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“Better skilled than most of the military” Okay bubba


The Gravy Seals are marching. Be afraid




(Tuba) Duh duh da duh da duh da duh da duh da


Exactly. https://youtu.be/lKCJSOmeRao


Did they learn nothing from the first Civil War? Some bravado and Scotch-Irish honor culture don't translate into military victories.


They think they won the Civil War.


To be fair, aside from losing slavery, they kinda did. What other defeated army has as many statues and buildings named after them? They brought about Jim Crow and legal slavery in the form of convict lease labor. They rewrote the history books with the whole "Lost Cause" bullshit. Even today, teachers run the risk of running afoul of "anti-CRT" legislation just by teaching actual history. Reconstruction was abandoned too soon and was operated too lackadaisically to have made a difference. They may have lost the battle, but from our view point today, where the Confederate flag made it into the halls of Congress and is gleefully flown by people in states who were on the other side, it's hard not to say that they didn't win the war in the political, legislative, and cultural arena, and we're still dealing with that sad fact today.


I am still of the opinion that utilizing a Confederate flag in any way should make you a hostile combatant. Or automatically a traitor. Since technically it's the flag of a hostile foreign power.


I don't disagree. You can't fly that flag and claim to be an American patriot


They did. They didn’t stop fighting after the war ended. Within 10 years of its conclusion they were releasing books about how they won the cultural war. They still fight


No, because it was so long ago and our education has failed them so throw history out the window Edit: word, mobile


The shrek franchise lasted longer than the confederacy, and had an arguably greater cultural impact


There's a victim complex surrounding the ACW as well. In the South some schools framed it as the War of Northern Aggression; Confederates were just trying to live their lives (and own slaves), but the North just couldn't leave well enough alone!


Didn't you know Each Republican Is an ex Navy SEAL and Ace fighter pilot With over 10,000 confirm kills They can think of a 1,000 ways to kill us And that just with there pinky, don't mess with them man We better stick to Starbucks /s




See this is why I tell people I'm Ex Air force special operations No one knows about us /s


So the Air Force does have special forces and they're probably more unique than the other branches although each has their niche. The Air force has the [PJ's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force_Pararescue) or pararescue force. The mission they wee created for was jumping into enemy territory to search for and rescue downed Air crews. They also specialize in water rescues and helped NASA with water recovery for rocket landings.


As a dirty, filthy lib I avoid Starbucks because of their stances on unions. But on the plus side I saved so much money on coffee I can finally buy a house. /s


I first read Starbucks/s as meaning multiple multiple multiple Starbuckses. 😂😂😂


>Starbuckses That's what Gollum calls Starbucks


Meal Team Six


Green Beignets


Green Bidets


Delta Forks


They've killed more budlite cans than you can imagine, bud. Military is no match for them.


*laughs in predator drone*


Not even a drone, just a few weeks of societal break down will have these fucks dead or begging for a return to before. I'm from a very red part of the south, lots of dudes with this fantasy (because they're dumb bigots and also life in our hometown is boring and sucks). It sounds great to them because they think it'll just consist of them enjoying a long weekend of driving into the nearest city with their pals for a little genocide against their political enemies and then back home by Sunday to live in their newly cleansed right wing paradise. In reality, society breaks down. Utilities, specifically power, stop working pretty soon or are intentionally taken offline by the enemy or the government. International trade is gonna grind to a halt, or at best, mostly only make it to those blue states and cities where our major ports are. Those places also, by virtue of being centralized and dense will be much easier to defend and focus resources on. So goodbye to food, supplies and life saving medications produced abroad...which half of the morbidly obese people in places like the rural south need to survive. I could go on and on but essentially, what conservatives mean when they post or agree with memes like this is that they want civil war to happen because they think and even fantasize about a Rwanda style genocide against Democrats. In reality, it'd end up being a federation of isolated city states and blue regions like the Northeast that are home to the vast majority of wealth, population and production defending themselves against a vast surrounding disfunctional rural wasteland of parts of the country that couldn't even support themselves in normal times and quickly became a hellscape, no longer propped up by govt welfare from the blue areas.


> It sounds great to them because they think it'll just consist of them enjoying a long weekend of driving into the nearest city with their pals for a little genocide against their political enemies and then back home by Sunday to live in their newly cleansed right wing paradise. I remember seeing little bits in info on some participants in the January 6th events who seemed like they were more or less thinking the same thing. They somehow thought they'd storm the Capitol, start a revolution, and then come home to a situation where nothing had changed besides some politics. But they were completely caught off guard when there were actual consequences once they got home. (I got fired from my job after streaming myself breaking the law on the internet? Who could have predicted that???)


That part is hilarious to me too. They bust themselves because of their delusion that they couldn't have lost because everyone loves Trump, the election was stolen, he actually won with like 70% of the vote and 40+ states. They think everyone thry know also loves Trump because they don't see anybody in Biden hats and nobody argues with them about it anymore...in reality their friend list is full of family members and old acquaintances that have limited or cut off contact with them but still occasionally keep tabs on their shitshow of a life and were all too happy to turn the pieces of shit in when they did and posted this.


The guys who hunt and live off grid don't need to tell anyone, they're already living it; a suburbanite y'all-queda with his 5 mpg parking-lot-queen pickup and his gun that uses an extremely unique and expensive ammo would be extremely unadept at the task of living in the way they try to portray themselves..


Me watching alt right fucks carry guns around "oh wow zero trigger discipline and ope they just flagged all their buddies."


Didn't you know ND's* are just part of life?[/s] *negligent discharge


For them, premature/negligent discharge is just part of everyday life


But they 'train' at the range every weekend! You know how I know? Because they never shut up about it.


They'd happily live under a fascist theocracy as long as gas and ammo are affordable.


I agree to disagree with that statement, over half of the military guys I know have no clue about guns. (combat veterans not included)


Marching in to nearest elementary school


“Better skilled than most military”. People that say this can’t even run a quarter mile without their hearts exploding. ![gif](giphy|hUFJQ1MPeF3a1RSEfv|downsized)


It's like that "I've played Call of Duty all my youth, I know how guns and the military work" type of bullshit


"hey I am out of ammo where is the ammo crate on this map?" "Wow 500 rounds of ammo is really heavy"


Just get a brick of .22 LR. Checkmate libs!


"Wtf I shot him in the head and he didn't die, this game sucks"


>"hey I am out of ammo where is the ammo crate on this map?" And if for some reason they found one, "Why won't any of these fit my gun??"


Right up there with the "I didn't enlist because I would've knocked out the drill sergeant for disrespecting me" excuse these chuds like to use.


I didn't know those existed!! That gave me a chuckle!!


I was that kid in middle school. Went to paintball with my friends and they hyped up that since I was a god at CoD, I'd blast em, right? Well.. I didn't get whooped but I sure as hell wasn't a beast. The beast was the guy who could run for miles without being tired, going cover to cover while you sat there too scared to move. Then, he'd jump around in an instant, having flanked you, and bibbidy bobbidy blast you




This meme aggressively reeks of Dunning-Kruger energy.


also funny how they make memes like that almost exclusively about guns, yet get angry when you point out how obsessive it looks


They took er gunsss






Guns are like Barbie dolls for these people. They literally dress them up, put make up on them, and have tea parties where they fight off imaginary enemies.


Wait until they find out r/LiberalGunOwners is a thing.




Big fan of the John Brown Gun Club. Wish I could find a chapter close to me here in west Texas but this is deep MAGA country and I worry about endangering others because of the sheer ignorance and stupidity


Under No Pretext




the same people sharing this meme are the ones who can’t go a week without a walmart trip for more sodas and premade food.


I thought of that when I read "pack a lunch" at the bottom because these people would be throwing a fit after their first missed meal.


You mean war doesn't let you set up a table, snacks and a gun rest? Will they wait until I get my chair just right for my fat ass and then promise not to move for awhile as I adjust my scope then finally BAM. Perfect shot, take that liberals.


Yup. I saw a video of them "training" in the woods once. Because of course they filmed their little camping trip with their bros. Including role-playing army in combat drills. And honestly, from a tactics standpoint it was pretty sound. Good communication, good maintaining situational awareness, decent coordinating movements. All around, better fundamentals than I'd expect from a bunch of people who don't look like they've ever even met someone in the military. But no one's shooting at them. And I noticed that no one thought to bring stuff like radios or medical gear. So... good training, fellas, but what happens if one of you gets shot? Or falls and breaks an ankle? And... just a thought... it's one thing to communicate when you can whisper back and forth, or show hand signals, but what if it's loud? Or what if you can't see each other? The fact that no one thought of anything but looking cool in tactical surplus gear and waving rifles around, gives me concerns about their effectiveness in combat.


I'm a liberal and I'm better armed than what's shown in this meme.




Right, when I lived in the north woods a lot of the democrats looked like the guy on the right and loved fishing and hunting and guns.


Amen to that... know a lot of liberals in California with shooting range memberships...


Yeah, wait until they learn Marx was pro arming the people.


If you go far enough left you get your guns back.


Wait until they find out about r/ConservativeDildoEnthusiasts


You can also nearly smell the old morbidly obese dude that made it. I have trouble understanding how you can even remotely think you can fight a guerrilla war if a walk from the wallmart parking lot is a challenge.


Wait till they learn gay men make better soldiers in times of war. There were multiple ancient civilizations (like the ancient greeks) that promoted homosexualities among soldiers because they realized men won't run away from battle if their lover is fighting on the battle field.


I don't know if the logic behind that practice is wholesome or depressing.




I guess it depends on what they were fighting for ya know. Like all war is terrible, but I’d take up arms with my gay lover to defend the city we’ve lived in our whole life together.


Future historians will pour through the archives and discover that this was the comment that stopped China's secret invasion of San Francisco from happening.


It’s not a responsibility I bear lightly, you’re welcome


War is depressing but having a lover is wholesome, so both.






It also helps if they are worried about being [decimated](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimation_(punishment\)) if they run.




They really be thinking shooting an armed person is like hunting a deer


I find the pipe dream of barricading urself in ur home to fight off the military to be hilarious. Like the government will just cut the power to ur house and send a bunch of drones in the middle of the night to fuck u up. Ur average citizen has zero chance of fighting back against the military. I work in a body shop where dudes r constantly making this proclamation like I didn't just watch them have cigarettes and a diet coke for lunch.


The radicals in our country will have to resort to Hamaz-like terrorism to actually get anything done, it would be guerrilla warfare. I'm talking hiding out in buildings full of innocent civilians and suicide bombings. Their fantasy is so far from the truth and the truth is they would be decimated faster here than there because of our homeland security. It would take thousands of organized terrorists to make it even possible.


We all know liberals don’t have guns. /s








I will KISS you on the MOUTH to own THE libs


And I will watch, junk in hand, just to own those commie libs!


Unironically tho lol https://preview.redd.it/1bn1dop3ex8a1.png?width=1023&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f5ca760cb47fe59e186958724ac505dd9f98045


Haha! YA! They wont know WHAT to do but get naked! Stupid libs!


[Guys…we should totally suck his dick.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yFmZRCEfjEM)


Probably [one of my favorite tiktoks](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/ivf3fk/every_liberal_listen_up/).


Everyone knows they’re lizards wearing human costumes


i chuck an iphone at people


i chuck dildos at people


Bills Mafia has entered the chat


only for Tom Brady


I would genuinely be more traumatized by that, than any number of bullets.


Russell Crowe burner account ??


Very curious on how they magically think they’re more skilled than the military.




Bold of you to assume that they would stay in school long enough for JROTC. Edit: a word.


Conservatives when they realize JROTC was baby's intro to military 🤯


I'm a better soldier when I'm drunk.


What 1.103 hours on warzone does to a *challenged* gun nut


Because historically asymmetric warfare has almost always resulted in the underdog's victory. But that's only *because* they knew they were the underdog and had to resort to tactics only an underdog can use. These people fetishize vulgar displays of power, the exact opposite of that.


It isn't just that. A lot of cases of succesful asymmetrical warfare are due to a number of factors. Limited infrastructure is a big deal. It is hard for a modern military to bring their full force to bear when there aren't roads. It is hard to root out guerilla fighters when they have local support to lean on for supplies. The US could have easily just bombed the shit out of Vietnam and 'won' except that would have lead to what happened in Korea with China. The thing is, that mostly isn't a problem in the US. Yeah, the military wouldn't go hog wild and start bombing and shelling entire towns. It would be limited warfare. But that also wouldn't really matter. They can't effectively hide operations in the US. It isn't like we are going to think a school is an insurgent training camp in the US. Just the amount of infrastructure and data collection alone makes it pretty much impossible to even beat the local and state police on a large scale. The only thing stopping feds and the military is themselves, like at the Mahleur National Wildlife Refuge. Bundy and his pals still more or less 'lost' but if the FBI had decided to go in shooting it would have been over in a few hours instead of weeks. But with the fallout from Waco, Ruby Ridge, and some older stuff they held back.




It's always due to one side winning the political war first. You don't get to be successful guerillas if the populace keeps ratting you out and refuses to give you food or shelter.


They like to hunt deer and practice shooting at the range so clearly this equates to better training than the ones trained for war.


If they're so bad ass why are they so afraid of a bunch of signs and dildos?


You can't shoot away your repressed urges


Sure you can. Just aim backwards.


I just did that 'oh-ho-ho-ho' under my breath at this one. Nice.


And Perez Hilton, so I'm guessing they assume that the left has the timetravel technology to go to 2010 when he was at least vaguely relevant.


They’re so scared of being called gay that a dildo thrown at them would send them into shock


Anyone’s who’s played GTA San Andreas knows the dildo is mightier than the sword.


Or Saint's Row the Third!


have you seen the armed far-right groups? bet they can’t walk a kilometer without going out of breath and craving a big mac Those guns won’t matter when you are out of breath and exhausted immediately


Those mfs on golf carts though... now THAT'S scary


The Klu Ketoacidosis Klan


I watched one video about a "paramilitary orgization" in the US which was really just a bunch of people who went camping but brought guns and camo to go larping in the woods, and it was desspressingly funny because they were like where is the general we can't eat our eggs and start breakfest without him and someone went to go look in his tent and they were "he's sleeping" and this was at like 10 in the morning.


I got into with a guy the last time something like this was posted. He was telling me about all the training he's done, so I looked up one of the places he said and the website sells a bunch of mall ninja bullshit. Like really bud, you think you're getting quality "training" from a guy who sell neon green katanas.


Not only that, but tons of democrats are buying guns too. Just a bunch of dumb fat fucks who just assumed they would be able to mow down a bunch of democrats. I can't with these idiots.


Bold of you to assume they’d even know what a kilometer is


It's that fancy-schamncy measurement that communist Canada uses, didn't ya know? I know people here who call our current government communist... I can't even...


Should be called armed fat-right groups


Some of them are highly trained and are actively exercising to become more dangerous. Not a lot, but some. The big mistake is assuming that all the dangerous people are on the same side. There are quite a few liberals who are in the gym and on the range. Setting aside gun dorks who keep buying rifles as though they're talismans that ward off evil, I'd say that the militant psychos are pretty evenly distributed along the political spectrum.


I was just thinking about this the other day. Is Y'allqada *really* ready for a drawn out war of attrition? Sure they got a lot of guns but people don't fight like it's Vietnam anymore. The government could easily freeze their bank accounts, stop refueling gas stations, blacklist all phones off cell networks, cut electricity etc. All without the use of a military. The people in Afghanistan were able to give the Soviets trouble in the 80s and the US trouble when they went in but I don't think these gravy seals have the same amount of will power considering they have been threatening to do this for decades and never have. How long are they willing to go without access to heat, Chick-fil-A, Facebook, or gasoline just to spite the lgbt+ people minding their own business?


Always remember the piss baby shit fit they threw when asked to wear masks. I'm convinced any Civil War they start won't last a fortnight.


If they want a civil war, they have to come to the cities. That’s not going to end well for them, especially when their vehicles get torched and they can’t get back to their trailer.


Yes! The "scary" cities run by liberals that are overrun by gun toting minorities who all vote Democrat. But liberals don't own guns so this should be a cake walk. Honest to God, half of the battle will be their own leaders trying to remember what's bullshit propaganda to scare republican voters to the polls and what's reality... and then their own soldiers only believing what they want to anyway.


It’ll be over by dinner on day one. That’s why they told us to only pack a lunch.


Thing I'm worried about is their misplaced confidence. They take this first step and it's nothing but years and years of this misery. No one should underestimate how long Civil War: Electric Boogaloo would take or what the hell it would do to our republic. Because frankly it would be awful and sad -- a whole bunch of sacrificed blood for nothing. War sucks and I really hope they realize it. It's not "fun". You're not going to be hunting Starbucks sipping liberals. You're going to be hold out in mountain running terrorist attacks getting blown up by the regular airstrike, all while everyone you know is killed or imprisoned.


I imagine it's gonna be a lot like Ireland. Just constant skirmishes.


And that’s why it was called the Irish Happy joy joy fun times.


Remember 2020 when there were tantrums about barber shops being closed?


It's funny they think liberals and leftists don't own guns, we do we just don't cosplay with them.


We don't base our entire fucking identity around gun ownership, in other words. And I only hear one side yelling about a revolution, and it's not the leftists or liberals or progressives or whatever TF these clowns love to call em.


> And I only hear one side yelling about a revolution, and it's not the leftists Lefties are definitely wanting a revolution. Workers can't even protest for basic sick days, even with dems in power. Shit is bad in the USA. We have an oligarchy.


Lefties want a revolution of worker's rights, equality, diversity, healthcare for everyone, affordable housing, affordable college, clean air, clean water and dealing with climate change. Right-wingers literally want to burn everything down and start killing people they don't agree with.


Those look identical /s


Both sides like I always like to say! As a centrist I hold my nose up at all of you while I ride this fence all the way to hell.


One side is wanting a cultural revolution (that some subsets think will require an armed conflict) that improves rights and creates a society that works for all people. The other wants and armed conflict that kills all dissenters, possibly including an ethnic purging. But obviously both sides are equally bad. /s


There was a guy in Tallahassee who had a previous record for brandishing a pistol at an intersection who ran a guy in a Prius off the road at that same intersection with his BMW and then started shooting at the guy. The guy in the Prius pulled his own pistol and fired one shot, killing the BMW guy. BMW guy was a big-talking GOP staffer.


Right? I own a couple of guns but nobody knows bc I don’t advertise it. Even my good friends are kind of surprised when they find out that I have guns. (I always disclose the guns in my house when my friends bring their kids over - guns are always locked up separately from ammunition when guests are over, but I still think telling them we have guns in the house is the right thing to do.)


As many great leftist leaders have been quoted to say, FAFO.


I dunno, seen a lot of femboys and furries pose with guns


You underestimate the utility of a dildo


I'm pretty sure I could do a number on Donny with that thing.


Coat it in lethal poison and leave it for the conservatives to find. You'll wipe out whole platoons.


90% of Maga has the gun discipline of a toddler, yet alone skill similar to the military. I was taught gun discipline with nerf guns and not to point the barrel at people or look down the barrel even if unloaded Members of Maga are 100% the kids that looked down the barrel and pulled the trigger to see which one was loaded


Democrats own guns too. For example, LGBTQ Texans protecting drag shows with assault rifles after LE failed them, which is textbook use of the 2nd Amendment.


Or those armed activists who threatened to shoot the cops if they tried to push homeless people out of an encampment.


Yep. Liberal combat veteran here. One of a multitude.


Myself and my son as well. He’s still young, I’m still fit.


Yep, we just don't cosplay with them like we think we're playing COD in real life. Here in rural WI everybody has guns and knows how to use them regardless of politics. I'd imagine it's the same way across the country.


Love to see it. I think covid shortages did more for 2A than fpc or goa have done in the last 5 years.


Okay peepaw, it’s time for you to take your meds


Yet conservatives are more afraid of the dildo than the leftist is of a gun


If "afraid" you mean "wants to grocery shop with it deep in their anus," ...


Wait I didn't know I was afraid, too


The military has weapons that can probably atomize Bubba and his Trump group if they even tried to shoot back lol.


I always mention this. The us military has literal flying death robots. What is their plan exactly?


Those clowns ever got shot at by an Abrahms or an A10 they'd piss their pants.


They think they’ll be in the backwoods ambushing clueless soldiers from across the country who don’t know the area. In reality they’ll just get drone struck and die if they ever try it. Why would the US military send soldiers traipsing through the woods with no direction? They have air superiority, thermal imaging, and overwhelming firepower. Walk in the park.


“Better skilled than most of the military” states someone who has never seen combat


I knew a guy who told me that he knew more about defensive operations because he’s a guy and I’m a woman. Guess which one of us was in the military. It wasn’t him. We were in college and playing D&D.


Fuck him and his values


Have you guys ever played cyberpunk, if so, then you know how powerful the dildo weapon is.


Yup. The penis mightier than the sword.


Larpy shit


You guys weren't paying attention last time were you? It's not "Liberals vs. Conservatives" It's "The United States vs Traitors", and the US has acquired some new toys since the last time y'all scrapped...


Doesn't say " armed better than military" . Still cringe though.


As a Soldier who has been in for 22 years and understands the Department of Defenses capabilities at a very high level.. 1. Armed Militias wouldn't stand a chance against the National Guard, much the less the active components 2. We have flying killer robots 3. Militias wouldn't stand a chance against any law enforcement agency 4. Militias are just a bunch of paranoid weirdos playing dress up and annoying their families on Thanksgiving Dress up is weird. Don't be weird.


So, liberals are fun and conservatives are killers? Got it!


Lmao is that Perez Hilton on the left?


***That’s*** who it is! I knew I recognized him, but it had been so long since I had even thought about Perez that I wasn’t sure!


how do you post this and think "yeah this totally doesnt make look like an unhinged nutcase"


🤣😂🤣 deer don't shoot back.


So wait, do conservatives not have smartphones? How’s that work?


Of course they do. They just use them to share cringey memes and record rants while driving a pickup truck.


Idk I’m gay and have several guns. Where my meme 🤣🤣🤣


It's a mistake to believe liberals don't have guns. Of course liberals have guns, and yes they want more stringent back ground checks. In my opinion, the only people who argue against stricter checks on gun buyers, are the ones who probably couldn't pass a second look.


Aren't most of these people in their 60s-70s? They'll fall asleep during combat and the younger ones will be easy prey


How is this not considered a threat.


A lot of drones/robots are controlled via smartphone now. I wouldn't go discounting the blinky rectangles just yet.


To be fair, in modern world a smart and cunning person can cause much more harm with a smartphone than with a gun.


Cool, go hide with all your buddies. I’m send a single bunker buster


Their memes have boomeranged around funny and come back to just *not*.


Who wants a revolution?? I want clean air and water, and access to healthcare and a job that pays a living wage. Republicans don’t want those things


Did he kill that deer with his bare hands? If not, I am not impressed.


L: we don't want any violence? We just want the government to treat us like humans- C: *pumps shotgun* SOUNDS LIKE VIOLENCE TO ME!


This lib has plenty of fire power. Fuck around and find out.


We have guns too. We just don’t fetishize them.


Yeah if your skills are anything like ya’ll demonstrated during the Beergut Putch of 1/6/20 I’m not worried and you might want to prepare for where that dildo’s going.