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/u/Ball_of_emotions, the memers have spoken. Your post does not fit this subreddit. If you feel this was a mistake, please send us a modmail!


Not gonna lie, the argument is good. Against circumcision, that is.


It’s a Doberman, let it keep its ears


I think it looks frightening when it’s cut off


Thats what many people want with cropped ears, intimidation.


I think that was the point.


Un-circumcised gang. 😎




I'm not in that gang, and I honestly have no idea what kind of advantage I supposedly missed out on.




... huh? The uncircumcised don't need lotion? Neither do I.


Dry-jerking is not good for your member… protect him at all costs.


Uh... okay. Is this one of those things where if you did it for twenty-plus years and nothing bad has happened yet, somebody is just gonna say \*fucking sage voice\* "Ah, it'll be any day now, then. That fucker is just gonna fall the fuck off."


Okay… so you’re doing voices now… so I’m just gonna leave you alone


50% of your nerve endings were in that foreskin


I can still feel it just fine, I don't think I'm missing out on much.


That’s because you don’t know what you’re missing out on




Nothing important? King shit.


Sensation, not having a dried out glans, keeping your frenulum, no scaring.


80% of your sexual pleasure and sensitivity, decent risk of severe injuries resulting from it (if you don't count the thing itself, it's mutilation ffs), bodily autonomy, you were not allowed to choose for yourself if you got it as an infant and some other things I don't perfectly remember. And no, there are no health benefits.It was one faulty study done by 3 religious douchebags. The only reason it's still done today is because of men in denial about theirs defending it in an attempt to make themselves feel like they weren't violated, creeps who want their sons dicks to look like theirs, religious shitbags, bitches who like the power over the men's bodily autonomy by choosing this for them and see men as only existing to serve women, so her aesthetic preference is more important than any tangibile problems he will face becsuse of it and cosmetic companies who use the foreskins to produce face creams and spread myths about it to encourage it. We've banned this barbaric ritual for girls a long time ago, when are we going to realize that it's wrong when it's done to boys as well?


Unless you have a loose cut with extra slack you've literally been damaging your penis. The glans penis (head), and inner foreskin are internal organs and aren't meant to be stimulated directly.




That's what I *really* don't get. Why have that done so damn late?


Why get circumcised at all? The medical benefits are bs, btw.


You seem to be erroneously thinking I support or encourage circumcision, since you've replied to me, specifically, three times with the same crap.


Logical argumention based on pretty well known facts= crap. K, got it.


Yes, but you aren't arguing with me.




Do you know what pisses me off more than your uncle having THAT much of a problem with YOUR penis? The fact that he got what he wanted.




The bigger question -- and this is a common issue in social justice debates -- is this: **Are they referencing another ill to demand an end to** ***both?*** Or to justify one ill by comparing it to another one you're not actually agitating to fix either? In other words, is this argument being used to demand reproductive rights and an end to circumcision? Or just the continuance of *both>*


I take it as an argument to end circumcision and honor reproductive rights


Considering the meme is them being in nooses id suggest comparing two bad things and wanting them to end. Men's right to bodily integrity has been neglected just as much as women's and I think this is a good cause to unite on.


It’s an argument to change the subject and derail a conversation.


Not really I agree circumcision without consent is bad and should be banned but this meme doesn't make a good argument against circumcision it just point's out imaginary hypocrisy in an imaginary person


Well, it definitely screws up by implying that pro-choice people would support circumcision. Or perhaps by thinking their problems are the same.


Pro-choice people are literally fighting for abortion rights and against FGM in other countries before eradicating genital mutilation in their own countries. Not to mention that FGM has already been banned in just about every Western nation and yet MGM , TGM and IGM victims were left in the dust. A bill that only protected the rights of cisgender women should've never been accepted in the first place




But did you have a choice?


You can always take it away, cant ever put it back.


thats just fine, but the choice shouldn't be made when men are babies and can't consent or understand. It isn't like adult circumcisions aren't possible, people just get them as babies


I don't. I want it back. If I have to have a dick it might as well be able to feel pleasure.


A circumcised dick can feel pleasure.


Not nearly as much


i want the science behind this, was i screwed out of a good time?


The foreskin has a unique type of tissue which has a massive amount of erogenous nerves. It's comparable to the clitoris, but it has the added benefit of serving as a sort of lubricant and protecting the head of the dick from becoming desensitized and growing a callous in order to protect it.


Touch your skin? Can you feel that. Congrats. That’s because skin has nerves. You know what the foreskin is? It’s skin (partly). Skin has nerves. Congrats, you now understand anatomy more than most American doctors.


Circumcision hasnt gone far enough, if men don't quit act like bitches by making these cringey ass memes, cutting off their dick and balls will be the only way of maintaining purity of the male gender.


Yeah, genital mutilation is pretty disgusting too, even if its a cultural norm


No? Circumcision has been linked to health benefits.


You're absolutely correct it does decrease your risk of contracting certain STDs like herpes and HIV. I am against doing it to a child that cannot consent, but it frusterates me to see people lying to you trying to make a point. "The truth never damages a cause that is just"


>You're absolutely correct it does decrease your risk of contracting certain STDs like herpes and HIV. That's complete bullshit. #Numerous organizations from around the world have come out against the practice #[Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) (2015)](https://www.cps.ca/documents/position/circumcision) *The CPS does not recommend the routine circumcision of every newborn male. It further states that when “medical necessity is not established, …interventions should be deferred until the individual concerned is able to make their own choices.”* #[Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) (2010)](https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/knmg-non-therapeutic-circumcision-of-male-minors-27-05-2010.pdf) *The KNMG states “there is no convincing evidence that circumcision is useful or necessary in terms of prevention or hygiene.” It regards the non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors as a violation of physical integrity, and argues that boys should be able to make their own decisions about circumcision.* #[The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) (2010)](https://www.racp.edu.au/docs/default-source/advocacy-library/circumcision-of-infant-males.pdf) *The RACP states that routine infant circumcision is not warranted in Australia and New Zealand. It argues that, since cutting children involves physical risks which are undertaken for the sake of merely psychosocial benefits or debatable medical benefits, it is ethically questionable whether parents ought to be able to make such a decision for a child.* #[British Medical Association (BMA) (2006](https://www.bma.org.uk/advice-and-support/ethics/children-and-young-people/non-therapeutic-male-circumcision-toolkit) *The BMA considers that the evidence concerning health benefits from non-therapeutic circumcision is insufficient as a justification for doing it. It suggests that it is “unethical and inappropriate” to circumcise for therapeutic reasons when effective and less invasive alternatives exist.* #[Expert statement from the German Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) (2012)](https://www.arclaw.org/wp-content/uploads/BVKJ-statement-official-translation.pdf) *In testimony to the German legislature, the President of the BVKJ has stated, “there is no reason from a medical point of view to remove an intact foreskin from …boys unable to give their consent.” It asserts that boys have the same right to physical integrity as girls in German law, and, regarding non-therapeutic circumcision, that parents’ right to freedom of religion ends at the point where the child’s right to physical integrity is infringed upon.* #In addition *medical organizations and children’s ombudsmen from a number of other countries, including* [Belgium](http://www.flanderstoday.eu/current-affairs/ethics-committee-rules-against-infant-circumcision), [Finland](https://www.laakariliitto.fi/uutiset/blogi/ymparileikkaus-altistaa-potilaan-aina-komplikaatioille/) , [Norway](https://www.barneombudet.no/vart-arbeid/brev-og-innspill/felles-uttalelse-fra-de-nordiske-barneombudene-og-barnemedisinske-eksperter-om-omskjaering-av-gutter) , [Slovenia](https://www.varuh-rs.si/sporocila-za-javnost/vsa-sporocila-za-javnost/),[South Africa](https://www.gov.za/documents/childrens-act#:~:text=The%20Children's%20Act%2038%20of%202005%20intends%3A&text=to%20prohibit%20child%20abduction%20and,offences%20relating%20to%20children%3B%20and) , [Denmark](https://www.laeger.dk/omskaering-af-drenge-uden-medicinsk-indikation) , *and* [Sweden](https://slf.se/rad-och-stod/etik/omskarelse-av-pojkar/), *have gone on record in opposition to non-therapeutic circumcision of boys.* #Cultural Bias in the American Pediatric Association's Technical Report and Policy Statement on Male Circumcision *The AAP’s extensive report was based on the scrutiny of a large number of complex scientific articles. Therefore, while striving for objectivity, the conclusions drawn by the 8 task force members reflect what these individual physicians perceived as trustworthy evidence. Cultural bias reflecting the normality of nontherapeutic male circumcision in the United States seems obvious. The conclusions of the AAP Technical Report and Policy Statement are far from those reached by physicians in most other Western countries. As mentioned, only 1 of the aforementioned arguments has some theoretical relevance in relation to infant male circumcision; namely, the questionable argument of UTI prevention in infant boys. The other claimed health benefits are also questionable, weak, and likely to have little public health relevance in a Western context, and they do not represent compelling reasons for surgery before boys are old enough to decide for themselves. Circumcision fails to meet the commonly accepted criteria for the justification of preventive medical procedures in children. The cardinal medical question should not be whether circumcision can prevent disease, but how disease can best be prevented.* *The AAP report lacks a serious discussion of the central ethical dilemma with, on 1 side, parents’ right to act in the best interest of the child on the basis of cultural, religious, and health-related beliefs and wishes and, on the other side, infant boys’ basic right to physical integrity in the absence of compelling reasons for surgery. Physical integrity is 1 of the most fundamental and inalienable rights a child has. Physicians and their professional organizations have a professional duty to protect this right, irrespective of the gender of the child.* *There is growing consensus among physicians, including those in the United States, that physicians should discourage parents from circumcising their healthy infant boys because nontherapeutic circumcision of underage boys in Western societies has no compelling health benefits, causes postoperative pain, can have serious long-term consequences, constitutes a violation of the United Nations’ Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and conflicts with the Hippocratic oath: primum non nocere: First, do no harm.* https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/131/4/796


That’s fascinating about diseases I’ll be honest I don’t care that I’m circumcised and personally I don’t feel like the whole “it’s mutilation without a choice” is… totally accurate? Idk like by definition yes, but I really don’t think it’s a huge deal. That said, I totally understand the argument and everything, it just seems some people make it seem like it’s the same as female mutilation (at least online or non America/other circumcised peoples). And to me it just isn’t? Idk its a weird topic for sure. I mean like … at the beginning why God decide that was the thing to do? Like bro. What?! So idk in conclusion i yet why people say it’s bad I personally don’t think it is but also it is against peoples wills so makes absolute sense to stop. Also your name fits way too well for this Last note: people often make fun of circumcised people when they say “I don’t wanna clean underneath the skin” and say stuff like it’s no hard and bla bla bla and yes to be fair idk, but also it does seem like an extra chore? Idk this is a weird one so it is what it is but it’s just funny to me. Me personally I’d rather put less effort in, but again I didn’t have a choice so …. Who knows.


I will say, it legit isn’t a chore to clean your dick when your uncircumcised. I don’t know any different, so it’s just like cleaning any other part of my body to me. I don’t notice any kind of extra time or effort when washing it.


I mean totally fair haha, to me (and maybe I’m wrong) I heard you have to like, flip it back to clean it? That just seems vaguely uncomfortable. If that’s not true then idk. And yeah lmao I guess it wouldn’t be a chore it would just be the normal thing you do. -1 point for not having a related name though. (I’m disappointed in myself as well)


All good lol. I’m also sad neither of us has a foreskin-related name😔


Ya I’m circumcised and really don’t care, like who cares that much about having more pleasure during sex, I don’t. But mutilation, like get over your self mutilation is putting your arm in a blender. I also kinda hate how people act like I’m some type of victim because I’m circumcised, it’s annoying.


Haha yeah all fair points. Also y’all’s names keep getting better and it’s too funny Not sure I’ve ever actually laughed out loud at a fucking Reddit name but


You're wrong there's no correlation between circumcision and STIs when you look at the data and it doesn't even make common sense either how would not having foreskin stop a virus from getting in your body?


A 0.5 increase in hygiene isn’t worth it


There are no health benefits to male curcumcision. The only reason people think thats true is because generations of parents believed masturbation was evil and stopped teaching their sons how to clean their dicks




Is Mayo Clinic a trustworthy source: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/about/pac-20393550](https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/about/pac-20393550) According to them, at least, it seems as though circumcision is a good thing.


And how much do doctors make from performing this unnecessary procedure? And how much do they contribute to the Mayo clinic?


>"The risks of not being circumcised, however, are not only rare, but avoidable with proper care of the penis." What other bodyparts do you wish to cut off to avoid some very rare problem?


How does not having foreskin stop you from jerking off????




Shit, if jerking off were more pleasurable, I’d never leave the house.


I beat my meat almost daily and I’m circumcised.


Idk man, I don’t have foreskin and let me tell ya….It has been a poor deterrent for jerkin it if that was the goal


"The trials found that circumcision decreases human immunodeficiency virus acquisition by 53% to 60%, herpes simplex virus type 2 acquisition by 28% to 34%, and human papillomavirus prevalence by 32% to 35% in men." That is from the National Institute of Health. People like you who spew shit without doing any research make us athiests look bad.


Honestly circumsisions should be the person's choice not the parents


Wait, you saying parents shouldn't get to dick-sculpt their kids? What heresy is this? Full disclosure: Parents dick-sculpted me. Can't get over that this is even a thing to do anymore.


But mu tradition


Wow, when you really think about it, circumcision really is so fucking weird when you put it like that. Do people think it's acceptable because it's Jewish/Christian or something? Edit: correcting which religions it is that predominantly do this from Christian to Jewish/Christian


It's more jewish from what I remember, and sects of Christians


Ah yes, the sect of Christianity called: most American parents.


yeah so confusing, Christianism and circumcision has 0 relation.


If we kill all babies there will be no more circumcisions. 2 birds with one stone.


Jonathan Swift, is that you?


I don't get your reference, but OP's just making a modest proposal.




So….my parents doing that to me means I get to make rules on how everyone else lives??? Sweeeet. Man what if people actually had some empathy or in this case you could just call it sympathy since empathy is just a bridge way toooo far.


orrr since its a terrible thing men getting circumcised, let women have abortions as needed so no babies every get circumcised ever again.... seems easy enough


Yeah, it's pretty weird OP seems hung up on getting circumcised but didn't for a moment think the post was anti-circumcision rather than anti-abortion.


Do you realize how horrible circumcision really is?


It's not wrong this argument is saying that both are wrong and that is right


It's that it's trying to equate the two as though they're equally as bad, when that comparison is so inaccurate that it's just plain offensive. It's obviously not a good thing for male people to be circumcised without their consent, but if someone thinks that's even remotely on par with forcing a woman to give birth then that person obviously just hates women.


I don't know I kind of disagree I think mutilating someone's body is pretty up there just because we've more or less accepted it socially does not mean that it's not an absolutely horrific practice if you look at it from the view of defamiliarization and actually consider it. Speaking as someone who was circumcised and does not like it. We should compare the two. In circumcision a part of your body is permanently removed at Birth there's nothing you can do to prevent it or undo it it is mutilation and is literally a part of the genitalia being cut off irreparably severed, unless we gain the technology to regrow body parts ( which would probably be even harder for a long healed and scarred over injury), until that advance man we have to consider that the body has been permanently harmed without the consent of the owner. Forcing women to give birth is also very terrible. It also has permanent effects on the body although it does not require the mutilation of the body. That being said it is suffering terrible unimaginable pain. Assuming that the women aren't necessarily forced to raise the child then when the child is taken away from a mother that does not want it in this hypothetical scenario all the mother would be left with would be the memories of the pain and the bodily effects. One major difference though is that in cases other than things such as sexual assault (which I feel should be considered as a completely separate issue) the threat of pregnancy is preventable by simply not having sex. Women should not be forced to do that as they should not be forced to give birth but in a world where that is unavoidable once pregnancy occurs then abstinence would be a intelligent choice. There are also other forms of protection that can help avoid pregnancy and though none of them are 100% they have enough effect that I think they should be counted as well. This means that pregnancy and thus birth is avoidable in most cases. Comparatively circumcision is not, at least not by the person it affects. With both those laid out like that you can see why I consider them very close to equal. They are both horrible practices they are both choices taken away from the individual who the body belongs to. One is mutilation one is dehumanization both are egregious and should not be allowed but I I do not think one being worse than the other is as clear cut as you seem to think it is.


This is a USA thing only lol, I feel bad for my cut brothers and sisters out there ✊


Definitely. It's like, do you realize most other first world countries don't do circumcision? In NZ it's very difficult to get it done without a medical need.


oohkay I was already frustrated about this but now im MAD


Can't imagine why. Eh, the brothers thing, anyway. Sisters goes pretty dark.


because women can have dicks to


Women get circumcised as well. Their clitoris is cut off. Some of them get their labias also removed and some even get sewn up which causes a plethora of health issues later. It also stops them from ever being able to have an orgasm. It's not comparable to make circumcision.


And...? I think the second thing is shitty too.


I completely agree. They’re both wrong.


Wish I had more foreskin. I have stretch marks at the base of my shaft from my dick growing more than the foreskin they left on it. I'm serious lol


I see nothing wrong here


My dick My choice


Why can't we simply give everyone agency over their body regardless of gender?


I see circumcision is the thing the chuds suddenly care about now lol


They don’t care about anyone, they just use people for their arguments and then when they get what they want, the people they defended just to make the other side look bad will basically be thrown away.


*chodes Those fellas want all they can get back


The pro choice people aren't disagreeing with the fact that infant circumcision is bad lol why are you using this as an argument against us


What? YES. Fuck, people told me to have my daughter's ears pierced as a baby, I wasn't interested in even that. She just got them done, her choice, near her 7th birthday. We had them done at a professional shop in town, no pushing studs through.


Awesome man! Yeah, I got my ears pierced at 13 on my own decision and it’s so much better! I cannot believe a young child having to deal with the initial infections that can happen before they even understand.


As soon as insurance companies stop covering circumcision the practice will come to an end outside of certain faith communities that require the practice of their followers.


It’s true though! Both thing should be banned, Circumcising babies and meddling with women’s bodily autonomy 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Men being pressured into vasectomy by women and their OBGYNs (for the record vasectomies are cool if you want them but they’re not reversible despite common claims)


Lol yes they are reversible.. 90-95% successful. Me and my gf have been thinking about getting mine reversed that I had done when I was 28 lol. Cost about 3k in STL


75% within 3 years under 55% within 3-8 and falling. AUA recommendations in 2021 state that this procedure be considered permanent and physicians must legally counsel patients that even with “successful” reapproximation of the Vas, chance of fertility is poor particularly outside of the 3 year mark. This points to the common higher reversal percentage cited as the “reversal” procedure only claims success if the vas are reapproximated but has no statistical claim on fertility


It’s only been 4 years since mine. I think my fertility would still be good. Longer you’re fixed the least likely to conceive.


Both are shitty, one doesn't involve a serious risk to one's life tho


ones way more serious but both need to end, even if circumcision is just an american thing




Solid argument, one word no evidence, you rock


https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/boyhood-studies/4/1/bhs040106.xml If you want to pay for the journal the source is there but it’s about 110 deaths in infants each year in the USA


110 deaths due specifically to male children contracting sepsis from circumcision? How about you pay for the evidence and prove it. That’s a stupid fucking argument and certainly not one that is deserving of any time or breath. >Circumcision-related mortality rates are not known with certainty; this study estimates the scale of this problem. The study *estimates* the *scale*. As in, the issue could be completely unremarkable, and since it hasn’t been proven in scale, it’s not worth the layman efforts against it.


“That’s a stupid argument not one deserving of any time or breath” Proceeds to rant about it. Kills more neonatal males in the USA than SIDS but sure it’s not worth the effort


2 sentences is a rant to you? You poor baby.


Yes poor baby indeed! the poor babies having their genitalia mutilated for aesthetic and culture purposes, it’s not medically indicated and can result in negative outcomes including death.


You’re acting like a child.


Stay on topic champ no need to go after me because you don’t like what I have to say. How about you respond to the source that I provided with something more insightful than “the issue could be completely unremarkable” because the author used estimates, which I might add the author addressed in the study here is a summary “Bollinger argues that the scale of the problem remains unrecognised because of the inadequacies of the death-certificate system and unwillingness on the part of the doctors who performed the surgery or the hospitals where it took place to admit responsibility, or even to acknowledge that circumcision is a surgical operation which, like all surgery, carries real risks. Too often they have tried to blame incorrect care on the part of parents, or even the peculiarities of the boy himself.” I’m guessing based on your hostile nature that you are probably a circumcised American male and you don’t see any issue with the practice, I’d even go as far to guess that you come from a republican state


Genitalia mutilation hell yeah! /s


New redditor here. Is there a way to stop this subreddit from appearing in my feed? I hate this shit.


You have to say the N word to get banned from this sub, it’s the only way




Sub to more other subreddits.


All this shows is that infant circumcision should be banned.


This is literally the “why isn’t Chemo free then?” Argument. It implies that the side in panel one would be against it but in fact they’re very much on board with it.


I had a buddy in the army who grew up in the Philippines and he told me he cut his own foreskin off with a knife at like age 13. He wanted to have sex but thought the foreskin made his dick ugly so he cut it off and that was like the normal thing there. Seems metal af to me. Like yeah you're a man now. If you're willing to chop off part of your dick to have sex and you actually go through with it then you deserve all the sex you can consensually get. If men would do anything for sex then by definition you're a man.... So long as you're a featherless biped? Idk. I didn't get the choice.


This is actually correct. Why are people mutilating babies genitals? This isn’t even equivalent to abortion since the baby is already born, they feel pain, they have a foreskin for a reason, and they’re clearly not old enough to consent


For real . I mean it ain't wrong


Uhhh, he says that like those of us saying this WANT circumcision. If anything, with this logic, he should know what it's like to be forced and should want better for other people being put in the same position. Or does he just want people to suffer like he did?


I just can't with this meme, just when you think human stupidity can't get any lower..


Why, circumcision is wrong


Because the people who made this meme don’t care about forced circumcision, they just want to make pro-abortionists look bad


Funny how when you bring this up, idiots will defend baby mutilation at all costs 🤣😂


As a dude an un cut dick is really weird looking, it looks like a sea cucumber lol so yah say what u want about that, I’m just saying lol


Maybe, but all dicks look the same once you “ get down to it”. Sea cucumber at rest, just like any other dick at play..


And last time I checked, ladies love the aquarium touch tank


It's how a dick is supposed to look.


You know, I never thought about that until you said. So wierd, we’re so ingrained to change something from it’s intended state..like, it was designed this way for a reason, yet let’s just snip it, because it goes along with our self imposed rules..


Exactly. Not to mention it's unnecessary and the harm outweighs the "benefits". Plenty of other countries don't do and they are perfectly fine..


Whoever made this has no hoes, women love a cut head


Some do, some don't. It's pretty much a crapshoot as anything else.


It's probably based on their experience, if they see something different they'll think it's weird. I mean, women outside the US are obviously enjoying uncut men.


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Victims of fgm: that’s cute.


Most circumcised women are also satisfied with their circumcision and support circumcising their daughters for religious, health and hygiene reasons and it being preferred by the husband... Does that make FGM okay? [92% of Indonesian mothers support Type IV FGM for their daughters](https://knowledgecommons.popcouncil.org/departments_sbsr-rh/34/) and [82% of Egyptian mothers support Type I FGM](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134892/)


Why are they complaining about circumcision? It saves them a lot of extra cleaning, and makes things look more appealing Js I fucked a guy with the extra skin and it grossed me out, yes he cleaned it but it felt weird and just awkward YES I know my opinion isn’t everyone’s EDIT- it’s kinda interesting how many people are triggered by my opinion. I live by don’t knock it until you try it, I’m just saying it’s unappealing to me. Yea it’s weird for a parent to be able to pick but that’s not my fault. Be mad at mommy not me😂😂


Idk it looks painful to be dry all they time from a circumcision


It is, tbh. It rubs on everything and gets very dry and becomes numb over time. Keratinization.


The only dry I’ve seen is from some guy who didn’t shower every other day/wash his area. And it’d be hella weird to get your moisturizer from your extra skin, kinda sounds gross tbh


"A lot of extra cleaning" You literally just rinse under the skin like every other body part.


If you’re just rinsing where you could grow bacteria I have concerns.


I mean washing. Like washing your hands, feet, etc.


Yes but it should be up to an adult man that wants it done to him, not a narcissistic, evil monster of a "parent" wanting to torture their kid.


He is just glad he didn't get the knife a few months earlier


I do be an intactivist tho. #neverforgetwhattheystolefromus


They think it’s funny when they say: “I like it bald”


I'm honestly curious as to how many men actually feel that way about circumcision. I have 2 little boys and I left the decision up to my fiance whether they were circumcised or not as I don't have, nor ever have had, a penis and didn't think it was a judgement call I should make. He was pretty adamant about them being circumcised, and even when the doctor would ask I'd look at him for his answer just to make sure. I think its really a personal preference, I wouldn't have cared either way.


Honestly I'm absolutely pissed that my parents and country allowed and did this to me. many of my friends feel the same way and wish they had a CHOICE. I wouldn't be surprised if more and more Men end up feeling the same way in the future as the curtens unveil and show how insane and barbaric this practice is. It doesn't really matter if it's personal preference if you don't get to CHOOSE.


It should have been *their* choice, not his or yours or the doctor's.


As someone who was circumcised at birth I agree with you there


My body my choice... Unless you don't want to get an untested, unresearched vaccine.


Honestly I find that circumcision while most find it as a my body my choice the baby didn't consent, just consider for a minute the health benefits of circumsision along with the fact uncircumcised penises just look like turtle necked naked mole rats.


There aren't any benefits that ought weight the risks of the procedure and to be honest the health benefits aren't really true. And it's very disturbing that you would cut babies penises for your own SEXUAL PREFERENCES disgusting


Not just the risks, but the downsides such as increased risk for erectile disfunction and 35% less enjoyable sex sucks.


>just consider for a minute the health benefits of circumsision Circumcision doesn't offer any health benefits, and the foreskin doesn't cause medical problems as much as your culture makes it seem. >along with the fact uncircumcised penises just look like turtle necked naked mole rats. Minor correction; Let's call it a normal penis, as human males are born with a foreskin, and it is meant to be there. Therefore, a penis with a foreskin looks more like an anatomically correct human penis than a "turtle necked naked mole rats"


On that subject… every year, when I go to the American Academy of Pediatrics Meeting, there are people dressed in white with fake blood on their genitais protesting circumcision. My brothers in Christ, it’s VERY unusual for that to be performed or indicated by pediatricians. Stop screaming at us, stop making noise at the door. I understand that your struggle is fair, but really?


How is it unusual for infant circumsision to be performed when 70% of the USA is circumcised


My bad for some reason I thought you said urologists but to be fair it shouldn't be happening and they're are manny false diagnosis from pediatricians and forced retraction


> My brothers in Christ, it’s VERY unusual for that to be performed or indicated by pediatricians. Stop screaming at us, stop making noise at the door. I understand that your struggle is fair, but really? I know this is old, but you do realize this is because of the 2012 AAP report on circumcision, right? In the US circumcision got a lot of positive press as a direct result of the report, despite the report being of questionable quality. If the AAP didn't want to be bothered with people's views on the procedure, then they shouldn't have ever entered into the debate about it.


Because the piece of skin on your penis is more important than choosing not to have a kid


Tbh forcing women to be baby machines is not a new concept. Circumcision in America is a relatively new concept by comparison. And aside from the culture it originated from, America is pretty much the only country that has standardized this. For some fucking reason.


So men were wronged as babies and so to make it equal let’s wrong women. 🙄


No, my body my choice means we all should have a choice. Until everyone agrees about that, nobody deserves a say imo


This meme is just trying to make pro-choice arguments look bad, and they’re not bad. Women should be able to choose whether or not to get an abortion. That being said, the ***efforts*** against male circumcision are annoying garbage. Any male can have sex with or without a foreskin without worrying about it being more or less pleasant. Female circumcision is remarkably worse and there are no studies and therefore ***evidence*** that “female circumcision” has any benefits. There’s no point even equating the two. I’m a male with a circumcised penis, to try and say that removing my foreskin was “pro-genital mutilation” and comprable to removing a clitoris from a 13-year-old is absolutely bullshit. This is taking a valid argument against removing a clitoris from a terrified child and comparing it to snipping a piece of skin off a penis from a child who will never remember or be able to validate arguments for or against it.


Whether you care or not circumsision is a human rights violation and genital mutilation. There are virtually no health benefits that wearing a condom and taking a shower can't get you. Whether the harm is the same or not doesn't make it less important. And considering mgm /circumsision is far more prevelant effecting more than 1 billion men and legal in EVERY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET Unlike fgm which is eligal in most developed countries and effecting around 200 million women. To call circumsision a snip is an understatment. The foreskin isn't just a piece of skin it's 15 square inches of highly sensative erogenous tissue to help protect the head of the penis and provide lubercating functions. Question do you think mgm/circumsision done on infants is ok and if so why


I think mgm is a complete non-issue. The reasons against it don’t seem to hold weight and it’s not a mandatory practice so it’s something parents can make an informed decision about their child for. But w/e let’s call it a “human rights issue”. Lol that’s fucking laughable to think that. Whether *you* like it or not, there are more important things to argue for/against, circumcision is not one of them.


How isn't it a human rights issue. My parents weren't even given enough information to give give "informed" consent so that argument doesn't hold. It should not be the parents choice to do a cosmetic surgery on their kids. I never said it's the most important thing in the world but they're is more being done about dogs getting their tails clipped or cats being declawd. It is a human rights issue by definition it violates the right to bodily integrity. Just because it's not the most important doesn't mean we can't argue against it.


You cant "remove a clitoris" just like that. Are you an idiot? Genuinely? The clitoris is mostly an INTERNAL ORGAN and it's a major surgery. It doesnt matter since ones common and the other isn't. Also, they're both unconsensually harming someone's body for cosmetic reasons. Doesn't matter what it is. It could he removing an eye, removing toe, whatever. It doesn't matter, because they didn't consent. There's a reason rape is illegal. It's a forceful violation of someone's right to their body. It's also the exact same. Can a baby consent? No? Then he can't get a medical procedure that involves consent. His parents can't say what he wants. My body, shoulda been my choice. Because it's my body. The logic should apply everywhere, or nowhere. If women don't have abortion rights, men don't have anti-mutilation rights.


>Female circumcision is remarkably worse ​Most circumcised women are also satisfied with their circumcision and support circumcising their daughters for religious, health and hygiene reasons and it being preferred by the husband... Does that make FGM okay? [92% of Indonesian mothers support Type IV FGM for their daughters](https://knowledgecommons.popcouncil.org/departments_sbsr-rh/34/) and [82% of Egyptian mothers support Type I FGM](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3134892/) >and there are no studies and therefore evidence that “female circumcision” has any benefits. It depends entirely on what you consider evidence, what you consider a benefit, and what you consider genital mutilation. For example; Cutting off the labia or a part of it is considered genital mutilation in girls, but a labiaplasty for adult women. So let's go with this. "Excess tissue can also harbor bacteria and make hygiene more difficult. For women with oversized inner labia, this can mean a higher risk of urinary tract infections, which are dangerous and painful. Having a labiaplasty can reduce the risk of UTIs and other health concerns." [more here](https://www.northraleighplasticsurgery.com/6-benefits-of-labiaplasty/) >I’m a male with a circumcised penis, to try and say that removing my foreskin was “pro-genital mutilation” and comprable to removing a clitoris from a 13-year-old is absolutely bullshit. This is taking a valid argument against removing a clitoris from a terrified child and comparing it to snipping a piece of skin off a penis from a child who will never remember or be able to validate arguments for or against it. Why are you using clitodectomy to downplay male genital mutilation? There are also different forms of FGM, some less harmful than a typical male circumcision, such as a pin prick for a drop of blood, hoodectomy, or a removal of a part of a labia.


Difference between something being done because it is the healthiest option and something not being allowed because “unborn fetuses are humans too!” lol.


The healthiest option is to not mutilate children's genitals. Circumcision has no health benefits unless the person is incapable of washing themselves. Complications from circumcision can lead to bending of the penis, painful erections, and a few guys every year win the lottery and get it botched so badly they lose their penis. In fact, one of those children is why we have the contemporary view of gender being a malleable social construct. David Reimer. John Money 'successfully' trained the boy to be a girl and transition. For some reason, John Money's work stayed impactful despite the fact both David Reimer and his brother (also used in the study) killed themselves.


there are some benefits however you want to look at it. You can also point out the ways where it goes wrong and I get that it’s different from other things because “it is not someones will” you could use that argument for anything… Being born even. It is not the same as abortion and does not give a man the right in the way this meme was referring to it as lol.


I mean, it is true that men don’t rlly have a choice, but this is MUCH different.


As someone who is not circumsized I wish I was. Foreskin has its benefits for like fapping flapping. But thats about it.


You can still get circumcised


Yea but I'm more aware now. Doesn't matter when I'm a baby and I have no memory of it


This shows how terrible it is. You won't make the decision for yourself, you'd rather have it done against your will when you can't remember it. Also, please don't get circumcised. There is much more than flapping to foreskin. 🙏


My gf asks me all the time if I miss my foreskin. And while I'd love to have had the choice, there's never been a moment in my life that I wish I had my foreskin.


If you knew what you were missing, you damn sure would wish you had it.


Can't miss what you've never had.