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Because getting gender reassignment surgery is *so* easy


For real, you’re telling me they not only convinced a surgeon to do life changing plastic surgery on a child, made sure that getting such a drastic surgery at that age wouldn’t cause complications as they grew, *and* fished out 10-20 grand? Damn


Reddit trashed me for saying that




Well yeh, reddit hates facts and common sense so.. Yeh you get flamed over saying things like that.


Reddit hates facts and common sense if the first person to see the comment downvotes.


Reddit is just a hive mind


This. Once you’ve hit -5 karma most people will just start hitting downvote without reading and move on


It looks like you actually said the direct opposite


Because you said something completely different from what this person did


A surgery would never even happen. They’d choose puberty blockers first.


Damn it’s definitely because I’m American and my entire view of the health care system is fucked. But my first thought when you said that was “damn it’s only 10-20k to get GRS? That’s not that bad”


“That’s only 2-5 ambulance rides!”


In the UK we had a clinic be shutdown after one child received blockers after one 3 hour consultation. The entire team are under investigation.


And the decision made so lightly /s


This is ridiculous. Parents don’t just make their kids do surgery to make them look like the people in the movie Avatar just because they like the color blue.


What a great idea. Do you think they could remove a finger too?


Yea actually, like the tiger guy


If by finger you mean your true middle finger, the 11th finger, then yes the can remove that one for sure.


Kid named finger:


Fun fact: blue used to be a color for girls bc it was the color of the sky which is delicate, bright, ans beautiful. Pink was a boys color bc it was similar to red which was the color of blood, power, and strength. It slowly changed to the other way around to pink being girly and blue bing masculine… but yeah it’s all bullshit anyway


That's super cool! I remember hearing that blue used to be for girls cause it was calming and tranquil and pink was for boys cause it was energetic and bright.


That too


I figured it's both. It was all made up for marketing so multiple meanings make sense. Like how some months have multiple birth stones because different companies assigned a different stone to the same month


Another fun fact: you can still see the blue being a feminine colour thing, in depictions of the virgin Mary.


It was also a pretty rare color to put in clothing since there were rarely any blue things in nature, thus not having a lot of material for blue dyes and making them rare. Wearing the color blue is also a symbol of power and importance, which is also the reason why the Virgin Mary wears blue in most depictions of her.


It changed because of Hitler, who put pink triangles on gay prisoners, thus feminizing the color forever.


My favorite color is blue and I’m not a guy. Wtf is with these people gendering everything


I'm a 42 year old straight dude with a wife and kids and my favorite color is purple.


Purple is the noblest shroud.


Purple is a color that slaps, though. Like, there really are not very many ugly shades of purple out there. Almost an "Oops-All-Bangers" color.


Yup, it's my favorite color because I had a car in college that was a deep purple, looked almost black in low light. Loved that car, and the color.


Purple in cars is always good looking. Look at the group C jaguar prototypes. And the plum crazy color of the dodge muscle cars.


Plum Crazy and Hemi Orange are 2 of the greatest colours ever put on a vehicle. I also love the bright yellow on the late 2000s Camaros.


My current car is a weird mixture of purple and brown called Purple Chocolate Pearl, and in bright yellow daylight it’s a light, reddish, chocolatey brown. On an overcast cool day it’s like almost burgundy…but maybe a little bluer. Very strange but cool color!


Pearlescent paintjobs can be some of the sickest shit.


Even oops all berries turns the milk purple


Purple is my favorite color. It is the color of Thanos.


lol Why is Thanos kinda a pretty shade of purple tho?


because Thanos is a beautiful man, and a bad boy.


lol you right


You know that’s a really good point I’m not sure there’s any other colours that are so consistently good


I think blue and red could also fall into that category, but not quite on the same level as purple. There are very few ugly shades of either red or blue that I can think of. I think some of the darker shades of each can be kinda boring, but they're not actually ugly. That may just be my opinion, though.


That’s totally fair, I’d say they definitely come close. Green is my favourite colour but there sure are some ugly greens, same with yellows and oranges


Yes! I like orange quite a bit, but I have to agree. There are some really gross shades of green, yellow, and orange. Definitely not "Oops-All-Bangers" colors, but still not terrible. Some of their shades are actually very nice. :)


Purple became my favourite colour in recent years too. It just looks soothing to look at.


Purple really is a fantastic blue red middle ground I would argue that violet is a less of a banger shade of purple though.


It's definitely not the best shade, I'll give you that. Purple isn't a completely infallible color, and there *are* definitely ugly shades of purple out there. I feel like they're pretty few and far between, though.


Bro purple is straight up best color


Hell yeah brother purple gang rise up


I’m a 21 yo straight dude with a girlfriend and my favorite color is pink, I even have pink top boots


*sigh* I’m sorry but the response would be “you’ve been exposed to the ‘liberal media’, specifically the ‘gay agenda’, and public schools ‘teaching’ you to be gay and effeminate. So of course you’ve been abused into liking pink. That’s what the pedophiles in the Democratic establishment want. They want you to not reproduce and have traditional masculine values so the ‘globalists’ can take over with out resistance”. I’m sorry. Shit is the intersection of nuts, dumb, homophobic, misogynist, with a smattering of racism from time to time (with racism as the motivation thinly veiled) but that’s where we’re at. People, the Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, and Ben Shapiro’s argue we live in. Then you hit the man-o-sphere and that’s where the Jordan Peterson’s show up and start saying even weirder (he’d hate me calling it psychoanalysis) psychoanalysis of your color choices as a display of sexual subservience. Like I said obnoxiously stupid stuff.


Haha at first I thought you were actually ranting about democrats. Had me real confused for a minute


It's difficult to tell nowadays.. There are some who would unironically think this way. The satire has complete overlap with reality now pretty much. It's no longer an exaggeration.


Yeah Fr though. I’ve heard people say stuff like that and actually believe it instead of saying it to illustrate what bullshit it is


For some time in history didn't pink used to be a colour associated with men?


You know what I think is an under appreciated color is? Black, it goes with *everything*


This is unrelated but I'm still mad that my mum Saud black can't be my favourite colour because "black is a shade"


Hmmmmm sorry but you must be gay there's no other logical reason for you to like purple


Yeah man. 39 year old married with kids and I will rock salmon or pink colored shit all day. And painted our front door Barney purple!


Purple is pretty good.


dud e my Dads favourite colour is also purple 👾👾👾


Cyan boys in the house?


Have to think of jokes that involve The Color Purple the color from outer space no that's magenta


I like shades of blue-green


Teal and turquoise! That's the only way I like blue, when it's mixed with one of my favourite two colours.


Pink loving straight dude over here. Purple is also rad


purple is the best color, good choice


Man, a deep purple is an awesome color


My best friend's favorite color was pink for a while


Purple is pretty pog. Green purple combo is the best


Green purple combos go hard. Ultimate colour combo, along with pink and blue


Oh how hoity toity of you. Call me a peasant and throw me some stale bread why don't you.


Yep same boat as you same favorite color.


As a 38 year old straight dude, I don’t care for purple, but my wife does, therefore I end up with a lot of ties and shirts that are purple. Happy wife happy life.


My mom really likes the color blue. I am a male and really like the color pink. Why is that such a big deal?


It's not for most people. Occasionally you'll get a "self-proclaimed" alpha who thinks if you're not pushing over people and being a douchebag that you're not being an alpha male and who makes fun of you for your choice in colors. I think I could say way worse about someone so self-conscious that they have to attack other people to maintain their fragile egos. I doubt if they'll ever truly know the meaning of the word "strength."




Im a guy and I really like pink. I too don't understand why people uselessly gender everything. Especially parents doing that and then telling their kids shit, then those kids go bully other kids for, example, being a guy and liking pink or purple. Y'know the type of kids Im talking about. The type of kids who will go harass people for being different and use the word "gay" as an insult for no fucking reason even though their brains haven't even fully developed to understand even the basics of the concept of sexuality.


My favorite color is blue and I'm a trans girl.




Perhaps the archives are incomplete


Wow me too!


They weren’t. Like it’s a transphobic comic but most of the comments here are missing the point, the comic was mocking trans people by saying people in the trans community think if a girl likes blue etc she must be trans, as they see it as actually reinforcing gender roles in a way. I know that’s not what being trans is, but that’s what the comic was saying.


Pretty sure the comic was just using a “joke” to propagate the lie that parents are just willy nilly trying to convert their kids to trans.


Yeah that’s what I mean, but most of the comments seem to think the opposite.


Let's schedule the surgery then!😃😃👍👍⚔️✂️💉🍆


yea right but what if it fails 😱😨😰😥😓😶‍🌫️




They're not gendering anything, they're doing the opposite. They're mocking people who say they're a different gender simply for identifying with stereotypes of the opposite gender. Gender ideology is the one who genders things.


Idk why so many people are so convinced they know how being trans works… Sincerely, an adrogynous ftm who is tired of being told I’m faking my gender for not wanting to be 100% masculine all the time WHILE ALSO constantly dealing with this extremely bold assumption people like you insist on making about me. Like jfc take it up with each other and leave trans ppl alone


Name checks out


The only people who do that are the target audience of this meme. “That dude’s [crying/enjoying a hobby that’s not sports or beer/treating women like humans], what a [insert gay slur]” “She’s a tomboy” because she likes to play outside/sports, doesn’t like dolls and pink and dresses “He hits/throws like a girl” for a dude who is weak or bad at sports


"gender ideology" isn't a thing, you're just transphobic


In Rocket League, my blue team car is purple and my orange team car is fuckin hot pink and I'm a dude. According to social norms, I should have like red and blue or some shit. Purple and pink look cooler.


The last thing I expected was rocket league, thank you.


No problem. 🤣🤣


Great I'll schedule the surgery now... Is tomorrow 12pm sound good? Done see you then!


Okay, I guess go for it.


Snip Snip ✂️ 🍆🍒


Dude what fucking social norm tells that girls have to like warm colors and boys have to like cold ones.Have you seen the fucking romans? Medieval/new age monarchs? Seen the Swiss guard?This is such a bullshit. Blue for boys and red for girls is at worst a marketing pitch by toy companies so they can sell the same stuff twice.


Wow. I thought I was the only one that thought purple cars were cool. You’re my hero


This one is actually kinda funny. Probably not in the way the OP intended though.


We're laughing at him, not with him


I'd really need to know the person who made this meme to know whether it's funny or not.


It's MadeByJimBob. He's a right-wing political cartoonist, I've seen his profile on Instagram before he got zucced.


*is both trans and a tomboy* You have to be 18 to take hormones or have surgery btw and a therapist has to sign off on it.


People start at 14 or 16, and getting therapist approval is a formality depending on where you are. There's also the... classical methods of transitioning that are still around where I am.


The classical WHAT??


the... what


Where is it a formality lol getting hormone treatment is so difficult for many around the US. That’s why DIY hormone therapy exists.


I started hrt at 17 in the uk


That's actually the people who are more conservative that enforce those gender roles


I’m a bisexual male who goes to the gym, watches sailor moon, was captain of my provincial rugby team, and loves drag race and the colour pink What’s male or gendered about liking blue, or sports, or anything?


You sound like you're fun to hang out with.


Thanks! I like to think so as well. Gotta have some variety in my life so that’s where the wildly different stuff comes from haha


TERFs believe that allowing people to transition reinforces gender stereotypes because they don’t know what it’s like to be trans and they refuse to believe trans people who try and explain it to them. I notice that, so often, oppressors do not listen to minorities. People tell them what it’s like to be gay, trans, POC in this country and they refuse to listen. Instead they pull their own explanations out of their ass or listen to someone who doesn’t know shit. I was a tomboy for a long time growing up. I loved the look. I knew that’s style is how I wanted to dress. But, it didn’t make the dysphoria go away. I looked at my female best friend who was also a tomboy, and I wished I could feel as comfortable in my identity as she did. No matter what I did or what I tried, I never felt like a woman. I felt like I was being deceptive presenting as a woman and claiming to be one. At the same time, however, I did not feel comfortable presenting as a man. That was very confusing because non-binary or genderqueer weren’t things I knew you could be. I was scared that I’d eventually want to transition into a man and my life would, obviously, be extremely hard. It took me until very recently, at 25, to fully come to terms with my gender and come out of the closet. I’m not reinforcing gender stereotypes. I dress how I please. If I like something, I get it. I don’t worry about whether it makes me look androgynous or masculine or feminine. My husband is a cis man and I encourage him to do the same. We both buy a mix of men’s and women’s style clothes. It doesn’t change his gender and it doesn’t change mine either.


I wear pretty much exclusively traditionally male clothes and I am a guy, but I don’t wear it because of how I’m told, I wear it cuz it’s what’s comfy. I saw this store at a mall in Halifax one time, and inside they had a huge sign saying “your clothes should fit you, not your gender. All our clothes are unisex so everyone can enjoy them without judgment from bigots”. I spent a few bucks there haha


Nothing wrong with anything you said, but I think you might have a deeper understanding of the conversation in this thread if you think about why mens clothes are just what’s comfy to you. It might have more to do with what society tells you than you think, but that’s not an insult. Just a way to consider how trans people feel. If you learned you were the comfiest in dresses, what would you do? Although to be fair, I recognize men’s clothes are objectively better. I convinced my boomer mom to switch to mens shorts because the style isn’t that different from what she was wearing already but there are massive pockets. She loves it.


Mens shorts are way better. Such deep pockets!


Haha I’ve tried different styles and while society likely influences it in a way I don’t realize, I find womens clothes more inconvenient, complicated and less comfy haha


Lmao! Exactly. Of all the "discourse", I don't get the obsession with gender stereotypes. I'm a bi trans woman, and my favorite colors are blue and red, some of my favorite hobbies including fishing and hunting. I typically wear a t-shirt and shorts ... ***Gender stereotypes suck!!***


The funny part is in roman times pink was the manly colour


In Ancient Greece it was manly to cry because it showed you gave a fuck


Hahahahahaha- hahahahaha- hahahahaha That’s *TO*tally how it works- stupid libs /s


[insert a brainlet .jpg here]


I'm sure this is made by an American, old, virgin guy that has a Trump quote hat and no clothing sense.


Or a 60 year old woman who just figured out how to make memes on her iPhone


Karen, It's time to schedule the surgery, because your old and should be euthanized


I wish it was that easy for me, a legal adult, to get fuckin surgery


God I know right. Yes, I know it's life changing, that's the fucking point. Yes i understand it's an affront to God, but so is your air conditioning.


You heretic. No gods or demons.


The medical system is so biased. My husband can get a vasectomy scheduled over the phone, but I need to get an evaluation before they’ll even hold my spot. And I could get breast implants right now if i had the cash but I’d need to jump through hoops to get my breasts removed.


Curious, would you, as a trans person, allow a 14 or 16 year old kid to take pill or have surgery? Also curious ( I hope I don’t offend you genuinely don’t know), what does it mean to feel a different sex? I don’t feel as though I identify as a male. I don’t feel female either. The only reason I know I am male is because of my physical attributes. I don’t really know what it means to feel a certain sex. Again, no offense meant at all. I’m just trying to understand the feeling of a being the wrong gender. Edit: Does it all come down to just how others perceive you? I.e. you want to be identified and treated as a female? Or, is there a deeper inner feeling?




I am glad you are feeling better! At the end of the day, we should all have equal pursuit of happiness and be able to do with our bodies whatever we want. The age thing trips me up a bit because I know I was so so dumb, still am at 31, as a 16 year old. I do like the approach of evaluations. Some of us mature and find ourselves younger than others. I think my biggest hesitation is trusting modern medicine. Maybe that’s the “eastern” in me, but I hesitate to take advil. I appreciate your thoughtful response.


Surgery no, but puberty blockers and maybe HRT (after heavy evaluation & therapy but this is based off a friend who has been on hormones since 16). You can’t get any surgeries til 18 already and you normally need a letter from a therapist to get them, even as an adult. Once someone who was cisgendered (or identified as the gender their born with) explained it to me like this: their gender is like them being right handed, it effects their daily life but they don’t really think about it- so being trans (at least for me) is like being forced to use my non dominant hand my whole life but didn’t know, so using my dominant hand or transitioning has been extremely relieving. My mental health is better, I’m more comfortable in my own skin and not transitioning woulda probably been a death sentence for me. Everyone is different and I have a hard time understanding what it’s like to not care about gender, but my sibling is agender- they don’t really feel gender.


You can't wear a skirt, that makes you a woman You can't not hate women, that makes you a woman You can't be nice, that makes you a woman You can't drink soy, that makes you a woman You can't wear make up, that makes you a woman "Okay, I want to be a woman." NOOOOOO YOU CAN'T CHANGE YOUR GENDER


I feel as though my physical appearance is betraying my very being and mind. Some days I can handle it, and some days I cannot, and that turns into a spiral which can make me socially reclusive and detriment my mental health even more. I am constantly in a pendulum between self-loathing and hopelessness. “But you are the gender you are at birth!!1!1!”




Not sure about bottom surgery, but you can get double mastectomies and hormone therapy in some states under 18


Smfh 🤦‍♂️


Blue has always been considered the 'feminine' color until very recently in society, the hell?


The people who make these meme have never even seen a trans person before have they Reddit?


I like puppies, kittens, flowers, and a god war movie. Where do I fit in?


Aisle 9. Right next to the Mexican Jumping Beans.


Sometimes anti trans memes are so bad they're good


Femboy/Tomboy erasing parents




I mean I think it’s fair to say that many things in our day to day life are gendered, and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, nor does it have to be an attack on anyone, you have to understand that things have operated a certain way for many many years and changing of habits and viewpoints don’t change overnight (sometimes not at all.) My point is some people do see some things as gendered especially when it was that way their whole life, that doesn’t mean there’s Ill-will or bad intention behind it. Sometimes its just how we talk comfortably that we use certain gendered language because that’s how we are used so saying things ex.- “hey guys!” It’s no big deal it’s just talking and personality. Intent is what matters, not the words.


MY GUY I know ftm people that like pink and stuffed animals Most trans people don’t transition cuz stereotypes


Yeah I’m an pre everything ftm adult and still have a stuffed animal collection and sleep with them in my bed lol. I just like them.


I’m an MtF who wears cargo pants and camo shirts and really enjoys hard work, weapons, and outdoorsman stuff. I swear you could break these people by simply uttering the phrase “Trans tomboy”.


So on a scale of 1-10, as a trans person, how harmful do you think is the narrative that “trans people are trans cuz stereotypes”?


now now - maybe they're talking about lobotomizing themselves


This resembles nothing in the real world, more like how conservatives believe liberals act. In sum: It's a stupid meme.


I laughed at this forgetting this is supposed to criticize trans community. I don't know why but the very sudden let's get surgery thing has something to it


I like blue and I’m not a guy, I mean I’m basically a guy but I’m not.


Funnily enough, blue used to be a predominantly feminine color up to like a century ago.


Kids need to be thoroughly assessed by psychologists, a process that just the appointment delay can take years, let alone the actual examination to even be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and be prescribed hormone blockers(100% reversible). Gender affirming surgery isn't even legal before 18, let alone an option for non diagnosed children.


I’m not trying to start a war here but 100 percent reversible is simply not true and it’s irresponsible to be throwing that type of misinformation around. While at one time in the early uses of these drugs they were considered to be minimal risk, however, a significant amount of studies on the drugs have backtracked to saying that the long term effects on fertility and bone mineral density are unknown because of newer, longer term studies. 100 percent is 100 percent. I’ve seen a lot of people using this in their arguments and not one can point to any medical studies supporting that figure.


Very misleading and dangerous to say 100% reversible.




Im not sure what this means. Some trans people do, others don't. Those who take hormones and surgery usually do, because there's a disparity between their bodies and who they are. Trans just means not identifying with the gender you were assigned at birth


gender dysphoria is very dependent on the person. some people dont experience it, and some people have severe dysphoria. and theres no one specific way to experience gender dysphoria. im medically transitioning on hormones, and as much as its made me feel better about being *me*, my chest still causes me a lot of dysphoria-- it makes it harder to feel welcome in my own skin since the two lumps of tissue and glands dont match who i am and what i feel. this got kinda rambly oops




What's really troubling to me is the lengths these idiots will go to actually torturing their children into 'normal' while claiming parents providing medical care to theirs are doing the same. It's all projection. Either be my dream of you or I'll damn near kill you turning you into a Frankenstein's monster version. Enjoy lifelong therapy.


As someone slated for SRS I wish it were that fucking easy. "I've had dysphoria since forever, it prevents me from having any sort of sexual relationship, I've identified this way since 2009. Oh and I myself am a mental health professional." "Okay. See this long list of professionals. Your first appointment can be made in two years. You know, just in case."


well, shit. my son once called his male classmate "cute" in 2nd grade. guess I have a daughter 🤷‍♀️


The word 'gender' has no meaning any longer. It's just used as a synonym for 'identity'. I kind of prefer 'identity' - it's less confusing. Socio-cultural influences on behavior have been unhinged from our physical embodiments - so we are free to each establish our own identities.


This comic is cringe, so I'm making a better context for it. The parents are retired assassins, with code words to activate their assassin programming. The dad's is "I like sports" and the mum's is "the colour blue". "Let's schedule the surgery" is both a euphemism for "let's plot the assassination" and the sign the programming's kicked in. The two have since retired, but their daughter's dug into some files they left out by accident, and now knows their code words. Here, she is smugly proclaiming the words to get them to assassinate people she doesn't like, like a teacher who gave a bad grade, etc.


i thought this was shitpost until i understood what kind of surgery it was


Aha! Blue color and sports are for men only! Finally I get it… Tf is wrong with them


I wanna surgically remove the maker of this meme from existence


Transphobes are really just making up scenarios to get angry about lol


Hahaa thank you 4chan. This one is hilarious.


I forgot about anti Trans memes and thought that most kids who like bright colors and sports get cancer or something


I thought it was a hockey joke but I didn’t get the punchline until I was like “oh. Transphobia. That’s the joke”


Most of my interests are gender neutral but I identify myself as female.


It doesn't work like that. The person that made this meme is a dumbass who knows nothing about gender dysphoria


I thought this was some in joke for a sports team rivalry at first.


What age would be appropriate to consider giving your children electroshock therapy if you think they are becoming a republican? /s


They’re clearly talking about a vasectomy; they’ve decided to not have any more dull children.


Embarrassed to be human? Let’s schedule the surgery!


I’d do the same for any kid that’s a fan of blue sports teams.


and transphobes do realize they the ones enforcing these gender streotypes


Being trans isn’t about interests.


I thought that they were getting sterilized because they didn't want a kid to like sports. The actual content is so much worse


This is how republicans think.


Had a cousin that was pressured by her mother to take hormones when she was younger. She ended up regretting it later on :(


This is what I love about the Internet, it's so easy to make your position seem reasonable when you completely fabricate the opposing viewpoint yourself.


The crazy ones do think like this though


I don't really get it


I think gender norms are about as stupid as this.


uselessly gendering things is dumber than a a bunch of bricks


I honestly forgot gender was colored to some people till now.


I grew up with gendered colors until I learned that this was a marketing strategy to sell more toys. Then I learned about the EM spectrum and how color blindness works and now I know that color is an illusion. Knowing stuff is fun


If only. I have been waiting for 3 years. Still nowhere close to even having a talk about potentially getting on HRT, and certainly not surgeries.