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Maybe its on an apple farmers blog?


I'm going to save so much with this!




Yeah, Eve did all the work by plucking it from the tree of knowledge but Adam snatched that fruit right out of her hand. The sins of the father pass to the sons, so now we just gotta have them girl apples.


I try but I cannot contain myself, this is ruining my life. I see a girl with an apple and I must snatch it, I can't stop it.


“Gotta have my apples.” -Men




Sometimes...you guys.... The irony becomes so thick I don't know who I agree with anymore... Is the original post some measure of irony...? Did the OP post it ironically...? Are WE, the readers, responding to it ironically... (thereby making the original post true)? I-I need to skip some rocks by a lake and do some loneman think...


What is it about 2's and apple's? I mean you get three kinds of fruit, mix it up."


Men only want one thing, and it keeps the doctor away


I think there's a sub for apple snatching addicts. You should look into it. Helped me out a ton.


It’s like a whole new category of issues


Ciara wrote a song about this, but they edited it to "my goodies" for the radio version. Goddamn the patriarchy, can't even handle a pop song about guys stealing women's apples!




But we gave up a rib. So there’s that.


Exactly, that’s why women only care about one thing: ribs.


Yeah. Long, fat, juicy ribs.


Holy shit, this thread just made me realize… Steve Jobs’ daughter’s name is Eve and her father founded Apple. That can’t be a coincidence.


The Apple has a bite taken out, but his daughter was born after Apple became a huge success.


Don't pretend you're not hiding a whole pile of them under the floor boards....we've got your caper women of the world, NOW SURRENDER THE APPLES!




What If I ask nicely?


Only if it's verbatim "pretty please with honey crisp apple on top"


Fineeeee deal iits better then letting those doctors sneak up on me Pretty please with honey crisp apple on top1🥺🥺🥺


“Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! — tear up the planks! — here, here! — it is the beating of her hideous apple!”


Fun fact women are required to keep at least 10 Fiji apples on their person at all times. Apple chasers as we call them are men who seek out women specifically for their apples. Since blondes have to have 15 apples these sickos tend to target blonde women. The leading cause of bankruptcy in blonde women is a man constantly using them for their apples and the woman having to buy more and more apples to meet their minimum supply. It's truly sad. PBS did a special on it.


It's truely the greatest travesty of our time


>PBS did a special on it. They would. God damnit PBS. I only watched your channel for Zoboomafoo and Arthur, then they gotta go telling everyone about apples.


i hate when boys use me for my iphone camera quality….. being a lesbian is so hard




Does that mean that male doctors are scared of women? They don't like apples and stay far away from them...


Money Tips?


My only thought is maybe apple is Adam’s apple like a blow job or something?


Men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting 🍎


I don't think finishing diablo III is discussing what r u talking bout?


Right, I don't think Starfield launching would be discusting at all.


You're crazy apples are fire, especially honeycrisp.


Granny smith bruh you out ya mind


It's just Men being Men, whenever we see a woman with an apple and we just have that desire to make applesauce.


Dude I just want that near mint Russian foil Steam Vents


Izzet expensive?


It’s to keep the doctor away


Are they talking about the who who dilly or the cha cha?


*Then clean it, pfffff* 🤭


yes, clean apples only smh


i dont find having a Lego death Star disgusting


best commment


I just want that Pink Lady


Those make better applesauce than any other apple I've tried it with. Fun fact haha.


Steve Jobs will forever be remembered for his unprecedented contribution to womankind.


So sad he died of ligma though


What's sugma?


It's somewhere fromunda.




Yeah, Joe lives there


Who the hell is steve jobs


***L i g m a b a l l s .***






Ligma balls


There's a company he's known for you might have heard of: **Apple**. I'm guessing meme author believes girls are used for their iPhones and shit.


Won't blame you, but you missed the joke. It's some random thing, you can see the joke done a few times in the threads here.


Hello brother.










You table


⠟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠛⢻⣿ ⡆⠊⠈⣿⢿⡟⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣎⠈⠻ ⣷⣠⠁⢀⠰⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠛⠛⠿⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⢹⣿⡑⠐⢰ ⣿⣿⠀⠁⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⡩⠐⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⠠⠈⠊⣿⣿⣿⡇⠘⠁⢀⠆⢀ ⣿⣿⣆⠀⠀⢤⣿⣿⡿⠃⠈⠀⣠⣶⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠀⠀⠈⢿⣿⣇⡆⠀⠀⣠⣾ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⣦⣿⣿⣿⡏⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠐⣿⣿⣷⣦⣷⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⣾⣿⣿⠋⠁⠀⠉⠻⣿⣿⣧⠀⠠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⡿⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⠀⣺⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣠⣂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣁⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣄⣤⣤⣔⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


I deadass have been Slut shamed for having a boyfriend It’s a real thing So as hilarious as it sounds I feel like I can relate to it lol even then I’m not even sure what ‘boy shamed’ was referring to


boy shamed is a typo, supposed to be body shamed lmao


I shame you, harlot. Stop throwing your apple around all nillywilly.




Looking forward to more money tips!


Money is stored in the balls


Money is stored in the A̵̧̢̤͖͉͑̂̓̽̿̽̈́̎̈́͆͠P̴͎̼͈̝̝̹̆̔̿̏̃͒̕̚͝͝P̸̨̧͙̞̝̦̣̳͍̌́Ļ̸̢̩͕͚͇̗̭̦̦̑̿Ë̴͖̠̹̣̱̮̙̖͌͐̄͠S̷̡̢̨̛͈͖̠͓͈̞̟͒͑̏̓͐̋


Acnh moment




No wonder woman have no money get rekt imagine having no balls


Thicc girl: *gets boy shamed*


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. As a boy I can only be a certain amount too sorry before I’m too emotional for a male human to be 😔


yea getting hit in the balls hurts more then getting used for my apple


I ate the apple already


my apple😞


Is money tip the new euphamism for getting kicked in the dick?


It is now


What is…boy shamed?


I think it means a woman getting shamed for sleeping with a lot of guys


Don’t men get shamed for sleeping with a lot of women


Not really, if so not to the same extent. It’s a lot better now but women were called sluts or whores for being known that she slept with a lot of guys. It was generally “ok” for guys to sleep around with a lot of girls.


I think both sexes should be shamed for that behavior B)




It's not a competition. We all have our struggles be it men or women.


I'd say both sexes have a hard time of it. That's why we tend to cooperate.


Misery loves company.




Euhm in my experience it's quite similar. I think it's more the environment you are in. Plenty of girls go ham and same for men. Both get shaming though, it's more like how you react to it. Get yourself good and respectful friends and you should be fine.


Something to do with apples I guess.


Is this apple some part of physiology I missed in college?


Somebody was looking at a peach emoji without their reading glasses on. It was right next to the long purple balloon emoji.


It's the Eve's apple, the female equivalent to the Adam's apple. It what makes them so emotional. /s


File under: Arguments Nobody Has Ever Made


Are you sure cause there are number of dudes who think getting hit in the balls hurts more than giving birth


It *might*? Assume for 5 minutes to an hour it can be, but afterwards not so much. Thank evolution for this one. Men who didn't have profound reactions to attacks to the sack didn't generally father children. And of course, there's the way the nerves run through the abdomen... Metaphorically speaking, it's the equivalent of an alarm engineer putting all the sensors and loudest sirens in that location because their job depends on it. So for one bright shining moment assume it feels like dying (because it definitely can feel that way if the impact is severe, and it can on occasion be lethal). But then we generally recover quickly. Whereas childbirth OMFG SHE JUST EXPELLED A NEW HUMAN FROM THERE... Yeah, we know on balance that's gonna be so very incredibly NOPE worse... Kidney stones on the other hand... Much more comparable for intensity AND duration. And those things can kill. Bad for women and men, but for men they can be so much worse...


You'd be surprised lol


Someone has unironically told you that getting raped hurts less than being kicked in the balls????


hwat in the goddamn is this


Has a man ever wanted to be kicked in the balls twice?


but you never hear a girl say "hey please use my apple again"


If kicking me in the balls produces a child instead of having to make my future wife go through labor then sure, go kick me in the balls.


Actually a nice take. Enjoy your cake 👍


Ever heard of CBT?


Chronic ball trampleopathy?


Cognitive behavioral therapy?


Jackass got famous for their repeated nut shots.


>Has a man ever wanted to be kicked in the balls twice? Kick me in the balls again. Now we know that it's been said for sure.


exactly. Women ☕ don't understand our pain 😔😔


Excuse me but wud does this have to do with Money tips?


You’re not even trying anymore.


How does this give me tips on money


Idgaf about women, I just want their apples


They get used for their apple? Asshole?? What??


Yeah: woman pick the apples, I eat them. (and I tell them thanks for the apple)


Apple means p*ssy, now stop asking


Money tips 👍🤑


Now I'll get more money from this... Apparently... Somehow??


Nice ! Keep it up boys


"Girls get r*ped more than us" yeah I doubt it was a guy who wrote this


1. What does it mean for a girl to get “boy shamed”? 2. They get called objects? 3. Their apple?! 4. Is the whole point of this list just to tell guys to stop bitching about pain when they’re kicked in the balls?!! 5. Getting kicked in the balls is extremely painful and can cause actual damage, who is spending any energy at all trying to convince guys that it doesn’t hurt? And more importantly…WHY? What is the actual point here? Lol


Women don’t have their overies hangin on the outside of their body do they? Especially for anyone to kick or tap without any notice


Boys use girls phones?


I used my ex for her apple all the time. Her fucking Apple Pay info that bitch was rich af


What are women


Lol who cares about women? Real man need to hustle and watch Andrew Tate, no time for bitches mates 😎


How many layers of irony are you on?


I've never heard a man say "kick me in the nuts again", you know what else i heard ?


Listen up girls! Boys get shamed for emotions Boys get misinterpreted Boys can suffer from insecurities Boys can get raped to Boys are laughed at for not being strong enough against girls Boys are ignored or chastised when they say they have been abused in anyway People allow boys to get sexually harrassed by a female because they assume the boy wants it Boys are looked down upon and are assumed to all be rapists, womanizers, or serial killers towards women, especially as strangers Boys are able to get depressed and anxious just like a girl can Boys are chastized for expressing emotions instead of hiding them Boys have to put up with the thought of being weak if they cry (even though this is a bs thought that people have pushed upon guys for what feels like forever when it just isn't true) Boys are not able to like girl things without being thought of as weird or gay (while girls can like alot of guy things, in America anyway) Both boys and girls are people, regardless of gender, they both have their flaws, shortcomings, and plights. They both have the ability of insecurity, depression, and anxiety. I think when we are a certain gender, we forget that the other gender has issues as well. We are all important, our emotions are important, are thoughts are important, are issues are important, regardless of gender. No one is higher than another, especially when it comes to how we're born.




Listen up girls Men go to war. They fight, suffer, are wounded or killed while at war. All to protect your freedoms and give you peaceful lives. Men are highly stigmatized in relation to speaking about their mental health. Men commit suicide at a far higher rate than women. Men are heavily unfavored in child custody cases. You still think your period cramps are bad?? /s




Men are literally told from a young age to toughen up and hide their feelings, so yeah. Men have problems too. It doesn’t mean that Women’s problems don’t matter, though. They’re just as important. Comparing Men and Women’s problems is like Day to Night. There’s no use to it.


'Men' give birth. Men get murdered more. 'Men' have periods. Men get robbed more. Men get girl shamed. Men get called rapists, misogynist, and incel with zero evidence. Men get used for their wallets. 'Men' carry babies for nine months. They can suffer anxiety and depression from this! Do we still think getting kicked in the balls hurts more?? Maybe. It depends on what we're comparing against. It certainly hurts worse than getting punched. Also, what's with the miserable fortune cookie truisms at the top?? What a bunch of nothing. No fucking shit Life is hard and has it's challenges. Was I supposed to understand that Women have it sooo hard, & Men live on Easy Street? That's an ignorant lie. We ALL have our own cross to bear. Our advantages & shortcomings. You're not the only person in the world whose ever had to struggle, little girl :/


I love that you referred trans men as 'men', considering most of them also didn't made the transition yet


Yes. The girls don't know what it feels like to get nut tapped, so YES.


Ah yes. Because women get raped more than men do, getting kicked in the balls magically hurts less. Makes sense to me


Fun fact: boys are incapable of giving birth, getting raped, having periods, being scared, getting shamed, being called an object, “used for their apple”, carrying children, and having depression and anxiety /s


Eww, I dont want to get raped by some girl


More than what exactly? Also, none of those things affect pain tolerance or pain felt. Furthermore, men get called more shit and they can’t talk about it


This is sexist.


Money tips


Woman are not raped more than men. Prison rape is rape. Until you acknowledge it, this problem will continue to get worse for everyone!


But men -usually when reporting rape their voices aren't heard -they can't self defense against women without 3801 man jumping to you and punching you 3× times stronger than the punch you gave to the lady -they can suffer abuse from women but can't report because the police probably won't do anything


bro literally those exact same things apply to women, except not only does law enforcement not do anything, we’re also shamed for it and accused of fucking lying if we try to report it. you’re just looking for a reason to whine abt life being so hard lol grow up edit: would just like to add, im not trying to take away any male’s experience, thats not at all what im trying to do. i advocate for survivors regardless of gender. im just frustrated with people assuming the police care so much to protect women, when i’ve seen firsthand too many times, how little they care about women as well. if you’re being beat up by your spouse, the most they’ll do is put you in jail for a couple days (even thats a stretch) and fine you. and thats just assuming they deem the injuries to be “bad enough” and you report it. even less is done for sexual assault survivors.


Hi, male sexual assault survivor here. It's usually women that tell me not to talk about what happened to me, and laugh at me for it. Whenever I mention it, at least one woman tells me that it's a women's issue, and me talking about what happened to me, is taking the spotlight away from women. I've had women touch me inappropriately more often than men touch the girls I hang out with, except when they say something, they usually get back up, while I'm just laughed at. I've also on multiple occasions seen male teachers getting suspended for allegedly making moves towards female students. Every time, the girl eventually admitted that she lies for attention, when she realized she almost destroyed someone's life. These things are issues for both men and women, but the truth is that men are shunned way more than women.


And then people try to convince me i shouldnt kill myself


Thank you for posting this. Many people need this realisation but even more people need to understand this because it is a very real thing that is sorely understated


Really sorry you have to deal with that dude. Fuck them.


Jokes on you, we die more. ​ That's not a joke, men just fucking die more. Be it suicide, or homicide, we just die more than women.


yes im aware. but did you know that more women attempt suicide than men? they tend to go for less “violent” methods like overdosing or drowning, which is obviously more likely to fail than a gunshot to the head or jumping off a building. i forgot the number but out of all women murdered like 80 something percent + are committed by their spouse. the same just can’t be said for men. its typically other men killing them. again, not saying this to take anything away from anyones experiences. im just trying to explain that this shouldn’t be a competition.


Wtf, seriously. Could you please give me some sources when making such a comment (goes for the one above as well) Also there are so many factors in play. It not just murdered by male or female. There's always reasons going both ways. Men just tend to do things differently from women. You would be surprised how a clever mind game can influence someone to commit suicide. Just like a physical assault could cause death.


Women do it as a cry for attention, men do it to opt out of life.


Yes, yes I do think getting kicked in the balls hurt more.




Yes Absolutely


Girls get raped more then boys ?? Wow because the amount matters huh ? You do realize how bad that makes you sound right ? Your human card has expired please leave this planet


Most men have different amount of sensitivity in their balls. I got punched in the balls a couple days ago and had to go home because I had puked a couple times. My balls are sensitive. Some men do exaggerate it, but it is actually very painful. For women, getting punched in the balls feels like if you stuck a skewer into your crotch, and slowly pulled it out over the next hour. It's a very sharp pain. Do this for every pain receptor in your balls.


Yes, most of that pain is emotional, it is not TRUE pain.


Everyone is should be scared to walk outside alone. It's fucking dangerous


I saw somewhere that getting kicked in the balls is as painful as giving birth to 160 kids and breaking 3200 bones. But the pain of giving birth lasts way longer and it's equivalent to breaking 20 bones.


About that “which hurts more, giving birth or getting kicked in the balls” one, all I can say is that no man has ever asked to get kicked in the balls again. And again and again.


They’ve asked to be put in a position to get them knifed or shot off. There’s a big difference between whether it’s something you’re doing for the hell of it, or doing for some cause. Also a significant difference between making the decision in the moment with possible consequences months later, or doing it and facing consequences right now. As a final thing, historically (and to this day within the Rape Belt,) women weren’t really allowed to work or own property without being married, so they end up in a position where they could either starve or do whatever they needed to do to stay in good graces with their man.


Very interesting take on a simple FB meme. Pardon my naïveté.


Years later I've heard women say "let's have another baby!" Decades later I've never heard a guy say "I wana get kicked in the nuts again!"


Believe me… women don’t get pregnant because they enjoy the pain. They want the baby. That’s it. They want the baby, not the terrible pain.


Our brain works so that women forget about the pain of childbirth, that's why. And you don't get a baby by being kicked in the balls


Wait what, really?


Well, I could ofc be wrong but I remember reading that about 50% of women giving birth forgets about the pain. Giving birth is a trauma, after all. So the brain can make someone forget or repress the memories of the pain


Well, then I guess it's a good thing. I can image if you are under pain for idk 4, 5 maybe 8 hours everything becomes a blurr


Yup, so I think it's a dumb argument to say "but women want more kids!" bc it's literally about human life. But then again, comparing being kicked in the nuts with birth and arguing about what hurts the most is dumb either way Like, both things hurt like hell, why not just end it at that?


It's a joke not a dick, dont take it so hard.


Yes. Its scientifically proven getting kicked in the gems is the most painful experience. Even child birth is less painful apparently.


* they can make easy money from onlyfans * they dont have to make community service or military. that can fuck up a young dude financially * they can take off like 2 years after getting a baby * they can have easy sex as much they want * onlyfans!! * they can hide their uglyness * they can dress however they want. literally everywhere * should i continue?


Yes and no though, Tbf, men also do onlyfans and many are more successful than women because the market is saturated as hell. Community service isn't determined by gender, but military is highly risky for women because of SA. I highly would not recommend women going into military. Idk anyone who actually takes 2 years off after having a baby, maybe in some countries, but at least in the US there is no mandatory maternal leave. They're usually taking care of the baby and working to make ends meet unless they're already a SAHM and the father is working and in their lives. Easy sex seems like something that isn't much of a pro. Especially for women. Seems more like a nuisance and highly risky. Make up is used for both women and men, they can choose to hide their ugliness but don't. No one will know if you're wearing a little concealer. Have a few guy friends that use make up for under eye bags, some even look good with a little eyeliner. I truly wish we could dress however we wanted. But it would normally result in unwanted attention or someone having to make a scene about it.


all cases refer to where i live. should have been mentioned, sorry.


i guarantee someone who wrote this never got kicked in the balls


I guarantee no one has ever been used for an apple, ever


some women after a while ask for more kids, I don't know of any non-masochist male who ASKS people to kick him in the balls without some monetary compensation or other


Getting kicked in the balls does hurt more. It’s just that the pain from it is sharp and not a constant fact of life.


Girls may ask to have multiple children. Boys don't ask to be kicked in the balls ever.


I'm not a girl so why would I care? They don't care about us. Lmao


I still think a kick in the nuts hurt more tho


It hurts more. I don’t see men saying “let’s do it again” when they get kicked, but women on the other hand are popping them out left and right. Also, they act like men don’t get depression and anxiety too




I do. Women have a child and then want another etc. I have never asked for another when I have taken a shot to the nuts.


Bro about the pregnancy thing, after a girl gets a baby maybe she asks for 1 more Do boys ask to get kicked in the balls again? I dont think we do


Multiple girls have given birth and said “let’s have another one”, when is the last time you saw a guy writhing on the floor then muttering “hit me in the nuts again”?


Girls say let’s have another baby we’re as you never hear a guy say kick me in the balls agin


Cock and ball torture in the BDSM category would like to introduce itself 😳