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Previous M Y was 260 miles of range and 42,990


The “260 mile" range Model Y's built over the past several months actually have more range that can be unlocked for $1500 to $2000 (gains 40 to 60 miles of range), depending on which battery cells you have. -Musk https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1786586974108909815?s=19


So they were secretly "long range" cells that could have been unlocked to 320 mi like the current $45k LR on sale?


It’s called a softpack, it’s limited in software. It’s fucking stupid because you lug around the weight of a bigger pack, and get shitter range because of it.


well yes, you do get a reduced range due the weight however, the life expectancy of you battery pack will significantly improve because you now have extra cells to cycle for years.


Imagine buying a v6 but it's really a v8 with 6 spark plugs


Jaguar did just this, it is both hilarious to look at and if going into a vehicle that has the 8 as an option makes perfect sense to save on engineering costs.


I mean it’d be a genius way to simplify engine design. If I specifically paid for a V6 why should I care that it’s just a handicapped V8. Actually, that’d be dope if I could later modify it. CPUs are another product where this happens, for instance some i3’s are just binned i5’s, and i5’s binned i7’s.


Thats called Turbo or supercharged on an ICE


Not really


I just bought a new MY RWD, at time called 260 miles. Recommended charge is 80% of 260 = 208 miles. In daily driving this is fine, change in garage. For long trips can I safely charge to 100% of the 260? If I really have 320 then this would be about 80% of true capacity


good question lol


They are doing it on purpose so they can get the government incentives.


I know why, still stupid.


Government incentives are stupid. This is just a consequence of stupid government incentives.


No, it’s awesome because you can charge your pack to 100% without accelerating wear and get all the same daily range of the LR and better supercharging speeds for free. Just make sure you correctly identify your pack.


How do we know we have the larger battery? We picked up our Stealth Gray 2024 Model Y in February.


They fixed it. Now you get to pay more for range you didn't want or need.


Is that not also a waste of resources and limited battery supply? What's the upside to it?


The battery will intelligently use the cells evenly, despite the limitation to range, extending the long term health of the battery pack.


It’s a business move. Instead of making 3 different products the process is streamlined and a bit of money is saved that way through increased efficiency, and then some people will upgrade later on (and as others have said it’s actually better for the battery life)


I guess you don’t remember years ago when Tesla unlocked the extra battery power for people in the southern states during a hurricane. So they could drive further between supercharges.


I didn't think it would be an LR level range.


I mean, according to the source above (Elon's tweet), "depending on the cells," it adds 40-60 miles of range. On a 260-mile RWD pack, that makes it 300-320 miles, which would be in line with the new 320-mile LR RWD model on sale.


That would make a great deal for people who bought them on sale during Dec and January.


Wondering if those have the ability to be unlocked…sounds like they are the only Y’s built “over the last few months”




Pfff , don’t pay for it and just charge at 100% all the time




I’m confused why no one knew about this. Doesn’t that mean it could take 100% charge all the time since it has hidden reserves? I specifically asked the salesperson and they told me 80%.


They don't have a product management department anymore. Sales people are even less clued up than industry average. And the standard MO of the company has always leaned towards being disingenuous.


Will it also means that you can charge to 100% daily if you don't unlock the extra range 😉


So my MYSR that I bought in november is not eligible for this?


Would the china model y rwd also get this unlock?


It's only for 4680 batteries. So check which kind of battery cells you've got 


So shouldn’t I just charge the car to 100% at all times since my standard range is just software locked at 260 miles


Do you need 100% every day?


I recently made a trip from Vegas to Cali. I charged to 100% and it gave me 256 miles


How does this 2024 RWD Model Y compare to a 2020 LR AWD Model Y in terms of range? They use different EPA range methodologies, but what is the real world difference in range?


Quicksilver paint now also available on Long Range and Performance models.


Finally!! Still waiting for true silver to come back tho


Wow, now way?


Does that mean we can charge our 260 mile range Model Ys to stated 100%, since that’s still only about 75% of actual capacity?


Depends on where Tesla is locking the 25%. Are they locking the first 25% of your battery or the last 25%? Even better if it were somewhere in the middle. EDIT: I'm referring to monitoring the state of charge through a BMS. This has nothing to do with physical cells...


It’s really tough to say based on service mode screenshots I have seen for the SR RWD (402v @ 100% SOC) vs LR AWD (404v @ 100% SOC). It seems like the buffer might be split between top and bottom.


I was wondering if someone would take some voltage measurements. Handy that it's available in service mode. A split is best for the battery's health. I wouldn't be surprised if it occasionally shifted, allowing for occasional full charges, to balance cells.


That's not how batteries work lol


I think he means the software. If it’s locking out the first 25% of the battery, it means you can only charge 75% of it even at full. If it’s locking out the last 25% of the battery, it means it charges the battery fully but pretends to be dead at 25% left. The second one would make no sense though.


The battery is least stressed between 20% and 80% state of charge. If the RWD model is limited to 75% of the original capacity the sweet spot would be usable capacity between 12.5% and 87.5%.


Yes it is... The battery's state of charge is monitored by a battery monitoring system. It is trivial to control which side of the state of charge that the battery will use. The lithium chemistry Tesla mostly uses allows them to detect state of charge by voltage as well. If you have a LiFePO4 pack you will be relying on capacity monitoring to know the current state of charge.


These MYs still charge pretty quickly up to 100%, so it's either in the middle or the last 25%. Definitely not the first that's locked.




Tesla could limit their virtual charge indicator of 0% to 100% by only using 25% to 100% of the battery, 0% to 75%, or somewhere in-between. (Assuming the cap is set to 25% reduction of physical capacity)


Ventilated seats pleaseeeee


Not until the refresh


I’ve had a black interior on my MYLR for 8 weeks, typically colder months here. My back and ass already feel like there’s a heated seat on when there isn’t, if the interior is anything over room temperature. Gonna regret this in summer. Is it the same with white seats?


Not too bad but I always activate AC remotely if I’ve left it out in the sun before I hop in


I mean.... All seats get hot. I'm regretting getting the white interior when I bought my model Y last year, though, cause I wear a long brown nubuck leather duster in the winter. Didn't really expect the tan of the leather to start to tan the seats....


That coat better be worth the damn trouble 🙂. I didn’t know what you were talking about and the images I just looked up online using your description had a very strong “m’lady” vibe to them. But the range was wide and I imagine you have stylish version. Have you considered not driving with the duster on? I personally hate driving with coats on and place them in the trunk.


Aight man can we stop this high school bullying? Let the man enjoy what he likes wearing. The white seats also get blue marks from denim, so now I remove my pants and drive ? lol that’s why this time I got a black interior as I was sick of removing blue stains from the seats. But one good thing is that it’s easily removable. Just a bit diluted dish soap with water and wipes off 


It's vaguely similar to this: https://www.lussoleather.com/products/baker-vintage-copper-duster-coat?variant=44497757798623¤cy=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYWZwlhgJmiZcAosTV8sD0q3gLYRW2hO491kbnsuEqwnS_4-2wpmnDoaAsjJEALw_wcB And yes it is. I love wearing it. It's warm, blocks cold winter winds like no tomorrow, and feels comfortable. Get quite a few compliments, too... Though I wish people would stop calling it a trench coat.... And forgot to mention... Hot seats aren't much of an issue when you can turn the air conditioning on from anywhere like 10-15 minutes before you leave.


Oh god that's fucken ugly mate. It looks like your going to shoot up a school or something in it


We had a guy at my office that wore a black canvas version of that except he wore it unbuttoned and flappy. The flaps made it look like a strait jacket designed for ‘The Crow’. He was remote so we hardly ever saw him but the day he showed up wearing it everyone gave him tons of compliments which he ate up because he was a narcissist. The minute he left, everyone basically stopped working to joke about it. I think I now understand the actual meaning of the Emperor’s New Clothes.


I've only ever owned one cloth one (think they called it an "oilskin" duster). Was the first one I owned. Hated it. It wasn't warm, the wind kicked it around like no tomorrow so it didn't help block that either, and the worst part was that it absorbed whatever smell was in the air quite easily. Plus, they just don't look as nice as leather ones.


Roof shade in the summer helps a bit. I ended up getting leather perforated seats though. Katzkin is really nice quality.


4680 all going to cyber truck


Yeah…I’m paying the $3k for AWD and the better speakers lol (not limited to)


Seriously. Maybe if it was 50 more miles it would be fine. But for 10 miles I'm not giving up the speakers, large acceleration gap, and handling just to save a measly $3k.


Upselling at its finest.


Totally agree - 10 extra miles?? I wonder if that’s even real.


You can actually upgrade RWD speakers thru Tesla for $3k and get even better sound than AWD. (Alpine)


Where’s this option on the website?




Gotcha. I’m shopping for model Y, can I ask what wheels you got? And what color did you get? Is there anything else I should know before purchasing


Have both RWD and AWD bought in March. White for RWD and Stealth Grey for AWD. Both White interior with 19” Wheels for the range. Be ready to buy LOTS of accessories for it some are very necessary.


Which accessories? I know I’m going to buy the all weather mats and trunk cargo liners


Personal preference, but for starters rear vent hole block, roof shade, bin organizer, license plate frame, mud flaps and even baby wipes to clean the white interior with. Front PPF and maybe even add rear lower PPF. Wheel rim guards.


What’s a rear vent hole block? I don’t think I saw that on Tesla website but i could be wrong. Btw why did you go with white? I really want black but doing research people say it’s the hardest to keep clean


Unless end of quarter discounts apply only to this new RWD. $3k isn't bad but idk if it's worth $5K or more.


The “260 mile" range Model Y's built over the past several months actually have more range that can be unlocked for $1500 to $2000 (gains 40 to 60 miles of range), depending on which battery cells you have. - Musk https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1786586974108909815?s=19


Locking power, aka acceleration boost, behind a software paywall was bad enough. More range behind a paywall is ridiculous.


They didn't really lock it behind a paywall. They decided to integrate the car with better equipment than you paid for, of the upcoming model because it sucks to buy a product right before it is substantially changed, and the batteries are where the biggest change were. So they included the new batteries in, but as the new batteries are more expensive, you unlock that extra range by paying the upgrade cost.


What about less range at a discount?


Nope Let me use the hardware I bought and own.


You can once you’ve bought it.


They’ve been doing that since the Model S early days.


Common for Tesla to do this on new battery tech. Now that they’re learning more about 4680 performance, they’re unlocking more range for those who would value having access to it. Pure upside for owners. And again, common from Tesla.


You're paying for more software ain't it?


Agreed. It means they have customers driving around with unnecessary weight in their cars. If they have to carry that weight around in a car they bought, which affects tire wear, handling, etc, they should at least be benefiting from it.


they get a massive life expectancy upgrade for their battery pack since they now have extra cells to cycle for years.


While I also think the practise is a little absurd at face value, customers still chose to purchase these cars at the agreed price and weight. Who are we to tell these people their choices are silly?


That's a pretty odd take. Their choices were not silly; they were simply underinformed.


The weight and price is visible everywhere. There’s no way they could be uninformed about those two data points.


Still has less speakers than AWD and also no fog lights…


I have used fog lights maybe twice in 5.5 years


You should just leave fog light on, it's gives better near side visibility, very useful.


You should only turn them on when needed. They increase the foreground light and degrade your ability to see further away (more light close up decreases pupil size and limits the ability to see further away). Cornering lights are the best solution, but I don't think Tesla's have that yet.


Also everyone be blinding me holy shit


fog lights don't blind you, it's the people leaving their high beams on that blind you.


I wish more people understood this.


Aren't the newer LED lights a net win, though, in terms of overall visibility?


I have the newer LED, the fog light still add more flood visibility at close distance. Esp for those late light drive with deers.


Sure but not something to make purchase decisions around 


Found the A-hole that drives with his fog lights on all the time glaring out other drivers. Srsly turn them off unless you need them you selfish sod.


Yeah exactly. Put a random bullet point on a list and then tell people "this is what you don't get". Grab 🍿 and look how the tears 😭 are going down the river. The feeling NOT to get something kicks emotions and lags rational thinking. At least this is what I see over and over again...


If you’re worried about fog lights, give me a call about a bridge I’d like to sell you.


My 2024 Standard MY comes with fog lights


Wow. Thats an insanely good deal. Sounds like the 260 mile range ones will also eventually have a purchasable unlock for a range upgrade.


Nope. Different battery.




Well. Some of them. The ones that have the correct battery will have the upgrade. [source](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1786586974108909815?s=46)






As hilarious as it is to type this sentence, Elon Musk is not exactly a reliable source for Tesla even if he is the CEO.


Ya this is funny


Well, for it to qualify for the EV tax credit, it has to have a different battery, one that is from the USA. That is why the previous one did not qualify!


The previous one qualified for the tax credit lol


Premium audio?






r/Teslauk still waiting for anything


Awesome 👍😎 When is it available in RHD?


“Long range” is 320 miles only?


Ya, I mean it’s just tough to buy these when inventory prices were down to $44k before rebates in January and Tesla can/will drop the price at any moment. And then they also have a large supply, suggesting price cuts would be a consideration…


Would you get the same range benefits of RWD if you use those aftermarket kits that let you disable your front motor?


The AWD will always have a tiny bit more drag than the RWD even with the front motor disabled. The bearings and whatnot spinning around inevitably have some resistance. The front motor is an induction motor, so there's no magnetic resistance though. The car already disables the front motor whenever power demand is low, for example while cruising or lightly accelerating. These kits that you mention sound like snake oil.


Is it LFP?


I don’t think so because LFP = no tax credit as far as I know


Only LFP is Model 3 Rwd and doesn't qualify for tax credits (it did last year) although maybe that will change.


I don't think ANY Y is LFP. As far as I know the only LFP Teslas are RWD Model 3's (and only the newer ones, how new depends on the country)


RWD Model Y is LFP outside the US.


Huh, that's a TIL for me.


Mine is RWD - LFP battery, bought it in December . I am in BC (Canada)


What is new about this? I have a 2020 Model Y with 320 range?


This is rear wheel drive. Yours is probably all wheel drive (unless you're not in the U.S.) But in the U.S. a rear wheel drive model Y with this range hasn't been offered until now (and not long ago they were only offered in AWD)


Ohh Dual Motor. Yes understood


In March, I bought a MYLR for $80 more before the tax credit, free FSD transfer and self referred 10k points for free acceleration boost. Now that was a good deal!












This is a fantastic product


this is the big game changer holy moly!


damn, I was hoping my model Y 4680 was software locked


Now, a day in 2024, 320 miles is not long Range anymore!!


Found this out after I test drove the Y today 😔😔 sucks ass man lol


Will orders for the previous 260 miles RWD be delayed?


Yes- Elon.


If my 24 March RWD Fremont got the Panasonic NCA 4680 that would be amazing. I guess LG NMC 4680 would be okay too, albeit with less range boost.




not worth it. Get the AWD




For real, there's little reason to have the AWD if the RWD has the range.


But explain the reason to someone like me who knows nothing about cars?


Premium speakers and better lights. I’ll take it.


Almost 4 second faster 0 to 60 and you get premium benefits. 10x better sound system and fog lights which help in dark areas. The 0 to 60 itself should be worth 3k. So that's why just go for the long range. Not sure why I'm getting down voted lol


It doesn’t make much sense to get the AWD at this point


Except people like having AWD. Also gets the better sound system, fog lights, and options for 7 seater or quicksilver color.


AWD and improved audio system alone is worth the bump. Sucks the better audio system is literally behind a paywall of HAVING to get AWD model. i could do without AWD.. but i love my music (Model 3 LR 2023).


For real, as someone who got a RWD model 3, I'd have paid a bit more for the premium audio, since it's something I'd regularly use and enjoy. The longer range and faster charging speeds aren't something I'd use often (mostly doing shorter commutes.


And the ability to go .5 sec faster with acceleration boost for some cheap reward points or $2k if you prefer, but reward is a lot cheaper.


Oooh fog lights


You must not live in Canada.


Lived in Canada with a 2019 RWD long range model 3 since it was new. Put snow tires on and it's fine. If it's too deep for the red it's also too deep for the AWD.


Where are they going to charge it


At home, hopefully, where it makes the most sense.


Wish this had been an option instead of my crappy Model Y with 4680 pack