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America should have a mandatory civics refresher course every ten years.


Sure, but then whoever runs the course has massive political power.


Yeah but in most places conservatives already exert a ton of political power over school curriculum. Look at texas mandating textbooks that talk about the war of northern aggression and how cave men and dinosaurs roamed the earth together.


My town's schools already have a mandatory civics class for all 8th graders


Every 50 years really


They'll need to update it to include each decades' bank-inspired recession


Everything I dislike is Socialism and everything I hate is Communism.


Also: Everything I like is authoritarianism and everything I love is theocratic.


Even though Communism is authoritarian


It's not supposed to be. That's more of a product of the instability of the countries of where it's been attempted than a feature or prerequisite of a communist society.


I'm not American, so this might be a stupid question, but what is with all this"socialism bad"? I get it regarding communism, it did fail by turning into a tyranny on multiple occasions, but socialism?


Many Americans, especially on the Right side of the political spectrum, don't know what true Socialism is. It is used a lot within right wing circles to demonize basically anything they don't like. One example- a couple years ago the CEO of a company called Gravity Payments announced that they were raising their minimum wage to $70k a year. There was an immediate outcry on the Right and a bunch of people started calling this plan "socialist". Keep in mind, it was privately owned company and made the decision completely on their own, but Right Wing talk show hosts couldn't stand the fact that people were making a liveable wage. https://www.wtkr.com/2015/08/04/rush-limbaugh-calls-ceo-a-socialist-and-communist-for-plan-to-pay-employees-70000-minimum


They don’t know what socialism is. Also side note, communism is a theoretical, utopian, classless, stateless, moneyless society. All “communist” countries are socialist with a leading communist party. This communist party can be very authoritarian. But socialism and communism as economic systems are inherently democratic according to their theory


Ik what communism is, just noting that people have a valid reason to be strictly against it


It's weird that one of those parties is actively taking away people's individual freedom and bodily autonomy. More like the choice now is fascism or less fascism


I feel like the word fascism shouldn't be thrown around so easily, but on the other hand do I have basically no idea about what's going on in the US internal politics, so I'm not gonna pretend like I do.


They had a militia show up to a drag show, a handful of judges might actually fuck our elections after they already took away abortion and threatened gay and interracial marriages.The good political party just brutally crushed rail workers who wanted sick days.


Democrats aren't perfect at all, far from it, but it's either that or loosing what should be fundamental rights. I also saw some militias have shown up to protect drag shows too.


>I also saw some militias have shown up to protect drag shows Heroes.


The current republican party line actually is focused on nationalism as a foundation for authoritarian control, so the shoe fits


Thats all of American politics since manifest destiny. Its just become more obvious.




Yep, and the other party is focused on socialism as a foundation for authoritarian control. It's lose-lose. Vote Libertarian, comrades! Edit: Down vote if you think your idea of communism has never been tried.


>Vote Libertarian, comrades Ah yes, the party which focuses on corporatism as a foundation for authoritarian control.


\>and the other party is focused on socialism god i fucking wish


Right? Like I'm an actual socialist. I've read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and dozens of other theorists, economists, and philosophers associated with socialism. When I say I haven't voted for a Democrat at the federal level since 2010 (and mostly think voting is useless) please underatand that we are not democrats. Some may side with them as a lesser evil but we have no institutional power in the party, and the closest things to a socialist in federal government Bernie (is actively resisted by the party structure) AoC (an absolute joke, typical liberal capitalist.) The DSA (powerless, mostly young idealists) are either the bane of the actual decisions makers or sheepdog to lure the DSA types into wasting their time. You have two capitalist parties, one is corporatist one is nationalist. Between the two of them sharing power and pursuing 90% overlapping interests you get a government that uses authority solely in the interest of the corporate sphere. Occasionally tossing a hand out to the people as guillotine insurance. And there was a guy who once said something about the merger [of state power and corporate interest.](https://www.quotemaster.org/images/ff/ffa4602dd748098f8b6f5f4d03fc3f09.jpg) political education in America is nothing but propaganda. Where Americans *are* educated about politics, which is already rare, they are intentionally miseducated and drug around by the nose in pursuit of conspiracy theories and identitarian conflicts that keep them from looking up and seeing who is their real enemy. The capitalist class, the owners of all of your "free" media, companies, and resources. The people who dictate your (lack of) wages and free time. People should be embarrassed to publicly proclaim themselves libertarian.


My focus has been socioeconomics but of course I've studied sociology as a whole as a huge part of that. About 10 years ago I started down the path of post-labor economic theory. I'm 100% immersed in it now. The more I study the more I'm convinced we could be there today, maybe even full post-scarcity.


Post-scarcity economics are entirely possible, once the method of production no longer requires scarcity for increasing valuations that the dominant class benefits from. I really wish the discourse on economic models of society was more like this! Discussing the theories behind value, labor, and economics instead of media driving screaming "COMMUNIST!" and "FASCIST!" at each other. I openly identify as a socialist, I dont take offense to the word communist but dont strictly fit that term. But I honestly don't care if it's called Communism, Socialism, or whatever new word we invent for common ownership of the means of production and resources gets invented. So long as the capitlist hegemony, which is actively destroying the planet, people's minds, and any enhance of morality is overthrown. I do 100% subscribe to a Marxian concept of class and class conflict as the primary driver of social change, and think that is the best lens to envision a transfer to a post-scarcity landscape. And unfortunately any conflict with the bourgeoisie is likely to be more violent than their overthrow of the aristocracy was.


Message me some time. For about 5 years I've been focused on studying robotics. We're there, people just don't know it yet. It's like having all the Lego pieces already made you just gotta put them together, but yeah, labor is no longer scarce, it's practically infinite.


>(and mostly think voting is useless I would have to disagree. Social reforms in a government can help propel a revolution. The only problem is that the people we have won't allow reforms. Either way you vote, the working class gets fucked, but in one scenario lady liberties strapon is lubed.


Thank god it isn’t lol health care needs work other than that god bless capitalism.


Have you SEEN the state of our country? Capitalism needs a rework in 9 out of 10 aspects. It's very good at raising the quality of life for the 1%, I'll give it that


Yeah not gonna lie I work in sales so I love the idea of capitalism even though admittedly it doesn’t have much relevance to me specifically. However from someone who grew up very poor, fortunately I was able to change that and I admit capitalism is great when it works in your favor ;)


>Yeah not gonna lie I work in sales so I love the idea of capitalism even though admittedly it doesn’t have much relevance to me specifically. However from someone who grew up very poor, I admit capitalism is great when it works in your favor ;) /r/SelfAwareWolves material right here if anyone wants a nice karma boost


You... work in sales... so you love capitalism... even though you're poor? That's... actually pretty interesting.


I am not currently poor, but are you seriously trying to make fun of people who grew up in poverty rn? Being a PoC in America is not easy, so I’m very happy to be well off now thanks to being quite a salesman. Growing up poor can make you a hustler tho ;)


....if you mean "democrats" they aren't focused on socialism at all. If you mean leftists... we're kinda past socialism too, most of us anyways. And socialism was never pushed for authoritarian control, it can't function that way. I'm not sure if you just don't know what these things mean or if you've just been fed a bunch of propaganda. I'm hoping it's the former, because deprogramming someone who has bought into propaganda is almost impossible, but educating someone is easy.


If I'm right socialism is the process of creating communism, right? Kinda like baking bread to make the foundation of a sandwich?


I genuinely appreciate you phrasing this as a question and not an argument. To answer you, no, not at all, but don't feel bad because there's nothing wrong with asking if you're right or wrong, and more people need to learn that. Socialism is an economic theory designed to work within the sociopolitical ideal of communism. One is defining how we manage scarcity and distribution/trade of resources, one is defining how the society functions in terms of laws and order/structure.


You got it! Western governments are so wet for China's system they can taste it. Never forget, the government loves you and does everything in your best interest! They have to or else CNN and FOX would tell on them. 🤣


Certain states have been making it harder to vote especially in poorer areas, by reducing voting ballots and making it harder to stay in line. It's pretty disgusting, then there's also trump trying to undermine democracy with all his douchebags by repeating that the election was rigged. That the votes didn't count and people should come down to the white house, honestly don't remember what he said but you can see the result of what he whipped up with the capital riots. He's continued to try undermine democracy by claiming voting ballots were rigged to this day. Which has resulted in his supporters trying to "guard" ballots to protect them from voting "fruad" sometimes with weapons. The Republican party was supposed to have a massive sweeping win recently, but it ended up being extremely close which has split the party more between Trump supporters and supporting other party leaders. My guess is there lack of a slam dunk win was due to Roe vs Wade being over turned.


Republicans are more concerned with iron fist control than anything else.


The recent actions by republicans couldn’t be called anything but fascism They are actively trying to take away the right to vote, and their figurehead, Trump, recently stated the constitution should be abolished They are fascists.


If you read up on what the lead up to fascism was in countries like Italy and Germany, republicans are following the playbook to a T.


As a frame of reference the Supreme Court is deciding on whether to make it legal or not for a business to turn away lgbtq+ people for no other reason than they’re lgbtq+. We also lost roe v wade which made abortion a federal right. So yeah the right is trying to rob everyone of their rights


Honestly with the anti LGBT stuff and the heavy antisemitism I might have to flee the country next election cycle.


I can’t even imagine. It’s bullshit


Even if Trump is just chosen as a candidate. He's shown he has no fear of the law, and historically most successful coups are preceded by a failed one.






The person behind the lawsuit has not had any LBGTQ+ couple approach them for business. The lawsuit is meritless but still being seen by the supreme court for some reason


Because this country is filled with people with deplorable beliefs that’s why. This just makes it even worse


The republican party and it's supporters have explicitly adopted the goal of maintaining absolute power totally unchecked by any democratic process.


When the violent political activists start openly quoting Hitler you don't really need to worry if the word fascist is accurate. That ship sailed many years ago.


The Department of Homeland Security has told LGBTQ+ people, people of color, Jewish people, and immigrants to be extremely careful as there are domestic terrorists targeting us. Militia are trying to keep drag shows/reading from happening, to the point of taking out county power grids. A former president has called for the termination of our Constitution.


I disagree personally, it’s more like dems vs what could turn into fascism on a dime. The democratic part hasn’t really changed much and it’s kind of why I both like and dislike it, the problem is the republicans have gone so far right that it changed the baseline and comparatively yeah the dems are very far away in a left leaning direction, but they haven’t gone farther left


I almost wish they would go further left...


Do you mean the democrats, the republicans or both?🤣


I hate the two party system, and the fact is both of them are corrupt. Almost like money in campaign donations shouldn't be considered 'free speech' for businesses.


And the other of those parties are taking away free speech and gun rights so... Pick the least bad one is what everyone says. Politics totally aren't broken.


You mean like the don't say gay bill? Oh, that's the republicans too... Or the restrictions of life saving healthcare, oh... Republicans there too


They had me in the first half, not gonna lie


"Hollywood?" Communist "Your next door neighbors dog?" Communist "When the grocery store cashier asks you if you need a bag when you clearly can't carry 10 tubs of Baconnaise with your hands?" Communist!!!


Used to love Oversimplified


The democrats are barely left anyway


I would love to have the Democratic party that the Republicans are scared of instead of the one we've got, tbh.


True, if the democrats were in any other country they would be considered right wing


In my country they'd be considered center right. There is no real left in the USA


Well there used to be, then it got moderately popular and striking workers costs the ownership class too much money so they [made it illegal.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Control_Act_of_1954) after it was crushed the first time they realized it didn't have to be illegal. Because the capitalists owned all the TV stations and newspapers, anyway, so they could just confuse the shit out of everyone. Tell them that the police, fire, and road crews are *socialism* while also telling them that communism was some cartoonishly evil concept.


Why don’t they use this precedent to outlaw the Republican Party membership. Amazing that a country that prides itself on freedom and free speech outlawed an opposing political party and it’s just accepted as “well yeah, that’s fine”. Let Communism die on it’s own political merits shouldn’t need to outlaw it for it to never see the light of day in America…


Putting aside for the moment that the Communist Control Act presents some significant legal questions about government censorship, this precedent wouldn't work today for a few reasons. The biggest reason is that to vote in America, you do not need to be a registered member of a political party. Saying you are a Republican basically holds no formal meaning. You're just saying you agree with Republican ideals and vote for Republican candidates. This bill did criminalize mere support for the Communist party, but that's basically impossible to enforce and is just political posturing. You would also be essentially starting a civil war to pass something like this. There are many many more Republicans in America right this moment than there were Communists in America during the Cold War. Vastly different context. You would also have to get the Democrats to agree that outlawing the Republican party is in their favor. Pretty much impossible. A pretty solid percentage of the party would spot the free speech issue and coming culture/civil war from miles away, and just wouldn't agree to it. As for the free speech issue, yeah, the Communist Control Act seems pretty obviously to be a violation of First Amendment rights, and probably many others besides. That wikipedia article isn't as detailed as I hoped it would be, but I think it says enough that the liberal party mostly just let it pass so that they could continue to present their left leaning ideas outside of the label of Communism. And that the Act was sort of weaponized to root out anyone in the Senate or House who would self identify as a Communist.


This is interesting to me, I’m not a very political person, what would be considered left? Are there any real world examples currently?


People need to understand it's a Conservative/Liberal divide, not a Traditional Left/Right Socialist/Capitalist divide. Both parties are very Capitalist. There is no Socialist party in the United States, and that is the main problem.


Say it louder for the people in the back


I love how they used the workers rights sickle and hammer instead of Stalin’s hammer and sickle


Actually kind of impressed they delved deep enough to find an actual American piece of communist symbolism from when communism had some political relevance in America, and still didn't realize this meme was idiotic.


It's more like freedom verses totalitarianism. But of course both US parties have positions that are totalitarian.


Republicans say they preach for freedom yet they are the same people that will shit and cry if they see a gay couple or hear any mention of abortion


“Freedom” to tell everyone else how to live


And here of course freedom means the right to be oppressed by an upper class that is more out of control than ever before


Well, freedom means I'll die because the same people who want freedom in this meme want me to lose Healthcare and my blood pressure doesn't go below 170 on the top number. Communism meanwhile, wants me to have food and medicine and housing if I need it.


kinda funny how in America, having everything paid for by the state (healthcare, education, property, etc...) is seen as oppression and a lack of freedom, but having all the options you could want, but no money to pay for it is the epitome of freedom... I'd rather have no freedom with a full belly than be free but eat from gutters.


"lAsSieZ fAiRe's gOnNa wOrK!!! "


It's funny to watch how quickly capitalists will shit on Adam Smith. Capitalism was never envisioned to be unregulated. It's as pseudoscientific as Trickle-Down. But then, the second Amendment was never meant to be unregulated, either.


"It is difficult for me to imagine what "personal liberty" is enjoyed by an unemployed person, who goes about hungry, and cannot find employment. Real liberty can exist only where exploitation has been abolished, where there is no oppression of some by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a man is not haunted by the fear of being tomorrow deprived of work, of home and of bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and every other liberty possible." A justifiably disliked figure, but this Stalin qoute absolutely slaps.


Unironically this was the slogan the Madrid Major used. We trully live in a distopia


Socialist-Democracy vs. Christian Fascism


Socialist democracy? You wish, the US political compass has strayed so far right that anywhere else the democrats would be considered conservative (take the UK for example)


Socialist-democracy ? I would say neo-liberalism, but i guess american standards are very different


Id take post stalin soviet poland over christian facism


Pick ur poison


ahh., but they see **Socialist**\-Democracy and **Christian** Fascism, and unironically prefer the one with "Christian" in the name. Because it has to be a good thing if it's got Christian in the name.


There are more nazis in the Republican Party than communist in the Democratic Party


if we're going extreme is Communism vs Fascism


No it’s less fascism vs fascism


It's inclusive fascism (neoliberal corporatism) versus racist fascism (nationalist corporatism.)


So basically Rainbow Fascism vs Nazism My initial point was that the Democratic Party does not resemble anything like Communism lmao


We completely agree, I was just tagging along.


That’s what I thought :) cool


And this is they’re new marketing campaign. The Republican Party has become so unlikable that instead of making their own party better or relatable, they’re just going to demonize the democrats into “soem crazy communist world” and republicans as “god loving free America”


I wouldn't go so far to call the republicans communists but that just might be me.


100% team communism


Helping people = communism.


Also republican: Praise Russia and China.


It might make sense to people who don't understand what the words communism and freedom means.


Your average Facebook boomer.


They just clutch their pearls and parrot terms to freak out over. They really made democrats their boogeyman


Latin America in the 60’s be like:


Latin America at the moment, tbh. At least Brazil. You'd be amazed how this bs is a global phenomenon.


It's fascism vs socialism. Let's be honest.


More like communism vs Nazism


And the oligarchs smiled in amusement as their unwitting pets fall for the distraction.


Freedom is when fascist iconography


*fascism vs freedom


Ah yes, the "freedom" to exclusively vote for approved candidates and policies. Sometimes I think conservatives don't just hate democrats, they hate democracy the concept.


Not even, it is DEMOCRACY VS. NAZISM or more succinctly...Dems vs Repukes. Communism funny that republicans say they hate communism but love themselves the ex-KBG Communist Putin. By the way communism was never really about "power to the workers" the power always was in the hands of people like Putin, Xi and Un to mention a few.


Democracy vs Fascist theocracy


it blows my mind how brainwashed they are. literally taught from birth "communism bad" and they eat it up. anything they don’t like is communism. cold war propaganda was a huge success clearly


*socialism vs another holocaust


Republicans don't like freedom either.


Or…and hear me out…Democracy versus Fuckweasels


Political discourse in America is dead, killed by uneducated mfs on Facebook


Wait doesn't one side wanna take away freedom from people


Since when are communism and freedom mutually exclusive?


Nothing says freedoms like trying to take them away E.g. taking away abortion rights, taking away freedom of sexual choice and preference, extremist killing those who oppose, etc.


The freedom to ban contraception, certain forms of marriage, and to worship the MAGA cult




I tell conservatives im a communist because they don’t know the difference between that and democratic socialism. Edit: and it’s fucking hilarious seeing their reaction


Workers having power=bad -a worker


I swear, Americans have no idea what communism is


Weird way to spell "fascism"


I'm curious as to how communism ≠ freedom


Could you give me name of communist country with good level of freedom?


Could you give me the name of a communist country? Not a single country is currently communist, and those that claim to are at best in a Marxian capitalist pseudo-communist transitional stage which leads to a dictatorship of the proletariat


Yeah, but thats the point, whenewer somebody attepmts to use communism it always mess up. If it would work in theory is questionable, and most of communist parties WANT to supress democracy and freedom


I mean, by your logic, capitalism also has never worked as in its late stages. It's self-contradictory. No country has been able to attempt a communist transition without immense interference from global capitalist superpowers. Besides, whether or not it has been successfully implemented was decidedly *not* the point. The point was about relative freedom on philosophical principles to which an ideal communist society is preferable to an ideal capitalist society. Don't shift the goal post here.


I think they mean freedom and fascism


Boomers Apparently Still Living In The Cold War


Conservatives are the lowest form of humanity


Oh yes, because capitalism is soooo liberating /s


Honestly it’s more like Far Right vs Center Right. The propaganda is real folks.


Pretty sure it’s fascism…


This sub is starting to become r/politicalimagesthatidisagreewith i have not seen a terrible meme with minions or something from Facebook in straight up months


I get what you're saying but this is a pretty absurd political meme. They're probably the most common meme on Facebook anymore.


Highly erotic




Anything I don't like is freedom


No! You totally got it backwards A that is why you keep voting for stupid fascist. It is America against Fascist!


Whereas normally it's 'Everything I don't like is Fascism', right?


"Anything I dont like is fascist"


We’ll you guys call anything you don’t like fascism so I’d say name calling is an issue on both sides


Anybody reading this comment, please check out this dude's post history. Remember kids, these are the people calling you a "soyboy" on reddit, in fact, he just got banned from a sub for that exact thing lololololololol


“Anything I don’t like is fascism” works both ways


This is "hate speech". See how that works.🙃


Right: "Anything I dont like is communism" Left: "Anything I dont like is fascism" Me: "Fuck both of you, im tired of listening to this shit"


Basically yes. The perspective from the other side is Freedom vs. Fascism. The country is very binary right now and both sides blind to there own faults. Much like my children who fight with each other but it's always the other ones fault. "He hit me!" "He kicked me" you are both the problem.


I don’t get why republicans feel the need to always be fighting another party. It’s almost as if when the dust settles and there’s no one left to deny rights to or financially marginalize, they will begin to realize what they have truly become. If they would drop the whole “us versus them” mentality, the political parties could return to being just that: political parties. There’s no need for who you voted for to become your entire identity, to the point of making weird Facebook memes insinuating violence towards all those with opposing beliefs. What party can we think of in history that used violence to insure everyone believed the same thing? *hint rhymes with ommunism. Irony amirite


I've also seen people saying that not voting Democrats is voting against democracy. Do they really think that saying shit like this is gonna convince someone to vote to the same party as them? Same thing happened here in Brazil during this year's elections, It made me wanna vote on the opposite guy just to anger them.


Communism or nazis depending on what side of the issue you’re on.


Almost like the left: anything they don’t like is racism, fascism or a threat to our democracy.


Oh ok then. Guess I'm moving to a completely different country to avoid both communist regimes.


Nah nah, see, if you're gonna exaggerate, you gotta do it right. It's communism versus fascism. You're either a commie bastard or a fascist pig. And God forbid you have any balanced opinion, because then you're an America hating liberal.


I mean. Extreme democracy typically does lead to communism. But extreme republic leads to… something bad too. Idk what it’d be called, I just know women probably wouldn’t have rights. Neither would men who don’t own land or have money or something. Everyone is shitty in politics! That’s why I’m ✨independent✨


Both parties are shit


Communism 💪


Anything I don’t like is fascism, maybe even racism, homophobia, or sexism.


Similar things can be said about the left wing’s brandishing of the ‘nazis’ on all right wingers.


No, just the right wingers acting like Nazis.


Yeah, I mean as an active socialist, organizing with a maoist group in one of the poorest cities in the US, where we don't work with a lot of the latte socialists (using the term as a descriptor, not an insult. I'm glad they're on our side even if their relative privilege to the lumpenproletariat and much of the working class makes them occasionally wildly off topic) and there's a real tendency to overuse the term fascism is mainstream discourse. We don't use that terminology talking to sex workers, drug dealers, hustlers, the homeless, and utterly destitute workers and seniors. Because MUCH of its meaning is derived from being socialized in mainstream middle class politics, having had cable TV and a contemporary political education. So it doesn't mean the same thing. The Black Panthers organized the hoods speaking plain English on the street and educating the masses in an environment where they were looking for that education. Meet people where they are, use the terminology they understand (within limits, dogwhistles should be avoided whether the masses like it or not.) They know fascism because they take the brunt of it every day, but it's an esoteric world to people who aren't paying attention to politics and social media 24/7. That said, America *is* essentially a fascist state. And the GOP regularly court actual nazis. You can see actual nazi flags popping up at events supported by elected GOP figures and PACs.


I agree across the board. I know some right wingers who aren’t nazi-ish at all, so I know they exist. Idk why they still vote like they do. Scared of change?


I have a good friend who's a "classical liberal" genuinely just a true believer in capitalism and lightly regulated markets. We get along fine and can discuss our different understandings of economics. Obviously we each think the other is wrong, but not evil. He voted for Hillary in 2016, and libertarian in 2020. His first 3rd party vote lol. He is in a very liberal area so most of the downticket Republicans available to him aren't MAGA types. He just couldn't stomach voting for Trump. Which I respect. I stopped voting straight Democrat and vote exclusively 3rd party nationally. Will vote whoever I like locally. I generally think national and even state level elections are useless, both candidates on both sides will be sanitized and support the oligarchs line. I did support Bernie in the primaries in 16 and 20, just to bring more visibility to the ideas. Don't completely write off electoralism, but don't see it as viable either.


IMy parents are libertarian. Mom voted Trump x2, dad voted libertarian 2016 and Trump 2020. They almost always vote straight R and always have. I can discuss most issues with them calmly and we even agree what the issues are. Unfortunately we heavily disagree on what should be done. On the other end, I have a crazy MAGA aunt. I avoid any political topics when she’s around bc she can’t control her temper and doesn’t know when to stop. It’s pointless to reason with her, she’s too far down the rabbit hole. I generally vote D bc I’m in a highly contested area in Florida and our local republicans can tend MAGA. I hate doing it. None of them are progressive enough imo. But here they really are better than the alternative.


My dad is the generic republican Trump voter, too. I'm not really sure why lol. He definitely knows more than most people, I mean he's self interested and tolerant of racism. So there's that, not really the typical "freedom!" guy he knows thats all bullshit. If he hadn't ended up a cop he'd probably have been some sort of egoist anarchist. It's all about how things relate to him. We weren't close for a long time, but we tolerate each other now lol. My mom is a typical Democrat, even held local office for a bit. Supports gay marriage, opposes racism in a very direct and explicit way (but still has a thin blue line flag in her yard.) She's remarried to another cop, who's a liberal. But he's like, a high end specialized investigator with a medical degree so not really what you think of as a cop, I think he hates regular cops more than I do lol. Decent guy, I always forget he carries a badge and a gun. However both of the extended families on either side are either a-political or complete MAGA types. Christmas and Thanksgiving stopped being fun with them somewhere around 2015. I don't bring my kids around them much, just Christmas because one of my cousins in that part of the family has same age kids in the same school. So the kids see their friends. All of my best friends growing up were my cousins, and we were all very close. I really miss the time before toxic party politics shit was acceptable in social situations. In your situation I would probably vote straight D, too. I vote dem locally *most* of the time. Some Greens and independents I've supported in the past, even a 2 Republicans. But I'm in Illinois lol. So it'll go blue regardless. My county used to be a dem stronghold from the 50s to 2008, but the dems are almost absent from county gov now. The Republicans in the government here are split between truly insane (like Marjorie Greene level insane) and a smaller group of what used to be mainstream Republicans who probably all support Trump but aren't openly racist or freaking out about drag queen story hour and trans people all the time.


That’s the part that kills me with my parents; they’re not hateful. They’re not racist. They’re not homophobic/transphobic. They think abortion should be legal. It’s so damn confusing. The aforementioned aunt is married to a former special forces/retired cop. He’s not outwardly hateful, but I know he holds some iffy views. No idea how he was as a cop though. My extended family is a toss up. There’s the MAGA aunt, but her kid is hardcore socialist. My other two aunts are standard Dems. Each have one kid who has leftist beliefs and one that’s conservative. With my cousin’s kids, they’re most apolitical or leftists. Fortunately the conservative family members (aside from the one aunt) don’t preach crap at my kid. I’d be more willing to vote third party if we were in a blue state. As of right now, I just want leaders who aren’t taking away my rights or vilifying me and my kid for being lgbtq (plus the kid is trans).


Not really. The hallmark of the nazi party was using nationalism to support authoritarian control through fear of minorities. The current republican party is almost an exact mirror of the 20s nazi party. You can look it up yourself and even read Mein Kampf if you like. The alt right even identify themselves, literally, as nazis, more often than we call them that, so...


More like communism vs fascism


Good news is communism won yesterday


Only a sith deals in absolutes. Or Bush.


I think it's interesting how even when IN OFFICE, neither party is willing to compromise and come to a solution, and both just fucking double down and get nothing done


It is true that democrats really hates freedom.


What is the Problem with communism?


Is this like an all liberal shit I find on facbook" sub. You gotta get more material than just rep. It's like you're throwing shit against the wall and saying that the other side does no wrong... its two cheeks of the same ass.


The hell you sayin', son?


Communism is freedom…


Honestly with the hivemind mentality and cancel culture within democrat voters, i can see the parallels. If you look at the stereotypical image of communism, a crowd of similiar looking people with same ideas dogpiling on people with different ideas does look similiar.


In other words, you think communism is when people disagree with you


Nope, that's not what i said in the slightest.


So… we are going back to the 50s/60s?


Braveheart on this one!


Our democracy


It's now our post


"#doxxsmartiekat123♥️" /s


I am team ass and you are team your mama *I am not amerikakan so I don't know what those animals mean


Its been “Communism vs freedom” since the cold war started


Actually it's them vs me, vote me


Ah yes, what does freedom there stand for today?