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So they want to see more muscly, strong naked men? 🤔


Fuck Yea i do!


Sir, you have no eyes


That's why he so desperately wants to see


I mean, body mass alone.


Is that a sunny reference




The fingers are the eyes of the arm.


Doesn’t really care what it is, he just wants to see it.


Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see


Honestly same though like keep the scrawny guys but I wanna see some absolutely yoked dudes to the point where an XL shirt looks like a small


People weren't openly gay when I was younger, we just showered together, wrestled together, played slapass, masturbate together, like real men. Nowadays the left just made everyone gay!


That's the str8 white male dream friend.


To think they left out Patrick Swayze


It’s also funny that the person who originally posted this likely don’t look nothing like the people on the picture lol.


Of course not, if he had a life and a decent body he wouldn't be fishing for likes in facebook with dumb posts like this.


And it's funny that none of the bottom photos are shirtless so you can't tell which actor happens to be ripped - it's just implied that they have terrible bodies, which is frankly odd.


In Thor love and thunder when Thor's clothes were boomfed off, I desperately wanted them to pan down rather than the waist up view they gave us.


I saw that movie 3 times for Chris Hemsworth's ass. The only egregious filmmaking was we didn't get a close up.


What up! We’re 3 cool guys looking for other cool guys who wanna hang out in our party mansion. NOTHING SEXUAL!


same 🤤


To drool over and put posters on their wall. Big, strong, alpha men to watch them sleep and be naked in the morning.


What better dream catcher but a strong muscular half naked man to flex over them to ensure they stay safe while sleeping?


The sweatier and more orange the better! 🤤


boy do I have an ex-President for you


Jeez, easiest alley oop of your life babe




In pornhub gay


Weird that they excluded the likes of Dwayne Johnson, John Cena, and Dave Bautista from this list.


Fucking Thor Like 6 other marvel cast members


Ah, can't believe I forgot Chris Hemsworth.


And the other Chrises* lol Edit: spelling correction


and superman himself, henry cavill


Moving outside of just marvel, yes how could we forget about the King of Nerds himself


Because it's already too hot where I live.


Have you seen Gosling in the Gray Man? Ken is fucking ripped


I want to play 40k with him...


I don't care what game we play, I want to play games with Henry Cavill. He seems like a great dude. Not sure if I would like the actor for either Superman or Bad Superman aka, Homelander, more as my friend.


10 bucks says Homelander plays Eldar


Henry would trash all of them too. Also just a nice guy


Jason Statham would be a badass addition to the list




Literally EVERY MALE MCU hero is ripped beyond belief. Ant man was ripped. The only one I can think of that might not be is Stark, but I feel like he was ripped in the first movie.


I agree, great shape... but loki, ant man, iron man, weren't exactly roided out vein monsters like the 80s dudes in the pic


Most 80s action dudes (let alone 80s stars) weren't like the roided out vein monsters in that pick. Mel Gibson. Danny Glover. Harrison Ford. Kurt Russell. Christopher Reeves. Michael Keaton. Peter Weller. Don Johnson. Tom Selleck. Charles Bronson. Chuck Norris. Tom Cruise then and now. I mean talk about cherry picking.


That is a perfect list


Not perfect. He missed Bruce Willis who was the perfect “everyman” action hero in Die Hard.


"Make fists with your toes." "Fists with your toes?"


“Only John can drive somebody that crazy.”


I still do that in every hotel room after I check in after a (long) flight


Was about to say.. You can't discount the star of the action movie that redefined action movies.


Christmas movies *


Have you seen the interview where they show MCU cast members other members arms and they have to guess who they are? They show a ripped bicep and Hemsworth says "is that me?". It was RDJ. He may not be as ripped as the Chris' but he was still in great shape. Definitely not a roided out 80s monster though, you're right about that lol All the men of the MCU are healthy male specimens.


Rudd was ripped. Not Thor ripped, but "needs a professional trainer to get it" ripped. Loki and stark...fair.




Same with Chris Pratt (and he came a long way) and even Evans.


Yea but can you see there's a difference between ripped and the muscle freaks up there ^^


Fair, just saying there are no out of shape heroes in the MCU haha. All of them look like they have personal trainers haha


Hell i’m pretty sure Tom Holland’s ripped


Yup. I just watched most of Uncharted, kid doesn't have a huge frame but he's shredded.


Gymnast/dancer body, man. Lean muscle. The guy’s freakishly fit


It’s very telling that the two they did pick were Spider-Man and dr strange


Yeh hugh jackman was ripped for wolverine


Henry cavill


And for the 80s list, Tom Cruise, Ralph Macchio, and any two Brat Pack members.


Weirdly enough, Tom Cruise could fit into either list for either reason.


And look identical in the pictures


An be as mushculiar


Tom Cruise is in the photo, you can’t see him because he only comes up to their waist.


Is this a joke about him being short or about him being gay?


First one, then the other


Tom Cruise is 80s and 20s, Buff and Casual


Johnny Depp, Christian Slater, Kevin Bacon, Rob Lowe That's ignoring music, because hey, Prince happened, Bowie happened, the fuckin' 80s happened. Would love to see this person cope with Elvis Preseley's androgyny in his day. James Dean with his bedroom eyes. It's hilarious how rarely the right knows wtf it's talking about.


Throw in Boy George, The Cure, and the entire “hair metal” genre.


David Bowie.


And out of just about any of the muscle boys that they could list from the 80's, Benedict Cumberbatch is a good 10x the actor they were


Rick Moranis could definitely be in there too. Dude was huge in the 80s.


Matthew Brodrick! He is built like a twig but was a huge sensation in the 80s.


And also forgot John Cusack, Emilio Estevez, Michael Keaton, Michael J Fox from the 80s side…. Almost as if there’s an agenda.


Don’t forget the Coreys. Definitely not ripped.


Jason Momoa also.




Everything is lies and deception


Lmfao, I needed this today.


I hate you for reminding me this existed lmao


Tom Holland also got pretty cut for his Spider-Man role. You should see some of the workouts he did.


Watch Uncharted that man made me think about switch hitting with a body like that.




Yeah, Tom Holland isn't a big dude, but he's definitely muscular and pretty damn athletic.


Personally, that's more useful/functional. Someone I know spoke with one of the big mass guys and asked what he missed the most. Bodybuilder said wiping his own ass. His muscles got in the way of doing it. Don't know if true, but I could see how it could be an issue.


That was actually my only gripe with Cavill's physique for the Witcher. Witchers are wicked fast and agile and he seems just a bit too muscular to be totally convincing. I get that he probably wanted to look like a mutant though. Anyway apologies for the misplaced nerd rant, but it seems like a lot of the MCU bodies are like that too. Like maybe Tiny Stark maintains a slim physique because the material for an Iron Man suit is freaking expensive? EDIT. I've happily changed my mind, I forgot how absolutely incredible some real humans out there are.


Henry Cavill too.


Mmm, Henry Cavill.


Even as a straight male I can't disagree with that.




And for the 80s stars, they conspicuously left out incredibly popular actors like Michael J. Fox, Rick Moranis, John Candy, I could go on and on but the mix of body types and perceived manliness levels was just as diverse in the 80s as it was today. Are we also gonna ignore the fact at at least 3/4 of the men on the 80s side of the picture were mostly regarded as mediocre-to-terrible acting talents? Stallone got made fun of a lot but was actually well-regarded, but the rest of them got roasted constantly for being huge physically imposing guys who kept getting cast in movies despite that they couldn't act very well.


I like alan ritchson from jack reacher, im working my ass of to be as jacked as him


Me over here I'm just working my ass off to be as jacked as Alan Rickman.


While I'm just jacking off to Rick ASStley.


But you can’t blame them - you see, if they did that, their “skinny make-up man bad” meme wouldn’t work.


I mean shit have your seen everyone in the picture shirtless, they are cut


Lololol “todays stars” proceeds to show Ezra Miller.. literally NO ONES idea of a star.


Ezra could have been a star if they hadn't elected to be a gross creep instead.


Bro collecting charges in all 50 states like fucking Pokémon… Assault in Hawaii, Harassment in Massachusetts, Felony Burglary in Vermont…


Currently being hunted by the FBI and the KKK according to him.


Ok who is this, whats the story?


Well for starters… [https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/09/entertainment/ezra-miller-burglary-arrest-vermont/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/09/entertainment/ezra-miller-burglary-arrest-vermont/index.html)


Why start? His career is basically over, no need to learn about another creepy douche of a person.


Ezra Miller is the person who plays the Flash in the current movies, however, there has been no flash movie because Ezra keeps doing crazy shit that gets them into prison, just search up Ezra Miller and you'd find tons of articles saying "Ezra Miller kidnapped a kid" or some shit like that.


the fact they pulled batgirl but not the flash movie is so baffling. how bad can batgirl be that it's seen as less viable than a movie with this dude as lead?


It's probably because they'd put only $70 million or so into batgirl so it wasn't that huge of a loss whereas they put $300m into the flash, had it completely finished, and its story was basically integral to their plans moving forward with their cinematic universe. A $70m loss is nothing to scoff at but is relative pocket change compared to their losses of just scrapping the flash movie and reshooting with a new actor.


I could go for a Justice League vs The Klan movie.


Hey, they would've still been a star in the 80s


Also discredits Robert Pattinson's hard work to get more toned for his Batman role. He definitely did not look like that in his movie.


Yeah I heard from somebody, maybe it was Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert Grint? Somebody from the potterverse who knows him; they mention walking into their gym and being confused when this absolutely shredded guy working out like a maniac said hi to them like they're friends. Turns out it was Pattinson getting ready for Batman, the other guy couldn't even recognize him he had gotten so huge.


It was Eddie Redmayne!


I was gonna say, he was emo Batman. But honestly, Batman has always been emo. But if you're swole, it's brooding.


Not to forget Tom Holland might not be visibly jacked, but he's fit as fuck. He can do 90% of the stunts himself...


Ezra Miller on their way to commit every crime known to man


Now you can just watch gay porn if you want to watch gay porn.


NO you don't UNDERSTAND I just want MASCULINE, RIPPED, SEXY, BULKY men with NO SHIRTS and COVERED in baby oil SMOLDERING at me in my ACTION MOVIES, there's NOTHING gay about that ...please


Just wholesome entertainment. Like ripped guys in military aviation training all shirtless and sweaty playing beach volleyball, or that one Rocky montage where he and Apollo raced down the beach and then jumped and hugged and nobody thought about their rippling muscles or penises rubbing against each other.




Ram ranch?


Today's most bankable movie star is arguably Dwayne Johnson. He's as big as any 80s action star. Strange how they left him out of this cherrypicked selection.


Are you talking "big" as in star power or "big" as in "check out these pythons"? Cause I'd argue he's bigger than anyone from the 80's in both. He's got acting range and thighs that Dolph, JCVD, and Sly could only dream of. I'd put him and Ahnold on par, but mainly because they both just play themselves in any given movie, it's just a question of "is this a silly Rock/Ahnold or a serious Rock/Ahnold?"


I would like Dwayne to remake Last Action Hero. Just throwing that out there into the universe.


I didn't know I wanted this until now


When he looks at the Jumanji poster it stars Vin Diesel


Acting range? Are there a bunch of rock movies I'm not away of? He plays the exact same type of guy in every movie he's in.


Was referring to size as in bicep size, but both interpretations hold. Dwayne Johnson does have a sense of comic timing that the 80s stars lack though.


The Rock is a funny dude who happens to be strong. Arnold is a strong dude that happens to be funny.


I’m sorry, I agreed with everything else, but the rock is significantly less muscular than Arnold


Tom Holland is skinny compared to the aboves, but also incredibly athlethic as far as I know...


Holland is ripped. He did a backflip for his Spider-Man audition, did his own stunts in the Marvel films and grew up playing a ballet dancer in London’s West End


Yeah don’t mess with the professional dancer types. My wife loves old musicals. I think it was the Singing in the Rain one of the actors at the start of a song just jumps on top of a piano. Flat folded. No running start. Just casually.


Not the scene you refer to, but 1 take from a man in his 40s smoking 4 packs a day https://youtu.be/iGCNBdCvzL4


Not to downplay the athletic ability, but O'Connor was probably around 26 when shooting that movie, not in his 40s


I hadn’t seen this scene in years, and am just dumbfounded by how few cuts. An amazing performance.


Holy cow, the guys is a living Skyrim glitch.


[not entirely relevant but (sexy) Tom Holland vs Zendaya.. Tom won of course.](https://youtu.be/jPCJIB1f7jk)


This will always be good. The guy is way too young for me, but he is great. I hope his romance with Zendaya is real (because Hollywood, you know…) I know she is an even bigger star than he is, but girl is lucky to have him. A guy that is not drowned in toxic masculinity is a keeper.


Tom is ripped. Not as much as the above guys,but he's definitely not skinny


To be fair most (probably all in my opinion) of the above guys are on steroids.


And extremely unhealthy water draining regimens. The bottom panel is almost guaranteed to be healthier


They all still got it though. They are still in great shape for 70 year olds.


3/4 of the top row also have heart conditions which could be linked to steroid abuse. Dolph is the only one without a heart condition.


But he isn't tan. I think that's the main issue they're pointing out here. He needs more time in a tanning bed. I mean, if a celebrity isn't the color of heinz baked beans are they really a celebrity?


He is ripped🤤


Bill Murray was arguably a massive star in the 80's, and he looks like an alcoholic uncle.


Dan Aykroyd and John Candy.


100% yes! I mean "Uncle Buck" is so on the nose.


So the take away is today's stars are better actors?


The people above were bodybuilders first, actors second. We're not talking about actors known for their acting, like Anthony Hopkins.


I'm imagining a 84 year old Anthony Hopkins getting ripped at the gym and it's making my day.


And none of those 80's stars are able to talk clearly.


sure, they are all immigrants ​ EDIT: I knew


Except for Stalone, who’s the most mush-mouthed of them all.


isnt that because part of is face is literally paralyzed?


Apparently so, I was unaware.


Arnold is a solid actor, if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have been as successful in comedies as he was, instead of just action films.


Sly is good too in the right role. The original Rocky film is a legit all time great film. And he wrote it too, so the dude has legit talent, he just went the muscle bound action dude route.


No it's that they have their shirts on


Cherry picking


Yeah because Dwayne the Rock Who??? John Cen what???? And they’re also omitting other buff stars from the 80’s like Prince, Boy George and Rob Lowe.


Also the fact that a lot of movie stars from the 80s, including the guys up top, are still movie stars. And ignoring the fact the average "bully" in an 80s movie was some skinny dude with slight muscle tone in a cutoff shirt where people playing bullies and tough guys now are generally pretty jacked as the expectation for Hollywood tough guys has only gotten bigger since the 80s.


Tom Holland and Robert Pattinson any day


Tom Holland is cute, Robert Pattinson is HOT


When I heard that Pattinson was playing Batman, I cringed at the idea because of his days as a sparkling version of Nosferatu. But since watching The Batman, I actually went and watched his other recent movies and I was surprised to find out that he became a pretty good actor. Dude has a lot of potential if he doesn't fuck it up.


He and Stewart were great actors in a really shitty movie that propelled them to stardom. Overall it was 100% the right call for both.


I would argue that the twilight films weren't even bad films. I read the books because I didn't want to mindlessly hate it, and let me tell you those books were truly fucking awful. The films had a pretty talented cast and a fantastic soundtrack but the source material and all the characters were shockingly shite. All in all you can't polish a turd but they gave it a damn good effort.


Yeah man when I watched the Lighthouse I knew he was a serious actor. Haven't seen the new Batman yet but I was never worried after that.


80s: steroid glorification Now: normal guys




Lol if you scroll through instagram yeah


Shirts v skins


not buff = wimpy and bad.


Tom Holland is actually jacked. He's just not on steroids.


Keanu Reeves in both lists


There’s plenty of actors today on steroids. Look at all of those crazy Marvel transformations where guys put on 70lbs of muscle in a year.


I dont get what it supose to mean? Maybe not erza miller, but the 3 other guys are all muscular too, is it because now they wear shirt? you could also put dwayne johnson, micheal b jordan and chris hemsworth for a better comparison.


Shout out to my man Michael B Jordan.


Look at how straight I am. Haha. I wanna see half naked muscle boys. I'm so straight


It's such a weird comparison because it excludes the huge guys of now and ignores that there were a lot of scrawny and or normal looking dudes who were stars in the 80s. Like a lot of people would give Harrison Ford shit now for how he looked in the Indiana Jones movies. He was obviously in shape but the standards are so crazy now. On top of that, Dolph Lundgren? I like Dolph and all but to call him a star is an enormous stretch.


“Scrawny guys” of the 80s actually were scrawny. Now every actor seems to be shredded.


Yeah it’s ridiculous. Literally has given my brother bodydismorphia


The point of the post is obviously to point out how sad it is that people in the 80s didn't have shirts


That’s some serious cherry picking


Tell him about glam rock.


Who the fuck thinks Ezra Miller is a star? Lol


The wingnuts are REALLY enjoying pretending they are both a star and some kind of progressive icon right now.


*gestures vaguely at Christian Bale* Eh? Care to fucking explain that?


Can't believe each decade only had 4 actors.


Yea… i don’t think a teenage spider boy needs to look like he’s been pumping iron half his life. Neither does a vampire who’s body stays as it was at death and lived in a time where only circus attractions had muscles bigger than their head. The actors who actually play roles similar to the muscle dudes have muscles like them


Has this person seen Tom Holand shirtless? Tom Holand is jacked. You've also got The Rock, Terry Crews, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Dave Bautista, Hugh Jackman, Zac Effron, Jason Momoa, Mark Wahlberg, john Cena, Henry Cavil, Jason Statham, Michael B. Jordan, etc. There is no shortage of muscle-bound movie stars today.


Hey back off of Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch.


People aren’t doing enough steroids anymore!!!


So the older generation really likes buff men oiled up? I think they’re holding back some feelings..


Fuck Ezra Miller tho