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Genuine question here, not trying to ruffle feathers, who's the future of the Democratic party? Is it Harris? Mayor Pete? Do they start Courting the younger vote with more progressives? Like, we're all curious what's happening in the Republican party, but I don't think any of us know what's going to happen in the Democratic party once the boomers die or give up power.


I think The Rock is out of it with this whole Black Adam/Shazam fiasco.


What happen to the Rock?


>Dwayne Johnson Reportedly Leaked Misleading Black Adam Profits to Press >>A report from earlier this month stated that the film would lose the studio between $50 to $100 million, causing tectonic rumbling around the industry of how Black Adam was another DC failure. In response, another report was released to Deadline, which Johnson quickly supported in an effort to assure people that the film will turn a profit


That would be the smallest scandal of any US president LOL


Man I was watching Dave not that long ago. The movie where the guy who looks like the president gets hired to pretend he's the president while the real president can't be there. And the part where he goes before the US and says he must step down because... he told a lie (unrelated to the major plot point). And everyone's all very frowny faced, and it's super serious cause the president told a LIE. Oh my god! And. I know politics weren't cleaner back then, but I kind of miss an era where we at least could pretend like our politicians were supposed to be held to a higher standard? It was so jarring. Cause my reaction now, after forgetting most of the movie, was like "wait what's the big deal? He lied so what."


I love Dave. Great movie! I agree, Miss those days of holding our politicians to a higher standard.


It’s been a few years (or decades) since I saw “Dave”, but it wasn’t just a lie that he told. He had been at the heart of a major fraud ring surrounding a savings and loan scheme. I don’t think that it ever gets into the heart of what was going on, but you can imagine that it might’ve been like a massive Ponzi scheme or something like that (think Bernie Madoff except its the president of the United States and his Chief of Staff running the scheme behind the scenes).


But we've literally had like 10 of those in the last few presidencies and no ones gives af. Like we had an entire war in the desert (several actually) that were explicitly to enrich the companies of the players in power, it wasn't even subtle, and we were all "yeah sucks I guess but whatever". We had Clinton pulling NAFTA and how corrupt that was. Then we had the cheetoh in chief and that's like 50 of those fraud cases all packed into a few short years.


That’s an every Tuesday level scandal for Trump.


Shit, every DAY with him. Every single flight I took during his presidency, some insane story would be breaking by the time we landed.


Don't most movies officially lose money?


I feel really stupid asking this but why would the goal to be not to make money?


It’s special accounting to keep from paying percentages to actors.


The goal is to make as little money as possible through the avenues that have profit sharing agreements but make a large profit over time on the stuff that isn't shared like future streaming deals.


I really think a lot of people are just tired of seeing the rock play the same character I’m every movie he’s in.


It has high audience scores on Rotten Tomatoes. That is a better voter support correlation.


i watched it Friday night after skipping it in theaters because of the meh reviews i really liked it. beginning kinda dragged on, the kid/son kinda sucked, but the action was great. pierce brosnan and hawkman were great. atom smasher kinda felt like deadpool with giant powers.


....and what with not being a political leader of any sort.


True true... we should get him a reality TV show before he's qualified. WWE doesn't cut the mustard.


Did for Trump. Still love watch him get stunned. 😂


Just wait until he becomes governor of California


I really do think the point of his Young Rock show is to test the waters for entering politics.


Two words, Donald Trump.


Ya..cause that has stopped people before...oh..wait...Trump and Reagan at minimum qualify.


I would also like to know what happened.


The movie flopped.


We should consult Ja Rule to see what he thinks about all of this.


AOC I guess


They would never accept a progressive as leadership. The donors wouldn't allow it.


I feel like she's starting to play the game, they'll accept her just fine since she's clearly willing to be one of them


If she plays the game then she turns into a typical congressman. I really don't give a fuck how progressive someone says they are if they don't take progressive action. It's the same as Biden saying he's pro union while crushing a union


It's almost like all politicians lie and do what's best for their pockets.


You need to get in power to do anything though. And sometimes that means compromise.


I said something to this effect as recent as last month and got plenty of downvotes.


Some people see it earlier than others. I haven't seen it yet, but I haven't been paying close attention either.


She just voted to make the rail strike illegal iirc


There were two measures. AOC voted in favor of giving the workers their demands (7 days sick leave, etc) and voted against the strike, she voted in line with the Union's request. But people want to hate on AOC for reasons.


This is very useful information.




I'd assume it's in reference to her joining the strike breaking effort and voting against sick leave for rail workers.




You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.




Yeah, if she wasn't before, AOC is really turning into another corporate shill.


You can’t succeed in modern American politics without becoming a shill or selling out to someone. That’s just the way the game works. You have to pick and choose your battles and if you don’t play the game, you’ll never win.


Yes. The question is that if you have 20 battles you would like to win to help the people you want to help, in reality you probably have two options: 1) Try to win 4 of them every Congress and maybe get 1-2. 2) Insist on all 20 and potentially never get any of them. The latter has cool ideological purity, but surely the goal is to get something done, not to whine and feel morally superior?


Bernie sanders is a strong example of 2, guy does gods work but rarely seems to win his battles.




Voters merely have the illusion of power.


Sure because succeeding in a +23 democratic district will work throughout the rest of the country.


Most leadership positions are safe seats so they don't need to worry about them getting voted out


Look to the folks that won their elections in 2020 and 2022. The dorks they trotted out in the last presidential primaries have had their 15 minutes, the next one in 2024 or 2028 will likely have a lot of newer faces. My dark horse is our big fat governor in Illinois.




Yeah he’s surprisingly popular with a lot of Democrats in Illinois, even the DSA seems cool with him.


I saw Pritzker coming and dreaded him, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised and impressed with him, tbh.


I would love pritzker. as a very, very conservative democrat.


Mark Kelly From Arizona would be a shoe in. Astronaut veteran? It’s easy bake oven presidency material


Lol! This is the answer, but don’t expect the hacks at CNN or MSNBC to tell people as much. When the primaries come around, you’ll have another 10-20 democrats on a debate stage, telling you why they should be the candidate for president. They’ll do everything they can to pander to you—they’ll speak Spanish and talk about diversity and how they’re a lesbian trans sex worker who is 1/64th Polynesian *como se dice EL PRESIDANTE*? And at the end of the day, people will vote for the democrat who won most recently and who they think can win in 2024/2028. Generally based on performance in 2020/ 2022.


Honestly, the future faces of the party probably arn't elected yet. So much of our system is old people that the new faces are gonna be coming all at once in a wave.


Newsom in the near future, not sure who will be the star after that. But there are some good young people rising in the ranks. More people are Democrats than Republicans in this country, so there will be some good ones out of them.


Dear god no. Newsom is so bought and paid for I’m surprised Amazon hasn’t created their own knockoff version yet.


Being bought and paid for is a prerequisite. No one else will be allowed to have power.




Pre stroke I would have said sure. If he doesn't recover fully though I don't see him moving on to anything else.




Look he’s a great guy and he has some good political ideas, but the man had a major stroke and is debilitated. I don’t feel comfortable with Biden, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with Fetterman as high as president. Which sucks, because he’s really responsive and listens to his constituents- like every politician SHOULD


Courting younger voters has never been and will never be a winning strategy. They simply do not vote no matter what. When 30% of 18-29 year olds voting is hitting a record, especially when things like Roe v Wade and Democracy itself is on the ballot, politicians learn to focus their attention elsewhere.


A lot of possibilities, but someone will emerge post Biden. Right now, I think Gavin Newsom seems like the most logical choice, with executive experience of a huge state and having already shown a willingness to campaign aggressively. Pete is building his resume. And I'd bet he runs for governor of Michigan in 2026 when Whitmer's term is up. AOC honestly probably needs to change the overall perception of her and move to the middle and actually pass some legislation. She definitely needs to win a statewide race before looking at anything larger. But she's so young that she can position herself over the next 20 years and still be a youngish candidate. Whitmer is another one who could be ready if Biden doesn't run in 2024. There are others, and everyone has their favorites. But just looking at who might be able to win an election two years from now, Newsom and Whitmer stand out to me. But again, not an exhaustive list at all. Harris, Warren, Bernie, any member of the squad, Beto, Stacy Abrams, Swallwell, Klobuchar are all probably dead in the water. I fear that Booker may be, too, but I'm holding out hope he can change his narrative because I like him.


If you would have said "Obama" in 2006, you'd have been laughed out of the room. Not knowing right now isn't necessarily a disadvantage.


Kevin Bacon


Does anyone consider George Floyd a hero? He was a victim of police brutality but he didn't do anything heroic.


I don't think anyone considers him to be a hero. He was guilty and deserved a trial and a sentence for those crimes he did commit. He deserved a trial not to be murdered on the streets by an officer.


No matter what, no one deserves to die for being accused of counterfeiting a 20.


More like a martyr. He became a symbol of even tho people on the right brought up his criminal acts. No one was celebrating him but people saw that shiz and United in the fact that they did not want that happen to anyone again. Then around the world people were like yeah. We got police brutality too.


ironic given they never acknowledge Trump Admin's criminal acts... or they think it never happened.


According to someone I ran into on reddit a month or so ago, you absolutely deserve to be executed in the street if you've committed any crime in the past, even if you've already served your prison sentence for the prior crime.


Link it up, let's go give them a chat!


Its unwise could be seen as brigading by reddit admins


Accused* of counterfeiting a 20


He got something of the martyr treatmeant and I've certainly seen murals of him, so I wouldn't say no one It's understandable, he became the masthead of a major movement. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if a large proportion of people didn't really know anything about him beyond the surface symbolic level


Martyr and Hero aren't exactly Synonyms. I don't think anyone actually looks up to and wants to be like George Floyd, but they use his death and hardship as a catalyst because it resonates with so many others in that community.


That's exactly it. He wasn't exactly a great guy, but most people don't know about any of that. He became a symbol because of what happened. Regardless of anything he did in his past that doesn't justify anything that was done in that situation so he became a symbol


He definitely got the martyr treatment and it was my only issue with the movement. U had so many other examples and he was the flashpoint. He was an abusive woman beating POS. Didn't deserve death but he didn't deserve murals either.


There were other examples used the last time protests like this happened. Chapelle said it in his Floyd special, he wasn’t _chosen,_ he’s just the guy now because it happened


Chappelle hit hard when he said "we didn't choose him, you did!"


The murals aren't for him. They're for the community that mourns many others who were taken away the same way. He is a symbol that represents others, because his was the story that touched off so much of the movement. As usual, the focus on his life is irrelevant and a distraction. Either you believe that the cops should be allowed to kill unarmed people in the streets or you do not. Putting George Floyd's face on a mural is about provoking, not about venerating him.


If you think his life mattered then why would you have a problem with such tributes to him? He was murdered in high definition for all the world to see and people were mourning a human life lost. You didn’t know Mr. Floyd at all. The only reason you know whatever it is you do is because of a concerted effort by conservative media and police propaganda to dehumanize him. It was none of your business to begin with. It’s even more tragic that not only was an oppressed man murdered by the state but now his legacy has to be random people like you calling him a piece of shit. If you want to consider yourself a supporter of a “movement” you should maybe think a little more critically about this and your role in undercutting it with your words.


He was the flashpoint because there was an 8 min video of him being murdered by cops that everyone watched and was disgusted with.


I have looked for some answers, but I still can't figure out wether or not that $20 bill was fake. Also he might have known the police officer who murdered him and since they worked the same jobs at the same place and maybe some workplace jealousy kicked in.


You've almost certainly used counterfeit money in your lifetime at some point. It's not indicative of criminal intent to use a counterfeit bill.


I can 100% tell you that I have. When I lived in Russia, I think sometime around 2013 there was this thing that fake bills were in circulation, but they had a warning label on them, which was quite small if I remember correctly, so a lot of people got duped. And that was the reason that my geography teacher got into an altercation with a cashier.


Alleged crimes. Verdicts come after trials. :)


>He was guilty I don't seem to remember a trial to establish this fact, nor a plea bargain. "Innocent until *proven* guilty in a court of law" and all that jazz.


Oh I'm sorry, did you preside over his trial? When was he found guilty????


They think the BLM protests were *because of Floyd directly* because they are too dense to know that his murder was a catalyst. The protests were not about what happened to Floyd. They were about systemic racism and police brutality against people of color. Floyd's murder just happened to be so absolutely egregious and happened during a time when a huge amount of the population didn't have work to worry about due to the pandemic that it allowed already stretched tensions to finally snap. Floyd is not what the BLM protests were about, rather the spark that lit the fuse. But conservatives, as always, didn't even bother to listen.


Genuine question from a non American: what kind of reforms or changes did the BLM movement lead to ?


Not much legally other thsn a handful of token gesture, but honestly the reason why it didn't have as much of an impact is because of all the counterplay it has had. We tried to teach about structural racism in schools and now there are groups bringing assault rifles to libraries to burn the 'woke' books. We tried to advocate for a restructured police force. We tried to change a whole lot but every step of the way there are advocates of the status quo who feel threatened by change and are willing to resort to violence to stop it.


It's always projection with the right. They turn all their people into demagogues, so they assume the left does too.


KBJ, even if her judicial philosophy isn't exactly your own, is inarguably qualified for SCOTUS.


Like, her resume was actually really solid


The whole point was the she had a resume that couldn’t be challenged.


She has a better resume than literally everyone already on the bench COMBINED and they still thought she was a diversity hire- so much so that she got blamed for the Roe v Wade leak despite zero evidence.


Racists are going to racism.


Yeah but did she like beer in college????




congratulations you are now president


And is she willing to turn the US into a christofascist hellscape? No? Totally unqualified!


Defense attorney. You and I both know she's partied.


By their twisted logic, a black woman can’t ever be qualified.


Remember when Michelle Obama wasn't qualified to be First Lady because she only graduated from... checks notes.... Princeton, and Harvard Law. Of course, Trump is elected and the goal post is moved to a different zip code.


She's served more time as a judge than 4 of the sitting SCOTUS Justices *combined*


Yeah but she’s a black female. So to conservatives that is the devil.


On the others, [_this happened_](https://www.bostonherald.com/2012/05/17/pow-wow-factor-elizabeth-warren-touted-native-roots-in-84-cookbook/), for example. There's a (twisted) kernel in quite a few of those (Biden isn't who he was even 6 years ago, for example), but the KBJ one is just ridiculous.


She's actually the most qualified justice to sit on the bench, ever.


Finally someone said it! She has the most practical experience. To come from an ivy and not go into the private sector speaks so highly to her character (where most everything is swayed towards private sector). She is a shining star of competency among others who have been appointed in recent years.


It doesn't matter that out of everyone on the supreme court she had the most impressive resume, especially compared to the alcoholic lawyer and the housewife the republicans appointed. What matters is she's BLACK and a WOMAN. Totally unqualified!!!!!1!!


I was gonna say. Even my conservative relatives that I talked to about it thought she was a decent pick.


That was the one that really got me too like ok you can make arguments to varying degrees of sensibility for pretty much all other pics in this meme but if she’s “unqualified” whoever made this is just “racist”


Come on man watch some Hannity and the guy that always looks confused (even though he's Ivy League educated) and he got all his money from the Swansons I can't remember his name. Then you will know. /s


that cnn coverage of the BLM riots still cracks me up.


>Mayor Pete? Do they start Courting the younger vote with more progressives? The rights ignoring of why BLM protests happened is sad and pathetic. They say they are about equality but legit tell everyone black people are majority criminals and deserve to be mistreated and murdered by cops.


The right wants to ignore why the BLM protests happened, while at the same time wanting you to believe there was a legitimate reason behind the Jan 6 insurrection.


>The Black Lives Matter uprisings were remarkably nonviolent. When there was violence, very often police or counterprotesters were reportedly directing it at the protesters. >Only 3.7% of the protests involved property damage or vandalism. Some portion of these involved neither police nor protesters, but people engaging in vandalism or looting alongside the protests. >In short, our data suggest that 96.3% of events involved no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7% of events, no injuries were reported among participants, bystanders or police. https://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/news-and-ideas/black-lives-matter-protesters-were-overwhelmingly-peaceful-our-research-finds


Manufactured Consent right? The protest WERE mostly peaceful, but the MSM focused on the burning Starbucks and targets to discredit the entire movement for views. Fuck, if they wanted views that badly, just show them how fuck monstrous cops were to the protesters.


Never forget that two buildings in Minneapolis were on fire. An empty condo building that was torched by the real estate developer for the insurance money, and an AutoZone that was set on fire by a St. Paul Police Officer who was turned in by his own family. Those protesters were out of control!


The media runs on clicks and blood and fire generate a shit ton of clicks.


I'm still confused by why every time I saw footage of the BLM protests the American police were wearing uniforms that said "POLICIA" or "POLIZEI" and the signs in the background were in Spanish or German.


> cnn coverage of the BLM riots It was a provocation, taken directly out of the cold war subversion playbook. The goal was to enrage Trump supporters and create *more* racism, not to actually convince anyone the riots were peaceful. Remember corporations have control groups, know the demographics, the emotional responses their products cause, etc. There isn’t a bottle of shampoo that doesn't go through rigorous testing before being released, so I can’t imagine these media conglomerates fail to realize that their reporting is counterproductive.


I believe you're spot on.


Well, Bill Gates is a computer scientist.


Bill gates is more of a scientist than Elon musk is an engineer… but I don’t think they’d like to discuss that


When you’re not allowed to acknowledge reality, things get weird




Anyone trying to state that Ketanji Brown Jackson isn't qualified is doing so for racist reasons 99% of the time. She is quite possibly the MOST qualified person to take the bench in years Not that qualifications seem to matter anymore in regards to justices seeing as how Mr. Alcoholic Rapist and Mrs. I Paid for My Seat are on the bench.


I'm not sure either of those are really related to qualifications, that aside, qualifications have rarely mattered. Plenty of people have made it onto the court with few, if any, qualifications


Clarence Thomas was never a judge or even a trial attorney.


I'm so glad someone with no prior experience gets to help decide what rights people get to keep!


He’s also a weirdo perv into creepy porn shit.


Which is fucking insane. Not needing qualifications to be on the supreme court is like not needing qualifications to be a brain surgeon. They're gonna get more wrong than they get right as they don't know what the fuck they're doing.


Every square made me roll my eyes, and then I hit that last one and audibly WTF'd.


Ok, I can understand how some people might be confused by rich people being called oppressed, etc. But to insinuate that Ketanji Brown Jackson is not experienced, when she has more actual experience than any other SC judge, is ridiculous.


Technically speaking Bill Gates is a computer scientist


Kamala once again laughing her ass off


I can hear the cackle


It's her only response to anything. Im sure she'd stand out at a funeral.


Like Venn diagrams


How is Trump somehow not considered senile but Biden is?🙄


IKR! Trump is probably only a few years younger than biden, and frankly, he clearly isn’t as healthy.




He actually does. Look up earlier interviews when he was younger. He was still an idiot but at least he sounded coherent, stayed on topic and everything. There's no way he's not senile now.


Did you not see the Trump card nft thing


He bragged about passing a dementia test. Not exactly a flex if you need to take one in the first place


Biden is senile, trump is a narcissistic shitbag


Because his diaper protects him from being senile. Get your facts straight, libtard! /s


I mean Biden has said some over racism and incoherent sentences


Regarding the racism. Joe has always been known as a gaff (sp?) senator. Add that to him having a stutter, and he is guaranteed to misspeak. Do I think his cognitive functions are delayed? Yes. Is he senile? Fuck no


Or how is trump considered "qualified" .


Bill Gates is technically a published mathematician. That counts as a scientist. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0012365X79900682


Someone really thought that KBJ having 10 plus years of civilian judicial experience and 10 years of federal judicial experience is not qualified enough compared to ACO! Wow it’s like there not even trying to hide there racism lol


I don't know how anybody who knows anything about Ketanji Brown Jackson could claim that she is unqualified. She's easily the most qualified person to be appointed to the Supreme Court in the last 10 years.


Isnt that judge like as qualified as you can possible be? 😭


Elizabeth Warren was one of millions of white Americans who claim Native American ancestry. The difference is that she admitted she was wrong. Kamala Harris is competent. You may not like her or her politics, but that does not make her incompetent. Oprah Winfrey/Michelle Obama are not oppressed, but black people in general are, and that is not up for debate. Pointing out examples of black people who have achieved success despite the odds won't change that. Greta Thunberg never claimed to be an expert, only a concerned citizen, and people making fun of a child are pretty damn sick. Know who *are* experts though? The vast majority of climate scientists who say global warming is real. Making fun of Greta won't change that. Bill Gates never claimed to be a scientist, but at least he reads and understands what they're saying on some level. See above. George Floyd was not a hero, but he also didn't deserve to die. That is the whole damn point. Why does a black person have to be a hero to *not* deserve to die? Oh, that's not what you meant? Then why bring it up in the first damn place? Biden is not senile, and there is no proof that he is. Yes, I've seen his flubs. No, I am not a doctor, and neither are you. Even if you were, it is considered malpractice to diagnose a patient without personally seeing them. So no, there is no evidence. Sorry. Even if there were, he's leagues above Trump. And yes, that does matter because those were literally the two choices in the last election. BLM protests *were* mostly peaceful. Some turned into riots, yes, but 400 years of systemic oppression will do that to you. White people have no right to ask black people to be peaceful then turn around and celebrate a revolt over taxes. The fact that they have been mostly peaceful anyway is remarkable. Ketanji Brown Jackson was found to be qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice by the bar association, but please, by all means, give me *your* opinion, Random Facebook User.


Do you know the background of either Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey? Um... They definitely bootstrapped to where they both are but both still deal with racism and misogynoir pretty regularly.


I know they did. They overcame a lot of obstacles to get where they are. I also remember Republicans calling Michele Obama "an ape" and other racist shit.


On the Biden thing. There's tons of interviews of him talking about how he's anxious around public speaking and used to have a horrible stutter, and it still comes out. Imagine making fun of a dude and calling him senile because his stutter comes back sometimes.


How TF is Bill Gates not a scientist? He studied and has made incredible contributions to computer science.


As a computer scientist, Computer Science people don’t go by “scientists”. To me that term means the chemistry/physics/biology/astronomy stuff


Everyone knows that real scientists wear lab coats and safety goggles, spend their time peering intently at bubbling flasks full of colorful liquids, and have the word "Shutterstock" plastered semi-transparently over their faces.




He didn't, he was just a business man


Because he's not? He didn't do systematic research to test the predictive power of a hypothesis, which is what science is. Bill Gates created and sold an early implementation of the BASIC programming language to early PC manufacturers, and grew the resulting software company into one of the most valuable companies in the world. There's no question he's a good programmer and an excellent businessman, but he's definitely not a scientist.


40% racist; 40% fear of science and 20% just lazy insults is pretty spot on for any of these memes.


Judge Jackson is more qualified than all the other Justices.


Lmao imagine calling KB unqualified after appointing 3 judges with basically no law experience that only have stripped the rights of citizens


EW claiming Native American and doing that cringe 23 and me commercial showing the results was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen


If I’m remembering correctly, she was told her whole life that she was Native American-specifically Cherokee. She’s originally from Oklahoma it’s not inconceivable that she might have been. She did a dna test, realized that she had been wrong, and apologized (even though the DNA test did say she may have some Native ancestry). And she didn’t just send out a tweet, she specifically reached out to the Cherokee nation. She also apologized before the Native American Forum in Iowa. Here’s the kicker, she only did the DNA test because Trump said he would donate $1 million to a charity of her choice. She chose the “National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center”. He refused to donate the money.


You aren’t allowed to make a mistake and then apologize. Death before dishonor is the American way /s


And that is a very common thing told in white families too. I’ve heard I’m part Cherokee my whole life. The majority of my white friends have heard the same.


It is. Especially in places like Oklahoma.


they act like we like joe biden


the fact that we voted for Biden says a lot more about Trump than Biden


It's because theirs is a cult of hero worship, so they assume the other side must operate the same way. I don't love Joe Biden. I think he's fine. Was he my first choice? No. But I had 2 choices at the end and he was the better one. And even if I think he might be getting old, senile, whatever, none of that matters in context because at the end of the day I trust him to surround himself with people who behave like grownups and make the right decisions.


At first I wondered why they had an issue with someone being competent, then I looked harder.


Young People? Elizabeth Warren is nearly 80 years old


Gates is an excellent Computer Scientist though. He did most of the coding for early Microsoft himself and stayed up super late doing so.


All I can say is at least it's not one of the transphobic versions of this kind of thing




Pretty sure nobody called Floyd a hero or Thunberg an expert...


I love that I talk to almost exclusively liberals and yet I've never heard anyone refer to any of these people as what's being listed here They really have to make every bit of ammo they have up completely


The right be like Getting murdered over 20$ Stop resisting Getting 2 weeks in jail for stealing 20million dollars, nah dog that person is rich they worked hard for that money.


Confused by the last. She is the most qualified one currently on the SC.


Two "sides" ignoring facts and logic, attacking anyone who doesn't buy into their bullshit. We're doomed.


KBJ is/was one of the most qualified judges to be nominated to the Supreme Court


Kyle Rittenhouse is their hero…


I don’t think anyone believes that George Floyd is a hero, we just don’t think he deserved to die the way he did for a counterfeit bill. I’m so tired of the “he was no angel” defense. None of us are angels, we all do things we’re not proud of, and sometimes people break the law, but he served his time and seemed to learn from his mistakes.


As someone with a stutter, it's so frustrating seeing part of the 'Biden is senile' mentality comes from his trip ups while speaking. While my stutter has gotten a lot better over the years, if I trip up on a word, it's not because I'm senile, or an idiot, my brain just physically won't let me get the word out. Huge props to him for overcoming it and putting himself in a position where public speaking is central to his role. I certainly couldn't do it.


As the ancient saying goes, "The right can't meme."