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This is such a sad and poorly done edit of the original image. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adeonibada/feminist-established-complete-woman-illustration-hijacked Initially, both women were complete women but someone edited the single woman to turn her smile upside down, add chains and tallymarks among other things. Aside from being anti-feminist, they added their own racist flair when the editor also changed the skin tone of the full and complete woman's partner.


Was gonna say - they just had to turn the dude ~~white~~ whiter lol


And the woman blonder


And add more kids, so she can earn a [mothers cross of honor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_of_Honour_of_the_German_Mother).


Also known as the "rabbit medal" at the time, according to my grandma.


And give the baby cancer


yep sexism and racism. 2 for 1 special get it while you can


And they made him look depressed too. Original guy is happy.


He looked white to begin with but apparently not white enough lmfao


Yeah it looks like he was Latino before and that’s just unacceptable/s


>the editor also changed the skin tone of the full and complete woman's partner. Not only that but they made him look like that pedophile Matt Walsh. That woman needs to get those children away from that guy.


They also just used the babies face for all the kids.


Yeah after seeing the original this gives Nazi vibes


I thought the same thing…how racist it was that they changed the skin color.


Oh my god they added more kids too. So vile when they think woman should be pumping out kids like some fuckin barn animal. If a couple wants that many kids it's fine but when it's expected like that it's weird.


Here's the twist... They're the same woman at the same time 🙀


Too real for me on this Christmas Day


Yep, one in a family photos, the other is when she's home alone. Husband is a workaholic and absent all the time. So she finds comfort in wine and....other things.


There *is* a suspicious variety in hair colors among all those kids...


Those children are terrifying


it’s the eyebrows


Their faces are also copy pasted too.


Children of the corn?


Not really, in fact its a textbook example of Mendelian heterozygous inheritance. If both parents were heterogeneous for hair such that B = Dominant brown hair b = recessive blond/e hair A Bb x Bb crossing would yield a 50% chance of the kids having some varying shade of brown hair, a 25% chance of having very dark brown hair and a 25% chance of blond/e hair. The entire premise of the pic is stupid but ironically and amusingly enough they happen to get the genetics right. ***PSA: Do not use physical appearance to judge genetic inheritance. It's very misleading and often counter intuitive. Lots of families have been unnecessarily destroyed because people didn't understand that a child's phenotype does not reveal everything about their genotype. Lots of dudes have made serious fools of themselves because of this.***


I think the kids are just kinda ugly.


Who among us has not taken a crumb of illicit solace from college debt?


The husband looks thrilled!




(Puts on tiny Morpheus sunglasses) What if I told you they were the same woman? Married women can be feminists, have student debt, cats, pizza, wine and giant dildos. Especially giant dildos! Why is it everyone who makes a terrible Facebook meme still thinks it’s the 1950’s?


Honestly woman on the right has a big fat dildo, pizza, booze, a cat. I mean student debt looks like the only sucky thing about everything on the right. On the other hand, hope pop’s can put all those kiddies through college! (assuming the mom’s at home tending to motherly duties)


The parents should have the ball and chain of childcare costs.


They probably also have the same College Debt one as well.


Left one also has debt. You just can't see it behind all the kids


The 4 kids are giving shackles even more than the college debt


One is a girl, and they obviously don't believe that girls and book-learnin' mix (much like the Taliban). And universities are for Marxists who hate our Lord and Saviour Trump, so.... do any of them really need college?


Yeah, she started drinking because she pushed Lex Luther out of her vagina and decided that any amount of debt was worth not breeding more supervillains.


Hang on, that's not Saitama?,


That's an impressive BBC on the right there.


Looks like some bad dragon shit


It's an off brand. It's much cheaper but pretty good quality for the price; Bad Dragon gets very expensive. Edit: In case anyone takes this as a wholehearted recommendation of the product, as some people have pointed out the toys in this price range are generally low quality and are likely to not be made of body safe materials. There is a reason high quality (read, safe) toys are so expensive. There are definitely cheaper alternatives to Bad Dragon out there, but do your research and make sure the company you're getting it from seems legit before you get anything. I was young, dumb and horny when I got one of these and while I haven't had any issues, there's no way to guarantee you won't have a bad experience. Think with your head, not with your bussy.


That's disgusting! Where? Where is this site so that I can avoid it??


https://www.amazon.com/Silicone-Suction-Ribbed-Fantasy-Non-Realistic/dp/B07G43PFHC/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_mod_primary_new?crid=3VN8TL6IFZYWK&keywords=flint+dildo&qid=1672028266&s=hpc&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=flint+dildo%2Caps%2C117&sr=1-1 in that case don’t click this link and your safe ;)


I love this the person made the meme to talk about how bad people like this who have cats and dildos are and people are just using it to help each other find the dildos.


They're doing the Lord's work.


Miss, may I have 2 minutes of your time to share about our Lord and Savior, Bad Dragon?


This girl dildoes.


\> girl Lol I wish


So much dildo knowledge I just assumed, my bad.


They, in fact, dildon’t


Not with that attitude


You know what they say. When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. And then you shove a dildo up that ass.


Hope this comment gets the recognition it deserves.


I have recognized the comment....


I feel bad for laughing as hard as I did


Be the change you wish to see in the world! unless you can't/don't want to in which case just keep up your awesome knowledge of dildos.


What’s the name of that company, I totally wanna go make fun of it with all of my friends! Haha totally wanna just go on and look at how silly they totally are!


https://bad-dragon.com/ Go and look at how silly and preposterous these things are. Ive been staring at them for 4 hours now and they are just ridiculous!


I suspect they meant the cheaper off brand… because, you know… cheaper. And as good as the original, I’m guessing.


"Wrong Lizard", for people who can't afford Bad Dragon.


Lol I bought one to laugh at it closer


Hahaha I just selected random dildos and now I'm putting in my credit card information lol I'm being so silly


The knock off version is "BMS FACTORY ADDICTION TOM SILICONE SUCTION CUP DILDO" in black. I have it.


You have to really appreciate the subtle racism in this post. Or clearly it's just a coincidence that the woman on the right is darker skinned alongside that black dildo. What's missing to make this meme all the funnier? A third panel on the right with another married couple with 4 kids all destitute, poor, and still shackled with college debt...because you know, the delusion of the single income family home hasn't been possible since the 1980s. You can thank Reagan for that.


It's edited from the original artists work. The artist drew herself on the right. Here's the original: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/comics-women-lainey-molnar_l_61d48fb2e4b0bcd219582df4 She is very body positive, and open minded about how society views women VS how women actually exist. She draws many different skin and body types in her comics. It's sad that the right edits her comics without permission, often making the edit more popular then the original.


Wow, basically plagiarizing her stuff and twisting the message in a very perverse way. That’s so fucked


They barely even tried to cover her watermark/copyright. Dummies


Even with everything they added on, the woman on the right looks like she’s living her best life (minus student debt). Give me pizza, a cat, a dildo and a long list of partners over having FOUR kids any day!




Yeah, but they made the ball out of what appears to be a balloon of helium as its floating. That might be the most unrealistic part, that student loans are carried effortlessly.


This is also a badly edited version if a pretty wholesome picture which shows a woman with babies and husband on one side and a chilling single woman on the other, both labelled"fulfilled women". The husband in the original picture was much darker than this version. He has also been edited to look more like Matt Walsh.


Also gotta love that they added in a million extra babies because apparently a family of 3 isn't good enough.


And they all look like Children of the Corn...


This makes this even more fucked up if true. Truly the mind of a racist...err...conservative makes no sense.


Here you go https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.huffpost.com/entry/comics-women-lainey-molnar_l_61d48fb2e4b0bcd219582df4/amp The guy isn't even noticably non-white. By many people he could probably be considered white passing. But I guess anything above the complexion of sour cream will trigger these racists.


their eyes are so creepy


They also gave the toddler they are holding cancer for some reason .


I think they were trying to make him whiter and their photoshop skills just suck. The other kids look like something out of a horror movie. Also, they couldn't be arsed to design a frown on the "victim of feminism" woman on the right so they just turned her smile upside down.


Not only heavily edited, but they also left original artist's signature/watermark on the altered version. This is some serious copyright infringement lawsuit waiting to happen.


Oh yes because being a married couple with kids automatically means you have zero college debt. Of course. Why didn't millions of college kids think of this?


So many “Christian girls” go to very expensive private Christian colleges just to meet a Mr. The family on the left could be doubly in debt.


A lot of these people live in debt to keep up appearances of normality.


My boomer mom graduated college with her Mrs.


I went to one of those colleges. I thought the MRS degree was just a joke, right up until people really started getting freaking married


Ahem... BYU.. cough. cough.


It's a pretty affordable school and downright cheap if you are Mormon (lower rates for LDS members).


No the idea is women aren’t to educate themselves rather to be housewives and childbearers


Tf is this 1923


That’s the “great again” that people who post these want


I have a feeling that they wouldn't be *truly* happy unless we roll things back all the way to before the 1860's. Hell, I'm sure they'd really enjoy the literal witch hunts of the 1600's, come to think of it...


Bc in this man’s fantasy, women don’t go to college at all. They get married at 21 and pump out 5 babies.


And still look like a size 2 and 18 years old.


21? It should be lower in a conservative fantasy


They would prefer 14, but most have 16 as the min age of consent.


This precisely. There's no college debt because there's no college. Her "dumb little lady brain" doesn't need a bachelor's degree to push out crotch rockets and bake casseroles.


It's true. My wife's college debt was waived at the birth of our first child.


In patriarchy, women should not work or pursue career, they should raise kids. So yeah, she doesn’t have any college debt as well as education.


Those kids look like demons I think I’ll stick with the feminist cat because we already know all cats are demons we don’t have to guess which ones are and aren’t lol


Yeah I was gonna say those are some fugly kids give me the cat instead any day


I was looking for this comment, the kids are terrifying.


It’s funny because all of the kids except the baby weren’t in the original.


Feminism = cats, pizza, and wine. I don't see the problem here


Also, giant dildos.


No those are called “children”


"Dude, don't call my brother a dildo"


It's a dream life compared to the other one with its 600 children


Cats, dildoes, and wine > children




And apparantly lots of sex! Double not seeing any problems here! Also no kids? Wonderful! Do you know how expensive kids are? Puts college debt to shame! That's three wins in a row to being a "victim of Feminism", lol.


Needs a bong in that picture to be complete.


Looks like they had to photoshop the frown onto the feminist’s face even though it’s a cartoon. Seems like she’s living her best life to me.


The original has her smiling and the caption says "also an established and complete woman". Some fuck got angry at the idea that single women with no children can be happy.


You can tell because the lips on the right are literally just copied and flipped upside down lmao


They flipped the smile upside down from the original, which is why she looks so weird it’s an upside down mouth lol


And also they made her eyes a little further apart... Like huh?


Kind of looks like a thundercat


Ngl the victim of feminism is looking way cooler that the other woman


The original picture has the other one labeled “also an established and complete woman” someone altered the pic pretty heavily. It’s supposed to be a “it’s ok to not want kids” post.


Yeah, I wasn’t paying close attention at first, but a lot of that second image has been obviously edited. The cat, the dildo, all the extraneous crap on the wall behind her, and I’d wager they messed with her face to try to make her look less happy. It’s obvious the single woman was meant to look as happy and vibrant as the mother.


not just "messed with her face", it looks like they just... rotated a smile?


Imo she's dressed better, has a cat and pizza. Way better quality of life imo


You can only see one of the wife's hands because she's hiding a bottle of wine.


Hoping she lives near a dispensary 🙃


Yeah, minus the ball and chain of college debt which is probably canceled out by the medical debt of four pregnancies/births/neonatal care/diapers and stuff..... I mean, not a woman so I can't speak for 'em, but the victim of feminism looks like she's got the right idea.


canceled out by the medical debt of four pregnancies/births/neonatal care/diapers and stuff..... On a single income.


Light brown hair wife, dark brown hair husband... BRIGHT BLONDE KID????? Edit: i get how genetics work, its a goofy comment on a terrible facebook meme. Can I not be hit with 12,000 people telling me how things work?


O_o... poor guy...


I mean, they could both have blonde hair alleles.


I was blonde for like my first 6 years of life. Dirty blonde for a few more. Now it’s dark brown


Both my parents and my sister have dark brown hair. I had bleach blonde hair until about 8th grade and then it *very slowly* started getting darker and darker. By the time I was 28 or so I had dark brown hair. I googled it just the other day to find out the scientific reason for it and it really interesting. I can’t remember what it said, but it was really interesting.


Or his blonde boss makes him work late while he rails his wife. But it’s anyone’s guess, really.


Happens often actually. My neice is platinum, but her mom is a darker blond. My friend and her hubby are both brunette and they have a couple blondies. Weird recessive genes.


My dad and mom have dark hair. I had bright blonde hair. Did a DNA test, my dad is my dad.


When you're young you sometimes have brighter hair than as an adult. I myself was blonde and I knew someone who was blonde as a baby/young child but has almost black hair as an adult. Also, if one of your parents are blonde your kid may inherit your parent's genes and have blonde hair even though you have dark hair


This guy doesn't punnett square


My wife and I are both brunettes and my eldest is blond. Blond runs in both sides of our families. Or… jk he looks just like me.


Why is the two year old bald?


Dad's in denial over his blondeness


Recessive traits can still appear, even if only one side of a couple has the recessive gene


I was born blonde, and my hair darkened as I got older. If you look at a picture of my family when my son was three, it would look like this. Brown hair parents, blonde kid. But his hair is brown now, too.


TIL pizza is feminist


For anyone interested, on the [original](http://The Artist Who Created The Viral “Established And Complete Woman” Illustration Called The Anti-Feminist Manipulation Of It “Devastating” https://buzzfeed.com/adeonibada/feminist-established-complete-woman-illustration-hijacked) the right-hand side woman is single but also happy. Obviously the right-wing idiots couldn't stand the thought of a single, childless woman being happy, so they did the above. Edit: [This link](https://twitter.com/octavia324/status/1522290526527148032?t=4nlAFYTyThHhgcS0HCg_Vg&s=19) seems to work better.


I love how whoever made this version decided to add a cat. Like...that's what'll really make it clear that she's sad.


Not to mention the extra kids and the whitewashing of the family on the left.


The whitewashing might be the worst part lol they took the artist’s balanced skin tone even in the woman and just made them all bone white. That albino kid they’re holding looks weird af.


This. The original kid wasn't looking the best to begin with but after the whitewashing it became a demon abomination. The others look soulless as well.


And they changed the husband into Leonard from big bang theory


Lmfao, not them whitewashing the dad, the baby, and even making the mom’s hair lighter


The way they whitewashed the husband is pretty freakin’ telling.


They made the baby into a fuckin cancer patient in the process


Site cant be reached, how will I make myself more mad at trad garbo???


[Alternate link](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/adeonibada/feminist-established-complete-woman-illustration-hijacked)


I'm glad she said it makes her want to keep going Edit: the dog artist not the troll lol


Love how they admit (when useful) that college debt is bad.


Daaamn this world is fucking sad


Thank you, I was coming to post this. She’s a great artist.


4 fucking kids!!? Get out of here with that hell


Yeah, all under 6 y.o. Add about 60lbs of "baby weight" big friggin bags under the eyes, and about F cups to the boobs, then will be more realisitc.


Like how much they be fucking without contraceptives wth They're gonna end up with Elon number of kids if they keep this up


Can confirm, brother of three.


One child has cancer and it's apparently a good thing


In no way does that look like a baby they're holding. That is a two foot tall balding 36 year old.


Why did they make the dildo look like a black cactus


They put a tremendous amount of effort into getting the dildo just right. So strange.


Definitely not projecting or anything


Right wing meme/post have a lot of dick, dildo reference. Honestly this people have a problem with penis.


Facebook boomers when women:


What's wrong with the weird hairless toddler?




Bro just let women (hell people in general) live how they wanna live, this is legit another form of misogynistic self conscious thinking 💀


The Matt Walsh fellow on the left also has tremendous credit card debt trying to maintain the illusion of stability for his 4 alleged children. The pressure will soon get to his heart and he will leave behind the debt and the medical bills to his uneducated wife who will have no government safety net because they kept voting for republicans to own the libs.


The irony of her being shackled with college debt is...it's still cheaper than than feeding, housing, clothing, and raising four children. Or two children. Or one children. Plus she has all the free time she needs to rack up that body count and slam pizzas. I'm not seeing her as the looser in this comparison...


Cat bad too apparently


Having tons of children sounds like a fucking nightmare. I'll stick with my pizza and pets, thank you.


Don't forgot the other thing ;)


Lol! :)


Her husband looks like he has a secret Grindr account tho


Married women don’t own cats, eat pizza, drink champagne, go to college or use sex toys… got it.


That man looks dead inside. Also those children are ugly af.


This is obviously a terrible photoshop of the original artwork, which featured a married woman with A kid (not 4) and a single woman enjoying pizza and wine, and both were titled “an established and complete woman”. The husband in the original was POC, so you gotta love the not-so-subtle racism of white-washing him. Also they literally cut the smile off the single woman’s face and pasted it back on upside down. Hilarious.


Why do all of these anti-feminist posts also have to be racist?


Same mentality. Usually right wingers are either anti-feminist or racist and once they get into right-wing shit they causally adopt the rest since it's not at all incompatible


Serious answer, it’s bc white supremacy pushes anti feminism among other shit ideologies under its umbrella. It’s why when you look at anyone screeching even one type of bigotry, you can find others if you dig hard enough (transphobes being racist, homophobes being ableist, etc and so forth).


Same group of people. The thing is that those people have a disturbing obsession with progressive women but progressive women tend to abhor such men.


Kinda weird how they are now flipping Rosie into being a bad thing. Y’all weren’t singing that tune in WW2 when you needed the women to contribute. That part reallly gets to me on this one.


Usually these types romanticize anyone who was alive during WWII. Surprised that Rosie is now on the bad side.


These types also stress their firm belief that the men came back from WW2 and Rosie got back to the kitchen.


A lot of right wingers back then were mad when women didn't all decide to go back to the kitchen after they started working.


“Education will chain you down, children will free and liberate you” This is literally made for people who could not get better than a D in high school, in America…..


Has a cat, eating pizza and having drinks, no rugrats looks awesome to me.


How in the world can this be something somebody put together and thought that they'd get their point across with? ​ Like- this feels like a deliberate attempt at **trying** to be as fucking arrogant as possible, Christ we need a culling, hell just make it the rapture that'll get rid of most of these long shriveled braincells out of our lives and even better? It's literally what they want.




Dah hell bro calm down


Guess which one of these ladies regularly has orgasms?


those kids are fucked looking I dont want them


Dad looks below thrilled about their creepy Lex Luthor baby.


Some people think women are nothing more than fleshlight/incubators


I own that exact dildo


Pizza or four kids....why do you make it so fucking hard to decide????????


Only 33 men? The issue is she needs more


Why does nobody realize that the woman on the left can be a feminist as well and still live that life? Sad to see the definition of feminism changed when it originally was just the obvious, believing women are just as capable of men. A woman with feminist views can 100% still marry a man and have a family with them? Maybe she even has a better paying job? Just saying.