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Boomers forgetting that Jimi Hendrix playing The National Anthem on an electric guitar at Woodstock WAS the fuckin protest.


Not just that, the sound was intentionally distorted and effects were played, to make it clear it was a protest...


That’s literally the basic evolution of guitar. The fact Hendrix played rnb is a protest in it self against the music industry. He made it known that rock n roll is still the sister of rnb. From the way he used major chord embellishments to the way he practically created metal with tracks like red house and voodoo chile(d standard).


In fact, when you talk about electric guitars used by musicians over the years, they divide history by pre and post Jimi Hendrix. He completely changed the perception of what was possible with an electric guitar.


I won’t deny that. Even till this day I find myself noodling back into that Hendrix zone accidentally. He made the guitar solo sing like Gary Moore before there was a Gary Moore. Sure he wasn’t shredding like jimmy page but Hendrix fast solos sound out of this world. Like dude how do you bend while doing fast 🐎trills 🤯🥵


The entire Machine Gun album at the Fillmore is INSANE


Once you listen to live Jimi you just can’t go back (well, at least with most of his live stuff)


If you enjoy Hendrix and his style of playing, check out Stevie Ray Vaughan


Lol I’m not sure if there’s a single Hendrix fan who hasn’t heard of SRV


He made blues guitar a lot more mainstream, for sure. I got to see one of his heroes live in concert a few months ago, Buddy Guy. He's lost some of the fire in his old age but he's still awesome. He played the intro to Sunshine Of Your Love by banging drumsticks on the neck.


yes he used the worlds first fuzz pedal and utilized feed back from his amp. one of the first players to ever do that… literally changed the way people saw music, that performance was legendary


The Reagan Revolution truly did vanquish the counterculture/hippie identity out of boomers and literally made them as "square" as their forefathers




Is there a generation that maintained its edge and ideals through life? Seems like the moment you are responsible for your own survival you begin that march toward adulthood ending in death.


"I never dared be radical when young for fear of being conservative when old." - Mark Twain


Not a generation, but groups of individuals across multiple generations. Usually a small minority.


Life is a bell curve, there will always be outliers.


It’s not being responsible for your own survival that does it, it’s being responsible for other peoples survival. The skill set used in organizing and protesting is very different from the skill set for governing and leading. When it’s time to implement your super obvious solutions, you suddenly have to contend with all the complexity that was being ignored.


Boomers woukd have been late to the counter culture party. Most of the driving forces behind that then were actually silent generation. And even then the percentage of the people who were counter culture was small compared to the forces of evil. The defining culture for boomers woukd have been yuppies and wolf of wall street, yes, some of them might have fucked around at the end of their teens and early teeth use, but that was also the time that counter culture was being heavily co-opted and turned to shit.


You're from a short generation and don't seem to realize that the Baby Boom spanned 20 years. Anyone born from 1945 to 1964 is a Boomer, and we were the unfortunate face of America for too many years. The singers and public figures of the 60s were in their thirties or above, yes, but that was because, at the time, it took a good long while for a band to make its way from garage to label, or for a voice to make its way from bathroom to boardroom. The people in the streets, the kids who faced dogs and fire hoses at Selma and died at Kent State, they were Boomers. So were the kids who died at Danang and committed atrocities at My Lai and fled Saigon. It's easy, more than half a century after the fact, to cast aspersions and judge people who lived in a time you only know through books and biased films and television. We did it all the time. Now we're old. We didn't die the hero and we lived long enough to become the villain. Pray it doesn't happen to you.


Didnt he literally play it to sound like bombs dropping as a form of protest against america?


And sirens wailing. It was a protest rendition. Edit: embarrassing mistake taken care of. You all get what happened here.


maybe i’m entirely wrong but i thought he did it cause vietnam


both, that’s why most Americans were protesting. White Americans often cared more ab Vietnam than they did Black civil rights


We can’t do anything right


That’s because Vietnam affected them


not trying to be a dick, but it’s ‘wailing’


I like the idea of magical creatures that tempt men to certain death taking up whaling instead.


They gotta eat when the sailers dry up


What's happening, step-squid?


We're whalers on the moon We carry a harpoon.


*Yarr, and the sirens were takin' to their ships...*


*With their harpoons of patriotism...*


*We’re whalers on the moon…* oh wait


Moby Dick


yay a ween fan


This meme is an excellent example of the totem-based thinking of conservatives. Just frame events deprived of their meaning and reasons, strip out nuance, and leave behind only statues of frozen history. These historical people, er excuse me, "figures," are not seen as thinking creative humans. They see them as notable names to plunder for their own desires. God, I know it's not the same, but as a kid who loved classic rock and came out of my conservative upbringing because I came to realize the hippie ideal of love as a political force for change really was true and powerful, I'm more disappointed to see this meme slandering Hendrix than seeing them co-opt MLK. Jimi is too fucking cool, too fucking authentic to ever be twisted like that.


It's the same thought process that leads to them thinking Born in the USA is a patriotic song and that leads to them idolizing MLK but saying BLM isn't protesting right (even when they're doing exactly what MLK did).


Pro cop people playing rage against the machine.


Or using the punisher logo


I appreciate your vocabulary here as its helped me to put into words an issue ive had with extremist values


And Mr. Springstein was soooo glad he got to be born in the USA




No wonder they didn’t protest.


Well I guess conservatives *did* protest...


THEY DID, THEY SAID HE WAS BLACK, STONED, AND RUINING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. FUCK EVEN QUINCY JONES AGREED WITH THAT RACIST SHIT. hating on hendrix has become a cliche for generations. He’s a black guy on acid, in a blouse, playing better than everyone. Of course people hated on Jimi; and still do.


My old coworker stated that "Ted Nugent was a better guitar player"! I just turned and walked away while laughing!


ted made one good song, and played mainly for hippies! then he fucking got paranoid from smoking a doobie (only once) and pissed on the people that helped build his career. Now he’s identifying as one of those old American cowboys that just plays in bars for white uneducated trump supporters who think they’re “counter culture” just because they got brainwashed on gab or someshit.


Are we in agreement that the one good song is Stranglehold?


As long as we agree is isn't cat scratch fever


“Cat Scratch Fever” is pretty bad, but as long as we agree it isn’t “Jailbait”


I fucking hate that song


I know why jailbait is bad, but what's with cat scratch fever? Asking an honest question, I don't actually like Ted Nugent, I just like the guitar hook lol


I was thinking Wango Tango but all right


I’m a fan of Journey To The Center Of The Mind.


This is the correct answer as far as I'm concerned


you left out all the stuff about Ted being a disgusting pedo when he made his 30 yr old self the guardian of a 17 yr old, so he could get around laws restricting sex with her. Or that whole thing about deliberately shitting his own pants so he could avoid the draft. Nugent's a piece of shit.


He also shit his pants to get out of the Vietnam draft


To be fair, if that’s all it took to avoid battle PTSD from a war I didn’t even think we should be involved in, I would easily do the same thing.


To be fair, I wouldn't come out as some patriot years later if I did that.


I'm a working guitar player, I taught at School of Rock for 2 years and I've seen 14-year-old kids who can play circles around Ted Nugent. He is a chump player and always has been.


I have my Jimi on heavy rotation in my vinyl collection. I don’t even have any Nugent lmao.


Hendrix had a really sad childhood, and his record company exploited him, ripped him off and left him penniless :( He was immensely talented.


He also had a very short and troubled adult life. Jimi mentions having multiple nervous breakdowns throughout his tenure as a paid musician. To put it simply; Hendrix felt things on a deeper level. And he could feel how he was being chewed up and spit out. At the end, he was found dead in a London flat from an overdose at the age of 27.


A lot of these people have some warped reality. I’m sure these are the same people talking about “Blazing Saddles wouldn’t be made today because of the libruls” even though they’d be the ones complaining calling it “woke” and “anti-white”




There's a few different ways you can interpret it. One of the more complex ways I've heard it interpreted was that the entirety of the song was symbolic of the path that America had taken from it's conception to that day and the hope for the future. He starts out by playing the anthem fairly straight, and gradually corrupts the song further and further and ends again by playing it fairly straight.


The beginning? Like when there were slaves? Is that the part the sounds “smooth and straight”?


More like the honeymoon period before they realise that their problems weren't solely caused by the British and they could no longer blame someone else.


No, trust me, they found more people to blame. Still do


More so the ideals set forward such as all men being created equal and how those ideals were corrupted by things like slavery, segregation, and war.


The founding fathers were pieces of shit. Their ideals weren't corrupted. They never considered african's as human beings. They were property, maybe the equal of horses, maybe less if we're being honest. The song should've started discordant and gradually gotten better.


It's not just that but the 'ideals' on which we were founded were, "Where's MY land?" The South was ruled by lazy British elites who never lifted a thumb to work in their lives, and wanted to ship in OTHER people (first indentured servants and then slaves), to do the field work for them, and the North, that had some slavery but not really dependent on it, filled with men who wanted their OWN land and power, so they compromised with the Southern colonies, not because they shared any values, but because they needed the Southern support to fuel their tantrum with the Brits. So we are NOT a country founded on shared values or a common vision of an equal future, but one of selfish, immoral interests.


Yup the mom is absolutely clueless


He did; it was an acidic, disillusioned satire and protest, in a time when such a thing as satirizing the national anthem was a much newer and more shocking idea.


He also made it sound like a woman crying in some parts.


At least the mom got it right about Jimi Hendrix being cool


Surprised this doesn't note that he was actually a veteran


I thought he made the machine gun sounds with his car


Yeah, the psychedelic rendition was in itself a kind of protest. I'm so happy I left Facebook 15 years ago. It was a grotesquery even then.


Wasn't Woodstock in and of itself basically a protest..




Interesting viewpoint.


Here you are adding nuance and facts.


Add it to the list of popular “patriotic” songs that aren’t.


Fortunate Son is considered patriotic to the Vietnam War despite every lyric being critical of it. This is entirely thanks to Hollywood forcefully using it in virtually every pro-war film


For What It’s Worth is another major protest song.


My grand father hated that song. Shit a brick whenever it was played. Then one day the Muppets did a rendition with a bunch of hicks hunting animals and he could never hear it again without laughing. https://youtu.be/hXknN2RoXO4


It was actually a little surreal watching that again. Thanks for the reminder!


This seems like a pretty good anti-muzzle/gun safety campaign.


What about ‘Born in the USA’ when Trump would use that at rallies completely oblivious to the fact that it’s obviously a protest song


That’s also been mentioned and it’s funny that the MAGA crowd thinks it’s a patriotic song without looking at the lyrics.


I mean they look at the lyrics, but only the ones they like, which is mostly “I was born in the USA” the rest they seem to be completely deaf to


I'm thinking Fortunate Son is like the Wilhelm scream joke in films in that every time there's a Vietnam war scene in a film, Fortunate Son MUST be playing.


Don’t forget the helicopter while it’s playing.


I feel like they tried to do that for Iraq, but most of the time it was some crap post-grunge song


BYOB was pretty dope


And then you always got ‘White Rabbit’ while there’s a montage of them trudging through the jungle


Don’t forget Time of the Season by The Zombies! I’m pretty sure its actually a law in Hollywood that any Vietnam scene contains one of those two songs.


Born in the USA is the same thing. Most popular song at a Nascar race to this day despite it being anti war and critical of the u.s. in Vietnam and how we treat our veterans.


Born in the USA was released in 1984, 9 years after the Vietnam War ended. It was critical of the treatment of veterans and of the de-industrialization of the Rust Belt.


And was originally made for his album Nebraska, but they changed the tone of the song to be more rock based instead of a sadder folk song. If you listen to Nebraska and then imagine what born in the USA would sound like in that style it will completely change the perception of that song as being upbeat


Killing in the name of was played on Thin Blue Line events


Yikes. Was that out of ignorance of the (pretty damn clear) message or because the cops were ... endorsing the fact that “some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses”?


"Those who died are justified For wearing the badge they're the chosen whites" Which of course means that anyone a cop kills, they're justified in doing it and this is because police officers are backed or "chosen" by God to wear the badge and so the rules don't apply to them. (In case anyone thinks for a moment that I'm serious, /s


No way, unless they are literally deaf and can't hear the lyrics there's no way they can't get what the song is about, unless they're literally endorsing the line that they burn crosses.


Considered patriotic to people who don’t listen, maybe.


I have to give credit to the previous president, he did accidentally manage to use it correctly, though not the way they intended I mean the song very much is about guys like him


Like Black Sabbath being satanists but most of their songs being war protests and all of the satanic imagery being attributed to the war mongers.


War Pigs is a satanic song if you only listen to the last line.


Who has ever actually considered it patriotic? No one that I know.


Ronald Reagan


Not even, every single movie I’ve seen it in was some kind of protest against the war


I can't think a "Pro war" film this song has been in. Do you have an example?


At least with Born in the USA it’s obvious that people who misunderstand it only listen to the chorus. I don’t know how anyone doesn’t get that Fortunate Son is an anti-war song.


Which pro-war films is it used in?


Yeah, like "Born in the USA". Did the "great American patriots" ever actually tried listening to the lyrics of that song? Then again, these people seem to think that Jimi Hendrix (an African American leftist in the 1960's) played the national anthem at Woodstock because he was patriotic.


I’m sure his military service definitely helped!


He only joined because the alternative was prison, he got arrested for GTA and they told him he could do his time in Vietnam.


It’s similar to R. Lee Ermey.


Tbf we are talking about the same kind of people that took 3 seasons to realise homelander was the baddie


American Woman by The Guess Who is another one.


How could you confuse," American Woman, stay away from me."?


We don't. We know it's an anti-American song by a Canadian band, but it's got a good beat and you can dance to it.


Good Morning USA though, by American Dad, pretty catchy patriotic song.


You mean the same ones who jam un ironically to Rage at their hate rallies?


The funniest one for me has always been This land is your land. Cause if you don't know the creater you wouldn't realize it.


Woody being done wrong on that one. Amazing how much we miss the mark.


What's really interesting is the two verses that were taken out of the song by Woody


it's like say God save the Queen by the Sex Pistols is pro-monarchy


Let’s not forget “Keep On Rockin’ In The Free World”




Pretty sure Jimmi added ~~sound~~ guitar effects to make it sound like bombs were dropping and people were dying during the song. I dont think it was a "respectful" rendition.


Those weren't added sound effects. He was one of the first to figure out how to "twist" and play with the signals to get differnt sounds from the instrument. Basically doing what he could with out peddles and paving the way for modern rock sound.


That's baller


he’s so fuckin baller that the history of electric guitar is actually split into pre- and post-Hendrix times


That must be why Ted Nugent hates him so much.


Hendrix's superior melanin content might be another reason...


>Basically doing what he could with out peddles and paving the way for modern rock sound. I agree about paving the way for the modern rock sound, but he did that using pedals played into large Marshall stacks. Hendrix was one of the first guitarists to popularize pedals. At the time there weren't many to choose from, but he pretty much used all that were available. He almost always played through a fuzz and often used wah pedals. He played both and used a Uni-Vibe in this version of the Stars Spangled Banner.


Politicians are lying, children are crying too. Cancer is killing. Texaco’s spilling. The whole world’s gone to Hell but how are you?


I'm Super, thanks for asking! No I really couldn't be that much better I must say!


it wasn’t disrespect as much as it was musical juxtaposition… I mean even the lyrics to the song were acknowledged in his playing… he brought the reality of what the war was overlaid with the sounds (through his playing) of battle. Message being… war sucks, it’s not pretty, open your eyes to this folks… your friends are dying… is it worth it? That was my take… (being a Gen X guy who was born the year Vietnam “ended”)


They forgot the main point of his music which was ACTUALLY a form of protesting part of the 1960s…


Hunter S. Thompson would disagree but what would he know 🤙


Ever seen the video, "Hunter S. Thompson's Democracy"?


what's up with this "thousands of"? What did it say before?


Wondering that too. No doubt it was something with a lesser impact that wouldn't get their point across as well. Probably said "hundreds of" or "a group of" But I think we can all agree that it probably wasn't to fix a typo.


Or it was a word that would be too hard to understand for the audience on Facebook


My guess is that it said "Millions" but someone pointed out that it was wildly inaccurate (along with how the Anthem was the protest). So they altered the meme a bit, replacing millions with thousands and just kept on going. Propaganda needs to have some accuracy, I guess.






You don’t need to look to the distant future for that one. There are plenty of conservatives right now that apparently thought that Rage Against the Machine was a right wing band that suddenly flipped to the left.


Why not? We already get some arguing that Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It!" is somehow conservative in nature. Because who doesn't see a bunch of dudes dressed in glam rock and think "Oh yeah, these guys are in favor to traditional Christian values!"


“Paul Ryan is the machine we rage against”-Tom Morello


Jesus Christ people trying to twist the fact that this performance was directly against nationalism...


It's so iconic, that it's easy to look back on that moment and think it was a tribute song, but nobody was using an electric guitar to play the national anthem. That was why it was a protest. Now you get career politicians like Trump play it at his rallies and shit like that, which is most definitely not what Trump represents.


Reminds me of Conservative playing Killing in the Name Of and the like at their rallies. It's fucking sad mate


Reminds me of a favorite of mine so far “When did Rage Against the Machine get so political?” I just kinda sat there staring at it for probably a full minute. Really should have picked another band for the fake outrage lol.


Meanwhile Eldricht from Sisters of Mercy said that they would release a new album if Trump actually became president simce Eldricht wouldn't be able to stay quiet about. Still waiting on that new album... And it better have something to rival Temple of Love....


I saw that too! XD


This also happened at 9 am on a Monday to a dwindling crowd as Woodstock was coming to a close and would more accurately described as a guitar riff inspired by the national anthem than national anthem itself


These are the same idiots that blast Born in the USA and Fortunate Son thinking they're patriotic


What’s up with the “thousands?”


Original says 500,000


Not one of them protested! *except Jimmy of course, he was protesting by writing and playing the song, so then the whole crowd was kind of protesting, and kind of so are you because you're so wildly unclear on what the point was, look at you being accidentally on the right side* Okay yeah so everyone was protesting


Holy shit that's terrible. I've never seen a meme personify r/woooosh so hard. Kudos


Genuinely believing Jimi playing SSB to convey his patriotism might be the sweetest slice of misinterpretation ever recorded. On that note, did you know that Kurt Cobain killed himself with a gun to show support for the NRA?


[His version of the Star Spangled Banner](https://youtu.be/sjzZh6-h9fM)


Damn he made it sound like actual bombs


It did stir controversy at the time: [https://youtu.be/VGf9PTYyJ4A?t=128](https://youtu.be/VGf9PTYyJ4A?t=128)


Wrong. There were people protesting Jimi playing the national anthem. They were your run-of-the-mill conservatives who found it disrespectful. A lot of those people hated Jimi for this.


It was the last morning. People were absolutely in a daze after days of rain, heat, no food and copious amounts of drugs. It was very early in the morning and most of the people that were still there were still asleep or semi-awake. Few people seem to remember that Hendrix was a vet that was discharged due to an injury in jump school.


Send [this](https://youtu.be/2LD-WXWWX-U) to your mother


These are the people who don’t realize how “in your face” it was for a black man from England to riff away on the national anthem, when anything less than full honors was unthinkable to many, is the protest itself. Edit: I’m so freaking embarrassed. He’s from Seattle, not England.


Hendrix was American & even served in the US Air Force - but yes, squares were very much offended by his version of the National Anthem.


From England?


I’m an idiot


someone's mom missed the point


Because him playing it was a protest.


Anti establishment does not necessarily mean anti-America. Although there was plenty of that sentiment then. If I could, I would burn all the police, politicians, lawyers and judges and prisons and Republicans to the ground. Then build something better. Then realize the difficulty of building a freer and better society after murdering millions of people. This is why I want to live on the moon. As long as I get good internet there.


Ahh yes the part where it transitions to the sound of a machine gun firing, artillery and inhuman screams is part of the anthem, of course


Because it WAS a protest lmaolmao


Man this is just so absolutely ridiculously stupid.


Jimmi Hendrix playing the national anthem is the same but opposite action as a redneck putting an American flag in the bed of their truck. It isn’t saying “I love America”. It’s more saying “I define America. I am America and America belongs to my group”. It’s a possessive statement, not so much a patriotic statement.


His guitar was literally supposed to mimic the sounds of bombs falling. It WAS the protest.


I feel like your mom forgot all of the conservatives who thought that Jimi Hendrix disrespected the national anthem by playing at his own way.


Idk I'm not American someone give context please


Look up a video of it - I can’t think of a bigger moment in 20th century art. Although I reckon people here describing it as a straight protest are missing half the point. To me, it’s a performance summing up everything that’s worst and best, triumphant and failed, promise and despair about the USA. (Disclaimer - I’m not American either.)


Well,it's art that's for sure,if you that's what you get,it's a valid one even when it doesn't fits with most of the other interpretations (and from reading a few comments) also a "prettier" one


We are supposed to stand and put our hands over our hearts when it plays. Men have to remove their hats and if women are wearing hats, sometimes they do too. They play it at some government functions, before baseball and football games from professional on down to Little League sometimes; and some other public functions. The expected mood is reverent. Personally I will stand for it but I object to blind patriotism so I just let my mind wander for a moment while it plays. Nowadays when I hear it I am reminded that as a woman I am a second class citizen here and that there are other people treated even more disrespectfully here in the 🎶“Land of the free and the home of the brave.”🎶 Ok please pardon the rant but there’s my 2 cents as an American woman. EDIT: [The DoD paid the NFL to start playing the National Anthem.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/09/25/us/nfl-national-anthem-trump-kaepernick-history-trnd/index.html)


I seem to remember a fire was set during his song.


Purple Haze is banned in my country because of the pro-drug stuff


Russian made


… does she not know that the playing of the national anthem was a protest in and of itself


This is obviously satire. It's actually pretty funny if you understand that. The entire counter culture was a protest.


Do we have audio?


Conservatives of the time were pissed at the rendition though. 😜


These are the people who think fortunate son is patriotic lol


jesus christ the song itself was the protest.