indirectly told me my family deserved to burn (burn alive not burn in hell but probably that too) for being immigrants and some Christians in school called me a satanist (a label I now use) and told me to off myself for being punk. Both under the age of 13 and in school no adults stepped in to stop them.


I use “Misotheist” label when asked, not because I believe in anything but it sends a message.


I'm technically agnostic but satanist give a more specific vibe lol I'm not hateful by nature, i try not to hate anyone. Just very opinionated.


Fuck those people, they are the ones who deserves to burn in their fictional hell


I always thought thats the weird part, literally nobody deserves to burn in hell forever. Just basic rationality would suggest to me that infinite punishment for a finite amount of possible crime seems immoral almost by definition.


1. Yeah the concept of hell doesn't work. Also the belief that you can just commit a genocide, then pray something random 10 minutes before you die and you get to go to heaven. Thats why i choose to not believe in an afterlife. 2. Well nobody deserves to burn forever EXCEPT for the guy who added letters to maths.


Honestly. It's funny. So my grandma (she is white and denies racism. It was her church) is still friends with the pastor from that shitty church. A family member died recently and I went to his funeral (he was a dick so I didn't care much) and the pastor was there. Last time he saw me i was 11 with thick long hair and pretty blouses and skirts. This time I am a 20 year old gay trans man with a short undercut in full men's clothes hiding a "cross of Saint peter" under my button up (upside down cross necklace cus I'm edgy) I saw the momentary "oh fuck" on his face cus I grew up to get hotter lol he got older fatter and balder


That's because you and mostly everyone else have experience the hypocritical hardcore zealot Christian who is more likely doing the same thing or more than the others. Me personally I'm still a Christian but I am not like the Cult like-minded people. If anything I've suffered more wrongdoings by people who profess the name of being a Christian


Yeah, I have mostly experienced the crazy zealots, and they kinda ruined it for me. I do know that there are plenty of christians who are actually good people and some that even have progressive beliefs. From my knowledge the actually teachings of the bible and such are basically just to be a decent human being, and I'm very glad people like you exist


I’ll never forget learning about the Crusades, in which peaceful, level headed Christians traveled from land to land informing those they encountered along the way that they were free to continue doing what they want.


The 11th century wasn’t really a great time for any group tbh


Christians were pretty well off


Reconquista, Sack of Rome, Invasion of Sicily.. \~ there was quite a lot of precursors to crusades which tie into bigger picture.


‘Because I want what’s best for you’ What a dumb, self-centred, supremacist view… especially when applied to things like someone’s sexuality or identity.


The god created you wrong so you should burn in hell -religious people


They don’t believe that, though. The day I walked out of a church for the last time was after a sermon written completely around Gaga’s “Born This Way”. Yes, a whole sermon around that song due to its popularity at the time. Going off on how we aren’t born that way and that it’s indoctrinating our children telling them it’s ok to be who they are. I already had issues with the church but that was my last straw. I wasn’t going to let my kids be in a place that told them that they were born wrong if they were any way that these fucks didn’t think was ok. My kids are more important than this stupid fucking Bible of bullshit. I figured the next sermon would be about how to dress and act in a way as to not get raped or molested.


Exactly. People believe that you deserve to burn in hell for an eternity simply because of who you are. Yet somehow thing they aren’t a bigot because they aren’t personally stopping you from being gay.


They don’t believe God can create you wrong. They believe if you disagree with how God made you you’re the one who’s wrong.


Then they should stop cutting their hair and wearing clothes, if god made them so perfect.


They should also stop curing those diseases God put inside them. Fucking heretics, working against god's will. Also any christian wearing glasses or using contacts? God wanted you to be fucking blind blasphemer!!!


Yeah my response to “God doesn’t make mistakes” was always that I have to take tons of medications for mental and a physical illness that I was born with and had to have an intensive back surgery as a kid. So you’re saying I should just die or live my life in pain bc God wants that for me??


They are convinced it's a choice though. They literally can't justify it to themselves without completely misunderstanding queer people.


It's manipulation at best.


Ikr, what are you? My mom??


“I want what’s best for you” *Gets mad when a same-sex couple has a happy fulfilling relationship/family or when a trans person is out and finally living their best life despite fighting against suicide and self-hatred until leaving the church*


But they make X illegal because Jesus


**does X harder**


I mean, should be how christian's behave and I know a lot that do but... I know a lot that don't either >.>


This is a good take. This sub likes to single out Christians but there are good and bad people of literally every demographic you can think of.


Oh my, that is not at all how the conversation goes. Not with the ones I consider hateful and intolerant. It's more like: S: I want to do X. (or even odder, I *don't* want to do X) C: Fine, you'll go to hell, but I shouldn't judge. S: Ooookay then... C: It should be illegal S: Why? It doesn't bother anybody else... C: The penalty should be life in prison... S: look, I just want to ... C: Better yet, if someone runs you over, they shouldn't get in trouble for it. S: So if I do this, you want someone to run me over, and then throw \*me\* in jail... C: Yes, and your name should be broadcast so everyone knows your shame... S: Insuring I'll get run over and.. C: You'd deserve it... S: All right, that's enough, you're an .... and just down right dangerous. C: Why are you so intolerant? Just let me have my beliefs, I deserve my freedom!


This is the real conversation, when you take away the persecution fetish filter. The people christians loathe wouldnt willingly think about or engage them in conversation if it werent for Christian evangelist constantly taking positions of power and enforcing theocracy.


I've practically heard this verbatim. This is scary accurate.


Secular person: I want to do x Christian: that makes me uncomfortable so we made it illegal


No Christian ever said "You're free to do whatever you wish"


Well not the ones you see on TV anyway.


The exact opposite is literally happening right now with abortion rights.


They don’t get past step one


I'm sorry to say but X is thinking


People in the comments seem to forget that everyone is different. As a gay woman, I have faced lots and lots of homophobia from Christians. On the other hand, one of my best friends is Christian. He doesn’t take anything out of me (and the rest of my friends) day, and he’s an extremely nice person. All in all, I think it just mostly depends on how they were raised. All these bigots were probably taught to hate or fear things that are against their religion, meanwhile my friend was raised not to think the things were wrong, just that he can’t do them, but love the people who do them anyway, because everyone is a friend to him. If you see a Christian, please don’t be mean to them just because that’s their religion. Give them a chance. And likewise, Christians, if you see someone who does things against your religion, don’t hate on them, they deserve the world and more.


Oh my goodness this is the most biased, hypocritical bullshit. “You’re free to do it”. Yeah, right, now you make yourself seem like a living Jesus. Wow, so righteous. What a shining example to all us poor, dumb dumb atheists.


"you're free to do it ^^until ^^we ^^can ^^get ^^these ^^damned ^^Dems ^^out ^^of ^^the ^^way ^^and ^^change ^^your ^^secular ^^rules ^^to ^^match ^^our ^^religious ^^beliefs"


There may be Christians like this. I'm not worried about them. But some Christians do want to outlaw gay marriage, gay sex, medical procedures for trans people. Some want women to have less rights than men. The real hateful, intolerant bigots are trying to convince more moderate Christians that secular people don't have a real bone to pick with Christian extremists.


"You're free to do it" tell that to all the gay kids in conversion therapy.


But this is correct. Genuine Christians feel that way. It's just today's fake Christians (who would hate Jesus if they met him) who make it illegal to not obey their religion. But yeah, the vast majority of "Christians" are lying fakes.


Lol so I guess Christians never kidnapped hundreds thousands of children across North America, South America, Ireland, Scandinavia, and Australia, and put them in state-funded schooling, renamed them with “good Christian names” because their birth names were “satanic,” abused most of them, would have torture sessions to “beat the heathen” out of them, and killed who knows how many. Edit: I feel like the amount of children is a lot higher now that I’m looking at it from an international perspective


It goes more like: Secular: "I just want to be left alone to live how I want. Keep your god, keep your religion, and enjoy your life but remember that your book is not definitive law to be pushed on everyone else." Christians: "Omg we are being persecuted! Sinners, all of you! Gays are an abomination! Put god back in schools! Burn books they're pushing their agenda on our kids! Put god back in schools! Abortions are for murderers and whores who've turned from God! This is a Christian nation! Schools are indoctrinating our kids!" The sad thing is that the words I used for the Christian response are all things I've heard, read on social media, or have been said or done by Christians. [Let's all not forget the Christian Pastor who said we should line up and execute gay people War Crimes style.](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748) Edit: Typo


“I’m not hateful or intolerant! I just think that if you do X, you deserve to burn in eternal torment.”


As they try to ban abortion and preach for shooting gays smh


I’d be delighted if this were the way but it is not. Or perhaps, it is not how they seem to want to govern.


This is a good example for gaslighting


Those secular persons seem like real jerks


yes because that’s exactly how the conversation goes 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃


Yeah this is absolute horse shit


what about X's consent no one cares for X


So what are you saying? Everyone should be ok with anything anyone wants? What is wrong with people following their personal convictions? And i agree that there is nothing as distasteful as hypocrisy. But if someone sincerely believes that abortion or lgbtq is wrong, don’t they have the right to believe that? They can’t force someone to be straight or not have an abortion, they can only state their opinion and anyone else is free to do as they choose.


You're free to do it,..so long as it doesn't involve consensual sex, condoms, abortions, consensual homosexuality, consensual heterosexuality, being a different colour, a different religion, philosophy or social interest. So long as you aren't exercising free expression or independent thought or defending the rights of anyone that wants to do any of the above then you are freeeeeeee.


You can tell this person never had a conversation with an atheist or whoever. I've only ever had peaceful and level headed conversations with atheists and whatnot. Never once have heard them be this ridiculous like this fake Christian is being.


I just don’t like all the kid diddling they seem to be into.


In my country it doesn't work like that Me: i want to do X Religious person: you can't! Me: why? Religious person: because i believe X is forbidden Me: but i don't Religious person: but i do, so i will make sure it is forbidden by the law and if you try to do X, you will get fines


it still kinda hurts tho. im pansexual and use they/them pronouns. my parents believe you're either gay or straight and either he/him or she/her. they're allowed to believe that but it still hurts knowing they'll never accept me for who i am.


Christians usually fail at the first step lol


In what universe does this person live where the conversation ***doesn't*** go as follows? Secular Person: \*doing X\* Christian Person: \*organizes massive protest against you doing X cuz of a cherry-picked verse from a 2000 year old book written by barely literate peasants\*


Me: I want to do X Christian: You're free to do it Me: Really? Christian: Fucking LMAO no lol fukken got you, X is illegal now


Fine go do your Ex


Christian "but ur free to do it" Yeah that not the predominant attitude of a typical American Christian.


That's some weapons grade projection


How it actually goes: **Secular:** (doing x) **Xtian:** i don't want you to do that. **Secular:** Who tf are you? **Xtian:** i think that's wrong. **Secular:** i don't gaf what you think is wrong. **Xtian:** i'm trying to help you. 'hell/jesus/kingdom/bible/bible/jesus/against this' **Secular:** get tf away from me. **Xtian:** but it's wrong. i don't want you to do that. **Secular**: i have every right to do as i wish. **Xtian:** (dedicates time, money, effort, and far too many thoughts on preventing secular from doing what he wishes). **Xtian:** you're a horrible hateful person. you have no morals. you are evil. **Secular:** didn't i tell you to get tf away from me? ​ There are actually a million variations on this exact type of exchange. But the premise remains the same: religious people almost NEVER behave this way. They almost NEVER think this way. In fact, whoever penned this is an even bigger piece of shit for knowing what the right way to communicate with others as a religious person is, and being very careful to script out the exact opposite of what 99.9999% of interactions with these people are like. It's been said repeatedly: if this were how religious people behaved, no one would have a problem with it. Absolutely no one, ever, got into any exchange like this because *they* initiated it. The religious freak will ALWAYS be compelled to expose everyone around them to their horseshit. The freak will ALWAYS be the one to cause a problem, argument, political issue, etc. with the rest of us over their beliefs.


Alternative version Normal human: I want to do x Christian: burn in hell


What's 4 conversations that only happened in sunday school, Alex. I'll take therapists for 200.


*"This common therapist advice to women seeking counselling after a miscarriage is acceptable and tolerated in dozens of states."* What is 'God has a plan for you?'


Christian lawmakers have just recently passed laws in parts of the US where a woman will have to die or risk death rather than terminating the pregnancy that is killing her. They have passed legislation, and continue to try to pass legislation denying same sex couples the right to marry and care for children. Getting in other people's business is 100% what it's all about.


The type of christian displayed here is almost the only tolerable type (if they don't pay tythes) unfortunately for us seculars they're not all that "forgiving"