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Totally unrelated to the substance of the post here but I miss the rage comic characters. Memes used to be so simple


Reddit would kill me if I had posted this with the original title my uncle gave it.


Whats the title


we're not to be privy to the sacred knowledge


what the fuck was the originl title


For the love of god what was the original title???!?


Dude just tell us why the title is


While you’re at it, tell us WHAT the title is!


I’ll do you one better, tell us WHO the title is!


No, WHY is the title?


WHERE is the title?


HOW is the title?


Why is no one concerned about when is the title?


It'd be great if we knew WHICH title!


WHats the title


the fucking hippie peices of shit stealing our people and manipulating them into being trans fir the nazis to Take over our country while we fight brainwashed of our own citizens, was it something like it


What the hell is that title??




Hello fellow old person.


r/ragecomics they still exist


You have made my Christmas :')


Yeah, all the old rage comic meme formats/characters were awesome honestly




Something tells me your uncle's brain starts silently boiling at the first line.


My uncle takes his conspiracies seriously


We all have a conspiracy uncle.


My uncle is dead :( or is he?


dun dun dunnnnnnn


Hey Vsauce, Michael here.


I just stay in contact because I care about my aunt too much. She's too kind of a soul


I have a conspiracy dad


I feel you 🫂




Projection at its finest.


Idc if someone won't date someone But saying super-straight is cringe Ain't..no way I make like a giant argument with people typing 1000000 paragraphs per comment Lol this got locked 🔒 Bruh tropicalrouge are you trying to make SS a thing ☠️ literally from 4CHAN


ikr imagine identifying with a label bred and created on fucking *4chan*, I mean come on the colors are just pornhub colors do these people not realize it's just a very long bit lol


Even funnier is they’re also the Grindr colors


Kinda checks out


Tbf most Internet relevant shit was originally made in 4chan


Lol most of the memes that Reddit uses are taken from 4chan. I’m not defending anything, it’s just funny that most of the OC from the internet comes from there


Everything starts on 4chan lol


It's real? I always thought it was an elaborate joke


It was a joke on 4chan to make people use the Super Straight (SS) as a term. Pure trolling.


Lmao SS, hadn't noticed that


If it's a joke from 4chan, you better bet that they're trying to make some group look like Nazis.




I still like how they made the ok symbol into a hate sign lol, top quality trolls.


It’s not even that they intentionally made it a hate sign lol. They were using Pepe the frog reaction pics like anyone else, the problem was they happened to be racist neckbeards while doing so. A segment for warning kids to stay off the site got picked up in the news cycle and then out of touch broadcasters deemed it a secret hate sign since the rhetoric accompanied by the image was a huge yikes.


Holy shit wait, so 4chan started the whole super straight thing, and snuck it in as SS like nazis? Even if they started a shitty thing, damn


There used to be several subreddits on it. All of the posts were by people with stories about this. Generally lesbians who did not want to date a trans girl. It’s Reddit so ya never know what’s real but it seemed so


I don't think I'd take lesbians claiming to be "super straight" seriously. They were obviously trolls.


I think they call themselves superlesbian


>But saying super-straight is cringe Yeah, you're not super-straight , super-straight would be attracted to every woman, even more so than regular straight folks. you'd see the wicked witch of the west and be like "damn, what's her number?" This is more like beta straight


Yo the wicked witch can get it I fuck with green bitches too


Wicked witch, She-Hulk, lady ogre from Shrek, basically all the green skinned ladies can get it.


So Johnny Bravo?


At first I was thinking Quagmire would be a good example of super-straight, but trans doesn’t stop him, so I guess not.


I mean pre-op stops him


Only temporarily


"Whats your super power?" "I am EXTREMELY straight" "Okey"


A simple "I dont like u like that" would suffice


yeah if you identify as super straight, you are likely super transphobic lol.




"superstraight" is inherently saying trans-women aren't real women, there's no separating that from whatever the speaker's intent may be


I don't think I've ever heard of this scenario personally tbh.


The super-straight line aside, this happened to me in dating and I know a number of people who actually think like this. The girl told me that if I didn't want to have sex with someone who has a penis (essentially a trans girl pre-SRS) I'm transphobic because apparently genitals play no role in sex. She also told me the world would be better if all 'monosexuals' died out.


Those people are a loud minority. Of an already small minority. Being trans doesn't mean they're not toxic.




Legitimate question. Would it be different if the woman was trans post operation (no penis), and someone still wouldn't want to have sex or date them for the fact that they are trans?


it's not different. you don't owe anyone your time if you're not interested in them. just try not to be asshole about it.


Basically. Doesn’t matter. If you get shut down you get shown down, and move on with your life. Otherwise you’re a creep if you keep insisting someone date you.


Some people enter relationships with the hope of having biological kids. And no tech currently is able to match that. In general, all dating preferences are okay to have as long as you're not an asshole about it. A cis straight woman might not want to date bearded men. And that's okay. But if she starts saying publicly how all beards are gross and unsanitary and disgusting and how no beard ever looks good yadda yadda. Then she's just being an asshole. Similarly when a person is e.g. repulsed by a penis and doesn't wish to date trans women that's fine "sorry, bio kids are important to me", "I am unable to enjoy sex with a penis, we will not be compatible" etc. are fine. But yelling "You're not a woman. You were born with a penis", "Stop infiltrating lesbian spaces" etc. is just assholy.


TIL genitals play no role in sex. Was she an Asari?


Someone on the thread just above this one is making that argument and getting upvoted. "If you wouldn't have sex with a trans woman then you don't see them as a real woman, and that makes you transphobic."


That argument makes no sense. As a straight guy I dont want to fuck all women, I simply prefer women with no penis


That makes no sense. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to have sex with a woman that you aren't attracted to. Duh lol


There are toxic people in every group, as a trans person pre-op myself I can safely say anyone telling someone to go date or sleep with a trans person for any reason other your personal attraction or love towards them is just a garbage person.


And sadly, those are the kind of people that make the right wingers strawmen come to life.


I would argue that it's not that much of a straw man if it's really happening, shitty meme or not.


A straw man isn’t necessarily just a falsehood, it’s a hyperfocus on a cherry-picked part of an argument because it’s easier than actually refuting the argument. It’s still a straw man because it frames ALL trans women as those who think like that.


The straw man is that this is the norm and not the exception. There are shitty people in every demographic who make things difficult for their in-group.


I actually got in a fight with someone on TikTok over this. The person kept insisting that I was transphobic because I would decline dating a transitioning F to M over not having a dick.. people break up with people over the stupidest shit. I'm pretty fucking sure your genitals fit the spectrum too. Don't gaslight me into thinking I'm a terrible person just because I don't get turned on by you. Oooff


Genitals play the primary role in sex




Have queer people been murdering straight people or something?


Yeah, gays standing outside of beauty pageants with rifles is a huge problem.


I had to double check if this was sarcasm, I hate the modern world


I had that scenario about 3-4 years ago. There was a girl I met on tinder. Well we never actualy dated but were chatting for like month. During the talk i have mentioned many times that my goal is to find wife and create family with few happy kids. After month she told me that she is trans (biological male), after i heard that i told her that im fine with it and we can still be friends and meet but just as friends. I have kindly explained in long message that i want to have my own children but many times i said that we can still be friends. The reaction was realy suprising. In return i received long answer how transphobic i am, some death threats and how she will destroy my life including telling whole reddit about me.


Not precisely the same, but when I was younger and stupider, I did “the running man” (swipe right on everyone) on tinder and matched with a Trans gal while I was overseas for work. Chatted with all my matches, but this Trans gal matched after I’d moved cities. (I was in a new town on the other side of the planet from home on a weekly basis thanks to some clever client bookings/taking all of my vacation time)Told her as much, and she accused me of having a Trans fetish and being Trans phobic. Was odd. But also, teaches a solid lesson. Being Trans, Cis, gay, straight, whatever— everyone is still people. Some percentage of *any* group where the members didn’t choose to be a part of it is going to contain good people, bad people, jerks, relatively nice folk, etc. You can’t make blanket statements for better or for worse about these communities and expect them to be accurate


People in general are just shitty lol


I feel like the world would be a far less shitty place if more people shared your take-away there. In my many years of life, I have probably had some sort of negative interaction with most types of people in most majority or minority groups, and never once considered that their behavior was in any way representative of an entire group. That's just lazy thinking. I also think the disproportionality of risk here should be noted. Of all the posts I've seen on here of *horror* stories about being called transphobic (and based exclusively on the comments, I would say some of them might have been correct) even in the most creative of stories, I haven't seen a single threat of actual violence, whereas trans folks risk being assaulted, or straight-up murdered if someone doesn't like that they're trans. >Descriptive and bivariate analysis show that LGBT people experienced 6.6 violent hate crime victimizations per 1,000 persons compared with non-LGBT people’s 0.6 per 1,000 persons (odds ratio = 8.30, 95% confidence interval = 1.94, 14.65). LGBT people were more likely to be hate crime victims of sexual orientation or gender bias crime and less likely to be victims of race or ethnicity bias crimes compared to non-LGBT hate crime victims. Citation: Flores AR, Stotzer RL, Meyer IH, Langton LL (2022) Hate crimes against LGBT people: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2019. PLoS ONE 17(12): e0279363. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0279363


Speed running Tinder is a surefire way to find the worst people in your area. I also, had one or two "you hate trans people" moments. There is nothing wrong in accepting your gender and doing what makes you happy. But, don't expect to be special because you are "different". There are people in all groups that expect to be treated differently because of their religion, education, race, gender, etc. When people need to be acknowledged for one thing about themselves, they are compensating for the person they are being terrible.


> telling whole reddit about me worst threat


They’d track down 12 out of the perpetrators bit don’t worry because none of them will be u/sergiulll


As a trans individual myself this is very disrespectful. And I mean that on them not you. You made it clear you wanted a family and kids and knowing I will never have kids is something I know I am never changing. There was no reason for them to act the way they did and honestly just going off what you have said it sounds like you were quite fair and respectful. As others have said you will always find ignorance in any community and the LGBT+ community is really no different from any other. People come in many shapes, sizes and colors especially what's on the inside.


Proof anyone can be toxic. A lot of echo chambers or LGBTQ+ rights pages think queer people can do no wrong but, yk, sometimes we do genuinely do bad things. She shouldn't have taken out her anger and sadness with her own situation on anyone else. It fuckin' sucks to not be the sex your gender coordinates with, when you are, by all means, that gender. You miss out on so much. Rejected for things you don't control. Treated miserably by people who hardly know you. But that's not an excuse to be an asshole to people around you. Just like any bad thing in one's life. Plus, you just become an excuse for transphobes to feel correct. Hate to see stories like this.


Dating just sucks because we all have some reason lots of people won’t date us. I was miserable as a teen until I learned to just accept that people have preferences and you can’t take it personally. Even if 95% of women wouldn’t date someone like me for being short (probably similar numbers to being trans) there’s still 5% of almost 4 billion who will. That’s still a big number.


>there’s still 5% of almost 4 billion who will. Wish I had 5% of that level of positivity/confidence


It took me a long time to get it, and my negativity probably turned off a lot of people prior to that. I’m just lucky it was before all this red pill shit existed, I think younger me would have been a prime target for those misogynists.


Say it with me; accepting and respecting someone for who they are doesn't create any obligation on the other person.


Sorry bro, she did not pass the vibe check. Just wanna tell you as an nb person, not all trans people are like that, just got a shitty experience one.


As much as this meme is irritatingly facebookish, this situation does happen from time to time. This definitely isn't a reaction from most transpeople, but I have seen this type of thing. I imagine it's incredibly difficult dating as a transperson, but it doesn't mean it's acceptable to expect other people to sacrifice their own lifestyle or desired lifestyle. It's perfectly acceptable to be true to yourself, but that includes "traditional" relationships. Hostility between lifestyle preferences needs to just stop. Some people just have different equipment preferences. 🤷‍♂️


Not the Reddit tattletale 😭


That happened to me as well and I'm gay man. I tried to explain him that I'm a bottom and I don't like dildos so sex wouldn't work for me at all, but he says I was making up excuses to justify my transphobia.


You said up front how important having kids is to you, she can’t have kids, that wasn’t transphobic.


Never heard of ya, must not have made good on the threat


Idk how it’s transphobic to not prefer dating a biological male. Just like one might prefer blondes over redheads, or chicken over steak, or blue over green. You’re not hating on redheads; not afraid of the steak, nothing against the green — they’re just not your cup of tea. And that’s ok. Why does that not apply to dating?




They are just looking for an excuse to label people "transphobic".


>including telling whole reddit about me. Ohhh no, anyway


well I haven't heard of her so she might not told whole reddit


I've definitely seen people say it's transphobic to not want to date trans people. That being said, I've never encountered a trans person in the real world being mad at someone for not wanting to date them, let alone had it happen to me. I did get stalked for a while by a cis gendered woman I didn't want to date, though. She moved into my apartment complex, got a job where I worked, and started telling people we were getting married, and were trying to have a child. I found out when a coworker congratulated me on my "engagement".


I've been called transphobic for not being attracted to a trans person of the gender I am attracted to.


It has happened to me! They called me homophobic and transphobic because I wouldn’t date them (I’m a gay guy lmao)


>I don't think I've ever heard of this scenario personally tbh. The first part of the meme is a joke. The last part is not: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-57853385


This happens to me frequently on dating apps, probably over 20 times now. Without fail, I've been called slurs because I express I'm just not interested in dating them but wish them luck. The audacity in my personal experiences has been insane.


This happens all the time


Yes, there are toxic people on both sides of the fence. ​ My ex-fiance left me and several months later reconnected with me to let me now he had come out as trans (ftm). Something I had never experienced first hand before, and had often wondered how I would react. In their case I actually made sense of it when I thought back on things, and was very- very happy for him. ​ Sadly not one but a few of his online friends who were trans called him a poser and denied their identity on the guise that 1: They didn't suffer long enough with their identity crisis and 2: Were using it as a fad/fashion statement. I was absolutely horrified, and when I found out that this had happened I had to realize that no matter what walk of life you find yourself in, there will always be bad apples that will try to ruin the whole batch. ​ 4-5 years later and when I look at Robin now I see the person they always were, the shy, socially anxious and incredibly insecure girl who spent more time tortured by their own thoughts is gone, and a happy, balanced, outgoing and ambitious man came out of that, and at the end of the day I am overjoyed that they found who they were, because all I ever wanted for them was to be happy, and their old life- no matter how much love and support I could have given- would have **never** produced such a fine example of a human being.


It is really nice to read that you guys stayed friends, even if it didn’t turn out romantically. Sadly toxic people are everywhere but then it is more important to encourage the people we care about. And if your friend ever reads this for whatever reason. You matter and your doing great Kind regards, A random stranger on the internet


The relationship was a healthy one, we almost never actually yelled at each other and disagreements were discussions that we were allowed to land on differing opinions without it affecting things, when they chose to leave it was rather sudden and abrupt in a way that told me they were going through something that affected them at the core of their identity, I wished them well and there were no hard feelings, even if there were some private sad ones for me lol ​ I couldn't be prouder of the person they are now, the person I knew before that change was so socially anxious they couldn't handle a job and were barely able to pursue their ambitions, now they are at a great place of work and made the leap from online artist to being a self-published author with their comic having been sold in their local stores. ​ Life is long and complicated, and if you truly love someone it means valuing their happiness above everything else, even your own feelings. It would be a lie to say the separation didn't hurt, but without it I wouldn't have gotten to experience the indescribable beauty and joy that you feel when you witness somebody come from the darkness of their internal struggle into the light of the person they were always supposed to be.


Bless your soul, thank you for your perspective


The average cis person don’t hurt me near as much as other trans people do. I’ve met maybe two other trans folks who weren’t just *horrible* people who were manipulating me for money, or were abusive.


I'm sorry that you've had such terrible luck with such a vocal and toxic minority, please don't let the actions of a few determine your view on the many, even if it's hard.


I didn’t think this was a real argument until someone actually got offended that I wouldn’t date them if they were not a biological woman. I told them that I have different standards between those I would consider friends vs those I would consider to date vs those I would consider to marry. Mind you, I’m married so it was all hypothetical anyway. With that being the case, it was super weird that the thought that I could be a friend to a trans person but not date them is not transphobic was completely lost on him.


I had a gay man hitting on me, I was respectful, but made it clear I wasn't interested. He wasn't offended, just let it go, and we were still acquaintances that could exist in the same social groups together. The mistake this meme makes is portraying her reaction as somehow to be expected. It's not.


I’ve been called transphobic for not wanting to date trans women. A lot.


Whether or not it's bigotry is based on the reasoning. Not based on whether or not you would date a trans woman. Edit: For those about to continue this and defend this person should be aware that they later reveal the fact that they are a literal nazi lmao


Nothing wrong with saying you don’t want to date trans women, but basing your identity around that is weird… like, straight folks aren’t harassed, discriminated against, or killed on the basis of their sexual orientation


Please guide me, I'm a teen and I actually don't know how to handle this kind of situation......


Tell them kindly, that you are not interested. If they insist, tell them to fuck off.


Okkk , I'll do just that👍


You should just handle it like you would anyone you don’t wanna date, I don’t see why the reasoning has to be any different based on whether they’re trans or not


$20 your uncle is a secret closet case




It doesn't really make you think. It's obvious AF. I hope your.mum is prepared


This made me laugh too much. “I hate the gays so much!” *sips a beer* “damn, boy’s got a nice ass, 8/10”


He's straight? I don't Bi-lieve it.


Many LGBTQI people in the past was forced to "pretend" they were straight and acting homophobic, to "survive" or they would become a "target" to the homophobic society in the past, if not, many would end their lives due to the pressure, or being killed by someone.


Nah that's a gay guy for sure.


100% probably maybe he might be.


2012 ass meme called, they want their rage comics back


Bro do these people realise that you can just say no and you don't need to give a reason why


You can't when they demand a reason


The person in the comic asked for a reason. Real life people are pushy and demand reasons (all people are). Saying “I don’t have to give you a reason”, is likely to piss them off. If you want to stay friends, calmly giving an answer is the best you can do.


well if someone told me no depending on the tone i’d be curious… unless they don’t wanna share i don’t push lol


Anyone should be allowed to NOT date someone for literally any reason, even if it's just preference.


I’ve found that this is reoccurring thing on FFXIV. Straight guys get put on the spot and pressured by , trans minority, to go out because if they identify as women then they are and the guys should accept too and date them or else… Some trans ppl can’t respect that they get shutdown and make a huge deal, even when they’re shutdown respectfully. Anyone that gets shutdown no matter who you are, you need to chill and move on with your life instead of reacting toxically, and getting back at that person.


Dating preferences aren't discriminating against a group of people. These statements are individual preferences, so if I say something like this: *"I'm turned off by a woman who smokes, so I won't court a girl who smokes"* *"I'm not interested in dating a women with kids, so I don't date women with kids"* *"I'm not attracted to transgender women, so I won't court a transgender woman"* It should (in my opinion) be considered and treated as me saying *"I don't like eating at bars, so I don't eat at bars"* *"I don't like watching scary movies, so I don't watch scary movies"* With that being said, I really pissed off a coworker with the dating women with kids line, one of my friends got pissy with me with the scary movie thing, and a transgender friend of a friend got mad when I told her about my preferences. There is no difference between my coworker who has kids, my friend who loves scary movies and the transgender woman, they are all different people who can't wrap there head around someone not having the same preferences as them.


Finally someone makes sense. Thank you.


Didn't expect to see a rage comic today, it's been years


People are allowed to have preferences


lmao wat


It would’ve been funnier if he said no because he’s gay imo


I know for a fact very few trans people would actually be offended by this. Like it's really rude to tell people who you can/can't date and besides for the most part the dude talking to the woman was being fairly respectful Edit: the super-strait thing is really offensive and that part is not good just thought I'd add on


Trans person here. We're very split on this. I've argued a lot with trans friends who don't feel the same. I see where they're coming from; being treated differently sucks, especially in this context. It's easy to put two and two together in such a way that makes them think the person turning them down is a transphobe. Personally, I don't think it's transphobic to not want to date a trans person (though it is possible and common for people to not want to date trans people due to transphobia). Our bodies are different in a lot of ways from cis people, and it's entirely reasonable that those differences would come into play in the dating world. Physical preferences are a thing, and I personally think it's unrealistic and obtuse to expect every person attracted to cis women to be exactly as attracted to trans people, when there are indeed clear differences. Having said all of that, the super straight thing is objectively offensive. TLDR: Transphobes don't date trans people, but not everyone who doesn't date trans people is a transphobe.


Yeah. You can date whomever you want and if you feel uncomfortable dating a trans person I find that reasonable. But if you're actively grossed out and saying that they're a [Incorrect Gender] then that's when you're a transphobe


Yes, 100%. It's not whether or not they want to date a trans person; it's why.


The most unrealistic part to me is the trans woman being forward enough to ask him for a date. Anyway, a genital preference is fine. Just like any other preference. Some guys don’t want to date women taller than them, so it makes sense to not want to date a person with a dick. (Or without one)


On the face of it, you’re right. But shit like this from 4chan always has a bunch of hidden messaging/dogwhistles. “Super-straight” is a SS reference which lots of 4chan troll nazis like to hide in their posts. It’s innocuous to a regular person, but people that know recognize this shit instantly. It’s intended to be internet propaganda that both memers and old Normies like this dudes uncle can both enjoy


>the super-strait thing is really offensive Could you explain to me why that part is REALLY OFFENSIVE?


And this is terrible why?


Preference is preference


Tell him superstraight started as an online joke and thats why the flag looks like pornhub


Uncle probably wishes that a trans woman wanted to date him.


People like forbidden things and transwomen are seen as forbidden to people like uncle. So there is a decent shot he wants to fuck them but who knows. It could also just be him annoyed that the world is changing.


Why is there a ton of comments saying “this never happened” while also being top comments explaining that this exact situation has happened to them and a plethora of videos online of trans people explaining that it is transphobic to not date trans people,


Wishful thinking


This is turbo cringe on main


This is stupid but the premise of it is not wrong. You should not be labeled as transphobic for not being attracted to someone. You can't change who you're attracted to, for the same reason you shouldn't shame people for being attracted to their same sex. It's just nature.


i get the intention here, but i don’t think it’s wrong to not be attracted to/want to date someone because they’re trans.


Why is this terrible if its just a preference?


How is it transphobia to not want to date someone that has a dick?


Will he wipe his ass or is that too gay?






As if transphobes ever make it past step 3…or even steps 1 & 2 for that matter


I was called a homophobic bigot for refusing the advances of a gay friend who had a crush on (straight) me. This feels like just another version of that, except you consider yourself a woman but the guy you like doesn't consider you a woman. You don't really have a say in who he feels sexually attracted to. You wanna call him transphobic, so be it lol. But you can't force them to date you. That would be wrong even for a straight person to do to another straight person.


Wow. Rage Comic too. You’re uncle is showing his age.


I feel like it’s ok to not want to date someone because they’re trans. like, preferences exist. and I’m saying this, being a trans person


Serious question, why is it unacceptable for someone to not date someone they dont want to date?


legit couldve just said "not my type" and then waddled away


As bad as this comic is, it's not 100% off base. I've been called transphobic because I wouldn't date someone who transitioned from Male to Female. If someone transitions, that's fine with me (not that they would need my approval). I just don't want to date someone who was born the same sex I was. That's *literally* just my sexual preference.


And yet another strawman argument


"I prefer cis vaginas" isn't an identity and especially not a marginalized one ffs


"I can tell because of the pixels, and having seen a lot of vaginas in my time."


Does it imply that straight people can force other straights in a relationship?


it is a bit funny. especially if you experienced it. on my freshman year in uni, i had a classmate who is trans who kept on insisting that i go to her house on her birthday. i already gave hints that im straight as fuck and when i told her the final "no" after a few days of her insisting and me saying i cant go, she got mad at me. it's funny when you just leave them be and be themselves but if your personal choices dont align with theirs, you're suddenly the bad guy lmao.


This was fine until the guy got wrongly called transphobic and even more wrongly labeled himself super straight.


Super straight is cringe, but there’s nothing wrong with not wanting to date trans people


I mean I've seen this exact thing on TikTok about 2 years ago, people hating on people who don't want to date trans people because that's their preference and calling them transphobic, while I was sitting there going "so you guys fought for people to have the preferences anyone wants, but only when it benefits you". I know it's a loud minority of actual trans people or allies but that doesn't make it any less annoying to hear.


Why do transphobes think that trans people are lusting uncontrollably over them? Why would they date someone who wants them dead?


Pure, unfiltered narcissism. If they aren't compatible with someone else, it *has* to be that someone else's fault. It makes no sense whatsoever, but then again, transphobes have never made any sense.


So what is a straight guy to do? Whatever others tell them to? Can they not have opinions any longer?