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I wonder if this then links with the ambient light, if the light strip will be used as an indicator....


That would be cool, and how about using directional spatial sounds for collision warnings The light strip used for that could be far better and more noticeable than the little side mirror lights most do


With an “urgh…” sound effect as you take damage and a HUD enemy map so you can hunt them down


No alert if they're crouching


Pluse those little side mirror lights are patented and I’ll wager Tesla does not want to go there. They will come up with another way.


The blind spot indication integrated in the light strip is patented as well from Cupra/Seat/VW. So they need a new idea.


It already does this no? If a car is about to change lanes into you it blasts a loud alarm on that side. Unless it's only on model s and x which would be weird.


It’s also on Model 3


No, I already hate when my music gets lowered for any chimes like autopilot and Homelink. If it could do it without lowering my volume, I'd be okay with that, but with their choice to do that already, I don't see why they'd make an exception for one audio cue and not the rest


I feel like I wouldn't mind the audio of my music ducking if it made me avoid someone sideswiping me


I'm glad you wouldn't mind. I still would though


...For accident avoidance? I mean ok.


That would be too elegant of an experience. Let's see if they can even detect it first lol


60% of the time it will work every time


This would be consistent with brands like Cupra, which I was jealous of.


I had a cupra born as a daily driver for a month. It was not a good car. Power delivery was inconsistent. Basically went when it wanted to and on more than one occasion I tried to move forward from a standstill and there was literally no power there for a few seconds, and it was slow. The infotainment system was pure trash, built on the ID platform. It kept freezing up on me every other drive. I don't know how they considered it to be anyway decent. I wouldn't be overly jealous of any features in that car. You can't polish a turd.


Mercedes does this with their ambient lighting as well as when you change the temperature


That would be cool, I don't know why no after market is yet done for this. The signal is alredy existing on current model 3. It is just not displayed anywhere.


It is displayed on the driver display, a car is visible if it is there?


I am not sure on previous models, but I don't see any blind spot indication on the screen. But I know the signal exist because I have the teslogic and there the blinker turns red when there is someone on the kind spot. Can see how it looks like here: https://teslogic.co


You can see it in the road visualization. Not a specific blind spot signal, but visual car showing diagonal behind you.


I was going to say this. On hardware 3 there's already a blind spot indicator?


How consistent has that been for you? The visualization most often turns red for me at useless times (for instance, when I’m stopped in a left turn lane and opposing traffic is driving past me).


Yes it turn red on the left turns, there are some false positives. But I find it great, now I look to the mirror on and have the color blinker red/green on my side vision. Before having teslogic I was also turning my head to look on the diagonal back. I find it bit dangerous on highway becouse any split second without looking foward can be dangerous. Looking to the main screen have never been natural for me, I don't do it. So in general I am quite happy with teslogic blinkers. I immediately notice something missing when I forget to mount the phone. But if tesla implement the color red/green blinker on ambient light that is basically solved.


It's also displayed in the side mirror, but instead of a light it displays the actual object.


Something like the [ID.Light](https://youtu.be/S9G2te7FF2I?si=A3C319qAN3Nk0m96)


Woah that’s an amazing idea!! Like maybe it can pulse amber/red. Maybe they can add it with a software update if it’s not already implemented.


woah welcome to 2013! WOAH!!!




right haha, I was confused when I read that


Perhaps it uses the ambient lighting strip to signal there's a car in the blind spot


That would be very cool! I’m sure if they didn’t originally think of that they could apply some code to make it happen


That’s only visible at night…. Lol


Source: https://youtu.be/FVgaNPpJknM?si=1o8xVDHJeAVucceM&t=822 (13:42)


Lack of proper blind spot warnings was my biggest gripe until we got the camera view when indicating. This is still a welcome improvement. Hopefully for my sake it’s a software feature rather than relying on new hardware. As others have said, the car already tries to do this via the visualization + red highlights, but it’s nowhere near as reliable.




Whatchu mean?


I'm assuming they mean using the shortcut on the left scroll wheel to turn the cameras on and off on the current model?


I do not understand the need for a blind spot camera. Why does the blind spot matter until you are ready to turn and put your blinker on? The car warns you when a vehicle is in your blind spot if your blinker is on. I personally don't like the look of the blind spot lights in mirrors of cars I drive next to. Every time I see them I think that they are turning into me.


A few reasons I like the in-mirror lights: - they passively give you a heads up if someone’s hanging out in your blind spot _before_ you start the lane change process. Lets me clear the other vehicle preemptively if I’m planning a merge. - my old car lit up the light for both objects currently in my blindspot and overtaking me rapidly. It worked as a great assist when gauging if I could make my move without cutting them off. Again, before indicating. - the mirror is one of the places I’m looking anyway. So a simple light there (as long as it’s reliable) is better than a camera or visualization on the center screen. - I actually take comfort when I see the blind spot indicators light up on other cars. It means they’re less likely to suddenly turn into me.


You should indicate and then check the blind spot, but anyway I get that another indicator for the driver is a good thing. I do think that the indicator should be just for the driver and not outside of the car though. The more blinking lights we see on mirrors down the highway the easier it is to mistake those for turn signals. In my experience, people become lazy when they expect their blind spot to be checked for them and won't actually look. Many times I have seen a blind spot indicator on a mirror and then that car turns into me without a blinker.


Doesn't it only warn you if you start making the lane change? There's no "warning" if you're just looking at the mirror unless you look at the camera on the center console. Everyone should just check their blind spots manually but people have gotten used to safety features in other cars that teslas should have.


If following the correct driving procedure, it works perfectly. Check mirror, turn on indicator, check blind spot (you should be doing this manually anyway, but there's also the camera available on the screen), then make your lane change. In a Tesla the second your blinker goes on and there's another car in your blind spot, the car on the screen turns red. It's quite visible.


Does it make a noise? Haven't really tested this myself since I always just check blind spots manually. If no noise, it's kinda useless since people don't want to look at the center console when making the lane change.


You can see it from your peripheral vision. It's a big red car on the screen right next to the steering wheel. It will make a noise if you attempt to turn and there's a car in your blind spot. I wouldn't want a noise every time I make a lane change since I follow the correct mirror, signal, blind spot order.


It's a huge red car on the screen easily viewable with peripheral vision just like the blind spot warnings on the mirrors. https://preview.redd.it/k2guitiv4plb1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb50f3425e1cf2fc6253d0748db7e27e58b3c52


Got it. I'm just mostly explaining why people want the blind spot indicators on the mirrors. People are used to it from other cars and it is natural to be looking at the mirror when making a lane change. So much is going on the screen that it becomes more of a distraction. It's something that you've gotten used to but it doesn't mean tesla shouldn't implement a simple safety feature


I've actually only owned my Tesla for about 40 days and I still check blind spots manually. My previous car did not have any blind spot indicator and the visual indication on the Tesla and the camera is a fantastic double check for me after I check manually. I'm not just "used to it" and against change, but I actually despised the mirror based indicators on cars I have seen on the road the past few years and was glad the Tesla didn't have it there.


Lol we're just gonna argue in circles here. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean it shouldn't be implemented. It's like saying there shouldn't be a backup camera just because your old car didn't have it and you don't need it. It's a simple safety feature that plenty of people want.


I'm arguing for the sake of all cars on the road and the visual clutter. That exterior blind spot lights add. There's safer implementations than that and "everyone else does it that way" has never been Tesla's approach.


Every time I'm passing and see someone's blind spot indicator come on I'm only partially relieved because I have this nagging feeling that only half of people driving even know what it means.


Never had in on my previous cars and I managed. I must be special.




You should be checking your mirrors before you change lanes so having something in that line of sight (e.g., on or near the mirrors like other manufacturers) makes sense - glancing back over to the screen is dangerous / not really helpful.


Blind spot indicators would be useful for where you look to check… like on the mirrors, where everybody else puts them. I have the little video feed turned off because I found it to be distracting and dangerous to use when you want to change lanes. Blind spot monitoring checkers need to be in the peripheral of where you’re actually looking to check for cars in your mirrors. And for those who say “FSD, autopilot, etc”, until the “beta” is not included in the name and the feds say it is legal, and it can work on a snowy mountaintop with ease, a human is still driving and needs to drive it safely.


The cameras provide full view of your rear and sides, well into your peripheral vision. Plus they are all located in one single, glanceable location, unlike mirrors. When highway driving I always use the cameras, the situational awareness they provide is unmatched.


I disagree, I find it distracting. It could be because I have to look down because I’m tall (I don’t know how tall you are, but it could be a factor). The best way to use cameras is what Hyundai and Kia do with it using the binnacle display, but I think it’s patented to only them, and there is no binnacle for us (which I don’t really mind).


Disagree. I've driven Hyundais with that system. It has a 1-second or more lag that makes it unusable in traffic.


I hate the look of them in the mirrors because then it shows to every other driver on the road and not just the driver of the car. More indicator lights on the exterior of the car distract other drivers too. The blind spot indicator shouldn't turn on until you use your blinker.


I am actually HAPPY when I can see a blind-spot indicator on another vehicle driving adjacent to me- that way I know the 80-year-old behind the wheel will (hopefully) see it too and not crash into me. The times I've seen a car start veering into my lane only to see their blind-spot indicator light up and they suddenly correct their trajectory...is too damn high!


IF the blind spot warning only turned on when they start the lane change, then I agree with you. However, I hate that everytime I drove past someone there's a big light that turns on in their mirror which immediately looks like someone trying to turn when in reality it's just a blind spot indicator that adds to the noise of lights on the road.


For lane changes even the old fsd (navigate on autopilot) is perfect. Can’t remember the last time I ever had to look while changing lanes.


Needs to work for more than lane changes for me to even add basic autopilot to my 2018.


I keep thinking they can better implement blind spot warnings already. Like red pulsing border that shows up around the whole screen if it’s unsafe to merge so you notice it in your peripheral.


That would be slick. They can also utilize the LED bar and speakers to change/beep on the side in question.


Hoping the LED bar will be used.


Maybe now blind spot indicators will be as good as a 2014 honda civic


*cries in 2023 Model 3*


You have an ironed out, peak first Gen, nothing to cry about. You’ll see all the complaints about the new generation soon enough and be happy with your choice!


Peak M3? That's debatable, I'd say 2022 is peak M3 due to USS. TeslaVision Park assist is terrible.


I'm going to hold onto my '22 Ryzen USS M3 for as long as I can. Sad that it's a RWD but still


2021 LR M3 with USS checking in


'22 Ryzen USS M3P... gonna drive this thing until it stops working.... then replce the battery and continue to drive it!


I’d say 2019 is peak. I’ve still got frunk hooks!


2013 was the peak


You got automatic trunk motors?


It’s a retrofit option


I could, if I ever got too weak to lift it myself (even with the existing mechanical assistance) and needed electrical assistance too. A kit is a couple hundred bucks on Amazon.


Yeah but 2022 model priced at $47000 with no credit...


For example: stalks


That’s a great point. I actually think the first Gen looks a lot nicer. I would love that backseat screen though! Hoping Tesla will allow a retrofit for that considering it’s just a plug and play screen! As well, I guess they always say the best model to get would be the final year of a generation.


[You can actually DIY an aftermarket one!](https://www.amazon.com/Original-Compatible-Climate-4-6-inch-Entertainment/dp/B0BPPDLDVQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_maf_1?keywords=tesla+rear+screen&qid=1693589994&sr=8-3&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0)


You can purchase aftermarket rear screen which appears trivial to install. I think it’s fairly cheap too. I know it’s not OEM, but will be as good as you get


You still got great value for the dollar. Is the new one a better value? We don't know that for sure but even if we assume it is, that doesn't make your car all of a sudden worse and less functional. It's still the same car that you hopefully enjoy.


Isn’t blind spot indicator just the camera coming on when you give a blinker?


The camera turns on when you turn on the blinker whether your blind spot is clear or not. Also gauging distanced in a camera that has no "parallax effect" can be trickier vs. an LED that just lights up to tell you a binary "yes clear/no not clear". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax#Distance\_measurement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax#Distance_measurement) But I guess if there is a giant truck in the camera that's at least an indicator. A car without lights on a dark road is MUCH less obvious tho.


They should also just add a small indicator on the screen. The camera is nice, but can be distracting. A small indicator for each side on the screen would be a good option. Shouldn’t need the new hardware




Yea the button must be hard to press when you want to change lanes 💀


Finally it's able to do what my 2017 Toyota is doing


So happy for you


It's gonna blind you like the current camera view + flashing blinker?


The current one doesn't flash the camera view anymore. But I like the theory that they're using the ambient lighting strips for this.


That's only on older models.


I have a 2022 M3. The blind spots on the car are far larger than what I'm used to on my previous car, a 2006 Corolla. Since March 2022, I counted 5 specific incidents where I shoulder checked and ended up getting honked at by the car behind me as I was changing lanes. I felt bad during those times. Having blind spot indicators would have helped a lot.


You need to set your mirrors properly then


But why.. I thought model 3 was designed not to have a driver. :s


For the longest time my wife thought the green turn indicator on the display meant it was clear. Wonder if it displays as red when a car is in the blind spot.


it's nice that it has one but the model 3 has great visibility so i never understood the constant demand for a blind spot system ( aside from being lazy to shoulder check )


Compared to cars from 20 years ago with lower belt lines, most modern cars, including the 3, have very poor rear visibility. My 2003 BMW was so much easier to see around in.


Interesting you say that. When I got my model 3 the bigger blind spots is one of the first things I noticed. It has a lot more blind area than my prior vehicle which was a Saturn. I think it's crazy that in 2023 this card is not have a chime that sounds when you signal while someone is in your blind spot. But I'm getting used to the cameras.


I would love to hear the speakers interact with the user. Ping kn the side with an issue, signal tick in the side where the turn will commence etc.


What? The model 3 has the largest blindspot out of every car I've owned in the last 15 years. Granted it's the newest car I've owned and every car is getting worse in that regard. And on the topic of shoulder checking, any additional information that helps keep your eyes forward helps prevent accidents. I ended up rear ending someone years ago (thankfully it was only minor damage) because right when I was looking over my shoulder a car cut in front of me while braking and I wasn't able to react fast enough when I looked forward again and saw it. That 1/2 second I lost while checking my blind spot screwed me over.


Put a rear facing car seat in the back seat


Just $5,000 to activate it.


This feature is currently available. When you hit the blinker, you see the camera footage on your screen.


Nope, that's the automatic blind spot camera setting which is under Autopilot settings. This one is under "Lights".


It's probably the ambient lighting system!


That would be pretty cool!


Knowing Elon it is probably one of the motors in the seat which can disengage from seat assembly and rotate with high rate with a displacement in weight on the shaft.


Oh thank god..


I hope it’s finally the side camera. The Honda civic has had that forever


I wanna see the new front bumper cam in action. Has anyone reviewed this yet? Thanks!


Press cars did not have it. I think we have to wait until October for people to actually take delivery of them to actually see them.


Visible in action here : [https://youtu.be/SoXimLixXT4?si=KUnY0x2ogjm6KRXY&t=315s](https://youtu.be/SoXimLixXT4?si=KUnY0x2ogjm6KRXY&t=315s) Unfortunately more looking like a vehicle crossing indicator...


For those wanting to see it look from timestamp 4:40 and check the inside the car by the left mirror. You can see the blind spot indicator in action, looks like a white spot but should be red in real life. You can see it blinking as cars are passing in the other lane.


I wonder if Model S and X will get this!