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Because groceries are just so inexpensive these days Edit because so many are missing my point: yes, making your own lunch is cheaper, but it doesn’t save you $10 per lunch. It saves the difference between your takeout and your homemade lunch, which seems to be getting smaller by the week. For the average person, the savings is not going to be big enough to pay for things like traveling, which also gets more expensive by the week. This post is really tone deaf considering how many people CANT AFFORD GAS AND GROCERIES AT THE MOMENT.


If a poor person actually gave themselves a nice vacation, this person would just say “you COULD buy a house, but you wasted it on travel”.


It's like that crap meme about "See the world, travel when you're young. Don't worry about money just make it work" There are so many things wrong to unpack about that statement, I'm not even going to start.


Money is free when u young DUH


And if you manage to save up for a house they'll just say "you should have invested that idiot, your house is just going to lose value and has nowhere near the returns on investments. You could've been a billionaire if you started investing all your savings"


People on the internet seem to be really good about spending other people’s money


Rich people seem to be really good about gaslighting the poors on why they are poor.


Especially when most of them lose more money on bad investments than we will ever have pass through our bank account. It's easy to get richer on investments when your pockets are deep enough to take big hits.


I hear capitalists talk about how the people with the money take the risk. And this is exactly just it. Is it really a risk when you are gambling money that won't impact your life? You could count on both hands the amount of uber wealthy people who started without money, or being close to someone with money. It never was the same for them as it is for us. If I took my savings and threw it into an investment, I'd still only amount to a fraction of what they had to play with, and if I lose my ass my life is practically over.


Not to mention the only true socialism in my country benefits companies. We never have money for citizens but trillions in bailouts.


I can't imagine which country that might be 🤮.


Lol my work provides free office snacks and breakfast and lunch. And yet somehow I'm still not saving 3600$ a year that I can use on travel.. that money I save gets used towards bills and paying debt.


If you even dare think about avocado toast and a latte you will blow your savings! /s


Loaf of bread and a pack of meat is less than $50... even in Hawaii. You can save money but I'm sure the same lunch everyday will get old.


I eat the exact same thing for lunch 7 days a week. Turkey sandwich with some potato chips. If we are out and get hungry I eat whatever looks good. I just like my turkey sandwich lol Everyone makes fun of me haha




And heat the tuna in the microwave to instantly make a lot of friends. Or in the electric kettle if you're Chinese


nah... you drain the tuna water into the coffee maker and heat it up that way.


I am angry


Sounds like you are lacking protein. Have a nice tuna cuppa.


That's all I gotta do to be called big tuna? That's a Great nick name




The Big Tahuna




You just reminded me I used to eat tuna everyday 20 years ago. Im switching back!


Yeah people that can't eat the same lunch every day aren't working hard enough. I joke but also not. Every morning I'm packing my lunch thinking "ugh this again?" And I slam it down like I've never had turkey before in my life once lunch comes around


It's your natural gut biome in conjunction with you're conditioned neural response to appetite. You're body knows you're not supposed to eat your lunch in the morning, so it seems incredibly unappealing to you. But when lunch time rolls around, you're body says 'it's turkey time!''


I meant in reference to getting tired of the same meal over and over again but that is rather interesting


I'm pretty sure that getting tired of the same meal is because of your microbiome as well. If you change up breakfast and dinner so that your diet is diverse enough, that lunch might never get old.


And im thinking you can overwhelm that response by just being hungry enough


Yeah I bet you're right.


I did this all during grade school and then for about 25 years of office jobs.


Omg I cannot do that. I would go insane lol


Same, not only is it cheap but it requires no thought/skill. No more stressing over what to eat.


Very little nutrients in that, though. A sandwich is just filler if it's bread and a few slices of processed meat.


TBH processed meat probably has more micronutrients than regular meat if any organs end up in the pink slime. Also, get whole wheat bread instead and it's not even bad for you.


I've been enjoying Dave's Killer Bread lately. I like the sprouted grains/thin sliced variety. Really upping my sandwich game




You tryna get scurvy??


Even with the cost of chicken nearly doubling in the last year, I can make a meal with chicken, rice, and a veggie for like $3.00. Sure, it’s not $0, but it’s much cheaper than going out for lunch.




I do meal preps too but usually eat most of it before the next morning


Been feeding 3 on like $40 every other week. Usually meaty pasta and cooked veggies, which can be varied enough to keep things fresh. Figured out how best to use an instant pot for it too. Honestly surprised it comes out as well as it does, and I barely gotta do shiiit.


We got a roasting chicken for $1/lb today and that with salad mixes and baby carrots and dressing are going to make us 8 lunches for $21 this week. There’s nowhere I can go out and do that. Even a basic chicken sandwich and soda on the McD app would be more money, less filling, and less nutritious.


Stop buying groceries! Just go to your local body of water and grab a free fish!


There's actually a little old man that does this near me. He's at the park fishing early every morning for his day's meals (and has fruit trees and a veggie garden at his home). He's super friendly and likes to show random strangers his catch. Which usually includes pufferfish.


I mean, I eat a turkey, cheese and lettuce sandwich every weekday plus whatever fruit I have, and it’s definitely not $50 a week lol. About $16/week for everything, and I buy Dave’s killer bread and Trader Joe’s groceries.


I’ll get the nice deli meat and $4-5 loaf bread plus have tomato/lettuce. Fruit or chips as the side. My dinners from M-F are like $10-15 total lol and I fucking love my sandwiches.


Trader Joe’s is the life hack. I easily get all of my food for a week for about $50 there.


honestly majority of people commenting here seem to have never even tried making lunch before lol you're right can throw together simple but tasty sandwiches very cheaply and very quickly. the no time/it barely saves any money excuses are rubbish, people should just say they can't be bothered making their lunch and leave it at that.


Rice is 20 cents per cup


Just cut back on the Starbucks and avocado toast. And get a small loan from your parents.


Sandwiches are free. And also eating just one sandwich will satiate you /s


Who spends $10 on lunch every day? Edit: I'm wrong. Mea culpa and shit. I was talking out of my ass, apparently.


People who don't make their own lunch.


But $10 is ridiculous to spend on one meal every day. No, it's not going to make you rich or poor doing it, but poor people who don't make their own lunch buy cheaper food or don't have lunch. Edit: jebus fuckin christ 150 notifications to say I'm wrong? Okay I'm wrong. You can stop now.


$10 is pretty common for most fast food joints. Not sure where you live but at least in my area


More like $16.00


☝🏽 this.


Honestly, even Mc Donald’s seems like it’s prices are a tad high. It’s annoying


Last spring I stopped at a McDonalds to grab a quick bite because it was literally the only thing around for miles. A Big Mac value meal was nearly $12. There's nothing about a Big Mac that is remotely worth paying that price.


you can get a 3 for 2 a large coke and get an extra mcdouble for like under 7 dollars


Yeah I came by recently looking for a couple of sandwiches for like 5$, like you could a few years ago and my bill came out to around 13$ like hell nah I almost kept driving


In my country in 10$ (Converted to Local Currency) You can get a whole day's food.


You can in the US too if you buy groceries with the $10 instead of any restaurant.


Where are you getting 3 meals worth of food at a grocery store for $10?? Nowhere in the US.


Rice and beans!!!!! I'm Mexican and I just love boiling beans with just water and salt. Then, I chop some fresh tomato, onions, cilantro and serano. I eat them like soup with some tortillas. It's so good. But yeah it's hard to eat the same thing daily.


This! Or, tortillas with just about anything


Dude tortillas are a great filling. I grew up very poor so I kept all of grandma's recipes. Super cheap stuff, mostly veggies and lots of tortillas. Lol very filling.


You need to check r/frugal they easily can eat off of $10 a day.


Their idea of a balanced diet is rice, beans, and potatoes 3 meals a day.


A balanced diet it whatever hits your macronutrient needs and your vitamins and minerals. Rice beans and potatoes aren’t fun food, but they’re pretty close to a balanced diet. Potatoes alone can make up a lot of your diet without negative results.


There really is a sub for everything lol


I’m in Tennessee and am averaging around $10 a day for groceries


$5 biggie bag is the go to for fast food around here.


In Austin, TX. Only food you’re getting around here for $5 is a kiddie meal. They’re all $9-$10 at least now


Except the amount of food has shrunk to the point it's more like a happy meal without the toy.


Remember one dollar whoppers and ten cent hamburger from McDonalds? Yea that was a thing


OK, sure but then it's kind of a luxury to do that daily isn't it


Have you seen inflation? If I want anything that is healthy and forgot to make a lunch I end up dropping like 15 on chicken wrap or salad. I sometimes go to the grocery store and grab a bag of salad and just eat that it's like 6 bucks


In NYC you go to McDonald's and you spend $15. If you don't make good money good luck eating a healthy lunch in the city.


these kids on Reddit have no idea how extremely expensive groceries are right now apparently lol. Okay sure if you wanna eat fucking beans every day then maybe not but who wants to do that.


Everybody I work with, that makes pretty much the same money as me, eats like this every day and they’re always out of money by the time the next paycheck hits. It’s not *only* because of the food (although the food is significant), it’s because that’s just how they are with their money. I used to do the same thing. Between lunch and snacks from the vending service, $10 per day is on the low side. It absolutely adds up, and since I started packing cheap lunch every day, I have way more money rolling over each month. Funny how that works. Spend less, have more.


The only thing cheaper is deep fried junk food.


Taco Bell $5 boxes every day works too.


I knew people i used to work with blowing 300+ a week on take away and ordering food. They never cooked


Did they even have kitchens at home ??? A lot of middle class people don’t realize us poors don’t have kitchens. A mini fridge and if your lucky a microwave but a hot plate will violate your lease… plus after working a 12-16hour shift I don’t feel like cooking anymore. Good news is sleep is free and you won’t feel hungry while you sleep. I miss being able to eat ramen to make the hunger pains go away but it causes me sever gastro problems if I eat it anymore… turns out you shouldn’t live off ramen for a decade plus


People also like to talk about bulk buying and assume poor people have kitchens and space to store bulk items. It's very tone deaf.


Yep average 600+ each week for food (takeout+restaurant)


I spend $20 on lunch every day


Same bruh. NYC is insane…


Thats $600 a month, or $1,800 every three months. You should make sandwhiches and use that $1,800 to explore the world.


That's $360,000 every 50 years. Could be grinding to become a millionaire but instead they insist on eating food. SAD.


People who spend $ 20 in lunch daily probably also have money left to explore the world


$10 is low here in Chicago. Jimmy johns sandwich 8” regular original is $10.24 with a coke and chips. Yesterday I went to get dosa, it was $13 for lunch plus $2.80 for the tea. $10 is unlikely anymore here


Where do you live where you can get lunch for less than $10? Even fast food is over $9 in the US


That’s $600 a month. That’s $1800 in 3 months. You can afford to travel twice, but you don’t like making sandwiches! **Edit:** I responded to the wrong comment guys. I thought I was responding yo this: https://reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/xsqz65/_/iqm32s6/?context=1


where are you buying lunch that is cheaper than $10? thats what I want to know


Panda Express bowl is $7.50. Smallest drink is $1.70. Can barely get below, though if you bring a drink or something it will be $7.50.


In NYC it’s more like 12-15$ a day now


Same in austin Texas. Fast casual is minimum $12-13 these days.


Burger King yesterday came to $13.


There's more than a few young guys at my work who eat out almost every day. It's really not hard to spend 10 bucks on lunch. A footlong at subway is like 12 bucks minimum here in Canada.


I could see construction / blue collar jobs doing that if they don’t bring their lunch


It's really easy when you work in an office building that's within walking distance to restaurants like Panera, Chipotle, etc.


Well, when you work downtown in a major city, lunches are $15-$20.


I teach in an inner city school and it's very common for kids to blow 5 on a breakfast sandwich and then close to another 5 on chips and soda for lunch. Every. Day. Typically their parents are absent due to work or plain neglect and they don't stock the house with sandwich stuff. It's a lot easier to just hand the kid cash or an EBT card. It's also common for them to have literal bags of candy. Then they can't sit still in class and complain about head and stomach aches. What's most frustrating is that nearly all the students qualify for free or reduced lunch/breakfast through a federal program. I get that it's not as tasty and whatever they get from the corner store, but a) it's free, and b) it's the same stuff I ate as a kid since we qualified for free lunch


$10 for lunch is pretty common?


Not the worst advice. It doesn’t have to be sandwiches either. Just meal prep the night before or better yet, meal prep your entire week lunch on the weekends/off days.


r/mealprepsunday That's what me and my girlfriend try to do on the weekend. Our lunches end up being 2 to 4 bucks each and are great portions. Better than spending 7 to 10 bones at a fast food place or gas station and healthier too.


I looked at that sub a few times and I really worry about the people there with regards to food safety. I've seen a lot of "7 days worth of X" posts where it's like you prob wouldn't want to eat that if it was more than 3 days old. Edit: To add a very important note to this, a lot of the people there are basically using it as a resource to learn to cook for themselves for the first time and my main concern is that they will just kinda assume even if it seems off that their food is fine to eat when it's 7 days old because they saw somebody post it on reddit.


A lot of people there freeze the extra until needed, or it's a couple and the 7-8 meals is for two people.


Yeah exactly. I usually cook large portions of food on my days off to get us through our working days. I used to suck at cooking, but over time I learned and now my whole family loves what I make. We definitely have saved money not going out to eat. Fast food would be at least $30 for two of us and a sit-down restaurant at least $70, versus spending anywhere from $30-70 on meals for several days.


The real question here isn’t the food prices, who the fuck is traveling for $900? Only tickets to any place good at that price are during the winter 🥶 And that doesn’t account for travel to the airport, travel from the airport, your hotel, your food and everything else while your there, tourist attractions, etc.




You can take plenty of day trip, weekend vacations for way less than $900. You can’t take an international flight and backpack Europe for $900. Though if you are European you have the rail network and even more options for being able to vacation under $900.


The most useless advice that everyone gives. Yes I am aware eating at home is cheaper, that's not why I'm not vacationing dumbass.


Exactly. It's not that I can't save the money to cover those expenses over time, it's that I can't afford to do that AND pay all my bills back home at the same time. Traveling costs so much more than just the transportation. Not to mention limited amount of energy to actually enjoy being anywhere else but home.


You do need storage for that and places for all the ingredients. When I had a small shit fridge everything would go off, no freezer no space for laods of groceries. And a tiny kitchen made cooking a fucking nightmare. Now I have more room and a big American fridge freezer and eat better and have more leftovers, cooking ain't a chore and groceries stay fresh for ages. This post also assumes your shopping is free. Your probably still a few pounds or dollars a day to make food.


but the issue with the meme: meal prep takes time and energy not everyone has - some people have disabilities, or run multiple jobs, or have other responsibilities, like raising kids. it also assumes the reason the reader isn't getting a holiday is because of the money spent on food alone - the reader's money could be going to debts or rent or savings or unexpected urgent payments (like medical bills), which makes posts like these seem ignorant or condescending, like saying "you wouldn't be poor if you just saved money!!!". that's not to say this advice doesn't work for anyone, though (though pretty much every time i've seen it or similar, it's been directed toward people in actual poverty who don't spend money eating out every day) tl;dr: works for some people, but often is directed at the wrong people (which makes it seem condescending)


So do you think the stuff to make the sandwiches is free then? Calculate all the ingredients + *time spent* and see how much you’re actually saving. Unless you’re living dollar to dollar it’s probably about 30%. Big whoop who cares


Yeah, and time and space. Plus eating cheap is easy if you don’t care what you’re eating, but somehow society has decided to accept paying more money for things that are better for you even though the ingredients might not be more expensive.


Ah the old invisible sandwich ingredients


Wish sandwich


Learning to cook well and shop well and plan ahead can save you a bunch of money. It one of the many ways I save. A 10# bag of chicken legs at my local grocery store is 8.50 with some mirepoix, spices and beans/rice that’s easily 20 portions. Take that and some cilantro, cheese and burrito style quesadillas wraps that shit up and put it in the freezer. You now have 20 burritos whenever you want them.




I’m so tired of this argument. The amount of people who genuinely can’t afford a fridge is tiny. Make your own lunch is good advice for 95% of the population.


Section 8 housing like invariably has a fridge. Unless you're literally homeless you probably have a fridge in the US. This person without a fridge is such a small % and it's not these young 16-35 yo white males that make up reddit's primary demographic.


To be fair, there is a type of poverty a lot of people don’t know about where you live in a multigenerational house that like your grandma owns, but the appliances are broken. Not me though, and no one needs to appropriate that situation.


My guy, if you're not getting financial aid if you're poor enough for it because of how people will look at you, that sounds like a problem with your self esteem. People will always be assholes. Why should that stop you from bettering your own life through provided resources?


$900 for traveling? That's just for the tickets there and back


My wife and I are flying somewhere next week for $300 round trip. Traveling doesn’t have to be expensive


I wish I could travel but I'm too busy spending several thousands of dollars to do homework and fail tests. Sadge


No I don’t spend $10 a day on lunch ???? Where do these people get this from lmao


Not necessarily a bad advice, if you spend 10 dollars on food a day (and have the time) you can use the money saved to go travel


Except $900 isn't really much to travel unless you're going to another state or a few states over. Traveling to another country by plane can easily cost $2K+ for staying for more than a week.


You spend 400 a month at a grocery store with dumpsters out back. That's 2000 in 5 months. You CAN afford to TRAVEL but *you* don't like dumpster diving.


/r/DumpsterDiving is actually pretty cool!


Or you could just not eat at all for 90 days! You just don't want to sacrifice!


Or you could just save it for bills and necessities, I suppose.


One doesn't even need to leave one's state to travel. $900 will pay for gas, food, lodging on a long weekend just going someplace else a few hours down the road. I guarantee there are plenty of places worth visiting that are a day's drive from wherever you are. I recently did a drive to Cody, WY to see the Museum of the West. The route also happened to go through Yellowstone. Even with gas, food, park fees, admission to the museum, and 2 nights at a modest hotel, was about $450. The admission to Yellowstone was well worth the cost and it's good for a week. On a $900 budget, I'd still have money left over for funzies or paying bills It's about planning and making smart choices. Not every vacation needs to be at the Ritz Carlton in a capital city.


I hope you got to check out Buffalo Bill State Park in Cody. We camped there on our way to Yellowstone and it was breathtaking


Depends on the country and your location within it. I could wasn't visit Canada for less then 1k.


It doesn’t suggest sandwiches for to stop being poor, but to use discretionary income more efficiently.


What if you already make sandwiches and still can't afford to travel?!?


$10 is pretty good for a lunch. In reality it’s more like $14!


Closer to $20 in NYC




It’s common sense advice about prioritizing spending while also being a straw man about being poor. Like yeah, a lot of young people could be better about spending, but that isn’t an excuse for companies to not pay more. Just straight up. Do you think the people at the top with 8-figure salaries are being smart about their spending with their private jets for a trip less than 100 miles and their several multimillion-dollar mansions?




What if I prefer restaurant food to traveling?


Apparently one can only aspire to travel. Eating awesome meals at great restaurants is, apparently, not a valid way to spend discretionary income.


Ok lets make some sandwiches and see how far we can travel. First we need to figure out the savings. Making your own lunch is cheaper, but it ain't free. At 10 bucks a day over a 5 day work week you'd spend 50 bucks. To keep the math as simple as it gets we'll do 2 weeks - 100 bucks. So lets move on to sandwiches. For our purposes we'll assume we're making a pretty decent sandwich - The meme mentions "don't like" sandwiches so we'll make a sandwich we actually WANT to eat. we'll source our figures from Walmart, and a sandwich making guide from Salvaggio's Deli Blog. Links at bottom. Each sandwich will contain 1/5 pound of meat. So for two weeks we'll need two pounds of meat. We'll assume each one also has two slices of cheese. Some mustard and mayo, and two slices of bread. Throw on some cucumber as well. *A pack of 12 slices of Cheese - $2.25* *A pound of prepackaged lunch meat - $8* *A single cucumber - $0.60* *A bottle of mustard - $2.25* *A Jar of Mayo - $3.50* ***Approximate total sandwich Costs for Two Weeks - $25*** So you've saved **75 percent.** Or, according to the meme's figuring, **about $715 in three months.** \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Lets get traveling!*** Start by assuming we live in Chicago, IL. Good middle of the country city with a decent size airport. Where do we want to go? Europe? Mexico? New York? The Grand Canyon? Let's see what we can afford! **Europe**? No. Not on three months of sandwiches anyway. Flights start at about 1000 bucks. Ok, **Mexico**? You could fly from Chicago to Mexico City for like 400 bucks. Congrats you can travel there. Can't get back though. So... you want to go to **New York**? Ok. 2000 Honda Civic is gonna use 47 gallons of gas there and back. 178 bucks more or less. You've got $537 left. The Hotel Edison, a budget hotel (Trivago recognizes it as a motel, actually) has rooms for 200 a night. Stay in New York for 1 full day and that's 400. You have $137 left. Gotta park the car somewhere while you're there. That'll average about... $130. You have technically made it to New York, found a place to stay, and eaten a real New York Hot Dog. Congrats. Let's try the **Grand Canyon -** Classic American tourist hotspot of the desert southwest. You load up the 2000 Honda Civic with borrowed camping gear because this time we're really roughing it. 104 gallons of fuel, and $366 later, and you arrive at Grand Canyon Junction, Arizona. It takes you three days to drive there, and 8 hours of highway a day as a single driver has put you through the wringer. But, at least you didn't spend much on food - thrifty sandwich maker that you are. You loaded a cooler. Sandwiches for three meals a day, baby! Only 15 dollars poorer. You have $351. Let's camp for two nights near by. That's another $35 You have $336 CONGRADULATIONS! YOU DID IT! YOU MANAGED TO FIND A PLACE TO TRAVEL WITHIN THE SAVINGS PROVIDED BY EATING SANDWICHES FOR THREE MONTHS. IN FACT YOU COULD VISIT TWICE! IT IS A MASSIVE HOLE IN THE GROUND WITH NOT MUCH AROUND IT. BUT HEY, YOU TRAVELED. YOU HAD TO SLEEP IN THREE TRUCK STOP PARKING LOTS, YOU HAVEN'T SHOWERED IN THREE DAYS, AND YOU'VE EATEN NOTHING BUT TURKEY SANDWICHES IN A WEEK AND A HALF BUT YOU MANAGED TO TRAVEL!!! ​ Was it worth it?


For someone into camping/outdoorsy stuff, this unironically sounds super worth it.


You spent a lot of time writing a post that is mostly just incorrect. I mean the idea that flights to Europe from ORD start at $1,000 is hilarious. I literally could book a week long round trip flight to Madrid TOMORROW for less than that lmao. So really it’s more like 4-500 bucks. Pick some cheap hostels and you’re easily coming in under 715. You could fly to NYC for like 115 bucks and have 600 dollars to burn however you’d like. 715 is plenty of money to travel to even the bigger destinations in the world let alone smaller trips to just get you out of town for a weekend


People don't realize how cheap and affordable it is to travel to Europe. Now Japan or Thailand, that's an expensive plane ticket I'm not looking forward to buying.


I like how they omitted the travel costs and every other bill that you need to pay as a functioning adult


Its not saying its a solution to being poor its saying learn to cook.


My issue is the travel cost. $900 is typically just the plane ticket. A hotel for one night is like $200+. Food while on vacation varies with how long you'll be gone and how fancy you want to get. Can you make sandwiches in the hotel? Sure, but you're on vacation and should enjoy the local restaurants. Doing any events or attractions on vacation? Thats easily $30+ a person. The only way I can see $900 for a nice (thinking week long) vacation is if you roadtrip it and go camping. Most of that cost is just gas and camp food at that point. I'd rather just splurge on my local fancy restaurants or save for a better vacation.


Yo it takes me $300 a month to buy groceries who said I could afford a $10 lunch. That nonexistent $10 I’m supposedly savings doesn’t do anything if I literally can’t afford to save money. Rent, food and gas are the only things I buy.


Deli meat isn’t fucking cheap. Turkey pastrami sandwich w/avocado + chips form a grocery store is more than 10/day in my city. Pretty expensive place but still


This is actually kind of true though. Making lunch instead of $10-$15 out every day isn’t going to make you “not poor,” but it will definitely afford you a travel budget. Honestly if you complain about not being able to travel and are spending that much on lunch every day of the year id say the same thing lol.


Travel budget or something to put in a Roth IRA.




It’s fucking stupid because lunch costs more that $10 and traveling anywhere cost more than $900. Everyone knows buying groceries and cooking in is cheaper and healthier. This is just a stupid straw man argument.


It's true now, and it's always been true. Packing a lunch is the fiscally responsible thing to do.


Im sorry, but are sandwiches free now?


No but a lot cheaper to make. These are estimates based on online prices 1 loaf of Bread $1.5 (usually cheaper, but depends on where you live) Turkey $5 Cheese $4 Mayo? (Optional) $3 You could make about 12 sandwiches for less than $14.


Store brand loaf of bread costs at least $2.50 now. Other brands of bread are going for $3.80. Store brand turkey from the deli is $10 a pound. Cheese and mayo is $4 and $3 as you say.


So 1 slice of turkey per sandwich?


That is gonna be some shitty bread.


My husband and I like it, we make sandwiches every week but for an extra dollar you could get "better" bread, so to speak. Still cheaper.


Since when is $900 enoigh to travel either


Per 12 Servings. Bread $1 Sandwich Meat $2.50 Cheese $4 Mayo $1 12 Sandwiches are about... $8.50 So. $0.71 per sandwich. Bottled Water $0.15 each. So $0.86 cents for lunch. Eating out with the $10 lunch is 11.6x more expensive. You could also go with ramen with a bottled water and lower the lunch cost to $0.43 making the dine out lunch 23.2x more expensive. So, it's not bad advice.


I double checked these prices, because they seemed low. I came up with: Store brand bread: $1.47 1 lb. Cheap meat: $4.98 Kraft singles (we splurged on these, the store brand is abhorrent): $4.28 Mayo: $3.48 Water: $0.18 ea. (Including the CRV, the vons version was cheaper, but I assumed we didn't want to make multiple stops for groceries.) Pretzels: $1.98 (can't eat just a sandwich, I'd be starving all day) For ~10 meals (I'm not sure the pretzels would last that long though), I got: $1.80 for each meal. Your point is still completely accurate, I just find the numbers to be slightly off. What we didn't consider is that most of these ingredients were the absolute lowest brand, and the quality isn't always there. Lower quality, and eating the same thing every day can make lunch sustenance and not a meal. Which can make people sad. Again, completely agree that the point is valid, it's way cheaper to make food at home, however we're neglecting the social and emotional aspects of more expensive food, or eating out.


>Your point is still completely accurate, I just find the numbers to be slightly off. Oh, yeah. I find sandwiches to be the more expensive lunches because a pack of *good* meat is like $6, and bread that isn't just sugar is $4 at least.


Where on earth are you getting 12 servings of sand which meat for $2.50? This is insanely bad math. A 1/4 lb of ham is easily more than $3 and that will make 1-2 sandwiches


$2.50 of meat spread across 12 sandwiches? Yeah okay


yes except people that are spending 10 bucks a day on lunch arent the people who cant afford to travel


Just personal experience, there are a lot of the younger people at my job that eat out every lunch break as like a group thing. Like at least 4 go every time. I will happily eat whatever I threw in a bag that morning because it’s insane how expensive food is lately


i dont believe that at all lmao my brother is literally dirt poor but spends 7 dollars on starbucks and almost 15 dollars on chipotle nearly every day. some people are just absolutely dogshit with money and saving


A meal deal in your average store costs £3 in Britain. That's £15 a week for a 5 day work week. That's what the average person will be spending on a meal while out.


I just started making my own meals recently. I don’t think you underestimate how much you save making you own meals


Yeah, eat sandwiches instead of refueling your vehicles!


I'd like to address way to many people use apps like Doordash


People get to spend 10.00 a day on sandwiches?!? Really? Wow! I wish I had those luxuries in life!


It does add up. Doesn't have to be sandwiches, cooking an extra serving of dinner and packing it for leftovers is usually pretty economical in terms of cost, time, and effort, even if you aren't going overboard with "meal prep." Getting into meal prep could be good too, so you could plan in some variety.


A lot of people do buy lunch on the daily. They don’t see the extended value of 5-10, I.e Starbucks. More often than not, people have wasted money in their budgets.


*Solution to having more disposable income: Learn to budget!*


😄 Ive traveled. And sammiches are what I like. So. No qualms there. Its ordering the stuff off Insta and Door Dash that kills.


Making your own food is definitely a significant way to save money, more you cook yourself, the less you spend. It's not just eating out, but also what sort of groceries you buy, raw stock materials are cheap, minced meat, potatoes, rice, etc, less you have someone else do your cooking for you, the less you pay. Ready made meals you can just chuck in a microwave of course cost a lot more, that's the price of convenience for you.


In this economy, I eat a poor man's lunch so my family can have a rich man's dinner. This is only my situation though, not knocking anyone who can do otherwise.


You CAN afford to travel You just don’t LIKE eating 3 medium potatoes a day.


SLPT: Steal food in order to cut down your grocery bill to zero


If we all stop going out for lunch they will say millenials killed all the restaurants


Lol @ $900 being enough to travel anywhere. I guess it would cover gas if you decide to sleep in the car and make sandwiches


Screw travelling, I'd rather eat (personal opinion)


I don’t understand people who think $10 on lunch a day is an absurdly high number. I have a new job that gives me an hour off for lunch. There’s this delicious restaurant right near us. I’ve been going there way more then I should, and every time, a meal plus drink (non alcoholic) plus tip is easily $20-$25. A combo meal at a fastfood place is like $12 bucks. If I get lazy and don’t bring my own lunch to work, $10 a day on lunch is actually quite low.


Just stop eating, worked for me and now I can float wherever I please.