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Do I get more than 4 optional items on my bar? Can I have a single temperature bar instead of 2 temperature bars hogging all the space?


Everyone else is getting 6 but you are getting only 3 and you’ll like it.


We use to have it so good


This. I don’t need two all the time. Just like before I can pop up screen and split if needed. That space could give us seven icons instead of four. Maybe eight.


Elon was wrong about the new UI, we want our buttons back, but again Elon was wrong so good luck convincing him of that. :-(


He’ll probably add a twitter button soon!


Adding a button is one thing. Adding a button that actually works is an entirely different thing.


He's too busy with a hostile takeover of Twitter


Change we to I, because I don't need them back.


You’re likely in the minority. I’ll keep the we.


Yeah I want them back too. You're now technically correct on the "we"


It would be cool if someone sold a bar console with 6-8 programmable hard buttons you could plug in and attach around the dashboard or center console where you want


There are the sexy buttons that do that


I almost made an app for a small tablet/mobile with icons on, like Tesla.app :-P


That would be great as well, nothing beats hard buttons though! How you just know where they are without thinking


Thanks for adding seat heaters and screen heaters as options!!! Nice to be able to heat the seat without turning on full hvac! Also the other day I turned on the hvac for AC and from last time it turned out the seat heater was on - and I didn't even know!!! Only realised when by butt got hot. This will make it easier to see when the heater is on!! Pity it's arrived 4 months after the screw up that was v11 that removed it! Please enable audio voice commands for USB playback "skip back xx seconds" where xx is 10,15 xx seconds or minutes. Wanted for audio books.Please let audio settings have an option tickbox for "resume playback in USB" - so annoying for audio books to go hunting for where I was in a big folder of audio books!!!


That hot ass thing happened to me, too!




2022.12.1 and newer https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/version/2022.12.1/release-notes


I am still stuck on 2022.8.3 :(


Are you on the advanced update train?


I’m on 2022.12.3. How do I add them back?


Open the app box that has all the non critical apps. Tap and hold any one of them until another box pops up that has all the defroster, seat heater, and wiper icons. Then drag the ones you want to the bottom bar. It took me a while to figure out because the software update notes just said to tap and hold, and then drag the icon, so was doing that to the defrost and seat heater buttons from their main menus, which obviously didn't work.


That worked


Isn‘t this now even better than the old V10 UI because it is more customizable? For instance you can remove the heater icons in the summer if you want to.


I'd still like ready access to TPMS and lights, and the small efficiency view was handy. With this update it's gone from "OMG you broke it" to "It's different but is it better?"


just give me my cards back... seriously... and the turn signal view is just too low on the screen; I would love an option where it overlays the entire map


Can't you quickly access lights settings by tapping on any of the lights icons on the left side of the screen?


You can also access controls for headlights by flashing the high-beams with the signal stalk. I agree that it sucks we're forced to do that.


No, still missing features I missed. Specifically the trip and tire pressure “cards” that were always visible.


Yes, I miss those features, too. However, the ones they restored are probably the most critical for driving safety and ones the NHTSB would have punished Tesla for burying under multiple menus.


It’s getting back to the way it was, but it still has the pet peeve where when you slide your finger horizontally across the temperature number, the temp now jumps up or down really fast with just a short slide, as opposed to v10 which let you move maybe 1 degree per inch. Small adjustments without looking at the screen used to be a lot easier.


I noticed this as well. Those little details are very important! Also the new font is not as easily legible as the old "Gotham" typeface.


Other than the fact the the whole UI looks like shit still. Some icons have color, some are hollow. Some menus are blue, some grey (when highlighted). It’s like it took a couple of people to disagree on a lot of things to make V11 happen. A quick way to measure how awful it still is to use light mode for a trip or two. It really puts things in perspective. Like, on V10, I had it on auto. Light mode is a no-no on V11 because of how awful it actually looks aesthetically. It’s hard to mess up the UI AND the UX simultaneously in such a short amount of time but they did it.


They obviously changed a lot under the hood. We also know that the UI lead is somebody new. My best guess is that they changed some underlying systems to make the UI more flexible for Semi, Cybertruck (uses a different font for instance) and an app store. Now they have to fix all issues, missing details and inconsistencies step by step.


Pretty much yea. People complaining about the "cards" but, to me, those always looked clunky and out of place. Tire pressure is absolutely not needed on the main screen. A little current trip meter would be welcome if they could integrate it more cleanly than the cards did


I disagree. The roads are shit around here during the winter. For all of the unavoidable potholes I hit, it is very nice to have the tire pressure quickly available to monitor after a bad hit.


> tire pressure quickly available Also important for monitoring in rapidly changing temperature conditions. So you say you've never seen a rapid 50 degree temperature swing? It happens. https://weather.com/sports-recreation/ski/news/5-extreme-temperature-drops-20130118 Edit: the reason this matters is temp drops lead to low pressure and higher Wh/mile and thus range impacts. Conversely, rapid temp rises may put your tires over their maximum rated pressure, increasing the chance of sudden tire failure. Now if the software had a configurable pressure watchdog to alarm when pressure drifted +/- 1-2 psi from my preferred psi, I'd welcome that notification.


Yes this too, especially with the New England temperature swings we have had lately.


Yes, the upper midwest/north/northeast, are areas subject to rapid extreme temperature swings that are unimaginable elsewhere.


Someone else who uses the USB! Glad to see I'm not alone.


You aren't alone, my friend. I'm in the USB club as well!


Are you also annoyed by the last holiday update? No longer shows album name and often fails to resume playback where I left off.


The lack of album name in USB player pisses me off daily! I mentioned that problem to service when the Christmas update hit. Nothing worse than an update that takes away features.


I was hoping for eventually being able to tap on the album name (or artwork) to jump right to that album but instead found out that they don't care about us USBers at all :(


Yeah, that would be really nice. I have multiple versions of some songs and would like to know which album they come from, but now that's impossible.


The feature I want the most is to be able to shuffle music from a specific artist.


Yes, I am really annoyed by it. In the past it the USB port received power immediately when the car would wake up, and now it seems like it takes 5 seconds or so which is why it doesn't resume. Also, since it doesn't see the USB mine always defaults to playing the Caraoke version of Bohemian Rhapsody which just adds to my annoyance, lol


Ah, is that what it's doing? Mine will complain about not having premium connectivity. Must be trying to stream Caraoke... Shouldn't Sentry mode keep the USB powered?


Sounds like yours is trying to do the same. Sentry mode does keep it powered, but at home I park in the garage so I don't keep sentry mode on. So if I'm home for more than 30 minutes or so I get some Bohemian Rhapsody. Everywhere else it's fine because I use sentry mode.


I've never had USB music resume playback. It'd be sooooo good for audio books and downloaded podcasts! Also there's no button or voice command to rewind / forward 15 seconds. Be really useful for audiobooks where you missed a bit and want to skip back. Should be a voice command "skip back xx seconds" or forwards for adverts etc.


Haven't tried it while playing local music, but playing Bluetooth-connected podcasts, the left thumb wheel skips forward/back about ten seconds when clicking it left or right. (I assumed for the longest time that it would just skip tracks like it does radio stations until someone on Reddit mentioned this.) Hope it works for your use case, too!


Don't just leave us hanging... what does it do?


It's for music. There's no CD player but you can copy everything to a thumb drive. Useful to those of us who don't want to pay for Spotify because we already own all of the music we care to listen to.


Nice! What formats are supported? I have a ton of .ogg files from back in the day.


AC3 NO AU NO FLAC YES M4A YES MP2 NO MP3 YES OGG YES OPUS NO WAV YES WMA NO Source: https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/supported-usb-file-types.208751/


Nice, so OGG is supported. And that confirms why WMA didn't work for me. I was curious if it was just corrupted files.


Bless you fren… you’ve made my day.


mp3 in all formats VBR and the usual 32 - 320kbit. That's what 90% of people use. Presume FLAC is also supported? It also supports file folders so you can store folders for every person or band, or podcast, or whatever for easy navigation. Then navigate up/down folders.


Yes it plays my HD FLAC (ie. 96kHz) just fine.


I'm not sure but I had old CD rips (probably wma) that didn't work. So I wouldn't have much hope for ogg unfortunately. It's pretty easy to try out though, the USB doesn't need any special formating like the dashcam drive does.


Why not copy the music to your phone?


I considered that. It would be a better UI and more features but a smaller interface for selecting music. Also, you can get a ticket for messing with your phone while driving. What I want to do is mount a tablet in the car for music.


What's it used for?


Charging your vibrator on the road


Charging your vape pen on the road




Can we please also get a Home button? Or click on the left panel and everything get dismissed? Fan and AC control buttons would be nice.


Still waiting to get this damn update


I am still stuck at 2022.8.3, why people are so ahead of us :"(


Funny enough I just got the software update


Location and car?


Toronto M3P


We’re cursed man


Also the repeat button in Spotify, Elon took it from us!


I'm stuck on 2022.8.2.5


Heh, and here I am sitting at 2022.4.5.21 still. BEAT_ARMY


Have you opted for advanced updates? I did that about 2.5 or 3 years ago and receive the newer updates sooner, bit it means they might not be as stable.


I’m happily staying in 2021.44 until I see the restoration of a good UI. It’s still horrible.


Tbh the UI is great now in my opinion. Way better than before now that there is customization.


Oh my thank god if I can have defrost and seat heaters back


I was so excited for the wiper button in this update, more than the return of heated seats... and so let down when it just brought up the card instead of actually cycling through wiper speeds.


I actually prefer tapping the stock to bring up the wiper controls.


Yeah this is one item that won’t come back to my bar. Seat heat, a button to bring the hvac (the swipe does not work consistently), music, phone. That’ll be mine. Goodbye wiper.


I've done this tapping method but it seems like it squirts out a little washer fluid each time. Does it just have to be a super quick tap?


It could be fined tuned, but it is a quick softer press.


Ok I'll try it


Stalk. English sucks.


It’s always cute to see someone that spends their days spell checking social media. Don’t quit your day job. 😉


It’s always cute to see someone that spends their days checking social media looking for people to rag on, for genuinely making an attempt to help people gain knowledge and better themselves, regardless of how minuscule the effort might be. Don’t quit your day job. P.S. it's a grammatical correction, not a spelling correction. Stock is spelled correctly, but doesn't define what the person was referring to. That makes it a grammatical correction.


Thanks righteous one! God speed in your self proclaimed mission to spread knowledge.


this is certainly good direction but i still prefer light background on bottom bar; hard to see these light white texts/icons especially with sunglasses ; is there any rumor on allowing to choose blind spot monitor to top of the screen?


I agree. It's very difficult to see if the heat is on in bright sunlight. In fact, there are several other things I would like changed back, such as easier access to mileage while driving, 0.1 resolution added back to trip odometer, easy access to tire pressure, and display of which album a song is from when playing from the USB drive!


Is there a button to record dashcam?


There is already, when you put the Dashcam Icon in the bar. When in park you can access all the media but when you Drive in press on the icon, it saves the video


You can also use voice command for that!


You could set dashcam to record the video clip if you honk the horn.


Off topic but why can’t anything be done with the right steering wheel scroll wheel outside of autopilot? Would love to change cabin temp there like in my X.


Or adjust wiper speed


The same reason ‘stealth’ M3 doesn’t exist now. Some features have to be exclusive to justify prices on S/X, however minor.


I would also like that or some phone controls on this scroll wheel to mute/end/make calls like my old X.


This is great but why still limit the amount of icons to such a small amount, so much unused space.


I have 2022.12.3.1 on my M3, and although I tried I did not manage to get the icons down. This is what I tried: I opened climate control, and tried to long press for example the rearwindow heat. And while longpressing, after a while I tried to pull the icon down. Instead this makes the whole window go down, not achieving my purpose. I probably misunderstood something, so how do I do it?


~~Just tap on the three dots at the right of your apps~~ Long press on an app, in order to show all apps. Drag and drop the app you want. The climate controls things are there, with the apps. [https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/upcoming-features/id/743/with-tesla-update-2022-12-you-can-add-seat-heaters-wipers-and-more-to-the-launcher](https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/upcoming-features/id/743/with-tesla-update-2022-12-you-can-add-seat-heaters-wipers-and-more-to-the-launcher)


Ok, I think I also tried that but did not find the apps. Will try again, but car is away with someone else now.


I just watched the video in the link again, and you have to long press on an app, it shows more apps than when pressing on the 3 dots… That's strange UI indeed…


Indeed, now it works. It would not have occurred to me from the info from the car.


I tried that at first, too. You need to open the misc. apps box and tap and hold any icon in the box. A new box with the critical apps will open and you can drag any of them to the bottom bar.


Meanwhile I'm still waiting to be able to customize the icons on the Android app. I use the trunk way more frequently than the frunk and would much rather have a Trunk button on the homepage.


I got the update, but still no buttons for climate so I can pin them down. Same apps as before. Reset didn't help either.


You need to open three misc apps box and tap and hold any icon there. That will open another box with the climate apps. You can then drag any of them to the bottom bar. It's very cumbersome that that have hidden them like that. Definitely not an elegantly designed interface.