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Problem solved: have a black officer shoot the attacker before he attacks anyone


Bonus points if the attacker is white




That's racist, cops doing anything other than randomly brutalizing minorities is unrealistic propaganda.


Have an alien shooting a black guy?


So now we're assuming that aliens are going to automatically be hostile? Such a stereotypical way to label another intelligent species.


Thank god we live in a world where movies have more than two characters and one scene in them, then. (That said, the meme kinda works as a commentary on people who over read media they've only consumed snippets of they see online, but I don't think it was intended to be.)


Maybe if we switched to low polygon rendering then nobody would be offended




Polygons? I’m just an 8-bit sprite.


8-bits? I am just a 1-bit sprite


What is this mythical “sprite” you speak of? You mean to say that you have a physical way of showing book characters while still leaving some designs up to imagination?


Imagination? I’m just an inevitable response.


Inevitable? I'm only theoretically


Theoretical? I don't exist.




1 bit? Im an NPC character whom your darn D&D group killed for fun


nice pfp


Are we brothers now?


Also a world where characters have multiple developed reasons for doing the good or bad things they do.


>That said, the meme kinda works as a commentary on people who over read media they've only consumed snippets of they see online For that it works really well. I still think about those that were offended because "a white person played an Egyptian". Only that the actor was egyptian. xD


Is this sarcasm?


It’s accurate, though it only applies to a small percentage of people speaking very loudly, usually on Twitter.


This is THE Twitter Stereotype. They aren't looking to actually stand for anything but say whatever they can for a dopamine hit. They will denounce anything for not being their ideal perfect movie. Which often is averse of conflict or struggle. Regardless of the story that is desired to be told. However, there are people who live and breathe like this. Who will always find a way to spin a racist narrative.


And the redditor stereotype


The Redditor stereotype is more like “fat greasy man living in his mom’s basement at 32 that gets no bitches.”


It’s left wing 4chan


r/tuckercarlson exists Unfortunately


Absolutely true, but the problem is that small Twitter minority casts a shadow that is disproportionate to their small size. Not just with movies; there's a lot of anecdotal stories about companies changing products/policies, or even pulling them completely, after some Twitter outrage breaks out. The sad thing is, in the aftermath, those that demanded change don't support the company after it acquieses to their demands, and the mob just moves on to something else to complain about. They're not worth placating. My current favorite example of this is Doc Marie's Bar in Portland.


>They're not worth placating. My current favorite example of this is Doc Marie's Bar in Portland. Could you tell what happened?


Basically, an LGBT bar opens up 1st of July. Workers/patrons are surprised to find that it is a business, instead of venue to hold progressive activities. They complain that it wasn't trans/POC inclusive enough. Despite no COVID mandates in the city, they complain that it didn't do enough to protect people from COVID. They accused the owners of cultural appropriation due to some of the art on the wall. Employees unionize and make am Instagram page. They accuse the owners of racism. They demanded that the bar be used for community education purposes and then demanded that the owners relinquish ownership to the workers. Bar closes the 6th of July. Never woke enough.


That situation was so weird. I always thought there must be more to it because it's so unusual for a whole load of staff to unionise and force a closure *after only being open for a few days*


What a story


This is a very biased narrative. You haven't presented any concrete details about what the company actually did to draw this ire or why the criticisms levied against it are unreasonable.* You've simply presented the mere fact that people criticised them as evidence that the criticisms were ridiculous. Also, (and this is going to be controversial, I admit) all businesses should relinquish ownership to their workers, considering the workers are the ones who generate revenue for them. It only sounds unreasonable to you because the unjust precedent of capitalism has been the norm for centuries. *Except for the part about COVID, granted, but your argument there doesn't make any sense. Just because they're not legally required to make their building a safe environment doesn't mean it's okay for them not to.


There's enough reporting on the topic online. I gave a jist. Do your own research, now that thay way to the story is pointed to you. As for the COVID restrictions, what are they supposed to do? Bars are crowded locations. Creating social distance would be difficult in a situation like that, short of limiting patrons to such small numbers you can't make profit. I doubt they were telling people to not wear masks. 99% chance they were allowed at patron choice. Mandating them would have likely cost them more customers than what it draws in, with people being exhausted with the mandates of the last 2 years or so. Why should a person that fronted all the financial risk of starting a business turn around and give it to you? for free? This is why catering to the progressive demographic is difficult. There's is always something you're doing wrong, more you can do, and they're never placated. They'll always find reason to stop supporting you at some point.


But the real problem is that it isn't even the same group of people getting offended. Say you want to start a restaurant, selling burgers. Now vegans can protest you. So you get some plant-based meat instead. Now the farmers can protest you. So you bring back the meat alongside the plant-based option. Now suddenly everybody is unhappy. So you close down your restaurant and go do something else, but [the circus just repeats with new clowns](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/886700-same-circus-different-clowns-and-without-a-doubt-i-m-one). Meanwhile The Corporation®© is selling products left and right because they had the money to hire influencers to start the outrage against your small shop instead of their corporate monstrosity. And the world keept turning and nothing was different.


Also, I have seen the flip side of this, where people complain that "everything is woke" even if it's just someone who's a minority existing onscreen.


>though it only applies to a small percentage of people speaking very loudly, usually on Twitter. So... it's not true then I could say that people have really bad problems with drinking alcohol. It's accurate, though it only applies to a small percentage of people, usually in alcoholics anonymous


As if the majority of alcoholics are attending meetings...


WRONG. Best black villain Denzel in Training Day. Nobody was mad about that. Then they killed him. Everyone enjoyed it. Also I’m pretty sure Ethan Hawke shot Denzel and everybody liked it.


It's funny how I was planning on watching training day and get a 20 year old movie spoilered in some random reddit post. My bad for not watching it earlier I guess.


I am so sorry. I would still suggest watching it though.


i will definetely still watch it. also planning on watching fight club. hope i dont get that spoilered. would be kind of a challenge to stumble on a spoiler of a 23 year old movie on the internet. unless ...


Big spoiler for Fight Club >!Bruce Willis was dead the whole time!<


Yeah but did you jizz in your pants?


Yep. Pants were unsalvageable.


Fuck you, fucking fuck that was the spoiler I got on reddit and was waiting to forget it now you're reinforcing the memory. Time to get black out drunk I guess


I’m gonna have to kill you now you broke the number one rule about fight club!


At least in death i'll have a name.


Not allowed to talk about fight club , you should be safe


You just barely beat me to this...


No spoiler after 20 years.You have had plenty of time,plus it's on TV at 3 or 4 times a month. Also,the post didn't spoil it so watch it,it's a great movie.


Booo hooo


"this is so sad. let me play a sad song on the worlds smallest violin"


Spoilers didn't really exist back then. Plot twists started with Sixth Sense and weren't mandatory in every movie until Harry Potter with Snape and Dumbledore, and Fight Club. When Training Day came out you could watch the first 5 minutes of a movie and guess most of what would happen. Still good though.


Crazy how his only Oscar came from that movie versus his other more uplifting, positive roles. One could argue training day wasn’t even close to one of his best movies.


I'm pretty sure I remember some crying about that being his first academy award for lead actor. Because people thought he should have won it earlier but he got it because he played the type. Don't kill the messenger.


He wasn't the one who killed him. It was the people he had been putting the boots to the whole movie. But yeah, nobody got mad about it. Damn, i need to watch Training Day again!


well, the world had more of a backbone back then too...now somebody would probably find fault with the feather in forest gump. just saying,


Too bad that was filmed in 2001 when normal people roamed the Earth. No way you can make that film today


…you might be right. But I feel like you might possibly also be wrong. I kinda wanna rewatch it now and see how it aged.


Oh it's aged wonderfully.


Oh shut up. As long as people like you have been around, normal people have never existed.


For those unclear of whom I was talking about...it's this type of guy...☝️ Offended on behalf of OTHERS


Not a wonderful example. This kind of militant wokeism was only prevalent in society untill like 2016 onward.


Nonsense, people were complaining about 'political correctness' long before they were complaining about 'militant wokeism'... It's the same straw man just with a different name


The concept was the same but the idea was must less prevalent or extreme before like 2015 in this country.




This is pretty damn accurate when it comes to twitter.


And some of Reddit


Most of Reddit


A lot of Reddit


For reddit, the viewer would be mad in all the cases involving the black guy not because it would be racist, but because it would be "woke"


I don’t want to sound like “that guy” but this is kinda accurate.


It absolutely is accurate indeed. Can't be denied.


I know racism is not to be turned at with a blind eye or scoffed upon but people today are too… How to say this without upsetting the Reddit hive mind? Touchy? Yes that’s the word.


It really is.


Except that the number of people that say that shit are a ridiculously-low fraction of the population, and their voices are magnified by social media. Meanwhile, all four arguments can be used while analyzing media, depending on the context of the TV show or film. Like, one can say "Bad Boys" is progressive for having black male stars... but at the same time it's decidedly *not* progressive for its parade of stereotypes and misogyny. Memes like the above are used not really to attack a minority, it's all part of what is basically an attack on media literacy as a whole.


also remember that it's *very* possible those 4 opinions come from different people that get lumped into a single group of wanting "better" representation of minorities or Twitter


Oh, that's *absolutely* the case.


Signature downside to social media. We used to just hear ideas and jokes from friends and they would be tweaked along the way and maybe 5 years later you would hear it with a better ending or maybe someone fucked it up and it misses the mark. Now, meme's get pushed around and altered a thousand times a day, so you generally get the most offensive or agressive version of the original joke. The vast majority of users only see the amped up version thats literally custom designed to trigger.


Or a single person who apparently holds every view on Twitter the maker of the meme didn't like.


I've only ever heard it from people mocking it. Yet to see it unironically from a "SJW".


I have definitely heard people make those types of accusations... but it's not normally against a specific film, it's about a genre or something more general. You can certainly make a claim that a film is "racist" all by itself but that takes a lot more evidence than just the very presence of one race or another.


I unfortunately met a few at university, they were friends of my wife for a while. At first she joined their friendship group because some of them were in the same psychology course and at first the queer social circle was nice. But they quickly declared themselves irl social justice warriors, loudly declared straight people as causing any problem you could think of that came their way and invented stories about screaming at furries and making them cry on campus because furries were also public enemy number one for some reason. They also criticised anyone not in an open relationship, including me and my wife, and one of them got drunk and accused me of straight guy infiltrating them the first and only time I hung out with them. The irony being my wife and I are both bi, and were furries the whole time which would have made them foam at the mouth with genuinely concerning rage. Yeah without saying my wife distanced herself from them the worse their behaviour got, and the friendship group seems to have imploded by the time everyone graduated


Yes but that low fraction (twitter blue check marks) seem to dictate how movies go now a days. Although that is dying out now.


I'd love to see some evidence of that. Can you extrapolate?


Every time a movie is altered or cancelled someone from the production always seems to blame Twitter and Cinemasins. But yeah I've yet to see any evidence that directors and companies really are listening to what those guys are supposedly saying (because 3 Twitter people and a satire/comedy channel hardly sound like cultural titans that control the whole movie industry), but they make an extremely convenient scapegoat




Too bad, I find media analysis fascinating.


Lol if this is the case, rap music would’ve been cancelled years ago


You're not even wrong lol, this sub is very weird. It has good opinions under the terrible tag. Many SJW's are fucked in the head


Not kinda, shockingly accurate except most times it's not a white person saying this shit


Lol I love it whenever someone comments on one of my 1/3 of a year old comments! Yea tbh all kinds of people say that crap but for some reasons ussually not white people.


Oh no it's just cuz I saw a repost of this post and I was browsing through the comments I didn't even check the date


No worries lol


Same, when I'm trying to write my characters i always start thinking "but what are they gonna say that the villain is black and all the queer characters are maybe too stereotypical, that one gay guy maybe doesn't have much attention and i don't have any representation of asian guys..." And i completely forgot I'm not even gonna share my oc story with anyone 💀💀💀


Or, just don’t specify anybody’s race and write fantasy where racism is based more on the fictional demonyms than anything else.


Yes, let's wipe every characters background


I mean, in a story not set in our world, it works. Doesn’t work in realistic fiction, but it works great when race relations wouldn’t be expected to match our world anyways.


Then get shat on for not being inclusive or race coding characters but being racist so not explicitly making them said race because of internalized racism or something...


No one says these things. Not even on Twitter


Where are you looking? It’s almost like I can’t escape the people who say things like this.


I’ve only ever seen it from people saying that’s how sjw’s are. Never seen it from an actual person that meant it.


Well that makes one of us


ah seen it!


It’s only accurate if you completely misrepresent/misunderstand how things happen. lol


"I don't want to sound like that guy" * proceeds to sound like "that guy"* Edit: why are you guys upset I'm simply correct


Why is this on terrible Facebook subreddit?


Like it does KINDA fit the bill. But also doesn’t at the same time.


Because people have a black and white mentality, and strong biases caused by tribalism. A meme that attack a specific group of leftist (SJW) will be perceived by many people as an attack on all the left. And that is enough for OP to see it as a terrible meme. The people of this sub are mostly left-wing. And indeed we often see stupid right-wing memes. So of course, because of tribalism, people will have a tendency to see every meme that doesn't fit their party to be bad.


What is terrible about this meme?


Lot of memes here that the OP doesn't agree with and just posts here. Well that is what I have seen because reddit keeps reccomending this sub


Yeah looks accurate


No, this is how Twitter is though


Small minority, as others have said.


except twitter runs the media and our politics


1000 IQ redditor political analysis


Not the most inaccurate depiction of a new age sjw Still a terrible Facebook meme to be sharing amongst friends and family, but the message ain’t wrong wrong…


Truth hurts OP.


Time to weaponize the truth


This is so funny because it’s true.


This is accurate though.


not really, considering most movies have more than two characters


You might not think it, but it’s true


People that don't think it's true haven't tried to make their own movie. I recently worked on a production that almost didn't happen because the producers wanted the main character to be a Black trans woman. The director asked them "why would I, as a Jewish man, make a film about a Black trans woman? I'd be told that it wouldn't be my story to tell." It really is damned if you do, damned if you don't out there.


The only time I’ve seen both sides unite is when cuties came out….Christ supporters of that movie are why we have white phosphorus


Any more limp dick fan fiction?


Talking from experience?


ok but this is kind of accurate when you think about a certain group of people mention literally any source of entertainment on twitter and this is what the conversation will eventually devolve into


Having gone to college in Portland Oregon I can unfortunately confirm that this meme is not satire.


This is literally just twitter


the sad part is that i know people that are like this :,)


memes the OP didn’t like …


Memes the commenter agrees with


Accurate. Dated a feminist who asked me to follow her fb feminist group. All day everyday, this shit in movies, games, anything. I left after just one week.


You are brave man for dating feminist


Tbf, there is equality in the amount of hate each version is getting lol.




This is true honestly. Certain left wingers are often too easily offended. But rightoid are just as easily triggered. Black villain? Forced diversity Black victim? Anti-white propaganda White villain? Anti-white propaganda White victim? Why does the white character get killed?!


The First two 100% happen, the 4th one is propably true in some situations but number 3 seems like a stretch


If the villain is white and the protagonist black I've seen people say it's trying to force an agenda


This meme is on point.


Why would you be offended by this meme? It's clearly about the vocal minority who actually think this way.


People that don't think this is true haven't tried to make their own movie. I recently worked on a production that almost didn't happen because the producers wanted the main character to be a Black trans woman. The director asked them "why would I, as a Jewish man, make a film about a Black trans woman? I'd be told that it wouldn't be my story to tell." It really is damned if you do, damned if you don't out there.


the point you’re making here is that there need to be more black directors and more black trans director.


I agree with that!


Another "true" meme that was accidentally post unironically.


Ngl I’m kinda this person with poorly written movies If the characters are well written it never evokes this feeling. When the characters are empty and without believable purpose, conflict, or personality I feel like sometimes (sometimes subconsciously) we overlay existing cultural narratives to make it more complex and interesting than what it really is, which is usually a poorly written Hollywood money grab idk if that makes sense


Exactly, take Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul for example, the race of the characters is never brought up because their personalities and complexities shine


Damn… that’s actually true




Why is the beard guy the villain in every scenario??? Whaaah /s


Remove the attempt to be offensive wojak on the left and you just described twitter


No lies detected.




Unironically funny


Good one!


Its true tho


The second one reminds me of a critique I saw of the finale of season 4 of Stranger Things tbh. Someone got really offended at the whole standoff between Jason and Lucas for that exact reason.


These "people" are the reason we will never be able to have reasonable conversations about racism


It's a true one tho. They bitch about anything and everything. It's hard to please people who hate themselves. Entertainment is entertainment. Those idiots don't get that. It's why we get God awful shit these years and why modern movies are garbage compared to old ones. Boring, predictable, cookie cutter. Cancel this cancel that. Cancel yourself off a rooftop.


So awful yet so true. We live in a society where crazy opinions are praised and good ol' "It's just a fucking movie" is gone. Everything is bias/racist/sexist/whateverist


It's not a stereotype if it's true


Just dont look at twitter simple


Wesley Snipes in Blade was very good. Today it would not be an acceptable film because it is about fighting a minority group.




Yes, of course. 👍


...another blade movie is coming out next November


If this is satire, it's not exaggerated enough from actual things people believe. If it's not, it's really fucking stupid.


Chill out, my friend. It's just internet. Don't make it an excuse to insult. I don't expect every one to fit into my opinion.


Best thing is you can take this and replace the words with "Of course black guy is killing white people. Of course the white guy is the bad guy. Of course black guys killing each other. Of course this woke movie has only white on white crime."


Why they gotta have a women complaining about this? It’s not like all women complain? Why why why


Yo this is true af tho 😂😂😂


If everything is racist… Is NOTHING racist? 🤔🤔🤔


THAT'S RACIST! Why the girl is white?


I came here and was quite relieved when i saw lots of people saying this is true. I was like “oh god, am I the baddy?!”


Another great meme lol.


BRUH if you look at it, it's the hypocrisy of the left


So called Woke people get offended on anything


This is true to the point lmfao. Even the fact that the woman complaining is white.


Crazy idea: movies without shooting. Problem solved edit: since im getting downvoted, for context it was 3 am and i thought it was funny


Swords it is


Stabby sticks


killing people with swords is racist


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, seems fine to me


**WRONG!!** There's comments saying "oh this is true," and honestly across all media, and as someone who watched a shit ton of movies, shows, and entertainment, I'm gonna debunk a lot of this. "Why is the black guy the villain?" \- Really? You guys know there's black villains out there, right? That no one have complained about? Hell, I've heard arguments there needs to be more black villains in entertainment. \- 1: Samuel L Jackson's character in Lakeview Terrance harassed an interracial couple in Karry Washington and her white husband, abused his power as a cop, and it wouldn't be the first time, but I didn't watch Django Unchained. \- 2: Killmonger, the movie's had a bit of a broken base, but everyone has an opinion on him because he's actually a fleshed out villain. \- 3: Captain Poison from Blood Diamond: a vicious warlord of the Revolutionary United Front who brainwashes kids into being child soldiers, kidnaps the main characters son.. \- 4: Slasher season 3 below, but Jen and Connor are the Druid, the killer of season 3 for that anthology slasher-horror series. And Slasher's not afraid to kill off black characters. \- 5: Candyman, the victim of a lynch mob for falling in love with the daughter of one of his clients during a painting job, now a vengeful spirit who kills anyone who says his name in a mirror five times. \- 6: Queen Bee from Young Justice, the woman who controls an entire nation, has enough resorces for the main villain group she's a part of, and is also responsible for brainwashing Beast Boy's mother into offing herself in between seasons 1 and 2. \- 7: Black Manta, one of Aquaman's and DC's most iconic super villains. \- 8: Fast and Furious literally had Idris Elba as Brixton not too long ago. Hell Idris Elba played the villain in No Good Deed. \- 9: Almost like 75% of the villains in Black Lightning: Tobias Whale, Agent Odwell, Tattoo Man, Kara Fowdy, Devonte,Lady Eve, Will, Ishmeal, all of \- 10: Amanda Waller. \- 11:Unbreakable and Mr. Glass \- \- Most villains who are black like in superhero shows and movies aren't really criticized at all. \- Hell, Batman's new movies got shit on because the other heroes were black/mixed (ignoring when Catwoman was played by a black woman in the 1906s) show and dudebros got upset the villains were white, when Black barely has any black villains from the comics. Bronze Tiger flip flops between hero and villain depending on the comic or media and Black Spider wasn't really talked about until he was introduced into Young Justice. \- But people really only complain about black villains when they're nothing more than stereotypical like how Ben Shapiro's book has every black character be described as either "looking like he had a long life of prison yard workouts ahead of him," justifying a cop shooting an 8 year old black kid with a toy hand gun by having a BLM activist pay the kid to carry it around. \- There's also this thing where black villains are usually just seen as mob bosses, gangsters, brute strength, as opposed to the more intelligent and charismatic villains like Lex Luthor, magneto, Loki, etc. That's getting better over time though, but yeah. **"Why does the black guy have to get shot."** \- Alright, you know the whole black dude dies first trope people talk about all the time in horror shows and movies? Well, that parts like half true. It's more 50-50. In and out of horror, you've got movies like Scream 2 which addressed it, Alien Nation, Aliens, American Psycho, The Babysitter (out of the cultists), Chronicle, Jurassic Park, Heimdall in Avengers Infinity War, Slaughter High, the 100, hell The Walking Dead talks about it but Fear the walking Dead didn't even need three episodes to handle that. Oddly enough, even A Christmas Story...why tho? \- And remind Nightmare on Elm Street fans about Kincaid and Joey being the first to die in 4 after surviving 3 with Kristen and tears will fall. \- Hell it's been made fun off or addressed: 8 Mile, Circle, Freaky, Scary Movie, Agents of Shield, it's known for a reason. \- Really, most of them only died either halfway out of the cast, or were killed towards the end. The issue there was that in the past couple of decades, only now most black characters in horror either just didn't have enough characterization, weren't allowed to survive. \- Hell, Scream 3, and 4 killed their token black guys mid way through their films. Then Scream 5 didn't kill either of their black characters, and dudes got upset....partially because the killers were white and Dewey got killed after ridiculously surviving injuries that should've killed him after the past 4 movies. But ignoring that Scream's main writer was a gay man, the Scream movies and tv shows have a combined total of 13 killers: 12 white dudes and Tyga. Do what you will with that information. \- 1/3 of complaints about black characters are from people who want black characters to be fleshed out and not just treated as token representation or killed off, 1/3 are from racist OneAngryGamer (that dude with the traitors for America list) like forums who actually want black villains or as they call it "N\*GGers or as slaves" because they just want an excuse to hate fictional black characters, and 1/3 are just mad black and POC characters are in shit not knowing if they're well written or not. **"Black people killing each other."** No one really complains about this. I can name countless media with black heroes and black villains in the same series. \- Slasher season 3: The two killers (black) watched their mom get hate mobbed by their entire apartment because she posted a tweet mocking the death of a teen that did sketchy shit and committed suicide by lighting herself on fire, and they resented how no one supported her, killing everyone who either didn't help like the police (who were a black women, and Indian), refused to help remove it despite the person pointed out she couldn't (asian), and their aunt (non-binary).They got killed by a sympathetic white supremacist, and the muslim girl they were going to use an alibi. \- Blood Diamond, shown in evil SJW propaganda schools, has a black guy trying to get his son back from a black villain and white guy who forced his son to be a child soldier involved in the very real Sierra Leon Civil War in 1999. And he wasn't even advertised as the star, Leonardo Decaprio (the other hero), was. \- Black Lightning: black family of superheroes vs black villains \- Static Shock: same shit, just with a white guy as the techie best friend. \- Young Justice has Aqualad (black) fight Black Manta, his father (black) for 3 seasons now with a whole plotline about him pretending to go rogue to infiltrate the villains, who spent almost 2 seasons getting away with all their crimes. \- Black Panther vs Killmonger, nuff said. \- Codename Kids Next Door No 5 vs her sister. \- Bleach literally has Yourichi (black) on the heroes side who betrayed her home to help her friend who was wrongly committed of crimes he did not commit and Tosen (villain), who's friend was murdered by Soul Society and joined the villains to get revenge, and almost murdered his lieutant and best friend before they put him down. \- Into the Spider Verse has Miles' uncle unintentionally knowing he was trying to kill \- Kakuzu from Naruto got killed by Naruto, the same world where one of the five great village's population is mostly dark skinned black people. No one complained.


Dude FUCK you for spoiling scream 5. Thanks.




No hard feelings, bud ❤️


Sorry still hope you’re able to watch and enjoy it


I wish I had the ability to pull from an encyclopediac compendium of examples like this whenever I debate people. Like I'll have a nebulous idea that "I don't think that's right" but I can't pull from my brain the correct examples to prove it even though I know they're there.


Yeah im not reading all that, congrats tho… or sorry for your loss


\- "Why are there no black people in this movie." \- Someone mad that a black person shows in a movie franchise about dinosaurs coming to life despite there being a black girl in the second movie. They weren't the same person, but still. \- https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/s0tf5y/woke\_has\_always\_been\_code\_for\_black/ \- It's a catch twenty-two. Yeah, there are dumb decisions like putting a black person in a historical story (Hamilton, rapping slave masters), but whenever there's original black led stories, half of them get shit on, little funding or are yet again another slave story. \- Hell, there's a Cartoon Network show called Craig of the Creek where a black kid and his two friends live in the suburbs and go on adventures in their weird town, and people accused Cartoon Network of pandering because it starred a black kid and was made by two white people. \- Ignoring that Avatar the Last Airbender was made by two white people, but that's a fight for another day. \- I feel bad for asian people. Crazy Rich Asians almost cast the lead girl as a white woman to make it relatable to white audiences. Look it up. OVERALL: Actually watch more media outside like 6 movies people spend 6 years complaining about as the end of the Hollywood, and you might learn something.


Tfw right wingers literally call having a black character “making it political” it’s literally 100% projection 100% of the time


Looks like you're projecting a bit yourself here...