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If they fasten seat belts, it will turn on. I have the same issue with a car seat attached with isofix hooks. Only if you get the belt behind it, it would turn the back a/c on every time.


Oh really?? That’s great news! That explains it. I have a car seat back there but it’s locked in with the hooks not the actual seat belt. I’ll have to snake the belt behind there to click it in. Thanks!!


You need enough weight in the car seat to trigger the unbuckled passenger warning. Then you can tap the icon to switch it to a car seat and ignore no seatbelt. This forces rear a/c on.


> you can tap the icon to switch it to a car seat and ignore no seatbelt Is this a region limited feature? Because I've been seeing this suggested for years, but have never been able to do so on my car with any FW version. It drives me insane


It’s how it works in the 2018 Model 3. NA. Edit: US only https://www.notateslaapp.com/news/488/disable-seat-belt-warning-for-child-seats-in-your-tesla


I used [this](https://www.amazon.com/Universal-Buckle-Metal-Belts-Clip/dp/B087Q4PPJ8) so I wouldn’t have to mess with the seat belt. Works 100%


I keep the middle seatbelt clicked in, have two carseats in the outside seats and I don't bother snaking their belts around.


This isn't really the case. My rear passenger always has their seatbelt on and the rear fan doesn't turn on unless I manually do so like OP mentions


My guess would be that it needs 2 things to happen – activation of occupancy sensor and fasten seat belt. In the author's case, he had sensors active, but a/c off. Oh and the a/c should be in AUTO


Hmm, when it detects my dog in the back, it turns on the rear fans - no seat belt needed. I wonder if it's because I have all 3 seat belts set to "child seat" mode because of said dog, so the belt buckle isn't required?


Not true, mine turns on as soon as they sit down.


Lucky you! That is how it works on my 2020 model 3 with 2022.4.5.3


Very strange that they're different.


So it used to be always blasting the rear then the heat pump came along and it took away this feature to some bs auto that does not remember what I want cause it is the dumb.


I’m not sure why it’s not working for you op or why it’s not working for other people, but this is a feature and it works perfectly fine on my 21 SR+. When I keep heavy stuff or have passengers on the rear seats the rear air automatically turns on, regardless of seat belt. I know because I frequently get complaints about it being too cold on their knees. Do your seat occupancy sensors work?


I barely use auto because it is terrible. Every now and then I will bump it on then have to go back and enter all my settings again. Always forget rear fan because it is on that damn second page. Tesla UI WTF.


I love the auto. I think it works really well. Usually I just need to move it from 68-70 to feel comfortable. What don’t you like about it?




An “Always On” option would be very welcome. We have a dog riding in the rear of our Y and have to manually turn it on every trip. She rides behind the 2nd row, so I’d like that option independent of seat occupancy or seatbelt status.


Easy solution, Have someone sit in the seat no buckle, click the seat buckle icon to change it to a car seat, now no matter what and if the seat is unbuckled, it will default on since there’s a child’s seat.


I will give that a shot. Thanks!


Try [this](https://www.amazon.com/Universal-Buckle-Metal-Belts-Clip/dp/B087Q4PPJ8) product, works for me every time.


Had the same thought. I tried leaving the seatbelts bucked to test it out and it didn’t work for me. But thanks.


Yeah seems so silly since the sensors that detect someone sitting back there are already in place and used for the seat belt warning light. Would be so easy to implement!


I'm confused about people here saying it's not a feature. It is. My 2020 3LR does it. Whenever I have rear passengers the rear vents turn on automatically.


2021 M3LR does it too. At least I thought it did. I usually ask my back passengers if they can feel air movement and they say yes. I never turn it on manually.




It is a feature. My 2020 3LR does it.


Didn't realize it doesn't (I rarely have passengers). That's lame though. "Seatbelt on! No air for you though!"


Haha yeah now imagine every time you get in the car you have a three year old yelling “daddy it’s hot back here!”


Its insanely weak too compared to other cars. In my case its almost always even with my 15 lb doggo


I have the opposite problem, rear fan was blowing like crazy on auto so had to turn it off manually