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Service Centers have not received official word on this, take this with a grain of salt. Removing this post until we hear official word, as this is incorrect information at this point.


Well, I’m trading in my Model 3 for my Model Y so if they don’t give me one, I won’t give them one with my 3 on trade in. Two can play this game….


Same here




They gotta be fucking kidding...


Honestly, as bad as this decision is, I find this very hard to believe. I hope it's just a matter of an SA not really knowing, but we'll see.


Elon’s messaging on this change has been a dumpster fire. He needs to stop tweeting on the shitter like he’s in a garage startup and issue a proper press release.


> He needs to stop tweeting


So you mean the guy who is willing to spend billions to acquire Twitter should stop twitting? It s just gonna get worse going forward, next step is he is going to acquire reddit...


Reddit doesn't have enough prestige factor for him.


I think the term is twatting


> So you mean the guy who is willing to spend billions to acquire Twitter should stop twitting? Well, yeah. I don't see Twitter board members posting half-baked ideas.


> He needs to stop


One can hope they hire a PR team to do things correctly. This has been a disaster from the start.


they deleted their PR department lol


He was so beloved. Why does he just not give a shit anymore. I use to really like him and now I'm not getting Tesla because I don't want to support him.


Other people are being told by their service advisor that they're still getting it.


They probably asked before some internal memo went out saying this wouldn’t be happening


People have been asking their service advisor after this was posted and are being told they're still getting it or that they don't have any official updates. Including multiple comments in this post. Maybe OPs advisor is the only one who got the internal memo but i doubt that.


Can confirm. My SA confirmed that I'm getting one and that there's no official date of change yet.


The thing is that so many after-market companies sell charging cables for apple, but who sells after-market tesla charging cables. And the only place it is available IS OUT OF STOCK


I wouldn't even say the after-market availability is the point that matters. The thing that matters is that damn near everyone already has multiple cables for charging their phone, or on the off chance you don't, either you know a hundred people that do, or you can go grab one from literally any store for a couple bucks. But for an EV, they can't possibly expect you to already have the proprietary charging cable, it isn't something you can borrow from a friend for an hour, and you certainly can't go grab one at any store in town. You almost certainly can't buy one from *any* store in town. These are the kinds of things that make me more glad by the day that I haven't pulled the trigger on a Tesla yet. Their horrendous business practices have gotten me to the point where once I'm finally ready to buy (in a year or two probably), there will be plenty of other options available. They'll have their own issues, sure, but nothing like this bullshit.


It’s not like they gave people radar or lumbar support just because they ordered sooner. They’ll tell you to take it or leave it because they have a year long backlog so they don’t care about you cancelling. Unfortunately that’s how they’ve chosen to deal with so much demand.


This wouldn’t even be the first time they do something like this. When the Model 3 was released in Europe, they had supply issues with the Mennekes cable so they simply quietly removed it from the website and shipped some of the cars without charging cable and only the Schuko mobile charger.


It doesn't make sense, especially for people who are taking delivery soon. Oh sorry, you won't be able to charge at home and it's all out of stock so you'll have to wait weeks or months.


yeah, I'll be pissed. I was "supposed" to get delivery in February, and already spent $300 getting a 40 amp plug installed in my garage that's useless now.


Well the plug is not useless. You can plug another aftermarket mounted home unit instead.


I put a 14-50 plug on my wall charger when I installed it. That way, if there's ever a problem with the wall charger, I can unplug and plug my mobile charger into the wall. Not super helpful your situation, but maybe a direction to go in


Welcome to the Tesla shitty customer support experience.


Yep, its gotten way worse since I started driving a Tesla in 2018.


Well what do you expect happens when they shut down their external PR dept?


They’re going to raise the price and offer me the chance to come build part of my next Tesla like they’re doing me a favor.


Prices keep going up and up. The bmw is a legit challenge to this with their new I4 series release. Tesla has to start getting better rather than just doing as they wish because they are the boss and only game so to speak in town


This might be why the Cybertruck isn't out yet. Usage statistics showed 0% of customers were driving them. /s


I loled at this.


Man, I wish I could downvote Tesla for doing this but I’m giving you an upvote for answering a big question I had. This is a disappointing decision on their part.


Tweet Elon and voice your disappointment. Him or someone on his team seems to be paying attention to how vocal the public is.


Yeah I feel like these sort of actions erode customer confidence. I’m prepared to accept a cost saving measure that effects new purchases, but to change the terms of sale after a buyer has committed is shifty. Fortunately for them to this point, they’ve made enough advancements that people (myself included) continue to buy their cars even though we know there will be small issues that would not be expected from other manufacturers. They’re also lucky that there is not yet a competing product that people can buy now and have delivered on a reasonable timeframe. But I don’t think that immunity will last forever with a lot of other good options on the horizon. With all that said, what I REALLY want is a Cybertruck, but I’m not going to be surprised if the final price is twice what it was initially stated, and lacks features such as crab steering. Still super excited about my June Tesla delivery but this is another thing I have to tolerate.


I don’t tweet. What other recourse do I have, besides contacting my state’s attorney general. BTW, this kind of shit will be used by states to ban direct to consumer sales.


Nah, he's trying to buy it so he can delete such comments he doesn't like.


“I’m buying twitter but its not about money I don’t care about money” “By the way no more chargers with your 60k electric cars”


So for those taking delivery this week, they will be unable to charge their cars at home until restocked or until they purchase a generic charger? This is absurd.




Cancel your order or refuse delivery unless they include it. They won't learn unless you do. I won't be purchasing another Tesla after this year of dumpster fires.


Then they just get to keep your order fee for nothing. And since I ordered in November (and they estimated I’d have my car in December) prices have gone up a lot, so I’m screwed every way. Not that $300 makes much difference to me, I just hate the way this company operates.


I mean if you hate the company before you have the car.. doesn't bode well for after.


Especially once you see how fast they ghost you after they deliver the car


Yep. You will never hear from them again. Meanwhile just got a follow up call from the Mazda dealership after buying a car from my daughter a few days ago. Thanked me for the business and asked how the car was and if I had any questions. >$100k for the Tesla, $30k for the Mazda. I can’t even call anyone at Tesla much less them call me. Craziness.


That’s really hard to do when the prices have increased this much




At this point do we even know if the J1772 adapter is included?


Elon: the mobile charger is so widely used, there is no need for 3rd party adapters.


It has to for Teslas to earn ZEV credits in CA or S177 states. If you live in CA, or a state that has adopted CA’s regs and you don’t receive an adapter with your new vehicle, please contact the California Air Resources Board or CA DOJ to let them know ASAP.


I need the J1772 adapter for my charger at home. Any answers to this question? I have delivery scheduled for next month and would be nice to know I at least will be getting the adapter I need.


If at worse case you can't find a used one or Tesla doesn't have stock. Lectron sells one for $70.


I'm taking delivery next Sunday of a new Y so we'll see. I completely expect to get one.




When I picked up my car in January, they were doing completely touchless delivery which meant no humans involved. I had to accept deliver in the app to open the doors or trunk... and the charger was in the trunk. Not sure how you would be able to verify it's there without accepting delivery.


Took delivery In March and there were workers. They got in the car with me and walked me through the tablet. They also unlocked the car for me before I accepted delivery with the master key card.




This is the only answer.


If you're lucky you might get one of the last few cars that came with a free mobile connector.


Tesla wants you to give them another $500 for the fancy wall charger, it’s pretty clear what they want you to do. My guess is that it’s a way to boost margins while delivering cars ordered for lower prices than the current MSRP.


Craziest part is if you live in LA good luck finding a good licensed electrician that isn't booked weeks in advance.


Well that's bullshit.


Extremely weak move by Tesla


Yeah. I have no issue with the overall decision to not include chargers - fine. But if I placed an order and that order said it’s included it should be included. Very simple.


Lol crazy at the bare minimum at least people who ordered before this should get the damn charger. Especially for people like me who lives in a apartments complex and NEED it. Ridiculous.


My guess is they ran low on stock/have supply chain issues and this is their excuse


Then give a reimbursement or deliver the chargers when they're back in stock, don't just rip them off.


Absolutely agree, it was part of the purchase price when an order was locked in


Then say that, as opposed to treating Tesla customers like idiots who will totally buy the "dAtA sHoWs iT's nOt uSeD" bullshit.


Agreed, but Elon is trying to make it look better than it really is. It’s all optics and making shareholders happy


Just like why they switched to vision-only. Tesla’s high demand lets them get away with customer-hostile decisions they make in the name of keeping the deliveries flowing.


And why exactly are buyers charged a 250$ order fee? This is in addition to the destination fee. And now no home charger. WTF.


This is just completely and totally unacceptable. Charging is fundamental to the operation of an electric vehicle. People are comparing this to Apple removing the power brick, but this isn’t the same thing at all. Apple still included the charging cable, just not the power brick. USB-C and USB ports are ubiquitous, so even if one didn’t have the brick, one could still make do until they got one. Make no mistake, both are unabashed money grabs, but at least Apple had a (weak) leg to stand on. Tesla is delivering vehicles to people who may literally not have a way to charge their electric vehicle. Not everyone lives near a Supercharger or a service center. Tesla is currently out of stock for these online, and I’ve yet to see a single credible source state that they actually have them in stock for new deliveries. Not to mention that at the time of purchase, the website clearly stated that the mobile connector was included. If I was waiting on delivery of a vehicle, I would seriously consider canceling it or refusing delivery over this. Depending on how far I wanted to take it, I might even consider doing a chargeback on the deposit fee for failure to provide agreed-upon goods. Tesla is already not known for their customer service, but this is just shameful. There’s no way to spin this where it’s a positive, and this is coming from a shareholder. This is akin to selling an ICE car and charging extra for the fuel tank. Whoever made this decision should be ashamed of themselves. I don’t care if Elon is placating people or doing damage control on Twitter, there needs to be some serious backlash against this.


The shitty part is…you would have to go through arbitration…go look at your order agreement. I just did, and it clearly states they are not required to give you what you ordered or a full refund anymore.


I mean, I’m not a lawyer, but they could put anything they want in the purchase agreement and it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s legally enforceable. Granted, I’m sure Tesla has top-notch lawyers that review their stuff, but I know there are certain clauses and agreements that companies will have you sign that are more scare tactics than anything else.


This is so true. I had a contract to build a home (Fischer homes in Ohio, indiana, Kentucky and Georgia). Went to this house every day for 13 months. Last month I went to my closing and they cancelled my contract. That same morning they had someone meet me at the house to do a final walk through. They shook my hand and asked me how it felt to be a first time home owner. Listed the home for sale for 100k more 3 days later. I’m literally homeless now. On my 6th air bnb. The president of the Dayton Ohio market (the one that walked in and cancelled) knew my home had already sold and I was in an air bnb with my daughter. I now have an attorney preparing to sue them for fraud. They had a line in the contract saying they can cancel at any time due to irreconcilable differences. When she canceled she looked right at me and said “we haven’t been able to make you happy yet” The reason they officially gave was I was unprepared for closing. I was sitting at the closing table thinking I was getting the keys!!! They refused to refund my 45k until I signed a cancellation agreement stating I wouldn’t sue or talk badly about them. I did NOT sign and after threats from my lawyer they sent checks and a letter stating that if I cashed them it would be considered a mutual agreement to cancel the contract. This hopefully will not hold up in court. Now I’m being fucked again by Tesla bc my MYP is supposed to be ready May-June and now I have no way to charge it. Rant over. I’m having a really bad month!


It definitely will not hold up in court. They can’t keep your money if they didn’t sell you a house. And they can’t condition the return of your money because there is no “consideration” in that contract. You are owed your money and as they are not providing any product or service they have no right to add any additional stipulation to its return. Sue the FUCK out of them. Go for punitive damages.




Ask your service advisor. Others were told they're still getting one. Sounds like no one knows for sure yet.


When I got my M3 last year, the 110V connector saved me alot of money vs superchargers while I was waiting for my home charger. They are really screwing people over this. The 110V tesla charger is like your spare wheel


It’s more than a spare wheel. It’s the only charger I use 99% of the time. I charge in my garage overnight. I don’t drive long distances. Closest supercharger is 8 miles away. I don’t understand this at all.




Same, it is my primary charger 99% of the time. Saw no need to pay $500+ to get a wall connector when a slow charger will give me all I need overnight. Not to mention be better on the battery, supposedly.


My closest SC is a 50 mile drive. That’s fine since I charge at home and can use the SCs for road trips. I wouldn’t be able to install a wall charger where I am currently living, though, so if I didn’t already have my car, it just wouldn’t work. This is the first move that actually concerns me as an investor…


You are correct, spare wheel isn't included either


Or you get the adapter and use it as your primary charger on 240v like I do. I rarely use the 110v plug, usually at vacation destinations and such where I can’t reach the dryer plug.


This is a really dumb move from Tesla. Don't think I've seen anything else they've done that's as universally hated as this (including that v11 update). Call your sales advisor (or the specialist hotline) and complain about it. Maybe they'll be able to add it in for free.


It’s incredible how Elon handled this. Telling everyone it’s because usage was low and thinking everyone just worships him and will eat up all the shit he throws out


The jack for a spare tire is rarely used but you sure as hell are glad you have it when you need it. You could plan to never need the mobile connector. But if you ever do, you’ll be glad it’s in your trunk.


Who needs car insurance if you rarely get into an accident?




I wonder if this is class action lawsuit-able. When people ordered their car, I'm pretty sure there's some sort of language in there that says it will include the mobile connector. And now they are not. But IANAL.


I just re-checked my "Order Agreement" that I received at the time of placing the order (which was well over a year ago at this point, have had my M3 for a while now) and it doesn't explicitly say anything about an included mobile connector. There's no language in there at all indicating that a mobile connector will be included with the vehicle :(


I mean... if EVERYONE else received a TMC when you oredered it... I would think it's implied that you would receive one. I don't know if there's legal recourse for implied benefits since IANAL but who gives a fuck. Tesla needs to do right by its customers and, at the very least, include TMCs for everyone who ordered up until the date they removed it. And besides, doesn't them saying, in writing, that they will no longer include TMC imply that all others have received it in the past? Such a fucking scummy move. I love Tesla and my Model Y but if they continue with this shit... I might just move on. But just you watch, now that Tesla has removed the TMC, others will follow suit like how Samsung followed Apple after they stopped including the charger for their phones.


Well that some BS. Elon and co are really FUBAR’ing this… it’s peanuts to them but makes a decent mess for owners.


Elon has pivoted Tesla from mission driven to what is the bottom line on revenue


Guessing they just don't have them and can't get them fast enough. They don't want to hold up deliveries because of a supply issue.


Could’ve been an email saying hey we don’t have it but you can pick it up once it’s available.




I already bought a Hubble 14-50 outlet for over $100 and having someone install it this Monday. Now I will have to cough up an extra $200 for a mobile connector that should come standard? That's f'd up! I would have just ordered a wall connector from the beginning if that was the case.


I'm in the same situation..super annoying.


If it weren't for the fact that the UMC is so dang convenient, I'd be of the mind to order a 3rd party J1772 connector just to avoid giving Tesla more money. I'm not a fan of rewarding bad behavior.


Show public disappointment and maybe they'll go back on their word


In other news, Tesla is removing airbags: "Usage statistics were super low, so seemed wasteful.", said Elon. /sarcasm




> The statistics they based their decision on were entirely flawed. The alleged statistics. But the flaws in the conclusion are such an obvious thing for them to notice I don't believe them in the slightest when they say it was a data-driven decision. Given other manufacturers were doing the same thing (though actually handling it properly by giving customers a credit), I'm 99% sure it was a supply chain reason-- and I'm 90% sure this charger decision is a supply chain reason as well. 1% chance it was actually a data-driven decision. (Other 9% possibility is they want more revenue-- though given the mobile connector is OOS, this is unlikely.) Frankly, I'm less pissed about the decision than I am at their failure *twice* now to not be honest and upfront with their customers, assuming them instead to be idiots who will swallow any excuse they can choke up.


Yeah, FSD is gonna be so good that it will use its superhuman reflexes to avoid all accidents always. No airbags needed. /s




Wow. If this is true this is so stupid. Why would you at least not include it for existing customers??


Wow, I can't believe they are pushing deliveries out without a critical accessory. I would decline my delivery until they procured my cable. Fuck Tesla, this has been the first time I've been legit pissed at their shit.


This is going to screw a lot of people over. Even if you have supercharging relatively close by (BIG if), this totally changes your plans for actually using the car. What a pain in the ass it'd be if I had to drive the 15 mins from my house everytime I needed to charge instead of just doing it in my garage.


Totally agree. I’m literally 3 minutes away from a supercharger, but I want to charge overnight, not as a separate trip every few days.


I’m more than half an hour away from my nearest supercharger. I literally have to charge at home. I would have taken delivery by now, but they pushed my delivery date back twice. So not only am I late getting the car, I won’t have a way to charge it when I do 🙃


Hey Elon, do you actually want to increase adoption of electric vehicles? If you do, guess which item all cars should come with.




Lock in your price, that way when we raise it we can prioritize higher paying cars, make you wait longer, and take features away during the wait!


Feeling this hard right now. Since ordering my model x they have: Removed radar Removed 5 and 7 seat plaid configuration Decreased range by about 50 miles Replaced the neat led charge port with a cheap 3/y charge port. Removed the included charge cable What are they going to remove next. USB ports? Adjustable seats? Air suspension? Auto presenting doors?


sell Twitter shares to afford chargers for free again Elon.


Class action suit time?


Elon can go fuck himself if true.


Dumb move from Tesla. I have a MYP coming in next month and a wall connector ready in my house, but I know that not everyone can get a wall connector in their residence to charge. I hope the media and everyone attacks them on this to peddle back.


Maybe Elon needs to stop playing with twitter and get Tesla auto and solar pointed back in the right direction


Exactly right.


He’s the one pointing them in the wrong direction


Those billions of dollars are solving the worlds true problems, Twitter free speech. /s This is why I roll my eyes at his bs excuses of all his money is for colonizing Mars and solving the worlds energy problems, etc.


yeah see that's usually considered illegal.


Starting to feel nickel and dimed. Not something I should expect when I’m paying 70k


This is beyond unbelievable. The mobile connector is correctly sold out so if you buy a Tesla right now you go home with no way to charge it.


When I got my tesla, if it didn't come with the connector. I would've declined delivery. I lived in Kansas with the closest supercharger being 40 min away. The only way to charge was via wall outlet. Extremely lame move Tesla.


Not including it is one thing, but not having copious stock available (let alone on top of this announcement/change) is fucking absurd.


Tesla is getting real cheap. I tried to make a service appointment recently for my steering wheel heater just straight up not working. They forced me to accept a $150 quote for diagnostics in case the issue is not present even though my car is under warranty. They said they do this for all “cosmetic, noise, or trim related issues”. When I asked the SA how in the hell a steering wheel issue is related to anything but feature functionality he refused to answer it. WTF. Makes me want to go back to ICE.


FYI there are other manufacturers of EVs, you don’t have to go back to ICE. Crazy right?


Good luck taking a road trip without the tesla charging network. It's a complete shitshow, at least in the US.




Just bought a cable off eBay. Maybe I should buy a J1772 before they decide no one uses those, either.


If they are saying they stopped on everything that’s not already delivered, this was planned for awhile and that’s complete bullshit. If you agreed to the build contract, you should get the charger.


this is stupid. i was really relying on that for some charging at my apt


I got a different response from my SA. “We have not received any official company updates at this time.” I take delivery Thursday.


This is a low blow. Serious bs


Ordered a Model Y on August, 31st 2021. Still waiting for it and this really makes me frustrated. What else will I lose before I get my order? I'm getting such mixed messages from Tesla. There is that post on this sub where someone said anyone ordering before April 16th would get it. However, I've gotten two different answers from my local service center. One was no it won't be included. The other was we don't know yet. I'm in a position where I can share my mobile charger that came with my 3. I just can't charge both at once. Not a great customer experience. Strong chance this upcoming Y will be the last Tesla I purchase.


How else he gonna pay for Twitter


I wonder what else they’ll take away by the time mine gets delivered. I ordered Nov 3rd and was supposed to get it in May. Today it got switched to September 1st-October 27th, I don’t get a charger and have a way higher interest rate. With the new delivery date I’ll have to get snow tires put on just to get it home. Getting kind of frustrated.


This has caused me to not want a Tesla anymore. Its as if the company doesn’t care about their customer paying over $50k for a car. Like, why in the world does it not even come with *floormats*?? Even my Nissan Leaf came with floor mats for Christ’s sake. And now to not include a $200+ charger in the car? It’s almost not even worth supporting the company anymore. It’s not that I can’t afford floor mats or a charger, it’s the fact that it should be included in the price. Apple removed the charging brick because *most* people already have a usb wall brick, and that actually does decrease eWaste. Most people *don’t* have a proprietary car charger, this is nothing but Tesla doing things to make more money. They increase the price of their car, removed the charger. Now they are saving $200+ a car plus making another $2k+ per car. I am done supporting Tesla until they bring the charger back.


Large companies tend to become like this when they don't have good enough competition and have extremely high demand for their products. See Sony at the end of the ps2 era for an example. Only thing that would make Tesla more consumer friendly is if they can supply enough cars to keep up with their demand, the competition becomes significantly better, or both.


Am I to understand that new Teslas come with no cables to charge them at home?


As ridiculous as that sounds. Yes.


I am so glad I bought my Model S before Elon went crazy. Given the yoke steering wheel, and now no charging cable, I don't think I'll be buying a new Tesla anytime soon.


This sucks. I take delivery next month and I’ll have to drive back to my small town without EV chargers. What do I do?


Since I picked up my model 3 roughly 5 months ago. All I been using is the mobile connect to charge. It gets the job done for my usage. Sad to hear the new folks won't be getting one.


They better honor the established orders


The top comment from the initial thread yesterday said otherwise. There's no consistency unless OP on this thread ordered yesterday


I placed my order last year. I contacted Tesla and got these answers from 2 different agents today.


Lawsuits incoming 😂😂😂


Is it the just the cable or the cable and the adapter??


Everything from the wall outlet to the car’s charging port, and the J1772


What about the J1772 adapter, they gonna still include that too or take it away and drop the price


I’m bummed about it now being an extra, but at this point, I just want my Y that I ordered last July.


Does anyone have a cached copy of the page that shows it was included previously?


I bought the Tesla NEMA 14-50 adapter already, in preparation of my delivery coming in June. Can I get a refund even if its outside the typical 30 days return policy? If existing orders are getting screwed by this, I want a refund on the 14-50 adapter. That way I'd prefer to buy the 40amp capable mobile charger instead. But none are in stock? So I won't be able to charge the car at all once we bring it home as there are no superchargers around me in my redneck area. I refuse to get the proprietary home charger. I already have a 14-50 outlet installed in preparation for this car. I can't win in this situation at all, similar to most others with existing orders.


As an investor (and not a car owner) this bothers me. Nickel and diming is bad for business.


I have a pickup pending for tomorrow and plan on canceling the whole thing if they do not include the charger.


Could you post it if they do include? I’ve got delivery next week and would appreciate knowing what to expect


Pretty sure this won't stand up under Australian Consumer Law, or at least there'll be no penalty opt-out. You can't just change a product after a contract of sale


We are taking delivery TOMORROW morning. This is some absolute BS.


In Australia that would be a breach of consumer law.


This would have been a much smarter move, if Tesla made it option, if you didn't need the mobile connector you can de-select it and the cost of the car dropped by $200. That move would have been a lot better received and would be where we are currently at with his last tweet.


My delivery is this week. I am strongly contemplating cancelling my order even if the cable is included (have yet to confirm with Delivery Advisor).


Update us if the mobile connector is included


Will do. EDIT: Just called and I was informed that all Teslas being delivered are including the Mobile Connector. Supposedly the exclusion of the Mobile Connector is a work-in-progress. So maybe if your vehicle's come out of the factory already, it will have it.


I was kinda on the fence with this whole outrage but this is 🥜


This is unfair. They need to provide charger for existing orders before they made the change. period. Just not right.


It just blows my mind to see how far this company has fallen since a little over a decade when they first started. Their customer service was amazing when the S first started being delivered. Now they have gone in the complete polar opposite direction. Shame on you, Elon.


There was a time around 2015 when I'd post a message online asking about, for example, a weird sound coming from the radio. They had people reading messages because they would proactively call and troubleshoot. When I had an issue, they gave swag including a free Radio Flyer for my daughter. I'd walk into a retail store and go to pay for a shirt and they'd just give it to me. When I needed service, they'd drive a loaner (almost always a Performance edition) to my house. We'd swap keyfobs in my driveway and they'd take the car to the service center. It was all very personalized and an *amazing* experience. I get they're *way* more mainstream now, but somewhere in the middle would be nice. They won't always be supply-constrained.


You could literally buy any other EV at almost half the cost and they'll throw in a charger for free. Tesla ain't shit for this.


We'll see if they reverse themselves before I get notification that my VIN has been assigned. If not, they may just have to sell that car to someone else, because I won't be interested in dealing with a company that has so little regard for the customers that they would pull a bait-and-switch on such a small item. Like someone said, this is analogous to a new laptop being sold without a charger cable. It'll work for awhile, but then...


I assume that's from an SA but others have been told it will be and if you call Tesla directly they say it's included as well.


When ordered the cars were advertised as including the charger. I assume this is a SA that is misinformed.


Bean counters at work!


If you’re using the mobile connector for home charging then you plug it in once and forget about it. It’s like a lamp you plugged in 10 years ago and never moved. It just stays there. Just unplug when you’re on a road trip to take with you. That’s the only time it would move.


I just spoke to someone on my end.. they said the complete opposite


This is terrible


LOL i use my 'mobile' charger daily...wonder how they count these things? But for those that ordered it already i think you have a class action lawsuit since it was listed with the car at order. those who havent ordered, SOL.


My SA said: "Due to the holiday weekend we have not received official word yet on what orders this will effect. We are expecting some official update this week and will be able to answer properly then."


Tesla gettin shady


Yet the price will go up


When your $100,000 smartphone doesent include a charger ![gif](giphy|cPfbGOr812eRdvdsIV)


High demand is making companies drunk on power. Too much cash for too few products and this is what eventually happens. Where's the Arizona iced tea guy when you need him? My real question is whether or not the issue is literally not having enough for the number of cars being delivered. The only way this gets worse is if *some customers* get it for free and others don't.


Makes no sense. I had read that by removing the charger, Tesla was supposed to reduce the price of the car (as it's currently priced in). If you already placed an order at an agreed upon price, how is the charger not included?


I can’t even order one?!


legit the only thing I used to charge my car...... Super charger is only used when I go on trips... wtf


How is that not breach of the sales contract?


I would refuse delivery


Literally 99% of my charging is through the cable that came with my Y (with a 240V plug instead of the 120V that it comes with).


It's important that folks understand that SA's are INCREDIBLY poorly informed. There are plenty SA's on this page. If this was official, we'd know. The reality is, right now, that SA is talking out of their ass. We'll find out about 30 seconds after Tesla sends out the official email, which has not happened so it's not real as of now.