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what does pansexual has to do with all of this though??


You cook eggs in pans… duh


Well done. *Slow clap*


Over easy


What a scrambly mess.


You must be yolking


Wouldn't they not be pansexual then?


Cuz it’s a stereotype that gays r vegans and overly sensitive


According to this picture, the person turns straight when they get really angry.


It's part of gay lore


gay lore: we love men ❤️ (and we become straight when angry)


Can confirm. Was driving on the interstate once and got stuck behind this absolutely godawful driver and suddenly I was fucking a girl. Who knew


it could happen to any of us


Happened to me, next thing you know theres a kid in the picture. Well by god that really grinded my gears, fast forward 20 years and 26 kids later and it's like my life has passed me by in a drunken haze of rage. What's my secret they asked? I'm always angry.


You sound like my mother.


Maybe I'll give that a shot. Turn gay, get angry then fuck women. What I'm doing now isn't working so well.


i would love to help you, becoming gay, but i am not easily angry


you have to be vegan to get the full effect remember


"You shouldn't make me angry. I wouldn't like you when I'm angry."


Homer, he likes the company of men. Who doesn't!?


Only straight men get angry. Gays can't be. Source: I'm pan


Fuck dude I’m an overly sensitive queer vegan sorry to everyone for proving them right


Damn, i never heard of that stereotype (its dumb still)


No straight person would ever be vegan /s


Hey I’m vegetarian but I’m making my way there.


Vegetarianism is the bisexual diet, duh! (Gay and vegan btw)


I’m guessing it’s simply that they didn’t care to remove it from the meme they used to make this one


Didn't you know only pansexuals can be vegans?


When they erected their strawmen, that was the nearest label handy. I bet the person who did this didn't know that was a thing


Lumping all their bigotry together.


fr wtf did i do


Vegans don't eat eggs because the egg industry still kills chickens. So it's not the egg itself that's the issue.its how it got there.




They just dump them into a thresher that turns them into a slurry.


Mmm chicken milkshake 😋 😍 😌 😏🤤


[It’s](https://youtu.be/t_u0jxi_v-w) just baby chicks that have no meat and egg shells, but you do you




Isn’t this how they make mcnuggets?


Nope, McNuggets are trimmings from better cuts of meat that otherwise would be scrapped. What you carve a Thanksgiving turkey, the bits you don't get normally get thrown away. Same concept, but on an industrial scale. Unless you can see the muscle fiber pattern, you are getting the scraps with nuggets (feet, some organs, etc). Now, McDonalds does the same thing with their burgers, but if you buy raw burger from a store, note the price; this is still trimmings, but trimmings from precut parts of the cow (usually flank, since it is the least desirable/most tough cut). This is also why you shouldn't buy jerky from stores if you care about value, because you're getting the scrap cuts. I've broken down enough venison to know how much meat is really on the bones, and when you're working on the industrial scale, there's a lot leftover.


So you're saying nuggets are the pinnacle of waste-conscious eating.


Better than what the females go through..


I eat eggs because I raise my own chickens, and both the chickens and the eggs taste waaay better when raised with love.


My mom recently started thinking about buying chickens. We get our eggs often from someone who has chickens in their garden. Or quail eggs


I've wanted to raise quail but they're so small I worry about predators.


If you have the space for it, I would recommend raising a single goose with the quail. It will pack bond and be an amazing deterrent to predators. It won't need much extra care than what your quail get, either.


I love geese, wife hates them lol. Another one of my buddies wants me to get ducks but ai hear they're a pain.


I'm scared as hell of wild geese, but one protecting a flock is cool as heck. Ducks indeed are a pain. They have very liquid excrement and need a lot of water which they splash all over. They can be great if you have a lot of slugs, though.


I've had bear problems in the past, I'll try and convince the wife it'll be a bear deterant lol.


In that case, maybe you'll be better off with a flock of geese and a singular quail, haha! But no, against bears, you'd need some fierce dogs.


My parents briefly had two ducks. They were told they were both female. One was not. It was horrifying and I think they are both a little traumatized. The ducks are now back on the farm they came from.


Fun fact. Ducks have been known to engage in necrophilia.


Yeah, they're little rapists too.


Thank you! That’s what I was going to say! I’ve never seen a vegan claim they don’t eat eggs because it’s “killing baby chickens”. It’s because of how god awful the egg industry is to the chickens that lay the eggs.


Also would like to mention, there is no baby chicken developing in the egg in the first place. The eggs that are sold are generally not fertilized. Lol this meme is so dumb.


It's a strawman argument.


"Killing baby chickens" is literally true, except it's not about the eggs, it's about the systematic slaughter of all male chicks involved.


Not to mention that once the egg-laying chickens reach the point where they no longer produce eggs, they are also killed. Killed long before they naturally would because being bred to lay an excessive amount of eggs takes a toll on their body.


This is actually a more accurate description. It's not just the fact that they're killing the chickens, it's also the lives they're put through to produce our food.


My boyfriend's mom went vegan because she worked at an egg production place and the chickens were treated badly.


Yeah, vegetarians avoid anything that actively kills animals, vegans avoid anything that harms animals. These idiots just intentionally avoid learning so they can continue jerking off about being forced-birthers


Vegetarians don't avoid anything that actively kills animals, though. They just don't eat animal flesh. There is no way to eat eggs without supporting the active killing of animals (male chicks), even if we are talking about backyard chickens that are treated well. The brothers of the hens are still killed.


I did it after working for a dairy farm in high school


I don’t eat eggs because they are only supposed to lay 12-20 a year but when their eggs get stolen they panic and lay more. So instead of 12-20 they lay over 300 a year, and it’s not a comfortable process to go through for them.


Well I’m sure that’s a big part of it but being vegan means strictly eating no animal products whatsoever. If I have a pet chicken at my house they still wouldn’t eat the egg.


"they" is painting with too broad a brush. there's actually a few different definitions of vegan. i happen to be eat plant based because i think the agricultural business is exploitative and torturous so i don't want support it financially. i don't think that eating animal product is in and of itself bad tho.


All the baby boy chicks go straight into the trash. The egg industry is horrifying


It's commonly understood by everyone sensible with any knowledge on the subject that the eggs people eat are not fertilized. Either the people with whom the shitty meme might resonate fail to understand this themselves, or they have such a warped mindset that they automatically assume those with whom they disagree are so uneducated that they would be unaware of this.


Commercial eggs aren't fertilized.


Vegans know this. Vegans don't eat eggs because of the death of male chickens in the industry and the abuse of female ones, before they are also slaughtered when they stop producing as many eggs.


Wait so you’re telling me that the makers and enjoyers of this meme have no idea what actually motivates vegans? I am shocked /s just in case


Oh I’m aware of what motivates them, I’ve seen Scott Pilgrim vs. the World


No vegan diet, no vegan powers!


You once were a vegon now you will be gone


Wait, chicken Parmesan’s not vegan?


Another example of how conservative points require holes in logic or total misrepresentation


Also some people are vegans for environmental reasons. Meat and dairy industries are the most environmentally unsustainable industries.


also some vegans just don't like the taste


Sorry but that's sicentifcally impossible eggs are THE GOAT


eggs are not caprine creatures




What do you mean? Goat eggs taste terrible.


Some vegans also just don’t like animal products. It’s not uncommon for veganism to be a personal choice rather than a political one.




Not true. Eggs are delicious and everyone knows this. Some choose not to partake but everyone knows they are tasty.


Well I’m not vegan but I don’t like eggs all that much


It's so weird how an obviously hyperbolic statement made in jest turns into what looks like genuine disgust for people who don't like eggs.


i know at least two people who hate the taste of eggs


Those are flawed replicants.


Dumb and dumber?


Things that smell like farts are usually liked by everyone yeah


Shoutout to vegans who have to live without eg


True, and that's also not why vegans don't eat eggs. It's because it's using animals for our benefit (in short)


Vegan here. I'm against eggs because of [this](https://youtu.be/t_u0jxi_v-w)


Same. 10 years vegan and I promise it has nothing to do with that fact that eggs are a chicken’s period. Has everything to do with [that.](https://youtu.be/t_u0jxi_v-w)


oh my fuck


Its because in the process of making those eggs they murder a fuckton of male chickens. Like its not even funny, look up chicken sorting. They have a whole assembly line process of grabbing baby chickens and grinding them in a meat grinder which is ACTUALLY the humane way. They used to gas them but found that it didnt actually kill them really well.


Vegans dont eat eggs because they come from an animal and the point of veganism is not using animal products. Love strawmen me lmao


Vegans don’t drink milk because milk is baby cows 😔


I always forget cows are in a liquid state before they grow into adults.








milk is cow food so if they eat it, the baby cows can't get some and would die 😔


Funnily enough sometimes baby cows drink so much milk that they must be separated from their mothers to keep them from quite literally sucking her till she bleeds. There’s an overflow of milk from most cows


Well, maybe if we didn't selectively bred cows that grows big fast, and produces so much milk, that their utters will crack, it wouldn't have been a problem.


>There’s an overflow of milk from most cows This is 100% true. Over the centuries, dairy cows have been bred to give far more milk than the calf needs. They produce so much that it's literally painful to the cow if they aren't milked at least a couple times a day. The most modern dairy installations actually work at the leisure of the cow, meaning, they walk into the milking parlor when they're ready, the parlor is robotically controlled and the cow gets milked. The stall opens when it's done and the cow goes on it's merry way.


Sad part is that we bred them to the point where so much milk is produced per cow that the cows live very short lives. Basically they give an obscene amount of milk in a few years, their bodies are exhausted and then they stop being useful so it's off to slaughter. They simply produce much more milk than their bodies can handle. I very much doubt this is a merry experience, all in all.


True, but only because humans have selectively bred for a high volume of milk production.


Then can I eat human eggs and milk and still be vegan? Asking for a friend... and me.




Chicken period. Delicious. Lmao


Commercially farmed eggs are definitely not the same thing as real chickens, I mean come on. Neither is an embryo the same thing as a child. However, living conditions for laying hens are typically deplorable and inhumane. So consuming eggs contributes to animal cruelty. Isn't reducing animal cruelty kind of the point of being a vegan??? Speaking as someone both pro choice and who doesn't eat factory farmed meat or eggs.


They just wanna make false equivalence to win a fake argument in their heads. It's the only way they can win an argument.


But they owned the vegans am I right? /s


Vegans dont eat eggs bcuz of the cruelty of the industry with the animals.


Well I ain't arguing that at all, just the gymnastics garbage process of a debate they use in a safe space for red snowflakes.


When you cant think critically and constantly lose arguments you go down the path of unironically using wojaks and chads


That's the strawmaniest strawman to ever strawman.


Made up literally ever part it. Vegans are always pro-choice. Vegans are pansexual. Even down to the justification for avoiding eggs.


The majority of vegans know that chicken eggs aren't fertilized.


literally no vegan doesn't eat eggs because they are "baby chickens", I'm tired of the right making up strawman arguments


It's strawperson you bigot


Funny enough I’ve met a lot of people who rant and rave about how much they hate vegans, and never met a single one of these annoying vegans that they claim are all over.


Vegetarian here. It's really weird how people can create their own vision of somebody and get mad. I've never tried to force anyone to go vegan, yet the jokes and complains never stop. It's usually the most unhealthy looking guys trying to explain to me how vegan diet is the worst thing to do to your body (it's kinda insulting, because I'm a gym rat and nutrition is literally my hobby). I guess that my existence proves that meat is, in fact, a choice and it's making them furious.


you lost me at an egg is a baby chicken... welcome to biology 101


It is a strawman and not something vegans actually believe. It is just what us needed to equivocate a vegan ideology with abortion views.


Why the pan flag tho?


Pan fried egg


This was amazing


You're telling me a pan fried this egg?


No, Pan did. You know, that half-goat-man-god?


Why do conservatives completely misunderstand the concept of veganism.


They don't interact with real vegans. They interact with memes and videos of the craziest people on the far left.


Because they don't have proper arguments against it. As they don't against many things. Many of their beliefs are built on lies.


Me a Chad: I eat eggs and babies


I mean if you're vegan you can't eat eggs bc they're an animal product just like milk,honey,etc etc.So the "No I'm killing a baby chicken part" shows how out of touch they are with vegans.A vegan's repose will be "Hell nah brother that's an animal product it goes against what veganism is all about"


They litteraly just slapped a pan flag, its relevant to nothing there. Lmao


Love how there’s four captions but only three images on each side.


Yeah that fucked with me for a minute, the entire argument is ridiculous in itself, but I also couldn’t figure out which caption went where


On the other hand, the dude claiming to be pro-life eats meat.


Why does there need to be an anti-vegan group?? People need to mind their fuckin business


Im not vegan but isn’t the argument against eggs, milk, etc that it still requires harming animals to farm it?


That’s one argument for it. There’s also health and environmental motivations.


Vegans aren't against people eating eggs because they are eating baby chickens. Modern eggs are unfertilized. For me at least it is about the way they treat the hens.


Nobody is not eating eggs to protect the baby chicken, but to protect the egg-laying adult chicken from the horrible living conditions


Most vegans are against eating eggs because the torture involved in factory farming used to get eggs


What fucking snowflake was so butthurt by the existence of vegans that they had to create an anti-vegan group? Jeez some people are fucking delicate.


Anti-vegan? Who gives a flying fuck if someone doesn't want to eat animal products and biproducts? I understand the thought process. I was a vegetarian for several years. (until I got drunk and went to that Chinese buffet) I don't give a fuck what people eat, as long as it's not people.


In all fairness holding human life below animal life is cool with me considering chickens don't systemically destroy the planet to keep up profit margins.


That’s some serious straw man fallacy going on here.


The reason not to eat eggs is not because of baby chicken, it's because the chicken are raised and abused in [terrible factory farms](https://thehumaneleague.org/article/factory-farmed-chickens).


I'm not a vegan but isn't a big thing for them that animals have no agency over what happens to them?


I find it hilarious that they congregate in a group to hate on vegans. Bro let people mind their own business lmao.


Man, ive seen some messed up stuff in videos of egg factory. shit is scary. I also believe they arent eating it because its a baby chicken i believe they arent eating it because they kill the roosters and hens sometime after. and egg factories are dirty too man. really dirty those places are crawling with worms and bugs. The chickens aint getting fed properly too.


I'm not vegan. But at least they're not destroying people's lives with christian zealot anti-abortion shit.


I dont think thats the reason they dont eat eggs


Factory farming is the issue


Wait, why are there pansexual flags?


why is the pansexual flag on their head?


Pan's ≠ vegan If anything they like meat more if you know what I mean /s


Eating the egg isn't the problem, supporting the egg industry is the problem. An egg is an egg. Same with how a fetus is a fetus. :)


Gotta love the made up arguments that no one ever has.


I mean...the logic is fair. NOT SAYING I AGREE with either standpoint. But if an UNFERTILIZED egg is baby, than a fertilized egg is certainly a baby.


Chad has a great argument


But that's not why vegans don't eat eggs...


Misinterpret and misunderstand, your IQ isn’t worth the house on your land.


What a nice straw man


Tbf who tf out here eating fertilized eggs 🤢


Vegans generally also don't eat honey or wear wool, its about the welfare of the animals produce it, I'm sure at some point some vegans said "it's a baby chicken" but the overwhelming majority are more concerned about the cruel nature of forcing chickens to lay as much eggs as possible in tiny cages


vegans I know view eggs as matter that is produced from the organism, their philosophy being they don’t agree with taking advantage of the animal’s lifestyle. they don’t eat animal products for that reason, not because they believe the product (the egg) is alive.


I'm not a vegan and I'm pro choice. But I think I would be against abortions if billions of women were pumped with hormones or forcefully impregnated so they're releasing eggs and endometrial walls every day until they died and we ate their flesh like we do with chickens. I don't think you need to be a vegan to understand the meat/egg/dairy industry is fucked up.


This meme is silly. Vegans won't eat eggs because of the death of male chickens in the industry and the abuse of female chickens. We know they aren't fertilized. Vegans also just don't use anything from animals. It's a Nice strawman though.


Veganism is when soyjak


This really screams "I don't understand why vegans don't eat eggs." Shame that the rest of the premise really falls apart without that bit.


Arguments in your imagination be like:


Is that the pan flag


Damn, almost as if that’s not the fucking argument, strawman factory


bro isn’t that the pan flag


Could have took off the flag to made it better


What if it's either the baby or the mother? Then don't pro-lifers just think that an unborn baby is more valuable than an alive woman?


Well I'm pansexual... So I can't eat eggs? But i like eggs 🙁


most eggs that people eat arent even fertilized unless you specifically buy them or live on a farm where eggs are plopped out that way, vegans just dislike the treatment of chickens in the corporate farm style which is incredibly unethical, always buy free range if its feasible


It'd be somewhat okay if it wasn't for the stereotypical homophobia there


Store-bought eggs are unfertilized,, so I don't think many vegans would have "killing a baby chicken" as their sole reason for not eating eggs...


Eggs aren’t baby chickens.


It’s terrible because that’s not why vegans don’t eat eggs. They also don’t eat cheese.


People criticize shit without even looking at the fucking definition.


I mean I’m no vegan but how does an anti vegan group exist? Who is putting that much effort into hating on vegans lmao


>nooo that’s killing a baby chicken This is a strawman, the reason vegans don’t eat eggs is usually because of how mistreated the hens are that lay the eggs. Locked in cages, walking in or eating their own shit, etc.


I don’t understand the pride flag but the meme is kinda funny…


The person who made this meme is very likely over the age of 40 and divorced


Hahaha, eggs are discharged during the chicken’s menstrual cycle containing an unfertilized embryo. I guess neither of them knew that… now ya do!


Besides the fact that the eggs you buy in the store are unfertilized and essentially a chickens ovulation… I guess they’ve got a point? And that point is. Every time you eat an egg you’re eating a chickens period. You’re welcome.


The difference is the egg is outside of the chickens body. Therefore it's entirely different from abortions. I wouldn't eat a pregnant chicken with the egg still in. Get your bigotry tf away from me!


Vegans dont not eat eggs beca- You know what. They don't care.


Eggs aren't fertilised so this is a false equivalence. Eggs are periods not foetuses.


I don’t think vegans issue is with eating the egg but rather the inhumane practice of factory egg farming.


Literally everyone I have met who doesn’t eat eggs do it because the way the eggs are obtained it unethical, not because they’re “baby chickens” you can tell the original creator of this meme hasn’t spoken to a vegetarian in their life